[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Extend %changelog to support full timestamps (#903) (#93)

2016-10-06 Thread pavlinamv
The newly accepted date format is

Mon Jan 6 09:02:22 CEST 2016

(like output of "date" command). Original format "Mon Jun 6 2016" is still 

Resolves: http://www.rpm.org/ticket/903
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-- Commit Summary --

  * Extend %changelog to support full timestamps (#903)

-- File Changes --

M build/parseChangelog.c (93)

-- Patch Links --


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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Extend %changelog to support full timestamps (#903) (#93)

2016-10-07 Thread pavlinamv
@pavlinamv pushed 1 commit.

c95c6ff  fixed "CEST 2016" in extended format decoded as part of author name

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] API documentation generation broken with doxygen > 1.8.7 (#131)

2017-02-05 Thread pavlinamv
The problem is because:

> In version 1.8.8 a change has taken place about handling files
> with unknown / unsupported extension. Till that version they were seen as
> C-like files. In version 1.8.8 and up they are skipped, but it is possible
> to use your own extension and map it to a supported version. 

Thus files
are skipped and that is why "Modules" are missing.

To solve the problem: 
Add to both files "Doxyheader" an extension. According to the extension, change 
files "hacking.doxy.in" and "librpm.doxy.in" as it is in change.diff (for 
extension "xxx").

Another option is to configure "hacking.doxy.in" and "librpm.doxy.in" to 
process files without extension (no_extension). Doxygen would start to go 
through all files without extension - README,  INSTALL, ...   as C files, which 
could lead to undesired results. Therefore I prefer the first option.


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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Fix unclear %dev error message (#155)

2017-02-14 Thread pavlinamv
Mistakes in %dev as "%dev(c,b,0) /dev/lirc"
will give unclear errors like:

 Missing devmajor in %dev b

Make a copy of the all the arguments in brackets to make the error clear:

Missing devmajor in %dev(c,b,0)
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Fix unclear %dev error message

-- File Changes --

M build/files.c (8)

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: option for initial-only content in files (#152)

2017-04-12 Thread pavlinamv
I try to sum up what I think that should be done with this issue.

Name is unresolved. I chose "mutable" as an interim one.
%mutable will be defined for REG files and LINKs.

 Behavior :
   - if a file/link is the same as in new package
 (it has the same contents, gid, uid and mode)/(is the same),
 then touch it (set time stamp for REG files).
   - if a file/link is the same as in old package
 (it has the same contents, gid, uid and mode)/(is the same),
 then upgrade it as "normal" file/link
   - else do nothing

 (It means, that for config files/links rpm will behave similarly as 
  but without creation backup files and warnings. The only difference is that
  this behavior takes files with the same contents but different uid or gid or 
  as different. For %config(noreplace) such files are similar. )

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: option for initial-only content in files (#152)

2017-04-13 Thread pavlinamv
In my opinion update policy is a good term and good way of thinking about it. 
As I see the actual RFE needs two policies. (I think that two update policies 
are better that one with and without a parameter)
%updatepolicy(mutable) - install and update until it is modified, after that do 
not care. Only if the file does not exist, install it again.
%updatepolicy(installonly) - only if the file does not exist, install it, else 
do not care.

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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Add %mutable and %noupdate update policies (#152) (#200)

2017-04-19 Thread pavlinamv
- is defined for files and links. It means update until modified.

In more details:
- if a file/link is the same as in new package then touch it,
- if a file/link is the same as in old package then upgrade it as "normal" 
- else do nothing.

- is defined for all file types used internally by rpm. It is for cases, where 
packager wants just the initial content, never to be touched by rpm again.

In more details:
- if the file does not exist, then create it,
- if the file exists, then do nothing.
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Add %mutable and %noupdate update policies (#152)

-- File Changes --

M build/files.c (4)
M lib/rpmfi.c (136)
M lib/rpmfi_internal.h (25)
M lib/rpmfiles.h (2)
M lib/transaction.c (15)
A tests/data/SPECS/updpolicy.spec (38)
M tests/rpmi.at (254)

-- Patch Links --


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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Remove unnecessary memset (#201)

2017-04-19 Thread pavlinamv

You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Remove unnecessary memset

-- File Changes --

M lib/rpmfi.c (1)

-- Patch Links --


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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Triple operator for conditional shortcut (#115)

2017-04-28 Thread pavlinamv
The separator character should be chosen such that it will not cause problems 
with old macros:

If we define, that:
 separator operator is the first '!' after ':', which is not nested in {} 
or in () 
it will change interpretation of macros like:
%{?write_errors: You did not respond! It is a mistake.}

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Triple operator for conditional shortcut (#115)

2017-05-04 Thread pavlinamv
I do not see any possibility how to define sensible syntax of the triple 
operator, without possible causing problems for macros %{?condition:true} and 
%{!?condition:false}. Thus I think that adding this macro without additional 
changes is not a good idea.

The syntax of the macro should start "%{?condition:" or "%{!?condition:"
But then there is a problem with next separator operator:
  E.g if we define syntax
  where separator operator is the first '!' after ':', which is not nested in 
{} or in ()
  it will change interpretation of macros like
   %{?write_errors: You did not respond! It is a mistake.}
  which will change from its original meaning 
  if "write_errors" is defined, then write "You did not respond! It is a 
  if "write_errors" is defined, then write "You did not respond" else write " 
It is a mistake."
If we change separator operator from "!" to another character it will not help 
us a lot. The mentioned type of mistake will still occur. The only characters 
which are different from rpm point of view are  "{", "}", "(", ")". To use some 
of them is not a good choice too. The triple operator will look very weird and 
probably another type of problems occur.

