Re: [RDD] Storage hard drives

2018-01-27 Thread James Harrison
On 24/01/2018 17:28, Luka Cvetko wrote:
> We started using ZFS on all servers. Another software option there. 

FWIW, JBODs with ZFS are incredibly flexible and reliable options.
FreeNAS, a box with enough 4T or 6T disks for however much capacity you
need in RAIDZ2 or RAIDZ3 configurations, two OS disks in RAID1 and
optionally one or two SSDs for a ZFS Intent Log or L2ARC cache will work

If you're hanging more than a few clients off the back of it then
consider 10G networking for the servers - it's now cheap enough to be
worth it and disks (especially with SSD write-caching) are fast enough
to take advantage of it. Would still hang clients on 1G generally.

James Harrison

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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Networking

2015-04-08 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

On 08/04/2015 04:28, Lorne Tyndale wrote:
> Another option if your networking environment allows it is to
> create a VLAN for your Rivendell network, and a separate VLAN for
> everything else, and don't give the Rivendell VLAN any access to
> the internet.

I'd caution against VLANs unless you're already making use of VLANs,
from a maintainence standpoint they add a bunch of complexity, your
switches etc all have to support it, etc.

Given the low cost of dedicated networking hardware of a sufficiently
good standard for Rivendell, I'd go for dedicated switchgear over
VLANs for most studio installs. It has the advantage that a
misconfiguration won't doom you, too (either to a broken network or an
exposed network).

- -- 
James Harrison
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] TuneIn API?

2014-08-10 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

On 10/08/2014 12:34, Wayne Merricks wrote:
> Wouldn't you have a problem with %t etc not being URL friendly?

RN wget"$(perl
- -MURI::Escape -e 'print uri_escape($ARGV[0]);' "%t")" etc...?

- -- 
James Harrison
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Hicups_in_playout

2014-06-03 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

On 03/06/14 00:41, Lorne Tyndale wrote:
> Pick up some additional hardware and you'll have much better
> results (even if you have to go with older used gear off ebay)

+1 - don't virtualize playout. I would not even consider it. You might
be okay with virtualized storage/DB but you will need to make sure
minimum performance thresholds are protected for each VM including
storage and CPU and memory contention/NUMA etc.

The BBC has recently moved to a heavily virtualized infrastructure for
local radio (all local radio is moving to two bladecenters, which
provide all the databases (centralized), storage (centralized),
playout and so on. However the audio mixing takes place in dedicated
hardware units, and I believe the audio cards in use for playout
offload the audio processing from the CPU and the playout VMs get
direct hardware access to the card, and the cards themselves are
emitting Ethernet-style audio data rather than analog iirc)

tl;dr, you _can_ virtualize but it adds a _lot_ of complexity (there
are obviously more components than I've just described required to
make it work) and the benefits are unclear for anything but very large
operations (local radio in the BBC is over 50 medium-scale stations,
iirc, so sharing resources between them almost makes sense) - I'd
still have dedicated hardware for playout for each station if I'd
designed it, tbh :-)

tl;drtl;dr: Virtualization = bad for realtime! Go get some bare metal
and try again, you'll get better results using an old Pentium 4 box
and frankly that's all you need for 99% of applications...

- -- 
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] OT Open OB

2014-03-10 Thread James Harrison

On 05/03/14 08:45, Alessio Elmi wrote:

The author himself, J. Harrison reads this newsletter...
He works in BBC R&D now!

Though not, I hasten to add, on OpenOB; very much a spare-time project, 
though it's not just me working on it - like all good open source apps 
there's a few core contributors now!

There's a lot of work being done on it at present, and a new version 
with plenty of improvements on the horizon. There's an openob-users list 
(linked from the Github page) for those wanting to discuss it lots, 
though as noted myself and some other contributors lurk here and 
elsewhere... :)


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Fwd: Re: FLAC support

2013-07-01 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

As many have noted - the best way to go about this is usually at the
filesystem block level, or driver level. Ceph represents a relatively
new approach - there are plenty of 'odd' filesystems via FUSE, and
rolling your own is not a particularly monumental task, and avoids
mucky hacks.

Until you get above 100 or so terabytes, though, I'd just put this in
a single box and use ZFS - it's not that complex. If you want
redundancy, pair up two boxes and rsync them.

James Harrison

On 01/07/2013 20:03, Bill Putney wrote:
> One could imagine a virtual delimiter based on position. If the
> first two characters of a file name within a specific directory
> were defined as the subdirectory part and the remainder as the file
> name within the subdirectory. I.e., 4350978.wav would be for
> instance ./43/50978.wav really.
> Like I said, I don't know of a hack like that.
> Bill
> On Jul 1, 2013, at 11:30, Cowboy  wrote:
>> On Monday 01 July 2013 02:24:55 pm Bill Putney wrote:
>>> I don't know of a linux hack that would allow directory
>>> partitioning by leading character string without a delimiter.
>> How would you delimit without a delimiter ?
>> -- Cowboy
>> "Whom are you?" said he, for he had been to night school. --
>> George Ade
>> ___ Rivendell-dev
>> mailing list 
> ___ Rivendell-dev
> mailing list 
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Re: [RDD] FLAC support

2013-07-01 Thread James Harrison
On 01/07/13 16:54, Andy Sayler wrote:
> We currently use several 16TB (3TB x 8 on RAID6) arrays to store a
> little over 12TB (~300,000 tracks) of music. We are to the point where
> we will have that filled up in the next year or two given our current
> music intake rates. We're looking at compression options to buy us some
> time until we can move to 6TB drives and double each array's capacity.
> That said, our main reason to want FLAC on the back-end isn't
> compression, it's metadata redundancy. Currently, we're in the situation
> of having a very large music library with several backups and mirrors
> that is completely dependent on a single functioning SQL database. With
> FLAC, we could make sure each track is tagged with its own metadata, so
> even if the RD database ever failed us or got corrupted, we'd still be
> bale to fall back on the per-track metadata and rebuild the DB from
> that. We keep backups of the SQL DB, but it's always a little scary to
> have a single-point-of-failure between you and a useless 300,000 track
> music library. Keeping tracks tagged with metadata would also avoid
> locking us into Rivendell long term (not that we don't love RD) and
> would allow us to access our music store from programs other than RD
> that have no knowledge of the RD database (for production or browsing, etc).
> We realize flac support may not be in the RD cards, but those are our
> reason's for wanting it.

It should be relatively straightforward to use a script to dump metadata
to a sidecar file next to each file in a simple format. I'd recommend
this as good practice in any case. I suspect someone's already done
this, or built tools that would allow it to be done.

I'd look at a bigger chassis and ZFS for your use-case. Supermicro do
some great cheap boxes with huge numbers of drive bays (some up to 48 in
4U). Perfect for ZFS arrays. Doing big increases isn't a pragmatic way
to handle large arrays imho - you're best off adding 1-2 drives at a
time and using software that allows that to be done easily. The result
is a bit more management work, but far more stability.

The amount of work required to actually make FLAC work in Rivendell is
nontrivial - feel free to email Fred about how much it'd cost to sponsor
it but I suspect the new array would be cheaper :-)

PS: Bill, you meant to hit reply to all! This list really needs List-*

James Harrison
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] FLAC support

2013-07-01 Thread James Harrison
On 01/07/13 02:54, Max Goldstein, Operations Director wrote:
> Hi all,
> Sorry if this has come up before, but we're interested in moving our WAV
> library to FLAC at some point for the space savings. Last I heard
> Rivendell didn't support FLAC natively or something like that. Can
> someone please clarify:
> 1. What is the status of using FLAC for cut encodings?
> 2. If the above answer is not full support, what needs to be done to get
> there? How difficult would it be?
> 3. What are the thoughts of the Rivendell community on the priority of
> supporting FLAC? (E.g. how often does the issue come up?)

It's come up a few times but the prevaling mood is largely "Storage is
cheap, audio is relatively small", even for WAV. It's a big rewrite of
the playout daemon to add support so with these combined - it's not
likely to happen.

Seriously though, storage is cheap. I have 16TB in RAID6+1 at home just
for TV/movies. Even the smallest radio stations should be able to throw
together a RAID1/10/6 array of a few terabytes on a budget.

James Harrison
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] OT: Jack + StereoTool (Wine)

2013-06-11 Thread James Harrison
On 11/06/13 12:24, Fernando Della Torre wrote:
> I used netjack some time ago, i think it already was jack 2.
> Worked like a charm.
> you can also use dummy as a device and load the netadapters.

Note netjack2 requires multicast on your network last time I checked.
netjackone does not, but is not tolerant of networks that aren't proper
hard-wired ethernet ime. For those networks you need something with a
jitter buffer, error recovery, etc.

James Harrison
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Modern Motherboard for RD

2013-04-10 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

I believe this would show up as a single card with many ports in
Rivendell, but I'd have to poke around ALSA on one to be sure.

James Harrison

On 10/04/2013 14:59, Alan Peterson wrote:
> On the topic of 32/64-bit hardware discussed in another thread, I'm
> taking a new look at the $100 DZ77SL mobo from Intel, tricked out
> to use anything from a Core i3 to an i7 processor and able to
> output TEN channels of audio.
> I will concede it's probably not ultra-audiophile quality like you
> would get from an ASI card, but for budget low-power operations
> (like someone I know...harrumph...) it's likely "good enough for
> jazz".
> Is it possible this could at last be a self-contained multi-output
> solution for RD users to have separate feeds for dedicated audio
> tasks; i.e, one stereo pair for Main Log Program, one pair for
> RDPanel and another for CartSlot, a single line for Cue, etc?  Can
> we now use basic commodity hardware to have separate outputs for
> separate faders?
> In looking over the very confusing hi-def audio specs from Intel, I
> get the feeling it needs to see synchronized audio - as what you
> might get from a Surround Sound stream consisting of interlinked
> audio files that have to be read all at once. If someone is
> familiar with this board *or* this technology, chime in: Can I
> configure RD to use a board such as this for multiple separate
> audio outputs?
> Thanks for the info.
> -AP ___ Rivendell-dev
> mailing list 
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Capturing Listener Audio

2013-04-02 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

There's a lot to be said for voicemail systems - on the budget end you
can get incoming SIP trunks for free (sending party pays and all that)
so just set up an Asterisk instance to email you new voicemail and
automatically direct everything to voicemail.

Raspbx is a _very_ cheap option:
(runs on a Raspberry Pi SBC, ~£35).

James Harrison

On 02/04/2013 15:58, Steve Atkins wrote:
> Greetings,
> I know, this is really trivial for most today, but I've been out of
> the day-to-day station ops for a while.  With my web presence, I'm
> hoping to attract Adult listeners who are willing to participate
> (i.e. those who speak with more than their thumbs).  I'd also like
> to interview artists, news makers, etc. in a Linux/Rivendell
> friendly manner.
> I'm seeking your opinion on the modern day method of capturing
> outside audio (listener requests, interviews, etc.  I need to get
> up to speed on two things:
> 1.  How do today's listeners (verbally) respond to their chance to
> be heard?  Do they call  a toll free number and record to voice
> mail?  Are they more likely to use skype, or other means?
> 2.  Without a staff of street reporters, I'll have to begin with
> promos on air (or web iste) soliciting opinions, song requests,
> responses to contests and the like.  However, I'm not presently in
> an office full of land-lines, hybrids, and auto answering
> equipment.  How should I prepare to capture?
> Any thoughts greatly appreciated.
> Steve
> ___ Rivendell-dev
> mailing list 
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Re: [RDD] Take a Letter, Maria(DB)

2013-03-29 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

On 28/03/2013 21:05, Cowboy wrote:
> On Thursday 28 March 2013 11:49:57 am Alan Peterson wrote:
>> Until about 15 minutes ago, I had never heard of MariaDB - a
>> community-developed fork of MySQL, with development led by the
>> guy who founded MySQL. So I read up on it.
>> Wikipedia suggests there may be an "uncertainty of MySQL license
>> status under its current Oracle ownership". Given this as the
>> impetus for launching and maintaining the project, is this
>> something that the Rivendell development team might adopt down
>> the road?
> Personally, I've always favored Postgres, as it's true "open
> source," and doesn't carry the restrictions of GPL. It's pretty
> much a BSD license. About the only restriction is that you can't
> sue the Regents of the University of California if you break it.
> Unfortunately, changing from one to another is not exactly an
> "easy" task. In addition to MariaDB there are also Drizzle and
> Percona, all of which claim some advantage or another.
> Welcome to the personality driven world of Open Source !

MariaDB is being adopted as a replacement for MySQL by various Linux
distribution projects at this point, though, and aims at being MySQL
compatible much more strongly than the others. But yes, it's not
entirely certain which way the open source world will go on MySQL now
that Oracle owns the trademarks.

That said it'd be lovely to see PostgreSQL support in Rivendell, but I
recall Fred pointing out there was a lot of MySQL specific code in and
it'd take some doing.

James Harrison
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] USB control surfaces

2013-02-27 Thread James Harrison
On 27/02/13 16:23, Nathan Steele wrote:
> standard MIDI CC's are 7bits (0-127), NRPN's are 14 bits, and a little 
> more complicated to use being composed of two 7 bit Bytes. not sure if 
> the Nanocontrol supports NRPN's. I can check for you later tonight, I 
> have it at home.

On a similar theme the Behringer BCF2000s are cheap as chips and feature
a bundle of faders, some pots, and two buttons per channel with LEDs per
button/pot. The faders are a bit crap but they're motorized. USB MIDI

James Harrison
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Intel Ramping Down Mobo Manufacture

2013-02-22 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

I've been very happy with Asus for desktop boards. Supermicro tend to
kick serious ass when it comes to reliable server boards.

James Harrison

On 22/02/2013 14:00, Alan Peterson wrote:
> Hello all ---
> This article in EE Times notes that Intel plans to phase out the
> manufacture of motherboards over the next three years: 
>  We have three more years before you'll see me running across the
> Washington Beltway in my skivvies and my tinfoil hat, screaming my
> conspiracy theories over this matter. But in the interim, it is a
> good bet that other manufacturers will step in and ramp up
> production.
> Do you prefer and/or use a non-Intel brand product now? If you are
> an Intel user, what runs a close second that you may decide to
> switch over to?
> Thanks.
> AP ___ Rivendell-dev
> mailing list 
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Rivendell on Raspbery Pi

2013-01-27 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

No idea on the AUR package, however thought I'd chime in on one thing
- - the h264 decoding and 1080p display output is done by on the on-die
GPU, which is not a general purpose compute chip. There is a CPU which
is a 'mere' 700MHz ARM chip which may or may not run Rivendell
smoothly. My bet would be on 'probably not smoothly enough for
glitch-free audio'.

The problem with invalid socket suggests that the ripcd daemon isn't
able to write to the socket it wants to. I'm not sure what path it
uses or if it's a network socket, but something to look at perhaps.

James Harrison

On 27/01/2013 17:01, Alessio Elmi wrote:
> Hi all, I remember someone tried using Rivendell on Raspbery Pi
> using Debian (wheezy) image... Results weren't so good because of
> the weak cpu on board.
> Something which is supposed to play smoothly a 1080p H.264 movie 
> should run Rivendell without a problem..
> I thought Arch Linux (with simple LXDE or razorqt) could give
> better results so I tried to compile everything...
> Well I first tried with AUR package provided by Sebastien Leblanc, 
> with a small change on PKGBUILD. There are problems, like always.
> Two main things: - QT libraries are installed in /opt/qt/.. and
> this probably breaks something around... - (when I manually export
> QT) it can't start Rivendell daemons... If I manually start "caed"
> no problem... with "ripcd" I get "qsocketdevice::writeblock:
> invalid socket" error message..
> Any idea guys?
> Alessio ___ 
> Rivendell-dev mailing list 
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Problem with database connection

2013-01-26 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

I'm hoping later versions of Rivendell will switch to using some of
Qt's more DB-agnostic mappers to provide database connectivity; MySQL
is under threat from Oracle and while MariaDB looks to be a good
drop-in fork, support for PostgreSQL and others would be great to have.

It's fairly trivial to specify engine on table creation though so this
and MariaDB should provide a working database for plenty of time to come..

James Harrison

On 26/01/2013 20:29, waynemerricks wrote:
> Not as far as I'm aware or at least nobody else has complained
> around here about it.
> Its not a problem for the Riv appliance as CentOS is a few versions
>  behind on MySQL.  As you found out its only really when you start
> using Wheezy or Ubu 12.04+ as a base that you get problems.
> Its something to look at for riv as a whole moving forwards as
> Innodb is a good driver to use as it has better data integrity.  I
> guess a really simple solution would be to split the services table
> into two, I don't really know if you can increase the Innodb max
> row length.  Thats a google for another day.
> Failing that setting the Riv code to explicitly create the tables
> with MyISAM is probably a good start.
> Regards,
> Wayne
> On 2013-01-26 20:20, Jay Eames wrote:
>> Thanks Wayne, Absolutely spot on with that info.
>> Are there any other tables Im likely to run into issue with?
>> On 26 January 2013 20:04, waynemerricks 
>>  wrote:
>>> Sounds like the Innodb problem.  In the newer versions of
>>> MySQL innodb becomes the standard db engine.  This has issues
>>> because the row byte length cant support the full row of grid
>>> clocks.  Check the SQL for the SERVICES table and see whether
>>> its set to Innodb or not.
>>> If it is dump the table, change the innodb bit to myisam then
>>> drop and reimport the table.
>>> On 2013-01-26 18:42, Jay Eames wrote:
>>>> Hi guys,
>>>> II am having a bit of a problem with a fresh install of
>>> Rivendell,
>>>> using the latest ubuntu packages.
>>>> As I was creating a new grid, I got half way through
>>>> assigning clocks, when I started receiving these messages:
>>>> invalid SQL or failed DB connection: update SERVICES set
>>> CLOCK89=""
>>>> where NAME="Main
>>> Service"
>>>> Database connection failed: update SERVICES set CLOCK89=""
>>>> where NAME="Main Service" Database connection restored.
>>>> I now cannot assign clocks to the grid at all.
>>>> The clock was successfully used on previous grid slots
>>>> without
>>> issue.
>>>> Nothing was changed between it working and it not. I have
>>> rebooted
>>>> etc, but still no luck.
>>>> Any ideas?
>>>> Jay
>>> ___ Rivendell-dev
>>> mailing list [1] 
>>> [2]
> ___ Rivendell-dev
> mailing list 
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Re: [RDD] Centos 6.3 fstab permissions

2013-01-15 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

Does the appropriate user have execute permissions (via user or group
or world permissions)?

chmod 755 mount-dir might solve it.

James Harrison

On 16/01/2013 00:41, VE4PER/ Andy wrote:
> Does anyone know if there is something in SELinux that would
> prevent fileshare access? I have set up a network server box using
> ubuntu. The exports sets up fine and the fstab works OK on other
> ubuntu boxes; when I exit ubuntu and boot into Centos 6.3, the one
> I plan to run RD in, I get a 'you don't have permission to access
> contents error' when I attempt to view the share.
> The folders to mount the share in were created exactly the same way
> in centos as ubuntu (ie root created all subfolders in the media
> folder from terminal). fstab entry adding the same share also
> duplicated. appears to go through mount process with no error but
> when I attempt to view contents in file manager I get an X or
> restricted due to permissions error.
> any pointers would be a help thanks
> Andy
> ps anyone looking to update grub for centos to dual boot an added
> ubuntu OS do a search of man or help for "grubby"  command in
> centos worked for me. 
> ___ Rivendell-dev
> mailing list 
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] simple setup-guide for networked rivendell

2013-01-12 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

You could quite simply setup GlusterFS to synchronize two bricks on
each machine as a replicated volume, mount the volume on /var/snd, and
setup MySQL in a hot standby configuration with a few scripts to
handle failover/recovery of MySQL. Not really my area of expertise (I
avoid MySQL in $job since it's not the tool for the job and clustering
with it is a nightmare), though.

GlusterFS setup might look a bit like (after you've installed gluster
server/client on each and setup the two hosts as hosta and hostb and
built a trusted pool with them):

* gluster volume create audio replica 2 hosta:/audio hostb:/audio
* gluster volume start audio
* gluster volume set performance.cache-size 128MB # read cache
* gluster volume set performance.flush-behind off # forces wait on
filesystem - slower but more reliable

Then mount the volume 'localhost:/audio' with type glusterfs (add to
fstab) and you should be set for replicated audio.

Note: I have not tested with Rivendell thoroughly but glusterfs FUSE
exposes a completely standard *nix-compliant filesystem that should
have no issues whatsoever.

The GlusterFS website has loads of great documentation - read it
through before you dive in. You can happily get effectively a copy of
the audio on each machine, which gets you high availability as well as
performance benefits to a centralized server.

