[RDD] Time of cart is incorrect

2014-11-26 Thread Peter van Embden


We use a dropbox folder for every user to upload their music to. There's a 
script running which imports all new files, sets the name of the dir as 
artist (so people can find their own tracks) and the original filename as 
title. This works pretty good, because this way our dj's can use Rivendell 
without screwing up the non-stop database.


However, not every song imported is displayed correctly. I usually find a way 
to work around it, but that doesn't always work as good. For example: I 
uploaded a song of 3:17, but Rivendell says it's 6:29. When I play a song like 
that, the green clock sometimes displays the remaining period correct, but 
sometimes also gets this wrong. But! When set to automatic, it kind of goes 
pretty well.

Is there a way to solve this? We use version 2.6.0.



Peter van Embden

Radio Capelle

The Netherlands



Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Rdairplay jumps backwards...

2014-11-26 Thread Peter van Embden

I fought with this back in the days to get the news floating, so here's what I 
did: I created 2 special clocks: one for 23.00-00.00 and one for 00.00-01.00. 
At 23.58.30 RDCatch runs a macro which loads the next days playlist (which is 
generated at 23.30, also with a macro runned with RDCatch).

The 23.00 clock has a timed event at the beginning of the hour and nothing in 
the rear (sort of an open ending) and the 00.00 clock starts with a timed make 
next event. This way the two days flow seamless.

Hope this helps you! This does mean you have to create 3 clocks for your 4 hour 
show, but they're quite equal to eachother, so just make a copy and then adjust 


Peter van Embden

Radio Capelle

The Netherlands



Van: Ruediger
Verzonden: ‎zondag‎ ‎23‎ ‎november‎ ‎2014 ‎21‎:‎56
Aan: rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaudio.org

On 23.11.2014 18:02, Wayne Merricks wrote:

 Thats why I don't have any hard timed events at the start of a log until
 00:30.  By making sure your log make's next at 23:59:55 ish at best
 you'll only have a song or advert/stinger left to play so worst case
 scenario for a 15 minute song you'll be hitting the start of your new
 day log at 00:15 ish.

I need on every top of the hour the switch to the line in for the news 
via FM receiver. And at 5 minutes past full the fade/switch of of the 
news. Followed by the Showopener.

 I thought you didn't want to cut the song, seems I misunderstood, in
 that case you're doing exactly what I'm doing.

Only on saturday party evening i don't want to cut the songs, because 
there a no news until 2 a clock in the night. So i have in the saturday 
log at 00:00 and 00:05 HST events.

 In your main log put an event just before the log chain and stick it
 with a hard start make next at 23:59:50 with a play transition.  This
 way you know you'll have your final song playing and then this event
 followed by the log chain after 23:59:50.

 Load up your aux log with a very simple set:

 23:59:55 A macro that fades down over 5 seconds (be sure to include a
 sleep 5 line too) and then does a play next on the main log).  Then have
 the aux log chain back to itself so it reloads (or else it will only
 work once as the event has already played).

 What actually happens is this:

 23:59:50 Main log, shunts all except for currently playing, final event
 and log chain
 23:59:55 Aux Log, fades and then plays next on main log
 00:00:00 Main Log hits the play next event (via aux) which chains to the
 next day.
 00:00:01 ish Main log starts playing your news etc for the new day,
 ready for the 00:05 show opener.

It sounds complicated. Maybe you have some screenshots.? ;)

 I don't think you'd need a timed event for 00:05 I assume your news is a
 set length and if it isn't, wouldn't that sound weird if the news
 started saying, breaking news nuclear missiles incoming to America if
 you live in snip at 00:05 Welcome to WMRB Radio, bringing you the hits
 every day

Hahahaha. Thats what exactly happens every hour. But mostly at the end 
of the weather. The news from FM are never exact 5 min. long...

 BTW. Why you use the AUX log.? On the hours with news a have a cart
 with 4 second silence and a very long fade time in rdairplay for that

 If you do a hard start fade macro on the main log, the song stops and
 the macro fades down a whole lot of silence (unless that was changed in
 a recent version but we're using 2.5 so its not that old).

I don't use a fade macro. I play the 3-4 second silence cart. RDairplay 
fades itself to silence.