Similarly for a separator operator defined as a sequence of chars.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Triple operator for conditional shortcut (#115)

2017-05-24 Thread pavlinamv
Thinking about it some more...  Syntax:


is OK. So if it is acceptable,  I will make a patch for it.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Make macro %{error:...} cause an actual failure (94e8cd6)

2017-08-22 Thread pavlinamv
If you want an error message without an actual failure, you can use %{warn:...} 
instead of %{error:...}.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Don't expand %{verbose:...} argument on false condition (0032ee8)

2017-10-22 Thread pavlinamv
The patch does not extend the syntax, it corrects the existing implementation 
of {verbose:...} and {!verbose:...}.
The example in commit message shows that prior to this patch the syntax already 
included {!verbose:...}.

An example of the corrected error in case of {verbose:...}:

$ rpm  --eval '%{!verbose:%{echo:is not verbose}}' \
   --eval '%{verbose:%{echo:is verbose}}'

Before this patch, it returned:

is not verbose
is verbose

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Human readable size in --queryformat (#375)

2018-03-02 Thread pavlinamv
Closed #375.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Python tests are running even python support is disabled (#264)

2018-03-23 Thread pavlinamv
Closed #264.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] macros: closing macro on newline breaks expansion of all later macros (#401)

2018-03-27 Thread pavlinamv
Closed #401.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] %setup -T -a 0 -a 1 doesn't extract %{S:0} (#462)

2018-08-22 Thread pavlinamv
rpm behaves correctly. rpm takes into account only the last option '-a number' 
in the command. 

%autosetup -c -T -a 0 -a 1
executes only:
/usr/bin/gzip -dc 
 -T disables implicit unpacking of Source0,
 -a 0 is skipped because it is not the last -a option,
 -a 1 enables unpacking of Source1

   %autosetup -c -a 0 -a 1
/usr/bin/gzip -dc 
/usr/bin/gzip -dc 
because Source0 is implicitly unpacked.
-a 0 is skipped because it is not the last -a option,
-a 1 enables unpacking of Source1

For more details see link: 

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] %setup -T -a 0 -a 1 doesn't extract %{S:0} (#462)

2018-08-22 Thread pavlinamv

Implicitly (without any option) source0 is unpacked. The -T option disables 
%setup's normal unpacking of the archive file specified on the source0 line. 
You can "re-enable"unpacking of the source0 using -a 0 or -b 0.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] %setup -T -a 0 -a 1 doesn't extract %{S:0} (#462)

2018-08-22 Thread pavlinamv
Om my VM
%autosetup -c -T -a 0 -a 1 .. unpacks only S1 (-a 1 is the last -a 
%autosetup -c -a 0 -a 1 .. unpacks S0 and S1 (because S0 is 
special and -T is not here, -a 1 is the last -a option),
%autosetup -c -a1 -a 2 ... unpacks S0 and S2 (because S0 is 
special and -T is not here, -a 2 is the last -a option),
%autosetup -c -a 0 -a 1 -a 2 -a 3 ... unpacks S0 and S3 (because S0 is special 
and -T is not here, -a 3 is the last -a option).
Please can you give me a reproducer such that %autosetup -a 1 -a 2 unpacks S1 
and S2 (with this exact numbers)?

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: useful lua errors (#545)

2018-09-27 Thread pavlinamv
Agree. The error message does not help a lot. Some additional info containing 
whole %anotherluamacro can improve the situation.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] rpm --setcaps sets empty security.capability when there is no caps (#585)

2018-11-02 Thread pavlinamv
It is a very good point. 

Empty capabilities ('') and no capabilities are different. Because (from 
SETCAP(8) man page):
"setting an empty capability set is not the same as removing it. An empty set 
can be used to guarantee a file is not executed with privilege inspite of the 
fact that the prevailing ambient+inheritable sets would otherwise bestow 
capabilities on executed binaries"

If %|FILECAPS? is false for a given package then --setcaps should set no caps. 
This is a bug in the current --setcap implementation and it must be corrected.

If %|FILECAPS? is true for a given package then %{FILECAPS} contains textual 
representation of file capabilities. In such a case files with no capabilities 
and files with empty capabilities satisfies %{FILECAPS}=''. So from the value 
%{FILECAPS}='' it is not clear whether a file has no or empty capabilities. I 
checked several packages (iputils, gnome-keyring, httpd, mtr). After package 
installation the files with %{FILECAPS}='' usually have no capabilities. But 
1) empty capabilities are more strict then no capabilities and 
2) %{FILECAPS} can be used as a querytag to print out capabilities of a file
I think the correct solution is: if  %{FILECAPS} = '' then capabilities should 
be set empty. In case of no capabilities %{FILECAPS} must contain a different 
value.  And with respect to this correct --setcups. 

There is another problem:
rpm -V does not differ between no capabilities and empty capabilities now. E.g. 
if a file /usr/bin/mc has empty or no capabilities rpm -V verifies both as 
correct. It should be corrected.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] rpm --setcaps sets empty security.capability when there is no caps (#585)

2018-11-05 Thread pavlinamv
The previous comment is not correct. 

If %|FILECAPS? is true and file has empty capabilities, then %{FILECAPS}='='. 
It is different from no capabilities. Thus the patch from Markus Linnala
works correctly.

There is still a problem that rpm -V does not differ between no capabilities 
and empty capabilities.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Triple operator for conditional shortcut (#115)

2018-12-07 Thread pavlinamv


looks promising for me.

1) It is because it causes no problems in old macros. 
2) It looks quite naturaly, the only difference from the most expected notation 
are curly baces around the condition. (They are added to reach 1).

Similar notations that can be chosen instead:


More detailed description of the notation:
- Between the first chars "%{?" resp. "%{!?" or "%{?!" there can not be a 
- On the other hand arround {condition} and :, there can but not need to be a 
- In {condition}, there can be a space before or after condition.
It should be highly recommended to use %{true} and %{false} instead of true or 

It can not cause problems in the existing macros because:
If curly brackets around condition occure in the existing spec file, the 
current implementation resolves
%{?{condition}  } to "" (all cases without the space between '?' and '{' 
are resolved to "")
%{? {condition}  } resolves to "%".
E.g. %{!?{-n}:%{1}}%{?{-n}:%{-n*}} expands in all cases to "".
It means that the spec behaves differently than the author expected.