James Harrison

On 12/01/2013 23:34, Peter Claes - CLS bvbva wrote:
> James,
> If I use glusterFS .. you say I can replicate on the 2nd box.
> I have 2 exact identical machines .. I have seen on the wiki page
> that you can create a hot standy host.
> Would this be a good way to create a hot standby host, replicating
> the /var/snd on both machines ?
> And replicating the database on both machine too ?
> Could you also enlight me on this issue ?
> Regards, Peter
> Op 12/01/2013 15:42, James Harrison schreef:
> On 12/01/2013 14:47, drew Roberts wrote:
>>>> Haven't I read that using Samba (SMB/CIFS) will cause
>>>> problems for some things Riv does?
>>>>> all the best, drew
> I don't _think_ Rivendell does anything strange that would break a 
> standard *nix filesystem such as the one provided by the CIFS SMB 
> driver. Any FUSE filesystem should work too, like GlusterFS or
> Ceph's FUSE drivers, for more complex clusters. Most people use NFS
> but I am a huge fan of everything that isn't NFS for a variety of
> reasons... :-)
> James
>> ___ Rivendell-dev
>> mailing list 
> ___ Rivendell-dev
> mailing list 
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] simple setup-guide for networked rivendell

2013-01-12 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

Rivendell is just an automation and playout system - it isn't an audio
router, mixer, or multiplexer/switcher. If you want to feed Icecast
(recommended over shoutcast these days) or shoutcast from Rivendell
you need something like darkice or liquidsoap, typically running on
another PC with audio sent to it via a mixer (which is fed from
Rivendell), but you can route using JACK too as another way of doing

James Harrison

On 12/01/2013 18:30, G Wood wrote:
> I'm looking to hook into shoutcast, is there anyone who can comment
> on that? I'm not finding much on the configuration out there.
> Thanks ,
> Gary
> On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 10:55 AM, drew Roberts  <>> wrote:
> On Sat, 12 Jan 2013 10:28:07 -0500, G Wood  
> wrote:
>> I think a "simple setup guide" for Rivendell is an oxymoron...:)
> O well,
>> job security.
> Have you tried setting up AudioVault lately?
> all the best,
> drew
>> On Sat, Jan 12, 2013 at 10:18 AM, drew Roberts  <>> wrote:
>>> On Sat, 12 Jan 2013 14:42:54 +, James Harrison 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 12/01/2013 14:47, drew Roberts wrote:
>>>>> Haven't I read that using Samba (SMB/CIFS) will cause
>>>>> problems for some things Riv does?
>>>>>> all the best,
>>>>>> drew
>>>> I don't _think_ Rivendell does anything strange that would
>>>> break a standard *nix filesystem such as the one provided by
>>>> the CIFS SMB driver. Any FUSE filesystem should work too,
>>>> like GlusterFS or
> Ceph's
>>>> FUSE drivers, for more complex clusters. Most people use NFS
> but I am
>>>> a huge fan of everything that isn't NFS for a variety of
> reasons... :-)
>>> "Configure server to share the audio store via network
> filesystems (NFS
>>> and SAMBA)
>>> It is not recommended to share /var/snd via SAMBA as it does
>>> not have the proper file permissions to work with Rivendell and
>>> Linux
> properly!
>>> Configure the server to share audio storage via network
>>> filestems
> such
>>> as NFS (for *NIX clients) and SAMBA (for Windows clients)."
>>> I can't find the posts in the list archives where reasons are
> give for
>>> why this is so.
>>>> James
>>> all the best,
>>> drew ___ 
>>> Rivendell-dev mailing list 
> <>
> ___ Rivendell-dev
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> <> 
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> ___ Rivendell-dev
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] simple setup-guide for networked rivendell

2013-01-12 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

On 12/01/2013 14:47, drew Roberts wrote:
> Haven't I read that using Samba (SMB/CIFS) will cause problems for
> some things Riv does?

>> all the best,
>> drew

I don't _think_ Rivendell does anything strange that would break a
standard *nix filesystem such as the one provided by the CIFS SMB
driver. Any FUSE filesystem should work too, like GlusterFS or Ceph's
FUSE drivers, for more complex clusters. Most people use NFS but I am
a huge fan of everything that isn't NFS for a variety of reasons... :-)

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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] simple setup-guide for networked rivendell

2013-01-12 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

It's pretty straightforward - setup box number two as you would a
standalone box, but point the MySQL settings in /etc/rd.conf at your
first box, making sure that MySQL on the first box is bound to
and the account for Rivendell can login from anywhere (% as a host).

Set up a network share of /var/snd on the first box and mount it on
the second box. People have used NFS or Samba (SMB/CIFS) to good
effect; if you want to get more complex like replicating across
machines, I've always liked GlusterFS. Anything that acts as a
distributed file system will work, essentially - the important point
is that /var/snd on both machines is the same /var/snd, so share it

Once that's all said and done - boot rdadmin, set up your machine and
make sure the hostname is configured properly (to match the system
hostname) in 'Edit hosts'. And you should be good to go!

(I don't think I've missed anything, but someone correct me if I have)

James Harrison

On 12/01/2013 06:38, Peter Claes - CLS bvbva wrote:
> Hi All,
> Do you know it there is such a thing as a simple setup guide for a
>  networked rivendell enviroment ?
> I have my rivendell set up on one PC already for live programs,
> works like a charm, but know i want to setup a
> voicetrack/production studio. The wiki page is kind of shallow on
> this issue.
> Thanks for the help
> Regards, Peter ___ 
> Rivendell-dev mailing list 
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Updates WAS updated to 2.3.0, lost ASI cards

2013-01-10 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

On 10/01/2013 00:20, Cowboy wrote:
> I have at least one ( Slack 9 ) machine hard on internet that has 
> not been updated, nor compromised, since 2004. It does what it was 
> built to do, so what's the point ?
> ( it's the artificially intelligent, self training, Spam-O-Matic 
> anti-spam appliance )

That machine has only not been compromised because nobody has tried
(yet). You're running a ssh version with at least two nasty holes in
it and I'd assume the MTA has a whole bundle of problems. That is not
what I'd describe as responsible management. :-)

It's really not hard to keep machines up to date - perform rolling
upgrades and use test systems where you need to verify before
deploying to production. Update often and regularly. 99% of the boxes
I run will automatically apply security updates via apt-get and I've
never had a problem as a result of this in many, many years of
operation; for on-air boxes, manually applied updates once a week, one
system at a time (to ensure you don't knock them all out of service at
once in the case of a broken update) is fine. If you've set up your
packages/installed everything right (and have dependencies set up
properly - so no from-source installations) there'll almost certainly
be no issues. Most issues people have performing updates are down to
poor management of software installation, typically kernel modules.

Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Rivendell and Allen & Heath XB14

2012-12-20 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

Are you using a USB2 port or USB1?

Looks like the external card only supports 48kHz which is standard for
broadcast applications, so no issue there, but that sounds like you've
got a saturated USB bus.

James Harrison

On 20/12/2012 20:40, Morten Krarup Nielsen wrote:
> Could this have anything to say?
> Dec 20 21:26:27 afvikling caed: Starting ALSA Play Device rd0: Dec
> 20 21:26:27 afvikling caed:   Asked for sample rate 44100, got
> 48000 Dec 20 21:26:27 afvikling caed:   Sample rate unsupported by
> device Dec 20 21:26:27 afvikling caed: Starting ALSA Capture Device
> rd0: Dec 20 21:26:27 afvikling caed:   Asked for sample rate 44100,
> got 48000 Dec 20 21:26:27 afvikling caed:   Sample rate unsupported
> by device
> If I change sample rate to 48000 I get this: Dec 20 21:28:59
> afvikling caed: ** ALSA Capture Xrun - Card: 0 ** Dec 20
> 21:28:59 afvikling kernel: cannot submit datapipe for urb 0, error
> -28: not enough bandwidth
> Thank you.
> Kind regards, Morten
> 2012/12/20 Morten Krarup Nielsen :
>> It's not the old kernel causing the problem (Administration-> 
>> Soundcard Detection is able to play sound via the USB mixer).
>> It must be Rivendell related, but can't figure it out.
>> Any help is greatly appreciated.
>> Kind regards,
>> Morten
>> 2012/12/19 Morten Krarup Nielsen :
>>> Yes rdalsaconfig can see it as Burr-Brown from TI USB Audio
>>> codec. I've selected the USB codec as the only active card and
>>> saved the configuration.
>>> Maybe the problem is the old 2.6 kernal on the Broadcast CD?
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Morten
>>> 2012/12/19 James Harrison :
> Can rdalsaconfig see the card? You'll need to add it there before 
> Rivendell will see it in-app. That asound.conf looks unpleasingly 
> default to my (untrained) eyes.
> Cheers, James Harrison
> On 19/12/2012 18:51, Morten Krarup Nielsen wrote:
>>>>>> Hi.
>>>>>> I got my new Allen & Heath XB14 with USB input working
>>>>>> straight away on a Linux Mint box, where I compiled
>>>>>> Rivendell myself. But I can't get it to work on the
>>>>>> machine for my main studio, which runs the Broadcast CD
>>>>>> (upgraded to latest version of Rivendell). When I go into
>>>>>> Audio resources the USB card is not present.
>>>>>> Output of lsusb: Bus 001 Device 003: ID 08bb:2900 Texas
>>>>>> Instruments Japan PCM2900 Audio Codec
>>>>>> Output of /proc/asound/cards: 0 [default]:
>>>>>> USB-Audio - USB Audio CODEC Burr-Brown from TI
>>>>>> USB Audio CODEC at usb-:00:1a.0-1.2, full 1 [T28
>>>>>> ]: ICE1724 - Terratec PHASE 28 Terratec PHASE 28 at
>>>>>> 0xd080, irq 121
>>>>>> Output of /etc/asound.conf: # *** Start of Rivendell
>>>>>> configuration generated by rdalsaconfig(1) *** pcm.rd0 {
>>>>>> type hw card 0 device 0 } ctl.rd0 { type hw card 0 } #
>>>>>> *** End of Rivendell configuration generated by
>>>>>> rdalsaconfig(1) ***
>>>>>> BTW: Administration-> Soundcard Detection is able to play
>>>>>> sound via USB.
>>>>>> Any ideas?
>>>>>> Thank you very much!
>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>> Morten ___ 
>>>>>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
>>>> Rivendell-dev mailing list 
> Rivendell-dev mailing list 
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Rivendell and Allen & Heath XB14

2012-12-19 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

Can rdalsaconfig see the card? You'll need to add it there before
Rivendell will see it in-app. That asound.conf looks unpleasingly
default to my (untrained) eyes.

James Harrison

On 19/12/2012 18:51, Morten Krarup Nielsen wrote:
> Hi.
> I got my new Allen & Heath XB14 with USB input working straight
> away on a Linux Mint box, where I compiled Rivendell myself. But I
> can't get it to work on the machine for my main studio, which runs
> the Broadcast CD (upgraded to latest version of Rivendell). When I
> go into Audio resources the USB card is not present.
> Output of lsusb: Bus 001 Device 003: ID 08bb:2900 Texas Instruments
> Japan PCM2900 Audio Codec
> Output of /proc/asound/cards: 0 [default]: USB-Audio - USB
> Audio CODEC Burr-Brown from TI   USB Audio CODEC at
> usb-:00:1a.0-1.2, full 1 [T28]: ICE1724 - Terratec
> PHASE 28 Terratec PHASE 28 at 0xd080, irq 121
> Output of /etc/asound.conf: # *** Start of Rivendell configuration
> generated by rdalsaconfig(1) *** pcm.rd0 { type hw card 0 device 0 
> } ctl.rd0 { type hw card 0 } # *** End of Rivendell configuration
> generated by rdalsaconfig(1) ***
> BTW: Administration-> Soundcard Detection is able to play sound via
> USB.
> Any ideas?
> Thank you very much!
> Kind regards,
> Morten ___ 
> Rivendell-dev mailing list 
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Rivendell and RDS

2012-12-19 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

Can't say I've ever mucked around getting the two talking directly -
my approach for RDS was always to just use a small script to talk to
the RDS box over serial, and have that read from whatever my
automation du jour was writing to/sending messages at.

If you're happy writing Perl/Ruby/Python this can often be an easier
solution than trying to do things directly. Not quite as slick, of course.

For those who have experience with the 730 - can you provide more info
on what you've tried and what's failed, with what error message/problems?

James Harrison

On 19/12/2012 19:28, Phil Jennings wrote:
> Has anyone setup Rivendell to work with a Inovonics 730 RDS
> machine? I?m having trouble getting it all to work..  Running
> 1.7.2
> Thanks and Happy Holidays! Phil Jennings Calvary Radio Network 
> 219-707-0075
> ___ Rivendell-dev
> mailing list 
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] USB audio interfaces

2012-12-19 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

On 19/12/2012 19:10, Cowboy wrote:
> Some USB devices will draw more from the supply than the computer 
> is designed for, over time. This can cause the USB hub to shut
> down. If that happens, I've found no way other than a complete cold
> boot to reset the USB subsystem.
> Whatever you choose, you might wish to consider an external hub
> just for the power supply.

For reference the UCA202 draws up to 200mA so on modern PCs, it should
not be an issue. It tends not to be an issue except on low-end or
embedded systems. Powered hubs have their own gotchas, naturally - a
better approach if you have spare PCI/PCIe slots is to add USB
PCI/PCIe cards, which will draw power directly from the PSU on the PC.
I've yet to have to do this for anything, though.

fwiw, I've had good experiences with the UCA202 for the low-end side
of things, and would recommend them (possibly the only Behringer
product I'd ever recommend to anyone). They're dead simple bits of
kit, just an USB audio codec chip and the appropriate support circuitry.

And yes, Rivendell will play fine with multiple cards - they show up
as different cards in ALSA. You do have to be a bit wary of power-on
ordering/having the same card mapped to the same ALSA device number
each time but I think it's pretty solid these days if you're not
constantly replugging, and even then you can do some udev hackery.

James Harrison
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Exit grids

2012-12-12 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

End the line with a semicolon in MySQL.

James Harrison

On 12/12/2012 21:34, Peter Claes wrote:
> This is not doing the trick on my side.
> started mysql with user name and password, so far so good I can run
> a 'status' command, and it responds.
> if i enter ALTER TABLE SERVICES ENGINE = MyISAM nothing much
> happens, prompt is back immediatly .. thus i quit with ^c.
> Can I alter it in a file somewhere ?
> 2012/12/12 Daryl McQuinn  <>>
> Peter, I am not an expert only a Ubuntu and Rivendell fan. This
> worked for me and I hope it will work for you. From an Ubuntu
> Terminal type
> mysql --user=root --password=/yoursqlpassword/ Rivendell
> from that you should get a mysql prompt, from that prompt type
> to exit hold cntrl +c
> Good luck, Daryl McQuinn, St. Louis Missouri
> ___ Rivendell-dev
> mailing list 
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Harmonic mixing implementation

2012-12-10 Thread James Harrison
You might be best off manipulating the Rivendell MySQL database directly 
to insert codes/update carts/cuts with codes/link stuff. Should be 
achievable with some fairly tame scripts if you can get the music 
analysis tool to return useful output.

If you want frequency centroids etc in a more Linux-friendly tool, try 
the VAMP toolkit.

James Harrison

On 10/12/12 04:01, Peter Claes wrote:
Just to be clear .. MIK or Chordata, they don't generate any playlists 
or log.

They just add data to the id3 metadata. They add the keynote and bpm.

Number 1..12 and A..B for notes and major or minor.

Using the camelot easymix wheel, you can determine which songs match.

More info :

So I just want to have this data available in the rivendell database, 
connected to scheduler codes.

A fast and easy way, of course ;)


Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPhone

Op 10-dec.-2012 om 07:03 heeft Fernando Della Torre <>> het volgende geschreven:

I Would add to the "wishlist" some kind of traffic system to controll 
the commercials too.


*Fernando Della Torre*

Tecnologia da Informação

(: +55 16 8137-1240

(: +55 16 9137-2886

*: <>_

V.D.I.T. Soluções em Virtualização

A utilização deste e-mail não implica em autorização ou outorga de 
poderes para seu usuário praticar qualquer ato em nome das empresas 
citadas, cuja representação considera-se válida se praticada 
exclusivamente por representante legal ou procurador devidamente 
constituído, na forma estabelecida em seu respectivo estatuto ou 
contrato social

2012/12/9 Morten Krarup Nielsen <>>

> The world still needs a good free Open Source music scheduler.
Goodness knows I could use one.

Why not make Rivendells own scheduling more advanced and useful? Then
Rivendell really would start to compete with the large players.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] OpenOB 2.3 release

2012-12-08 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

OpenOB at no point is even aware of the sample rate it's running at
(well, GStreamer under the hood is, but the app isn't). It'll just use
your sound card/JACK sample rate by default. If your sound card is
running at 44100Hz, it'll use that.

That said, unless you have good reason to use 44100Hz... :-)

Also be aware that Opus may vary the bandwidth of the sampled audio
depending on the bitrate you've specified. Anything above 48kbps
should be fullband, though.

James Harrison

On 08/12/2012 21:26, Fernando Della Torre wrote:
> Hello Folks!
> Everything is working as I need by now but it is running at 48khz,
> is there a way t change the sample rate of OpenOB?
> Regards.
> Atenciosamente,
> __ __
> *Fernando Della Torre__*
> Tecnologia da Informação
> (: +55 16 8137-1240
> (: +55 16 9137-2886
> *: <>_
> V.D.I.T. Soluções em Virtualização
> __ __
> __ __
> A utilização deste e-mail não implica em autorização ou outorga de 
> poderes para seu usuário praticar qualquer ato em nome das
> empresas citadas, cuja representação considera-se válida se
> praticada exclusivamente por representante legal ou procurador
> devidamente constituído, na forma estabelecida em seu respectivo
> estatuto ou contrato social
> 2012/11/30 Fernando Della Torre  <>>
> Hi, the answers go down,.
> Thank you so much for helping,
> Cheers,
> 2012/11/30  <>>
> Hi,
> How much memory is in your desktops?  If they're low on memory 
> (512MB or less) it could be something as simple as a resource /
> memory issue, especially if there is something running in the
> background eating up cpu /  memory.
> *They are both 1GB, here what comes out from "free -m"*
> *root@tx:~# free -m* * total   used   free
> sharedbuffers cached* *Mem:   998132865
> 0 15 76* *-/+ buffers/cache: 40957* *Swap:
> 206  0206*
> Are your onboard sound cards based on the Intel audio chipset? I've
> run into difficulties with these chipsets in Linux grabbing an
> incorrect sample rate with both ALSA and / or Jack, resulting in
> strange things happening.  Usually you can overcome this by setting
> the sample rate that you want to use in your alsa config file, but
> sometimes that doesn't even work.
> * * *Sure, they are Intel based:* *00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel
> Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev
> 01)*
> If you've got some spare PCI sound cards (even those cheap 
> soundblaster or generic cards based on the cmedia chipset that
> everyone seems to have a few of kicking around) that you can try,
> that might not be a bad idea.
> *I have an ESI Juli@  PCI and some cheap ice1724 based card by
> here, I'm gonna give them a try!*
>> I have set up 2 old IBM P4 HT 3Ghz desktops running Wheezy and
> installed
>> OpenOB on both. They are running OpenOB on the onboard sound
>> cards through
> ALSA over a
>> 100Mbit fast ethernet.
> ?
>> Using 96kbps Opus I get 390ms of delay, and using PCM 360ms,
> far above the
>> mentioned 50ms, what am I doing wrong?
> ___ Rivendell-dev
> mailing list 
> <> 
> ___ Rivendell-dev
> mailing list 
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] OpenOB 2.3 release

2012-11-29 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

Couple of things can affect delay. Sound cards is one thing - the
jitter buffer in OpenOB is the other. By default this is 150ms,
suitable for decent Internet links, and is tweaked with the -j option
on the transmitter. -j 5 should be fine on fast ethernet for 5ms
latency internal to OpenOB. There's nowhere else inside OpenOB itself
that can add latency.

Sound cards will almost certainly make up the rest of the latency, and
that's down to system config like using a low-latency kernel and small
period sizes. See
and for more
info there - basically, tweak period_size and periods. You may find
you need a non-onboard sound card, but some onboard drivers can be
fine. There's loads of info out there for low-latency Linux operation
and I should really write up some of it into the OpenOB docs or a
supporting site, and I will once I get some spare time.

Hope that helps!

James Harrison

On 29/11/2012 16:03, Fernando Della Torre wrote:
> Hello James,
> This is my very first time experience with OpenOB.
> I have set up 2 old IBM P4 HT 3Ghz desktops running Wheezy and
> installed OpenOB on both. They are running OpenOB on the onboard
> sound cards through ALSA over a 100Mbit fast ethernet.
> Using 96kbps Opus I get 390ms of delay, and using PCM 360ms, far
> above the mentioned 50ms, what am I doing wrong?
> Thanks for building such usefull software! Congratulations,
> Regards,
> Atenciosamente,
> __ __
> *Fernando Della Torre__*
> Tecnologia da Informação
> (: +55 16 8137-1240
> (: +55 16 9137-2886
> *: <>_
> V.D.I.T. Soluções em Virtualização
> __ __
> __ __
> A utilização deste e-mail não implica em autorização ou outorga de 
> poderes para seu usuário praticar qualquer ato em nome das
> empresas citadas, cuja representação considera-se válida se
> praticada exclusivamente por representante legal ou procurador
> devidamente constituído, na forma estabelecida em seu respectivo
> estatuto ou contrato social
> 2012/10/22 James Harrison  <>>
> I know a few Rivendellers have used the earlier (beta) versions of 
> OpenOB in the past so here's a quick notice to all that OpenOB 2.3
> is out, with stable support for the Opus codec recently standarized
> by the IETF, which supports bitrates as low as 16kbps or up to
> 384kbps with a variety of audio bandwidths.
> OpenOB is the open outside broadcast tool, an audio over IP link
> tool which makes moving audio over a network in realtime with very
> low latencies (<10ms in PCM mode, <50ms in Opus mode) fairly
> trivial.
> Other improvements include proper Python packaging for easy 
> installation, reliability improvements, visual feedback changes and
> an improved command line interface.
> Support for the Raspberry Pi single-board computer has now been
> tested, confirmed and verified. It works out of the box with no
> issues using USB sound cards. This means you can put a link
> together (both ends) for under £200.
> You can nab yourself a copy here: 
> - all you need is two
> computers running Linux.
> ___ Rivendell-dev
> mailing list 
> <> 
> ___ Rivendell-dev
> mailing list 
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] security breach

2012-11-26 Thread James Harrison
Also check out the Mikrotik routers - the 450G works great, and supports 
hosting OpenVPN, L2TP and IPsec based VPN services on the same router. 
Complete solution for about £80.

James Harrison

On 26/11/12 10:05, Wayne Merricks wrote:

I second the Open VPN approach, if you can spare a box of any sort for a 
serious firewall, look at it was really easy to set up and has some 
other additions that kicks the ass out of my old Cisco PIX Firewall (and the 
newer ASA).

Stuff like:

Failover WAN
Traffic Shaping
Traffic Monitoring/Logging via transparent proxy
Caching including Youtube videos via the same proxy
On the fly virus scanning

-Original Message-
From: on behalf of Kevin Miller
Sent: Sun 25/11/2012 23:32
To: User discussion about the Rivendell Radio Automation System
Subject: Re: [RDD] security breach

On 11/25/2012 10:51 AM, James Harrison wrote:

Best approach is not to use passwords - SSH keys are simple to set up
and you can disable password authentication in sshd, which makes your
system practically uncrackable.

