[RDD] Can't seem to win

2022-01-08 Thread R. Choy
I decided to build another RD box from scratch. Found a nice I5. Put in 
a 2TB hard drive and loaded RD Appliance (I think) with Centos install. 
RD V2.9

It took over a half day of install to get me to the desktop. In the past 
I have built other boxes from this CD and it took only an hour or so as 
I remember. Anyway I loaded /var/snd and restored the database successfully.

I did a "yum update" and this took another half day but it was 
successful. I saw a lot of Centos and RD stuff flashing by.  The RD 
icons turned from the yellow pointed star display to the two green 
ribbons (I guess you could call them that).

When I try to run any RD apps all I get is a window saying "Missing 
Daemons. Unable to start Rivendell daemons" or " Daemons Failed Unable 
to start Rivendell System Daemons!"

I'm at a standstill now.

Any ideas?


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[RDD] Something not right

2022-01-06 Thread R. Choy

I'm building another RD box and have successfully got RD installed.

Running V2.9.0 which I like. Not ready to make the big jump to V3.

I moved all the /var/snd files over. And they are there.

I successfully restored the .sql file. It said "successfully restored"

I checked out the RDAdmin and it looks like all settings and options are 
the same as my old RD box.

When I go to RDLibrary nothing shows up. The host says rdhost and not my 
service. The same for RDAirplay.

When I go to RDLogmanager all the buttons are greyed out.

What am I missing?


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Re: [RDD] Filling Time with Music

2020-12-22 Thread R. Choy
IIR, placing a long program at the beginning of a full hour of music, 
when the end of the hour is close RDAirplay will jump to the next hour. 
I always overbook each hour so I don't come up short anyhow.


On 12/22/2020 5:24 PM, wa7skg wrote:
What is the best way to fill a block of time with music? We start 
pretty much each hour with a teaching program for about 26 minutes. 
I'd like to fill the rest of the hour with music. Is there a way to 
create an event that just pulls songs sort of randomly to fill X 
number of minutes? Or do I have to create a dozen or so events to each 
pull one song?

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Re: [RDD] Bulk Add Audio Files

2020-12-21 Thread R. Choy

Duh! How did I forget? https://www.dbpoweramp.com/

On 12/21/2020 12:43 PM, wa7skg wrote:

That's nice. Would you mind sharing the name of the program?


R. Choy wrote on 12/21/20 9:27 AM:
There is a program I've been using for years to convert, batch 
convert, run in a script, almost every music format to any other 
music format. I think it is still available. The paid version is 
cheap and has many features. I believe it will run on Linux Mint 
under Wine and other distros.


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Re: [RDD] Bulk Add Audio Files

2020-12-21 Thread R. Choy

There is a program I've been using for years to convert, batch
  convert, run in a script, almost every music format to any other
  music format. I think it is still available. The paid version is
  cheap and has many features. I believe it will run on Linux Mint
  under Wine and other distros.

On 12/21/2020 11:47 AM, Fred Gleason

  On Dec 17, 2020, at 18:34, wa7skg 

Well, rdimport worked fine for me
for a bunch of mp3 files. However, I have another 450+
.ogg files. Unfortunately, the filenames are all
numbers, like 10005-03, 10005-18, 10015-08, 10015-10,
etc. I can open these in MediaPlayer, Audacity, etc. and
see the metadata with name and artist, etc. but the
metadata does not import into Rivendell like it did with
the mp3 files.

  Metadata on the Ogg-based formats have always been a
bit ‘wild west’, with no recognized standard schema. Hence,
Rivendell doesn’t even try to use it. If you have the data in
some external form —e.g. spreadsheet, CSV file, etc — you can
script rdimport(1) to utilize it. See the audio importers at:
  for some possible approaches.
Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |             Chief Developer    
                          |             Paravel Systems    
        A room without books is like a body without a soul.
Cicero   |
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Re: [RDD] Bulk Add Audio Files

2020-12-16 Thread R. Choy
A friend wrote this for me. It took a mass of files and imported them 
into RD. Haven't used it in awhile.

cat massimport.sh


echo "Create a Rivendell group name and enter it below"
read GROUP

IFS=$(echo -en "\n\b")

for i in `find /media/ |grep -i \.mp3$`; do
    rdimport --verbose --fix-broken-formats --segue-level=-10 $GROUP ''$i''

for i in `find /media/ |grep -i \.wav$`; do
    rdimport --verbose --fix-broken-formats --segue-level=-10 $GROUP ''$i''

echo "Finished. Press enter to quit."
read junk



On 12/16/2020 6:07 PM, wa7skg wrote:
In my feeble memory, I seem to recall there was a way to bulk add 
audio files. I have a couple hundred songs to import into Rivendell 
and adding one at a time will take forever. Any way to speed it up?