If the implementation will be done wisely it can change the expansion to more 
natural case:
%{!?{-n}:%{1}}%{?{-n}:%{-n*}} -> expand to %{1} or %{-n*} according to "-n".

The only different unexpected beaviour for the current spec files can arise in 
a case like: %{!?{condition}:sth1:sth2}. In such a case the current 
implementation expands it to "" and the new behaviour will expand it to sth1 or 
sth2. Thus it can potentially change behavior from the current one to different 
unexpected behavior. But such case is highly unlikely and the original behavior 
is already different from the expected one (as explained above). So it changes 
one unexpected behavior to some different one. 

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Triple operator for conditional shortcut (#115)

2018-12-07 Thread pavlinamv
You are correct %{?:condition:true:false} and %{?!:condition:false:true} also 
should not conflict with the current macro usage. I am OK with this notation 

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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] implement %elif (#613)

2018-12-17 Thread pavlinamv
This pull request contains 6 patches: 
- patches 1, 2, 3: contain refactoring of the existing without any functional 
change. It is a preparation for the patch 5.
- patch 4: improves "Bad %if condition" error message
- patch 5: adds support of %elif operators (%elif, %elifarch, %elifos)
- patch 6: adds tests for %elif operators

If it will be requested, I can add patch 7 that restricts usage of %elif, 
%elifarch and %elifos such that:  In scope of %if you can use only %elif, in 
scope of %ifos you can use only %elifos and similarly for %ifarch.

You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Refactor variable "match" to have clear meaning
  * Move checking whether %if condition will be resolved to the right place
  * Refactor expression expansion evaluation in parseSpec
  * Make "Bad %elif condition" error message more informative
  * Support %elif operators (#311)
  * Add tests for %elif, %elifos, %elifarch

-- File Changes --

M build/parseSpec.c (85)
M build/rpmbuild_internal.h (2)
M build/spec.c (2)
A tests/data/SPECS/iftest.spec (116)
M tests/rpmmacro.at (104)

-- Patch Links --


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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] implement %elif (#613)

2019-01-08 Thread pavlinamv
pavlinamv commented on this pull request.

> @@ -421,8 +422,8 @@ int readLine(rpmSpec spec, int strip)
match = parseExpressionBoolean(s);
if (match < 0) {
-   _("%s:%d: bad %%if condition\n"),
-   ofi->fileName, ofi->lineNum);
+   _("%s:%d: bad %%if condition\n   expanded line: 
+   ofi->fileName, ofi->lineNum, z);

Yes, there is a mistake in the commit message, it should talk about %if, not 
about %elif. In the newer version of the PR I will correct this patch to have 
common style and its commit message. 

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] implement %elif (#613)

2019-01-08 Thread pavlinamv
pavlinamv commented on this pull request.

>  lbuf = spec->lbuf;
 if (lbuf[0] == '#')
isComment = 1;
- /* Don't expand macros (eg. %define) in false branch of %if clause */
-if (!spec->readStack->reading)
+/* Don't expand macros after %elif (resp. %elifarch, %elifos) in false 
branch */
+if (ISMACROWITHARG(lbuf, "%elif")) {
+   if (!spec->readStack->readable)

The need to test for `ISMACROWITHARG(lbuf, "%elif")` in that place is caused by 
the current implementation of the parser and not by tracking by "reading" and 

Parsing of a line in spec file consists of these for us important actions (in 
this order):
 1) storing the line from file into buffer  
(function `copyNextLineFromOFI`)
 2) deciding whether the line should be expanded  
(beginning of function `expandMacrosInSpecBuf`)
 3) if it should be expanded then expansion of the line  
(second part of function `expandMacrosInSpecBuf`)
 4) checking if the line starts with a rpm conditional and according of it 
doing appropriate actions  
(second part of function `readLine`)

Before adding `%elif`, the decision 2) whether the line should be expanded 
depends only on previous lines of the spec file. But after adding `%elif` it 
depends on the new line stored in the buffer, too. Because if the line starts 
with `%elif` then `if !readable` line must not be expanded, otherwise it must 
be expanded.

If there should be a variable that is used for deciding whether the new line 
should be expanded or not, then the variable must be set after 1). So it can be 
a) in the second part of function `copyNextLineFromOFI` before calling 
`expandMacrosInSpecBuf`, or
b) in the first part of `expandMacrosInSpecBuf`. 
In the current patch the test is done in position b) and instead of setting a 
variable and then deciding according to it, the test is straightforwardly used. 
Thus I do not see any improvement in changing tracking variables to allow 
decision 2). 

To be precise I should add into `expandMacrosInSpecBuf` tests for 
`ISMACROWITHARG(s, "%elifarch")` and `ISMACROWITHARG(s, "%elifos")` too. And to 
be extremely precise with solve all corner cases I should add `ISMACRO(s, 
"%endif")` and `ISMACRO(s, "%else")` too. Because they all can change the 
potential to expand in that line. ( But usually only after `%elif` is expected 
to be a macro).

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] implement %elif (#613)

2019-01-08 Thread pavlinamv
If this comment is about patch
"Move checking whether %if condition will be resolved to the right place"
then the reply is:

I will improve the commit message. It should not speak about the "right place".
But it is not just refactoring because of `%elif`. The current place is not 
optimal because:
In function `readLine()`, all of conditionals (`%else`, `%endif`, `%ifarch`, 
`%ifnarch`, ...) except for `%if` are parsed in one place. But `%if` is parsed 
in two different places (there is `ISMACROWITHARG(s, "%if")` twice). I think 
that it is better to consolidate these two `ISMACROWITHARG(s, "%if")` into one 
place. And after that optimize it to be coded similarly as `%ifarch`, `%ifos`, 

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] implement %elif (#613)

2019-01-09 Thread pavlinamv
pavlinamv commented on this pull request.