Took the words right out of my mouth.  The other thing I like to do is
disable ssh 1 and ssh to root.  If you need root access from afar, ssh
to a non-privileged account then "su -" to gain root.

Fail2ban is also an excellent program to run - it will automatically
block in iptables anything that fails to login more than a few times,
which stops most automated bots.

As a further step, you could set up an openVPN server and not expose
your rivendell box to inbound internet traffic at all.  You create a
tunnel to the openVPN server then you're 'local' and can ssh to the rd
host.  Linux Journal had a great three part write-up on this a few years
back in the Paranoid Penguin column.  (The ssh/openVPN part, not the
rivendell part.)  Best of luck with the cleanup...


Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] security breach

2012-11-25 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

Best approach is not to use passwords - SSH keys are simple to set up
and you can disable password authentication in sshd, which makes your
system practically uncrackable.

Fail2ban is also an excellent program to run - it will automatically
block in iptables anything that fails to login more than a few times,
which stops most automated bots.

James Harrison

On 25/11/2012 19:45, Robert Jeffares wrote:
> have had an interesting attack from what my isp says is a 'known' 
> source which was made through the remote desktop to the RD server.
> password is rdvnc and I have never managed to figure out how to
> change it
> anyway this attacker logged in and managed to load some code which
> has hijacked the root account, then modified the crontab to run a
> program which the attacker attempted to install but failed because
> Centos on the appliance CD is missing a few files and the attacker
> was unable to install them from the repository.  I have seen the
> missing file message before but since everything is working I have
> ignored it.
> Not sure how long this all took but discovered an open console
> window on the server with a complete track of events and log files
> on the vnc server indicate this happened over some considerable
> time.
> root has lost the ability to ls but can do most everything else
> Minor inconvenience bringing backup system on line, and now working
> on securing the remote desktop so that it is port shifted and
> hopefully we can add another layer of firewall security.
> First problem in four years despite constant polling by various 
> parties for open ports on the broadband box. They had found the
> ssh port shifted from 22 but the passwords held firm.
> My fault for leaving this open.
> There may be other appliance users who have left vnc ports open
> and the default password just waiting for a visit from this pia.
> I have looked at the vnc password howto but it is not working for
> me .. or i am looking in the wrong place..
> Robert Jeffares Big Valley Radio Thames New Zealand 
> ___ Rivendell-dev
> mailing list 
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Multiple studios

2012-11-25 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

This sounds fairly sensible - you'll need a switcher to flip between
studios that Rivendell can talk to, of course.

I'd suggest that you consider strongly your availability requirements.
If your network server dies you lose everything, if I'm reading that
right - I'd think twice about having all my eggs in one basket without
a hot spare (MySQL slave, synchronized copy of /var/snd, copy of
Apache services etc) and maybe some intelligent failover (CARP or
similar). You might also want to consider this for your 'master
control' Rivendell box. Hardware inevitably fails! I'm guessing you
have a silence switcher and an independent Rivendell box or some other
playout device sat downstream to provide an emergency audio source.

The rest all sounds entirely possible with Rivendell, macros and logs
- - as far as best practices go, I'm not the person to ask but plenty of
other people on the list can advise!

James Harrison

On 25/11/2012 10:42, Rivendell Steve wrote:
> Hello,
> We've been using Rivendell as a sustaining playout system in the
> past and it's proved to be very reliable and flexible.
> Currently we have one studio, with its own playout system
> (currently not Rivendell) simply used for live programmes.
> We have a second playout system (again not Rivendell) which also
> feeds the main desk. This runs the pre-recorded programmes,
> sustaining service, etc.
> This all works well and we can switch the sustaining playout live
> to air, bypassing the desk, to enable the single studio to do
> pre-recs, etc.
> We're now constructing a second studio and then overhauling the
> first one. We're planning to switch to Rivendell as the sole
> playout system. I have a Rivendell machine serving the second
> studio (currently under test) and a separate network server for
> MySQL, /var/snd and running the web based services (running
> rdxport, etc.). This all works fine.
> My aim is to have three playout systems. One for each studio and a
> third - a kind of master control - handling the playing of
> pre-records, sustaining playout, remote contributions, etc. So the
> master control would follow the main schedule, switching the
> studios live, playing pre-recs, etc.
> Is this possible with Rivendell? Is this the best way to achieve
> what we want to achieve? I'd be very grateful to here how other
> people handle multiple studios, pre-records, etc.
> Many thanks,
> Steve.
> ___ Rivendell-dev
> mailing list 
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] OT: Rotter question

2012-11-09 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

Surely this results in hourly discontinuities? For compliance logging
something like rotter (which constantly records with a ringbuffer and
is sample-level continuous in its output for WAV etc) is much better
suited to the task. Not sure why you wouldn't use it!

James Harrison

On 09/11/2012 10:17, Morten Krarup Nielsen wrote:
> I use this script, and it works great:
> Only problem: If Icecast goes down, we don't have a copy of that
> hour.
> Kind regards,
> Morten
> 2012/11/9 Alessio Elmi :
>> As we are little bit off topic.. I was looking for something
>> similar to Rotter - easier in a sort of way - which simply dump a
>> mp3 streaming (no need of encoding, just dump our webradio) into
>> a specific folder and removes older files. I was thinking about
>> using command-line VLC, something like adding in /etc/crontab an
>> every-hour script. Do you think it would be trustable?
>> 2012/11/8 Nathan Steele :
>>> That helps immensely,
>>> Thank you,
>>> Nathaniel C. Steele Assistant Chief Engineer/Technical
>>> Director WTRM-FM / TheCrossFM
>>> On 11/8/2012 4:48 PM, Wayne Merricks wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> You can run multiple rotters on different jack ports.  The
>>> standard set up is something like:
>>> ROTFORMAT="mp3" #Encoding format ROTBITRATE=192 #Bit rate 
>>> ROTCHANNELS=2 #2 = Stereo JACKNAME="rotter1" 
>>> ROTDELETEHOURS=2400 #Delete audio after x hours (2400 = 100
>>> days) ROTBUFFER=10 #Rotter internal buffer, increase if you
>>> have problems ROTDIRSTRUCTURE="dailydir" #Organisation format
>>> man rotter for more info LEFTJACKINPUT="system:capture_1" #Left
>>> Channel for rotter to connect to in the format of client:port 
>>> RIGHTJACKINPUT="system:capture_2" #Right Channel for rotter 
>>> ROTAUDIODIR="/var/audio" #Directory to store audio
>>> Obviously if you're running two change JACKNAME, [L &
>>> Out of all the random software I've ever used rotter has been
>>> the only thing thats never crashed on me in over a year of use
>>> (liquidsoap is nearly at 2months of uptime which is my next
>>> most reliable excluding riv of course).
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Wayne
>>> -Original Message- From:
>>> on behalf of
>>> Nathan Steele Sent: Thu 08/11/2012 21:15 To: User discussion
>>> about the Rivendell Radio Automation System Subject: Re: [RDD]
>>> OT: Rotter question
>>> Yeah, that could work.
>>> The stations are stereo, but I only need mono for logging
>>> purposes. well I guess I'll have to try.
>>> Nathaniel C. Steele Assistant Chief Engineer/Technical
>>> Director WTRM-FM / TheCrossFM
>>> On 11/8/2012 4:13 PM, Fernando Della Torre wrote:
>>> If you need 2 mono stations, why don't you simply record it to
>>> a single stereo stream? One station per channel.
>>> I never tried, but I think you can run multiple instances of
>>> rotter in the same jack server.
>>> Atenciosamente,
>>> *Fernando Della Torre*
>>> Tecnologia da Informação
>>> (: +55 16 8137-1240
>>> (: +55 16 9137-2886
>>> *: <>_
>>> V.D.I.T. Soluções em Virtualização
>>> A utilização deste e-mail não implica em autorização ou outorga
>>> de poderes para seu usuário praticar qualquer ato em nome das
>>> empresas citadas, cuja representação considera-se válida se
>>> praticada exclusivamente por representante legal ou procurador
>>> devidamente constituído, na forma estabelecida em seu
>>> respectivo estatuto ou contrato social
>>> 2012/11/8 Nathan Steele >> <>&g

Re: [RDD] OpenOB 2.3 release

2012-10-28 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

Technically OpenVPN can run in TCP or UDP modes, but UDP is the default.

James Harrison

On 27/10/2012 23:03, Rob Landry wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Oct 2012, James Harrison wrote:
>> Unfortunately, SSH is a TCP based protocol. RTP is a UDP based
>> protocol and with good reason - packet loss is fine and expected
>> (Opus has packet loss concealment and forward error correction,
>> both of which are made use of for OpenOB). So you need a UDP
>> based tunnel, which basically means a VPN or something similar.
> OpenVPN is UDP.
> Rob
> ___ Rivendell-dev
> mailing list 
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] OpenOB 2.3 release

2012-10-26 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

I absolutely agree on all counts. Cheers for the feedback, all!

James Harrison

On 26/10/2012 18:12, Cowboy wrote:
> On Friday 26 October 2012 12:33:19 pm Fred Gleason wrote:
>> I think it'd be sufficient to make OpenOB do network audio
>> transmission well.  Packet encryption/tunneling/whatever are not
>> properly within its scope.  There are lots of other packages that
>> can provide those functionalities in a layered fashion, and thus
>> they should be left to the user to decide and implement.
> A much nicer way of saying what I meant. Thank you, Fred.
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] OpenOB 2.3 release

2012-10-26 Thread James Harrison

Hash: SHA1
Well, -w just plugs SSH into tun devices, and I'm relatively certain
that it'll result in packet fragmentation (which will happen with most
tunneling protocols, but that's something I need to check). Plus the
overhead of encryption and decryption is not something I'd like to have
running on a low-spec machine like, say, the Raspberry Pi. I'd rather
have this outboard on something like a Mikrotik Routerboard (which can
handle the IP routing and encryption and all that jazz). At some level,
too, OpenVPN is a simpler alternative to SSH, and it might be easier to
just design OpenOB with the assumption that all endpoints need to use an
(/optionally/ encrypted) VPN connection to bypass firewalls. This makes
management easier (OpenVPN is already well-integrated into most distros
etc) and OpenVPN endpoints are trivially cheap (a Mikrotik RB450G can
terminate tens of VPN connections for £80). Using a full-fat VPN is
about equivalent in overhead to ssh -w, and has the benefit of easier
setup/teardown and session management, as well as better IP management.


James Harrison

On 26/10/2012 14:00, Cowboy wrote:
> On Friday 26 October 2012 04:06:18 am James Harrison wrote:
>> So you need a UDP based tunnel,
> See the -w option in man ssh.
> There are a number of ways to accomplish UDP via SSH.

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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] OpenOB 2.3 release

2012-10-26 Thread James Harrison

Hash: SHA1
Unfortunately, SSH is a TCP based protocol. RTP is a UDP based protocol
and with good reason - packet loss is fine and expected (Opus has packet
loss concealment and forward error correction, both of which are made
use of for OpenOB). So you need a UDP based tunnel, which basically
means a VPN or something similar.

James Harrison

On 25/10/2012 00:11, Cowboy wrote:
> On Tuesday 23 October 2012 04:10:10 am James Harrison wrote:
>> Since most outside broadcasts want talkback functionality anyway, I want
>> to implement firewall/NAT tunneling to get around the same problem on
>> the transmitter end (because you need an audio link from RX to TX for
>> talkback), which essentially involves the transmitter punching a tunnel
>> to the receiver that the receiver then passes audio over.
> ssh
> Read up on the -L option. ( port redirection )
> You can send most anything via the encrypted channel, both ways,
> and need only one open port on one end to initiate the connection.
> I use it all the time for other purposes.
> You don't even need a static IP, but you do need a domain name
> that can track dynamic DNS in that case.

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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] OpenOB 2.3 release

2012-10-24 Thread James Harrison

Hash: SHA1
apt-X is actually inferior to Opus from what I've heard. Opus is the
maturation of the CELT and SILK codecs, is patent-unencumbered and open,
and is an IETF standard: and - it's also damn good, with a wide
range of bandwidths supported (both audio and network bandwidths), and
low latency. has graphs and tests. To my ears
and spectrograms at least, Opus is superior to AAC, Ogg and MPEG for
transmission. These days LPCM is the no-brainer for storage, with
storage being cheap now.

I suspect I need to move this off-list; I'll get a mailing list set up
in due course...

James Harrison

On 24/10/2012 16:06, Rob Landry wrote:
> ...Opus codec? That's a new one to me.
> How does it compare with AAC, Ogg, and MPEG?
> I'd love to see apt-X become available some day. The patents must be
running out one of these days.
> Rob
> On Mon, 22 Oct 2012, James Harrison wrote:
> I know a few Rivendellers have used the earlier (beta) versions of
> OpenOB in the past so here's a quick notice to all that OpenOB 2.3 is
> out, with stable support for the Opus codec recently standarized by the
> IETF, which supports bitrates as low as 16kbps or up to 384kbps with a
> variety of audio bandwidths.
> OpenOB is the open outside broadcast tool, an audio over IP link tool
> which makes moving audio over a network in realtime with very low
> latencies (<10ms in PCM mode, <50ms in Opus mode) fairly trivial.
> Other improvements include proper Python packaging for easy
> installation, reliability improvements, visual feedback changes and an
> improved command line interface.
> Support for the Raspberry Pi single-board computer has now been tested,
> confirmed and verified. It works out of the box with no issues using USB
> sound cards. This means you can put a link together (both ends) for
> under £200.
> You can nab yourself a copy here:
> - all you need is two computers
> running Linux.
>> ___
>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list

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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] OpenOB 2.3 release

2012-10-24 Thread James Harrison

Hash: SHA1
This is very much where I want to get OpenOB to. Lots of my work
(dabbling at weekends) has been in modularizing the code; next comes the
extraction of the user interface (mostly there now) so the backend can
be dropped into a PyGTK app with friendly buttons. OpenOB previously
used CELT prior to Opus.

James Harrison

On 24/10/2012 16:17, Hoggins! wrote:
> Hello,
> It looks really interesting, and we'll have a look into that ! We
> currently use our own-flavored Gstreamer application, with CELT encoded
> RTP packets, hooked into JACK on both ends, for our live presentations
> outside of the studio, and it works quite well. But as it is made so
> far, it requires some skills from the operator to set everything up.
> That kind of software, very similar to what we use (Opus is the
> maturation of CELT), could help us integrate a complete broadcast
> system, easy to plug, easy to start. A "one-button-start" for any
> presenter in the outside world.
> We will definitely look into that. Thanks !
> Hoggins!
> Le 22/10/2012 23:27, James Harrison a écrit :
>> I know a few Rivendellers have used the earlier (beta) versions of
>> OpenOB in the past so here's a quick notice to all that OpenOB 2.3 is
>> out, with stable support for the Opus codec recently standarized by the
>> IETF, which supports bitrates as low as 16kbps or up to 384kbps with a
>> variety of audio bandwidths.
>> OpenOB is the open outside broadcast tool, an audio over IP link tool
>> which makes moving audio over a network in realtime with very low
>> latencies (<10ms in PCM mode, <50ms in Opus mode) fairly trivial.
>> Other improvements include proper Python packaging for easy
>> installation, reliability improvements, visual feedback changes and an
>> improved command line interface.
>> Support for the Raspberry Pi single-board computer has now been tested,
>> confirmed and verified. It works out of the box with no issues using USB
>> sound cards. This means you can put a link together (both ends) for
>> under £200.
>> You can nab yourself a copy here:
>> - all you need is two computers
>> running Linux.
>> ___
>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list

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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Rivendell v2.2.1

2012-10-23 Thread James Harrison

Hash: SHA1
Awesome to see as ever, rdcheckcuts sounds handy.

Does RDMonitor expose SNMP or some other API for external systems to
hook into? Being able to integrate component-level monitoring with
Nagios would be fantastic.

James Harrison

On 23/10/2012 18:22, Fred Gleason wrote:
> On behalf of the entire Rivendell development team, I'm pleased to announce 
> the availability of
Rivendell v2.2.1. Rivendell is a full-featured radio automation system
targeted for use in professional broadcast environments. It is available
under the GNU General Public License.
> From the NEWS file:
> *** snip snip ***
> Changes:
> RDMonitor Module. A persistent desktop applet has been added that
> continuously monitors the health of the system and alerts the operator
> in the event of any detected problems. See 'RDMONITOR.txt' for usage
> and configuration info.
> Sage Digital ENDEC Control. A '' script has been
> added that allows a Required Weekly Test (RWT) to be executed on a
> Sage Digital ENDEC via TCP/IP. See 'SAGE_ENDEC.txt' for usage and
> configuration info.
> Cut Attribute Searching. The cart filter will now include the
> attributes of underlying cuts when searching the library.
> RDCheckCuts Utility. An rdcheckcuts(1) command-line utility has
> been added for checking the integrity of the audio store.
> Multiple bug fixes. See the ChangeLog for details.
> Database Update:
> This version of Rivendell uses database schema version 207, and will
> automatically upgrade any earlier versions. To see the current schema
> version prior to upgrade, see RDAdmin->SystemInfo.
> As always, be sure to run RDAdmin immediately after upgrading to allow
> any necessary changes to the database schema to be applied.
> *** snip snip ***
> Further information, screenshots and download links are available at:
> Cheers!
> | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. | Chief Developer |
> | | Paravel Systems |
> | “Computers are good at following instructions, |
> | but not at reading your mind.” |
> | – Donald Knuth |
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list

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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] OpenOB 2.3 release

2012-10-23 Thread James Harrison
My gut feeling is that OpenOB shouldn't be responsible for this - you 
should have a silence detector outboard of the PC in any transmission 
system with a standalone hardware audio player for reliability.

James Harrison

On 23/10/12 15:31, Morten Krarup Nielsen wrote:
> This looks very interesting.
> This could be a cool new feature, if you use it for STL, and the
> internet connection is lost: What about adding a silence detector
> function, where the receiver plays MP3 files, until the connection to
> the studio is reestablished?
> Kind regards,
> Morten
> 2012/10/22 James Harrison:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> I know a few Rivendellers have used the earlier (beta) versions of
>> OpenOB in the past so here's a quick notice to all that OpenOB 2.3 is
>> out, with stable support for the Opus codec recently standarized by the
>> IETF, which supports bitrates as low as 16kbps or up to 384kbps with a
>> variety of audio bandwidths.
>> OpenOB is the open outside broadcast tool, an audio over IP link tool
>> which makes moving audio over a network in realtime with very low
>> latencies (<10ms in PCM mode,<50ms in Opus mode) fairly trivial.
>> Other improvements include proper Python packaging for easy
>> installation, reliability improvements, visual feedback changes and an
>> improved command line interface.
>> Support for the Raspberry Pi single-board computer has now been tested,
>> confirmed and verified. It works out of the box with no issues using USB
>> sound cards. This means you can put a link together (both ends) for
>> under £200.
>> You can nab yourself a copy here:
>> - all you need is two computers
>> running Linux.
>> - --
>> Cheers,
>> James Harrison
>> Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)
>> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
>> iEYEARECAAYFAlCFujwACgkQ22kkGnnJQAz4cACgkHnoB2JHSBcCNnyVvx+cclb9
>> mwIAn2N4PdieHesX1H/WoBuft0j5vLEP
>> =3NB7
>> ___
>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] OpenOB 2.3 release

2012-10-23 Thread James Harrison
Since most outside broadcasts want talkback functionality anyway, I want 
to implement firewall/NAT tunneling to get around the same problem on 
the transmitter end (because you need an audio link from RX to TX for 
talkback), which essentially involves the transmitter punching a tunnel 
to the receiver that the receiver then passes audio over.

As for quite how that gets achieved without messing with RTP, that's a 
challenge, but it's doable I believe.

I believe that would then solve your issue. What's the use-case where 
you've got an unavoidable firewall on the receiver, out of interest?

The cost of stuff like the STL-IP was what made me develop OpenOB in the 
first place - the station I worked for at the time simply couldn't 
afford a £3000 STL, let alone the £6500 one we'd been recommended as an 
entry level IP codec. I'm now working at BBC R&D and maintaining OpenOB 
in my spare time at home, so it's a bit less structured around necessity 
and maturing a bit now, which is nice. I'm currently working on 
improving the software's design for packaging so it can be installed 
with a simple apt-get install openob and can be configured with nice 
simple configuration files for daemonized operation in addition to the 
current command-line mode. After that it's a bit more refactoring work 
to get it plugged into a PyGTK GUI for really simple operation, and to 
add a web interface daemon. Once those parts are all in place, it'll be 
more than equivalent in terms of usability to commercial codec software 
and will have all the parts needed to be trivially packaged up by 
broadcasters on their own hardware in a package equivalent to a 
commercial box. Except of course that 'box' can now be a Raspberry Pi 
running off a LiPo battery with 3G wireless connectivity!

James Harrison

On 23/10/12 02:59, Wayne Merricks wrote:

Very interesting piece of software, I didn't get chance to play with the BETA 
but it was on my todo list.  One question probably outside of the scope of the 
software, what if I wanted to run it as a broadcast codec, effectively swap the 
endpoints around so that the receiver connected to the transmitter (to get 
around firewalls on the receiver end)?

I assume the transmitter is connecting to the receiver at the moment?

I'm currently looking at various traditional IP codecs and it pains me to look 
at mini itx, 8mb of compact flash all wrapped up in a 1U box running linux yet 
it sets you back £1500 (I had to fix a fan on an MDO Audio TX STL-IP, I 
couldn't believe there was a normal PC motherboard in there).

Feel free to message me off list to save spamming RD (if necessary).



-Original Message-
From: on behalf of James Harrison
Sent: Mon 22/10/2012 22:27
To: User discussion about the Rivendell Radio Automation System
Subject: [RDD] OpenOB 2.3 release

Hash: SHA1

I know a few Rivendellers have used the earlier (beta) versions of
OpenOB in the past so here's a quick notice to all that OpenOB 2.3 is
out, with stable support for the Opus codec recently standarized by the
IETF, which supports bitrates as low as 16kbps or up to 384kbps with a
variety of audio bandwidths.