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Re: [RDD] tight vnc into new appliance

2020-04-01 Thread R. Choy

I had this problem some time back. Forgot exactly how I fixed it
  but I think there's a configuration menu for VNC and you have to
  tell it to "accept all connections". I found that the config file
  doesn't always save and if you ever reboot, you have to set it up
  again. Some place there's a command to save config file.


On 4/1/2020 1:00 PM, Jesse Jones wrote:

This is
  a brand new Paravel Appliance being set up on minimal CentOS
  7.  I have installed as root the x11vnc-auto per the
  instructions Nov 2018 RDD, including systemctl start
  x11vnc-auto.socket and systemctl enable x11vnc-auto.socket. 
  As user rd used vnc password and following the prompts I set a
  password but did not use a view only password.  Up until this
  point everything has gone as expected except when I use a
  TightVNC from Windows 10 Pro across the LAN the Appliance
  connects and asks for the password.  When I put in the correct
  password, the Appliance responds with "The connection has been
  gracefully closed".  /home/rd/vnc.log is empty. Tail of dmesg
  has nothing I recognize as vnc related. This same Windows 10
  computer Tight VNC works on 11 other (older) Appliances.  This
  is my first RD3 and my first in CentOS 7 - everything else was
  in CentOS 6 and I have to use notes just to get around.

Do you
  think I need to add the password to root to get the VNC to
  open?  What else should I do to get this working?

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Re: [RDD] RDImport

2019-11-28 Thread R. Choy

Here's a snapshot after I issue a cd /var/snd and ls

040220_001.wav  040454_001.wav  040644_001.wav  040863_001.wav 
040221_001.wav  040455_001.wav  040644_002.wav  040864_001.wav 
040222_001.wav  040456_001.wav  040644_003.wav  040865_001.wav 
040223_001.wav  040457_001.wav  040644_004.wav  040866_001.wav 

040224_001.wav  040458_001.wav  040644_005.wav  040867_001.wav
040225_001.wav  040459_001.wav  040644_006.wav  040868_001.wav
040226_001.wav  040460_001.wav  040644_007.wav  040869_001.wav
[rd@sgospel snd]$

And also a df-h
[rd@sgospel snd]$ df -h
Filesystem  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3    25G  3.8G   22G  15% /
devtmpfs    3.8G 0  3.8G   0% /dev
tmpfs   3.8G   44K  3.8G   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs   3.8G   33M  3.8G   1% /run
tmpfs   3.8G 0  3.8G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda1  1014M   33M  982M   4% /boot/efi
/dev/sda2   100G   60G   41G  60% /home
/dev/sda4   1.7T   42G  1.6T   3% /sda4
tmpfs   770M  4.0K  770M   1% /run/user/1000

In /var is the symbolic link:

lrwxrwxrwx.  1 rivendell rivendell    9 Dec 16  2018 snd -> /sda4/snd

Is this right?


On 11/28/2019 7:53 AM, Cowboy wrote:

On Wed, 27 Nov 2019 18:35:23 -0500
"R. Choy"  wrote:

There is no "mounted on" /var/snd  only a symbolic link pointing to /sda4 in 
the old
existing /var/snd

  Important distinction...

  symbolic link pointing to /sda4 in the old


  symbolic link pointing to /sda4 **IS** the old


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDImport

2019-11-27 Thread R. Choy

Just /var/snd

I have two rd systems used for my twp streams. This might be a clue though:

I did a df -h and on the working box there is a line:            
'/dev/sda3   1.7T    75G    1.6T   5%   /var/snd' on the working box.

The box that does not load a new log at midnight looks like this: 
'/dev/sda4  1.7T   42G   1.6T    3%  /sda4

There is no "mounted on" /var/snd  only a symbolic link pointing to 
/sda4 in the old existing /var/snd

Could this be a clue?