> @@ -360,7 +364,10 @@ do { \
 int readLine(rpmSpec spec, int strip)
 char *s;
-int match;
+char *z;
+int match = 0;
+int isIf = 0;
+int isElif = 0;

Yes a line can be `%if` line, `%elif` line or "another" line. 

Yes, in some earlier version were only two variables: `isElif` + `match`. The 
meaning of variable `match` was quite unclear.
 ` 0  %if or %else line + condition after %if is not satisfied`
 ` 1  %if or %else line + condition after %if is satisfied`
`-1  ... %if or %else line + condition after %if is bad, or `
`  .. not %if or %elif line`
`match` was used for both: deciding whether line is `%if` line and deciding, 
whether the condition after `%if` (resp. `%ifos`, ...) is satisfied.

That is why I made the first patch of this PR. In the patch I refactored 
`match` into two variables: `match` + `isIf` to have clean meaning and usage. 

Variables `isIf` and `isElif` can be consolidated into one. I will change it.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] implement %elif (#613)

2019-01-10 Thread pavlinamv
pavlinamv commented on this pull request.

>   spec->readStack = rl;
spec->line[0] = '\0';
+} else if (isElif) {
+   spec->readStack->reading = match && spec->readStack->readable;
+   if (spec->readStack->reading)
+   spec->readStack->readable = 0;
+   spec->line[0] = '\0';
+   match = -1;

Thank you for the comment. 

> For example, isn't elifEnabled practically the same thing as checking 
> whether ->next non-NULL?

No. Because `elifEnabled = 1` if some `%if` condition starts and does not reach 
`%else` or `%endif`. `->next` is non-NULL if some `%if` starts and does not 
reach `%endif`. And from all other `->` variables you can not decide whether in 
the current `%if` `%else` was reached or not. Yes the meaning and name of the 
variable can be different, but there must be some variable containing this 

> Also makes me wonder if it'd fit in more naturally if you just treated 
> %elif as a new %if inside an %else, which is what it ultimately is. 
> %elif is just syntactic sugar after all.

This alternative approach does not optimize variables, or complexity of the 
Programming `%elif` like a "special `%else` `%if` " will lead into:
- `->elifEnabled` must stay in the code with this approach too. (Of course no 
metter how it is implemented, there is need for testing whether all %elif's are 
on their propper places). 
- even if in this approach `->reading` can be omitted, there must be some new 
variable counting how nested the `%elif` is. It is because after `%else` resp. 
`%endif`, function `readLine`, must close the main `%if`, and all other 
"auxiliary %else %if's" that emulate `%elifs`.
Thus it will result into code that is not better than the current one.

Current approach corresponds to defining %elif straightforwardly according to 
its syntax and the alternative approach corresponds to defining %elif using %if 
inside an %else. Both are correct definitions, but for me the current looks 
more readable and natural.

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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Implement %elif (issue #311) (#618)

2019-01-12 Thread pavlinamv
This is a new version of #613. All suggestions that are in #613 are included or 
in the discussion is described why they are not included.
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Refactor variable "match" to have clear meaning
  * Consolidate %if condition parsing to one place
  * Refactor expression expansion evaluation in parseSpec
  * Make "Bad %if condition" error message more informative
  * Supported operators: %elif, %elifarch, %elifos.
  * Add tests for %elif, %elifos, %elifarch

-- File Changes --

M build/parseSpec.c (81)
M build/rpmbuild_internal.h (11)
M build/spec.c (2)
A tests/data/SPECS/iftest.spec (116)
M tests/rpmmacro.at (103)

-- Patch Links --


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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] implement %elif (#613)

2019-01-12 Thread pavlinamv
pavlinamv commented on this pull request.

>   spec->readStack = rl;
spec->line[0] = '\0';
+} else if (isElif) {
+   spec->readStack->reading = match && spec->readStack->readable;
+   if (spec->readStack->reading)
+   spec->readStack->readable = 0;
+   spec->line[0] = '\0';
+   match = -1;

> I wasn't asking for detailed explanation against my remarks, just pointing 
> (partial) overlap and throwing possible ideas to explore. 

I think that if you had a concrete remark and I am not planning to involve it 
in next version of PR, then it is fair to explain why. And usually it is better 
to explain it precisely.

> Like said: knowing what's involved and the surrounding code, rethink from 
> scratch and see what comes up, you can almost  always do better the second or 
> even third time around. 

I rethink this code many times and for me it results in the refactorization 
patches before the "elif" patch. 

> You mentioned corner cases that this doesn't take into account - take them 
> into account from the beginning the in the next round.

Yes I mentioned those corner cases. Of course I planned to solve them - but in 
following PR. There is no gain from solving it in this PR.

> I'm absolutely positive that if-elif-else-endif branching can be expressed 
> and tracked in a more coherent manner than we have here. As discussed in 
> private this ugly code to begin with, take the opportunity to improve the 
> foundation instead of duct-taping over it. Sometimes there's no choice but to 
> duct-tape due to time or API  constraints but neither is an issue here.

If you have some concrete issues or improvements of the PR, please send me 
them. But I am happy with this code.

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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Make list of dependencies in test/README consistent (#619)

2019-01-12 Thread pavlinamv
The other entries in the list of dependencies are names of provides. But gpg2 
is name of executable and the command is not in package gpg2 or in a package 
with gpg2 in provides.
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-- Commit Summary --

  * Make list of dependencies in test/README consistent

-- File Changes --

M tests/README (2)

-- Patch Links --


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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] implement %elif (#613)

2019-01-12 Thread pavlinamv
Closed #613.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] implement %elif (#613)

2019-01-12 Thread pavlinamv
Corrected version is in PR #618.