OpenOB is the open outside broadcast tool, an audio over IP link tool
which makes moving audio over a network in realtime with very low
latencies (<10ms in PCM mode,<50ms in Opus mode) fairly trivial.

Other improvements include proper Python packaging for easy
installation, reliability improvements, visual feedback changes and an
improved command line interface.

Support for the Raspberry Pi single-board computer has now been tested,
confirmed and verified. It works out of the box with no issues using USB
sound cards. This means you can put a link together (both ends) for
under £200.

You can nab yourself a copy here: - all you need is two computers
running Linux.

- -- 

James Harrison
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Rivendell-dev mailing list

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[RDD] OpenOB 2.3 release

2012-10-22 Thread James Harrison

Hash: SHA1
I know a few Rivendellers have used the earlier (beta) versions of
OpenOB in the past so here's a quick notice to all that OpenOB 2.3 is
out, with stable support for the Opus codec recently standarized by the
IETF, which supports bitrates as low as 16kbps or up to 384kbps with a
variety of audio bandwidths.

OpenOB is the open outside broadcast tool, an audio over IP link tool
which makes moving audio over a network in realtime with very low
latencies (<10ms in PCM mode, <50ms in Opus mode) fairly trivial.

Other improvements include proper Python packaging for easy
installation, reliability improvements, visual feedback changes and an
improved command line interface.

Support for the Raspberry Pi single-board computer has now been tested,
confirmed and verified. It works out of the box with no issues using USB
sound cards. This means you can put a link together (both ends) for
under £200.

You can nab yourself a copy here: - all you need is two computers
running Linux.

- -- 
James Harrison
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] You Want That RD to Go?

2012-10-20 Thread James Harrison

Hash: SHA1
Core Duos should work fine with the CentOS based application DVD. Should
be good to go from there. I've run Rivendell on all sorts of random
laptops etc.

If the audio IO is basically crap, you can always get a USB card which
should work fine.

James Harrison

On 20/10/2012 22:20, Alan Peterson wrote:
> Who here has been able to get Rivendell to run dependably on a common laptop 
> PC? If so, what brand
and model, and which RD bundle (Centos/SUSE/RRAbuntu)?
> The local used computer emporium here has a huge overstock of decent
refurbed Dell "Core Duo" laptops at $150 a pop. I'm thinking a portable
RD rig to tuck into the backpack and use in the high school football
announce-booth, or to bring elements and fx for an entire radio show on
the road with you.
> The audio I/Os on these machines are barf, to be sure. But over a
stadium PA, no one will notice. Can anybody here report success?
> TNX as always.
> -AP
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list

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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Utility for converting from wav to mpeg L2

2012-10-15 Thread James Harrison

Interesting. I'm not sure what rdlibrary is looking for.

Is MPEG-2 an absolute requirement? It might be easier to just 
store/transcode WAV files. Hard disks are cheap these days!

James Harrison

On 14/10/12 20:34, Daniel & Lucinda Kahn wrote:

Hi James,

I tried ffmpeg -i test.wav -f wav -acodec mp2 -ac 2 -ar 48000 -ab 256k 

but still no waveform in RDlibrary.

I tried bwfmetaedit but didn't get anywhere with that.

Maybe when you get access to a Rivendell install you can see what 
works and let us know.


ffmpeg -i "$i"  -f wav -acodec mp2 -ac 2 -ar 48000 -ab 256k "${i%.ext}.wav"

That first loop with the above should do the trick for MPEG-2 wrapped up
in a WAV container.

bwfmetaedit shows the following:

james at perfidy  
<>:~$ bwfmetaedit 
--out-tech wywh-bwf.wav

Either this or the MP2 file output -should- be compatible with
Rivendell. Try one file and see if it works - I've not got a Rivendell
install to hand, sadly

James Harrison

Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Utility for converting from wav to mpeg L2

2012-10-14 Thread James Harrison

Hash: SHA1
ffmpeg -i "$i"  -f wav -acodec mp2 -ac 2 -ar 48000 -ab 256k "${i%.ext}.wav"

That first loop with the above should do the trick for MPEG-2 wrapped up
in a WAV container.

bwfmetaedit shows the following:

james@perfidy:~$ bwfmetaedit --out-tech wywh-bwf.wav

Either this or the MP2 file output -should- be compatible with
Rivendell. Try one file and see if it works - I've not got a Rivendell
install to hand, sadly

James Harrison

On 14/10/2012 14:12, Daniel & Lucinda Kahn wrote:
> Thanks James for the replay,
> My question is, by using ffmpeg, will I get a mpeg L2 BWF-compatible
wav file? If not I won't get a wave form in RDlibrary, this would be the
same problem I am facing with ogg-vorbis. I really need to have access
to the features in RDlibrary to set markers etc.
> Thanks,
> Daniel
>> sudo apt-get install ffmpeg (or yum, whichever)
>> Replace .ext with the original extension here (in both places):
>> for i in *.ext;do ffmpeg -i "$i" -acodec mp2 -ab 256k -ar 48000
>> "${i%.ext}.mp2"; done
>> This will use ffmpeg to make a new file next to each .ext file in MPEG
>> Layer 2 audio at 256k with a 48kHz sample rate. Tweak numbers to suit.
>> Anything ffmpeg can read, it'll work. You should also be able to compile
>> ffmpeg with TwoLAME support for even better encoding quality - if you
>> don't fancy recompiling, use ffmpeg to export WAV (just change .mp2 to
>> .wav above and remove the -acodec and -ab parameters) and after the
>> second semicolon, add this: twolame -s 48000 -b 256 "${i%.ext}.wav"
>> "${i%.ext}.mp2";
>> for i in *.ext;do ffmpeg -i "$i" -ar 48000 "${i%.ext}.wav"; twolame -s
>> 48000 -b 256 "${i%.ext}.wav" "${i%.ext}.mp2";rm -rf "${i%.ext}.wav";done
>> Once you've done the conversion you can go ahead and verify the files
>> work, move the old .ext files to offline storage in case you ever need
>> them and you should have an MP2 library.
>> Cheers,
>> James Harrison
>> On 13/10/2012 17:19, Daniel & Lucinda Kahn wrote:
>> >/ Fred,
>> />/
>> />/ We have been running Rivendell for almost three years. When we
>> />/ we used a compressed format patch to Rivendell since at the time we
>> />/ didn't have the hard drive space to run the library using wav format.
>> />/
>> />/ You said in the past it wouldn't be hard to make a converter
utility for
>> />/ converting a library to mpeg L2. We are in desperate need of that now
>> />/ so we can update to Rivendell 2.x.
>> />/
>> />/ What is the possibility in the near future that you could make
such an
>> />/ utility available?
>> />/
>> />/ Thanks,
>> />/ Daniel
>> />/
>> />/ Ondas de Esperanza 94.1 FM 1340 AM
>> />/ Loja, Ecuador/
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list

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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Utility for converting from wav to mpeg L2

2012-10-14 Thread James Harrison

Hash: SHA1
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg (or yum, whichever)
Replace .ext with the original extension here (in both places):

for i in *.ext;do ffmpeg -i "$i" -acodec mp2 -ab 256k -ar 48000
"${i%.ext}.mp2"; done

This will use ffmpeg to make a new file next to each .ext file in MPEG
Layer 2 audio at 256k with a 48kHz sample rate. Tweak numbers to suit.
Anything ffmpeg can read, it'll work. You should also be able to compile
ffmpeg with TwoLAME support for even better encoding quality - if you
don't fancy recompiling, use ffmpeg to export WAV (just change .mp2 to
.wav above and remove the -acodec and -ab parameters) and after the
second semicolon, add this: twolame -s 48000 -b 256 "${i%.ext}.wav"

for i in *.ext;do ffmpeg -i "$i" -ar 48000 "${i%.ext}.wav"; twolame -s
48000 -b 256 "${i%.ext}.wav" "${i%.ext}.mp2";rm -rf "${i%.ext}.wav";done

Once you've done the conversion you can go ahead and verify the files
work, move the old .ext files to offline storage in case you ever need
them and you should have an MP2 library.

James Harrison

On 13/10/2012 17:19, Daniel & Lucinda Kahn wrote:
> Fred,
> We have been running Rivendell for almost three years. When we started
> we used a compressed format patch to Rivendell since at the time we
> didn't have the hard drive space to run the library using wav format.
> You said in the past it wouldn't be hard to make a converter utility for
> converting a library to mpeg L2. We are in desperate need of that now
> so we can update to Rivendell 2.x.
> What is the possibility in the near future that you could make such an
> utility available?
> Thanks,
> Daniel
> Ondas de Esperanza 94.1 FM 1340 AM
> Loja, Ecuador
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list

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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] rsync causing latency in airplay

2012-10-02 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

Correspondingly, the ionice command may help.

James Harrison

On 02 October 2012 18:08:33, Stan Fotinos wrote:
> Hi Nathan
> Have you tried using the following option? --bwlimit=
> Stan
> On 2/10/12 11:26 PM, Nathan Steele wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Having a problem with rsync lately (don't recall having it before, but
>> not sure what changed, or maybe I just didn't notice).
>> The background info:
>> Rivendell broadcast appliance on a server machine with a 6 drive raid 5
>> (hardware controller) hosting mysql and /var/snd, and the delta 1010
>> audio card, rivendell broadcast appliance on an airplay machine, CAE
>> running on the server (airplay runs on this machine but the audio comes
>> out the server soundcard). A network drive is mounted as /backup on the
>> server machine. the rivendell machines have gigabit nics and are on a
>> gigabit switch, the network drive is 100 megabit nic.
>> The problem:
>> Running rsync -alv /var/snd /backup causes latency between the songs
>> playing out. the songs play fine once they start, but we get a few
>> seconds of dead air between songs, and it really throws the jocks off if
>> they are on air.
>> niceing it didn't help at all nice -n 19 rsync -alv /var/snd /backup,
>> actually seemed to make it worse...
>> I can't imagine the network is cloggingthe cpu utilization seems to
>> be fine, as well as RAM...
>> Any Ideas?
>> the purpose of course is to backup my audio. any suggestions? am I using
>> the wrong switches? should I be using a negative number for nice? (I
>> read the docs and it seemed like i wanted a positive number..)
>> thanks,
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Python module for Rivendell

2012-09-19 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

This is very good to see, especially the normalization script - looking
forward to seeing where this goes.

James Harrison

On 19 September 2012 22:12:33, Sébastien Leblanc wrote:
> Hi there,
> I wanted to let you all know that I am working on a Python module for
> Rivendell. For the moment, it does not do much, but I plan to add many
> features. It is currently in active development. You can get it on
> Github ( ).
> If you encounter any problems with it, do not hesitate to fill an
> issue on the bug tracker (
> ) or to ping me
> on the mailing list.
> Right now, what might be of interest is the "" utility,
> which allows one to normalize carts according to loudness levels as
> set by EBU R128 standards. Required is libebur128, and sox if you
> actually want to modify the files on the hard drive. (by default it
> updates the "play_gain" value in the CUTS database table)
> Cheers!
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Help with streaming

2012-08-30 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

Darksnow's pretty clunky and darkice has been known to crash quite a

Most days people seem to be leaning towards liquidsoap which is at the
least more stable (though the JACK module leaves a lot to be desired).

Scripted configuration and setup, plenty of examples etc on the site.
Has the huge advantage that you can do things like "If there's silence,
play music and jingles from here, 1 jingle for each 3 tracks" and so
on. You can do audio processing in there, too - loudness normalization,

James Harrison

On 30 August 2012 19:23:37, Jason Davenport wrote:
> Hello,
> i have been pulling my hair out for months trying tof igure this out,
> i finally got darkice and darksnow up and running but when i configure
> everything and hit start streaming, darksnow shuts down
> i can't seem to get this working...
> --
> Jason Davenport
> <>
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] IDE Suggestions

2012-08-27 Thread James Harrison

Hash: SHA1
Personally I stick to using a text editor with syntax highlighting -
currently I'm rocking Sublime Text 2 for nearly all of my development work.

Eclipse/CDT is pretty well-adopted, but most hardcore C devs I know
either are in the Windows world and use Visual Studio or use emacs/vim etc.

James Harrison

On 27/08/2012 22:42, Wayne Merricks wrote:
> IDE Suggestions
> Hi all,
> I've dabbled a bit messing with Riv code but at the moment I've been
reverting to the tried and tested method of load it in a text editor and
keep compiling until the errors go away. I normally used Eclipse in my
Java monkey previous life but haven't found a good alternative for C
code. I did try Eclipse with C but I've found a lot of the C projects
seem to do things their own way and you have to jump through flaming
hoops only big enough for squashed kittens just to get something spat
out the other end that you can use.
> I also found QT Creator but it seems to default to QT 4 and 5 which
seeing as Riv is QT3 is a bit of a problem. What are any of you lot using?
> There has to be a saner way than vi/nano/gedit.
> Cheers,
> Wayne
> -
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> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list

Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RMS levels (some definitions)

2012-08-05 Thread James Harrison

Hash: SHA1
It's at but it's quite a bit OTT
for just loudness normalization. I'm working on a little, simple tool to
implement an EBU R128 dropbox that passes through file metadata nicely.

The EBU R128 spec is not standardized just yet, no, but in time it is
almost certain it will be. And it is mostly compatible with good
practice as it stands with classic measurement, just better tuned for
the digital age. Digital true peak (the 4x upconverted supersampled peak
reading) is a great measurement as are the other measurements in R128
(LUFS 400ms gated is awesome for overall program level measurements).

James Harrison

On 05/08/2012 21:43, Chris Cramer wrote:
> Hi James,
> thank you very much for the info, is your tool available anywhere?
> I would like to try it out - if you don't mind.
> The EBU recommendation is a recommendation witch may / is expected to
lead to a standard.
> I do have the EBUmeter installed on my system for testing.
> It is available from the KXStudio PPA for Ubuntu (I am using Ubuntu
10.04 on the production machines).
> Never the less, if one copies analogue material to a digital
environment one needs to know what is going on level wise.
> Therefore - as far as I understood there will be a new thing called
true peak level.
> As far as I know the classic peak level measurement according to the
> DIN 45406 / EBU / IEC 268-10 is NOT obsolete yet.
> Cheers,
> Chris.
> On Sun, 05 Aug 2012 16:27:30 +0100
> James Harrison  wrote:
> The EBU Loudness Recommendation R128 is pretty canonical for measuring
> and normalising audio levels these days, at least in new professional
> broadcast. libebur128 and tools based on it are available (like ebumeter
> )
> and it's a very comprehensive specification.
> One of the measurements that is defined in EBU Tech 3342 is the loudness
> range parameter, which is able to measure and display dynamic range of a
> program. Using this and the R128 metering spec in 3341 along with the
> production/distribution guides (3343/3344) you can do practically
> anything to a defined, standardized set of best practices. The tool I
> wrote for loudness/metadata processing, IRIS, uses libebur128 to process
> audio to this standard and applies compression/adjusts gain to
> standardize levels across a large range of input material including
> speech, music and in-between stuff entirely automatically; it's not that
> hard to automate.
> AES/EBU 'old' style metering and numbers are all well and good in an
> established chain but EBU R128 supersedes the old EBU standards, and the
> AES standards are very old hat these days. R128's the way to go if
> you're looking for a standard to follow.
> Cheers,
> James Harrison
> On 05/08/2012 13:39, Chris Cramer wrote:
> >>> Hi all,
> >>>
> >>> About levels,
> >>>
> >>> this is a part of the mastering process of a recording and there might
> be a reason why this is still done manually in the CD production process.
> >>> Never the less as fas as I know there is only one product in the
> market that is able to calculate and display a volume level of an audio
> signal.
> >>> That would be the Peak Program Meters (PPM) from RTW. And that is only
> a display, not an algorithm for sound processing.
> >>> This does not exist yet (as far as I know) as the material that is
> supposed to be processed might be of totally different dynamic nature.
> >>> A voice track has an other dynamic range than a classical music track
> or a techno club track or a rock ballade for example.
> >>> Therefore it is nearly impossible to pre program a one-fits-all
> >>> In my studio I do have a Jünger Audio digital dynamic processor that I
> use for vinyl copies or raw audio material that was recorded live that
> has to be processed.
> >>> In my cart library I process manually watching my external ppm and
> USING MY EARS to find a matching level.
> >>> As I mainly use RIVENDELL for pre production I process the final show
> using the JACK plugin JAMIN witch performs very good (without any
> pumping) to produce a -0.2 dBFS audio stream I record using Audacity at
> the same time. When finished I export the recording as .wav and process
> it with lame in high quality. This file is then uploaded to the dropbox
> of the broadcast computer and then aired as scheduled.
> >>>
> >>> About working levels
> >>> I hear different opinions about levels in t

Re: [RDD] RMS levels (some definitions)

2012-08-05 Thread James Harrison

Hash: SHA1
rotter's mp3 encoder uses LAME, widely regarded as the absolute best MP3
encoder out there. At 320k (-f mp3 -b 320), it's perfectly usable. 'In
the EBU area' is quite a broad stroke - at our community radio station,
>192k MP3 was accepted only as a last resort, with FLAC/WAV being the
preferred format for ingest.

I also had a tiny little bash script that, every hour, split the last
hour's files into two half-hour files and reencoded from FLAC to MP3 for
the purposes of helping presenters produce podcasts. rotter's a great
tool in widespread use, not just for documentation purposes...

James Harrison

On 05/08/2012 16:31, Chris Cramer wrote:
> Hi James,
> as I said, a really nice tool for documentation purposes.
> the most applications that support .mp3 do not provide an option for
high quality encoding.
> In the EBU area 320kBit in high quality (yes! BIG difference!) is
considered broadcast quality.
> That is why I produce .wav files and encode manually...
> The main topic was about levels though - that actually was my main
issue :-)
> Cheers,
> Chris
> On Sun, 05 Aug 2012 16:19:59 +0100
> James Harrison  wrote:
> rotter supports FLAC, WAV, MP3, Vorbis. I've been using it in
> production for lossless (4-week) archives and lossy (6 month) archives
> for over a year and a half now. It's stable and works flawlessly.
> Cheers,
> James Harrison
> On 05 August 2012 15:27:38, Chris Cramer wrote:
> >>> Right. I forgot: rotter suports higher bitrates but no high
quality encoding...
> >>>
> >>> On Sun, 5 Aug 2012 16:15:32 +0200
> >>> Chris Cramer  wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Hi Wayne,
> >>>>
> >>>> I shrink the Audacity window to a minimum, so it ain't no problem
pressing record in due time and cut the beginning second w/o audio
signal afterwords.
> >>>> Rotter works automatically according to its internal time
schedule (every hour a new file) as far as I understand.
> >>>> In addition it produces .mp3 in 128 kBit only - witch is way to
poor for professional FM broadcast quality.
> >>>> It is a nice tool for documentation purposes though.
> >>>>
> >>>> Cheers, Chris.
> >>>>
> >>>> On Sun, 5 Aug 2012 14:50:47 +0100
> >>>> "Wayne Merricks"  wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> Lots of good info here, regarding Audacity for recording. Would
something like rotter be easier considering you could automate it?
Having to click record in Audacity seems a bit clunky to me or is there
another mysterious way of using Audacity that I don't know about?
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> -Original Message-
> >>>>> From: on behalf
of Chris Cramer
> >>>>> Sent: Sun 05/08/2012 13:39
> >>>>> To:
> >>>>> Subject: Re: [RDD] RMS levels (some definitions)
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Hi all,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> About levels,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> this is a part of the mastering process of a recording and there
might be a reason why this is still done manually in the CD production
> >>>>> Never the less as fas as I know there is only one product in the
market that is able to calculate and display a volume level of an audio
> >>>>> That would be the Peak Program Meters (PPM) from RTW. And that
is only a display, not an algorithm for sound processing.
> >>>>> This does not exist yet (as far as I know) as the material that
is supposed to be processed might be of totally different dynamic nature.
> >>>>> A voice track has an other dynamic range than a classical music
track or a techno club track or a rock ballade for example.
> >>>>> Therefore it is nearly impossible to pre program a one-fits-all
> >>>>> In my studio I do have a Jünger Audio digital dynamic processor
that I use for vinyl copies or raw audio material that was recorded live
that has to be processed.
> >>>>> In my cart library I process manually watching my external ppm
and USING MY EARS to find a matching level.
> >>>>> As I mainly use RIVENDELL for pre production I process the final
show using the JACK plugin JAMIN witch performs very good (without any
pumping) to produce a -0.2 dBFS audio stream I record using Audacity at
the same time. When finished I export the recor

Re: [RDD] RMS levels (some definitions)

2012-08-05 Thread James Harrison

Hash: SHA1
The EBU Loudness Recommendation R128 is pretty canonical for measuring
and normalising audio levels these days, at least in new professional
broadcast. libebur128 and tools based on it are available (like ebumeter )
and it's a very comprehensive specification.

One of the measurements that is defined in EBU Tech 3342 is the loudness
range parameter, which is able to measure and display dynamic range of a
program. Using this and the R128 metering spec in 3341 along with the
production/distribution guides (3343/3344) you can do practically
anything to a defined, standardized set of best practices. The tool I
wrote for loudness/metadata processing, IRIS, uses libebur128 to process
audio to this standard and applies compression/adjusts gain to
standardize levels across a large range of input material including
speech, music and in-between stuff entirely automatically; it's not that
hard to automate.

AES/EBU 'old' style metering and numbers are all well and good in an
established chain but EBU R128 supersedes the old EBU standards, and the
AES standards are very old hat these days. R128's the way to go if
you're looking for a standard to follow.

