[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2011-04-13 Thread fleeb

Overall, despite something I wrote earlier, I do like the changes made to the look of the site at Uncensored, but something bugged me, and I didn't want to write anything more until I could put my finger on it (since I'd rather be constructive).
When you view messages in Bulletin Board mode (haven't look at other modes yet), the header space looks wrong.  More precisely, I think you need a little space between the header's borders, and the text within the header.  Currently, the characters run right up on the border, which doesn't look right to me (I'm on Chrome, if that means anything).
Also, while this might seem kind of funny coming from me, I'm beginning to think that we could do without many of the icons.  The Citadel logo is great, and an icon for individual rooms (with perhaps a default icon for a room) is okay, but I think the left column (with 'Summary', 'Mail', 'Calendar', etc) would look just fine without icons, but with the same size 'buttons' that they are now.  I think that would even help make the WebCit site load a tad faster.
I also think the icons at the top could mostly go away.  Certainly, while entering a message, the 'post message', 'save to drafts', 'attachments' and 'cancel' icons could just be text buttons, I believe.  The 'ungoto', 'goto', 'skip', etc. buttons could also probably just be text.

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2011-04-13 Thread IGnatius T Foobar
Interesting observations.  It's definitely a work in progress but I'll make
a note of those observations as we tune it.  Admittedly I'm not all that great
a UI designer, so every little bit of feedback helps. 
 I do like having the icons but I think it's beginning to become a problem
that we use the same icons over and over again.  Fortunately, the quantity,
quality, and variety of freely available icons is much better now than it
was half a decade ago, so if we added some more we wouldn't have to spend
money on this a second time. 
 Thankfully, we are at a point now where the code is stable enough that I
can deploy the good builds to Uncensored so everyone can see the development

[Citadel Development] (no subject)

2011-04-13 Thread fleeb

It might be something of an idiosyncracy of mine to want fewer graphics and careful use of text.  Or maybe I have come under the influence of Google's sense of aesthetics, I dunno.  But the spacing thing is definitely calling my attention.
Some icons don't bother me at all... the B, I and U (and the other icons for the text editor) don't bother me in the least, and seem to clearly indicate what they're for without the need for any text at all.