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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Warn if a text is after %else or %endif (#625)

2019-02-01 Thread pavlinamv
Before this commit, rpm handles text after %else or %endif
nonconsistently and does not give any feedback:
- a text after %else was expanded according to evaluation
  of the previous %if.
- a text after %endif was expanded according to evaluation
  of the previous %else, resp. %if if there was no %else.

So in the current spec files there exist lines like:
%else %if 0%{?centos}
%else !use_embedded
%endif # with_perf
(comments must have '#' at the start of the line to behave as defined)

So to be consistent and clear, this warning is added. It looks
for example:

warning: line 93, no text in allowed after %else
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Warn if a text is after %else or %endif

-- File Changes --

M build/parseSpec.c (24)

-- Patch Links --


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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Warn if a text is after %else or %endif (#625)

2019-02-04 Thread pavlinamv
> the two cases only differ by the actual token, you should handle them 
> by the same code and without unnecessary + 5 "magic" calculations.

Will be improved in the next version.

> auxBuf is not used to modify the contents so it should be const

Will be changed in the next version.

> Having several places parse the same tokens is generally an indication 
> of something being wrong or at least sub-optimal, why can't this be 
> handled where %else and %endif are otherwise parsed? (I'd think macro 
> expansion shouldn't matter for this)

It is because logically it should be done before the macro expansion. 
In majority of cases macro expansion shouldn't matter. But there are corner 
cases like:
   %else %{?iii:this}
   %else %define name value
such that the macro expansion matter for them. I prefer to solve all possible 
cases to handle the warnings where %else and %endif are otherwise parsed.
Moreover in the future there may be another cases, where macro expansion should 
matter in more cases e.g. %elif.

> "Not allowed" as an expression doesn't work this kind of context: it's 
> not question whether you have a permission to place text someplace or 
> not, it's simply a syntax error.

I will change the error message in next version.

> Text following %endif is obviously a syntax error, but in case of %else 
> I think it'd be more useful to simply treat any following text as a part 
> of the else-branch. Ie, make "%else %if 0%{?centos}" kind of thing 
> actually work.

There are 4 types of texts after %else that I saw: 
a) %else # 0%{?with_systemd}
b) %else %if %{with_prerelease}
c) %else if 0%{?rhel} >= 6
d) %else !use_embedded
Treating a text after %else as a part of the else-branch will improve a) and 
b), but it will not solve case c) and especially d). That is why I would prefer 
the warning in both cases.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] implement %elif (#613)

2019-02-05 Thread pavlinamv
The pull request is reopened (PR #618 will be closed).

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] implement %elif (#613)

2019-02-05 Thread pavlinamv
Reopened #613.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Implement %elif (issue #311) (#618)

2019-02-05 Thread pavlinamv
The pull request is closed (returned to #613).

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Implement %elif (issue #311) (#618)

2019-02-05 Thread pavlinamv
Closed #618.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Warn if a text is after %else or %endif (#625)

2019-02-06 Thread pavlinamv
> Well, c) and d) would depend on context, but most likely they'd end up in 
> syntax error, which is ok. 

Yes, but not in all cases.

> OTOH the closest relative to spec %if's would be the C pre-processor which 
> simply warns: warning: extra tokens at end of #else directive
>So perhaps that is the best option here afterall.

OK I think so.

>Looking at the macro expansion behavior, the current behavior is certainly 
>very broken. Consider the following:

>%if %{val}
>%else %{echo:moo}

>"moo" gets echoed iff %{val} evaluates to true, which is just crazy. At this 
>point I do have to agree with you that %else needs to be parsed before 
>deciding whether to expand a line or not, and ditto %endif. 

As it is described in the commit message of the PR:
* a text after %else is expanded according to evaluation of the previous %if.
* a text after %endif is expanded according to evaluation of the previous 
%else, resp. %if if there was no %else.

This was my original reason for creating the patch.

> And if we're adding a warning for text after %else, then perhaps neither of 
> these lines should ever be expanded. 

I looked to the code and as usually it is more complicated. There are two 
versions of the "line" in spec file. One before the macro expansion and the 
second is after the expansion. So 

1) if a line (before expansion) is:
  %else %define name value
then it is incorrect before the expansion and it looks correctly after the 
expansion. Thus a check of a text after %else must be done before the expansion.

2) on the other hand a macro (e.g. "%debug_package" from macros.in) can be 
expanded to a text containing more lines including some %if + %else lines. 
  -> I) Thus we can not decide what is the current type of the line before 
expansion. The final decision must be done after expansion. In the readLine 
function where it is done now.
  -> II) a second check of a text after %else must be done after expansion (if 
a warning was written in the first check, then this check should not write any 
warning). This should be improved in the next PR.
  -> III) There is a large area for errors when expanding %if's from a file.
Lets start with an example:

Add into a macro file:

%mem1 \
%if 1  \
%global blabla1  \
%else \
%global blabla2  \

rpm --eval '%blabla1' --eval '%blabla2' --eval '%mem1' --eval '%blabla1' --eval 

the result is:


%if 1  


So in expansion of %if - %else - %endif from macro files there is a bug. Macros 
are expanded no matter whether %if/%else holds or not. Thus they are defined 
and undefined no matter whether %if/%else holds or not. This is another and 
bigger problem that should be solved. But it is not part of the problem that 
this PR solve. 

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Warn if a text is after %else or %endif (#625)

2019-02-08 Thread pavlinamv

> %if-%else-%endif is a spec-only construct, there's no support for them in the 
> actual macro engine. Macro files are purely declarative and doesn't support 
> any sort of conditionals. You can of course define a macro that contains and 
> %if-%else-%endif but that will only work as expected when expanded in a spec.

Please where is it documented? I am asking because there are macro files, that 
contain %if. For example:


> I'm thinking the only sane interpretation would be that only the opening %if 
> can appear from a macro expanded on that line.

