Re: [Rosegarden-user] a few newbie questions

2017-07-25 Thread Abrolag via Rosegarden-user
On Tue, 25 Jul 2017 18:05:13 -0400
Andrew Kilpatrick  wrote:

> Hi folks,
> I'm trying to get familiar with Rosegarden but can't figure out a few 
> things. If someone can help out that would be great! I'm running 17.04 
> on Linux Mint - built from source.
> 1. MIDI clock sending - I turned it on in the MIDI Sync panel but no 
> clock ticks are sent during playback. I could find no mention of this in 
> the manual.
> 2. WAV file location - I would like to keep WAV files with my project 
> somehow but they go into the $HOME/rosegarden directory. How can I 
> change this?

There's probably a 'proper' way to do this, but I just close Rosegarden, then
move all the files into the dsame directory as the .rg file. Next time you open
it seems to find them OK, and also then saves any future files there.

> 3. Themes? I like the simple UI, but the colours are a bit bright for my 
> dark studio. Is there a pref file I can modify to tone things down a bit?
> So far I really love this program... the notation editor and strong 
> support for hardware MIDI are awesome!
> Cheers,
> Andrew
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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Lost instrument settings

2017-07-23 Thread Abrolag via Rosegarden-user
On Sun, 23 Jul 2017 18:16:14 +0100
chuck elliot via Rosegarden-user  wrote:

> Mystery solved! 
> The Korg-M3-GM device is not used in this composition
> but all of the unused RG tracks had defaulted to this device
> so RG was sending out a set of PCs for this device after
> the set for the EDS device. As both are connected to the
> same physical device (midi port), the second set were
> overwriting the first. I don't know where the particular
> GM instrument numbers were coming from (default device?) 
> but they were not relevant to the composition in any case.

Ah yes! Been caught out that way myself :(

> Deleting the GM device resolved the issue and the piece
> now plays properly under v17.12.
> In future, if I have multiple M3 devices connected I will
> ensure that any spare RG tracks are deleted or set to a null device.
> Thanks for all the help. RG is a fantastic resource.
> If anyone reading this thread is interested in hearing the
> piece concerned it is my rendition of a track from Frank Zappa's
> 'Hot Rats' album from 1969 (little Umbrellas).
> Chuck.

Nice work. Lots of detail in this.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Lost instrument settings

2017-07-18 Thread Abrolag via Rosegarden-user
On Mon, 17 Jul 2017 23:08:37 -0400
Ted Felix  wrote:

> On 07/17/2017 07:12 PM, chuck elliot wrote:
> > so it looks to me that under 16.02 RG sends out program change
> > messages according to what's set up in the studio every time
> > you press PLAY.
> > 
> > Under 17.12 RG does not send out program changes when you press
> > PLAY...  
>I've confirmed this.  16.06 is the first version that doesn't send 
> out BS/PCs when play is pressed starting from time zero.  This feels 
> wrong to me.  I need to track down what changed and why.
>I did notice that BS/PCs do get sent out on load.  So, try this... 
> Make sure your synths are on and connected.  Try loading a different .rg 
> file (even just a File > New should do), then load the .rg file that 
> talks to the M1 and M3.  This should cause BS/PCs to go out and your 
> synths should be set up properly at this point.
> Ted.
I seem to remember something about this.

The problem was that if your synth stored bank settings as part of its setup
if Rosegarden then changes that to what it considers a default, any later
program changes will come from the wrong bank. This becomes worse for modern
synths that recognise both bank LSB and MSB (most of the older ones didn't).

If you are working on a project and keep going back to the start, it gets
mighty annoying if Rosegarden keeps resetting everything, especially if you are
*not* doing any bank/program changes and want to keep the synth's last manually
configured settings.

It seems every sequencer taks a different approach to this. One (that shall
remain nameless) instructs the synth to load it's preserved state file, then
immediately proceeds to change everything!

Defensive measures we've had to employ with Yoshimi are a group of switches
that can be set to independently ignore bank MSB, bank LSB, program change,
reset all controllers.

There was something similar with volume and pan when you have multiple segments
on the same track. These would be reset every time a new segment started while
actually playing the whole track.

MIDI a standardised control system that nobody actually agrees on!


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Quiet here

2017-07-17 Thread Abrolag via Rosegarden-user
On Sun, 16 Jul 2017 18:04:57 -0400
"D. Michael McIntyre"  wrote:

> On 07/13/2017 03:26 PM, Abrolag via Rosegarden-user wrote:
> > Anything new on the horizon?  
> For my part, I just got away from music and computers for awhile.  I 
> spend most of my time working on an old truck or playing with my new 
> forge.  I have no plans beyond eventually looking into that bug Ted 
> reported a month ago, but I'm still around.
Hey, what sort of forge have you got.

When I was at school they had a pair of proper coke fired forges, and one of
the pieces we were taught to make was a poker from round bar. Jumped up end
then squared off and made into a pyramid point. Tapered down the other end,
rolled it back and curled the taper round the stock.

Had it for years, even though I didn't have an open fire!

Over here, kids today don't even get to see a forge, let alone actually use it.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Quiet here

2017-07-17 Thread Abrolag via Rosegarden-user
On Sun, 16 Jul 2017 11:18:58 -0400
Ted Felix  wrote:

> On 07/13/2017 03:26 PM, Abrolag via Rosegarden-user wrote:
> > Anything new on the horizon?  
>I'm near the end of a rewrite of the Audio Mixer Window.  You can 
> find it over on github:
>However, my daughter just broke her wrist, so I don't have a lot of 
> time for rg right now.  Should be back soon.
> Ted.
Ouch! Commiserations with young miss Felix.

Of course, family comes first.


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[Rosegarden-user] Quiet here

2017-07-13 Thread Abrolag via Rosegarden-user
Anything new on the horizon?


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