Re: [RDD] RDImport question

2022-08-23 Thread Rob Landry

On Mon, 22 Aug 2022, chris cottingham wrote:

Will rdimport traverse sub folders? Do I need to have all the audio I 
want to import in the root of the import folder?

It will not look in subfolders.

I wrote a Perl script to manage my Rivendell imports. I did so because 1) 
I want to keep a log of all uploads and what happens to them; and 2) I 
want unimportable files moved into /home/rd/dropbox/bad.

Upload folders are set up in /home/rd/dropbox; each has the name of a 
corresponding Rivendell group, e.g. /home/rd/dropbox/NEWS, 
/home/rd/dropbox/SPOTS, etc. In addition, there is a /home/rd/dropbox/bad 
and a /home/rd/dropbox/[call letters]; these are not scanned by the 
script. The [call letters] folder has subfolders "traffic", "music", and 
"aired" and is used for daily logs; depending on the station, there may be 
additional subfolders. Nothing in the bad or [call letters] folders are 
scanned by the script.

The script will normally assign any file it finds to a new cart; however, 
if the file's name is a cart number, it will be imported into that cart, 
wiping out any existing cuts.

If the file's name is a cart number followed by a letter (e.g. 
"4101a.wav"), it will be imported into the cart as an additional cut, 
leaving in place any cuts already in the cart.

This makes it easy to import an entire rotation at once; for instance, 
carts uploaded as 4109.mp3, 4109a.mp3, 4109b.mp3, and 4109c.mp3 will be 
imported in that order, the first one wiping out any previous cuts in the 
cart and the others being imported as additional cuts after it. This is a 
big time saver.

If Enforce Cart Range is selected for a group and a file is uploaded with 
a number not eligible for the group, the import will fail and the file 
will go into bad. This is to prevent someone overwriting, say, a song with 
a newscast. I also don't have upload folders in /home/rd/dropbox for 
groups that don't need them.

I take precautions to insure only authorized uploads are allowed.

If anyone is interested, I'll be happy to post the script.


Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDImport question

2022-08-22 Thread David Henderson
I think it only looks in the folder specified. We have several different 
folders for different types of audio, just make a new dropbox rule for 
each folder, then whenever audio is copied into that folder, it should 
get picked up. If you have told Rivendell to convert from MP3 to WAV 
then it will do that too.

Kind regards,

David Henderson

TD9 Radio - Community Radio for Hawick

TD9 Radio is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) - 
registered with OSCR - SC051870.

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] RDImport question

2022-08-22 Thread chris cottingham

Will rdimport traverse sub folders? Do I need to have all the audio I want to 
import in the root of the import folder?

It’s my understanding that rdimport will import mp3 files and read the 
metadata. It will also “wrap” the imported mp3 files as a “wav” file. Is this 
true as well?

Sent from my iPhone
Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDImport Question

2020-03-11 Thread Robert Jeffares

Hi Phil,

the folders will be on a drive somewhere which you can mount on your 
Rivendell machine.

lets call it /home/rd/tempimport

if you create the folder as rd user the permissions should be OK

$ mkdir /home/rd/tempimport

in a command line window something like

find /home/rd/tempimport -type f -iname '*.wav' -exec rdimport --verbose 
--fix-broken-formats --metadata-pattern=%a-%t.wav 
--set-string-user-defined='wav from from my old library' MUSIC {} \;

run the find /home/rd/tempimport -type f -iname '*.wav' bit first to see 
what it shows you.

You need to set the GROUP and adjust wav or mp3 or whatever and the 
metadata pattern to reflect how the songs are labelled.

That will copy the lot into the MUSIC group.

If your folders and sub folders have songs arranged by categories like 
'Country' you can refine the search and add --set-scheduler-code=country

It's a good idea to create the scheduler code 'country' in RDADMIN > 
Scheduler Codes before you do. Repeat as necessary.

I use the User Defined field to identify the source of music. Handy when 
you are weeding out duplicates.

There are drawbacks with this method. If you stop and restart you will 
get duplicates.

Better method is to copy the whole lot to a temporary folder. That takes 
time. Add --delete-source to the import command.

What's left is what didn't import.

Rivendell will reject audio files for a number of reasons. mp3diags  
mp3gain   mp3info   mp3val will help. Funny characters in filenames can 
be a problem.