Please can you explain why? In this case there is still a problem with 
detecting %else and %endif lines too? What %if's that are expanded from an 
already expanded macro?

>So maybe it's just me, but this completely failed to drive the point across. 
>"expanded according to evaluation" basically reads to me that "expansion 
>depends on the evaluation" which makes me think "so, it's an %if, what do you 
>expect?" Adding something like "contrary to expectations" would help make it 
>more obvious what the problem is.

>Which is just to say that concrete tends to work better than abstract in 
>commit messages and the like. Maybe something to the tune of "contrary to 
>expectations, the entire %else line is considered to be a part of the 
>preceeding %if block", and with a concrete example of what actually happens.

I will improve the commit message.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Warn if a text is after %else or %endif (#625)

2019-02-08 Thread pavlinamv
In the previous comment should be
instead of:

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Warn if a text is after %else or %endif (#625)

2019-02-15 Thread pavlinamv
>...because obviously, you cannot detect the %else before expanding a line that 
>should not be expanded. Does that make it clearer?

Yes, the idea is clear now and I agree with this limitation. It evidently does 
not worth the effort to solve all %if/%else/%endif corner cases. 

I read comments in PR:#613 and apply them on this patch, so here is a new 

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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Add descrption of conditionals into the spec documentation (#633)

2019-02-18 Thread pavlinamv
Document briefly conditionals and the fact that they work correctly in spec 
files only.
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Add descrption of conditionals into the spec documentation

-- File Changes --

M doc/manual/spec (20)

-- Patch Links --


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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] implement %elif (#613)

2019-02-19 Thread pavlinamv
I am waiting with a new version of this PR for finishing of PR #625.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] [RFE] Add limits to autopatch macro (#626)

2019-02-19 Thread pavlinamv
I like this idea. Maybe I would recommend to change the names of parameters:
 -l -u from upper and lower bounds, or 
 -m -M as minimum and Maximum. 
Otherwise it looks OK for me.

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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Remove %ifarch-%endif from %debug_package macro (#635)

2019-02-19 Thread pavlinamv
In PR #625 Comment 6 Panu wrote:

*"%if-%else-%endif is a spec-only construct, there's no support for them in the 
actual macro engine. Macro files are purely declarative and doesn't support any 
sort of conditionals."*

In maco file macros.in there is macro 

%debug_package \
%ifnarch noarch\
%global __debug_package 1\

that contains %ifnarch and thus it should be corrected. 
Currently after expanding of macro %debug_package (e.g. in some spec file) 
global definition
%global __debug_package 1\
is expanded in all cases.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Warn if a text is after %else or %endif (#625)

2019-02-26 Thread pavlinamv
Yesterday's comments are incorporated in the last version.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Warn if a text is after %else or %endif (#625)

2019-02-26 Thread pavlinamv
The patches are changed.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Warn if a text is after %else or %endif (#625)

2019-02-27 Thread pavlinamv
The the patch and commit message is changed + the last patch added.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Remove %ifarch-%endif from %debug_package macro (#635)

2019-02-28 Thread pavlinamv
> Err, what? You trimmed out the relevant part of that quote:

>>You can of course define a macro that contains and %if-%else-%endif but 
>> that will only work as expected when expanded in a spec.

The problem is more complicated. Macro written in a macro file that contains 
%if-%else-%endif + %global inside will not work correctly even if it is 
expanded in spec file. For example use rpm sources and add into macro.in file :
%mymacro0 \
%if 0  \
%global bbb0 ccc0 \
%endif \

%mymacro1 \
%if 1  \
%global bbb1 ccc1 \
%endif \
then add into "tests/data/SPECS/replacetest.spec"
after the "%install" line two echos:
echo %mymacro0
echo %mymacro1
and change the line:
echo "%{filedata}" > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/foo
to the line:
 echo "%bbb0 --- %bbb1 --- %name --- %ohouhiuiu" > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/opt/foo
run "make check". Then you can see that
%bbb0 --- %bbb1 --- %name --- %ohouhiuiu
was expanded into
ccc0 --- ccc1 --- replacetest --- %ohouhiuiu
you can check it in tests/rpmtests.dir/232/rpmtests.log.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Remove %ifarch-%endif from %debug_package macro (#635)

2019-02-28 Thread pavlinamv
Reopened #635.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] implement %elif (#613)

2019-03-04 Thread pavlinamv
Thank you for pointing out that this should be rebased. I have a slightly 
different plan. #625 already contains a non-trivial refactorization, that is 
useful for %elif. My next step will be to create an additional PR that will 
contain a correction of a current minor %else parsing problem + as a side 
effect a part of code that will be usefull for %elif too. After that I will 
rebase this PR.

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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Test a macro from a macro file that contains %ifxxx - %endif (#640)

2019-03-04 Thread pavlinamv
The underlying problem tested in the patch:

If a macro is in a macro file and at the same time it contains
%ifxxx - %endif (%ifxxx here denotes one of %if, %ifarch, %ifnarch,
%ifos, %ifnos) then during the rpm expansion of the macro the lines
inside %ifxxx - %endif are expanded in all cases (no matter whether
the condition after %ifxxx is satisfied or not).

Thus e.g. if the following definition is in a macro file:
   %mymacro \
   %if 0  \
   %global bbb ccc \
   %endif \
and a spec file contains line:
then during the expansion of %mymacro macro %bbb is globally
defined even if the condition after %if is not true.

It is not a problem in evaluation of the %if condition. It is caused
by the fact that the whole %mymacro is expanded in several recursive 
steps and in meantime there is no check whether some of its lines start 
by %ifxxx.
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Test a macro from a macro file that contains %ifxxx - %endif

-- File Changes --

M tests/Makefile.am (2)
A tests/data/SPECS/iftest.spec (20)
A tests/data/macros.iftest (13)
M tests/rpmmacro.at (19)

-- Patch Links --


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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Test a macro from a macro file that contains %ifxxx - %endif (#640)

2019-03-12 Thread pavlinamv
> the macros can be defined in the spec directly

Yes, it is a good observation.