James Harrison

On 05/08/2012 13:39, Chris Cramer wrote:
> Hi all,
> About levels,
> this is a part of the mastering process of a recording and there might
be a reason why this is still done manually in the CD production process.
> Never the less as fas as I know there is only one product in the
market that is able to calculate and display a volume level of an audio
> That would be the Peak Program Meters (PPM) from RTW. And that is only
a display, not an algorithm for sound processing.
> This does not exist yet (as far as I know) as the material that is
supposed to be processed might be of totally different dynamic nature.
> A voice track has an other dynamic range than a classical music track
or a techno club track or a rock ballade for example.
> Therefore it is nearly impossible to pre program a one-fits-all algorithm.
> In my studio I do have a Jünger Audio digital dynamic processor that I
use for vinyl copies or raw audio material that was recorded live that
has to be processed.
> In my cart library I process manually watching my external ppm and
USING MY EARS to find a matching level.
> As I mainly use RIVENDELL for pre production I process the final show
using the JACK plugin JAMIN witch performs very good (without any
pumping) to produce a -0.2 dBFS audio stream I record using Audacity at
the same time. When finished I export the recording as .wav and process
it with lame in high quality. This file is then uploaded to the dropbox
of the broadcast computer and then aired as scheduled.
> About working levels
> I hear different opinions about levels in this group.
> There are clear definitions about levels in a professional broadcast
> First: 0 dBFS means the maximum level w/o distortion in a digital
environment (FS = Full Scale)
> In the area of the European Broadcast Union (EBU) the following levels
have been agreed on:
> Nominal Level and Test Tones:
> +6 dBU = 1,550 V = 0 dBr (VU) = -9 dBFS
> In the area of the Audio Engineers Society (AES) the following levels
have been agreed on:
> Nominal Levels and Text Tones:
> +4 dBU = 1.228 V = 0 VU = -20 dBFS
> Why?
> +6 dBU was selected to produce a high signal/noise radio in a
symmetric line environment
> -9 dBFS was selected because large digital headrooms are not a
necessity in a pre processed audio signal environment
> 0 dBr is the 0 dB mark on a PPM
> -20 dBFS was selected to provide enough digital headroom in a live
signal environment in order to protect the live recorded material from
clipping in a digital environment
> CD / DVD production
> In the beginning of the digital audio age a CD was produced AAD
(Analogue Recording, Analogue Mastering, Digital Product):
> The recording was made on a analogue multitrack recorder such as
STUDER and then mixed down in a studio on a 2 track tape (mainly with
DOLBY SR or TELCOM C noise reduction).
> This tape was then processed in a PREMASTERING STUDIO. There this tape
was EQed and dynamically processed and then recorded on a U-MATIC
digital Audio Recorder with pq encoding.
> The pq encoding was the track, subtrack and pause marks as well as the
index (Table Of Contents, TOC) of the CD.
> As there was NO digital audio processing at that time it was a lot of
work to copy the analogue tape as the individual peaks had to be found
out first in oder to provide the maximum available dynamic range for the
> In addition there is an option called emphasis - this is some sort of
noise reduction in a digital envir

Re: [RDD] RMS levels (some definitions)

2012-08-05 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

rotter supports FLAC, WAV, MP3, Vorbis. I've been using it in
production for lossless (4-week) archives and lossy (6 month) archives
for over a year and a half now. It's stable and works flawlessly.

James Harrison

On 05 August 2012 15:27:38, Chris Cramer wrote:
> Right. I forgot: rotter suports higher bitrates but no high quality 
> encoding...
> On Sun, 5 Aug 2012 16:15:32 +0200
> Chris Cramer  wrote:
>> Hi Wayne,
>> I shrink the Audacity window to a minimum, so it ain't no problem pressing 
>> record in due time and cut the beginning second w/o audio signal afterwords.
>> Rotter works automatically according to its internal time schedule (every 
>> hour a new file) as far as I understand.
>> In addition it produces .mp3 in 128 kBit only - witch is way to poor for 
>> professional FM broadcast quality.
>> It is a nice tool for documentation purposes though.
>> Cheers, Chris.
>> On Sun, 5 Aug 2012 14:50:47 +0100
>> "Wayne Merricks"  wrote:
>>> Lots of good info here, regarding Audacity for recording.  Would something 
>>> like rotter be easier considering you could automate it?  Having to click 
>>> record in Audacity seems a bit clunky to me or is there another mysterious 
>>> way of using Audacity that I don't know about?
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: on behalf of Chris 
>>> Cramer
>>> Sent: Sun 05/08/2012 13:39
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: [RDD] RMS levels (some definitions)
>>> Hi all,
>>> About levels,
>>> this is a part of the mastering process of a recording and there might be a 
>>> reason why this is still done manually in the CD production process.
>>> Never the less as fas as I know there is only one product in the market 
>>> that is able to calculate and display a volume level of an audio signal.
>>> That would be the Peak Program Meters (PPM) from RTW. And that is only a 
>>> display, not an algorithm for sound processing.
>>> This does not exist yet (as far as I know) as the material that is supposed 
>>> to be processed might be of totally different dynamic nature.
>>> A voice track has an other dynamic range than a classical music track or a 
>>> techno club track or a rock ballade for example.
>>> Therefore it is nearly impossible to pre program a one-fits-all algorithm.
>>> In my studio I do have a Jünger Audio digital dynamic processor that I use 
>>> for vinyl copies or raw audio material that was recorded live that has to 
>>> be processed.
>>> In my cart library I process manually watching my external ppm and USING MY 
>>> EARS to find a matching level.
>>> As I mainly use RIVENDELL for pre production I process the final show using 
>>> the JACK plugin JAMIN witch performs very good (without any pumping) to 
>>> produce a -0.2 dBFS audio stream I record using Audacity at the same time. 
>>> When finished I export the recording as .wav and process it with lame in 
>>> high quality. This file is then uploaded to the dropbox of the broadcast 
>>> computer and then aired as scheduled.
>>> About working levels
>>> I hear different opinions about levels in this group.
>>> There are clear definitions about levels in a professional broadcast 
>>> environment.
>>> First: 0 dBFS means the maximum level w/o distortion in a digital 
>>> environment (FS = Full Scale)
>>> In the area of the European Broadcast Union (EBU) the following levels have 
>>> been agreed on:
>>> Nominal Level and Test Tones:
>>> +6 dBU = 1,550 V = 0 dBr (VU) = -9 dBFS
>>> In the area of the Audio Engineers Society (AES) the following levels have 
>>> been agreed on:
>>> Nominal Levels and Text Tones:
>>> +4 dBU = 1.228 V = 0 VU = -20 dBFS
>>> Why?
>>> EBU
>>> +6 dBU was selected to produce a high signal/noise radio in a symmetric 
>>> line environment
>>> -9 dBFS was selected because large digital headrooms are not a necessity in 
>>> a pre processed audio signal environment
>>>  0 dBr is the 0 dB mark on a PPM
>>> AES
>>> -20 dBFS was selected to provide enough digital headroom in a live signal 
>>> environment in or

Re: [RDD] Problems with Rsync

2012-07-31 Thread James Harrison

Hash: SHA1
Have you considered a distributed filesystem that implements client-side
caching, or that just simply works better than NFS? (Not difficult to
beat NFS, mind you...)

I've never tried GlusterFS for Rivendell but it might work quite well.
I've had good experience with it for image databases.

James Harrison

On 31/07/2012 17:16, Morten Krarup Nielsen wrote:
> When I discovered incomplete files on the client-pc, I was just
> importing a file or two on the server via RDlibrary - nothing fancy
> being done there. I guess I could add a sleep command to my script,
> but eventually I would be unlucky that Rsync on the client would
> conflict with some file operation on the server.
> Maybe Rsync isn't the way to go? What are other people using for
> syncing /var/snd between computers?
> Thank you.
> Kind regards,
> Morten
> 2012/7/31 Gregg Wonderly :
>> Practically, I don't think it makes sense to do this continuously. A
sleep between runs of at least 5 seconds, will unload your machine so
that it can do other things, otherwise it will be quite busy starting
and stopping these processes.
>> I'll let others talk about the specifics of Rivendell, as I'm still
getting up to speed on what interactions are between the parts of the
system. But, overall, if you are dropping files into the server with
simple file copies, with, potentially incomplete files existing on the
server, at the time that rsync runs, then it can create incomplete files
on the client.
>> When I want to have filesystem synchronization like this going on, I
sometimes do things like copy to a different directory, on the same
filesystem, and then use "ssh" back to the server, and move (mv) all the
new files into the correct directory. Then, they will be complete,
because a "mv" on the same file system will be a link and unlink,
instead of a copy and remove.
>> Are you populating the server directory with simple file
copy/creation operations which can cause incomplete files to be visible
to the rsync?
>> Gregg Wonderly
>> On Jul 31, 2012, at 9:27 AM, Morten Krarup Nielsen
>>> Hi.
>>> I've installed the Paravel Broadcast CD on a PC which operates as a
>>> file-server and MySQL server for my Rivendell setup. I need two client
>>> machines to be able to voice-track. Since they're far far away, I
>>> thought of keeping a local backup of /var/snd on both client machines.
>>> I tried mounting the folder via NFS, but it was to slow to work with,
>>> I tried with a small Rsync-script which should run on the client. The
>>> thought was that it should run in a loop, so it always get new music
>>> from the server, and in the same time uploads voice-tracks to the
>>> file-server.
>>> However I get all kind of errors: Missing files on both sides, message
>>> showing "No energy data" in 'Edit markers' and so on.
>>> What should be the right approach to this?
>>> Thank you!
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Morten
>>> My small script:
>>> #!/bin/sh
>>> while true ;
>>> do
>>> #from server to client
>>> rsync -avz -e ssh root@ /var
>>> #from client to server
>>> rsync -avz -e ssh /var/snd root@
>>> done
>>> ___
>>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
>> ___
>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list

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Re: [RDD] RPM with all dependencies for Rivendell install

2012-07-25 Thread James Harrison
Worth noting that Debian squeeze does have lame, it's just in 

It'll be in wheezy by default.

James Harrison

On 25 July 2012 14:36:15, Rob Landry wrote:
> Some dependencies may not be available in some distributions. For example,
> in CentOS 6.2, soundtouch, twolame, lame, and libmad aren't available via
> yum. I had to compile them from source.
> Additionally, the id3lib CentOS 6.2 package is buggy, so I had to compile
> it from source too.
> In Debian 6.0 "Squeeze", all the required packages are available via
> apt-get except lame.
> The asi-hpi driver isn't available in any distro's package manager as far
> as I know.
> Rob
> On Mon, 23 Jul 2012, Fred Gleason wrote:
>> On Jul 23, 2012, at 16:21 15, Gregg Wonderly wrote:
>>> Has anyone crafted an empty RPM which has, as dependencies, all the 
>>> available packages that RPM supporting distros need?  As I waded through 
>>> installing all the packages, and found various listings of command lines to 
>>> do that, I wondered if it wouldn't be useful to just create an empty RPM 
>>> (maybe it installs a demo log or something, as well as perhaps run a 
>>> post-install script that would do much of the manual mysql config etc.
>> It's not at all clear to me why such a thing would be useful.  Why not just 
>> an RPM (*not* empty) with these dependencies that installs Rivendell?
>> When you say 'supporting distros', what exactly do you mean?  A single 
>> "universal" package dependency list that is distro-independent is not 
>> possible, simply because different distros use different package names.  For 
>> example, on OpenSuSE, the package that provides the MySQL database server is 
>> called 'mysql', whereas on RedHat, it's called 'mysql-server'.  Many other 
>> examples could be cited.
>> FWIW, the 'make rpm' target in the Rivendell build system will generate RPMs 
>> with correct dependency data on and for CentOS/RedHat (such that yum(8) will 
>> automatically add the appropriate dependencies when executing 'yum install 
>> rivendell').  This same target should likewise work the same way on 
>> OpenSuSE, although I haven't personally tested this for OpenSuSE versions 
>> later than 11.2.  I will gladly accept patches to add support for RPM 
>> generation (or package generation for other packaging systems) on other 
>> platforms.
>> Cheers!
>> |-|
>> | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |   Chief Developer   |
>> |   |   Paravel Systems   |
>> |-|
>> |  A room without books is like a body without a soul.|
>> | -- Cicero   |
>> |-|
>> ___
>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Re: [RDD] RMS levels

2012-07-16 Thread James Harrison

Hash: SHA1
Quite a heavy-handed solution but might be useful just to look at code -
I keep meaning to rewrite this but never have the time.

Specifically there's a little Ruby class to talk to the libebur128
loudness scanner
( and some
code that handles mild compression, gain adjustment etc in here:

That'll actually edit files to adjust gain since it's designed to be
playout system agnostic. But might be of some use to you.

James Harrison

On 16/07/2012 20:00, Fernando Della Torre wrote:
> Hello folks!
> I know this question has been here before and some of you have a
particular point of view about normalization as a way to keep levels
(peaks) at the desired numbers for technical and security reasons, as
avoid clipping.
> But at the same time, once we use peak normalizing there will be a
great loudness difference between the songs, and it's not good when you
have no operador to bring the faders up and take them down.
> To work around this situation I have been using the normalize function
to keep the peaks at -13db and manually set the play level gain
according to the necessary for each song, sometimes reaching more than
5db of gain.
> How do you people handle this?
> I'm thinking about writting some code to analyse the wav files from
Rivendell and put a value in the play level using mysql, so they would
have allmost the same loudness, and my processor (no AGC here) would
work better.
> Would it be useful somehow?
> Opinions are always welcome!
> Regards,
> Atenciosamente,
> *Fernando Della Torre*
> Tecnologia da Informação
> (: +55 16 8137-1240
> (: +55 16 9137-2886
> *: <>_
> V.D.I.T. Soluções em Virtualização
> A utilização deste e-mail não implica em autorização ou outorga de
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citadas, cuja representação considera-se válida se praticada
exclusivamente por representante legal ou procurador devidamente
constituído, na forma estabelecida em seu respectivo estatuto ou
contrato social
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list

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Re: [RDD] Shoutcast Album Art.

2012-07-09 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

Even if you're not an FM/AM/DAB station the RadioVIS specification in
RadioDNS is worth looking at for time-synchronised content. And if
you're on FM, then you can use the spec out of the box, effectively. and see
for an example.

There is no real standard for embedding station images in radio feed
metadata - most of the time that's just app-specific stuff. TuneIn on
mobile, Radioplayer on the web (in the UK at least) and so on. Submit
logos to the apps and media directories and you'll get most people.

James Harrison

On 09 July 2012 20:11:28, Nathan Steele wrote:
> Not sure if this is really a Rivendell question, but how does one get
> album art or a station logo to display in shoutcast?Presumably one would
> need the pics hosted somewhere accesable and a way to send that url to
> the SC server via the metadata? Anyone have this working?
> Actually for the time being it would be great to just get a station logo up.
> Thanks,
> Nathan
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Re: [RDD] Clock not synchronizing

2012-07-01 Thread James Harrison

Hash: SHA1
Sorry, I meant 'ntptime'; ntpdate is a different tool.

James Harrison

On 01/07/2012 09:44, James Harrison wrote:
> What does 'ntpq -p' show? Or 'ntpdate'?
> Pastebin the contents of your ntp.conf, too.
> Cheers,
> James Harrison
> On 30/06/2012 23:16, Rob Landry wrote:
> > I don't believe I've seen this before: I've got ntpd running, and
the time
> > as shown by the "date" command exactly matches the time shown by my
> > computers.
> > But the time displayed by rdairplay is several seconds off, and the
> > display is flashing red.
> > This is the Rivendell 2.1.4/CentOS 6.2 machine I built last week. It
> > wasn't behaving like this wen I last ran it on Tuesday.
> > Rob
> > ___
> > Rivendell-dev mailing list
> >
> >

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Re: [RDD] Clock not synchronizing

2012-07-01 Thread James Harrison

Hash: SHA1
What does 'ntpq -p' show? Or 'ntpdate'?

Pastebin the contents of your ntp.conf, too.

James Harrison

On 30/06/2012 23:16, Rob Landry wrote:
> I don't believe I've seen this before: I've got ntpd running, and the time
> as shown by the "date" command exactly matches the time shown by my other
> computers.
> But the time displayed by rdairplay is several seconds off, and the
> display is flashing red.
> This is the Rivendell 2.1.4/CentOS 6.2 machine I built last week. It
> wasn't behaving like this wen I last ran it on Tuesday.
> Rob
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list

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Re: [RDD] Rivendell with some Pi

2012-06-30 Thread James Harrison

Hash: SHA1
You may have some Fun with your USB sound card, particularly with
bus-powered ones. Draw too much USB power (200mA seemed to be enough to
do it for me) and the ethernet port stops working properly. Not too
handy. Rules out a Behringer UCA202 without a 3-wired USB lead (cut
power, leave gnd, data+/- intact) between the Pi and a powered hub into
which you can plug your sound card.

James Harrison

On 28/06/2012 18:51, Jake Novak wrote:
> Ditto here? great report! This was actually going to be my next
project on the pi (I?m waiting on my new USB soundcard to come in), but
I?m glad to hear it probably won?t take too much to get this thing
running RD fluidly.
> -Jake
> *From:*
[] *On Behalf Of
*Andy Sayler
> *Sent:* Thursday, June 28, 2012 10:05 AM
> *To:* User discussion about the Rivendell Radio Automation System
> *Subject:* Re: [RDD] Rivendell with some Pi
> I also have a few of these sitting on my desk that I've been meaning
to play with. Maybe I'll give them a go with RD too.
> Thanks for the report!
> -Andy
> <>
> <>
> On Thu, Jun 28, 2012 at 7:22 AM, Wayne Merricks>>
> Hi all,
> Not sure if anyone is interested but I received a Raspberry Pi
> ( about a week ago and thought I'd try
> shoving Rivendell on it to see what happened.
> The reason for my meddling is that its a $35 board about the size of a
> credit card with the height of approx a 2.5" hard drive. It runs off a
> 5v micro usb power supply or you can use 4 AA batteries (no idea how
> long they last).
> It also has 8 on board GPIO connectors, RS232 pin connectors and can
> hook directly up to an LCD screen using the standard ribbon cable (or
> HDMI or Component Video).
> Anyway I loaded up the Debian Wheezy BETA image onto a 16GB SD Card and
> then followed the instructions for a normal Debian from source install.
> It took 6 and a half hours to compile but it installed without a
> problem. It is just about usable however it struggles a lot.
> I'd put it in a slightly worse category than an old P4 for usage. I've
> not tried Riv on anything older so can't really get a good comparison.
> Here are the problems:
> ripcd takes up 100% CPU, which makes everything very sluggish
> No idea how to get GPIO working
> Playing more than 1 MP2 file caused glitches during the cross fade. I
> did mean to try it with plain WAV audio but haven't had the time (I
> believe this is due to a lack of CPU power but it could also be an audio
> chip issue as I don't have any decent USB sound cards handy).
> I tried offloading the Apache side to a normal PC running Riv but I keep
> getting errors generating peaks etc. I've never tried this before so
> I've probably just configured something wrong.
> The Wheezy image is BETA at the moment and the Pi folks are tweaking
> things to offload more to the graphics chip thats on board (which is
> capable of playing Quake 3). If it improves it could be a nice little
> play out box with a decent USB sound card. Pair it with a touch screen
> and tack the board on the back for a cheap "all in one" Rivendell machine.
> --
> Wayne Merricks
> The Voice Asia
> 0121 522 6075
> ###
> Scanned by MailMarshal
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> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> Rivendell-dev@lists.rivendellaud

Re: [RDD] Compile under Ubuntu 10.04

2012-06-10 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

Okay - well, I'd still suggest checking out the Tryphon packages.
They'll save you a lot of time and bother if you can use them.

The list of dependencies I had for 10.04 can be installed like so -
give this a shot and see if a reconfigure and make then works:

sudo aptitude install libcdparanoia-dev libflac++-dev libflac-dev \
 libsamplerate0-dev libid3tag0-dev libid3-3.8.3-dev \
 libcurl4-gnutls-dev libsndfile1-dev libpam0g-dev \
 libsoundtouch1-dev alsa-source libtwolame-dev libmp3lame-dev \
 libmad0-dev libqt3-mt-mysql qt3-dev-tools qt3-dev-tools-compat \
 qt4-dev-tools libjack-dev libjack0.100.0-dev jackd qjackctl \
 jackeq jack-rack jack-capture libasound2-dev mysql-client \
 polymer qt3-qtconfig patchage

(Scrap any packages you know you don't need like jackd/jackeq/etc if
you're not planning on using JACK)

James Harrison

On 10 June 2012 18:37:24, Hoggins! wrote:
> OK, sorry, my mystake, it's 11.10. And for a number of reasons, I
> can't switch to 12.04 right now. But I've always compiled from source
> on other systems, even old (like deprecated versions of Fedora),
> without consequent problems.
> I'm talking about Qt3 packages, as, if I remember well, Qt4 is not yet
> supported by Rivendell.
> Le 10/06/2012 17:45, James Harrison a écrit :
>> Also, why 10.04? 12.04 is out and stable now, has been for a couple of
>> months, and is also Long Term Support. Hop along on the new stable
>> release! Plus, there's packages from the chaps at Tryphon for 12.04
>> (10.04 too, iirc, but why bother with an old LTS?)
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Compile under Ubuntu 10.04

2012-06-10 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

You're sure they're qt3 packages, not qt4?

Also, why 10.04? 12.04 is out and stable now, has been for a couple of
months, and is also Long Term Support. Hop along on the new stable
release! Plus, there's packages from the chaps at Tryphon for 12.04
(10.04 too, iirc, but why bother with an old LTS?)