On 11/27/2019 6:14 PM, Robert Jeffares wrote:

Hi Rick,

 migrating to CentOS 7 is a good idea. If you have a new machine follow


then copy the contents of /var/snd across to the new machine. rsync 
across the local network will do the job.

Save a copy of the database in RDADMIN to something you can connect to 
the new machine easily.

restore using rddbconfig

Did you move /var/snd or /var/log? /var/snd is not going to affect 
chain log but moving /var/log is definitely going to confuse things!


On 28/11/19 11:06 AM, R. Choy wrote:
I understand. But from the OP, everything worked fine until I moved 
/var/log. Around midnight give or take, the end of the log showed it 
was to load the next day log but doesn't. Just stops. I plundered 
through the rd archives and saw a lot of possible problems and 
solutions especially from "cowboy". Applied all of them including 
check box  'Insert CHAIN TO at log end'.

Still doesn't work.

Since this distro was loaded from a centos 5 os Rd appliance disk, 
maybe I should take Fred's advice and start over with a Centos 7 
distro. I'm assuming all I have to do is copy the lastest rdbackup 
and the whole /var/snd music into new machine, restore database?? 
Could it be that easy?


On 11/27/2019 1:13 PM, Robert Jeffares wrote:

On 28/11/19 2:54 AM, R. Choy wrote:
except it will no longer load the next day's log. 

That's not dependent on /var/snd/

Look in RDADMIN > Manage Services > Service to see that 'Insert 
CHAIN TO at log end' is checked.

This may not happen exactly at midnight unless you have some time 
sync events in the clock for the last hour.



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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDImport

2019-11-27 Thread R. Choy
I understand. But from the OP, everything worked fine until I moved 
/var/log. Around midnight give or take, the end of the log showed it was 
to load the next day log but doesn't. Just stops. I plundered through 
the rd archives and saw a lot of possible problems and solutions 
especially from "cowboy". Applied all of them including check box  
'Insert CHAIN TO at log end'.

Still doesn't work.

Since this distro was loaded from a centos 5 os Rd appliance disk, maybe 
I should take Fred's advice and start over with a Centos 7 distro. I'm 
assuming all I have to do is copy the lastest rdbackup and the whole 
/var/snd music into new machine, restore database?? Could it be that easy?


On 11/27/2019 1:13 PM, Robert Jeffares wrote:

On 28/11/19 2:54 AM, R. Choy wrote:
except it will no longer load the next day's log. 

That's not dependent on /var/snd/

Look in RDADMIN > Manage Services > Service to see that 'Insert CHAIN 
TO at log end' is checked.

This may not happen exactly at midnight unless you have some time sync 
events in the clock for the last hour.



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Re: [RDD] RDImport

2019-11-27 Thread R. Choy

Will try that.

On 11/27/2019 10:26 AM, Rob Landry wrote:

Huh? Logs aren't stored in /var/snd. This shouldn't be happening.

If you create a short log with a CHAIN to itself at the end, and run 
it, will it reload?


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDImport

2019-11-27 Thread R. Choy
No. Logs are ok where they are. /var/snd has all sound files only. 
Everything works except it won't load the next day logs.

On 11/27/2019 10:26 AM, Rob Landry wrote:

Huh? Logs aren't stored in /var/snd. This shouldn't be happening.

If you create a short log with a CHAIN to itself at the end, and run 
it, will it reload?


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDImport

2019-11-27 Thread R. Choy
This happened to me too. I had a linux friend format the unassigned 
space, set up a symbolic link to the new /var/snd, moved all files over, 
and all was well.except it will no longer load the next day's log. 
So every night just before midnight I have to manually load log. Been 
doing this for over a year now. I suspect there's a path or SQL path 
that doesn't acknowledge the new /var/snd


On 11/27/2019 7:16 AM, Cowboy wrote:

On Wed, 27 Nov 2019 01:00:27 +
Mark Murdock  wrote:

drive is a 1.5 TB drive, and there's plenty of space left on it, but when I 
looked at the
properties of /var/snd it said that 49.5 GB had been used of 53.7 GB, and that 
there is only 133
MB left (99% used). Is there a way to expand the space allocated for /var/snd? 
Is there a
solution for this?

  The solution depends on the problem !
  You've described the symptom. ;-)

  Please post the output from
  df -h

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