The spec file is changed to the proposed one.

>Then there's the issue of what it actually tries to test and what it expects - 
>this is not really an expected failure but expected behavior, very similarly 
>to how macros expanding in comments is. Normally you hardly notice it, but if 
>there's a %define/%global in there...

> In these cases, the %if-%endif are processed as expected, but since the 
> expansion (including the %global) occurs first, what the spec parser actually 
> sees is just an empty %if-%endif. 

I think that the current behaviour is not expected by users. E.g. C don't 
evaluate #ifdef/#ifndef this way. Thus I let the test be "expected failure".

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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Correct rpm -ql exit value when optional -p is omitted (RhBug:1680610) (#641)

2019-03-12 Thread pavlinamv
Additionally if a package query with the argument was successful, there 
is no need to rpm query of the argument.
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Correct rpm -ql exit value when optional -p is omitted (RhBug:1680610)

-- File Changes --

M lib/query.c (7)

-- Patch Links --


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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Correct rpm -ql exit value when optional -p is omitted (RhBug:1680610) (#641)

2019-03-13 Thread pavlinamv
An additional commit is added for correcting -ql output for multiple rpm files 
if -p is omitted.
(Thus the PR does not exactly correspond to its name).

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Test a macro from a macro file that contains %ifxxx - %endif (#640)

2019-03-13 Thread pavlinamv
The "expected failure" is removed and commit message is changed.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Correct rpm -ql exit value when optional -p is omitted (RhBug:1680610) (#641)

2019-03-14 Thread pavlinamv
I (hopefully) incorporated all comments from Florian and Panu. The line with a 
manual calculation is not a part of the 2 patches now. Thus I added the third 
patch to change it (on 2 places in the query file - to be consistent). If you 
think that the last commit should not be used, I am fine with it.

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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Add flag to use strip -g instead of full strip on DSOs (RhBug:1663264) (#643)

2019-03-16 Thread pavlinamv

You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Add flag to use strip -g instead of full strip on DSOs (RhBug:1663264)

-- File Changes --

M scripts/find-debuginfo.sh (20)

-- Patch Links --


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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Add flag to use strip -g instead of full strip on DSOs (RhBug:1663264) (#643)

2019-03-18 Thread pavlinamv
Thank you for the review. The commit message is extended.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Add flag to use strip -g instead of full strip on DSOs (RhBug:1663264) (#643)

2019-03-19 Thread pavlinamv
Thank you very much for the review. According of the review I added changes on 
two places:
- in documentation 
+ explicitly say "ONLY on DSOs" to make clear how it differs from -g.  (as Mark 
+ add a sentence that options -g and --g-libs are mutually exclusive

- add an error if the user gives both -g and -g-libs.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Add flag to use strip -g instead of full strip on DSOs (RhBug:1663264) (#643)

2019-03-19 Thread pavlinamv
Sorry, I did a wrong alignment in the previous comment. Corrected: 
Thank you very much for the review. According of the review I added changes in 
two places:
-  in documentation: explicitly say "ONLY on DSOs" to make clear how it differs 
from -g. (as Mark wrote) and add that options -g and --g-libs are mutually 
 - add an error if the user gives both -g and -g-libs.

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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Remove full paths from expected results of --addsign test (#647)

2019-03-27 Thread pavlinamv
The full paths should be removed from the expected results of the test. If the 
way that is used in the patch is not the one you prefer, feel free to correct 
it differently.
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Remove full paths from expected results of --addsign  test

-- File Changes --

M tests/rpmsigdig.at (16)

-- Patch Links --


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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Warn if %else is after %else (#649)

2019-03-28 Thread pavlinamv

You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Enable rpmParseLineType_e to store default value
  * Enable to use rpmParseLineType_e in spec.c
  * Warn if %else is after %else

-- File Changes --

M build/parseSpec.c (21)
M build/rpmbuild_internal.h (13)
M build/spec.c (1)

-- Patch Links --


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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Sort list of hard linked files in find-debuginfo.sh (RhBug:1421272) (#658)

2019-04-08 Thread pavlinamv
It helps to make build results reproducible. Based on Mark Wielaard's idea.
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Sort list of hard linked files in find-debuginfo.sh (RhBug:1421272)

-- File Changes --

M scripts/find-debuginfo.sh (2)

-- Patch Links --


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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Fix segfault on fingerprinting symlink round (RhBug:1660232) (#651)

2019-04-08 Thread pavlinamv

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Fix segfault on fingerprinting symlink round (RhBug:1660232) (#651)

2019-04-09 Thread pavlinamv
Merged #651 into master.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Warn if %else is after %else (#649)

2019-04-11 Thread pavlinamv
Please, do you have any idea what name can be used instead of implementedTypes?

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Warn if %else is after %else (#649)

2019-04-11 Thread pavlinamv
All your comments are incorporated in the new version.
First two commits are now in a single commit.The second now add a general type 
of an error for inappropriate ordering of conditionals + change of 
implementedTypes name.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Warn if %else is after %else (#649)

2019-04-12 Thread pavlinamv
> Hmm, why not? Having that LINE_DEFAULT kind of thing to represent all the 
> normal lines seemed useful. Perhaps you misunderstood what I meant by the 
> earlier comments?

Please in which comment you spoke about LINE_DEFAULT?
The implemented algorithm (added in #625) works differently and adding 
LINE_DEFAULT will lead to many subsequent changes with almost no gain. Moreover 
it can make the situation more complicated. Now if a line is "default", no 
branchType entry for the line is found. If there will be "LINE_DEFAULT" what 
value should "text" in branchType table contain?  