James Harrison

On 10 June 2012 16:26:38, Hoggins! wrote:
> Hello list,
> I'm trying to compile under Ubuntu 10.04, but I come accross a problem
> I seem unable to solve. I couldn't even make it to the "make" part, I
> get stuck at "configure" level.
> There is a problem with my Qt installation, and I can't find what is
> wrong.
> When I run ./configure, it fails saying that it doesn't match the
> components of a complete Qt installation. The output of the little
> test program is as follows :
> /usr/src/rivendell-2.0.2$ g++ -I/usr/include/qt3 -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT
> -c -g -O2 -o moc_bnv_qt_test.o
> erreur: #error "The header file
> 'bnv_qt_test.h' doesn't include ."
> erreur: ‘QT_BEGIN_MOC_NAMESPACE’ does not
> name a type
> erreur: ‘const QMetaObject
> Test::staticMetaObject’ is not a static member of ‘class Test’
> erreur: variable ‘const QMetaObject
> Test::staticMetaObject’ has initializer but incomplete type
> erreur: ‘qt_meta_data_Test’ was not declared
> in this scope
> erreur: prototype for ‘const QMetaObject*
> Test::metaObject() const’ does not match any in class ‘Test’
> bnv_qt_test.h:4:1: erreur: candidate is: virtual QMetaObject*
> Test::metaObject() const
> erreur: no ‘void* Test::qt_metacast(const
> char*)’ member function declared in class ‘Test’
> erreur: ‘int Test::qt_metacall’ is not a
> static member of ‘class Test’
> erreur: incomplete type ‘QMetaObject’ used
> in nested name specifier
> erreur: expected primary-expression before ‘int’
> erreur: expected primary-expression before
> ‘void’
> erreur: expression list treated as compound
> expression in initializer [-fpermissive]
> erreur: expected ‘,’ or ‘;’ before ‘{’ token
> I guess something is missing, though I'm unable to find what, and I
> think I have all the necesary components (even unused) components for
> my Qt installation.
> Thanks for your help.
> Hoggins!
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Re: [RDD] autom. delete played cuts.?

2012-06-08 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

You can probably do that too, yes. rdcatch I've never had cause to use,
but I assume it can import files from the filesystem to a cut at a
given date/time. If so, just make a file of 1-2 seconds of silence and
have it overwrite the HTTP download target.

James Harrison

On 08 June 2012 20:48:53, Rüdiger wrote:
> Am 08.06.2012 20:46, schrieb James Harrison:
>> If you're happy enough messing about with MySQL directly you can just
>> delete all cuts belonging to that cart in a script, and run that every
>> day say, 12 hours after you plan to play it? (via crontab, for instance)
> MySql.?? Don't like this. If there soemthing goes wrong..;)
> Hmm. It should be possible to get via rdcatch the next day from another
> location a file with 1 sec. silence into the same cut.???
> --
> Ruediger
> Radio Ostfriesland Techniksupport Automation
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Re: [RDD] autom. delete played cuts.?

2012-06-08 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

If you're happy enough messing about with MySQL directly you can just
delete all cuts belonging to that cart in a script, and run that every
day say, 12 hours after you plan to play it? (via crontab, for instance)

James Harrison

On 08 June 2012 18:17:14, Rüdiger wrote:
> Hi
> How can i prevent the playout of a cut, that every week is downloaded
> via rdcatch, when on that day no file is on the webserver.?
> Using on that station the older version 1.72 and have seen the purge
> ...cuts in rdadmin/groups...
> It is possible to autom. delete the weekly played cut, so if there is no
> new content on the server, the empty card is skipped in that case...???
> --
> Ruediger
> Radio Ostfriesland Techniksupport Automation
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Re: [RDD] OLD: Offline tool to convert a library to a single sample rate

2012-06-07 Thread James Harrison

Hash: SHA1
Can I suggest something along the lines of a very small shell script and
ffmpeg? No point in reinventing the wheel, after all...

Untested, but something like this (make a folder named 'done' first):

for i in *.mp2;do ffmpeg -i "$i" -ar 48000 -ac pcm16le "done/$i";done

It's not really that hard - ffmpeg's documentation is great and
comprehensive. MP2 to PCM, PCM to MP2, and sample rate conversion is all
trivially done. If you want more control you could use sndfile-resample
or anything else using Secret Rabbit Code (libsamplerate) to do sample
rate conversion after conversion to PCM or before compression to MP2.
TwoLAME might also yield better results than ffmpeg for MP2 compression.

James Harrison

On 07/06/2012 18:46, Daniel Bair wrote:
> Fred G,
> I could really use this tool with all the suggested features!
> Thanks!
> Daniel Bair
> Family First Radio Network
> On Monday 13 September 2010 09:33:36 pm admin at
<> wrote:
> >> so why have 48000 there if rdcatch can not do that rate ?
> >
> >It can, but you've got to capture them at that rate too.
> >
> >
> >> Thanks any fixes or ways to convert files and keep same filename
would be
> >> good as others will get caught out with this too.
> >
> >Yes, I'm thinking that an offline tool to convert a library to a
single sample
> >rate and (optionally) encoding format (PCM16 or MPEG) might be a Good
> >I suspect that a number of existing 1.x sites are going to have to
deal with
> >this.
> >
> >Cheers!
> >
> >
> >|-|
> >| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. | Chief Developer |
> >| | Paravel Systems |
> >|-|
> >| A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough |
> >| to take it all away. |
> >| -- Barry Goldwater |
> >|-|
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Compiling Rivendell on fedora 16

2012-05-27 Thread James Harrison

Hash: SHA1
Just a minor detail - Gary, your system (or possibly mail-server) clock
appears to be massively off. Your emails appear to have come variously
from the future and the past. Considered installing a NTP client?

James Harrison

On 27/05/2012 14:48, Gary Hodder wrote:
> Thanks Hoggins that worked.
> Gary.
> On Sun, 2012-05-27 at 22:49 +0200, Hoggins! wrote:
>> Yups. Doing it on every compile, and it works like a charm :
>> In folder cae/, find your Makefile file, seek "LDFLAGS = " and modify
>> it so it displays : "LDFLAGS = -lpthread". Save your Makefile, and
>> rerun make !
>> Hoggins!
>> Le 27/05/2012 21:12, Gary Hodder a écrit :
>>> Trying to compile Rivendell 2.1.4 on Fedora 16 and get the following
>>> error when running make.
>>> Anyone got any ideas.
>>> config.log can be found here
>>> Thanks
>>> Gary.
>>> make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/rivendell-2.1.4/cae'
>>> CXX cae.o
>>> cae.cpp: In member function ‘void MainObject::ProbeCaps(RDStation*)’:
>>> cae.cpp:1932:9: warning: unused variable ‘handle’ [-Wunused-variable]
>>> CXX cae_socket.o
>>> CXX cae_hpi.o
>>> CXX cae_jack.o
>>> CXX cae_alsa.o
>>> /usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin/moc cae.h -o moc_cae.cpp
>>> CXX moc_cae.o
>>> /usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin/moc cae_socket.h -o moc_cae_socket.cpp
>>> CXX moc_cae_socket.o
>>> CXXLD caed
>>> /usr/bin/ld: cae_alsa.o: undefined reference to symbol
>>> 'pthread_create@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
>>> /usr/bin/ld: note: 'pthread_create@@GLIBC_2.2.5' is defined in
>>> DSO /lib64/ so try adding it to the linker command line
>>> /lib64/ could not read symbols: Invalid operation
>>> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
>>> make[1]: *** [caed] Error 1
>>> make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/rivendell-2.1.4/cae'
>>> make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
>>> ___
>>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
>> ___
>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Compiling Rivendell on fedora 16

2012-05-27 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

sudo yum install libpthread-dev, perhaps? (I'm a bit rusty on dev
package naming for Fedora, but looks like you're missing the pthread
library at any rate).

James Harrison

On 27 May 2012 20:12:58, Gary Hodder wrote:
> Trying to compile Rivendell 2.1.4 on Fedora 16 and get the following
> error when running make.
> Anyone got any ideas.
> config.log can be found here
> Thanks
> Gary.
> make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/rivendell-2.1.4/cae'
>   CXXcae.o
> cae.cpp: In member function ‘void MainObject::ProbeCaps(RDStation*)’:
> cae.cpp:1932:9: warning: unused variable ‘handle’ [-Wunused-variable]
>   CXXcae_socket.o
>   CXXcae_hpi.o
>   CXXcae_jack.o
>   CXXcae_alsa.o
> /usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin/moc cae.h -o moc_cae.cpp
>   CXXmoc_cae.o
> /usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin/moc cae_socket.h -o moc_cae_socket.cpp
>   CXXmoc_cae_socket.o
>   CXXLD  caed
> /usr/bin/ld: cae_alsa.o: undefined reference to symbol
> 'pthread_create@@GLIBC_2.2.5'
> /usr/bin/ld: note: 'pthread_create@@GLIBC_2.2.5' is defined in
> DSO /lib64/ so try adding it to the linker command line
> /lib64/ could not read symbols: Invalid operation
> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> make[1]: *** [caed] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/rivendell-2.1.4/cae'
> make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Re: [RDD] More dead air

2012-05-21 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

+1 for Nagios here - try (username
'guest') if you want to see what we've got set up (nothing specific to
Rivendell in there yet).

We also run on a PC in the
main office so if anything goes wrong, it's typically a "Hi, monitor is
showing X broken" call rather than "No audio" which helps massively.
And of course it'll email you on faults anyway, and there's various
Android/iPhone clients.
lives on one of my displays here just to assure me everything is okay

Nagios also has the advantage of loads of plugins - you can get
performance data monitoring stuff which will draw you graphs of disk
usage etc as measured, which are always handy for spotting trends and
predictors for failure.

Plus it's trivial to extend -
for instance is our audio processor for our FM broadcast, which
monitors all the various levels and ability to connect (we wrote the
plugin to interface with the proprietary UDP interface from scratch).
We also have this in Graphite, which is great for graphing metrics -
try for a graph of our processor's levels over the
day. Great for spotting shows that over/undermodulate. Likewise we can
check our RDS encoder over the serial-telnet bridge we use to talk to
it -
for example.

I'm going to be setting up a new Nagios installation for a temporary
event setup of Rivendell; I'll share any Rivendell-specific plugins I
whip up in the course of doing so.

Back slightly more on-topic - is VNC required to be to that machine? If
you have another machine couldn't you VNC into that to rdlogedit, or
are you remotely running shows using rdairplay and VNC? The VNC to
rdlogedit with autorefresh on the rdairplay logs/service approach has
the advantage that if it is VNC, you don't break the playout machine...

James Harrison

On 22 May 2012 00:37:31, Christopher Cmolik (RIT Student) wrote:
> You may want to set up something like Nagios or Zabbix (much easier
> IMHO) to monitor this kind of stuff, stick it on a nice web UI, and
> send you pages when mem usage gets too high.
> Some of our "CATASTROPHIC FAILURE" scenarios include:
>  * RDAirplay not running on the "Playout" boxes
>  * Apache, darkice, or icecast not running on our streaming server
>  * MySQL not running
>  * MySQL not taking connections
>  * MySQL taking up too much memory
>  * Disk space too low on our audio share
> On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 3:16 PM, Rob Landry <
> <>> wrote:
> Once again I got a "we're off the air" call, couldn't VNC into the
> box,
> and connected via ssh to find Xorg eating 80% of the system memory
> and the
> load displayed by "w" was up over 3.
> There are two Rivendell machines I shall call Tweedledum and
> Tweedledee;
> they are identical in every way: same hardware, same software, same
> schedule. Tweedledum is the one that has had the problem both times;
> Tweedledee just keeps on going like the rabbit in the old Ennergizer
> commercials.
> I am going to guess that x11vnc is responsible; I never had the
> problem
> when I was running vino-server. Tweedledum gets a lot more VNC
> connections
> than Tweedledee, and sometimes the screen will freeze during a VNC
> session. Could x11vnc be buggy on Debian Squeeze?
> I've killed x11vnc for now and gone back to vino-server. I also
> set up a
> cron job to notify me if Xorg eats more than 5% of memory; maybe I can
> catch this thing in its early stages.
> Rob
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> <>
> --
> Chris Cmolik
> RIT Information Technology '13
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Re: [RDD] CVS vs GIT [WAS: Rivendell accross multiple monitors]

2012-05-11 Thread James Harrison

Hash: SHA1
On 11/05/2012 18:48, Fred Gleason wrote:
> On May 10, 2012, at 13:50 18, James Harrison wrote:
>> Little bit OT: How about getting Rivendell 3.x in Git/throwing it up
on Github?
> I agree with you in principle. However, at the moment we're at a place
that is sort of reminiscent of the old vaudeville act: the guy with the
tableful of spinning plates that he all keeps going simultaneously.
Specifically, we've got *two* active branches going (Head and
v2_branch), which still have a fair amount of cross-porting going on
between them. *Not* a time to be changing out as fundamental a piece of
the development infrastructure as the version control system!
> Perhaps when v3.x goes beta, we can do this.
Sounds good. Looking forward to it!
>> CVS is now old enough that I have issues installing it on most distros
I use... :-)
> Really? Which distros are that? I've used CVS on easily a dozen
different distros over the years; with one exception, it's always 'just
worked' out of the box. (The exception was Slackware, which needed
$CVS_RSH to be exported before the 'ext' method would work).
Ubuntu Studio 12.04, but it was in alpha at the time. I'd agree it's
pretty simple to get set up on most systems, but then, so is git.. :-)

> Cheers!
> |-|
> | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. | Chief Developer |
> | | Paravel Systems |
> |-|
> | "No, `Eureka!' is Greek for `This bath is too hot!'" |
> | -- Dr. Who |
> |-|
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Streamdata (Song titles) to a shoutcast server

2012-05-11 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

Screen and nohup are both handy tools; I read the original post as
saying that the netcat instance was actually crashing rather than just
not persisting through a closed window (though in this case, netcat
would need to be run in screen/nohup in any case - I had assumed this
was the case originally).

James Harrison

On 11 May 2012 15:03:55, drew Roberts wrote:
> On Friday 11 May 2012 08:11:59 Wayne Merricks wrote:
>> nohup basically means the process will keep running after the terminal
>> is closed (or your ssh session has ended).
>> e.g on start up run:
>> nohup command_to_run > path_to_file_to_save_output &
>> This should make the command run in the background with all output
>> logged to the file specified
> I like screen. I can reattach and see what is going on rather than looking at
> a file. Control things that can be controlled.
> I need to think if there are times where nohup would make more sense though.
> all the best,
> drew
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Streamdata (Song titles) to a shoutcast server

2012-05-10 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

Bit of a nasty kludge, but if netcat is dying regularly:

while true; do netcat blah; sleep 5; done

Best solution like Fred said is to update, though.

James Harrison

On 10 May 2012 22:17:06, Geoff Barkman wrote:
> May be there is something wrong to the process running in the
> background with an ampersand (&) ?
> If you wanted to get rid of the terminals and still run it the way you
> do. Bring up the non-graphical login screen on Ubuntu run one process
> on ALT-CTRL-F2 and the other on ALT-CTRL-F3. To return to the
> graphical environment hit ALT-CTRL-F7 (where your Rdairplay is
> running)
> On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 11:42 PM, Tom Dawson  wrote:
>> Not really a solution, but it has been working for us for nearly 3 months
>> now :) Also on Ubuntu 10.04 with 1.72 here... I just leave two terminal
>> windows running in the background - one for and and I
>> manually start the netcat process with settings in the other, for example:
>> netcat -k -u -l 6868 > /home/user/streamdata/song.dat
>> It's not especially elegant as there's a two terminal windows there, but
>> most of our presenters only use RDAirplay anyway so it isn't an issue for us
>> at present.
>> Come to mention it, I was testing this on another machine the other day, and
>> netcat did die for me whenever it was launched from a script. I.e. it would
>> save one title update to the song.dat file but would then end. Thought
>> nothing of it as I was just experimenting, but could be an issue with
>> ubuntu/netcat maybe?
>> I seem to remember Fred G mentioned something about RLMs for now/next data,
>> does anyone know if RD 2.X RLMs will work with 1.72? Or am I just being
>> daft?
>> HTH
>> Tom Dawson
>> On 10/05/2012 12:32, Geoff Barkman wrote:
>>> I've been following the instructions on the Rivendell Wiki.
>>> I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 with Rivendell 1.72
>>> But netcat dies after a few mins of sending track titles to a shoutcast
>>> server.
>>> I've modified as per the instructions...
>>> NOTE: If you are using Ubuntu 10.04, due to changes in the netcat of
>>> this version, you'll have to change the options passed to "nc" in the
>>> "" file. Change
>>> netcat -l -u -p $port>  $songdat&
>>> to
>>> netcat -k -u -l $port>  $songdat&
>>> Anyone else had this problem and how did you solve it?
>>> Many thanks
>>> Geoff
>>> ___
>>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Tom Dawson
>>> Fantasy Radio
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Rivendell accross multiple monitors

2012-05-10 Thread James Harrison

Hash: SHA1
Having a more flexible interface for rdairplay/rdpanel (and maybe other
tools) with pluggable modules, maybe some generic ones (display image
refreshed periodically, display result of command rerun periodically,
script tray for show/log+current song notes, extra meters etc), all of
which could be dynamically swapped out depending on station or presenter
requirements? Just have a button next to that area which lets you pick
from the available modules.

Of course, making the entire UI flexible in this way would be very neat.
It would probably require significant refactoring to pull out specific
stuff from rdairplay to a public API, but the results could be great -
primarily vocal shows could have their main log next to a big script
window, music shows can have their main detailed log next to a button
panel and an aux log for playing hooks etc... lot of work, but the
payoff could be huge.

That, and I suspect I'm not the only one who reckons that a bit of an
overhaul of the Rivendell GUI wouldn't hurt. (Well, maybe it'd hurt
Fred, but... :-)) It does all look a bit tired and a pretty face may not
have significant technical benefits, but it does help a lot when trying
to convince management etc.

Little bit OT: How about getting Rivendell 3.x in Git/throwing it up on
Github? CVS is now old enough that I have issues installing it on most
distros I use... :-)

James Harrison

On 10/05/2012 15:22, John Anderson wrote:
> I don't like complicating Rivendell with a bunch of other
we can see, just about everyone has a different thought on what works
for them...
> (I like the ability to put liner cards and stuff up, some people want
promo copy, etc)...
> what could really be interesting is a window, that you could run other
programs of choice...I saw this with some bbs software years ago, you
could basically "drop to dos", and then run anything you wanted, the
program would then display the program to the caller on the other end of
the modem)... we don't need to go that far, but if there was a window,
that could be assigned at will, everyone might be happy???
> -
> *From:* T.J. Misilo 
> *To:* User discussion about the Rivendell Radio Automation System

> *Sent:* Thursday, May 10, 2012 10:14 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [RDD] Rivendell accross multiple monitors
> I would suggest adding the ability to monitor inputs to Rivendell or
the sound card. In our current system setup we play out tracks through
rdairplay into our mixer then record back into the computer and send the
audio to the encoder (darkice) using jack. It would be nice if you could
select an additional channel or channels to monitor as a visual cue to
the host that their audio is making it back into the system, and at a
proper level.
> T.J.
> Florida Tech College Radio
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Rivendell accross multiple monitors

2012-05-10 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

+1 to the segue idea. Being able to put scripts into Rivendell that can
be displayed in that area would also be great - not all stations do
voicetracking so this would perhaps be useful to them. Detailed current
item info might also be useful (notes etc).
- - this is how Myriad's log screen looks (the new one, V4, at least) -
the segue editor there lets you drag the waveforms about to change
links, just for some reflection on what that product does.

Also - with 16x9 monitors we'd have more space both in rdairplay -and-
rdpanel; what could go in the side of rdpanel other than more buttons?

James Harrison

On 10 May 2012 07:10:09, Morten Krarup Nielsen wrote:
>> I am experimenting with this for v3.x right now.  One item that is already 
>> on the roadmap is a voicetracker for the right-hand side, since we now have 
>> the required real estate.
> That sounds really nice :-)
>> What are some other useful things we could do with that extra real estate?
> One thing could be graphics showing the waveform for the current
> playing song with small indications of segue, talk-time and so on.
> This way, the host quickly gets an idea of how the track ends.
> Kind regards,
> Morten
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Re: [RDD] Possible Bug - RDAirPlay Quitting During RDLogin User Change

2012-05-09 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

Now that's efficiency! :-)

James Harrison

On 09 May 2012 20:25:32, Fred Gleason wrote:
> On May 9, 2012, at 14:37 19, Aaron Horn wrote:
>> The issue I am having is that if one changes user with RDLogin whilst
>> RDAirPlay is playing a panel, RDAirPlay quits very soon after (not
>> immediately, but seemingly when the audio from the panel that was
>> playing ends).
> Already fixed in CVS-v2_branch.  This should be released shortly as part of 
> v2.1.4.
> Cheers!
> |-|
> | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |   Chief Developer   |
> |   |   Paravel Systems   |
> |-|
> |   Some people call them "cars" or "trucks"; I call them "dimensional|
> |   transmogrifiers" because they change three-dimensional cats into  |
> |   two-dimensional ones. |
> | -- F. Frederick Skitty  |
> |-|
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Rivendell accross multiple monitors

2012-05-09 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

You can stick RDpanel on one screen and RDairplay on another. This lets
you hit all your jingles and whatnot off the quick play buttons in
rdpanel while still being able to manage the log. This is quite similar
to Myriad (if Instant Carts filled an entire monitor) in terms of UI.

James Harrison

On 09 May 2012 20:02:31, nathan lawson wrote:
> Hi all
> What I would like to see in a later version of Rivendell is the option
> to run Airplay + the quickfire buttons on one screen and a log listing
> on another (basically the one on the main log button now) so that you
> can always see the log "Live" as well as see-ing your quick play
> buttons. The only ones i see doing it at the moment are RCS Master
> Control and Myriad v4 here in the UK.
> Any thoughts?
> --
> Nathan Lawson
> Manager/Designer
> NL Media
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Auto Recovery Question

2012-05-04 Thread James Harrison
Hash: SHA1

Am I missing something here, or is there a reason why the user in the
studio can't just turn Rivendell off on the mixer?

I'm not aware of a graphical countdown app which behaves in the way you
want. And I'd avoid adding complexity to something which, when
unattended, really -has- to work, unless you really need to.

Running a graphical terminal window with a little script which echos
"CTRL + C TO STOP ME RUNNING RDAIRPLAY", sleeps 10s, then runs
rdairplay would be the way I'd go if I had to, though. Simple enough
and unlikely to go wrong.