 This is just the way we do it at our station, there is probably lots of
 ways to work around the problem but this has served us well for over 2
 years now.
 Rivendell-dev mailing list

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[RDD] Rivendell v2.10.2

2014-11-26 Thread Frederick Gleason
On behalf of the entire Rivendell development team, I'm pleased to announce the 
availability of Rivendell v2.10.2.  Rivendell is a full-featured radio 
automation system targeted for use in professional broadcast environments. It 
is available under the GNU General Public License.

From the NEWS file:

   RDImport Enhancements.  Added '--clear-datetimes' and
   '--clear-daypart-times' options to rdimport(1).

   ELR Data.  Added a column to allow ELR data to be seen when editing
   logs in RDLogEdit.

   HPI Fixes.  Fixed a bug that caused ASI cards with only AES3 ports
   to fail to detect those ports.

   Various other bug fixes.  See the ChangeLog for details.

Database Update:
   This version of Rivendell uses database schema version 242, and will
   automatically upgrade any earlier versions.  To see the current schema
   version prior to upgrade, see RDAdmin-SystemInfo.

   As always, be sure to run RDAdmin immediately after upgrading to allow 
   any necessary changes to the database schema to be applied.

*** snip snip ***

Downloads, screenshots and further information can be found at 


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |  Chief Developer |
|   |  Paravel Systems |
|  A room without books is like a body without a soul. |
| -- Cicero|

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Groups With No Cart Range Give Rdimport Error

2014-11-26 Thread Rich Stivers
When I rdimport a track to a Group with no cart range, I get the error 
No free carts in specified group.
At my installation we want some Groups with no cart range. (I put 0 in 
the beginning default cart number.)
Has anyone else had this error and if so, how is it fixed? I'm using 
Rivendell v2.10.2.

BTW, When I rdimport a track to a Group with a specified range, there is 
no problem.

Rich Stivers
KKUP-FM 91.5, Cupertino, CA

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Groups With No Cart Range Give Rdimport Error

2014-11-26 Thread Cowboy
On Wednesday 26 November 2014 06:52:38 pm Rich Stivers wrote:
 When I rdimport a track to a Group with no cart range, I get the error 
 No free carts in specified group.
 At my installation we want some Groups with no cart range. (I put 0 in 
 the beginning default cart number.)
 Has anyone else had this error and if so, how is it fixed? 

 What error ?

 If you deliberately create a group with no available space,
 ( why would you do that ? ) then telling you that there is
 no available space is correct !



God must love the Common Man; He made so many of them.
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Rivendell v2.10.2

2014-11-26 Thread Stan Fotinos

Thank you Fred and Team :-)

On 27/11/2014 12:42 am, Frederick Gleason wrote:

On behalf of the entire Rivendell development team, I'm pleased to announce the 
availability of Rivendell v2.10.2.  Rivendell is a full-featured radio 
automation system targeted for use in professional broadcast environments. It 
is available under the GNU General Public License.

From the NEWS file:

RDImport Enhancements.  Added '--clear-datetimes' and
'--clear-daypart-times' options to rdimport(1).

ELR Data.  Added a column to allow ELR data to be seen when editing
logs in RDLogEdit.

HPI Fixes.  Fixed a bug that caused ASI cards with only AES3 ports
to fail to detect those ports.

Various other bug fixes.  See the ChangeLog for details.

Database Update:
This version of Rivendell uses database schema version 242, and will
automatically upgrade any earlier versions.  To see the current schema
version prior to upgrade, see RDAdmin-SystemInfo.

As always, be sure to run RDAdmin immediately after upgrading to allow
any necessary changes to the database schema to be applied.

*** snip snip ***

Downloads, screenshots and further information can be found at 


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |  Chief Developer |
|   |  Paravel Systems |
|  A room without books is like a body without a soul. |
| -- Cicero|

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] Database question

2014-11-26 Thread Stan Fotinos

Hi All

Should we be optimizing the Rivendell database regularly especially if 
there are lots of records added and removed constantly? Does rddbcheck 
util do this for you or should we be using Mysql commands to do this?


Rivendell-dev mailing list