I understand. But from the OP, everything worked fine until I moved /var/log. Around midnight give or take, the end of the log showed it was to load the next day log but doesn't. Just stops. I plundered through the rd archives and saw a lot of possible problems and solutions especially from "cowboy". Applied all of them including check box  'Insert CHAIN TO at log end'.

Still doesn't work.

Since this distro was loaded from a centos 5 os Rd appliance disk, maybe I should take Fred's advice and start over with a Centos 7 distro. I'm assuming all I have to do is copy the lastest rdbackup and the whole /var/snd music into new machine, restore database?? Could it be that easy?


On 11/27/2019 1:13 PM, Robert Jeffares wrote:

On 28/11/19 2:54 AM, R. Choy wrote:
except it will no longer load the next day's log.

That's not dependent on /var/snd/

Look in RDADMIN > Manage Services > Service to see that 'Insert CHAIN TO at log end' is checked.

This may not happen exactly at midnight unless you have some time sync events in the clock for the last hour.



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