James Harrison

On 05 May 2012 01:41:58, wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been looking at the ability for auto-recovery after an unexpected
> reboot (such as a power failure and failed UPS, etc).
> The information in the Wiki is pretty straight forward - make sure BIOS
> is set to auto-on, Linux set for auto-login, and have a script / auto
> start which fires RDAirplay, loads the log for the day, and does a
> play-next.  Fairly straight forward, I've tested this and it works well.
> I'm probably overlooking some obvious application here, so if I am I
> apologize in advance.
> My question is - does anyone know of a Linux app which will 1) delay a
> settable amount of time before launching an app, and 2) while it is
> delaying, have a visual countdown indicator on the screen with a box you
> can click to cancel launching the app?  Ideally I'd like this app to be
> a graphical app.
> My reasoning - if an unexpected outage and reboot happens when someone
> is in the studio (and lets say - for example - they're playing a CD at
> time time while the computer reboots) I don't always want it to launch
> right into RDAirplay and start playing a log right away.  If someone is
> in the studio I'd like them to have a box pop up on the screen which
> says something like "Launching RDAirplay in XX seconds" (counting down -
> for this example let's say starting at 30 seconds, although this would
> be a setting).  There'd be a Cancel button that could be clicked to
> cancel.  Or if untouched it would launch RDAirplay using the command
> line which auto-loads and starts playing a log.
> I know something like this can be done with the sleep command in the
> command line (which you could always ctrl-break out of it) but I'm
> looking for the equivalent graphical app.
> I know I've seen something like this before but for some reason it slips
> my mind.
> Thanks
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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[RDD] (Another) library import problem - VBR

2012-05-01 Thread James Harrison

Just set up a brand new install of Rivendell on a Ubuntu 12.04 LTS box
with the tryphon oneiric packages.

Importing a 192kbps MP3 works fine. Importing another MP3 with variable
bitrate fails completely - rdxport throws an error in the Import menu
and only part of the file appears to be imported, with no metadata.

If VBR isn't supported it should fail entirely (ie not leave audio in
the DB which can be seen/played back in edit markers) and throw a more
illuminating error message - ideally, though, VBR should be supported,
and the bug here needs squashing (I'm assuming it's a duration
estimation problem?)

James Harrison

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Ideas for Local playback, server sync

2012-04-30 Thread James Harrison
Nope, not in the slightest for MySQL/PostgreSQL. MongoDB's GridFS is 
much more acceptable, but still has a fair old pile of caveats.

James Harrison

On 30 April 2012 15:56:13, Fred Gleason wrote:
> On Apr 30, 2012, at 09:59 36, Wayne Merricks wrote:
>> I assume the situation has improved but storing big files in binary
>> blobs within the DB used to be an absolute nightmare I guess around 10
>> years or more ago.  The only guarantee you had with that method was that
>> one day it will die and it will die horribly.
> I actually did look into doing this in the early days of RD.  I don't imagine 
> things have gotten much better since...
> Cheers!
> |-|
> | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |   Chief Developer   |
> |   |   Paravel Systems   |
> |-|
> |   Some people call them "cars" or "trucks"; I call them "dimensional|
> |   transmogrifiers" because they change three-dimensional cats into  |
> |   two-dimensional ones. |
> | -- F. Frederick Skitty  |
> |-|
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] Ideas for Local playback, server sync

2012-04-30 Thread James Harrison
You're just moving application logic to the SQL server - point is you
need to set up the server to use a given offset for your app. And how do
you define what your app is? By host/IP? Shared setups won't work. It's
too cumbersome and doesn't solve many of the issues.

The 'correct' (widely used) HA/distributed answer is single master, many
slaves, and if you need to fail over, you make a slave the master.
Typically you use middleware like MySQL Proxy to achieve this. If you
want some background reading, High Performance MySQL (O'Reilly) is a
good start, along with MySQL Stored Procedure Programming (also).

MySQL Cluster isn't something that has been discussed much here and it's
perhaps worth looking at for MySQL, since in theory it's a drop-in
solution. It's of course (as with all things MySQL now) somewhat
Oracle-encumbered now but should do multi-master and everything else
discussed here out of the box.

However, the issue of HA for Rivendell doesn't stop at the database.
There's plenty of other stuff to consider, like audio stores and so on.
Having a fully HA MySQL system with multi-master and DNS round-robin
between keeps your DB up all the time assuming no systemic faults, but
now you need bidirectional replication on your audio store, and DNS
round-robin (or IP failover) on that.

For proper HA Rivendell clusters you really need to start looking at
cluster managers, though, and that gets real complex real fast (well
outside the capabilities of most radio techs or even most full-time
sysadmins). If you need five-nines, you can hire a DBA/cluster expert -
if you can't afford it you can probably live with a bit of downtime by
thinking up some other redundancies (say, keep an iPod stocked up with
some relevant music in a box in the studio... or if you've got the
budget, two iPods, one for jingles...)

I do have to wonder what it'd take to get Rivendell on, say, MongoDB -
nonrelational DB, has its own file storage mechanism which allows for
redundancy and high availability and sharding along with the rest of the
DB out of the box with an elected master. I know of a few video sites
using this, and I've had good success using it for an image hosting
website at nontrivial scale. It would remove the file storage as an
independent thing - just hook into Mongo, replica sets on all the
machines with enough space, and you've got as much reliability as you
can afford fairly simply... I'm tempted to try this out to store
/var/snd on my test rig just to see how it'd work.

James Harrison

On 30/04/2012 13:23, Wayne Merricks wrote:
> I agree with the Update/Delete side your app might have to be aware but 
> the whole point of the auto number system is that you don't have to code 
> for it.  Its a server side configuration option.
> Any clients you wanted to bolt on could just use the master server and 
> would never know that their auto number field was going up in 10s rather 
> than 1s.  I was thinking about this kind of set up for just the on air 
> nodes.  What I find odd is there must be lots of companies who have 
> clustered their MySQL servers to do stuff like this, I haven't found any 
> practical solutions for the disaster recovery side of it.
> More generically, there has got to be a company somewhere with offices 
> spread around the country that decided to localise their (My)SQL servers 
> and sync via the WAN connections to save some bandwidth.  It seems like 
> such an obvious use case but finding docs and set up examples is beyond 
> my Google skills at the moment.
> The only thing I've stumbled across (open source wise) is something 
> called Symmetric DS (  It looks 
> promising but I need to get reading I guess.
> Wayne Merricks
> The Voice Asia
> 0121 522 6080
> On 30/04/12 13:08, James Harrison wrote:
>> What kills this though is the application awareness requirement. Ideally
>> any high availability DB implementation should be completely transparent
>> to Rivendell clients to a large extent and you should be able to put
>> pretty much any DB on the end of Rivendell, with HA being done by the DB
>> (and Rivendell just telling clients which server to connect to via
>> ripcd). This way you're not locking everything to one implementation of
>> SQL with a very specific set of interaction requirements. Say I want to
>> bolt on my own, totally unconnected to Rivendell, web interface tied
>> into the DB - that app now has to know how to do all this. Not great.
>> Cheers,
>> James Harrison
>> On 30/04/2012 13:03, Wayne Merricks wrote:
>>> Hi again,
>>> I'm pretty sure it was a SELECT statement that killed it but my me

Re: [RDD] Ideas for Local playback, server sync

2012-04-30 Thread James Harrison
What kills this though is the application awareness requirement. Ideally
any high availability DB implementation should be completely transparent
to Rivendell clients to a large extent and you should be able to put
pretty much any DB on the end of Rivendell, with HA being done by the DB
(and Rivendell just telling clients which server to connect to via
ripcd). This way you're not locking everything to one implementation of
SQL with a very specific set of interaction requirements. Say I want to
bolt on my own, totally unconnected to Rivendell, web interface tied
into the DB - that app now has to know how to do all this. Not great.

James Harrison

On 30/04/2012 13:03, Wayne Merricks wrote:
> Hi again,
> I'm pretty sure it was a SELECT statement that killed it but my memory 
> might be off, its been 3 years since the program was used and about 4 
> since I made it.  What annoyed me was that MySQL would just sit there 
> reporting that the slave was waiting for a bin log update (this was 
> before I knew about things like Nagios so the first I knew was a phone 
> call from the India office moaning that things aren't updating).
> Multi-master inserts can be quite simple but get very complicated very 
> quickly the more nodes you have.  In its simplest form its very easy, 
> you have two nodes.  Node A has its auto number entries starting at 1 
> and increments by 2 (all the odd numbers), hence node B has even auto 
> numbers.
> With a bit of foresight you can do things like the following, auto 
> number increments by 10.  Server A starts at 1, then 11, 21 etc.  Server 
> B, 2, 22 etc
> Obviously this falls over with more than 10 nodes.  You still have 
> problems with updates and deletes though especially after a failure and 
> this is where I'm not sure what MySQL does (in my experience MySQL 
> generally goes into "hmm its all gone Pete Tong so I will sit here doing 
> nothing until someone notices").
> I haven't looked into the DB side of Riv in detail to figure out if the 
> auto number field is critical to any part of it though.  As you can have 
> a situation where Server B not being used very often is sitting at auto 
> number position 4 while Server A has already gone up to 213.
> Wayne Merricks
> The Voice Asia
> 0121 522 6080
> On 30/04/12 11:38, Fred Gleason wrote:
>> On Apr 30, 2012, at 04:36 57, Benjamin D. Fillmore wrote:
>>> When writes to master fail, it triggers the unavailable flag.  Which
>>> sets Rivendell to write only to spool DB, and launches daemon to
>>> periodically check for the master.  Once master is back online, that
>>> daemon flushes the spool to master, resets the flag, checks for any
>>> entries in spool as a result of a race condition, processes them, and
>>> exits gracefully.
>> Ok, now imagine that we have two workstations (or three, or six, or 'N'), 
>> each of which fails over to its respective 'spool' DB instance.  While in 
>> that mode, they each make different, mutually contradictory changes to the 
>> DB.  Now we'd need a way to resolve all of that as part of the recovery 
>> process.
>> Failover is easy.  It's the *recovery* that's the nasty part.  
>> Architecturally, my current thinking is a pair of MySQL instances in 
>> 'master-master' replication, with some application logic to ensure that only 
>> one get's written to at any time.  If *both* of those fail, we could still 
>> have a 'doomsday' mode that would permit operation from a local MySQL 
>> instance on each workstation, but I don't see a way to support automatic 
>> recovery from that state -- any changes made to the various local DBs while 
>> in that mode would basically be lost (or require manual re-integration by a 
>> DBA, which takes it outside the scope of automatic failover).
>> Cheers!
>> |-|
>> | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |   Chief Developer   |
>> |   |   Paravel Systems   |
>> |-|
>> |  "No, `Eureka!' is Greek for `This bath is too hot!'"   |
>> |  -- Dr. Who |
>> |-|
>> ___
>> Rivendell-dev mailing list
>> http://lists.rivendellaudio.

Re: [RDD] Ideas for Local playback, server sync

2012-04-30 Thread James Harrison
Makes sense - maybe my non-C++-skewed brain is thinking there's more
than there really is! That particular file I've been prodding about in a
fair bit trying to figure out things for a web interface.

Reckon adding PostgreSQL support for RD3 would be attainable?

James Harrison

On 30/04/2012 11:20, Fred Gleason wrote:
> On Apr 30, 2012, at 01:05 19, James Harrison wrote:
>> It's a shame the MySQL stuff is so tightly integrated in RD throughout 
>> the codebase; pulling out all that to an abstraction layer might make 
>> life easier for porting to new DBs and implementing stuff like this.
> There's actually very little MySQL-specific code in RD, as it has been a 
> design goal all along to try to keep its SQL integration as 'vanilla' as 
> possible.  The primary place you'll find it is in the code to create a new 
> database in 'rdadmin/opendb.cpp', and much of that is currently slated for 
> removal for precisely this reason.
> Cheers!
> |-|
> | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |   Chief Developer   |
> |   |   Paravel Systems   |
> |-|
> | Only those who leisurely approach that which the masses are busy about  |
> | can be busy about that which the masses take leisurely. |
> |   -- Lao Tsu|
> |-|
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Re: [RDD] Ideas for Local playback, server sync

2012-04-29 Thread James Harrison
SELECTs can cause writes - if they require temporary tables to resolve. 
This is quite often the case in MySQL, it being none too bright about 
how it resolves complex queries (particularly ORDER BY queries where no 
index exists). This is why master-master can be very tricky.

The only good master-master (well, technically, 
elected-master-shared-datastore) replication models for failover I've 
seen have been either implemented by fairly complex middleware (sitting 
between SQL servers and your app) or in nonrelational database designs 
like Riak and MongoDB which use forms of arbitrated master selection 
with any node being able to become the master. In a MongoDB based setup 
you could run MongoDB on each machine and every machine has a full DB 
copy, primarily using your usual DB server for writes but if that falls 
over, any machine running a MongoDB server can be elected the new 
master. Of course, this sort of system is then vulnerable to 
split-brain and all the other fun things we get for free with 
elected-master setups. Of course, that doesn't solve how you make the 
audio store redundant, but the audio store is less atomically 
vulnerable to inconsistency. So long as DB atomicity is maintained, the 
audio store should be fine... I think.

Sadly I'm unaware of a similar system to the above available for MySQL 
outside of really nastily complex middleware (which does some of the 
above) and awkward master-master replication fakery (which does very 
little of the above).

It's a shame the MySQL stuff is so tightly integrated in RD throughout 
the codebase; pulling out all that to an abstraction layer might make 
life easier for porting to new DBs and implementing stuff like this.

James Harrison

On 30 April 2012 00:56:27, Fred Gleason wrote:
> On Apr 27, 2012, at 13:06 34, Wayne Merricks wrote:
>> Just wondering if this is something anyone has seriously thought about?
> Very much so.  In fact, implementing precisely these features (fully 
> automatic and seamless failover and recovery) for both the DB and audio store 
> are top-of-the-list goals for RD 3.x.
>> In theory I could set up a multi-master MySQL between the server and 
>> critical studios.  You can offset auto-numbers to alleviate race conditions 
>> on record inserts however I don't know enough about MySQL to know how it 
>> handles updates/deletes and how well/badly it recovers from a network loss.
>> Problems like this make me think multi master is a bad idea for Riv.
> On the contrary, I think master-master replication is a perfectly viable 
> approach.  The trick is to ensure that any active RD systems are using only 
> one of the pair for INSERT/SELECT queries at any one time.  Basically, this 
> means a 'watchdog' process on each MySQL instance with redundant heartbeat 
> links to all other watchdogs, along with logic to elect a one-and-only 
> 'online master' and transmit that information to the clients in a timely 
> manner.  Both failover and recovery are easy then -- just change the current 
> 'online-master'.
>> I had a custom program made for call handling (really basic) a few years ago 
>> and when I set up a simple slave replicator I found that I couldn't do 
>> things like ordered SQL selects with limits e.g. ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 as 
>> it broke the replication.
> Very strange -- how would SELECT queries break replication?  Those don't even 
> go in the bin-log.
>> /var/snd:
>> Have a "drop box"  share on the server that is nothing to do with Riv.  When 
>> this share receives files a daemon script copies it into the server /var/snd 
>> via rdimport.  The output of this gives you the cart number (and as such the 
>> file name the cart has).  After the import has finished the script then 
>> copies the file to each critical clients /var/snd.
>> Would it be easier to just do snapshot updates once an hour (rsync and 
>> MySQL) and have some sort of script that tweaked rd.conf and kicked airplay 
>> whenever it noticed there was a network outage?  Any DB activity during the 
>> outage would kill the slave replication so I'd probably have to 
>> script/manually repair the damage before replication continued.
> Both of these approaches contain races that will bite a user sooner or later.
> Cheers!
> |-|
> | Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |   Chief Developer   |
> |   |   Paravel Systems   |
> |-|
> |   To invent, you need a good

Re: [RDD] Rivendell Server

2012-04-24 Thread James Harrison
That sounds correct, yes.

James Harrison

On 24 April 2012 14:55:52, Alessio Elmi wrote:
> Thank you James,
> I didn't understand exactly what you mean. Here's what I understood 
> (hopefully)
> Scenario 1: most people suggest having just one central server which
> runs only MySQL / NFS server. All clients have a complete Rivendell
> setup and they just link to central MySQL / NFS, they have AudioEng
> and RDXport set as "localhost". Every client has its own Apache and
> RDXport.cgi application running locally. Right?
> Scenario 2: what James was saying. Even Apache/rdcatchd/rdimport are
> running on central server... so that every client is configured to use
> local AudioEngine and server-located RDXport. How to accomplish that
> on server?
> - I think I need to compile/install every module of Rivendell
> - Add host as "server" in Rivendell database (RDXport set to 'localhost')
> - Start Rivendell daemons (and no graphical application)
> - Does it sound correct?
> Cheers
> Il 24 aprile 2012 11:15, James Harrison  ha scritto:
>> It depends, really. I'd argue that you should have rdxport
>> (Apache)/rdcatchd/rdimport on a central server, since this has the
>> collosal advantage of moving all the CPU used for importing songs to
>> one (hopefully powerful) machine, keeps the import and
>> recording/automation tasks on a machine totally untouchable by users,
>> etc. Certainly having audio and SQL on one central machine is
>> unavoidable in any client/server setup and it's worth making that
>> machine independent of any playout tasks if possible, as you've
>> proposed. That makes more sense to the engineer in me, at least.
>> Cheers,
>> James Harrison
>> On 24 April 2012 10:06:18, Alessio Elmi wrote:
>>> Thank you all for replies.
>>> Ok for QT dependencies for daemons... so probably I'll install/compile
>>> everything.
>>> So you suggest that what I call Rivendell server it's just an
>>> nfs/mysql server... right? Every client should run their own daemons
>>> and Apache2 server... I mean, in RDAdmin -> Manage Hosts -> YourHost
>>> -> there are two options regarding Audio Engine and RDXport service.
>>> You usually set "localhost"/"localhost"?
>>> Il giorno 24 aprile 2012 04:44, Chris Cmolik (Chief Engineer, WITR
>>> Radio)>> ha scritto:
>>> Our "server" setup consists of a central file server that has
>>> RAID'ed discs that acts as an NFS and MySQL server for our
>>> clients. Nothing "Rivendell" specific is installed on that server
>>> (unless one counts the MySQL database :P.)
>>> Our clients connect to the server to pull audio files via NFS and
>>> database transactions.  Individual clients still run apache2 for
>>> importing songs.
>>> As an aside, it's not a good idea to restore a Rivendell database
>>> while rdairplay's running and pulling audio from your file
>>> server... This I learned the hard way as rdairplay greyed out as
>>> file access slowed to a crawl. Yay, dead air.
>>> On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 6:42 PM, Matthew Chambers
>>> wrote:
>>> This sounds kinda like something I just did except we are
>>> running GUI's on both instances, We have our "original"
>>> rivendell box in the studio that stores the audio in it's
>>> /var/snd folder, and hosts the MySQL database, and does
>>> playout on it's sound card to our stream for stream filler,
>>> Then I have added another instance in a virtual machine back
>>> on my desktop that communicates to the first desktop so that I
>>> can generate and modify logs and carts without having to sit
>>> in the studio. I mounted the /var/snd dir from the first
>>> machine to the second one and have the 2nd one connect to the
>>> MySQL on the first computer. It works quite well.
>>> On 4/23/2012 1:35 PM, James Harrison wrote:
>>>> It's certainly the sort of setup I've always envisioned running if 
>>>> I
>>>> ever got a chance to deploy Rivendell in more than single 
>>>> instances!
>>>> You -may- be able to run rdlog

Re: [RDD] Rivendell Server

2012-04-24 Thread James Harrison
It depends, really. I'd argue that you should have rdxport 
(Apache)/rdcatchd/rdimport on a central server, since this has the 
collosal advantage of moving all the CPU used for importing songs to 
one (hopefully powerful) machine, keeps the import and 
recording/automation tasks on a machine totally untouchable by users, 
etc. Certainly having audio and SQL on one central machine is 
unavoidable in any client/server setup and it's worth making that 
machine independent of any playout tasks if possible, as you've 
proposed. That makes more sense to the engineer in me, at least.

James Harrison

On 24 April 2012 10:06:18, Alessio Elmi wrote:
> Thank you all for replies.
> Ok for QT dependencies for daemons... so probably I'll install/compile
> everything.
> So you suggest that what I call Rivendell server it's just an
> nfs/mysql server... right? Every client should run their own daemons
> and Apache2 server... I mean, in RDAdmin -> Manage Hosts -> YourHost
> -> there are two options regarding Audio Engine and RDXport service.
> You usually set "localhost"/"localhost"?
> Il giorno 24 aprile 2012 04:44, Chris Cmolik (Chief Engineer, WITR
> Radio)>> ha scritto:
> Our "server" setup consists of a central file server that has
> RAID'ed discs that acts as an NFS and MySQL server for our
> clients. Nothing "Rivendell" specific is installed on that server
> (unless one counts the MySQL database :P.)
> Our clients connect to the server to pull audio files via NFS and
> database transactions.  Individual clients still run apache2 for
> importing songs.
> As an aside, it's not a good idea to restore a Rivendell database
> while rdairplay's running and pulling audio from your file
> server... This I learned the hard way as rdairplay greyed out as
> file access slowed to a crawl. Yay, dead air.
> On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 6:42 PM, Matthew Chambers
> wrote:
> This sounds kinda like something I just did except we are
> running GUI's on both instances, We have our "original"
> rivendell box in the studio that stores the audio in it's
> /var/snd folder, and hosts the MySQL database, and does
> playout on it's sound card to our stream for stream filler,
> Then I have added another instance in a virtual machine back
> on my desktop that communicates to the first desktop so that I
> can generate and modify logs and carts without having to sit
> in the studio. I mounted the /var/snd dir from the first
> machine to the second one and have the 2nd one connect to the
> MySQL on the first computer. It works quite well.
> On 4/23/2012 1:35 PM, James Harrison wrote:
>> It's certainly the sort of setup I've always envisioned running if I
>> ever got a chance to deploy Rivendell in more than single instances!
>> You -may- be able to run rdlogmanager without a GUI, but I've not 
>> tried
>> it recently. Last time I tried to tinker with it, I had to pass it a
>> display via the DISPLAY environment variable for cronjobs etc, but it
>> may have been made GUI-independent...
>> If it's not possible, report it as a bug at
>> so Fred can keep
>> track. Even if it's compiled against the Qt stuff for GUIs, it
>> shouldn't need to initialize any of it unless it's run in non-GUI 
>> mode,
>> surely? (I have no idea how C libs work, more or less)
>> rdxport, backups and rdimport's dropbox mode should all work
>> headlessly, though, as does using caed on clients to use audio data 
>> off
>> the server. You'll need samba/nfs between clients and the server for
>> /var/snd of course, but that's pretty trivial.
>> Cheers,
>> James Harrison
>> On 23 April 2012 12:45:40, Alessio Elmi wrote:
>>> Hi James,
>>> so I'll probably go installing all dependencies  but no graphical
>>> envirorment... I try..
>>> Yes, server will have scheduled jobs, such as import from dropboxes,
>>> backups and yes, generate logs!
>>> I will do fine tuning logging as "admin" from other workstation, but
>>> I'd like all daemons running in that serv

Re: [RDD] Rivendell Server

2012-04-23 Thread James Harrison
It's certainly the sort of setup I've always envisioned running if I 
ever got a chance to deploy Rivendell in more than single instances! 
You -may- be able to run rdlogmanager without a GUI, but I've not tried 
it recently. Last time I tried to tinker with it, I had to pass it a 
display via the DISPLAY environment variable for cronjobs etc, but it 
may have been made GUI-independent...