Some systems show different characters on filenames. You can use find to 
move [ mv ] all the rejected files into one folder and work through them.

I would run a test on say 20 cuts and then check how they are importing. 
You may need to adjust the metadata pattern. [man rdimport]

You can set segue criteria and all sorts of stuff.

If you have defined GROUPS you can find songs that fit the group and 
import them directly but I prefer to have a single import group then 
work through it to look for duplicates and check levels, tweak segues, 
and set talk over points.

Depending on your previous system there may be an import template 
already created.

Some data may be stored in tags on your library. Smetimes you don't need 
to set metadata.

Be prepared to do a bit of testing, then once it's set up you can import 
several thousand tracks. Don't forget to allocate the GROUP enough Cart 



On 11/03/20 8:43 am, Phil Biehl wrote:


I have a large number of music files I want to import to Riv that are 
divided up into folders and subfolders. I’m hoping that there is a way 
to get rdimport to process these files, traversing all these 
subfolders. Is there a way to do this?



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Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] RDImport Question

2020-03-10 Thread Mark Murdock
I don’t believe so. I did this in batches. I copied files from a folder into 
the music_import folder, imported them with RDImport, deleted the copied files, 
then did another batch until I got through them all. It took a while!

Mark Murdock
90 E. 16th St.
Merced, CA 95340
(209) 723-1015<>

 On Behalf Of Phil Biehl
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2020 12:43 PM
To: 'User discussion about the Rivendell Radio Automation System' 

Subject: [RDD] RDImport Question

I have a large number of music files I want to import to Riv that are divided 
up into folders and subfolders. I’m hoping that there is a way to get rdimport 
to process these files, traversing all these subfolders. Is there a way to do 

Rivendell-dev mailing list

[RDD] RDImport Question

2020-03-10 Thread Phil Biehl

I have a large number of music files I want to import to Riv that are divided 
up into folders and subfolders. I’m hoping that there is a way to get rdimport 
to process these files, traversing all these subfolders. Is there a way to do 




Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] rdimport question

2011-09-21 Thread drew Roberts
On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 9:20 PM, Rob Landry wrote:

 Both the dropbox and its contents are owned by the same user running
 rdimport. Permissions of the undeleted file are -rwxr--r--

Just a guess here but try setting one to -rwxrw-r-- before putting in
the drop box

 I just typed rm /var/dropbox/* as the same user, and the file went away.


all the best,

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] rdimport question

2011-09-20 Thread Fred Gleason
On Sep 20, 2011, at 16:45 36, Rob Landry wrote:

 Do files uploaded to dropboxes get deleted after the import is complete? 
 or did I misunderstand the documentation?

By default yes, although it is possible to configure one to be 'persistent'  
--i.e. source files remain after being imported.

I'd be checking file permissions -- methinks that the user running rdimport(1) 
doesn't have write permission for the files.


| Frederick F. Gleason, Jr. |   Chief Developer   |
|   |   Paravel Systems   |
|  Beware of Programmers who carry screwdrivers.  |
|  -- Leonard Brandwein   |

Rivendell-dev mailing list

Re: [RDD] rdimport question

2011-09-20 Thread Geoff Barkman
It might be easier to set up the dropbox in rdadmin  tick the box
saying Delete source files on import. Sometimes rdimport may have
problems deleting a file if it is owned by someone else. Eg Rivendell
runs as user bob but the files get copied via a samba or nfs share
as user guest.
You might have to change ownership of the directory (dropbox) to 666
either by right clicking on the folder  in nautilus or using the
command line

Many Thanks

On Wed, Sep 21, 2011 at 8:45 AM, Rob Landry wrote:

 I have rdimport running in dropbox mode under Rivendell 2.0.2. Theexact
 command is:

 rdimport --drop-box SPORTS /var/dropbox/*.mp3

 The purpose of this drop box is for operators to be able to import
 recorded high school football games (typically 2.5 hours long). They just
 dropped one in this afternoon, and it imported successfully after about 15
 minutes, but my understanding is the original file in the drop box is
 supposed to be deleted afterwards. That hasn't happened.

 Do files uploaded to dropboxes get deleted after the import is complete?
 or did I misunderstand the documentation?


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