If it's not possible, report it as a bug at so Fred can keep 
track. Even if it's compiled against the Qt stuff for GUIs, it 
shouldn't need to initialize any of it unless it's run in non-GUI mode, 
surely? (I have no idea how C libs work, more or less)

rdxport, backups and rdimport's dropbox mode should all work 
headlessly, though, as does using caed on clients to use audio data off 
the server. You'll need samba/nfs between clients and the server for 
/var/snd of course, but that's pretty trivial.

James Harrison

On 23 April 2012 12:45:40, Alessio Elmi wrote:
> Hi James,
> so I'll probably go installing all dependencies  but no graphical
> envirorment... I try..
> Yes, server will have scheduled jobs, such as import from dropboxes,
> backups and yes, generate logs!
> I will do fine tuning logging as "admin" from other workstation, but
> I'd like all daemons running in that server-machine... Every client
> will have local "Audio Engine" (server won't have any sound card) for
> playout and will use RDXport from the server...
> Does it sound ok?
> Cheers!
> Il 23 aprile 2012 12:27, James Harrison  ha scritto:
>> I'm fairly sure you can compile and use Rivendell's core stuff without
>> needing a GUI - you still need the QT etc dependencies to compile but
>> don't have to actually install a window manager or desktop environment
>> to do so - caed, ripcd and rdcatchd plus rdxport (apache) should all
>> work fine.
>> If you try and run anything needing a GUI it'll just not work. Worst
>> case you get to run a tiny window manager (bare-metal X) if you need to
>> run anything that expects a graphical display, which doesn't pose a
>> noteworthy performance overhead on any modern system  - rdlogmanager is
>> one such component, last time I checked, which really should work
>> without a display for log generation on servers but doesn't. Otherwise
>> you should have no issues running things headlessly.
>> Cheers,
>> James Harrison
>> On 23 April 2012 10:39:38, Alessio Elmi wrote:
>>> Hi there,
>>> I was wondering if there is any chance to compile Rivendell only with
>>> "server" modules. I would like to have a computer running only
>>> Rivendell daemons (caed, ripcd, rdcatchd), server audio, mysql, apache
>>> etc...
>>> I will never launch any graphical application so I woul prefer do not
>>> installing all the QT depenancies, neither compile all RD module, such
>>> as RDADmin, RDAirplay RDLibrary and so on...
>>> Any ideas?
>>> Alessio
>>> ___
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>> ___
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Re: [RDD] Rivendell Server

2012-04-23 Thread James Harrison
I'm fairly sure you can compile and use Rivendell's core stuff without 
needing a GUI - you still need the QT etc dependencies to compile but 
don't have to actually install a window manager or desktop environment 
to do so - caed, ripcd and rdcatchd plus rdxport (apache) should all 
work fine.

If you try and run anything needing a GUI it'll just not work. Worst 
case you get to run a tiny window manager (bare-metal X) if you need to 
run anything that expects a graphical display, which doesn't pose a 
noteworthy performance overhead on any modern system  - rdlogmanager is 
one such component, last time I checked, which really should work 
without a display for log generation on servers but doesn't. Otherwise 
you should have no issues running things headlessly.

James Harrison

On 23 April 2012 10:39:38, Alessio Elmi wrote:
> Hi there,
> I was wondering if there is any chance to compile Rivendell only with
> "server" modules. I would like to have a computer running only
> Rivendell daemons (caed, ripcd, rdcatchd), server audio, mysql, apache
> etc...
> I will never launch any graphical application so I woul prefer do not
> installing all the QT depenancies, neither compile all RD module, such
> as RDADmin, RDAirplay RDLibrary and so on...
> Any ideas?
> Alessio
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Re: [RDD] Rivendell, Jack and VirtualBox

2012-04-12 Thread James Harrison
If you're in a VM you have crappy timers. Guaranteed, practically. And 
your card latency will be gigantic.

You'll need to set JACK's ALSA driver to use gigantic latencies, try 
4096x4 or so and work your way down till you xrun, then back off a bit.

NetJACK won't help you here unless you use huge latencies.

Realtime priority in the host OS wouldn't hurt, I suspect.

James Harrison

On 12 April 2012 21:13:39, wrote:
> It seems like I read a thread on here some months ago that people had
> successfully run Rivendell in a virtual machine.  I've set it up in a
> VirtualBox VM, but Jack and ALSA don't seem very happy.  (I haven't
> bothered trying to start Rivendell since Jack starts spewing XRun
> messages as soon as you start it and I've tried it with Audacity and
> it is so choppy that you can't even recognize what is being recorded.
> Has any one successfully used Rivendell in VirtualBox (Linux Host)?
> Thanks,
> -Scott
> ___
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Re: [RDD] Remote upload, web interface

2012-04-10 Thread James Harrison
Personally we're using a system I cooked up called IRIS to import into 
our playout system (not Rivendell, sadly, but it can import into 
Rivendell) - if you want to take a 
stab at it, but it is very complex and quite nasty to set up. If I end 
up unemployed once I'm past all these upcoming exams at uni I'll tidy it 
up and apply some polish.

That said it's not really what you're looking for, I suspect. It'll make 
song uploads really easy from the studio or anywhere with an internet 
connection but it's not really geared for library management.

James Harrison

On 10/04/2012 14:58, al davis wrote:
> I am wondering what others are doing for remote  upload ..  We
> want to be able to upload to Rivendell from outside with a web
> interface.
> Ideally, it would look like rdlibrary, but through a web
> browser.
> al.
> ___
> Rivendell-dev mailing list
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Re: [RDD] Replicating Rivendell on 3 machines

2012-04-08 Thread James Harrison
Sure - the Tryphon packages should work just fine for you in this case. 
I'd caution against using a NAS when perfectly good internal drives will 
do, since your machines are all on the same LAN - one more thing to go 
wrong, another complexity to back up, and NASes tend to have issues with 
streaming audio content with low seek latencies, particularly those 
NASes not designed for doing just that. You'll nearly always be better 
off with a couple of big internal disks (2TB or so) in RAID1, or if you 
need more capacity, 4/6 2TB disks in RAID10.

James Harrison

On 08/04/2012 16:26, Terry LeTourneau wrote:

Buffalo Drive=NAS, yes.

We're using Ubuntu 11.04.  Can this be approached the same way as you 
describe below?


On Sun, Apr 8, 2012 at 11:11 AM, James Harrison>> wrote:

Okay. The Buffalo Drive being some form of NAS, I assume?

I'd just set up the machines using the CentOS RPMs or Tryphon
packages for Debian and have them all backed onto one central PC
for hosting your /var/snd and MySQL DB. Should be pretty trivial
to achieve. Then you just set up each service, generate logs for
each and away you go.

James Harrison

On 08/04/2012 15:59, Terry LeTourneau wrote:

All 4 machines will share a database (via a Buffalo Drive).  And
each machine will be a different FM station, playing out the same
format except with the top of the hour legal ID's and localized
advertisement, etc.


On Sun, Apr 8, 2012 at 10:36 AM, James Harrison>> wrote:

To clarify, are the 4 machines all going to share a database,
with each station set up as a specific service? If so, are
they going to be in the same physical location (or at least
same physical network)?

James Harrison

On 08/04/2012 15:07, Terry LeTourneau wrote:

Hey everyone,

Just a quick question to see if anyone knew of the quickest
(and yet painless) way to replicate Rivendell on 4 other
machines???  We have Rivendell on 1 machine and want to have
4 others built and used for 4 separate stations. 
Eventually, the 1 machine that is built will function as our

server and the others will be LIVE play outs, etc.  I have
seen the guides on line but thought I'd ask before I start
to compile them via the guides.



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Re: [RDD] Replicating Rivendell on 3 machines

2012-04-08 Thread James Harrison

Okay. The Buffalo Drive being some form of NAS, I assume?

I'd just set up the machines using the CentOS RPMs or Tryphon packages 
for Debian and have them all backed onto one central PC for hosting your 
/var/snd and MySQL DB. Should be pretty trivial to achieve. Then you 
just set up each service, generate logs for each and away you go.

James Harrison

On 08/04/2012 15:59, Terry LeTourneau wrote:
All 4 machines will share a database (via a Buffalo Drive).  And each 
machine will be a different FM station, playing out the same format 
except with the top of the hour legal ID's and localized 
advertisement, etc.


On Sun, Apr 8, 2012 at 10:36 AM, James Harrison>> wrote:

To clarify, are the 4 machines all going to share a database, with
each station set up as a specific service? If so, are they going
to be in the same physical location (or at least same physical

    James Harrison

On 08/04/2012 15:07, Terry LeTourneau wrote:

Hey everyone,

Just a quick question to see if anyone knew of the quickest (and
yet painless) way to replicate Rivendell on 4 other machines??? 
We have Rivendell on 1 machine and want to have 4 others built

and used for 4 separate stations.  Eventually, the 1 machine that
is built will function as our server and the others will be LIVE
play outs, etc.  I have seen the guides on line but thought I'd
ask before I start to compile them via the guides.



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Re: [RDD] Replicating Rivendell on 3 machines

2012-04-08 Thread James Harrison
To clarify, are the 4 machines all going to share a database, with each 
station set up as a specific service? If so, are they going to be in the 
same physical location (or at least same physical network)?

James Harrison

On 08/04/2012 15:07, Terry LeTourneau wrote:

Hey everyone,

Just a quick question to see if anyone knew of the quickest (and yet 
painless) way to replicate Rivendell on 4 other machines???  We have 
Rivendell on 1 machine and want to have 4 others built and used for 4 
separate stations.  Eventually, the 1 machine that is built will 
function as our server and the others will be LIVE play outs, etc.  I 
have seen the guides on line but thought I'd ask before I start to 
compile them via the guides.



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Re: [RDD] Rivendell Clash Checking

2012-04-06 Thread James Harrison
Commercial and national radio is moving towards the DAB multiplexes, 
which by their commercial nature are pretty much impossible for 
small/nonprofit/local radio stations to break into. They also typically 
cover a much larger area. No plans for local DAB multiplexes as of yet. 
Thanks, Ofcom! No DRM here, either, so no digital for AM local broadcasters.

James Harrison

On 06/04/2012 17:25, Cowboy wrote:
> On Friday 06 April 2012 12:18:25 pm MICHAEL SMITH wrote:
>>   There are plans to move away from FM for commercial radio and give those 
>> frequencies to community radio (i.e. not for profit/local/charity) stations.
>   So, where is professional commercial radio going ?
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Re: [RDD] Rivendell Clash Checking

2012-04-03 Thread James Harrison
Perhaps the right way to implement 'clash checking' would be to support 
this sort of thing.

Allow admins to setup colours for rules - played in last X minutes, same 
artist played in last X minutes, same album played in last X minutes.

This would kill several use cases with one feature, I suspect. You could 
also perhaps extend this to a 'hard' mode where you could set a rule to 
explicitly disallow adding of a track.

In log editing, this would be shown in the context of a log. Not 
perfect, but far from imperfect as a system, and being able to remind 
presenters they've been playing a lot of X/Y/Z today would be useful for 
many stations.

James Harrison

On 03/04/2012 18:03, Stan Fotinos wrote:
If the field last time played could be added to the Select Cart dialog 
in RDplay that would be amazing!

We have too many presenters adding the same tracks manually through 
the day, we do allow them to add tracks manually... On an other radio 
automation system I have seen recently played tracks highlighted in a 
different colour. You enter into the system setting the number of 
hours it remains highlighted.



On 3/04/12 9:56 PM, Tim Camp wrote:


Most music scheduling systems have a secondary artist field in the 
database so
things like George Harrison can be placed there for checking 
artist separation against The Beatles.
In Rivendell You could use another field like "user defined" or if 
you don't use them for anything else, scheduler codes
could be used. You of course would have to have some way to pull up 
the data base showing last played time.
That info is in the database but the only place to see it I know of 
is in the cart itself in rdlibrary.
Perhaps if that field were added into the columns in the library 
view, a simple sort by code in rdlibrary would get you a quick look.


On Tue, Apr 3, 2012 at 6:56 AM, Rob Landry < 
<>> wrote:

On Mon, 2 Apr 2012, Fred Gleason wrote:

> On Apr 2, 2012, at 12:49 55, Andy Sayler wrote:

>> If Rivendell could alert them to a possible violation of the
"no more
>> than X songs from a given artist per Y hour window" rule, it
would be
>> very helpful in minimizing the likelihood that they would
violate this
>> rule.

> I suspect that the devil here would be in the disambiguation rules.
> For example, would it be legal to air something by 'The
Beatles' next to
> something by 'George Harrison'?  How about 'ELO' versus
'Electric Light
> Orchestra'?  (Yes, I'm showing my age with both of these examples).
> How about songs that were originally released on different
albums but
> were ripped from a common anthology disc (and hence show as
being part
> of the same album in the DB)?  Are the rules governing all this
> even the same across the various regulatory jurisdictions?

How many people listen to this station's stream, as opposed to on
the air?
I think we as broadcasters need to beware of letting the Internet
tail wag
the radio dog. These rules do not apply to over-the-air
broadcasts but
only on the Internet, so were this my station I would not allow
them to
dictate my programming policy. If push came to shove, I'd run my
stream from a separate Rivendell system.

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Tim Camp
Director of Operations/Programming
Dot Com Plus L.L.C.
Mobile, Al.

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Re: [RDD] Rivendell Clash Checking

2012-03-31 Thread James Harrison
"Whack offending humans over the head with a large stick" would be my 

If you wanted to automate this, I'd suggest taking the playout logs 
every night (via a Rivendell report), doing your own artist/album 
seperation check, and then having that tie into an Arduino 
microcontroller, a solenoid, some pneumatics and a large inflatable mallet.

In all seriousness, though, I'm pretty sure there's no option to do what 
you want to do in Rivendell at present.

This could be done in Rivendell /fairly/ easily if you just limited it 
to rdlogedit, but as soon as you start trying to make RD actually 
enforce this - you'd have to have logic in rdairplay too, and that would 
really have to check historic play logs as well as the upcoming log, 
which probably gets quite complex.

Considering the use case is relatively limited (I'd love to have this, 
but it is largely just us UK stations which have these silly MCPS/PRS 
rules, I think) I'd say Fred's probably got bigger fish to fry. Perhaps 
stick it into the Rivendell bug tracker as a feature request?

James Harrison

On 30/03/2012 20:58, MICHAEL SMITH wrote:
Does Rivendell have the ability to clash check music when you add it? 
I ask as MCPS/PRS rules in the UK for our kind of station prohibit us 
from playing e.g. the same artist more than 3 tracks from the same 
album within 3 hours, or two songs from the same album consecutively.

I can see how to achieve this when auto-generating log (with rules). 
Is there any way to adhere to these rules when presenters are adding 
their own material to a log?


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Re: [RDD] OT - Recommendations on simple sound cards

2012-03-26 Thread James Harrison
The UA-25 is probably closest to what I'm looking for, and looks good on 
paper. Balanced I/O, 24-bit, 96kHz, and balanced I/O - jacks on the back 
but combijacks on the front is nice, and the phono outputs make sense 
when feeding low-end gear.

However, the XLR inputs are only expecting nominal -60 to -20dBu (while 
the jacks can do -36 to +4dBu). So I'm a little unsurprised about 
clipping from professional sources on XLR inputs - which is a shame 
since that's exactly the problem we've got at the moment with these 
rubbish sound cards (worked around at the moment using NetJACK to pipe 
audio from a decent sound card fed from the same source to the other PC 
across the LAN, but not a great long-term fix, especially with 
liquidsoap's... "interesting" JACK behaviour). Of course, there's an 
argument that the fix is an unbalancing transformer or a 20dBu attenuator...

EMU 0202 looks nice, but is unbalanced as far as I can see.

James Harrison

On 26/03/2012 12:46, Wayne Merricks wrote:
> I've played with a few USB cards for various reasons.  Out of all of them
> the EMU 0202 works pretty nicely, the only drawback is I can't remember if
> it is balanced:
> Its been going strong for years and survived being bashed about on several
> OBs.  The only thing I don't like is under Linux the monitoring interferes
> with the output (I haven't used it under Windows for a long time).  So
> just don't use the monitoring if you're broadcasting with it.
> Its probably an alsamixer setting somewhere but I never bothered to figure
> it out.
> I've been using it at the end of a broadcast chain with JACK to do both
> Internet streaming (via Icecast/darkice) and compression with Jamin.  Its
> been running constantly with no interruptions since Christmas.
> I've also got an Edirol UA-25 which is solid
> (  I only use it to take a feed
>   from a soft phone (via a laptop) but its doing the job.  It was quite
> touchy about the signal level though and I found that the output from our
> old analog desks (circa 1993) was only just passable without clipping at
> the lowest gain and signal levels.  Its been working for a few years
> either way and was in a box of spares before that.
> The Echo Gina 3G was ok once I unmuted the right output in alsamixer (no
> idea why that was muted by default).  I haven't used this long term though
> so I have no idea on reliability.
> Finally, I didn't have much luck with an Alesis io 2.  It was a bit fiddly
> to setup (it seemed to distort quite horribly) and then died after 6
> months.  I might have just ended up with a faulty unit but I wouldn't rush
> back to them in a hurry.
> On Sun, 25 Mar 2012 02:51:04 +0100, James Harrison
>   wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I'm wondering if anyone has a recommendation for a cheap (sub-£150)
>> sound card, ideally USB, which just has two inputs (optionally two
>> outputs) on XLRs (or jacks), balanced, with the ability to handle
>> pro-level or consumer-level input, no gain or silly nonsense, just a
>> really straightforward rugged ADC (optionally a DAC) with an input level
>> select switch (+8), maybe some little screwdriver-operated gain pots?
>> Just hunting around for cards for a streaming encoder and I simply can't
>> find anything close to this - everything's got big friendly gain knobs
>> or the connectivity sucks or it's absurdly expensive. I'm pretty sure
>> there must be something out there like this, I'm just not looking in the
>> right places. ASI cards are all too expensive for us, even the cheap
>> ones.
>> Any experience on what cards you've gone for in this situation? (It's
>> being fed by a Sonifex DA6G distribution amplifier - the PC sound card
>> we're using presently is turned right down and it's still clipping, as
>> to be expected I suppose...)
>> (USB preferred because the box is a half-height chassis, and USB is a
>> bit more versatile, but I'd be interested in anything - can always
>> rehouse the box...)
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Re: [RDD] simple backup

2012-03-26 Thread James Harrison
Archiving the audio is pretty trivial - rsync will do you here. Set up 
ssh keys between machines so they can authenticate to each other without 
manual authentication and you can stick something like

rsync --archive /var/snd user@host:/some/path/

into a cronjob to run at, say, 2AM (or some other point when nobody's 
using the system too much).

As for the DB - you can do the same with the Rivendell DB backup 
utility, or you can use mysqldump on the remote host if you've got 
remote DB access enabled. A combination probably would be what I'd go 
for - backup the Rivendell bits (maybe to a subfolder in /var/snd so the 
above rsync catches it) and then do a complete DB dump with mysqldump as 
an insurance in case that doesn't do the trick.

If your "other machine" is a Windows box, abandon all hop^W^W^Wlook into 
Windows based rsync daemons, which you can point rsync at. MySQL 
Administrator is a cross-platform MySQL administration GUI which can do 
scheduled backups and runs on Windows.

James Harrison

On 26/03/2012 04:35, Stan Fotinos wrote:

Hi Warren

Maybe look at the Grsync to manually backup the audio and database 
(set up database backup in RDadmin first to the desired folder)

Hope this helps


On 26/03/12 11:25 AM, Warren Mead wrote:

Hi All,
Had RRaBuntu on air for around 5 weeks now -  all working well.
Now I'm building another Rivendell computer as a (server) backup.
Hot Standby would be good, but looks quite difficult.
Is there a simple (Ubuntu) tool to manually backup the audio and sql 
to another machine.

Warren Mead
Gold MX

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Re: [RDD] Speaking Of Soundcards

2012-03-25 Thread James Harrison
Pretty sure you're out of luck - I have literally a pile of about 20 
huge GPIO cards on ISA (including a few 142 bit I/O cards!), but they're 
totally useless to me and I've found no cheap way to do bus adaptation. 
Buying an old P2/P3 system is one option but they're quite a rarity 
these days.

James Harrison

On 26/03/2012 00:48, Steve Atkins wrote:

Hello all,

I've discovered an interesting audio card I'd forgotten about in 
storage and wondering if it's been tried with Rivendell/Ubuntu.  It's 
an Antex 23e.  However, as you may know, it's more than a decade old 
so the real problem is connectivity (i.e. ISA full length).  Am I out 
of luck, or is there an adapter of some kind?  Yes I know there are a 
few mobo's out there still sporting this slot, but at a price too.


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