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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Use --dpbath only with full path (RhBug:1696408) (#677)

2019-04-24 Thread pavlinamv
Before the patch rpm treats the relative path as a full path.
The new behavior is similar to the "--root" option.
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-- Commit Summary --

  * Use --dpbath only with full path (RhBug:1696408)

-- File Changes --

M lib/poptALL.c (4)

-- Patch Links --


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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Warn if %else is after %else (#649)

2019-04-24 Thread pavlinamv
Your comments are incorporated in the new version.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Add support for special system-level %include path (#685)

2019-04-29 Thread pavlinamv
Please can you add a test case that ends successfully?

Note that:
After this commit there will be two types of %include 
- basic "%include file" and 
- require/provides from system-level dir "%include ",
If there will be a need for another special type of %include in future, it will 
be hard to create another type of notation.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Add support for %patchlist and %sourcelist spec sections (#679)

2019-04-29 Thread pavlinamv
Can something similar be used for directories?
%patchdir path/mydir
will create in ASCIIbetical order for each file in "path/mydir"  %patch.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Try to continue despite missing %include files on forced spec parse (#684)

2019-04-30 Thread pavlinamv
Please, where is described, that forced spec parse already allow sources 
and patches to be missing?

Why to continue despite missing %include files and not despite missing %load 
(even if "more often than not, the %include'd file is actually a source of that 

> It's just about trying to continue despite missing ones (and in this case the 
> result will be unreliable, but with a warning)

Otherwise I think the changed behaviour in case "rpmspec -q" is good. It 
enables to get the data that are requested, but it still wrote the warning that 
informs is sources are missing. Moreover the output is usually so small so 
the warning can not be missed easily.

But  in cases where the output is larger e.g. "rpmspec -P" this change does 
not look unambiguously positive to me. It is because the output is "unreliable" 
and the warning can be missed.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Make check-buildroot check the build files in parallel (#687)

2019-05-02 Thread pavlinamv
Maybe you can mention RhBug:1704354 in the commit message.

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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Fix memory reading in the expansion of an unfinished macro "{%!" (#694)

2019-05-07 Thread pavlinamv
Problem was in reading of the memory right after the end of the
allocated area. (Similar problem as in
commit 54f24ec5486bdacde9419466a2c27defaddf508e).

This is a good opportunity to reflector the corresponding code
(setting variables according to the number of exclamation marks and
interrogation marks after % an before the macro).
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Fix memory reading in the expansion of an unfinished macro "{%!"

-- File Changes --

M rpmio/macro.c (38)

-- Patch Links --


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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Fix memory reading in the expansion of an unfinished macro "{%!" (#694)

2019-05-09 Thread pavlinamv
Thank you for the review. The commit message is changed according to your 

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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Remove nonexistent macro "Q" from the table of builtin macros (#697)

2019-05-09 Thread pavlinamv

You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Remove nonexistent macro "Q" from the table of builtin macros

-- File Changes --

M rpmio/macro.c (1)

-- Patch Links --


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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Correct an emitted error for built-in macro %load (#702)

2019-05-10 Thread pavlinamv
- If rpm tries to load a file and is unsuccessful then emit an
  error in all cases
- The error should end by a new line
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-- Commit Summary --

  * Correct an emitted error for built-in macro %load

-- File Changes --

M rpmio/macro.c (5)

-- Patch Links --


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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Correct an emitted error for built-in macro %load (#702)

2019-05-10 Thread pavlinamv
Please where is this usage of %{?load:...} described (not counting macro.c)?
I see %{?load:...} in spec files ruby.spec or vagrant.spec where it is used for 
another purpose: to  be able to build SRPM on older Fedora, where the older RPM 
has not %load defined. And it looks that the packager expects that with the new 
version of RPM (with %load defined) it works similarly as %{load:...}.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Warn if %else is after %else (#649)

2019-05-14 Thread pavlinamv
pavlinamv commented on this pull request.

> @@ -462,6 +430,16 @@ int readLine(rpmSpec spec, int strip)
 lineType = parseLineType(s);
 if (!lineType)
goto after_classification;
+/* for a conditional check its ordering */
+if (lineType->isConditional &&
+   (spec->readStack->lastConditional->id & lineType->wrongPrecursors)) {
+   rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR,_("%s:%d: Got %%%s %s\n"),

Removed in the new version.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Warn if %else is after %else (#649)

2019-05-14 Thread pavlinamv
pavlinamv commented on this pull request.

> +size_t textLen;
+const char *text;
+int withArgs;
+int isConditional;
+int wrongPrecursors;
+const char *info_text;
+} * parsedSpecLine;
+static struct parsedSpecLine_s const lineTypes[] = {
+{ LINE_ENDIF,  LEN_AND_STR("%endif")  , 0, 1, LINE_ENDIF, "with no 
+{ LINE_ELSE,   LEN_AND_STR("%else")   , 0, 1, LINE_ENDIF | LINE_ELSE, 
"after %%else" },
+{ LINE_IF, LEN_AND_STR("%if") , 1, 1, 0, "after %%if"},
+{ LINE_IFARCH, LEN_AND_STR("%ifarch") , 1, 1, 0, "after %%ifarch"},
+{ LINE_IFNARCH,LEN_AND_STR("%ifnarch"), 1, 1, 0, "after %%ifnarch"},
+{ LINE_IFOS,   LEN_AND_STR("%ifos")   , 1, 1, 0, "after %%ifos"},
+{ LINE_IFNOS,  LEN_AND_STR("%ifnos")  , 1, 1, 0, "after %%ifnos"},

>The %ifs should not have any info text because there are no such error cases, 
>and the texts should be marked for translation.

>Programmatically constructed messages tend to be a problem for translators, 
>might better to have the whole string in one piece, ie "%s with no %s" and "%s 
>after %s" to allow translators to at least reorder the words.

Changed in the new version

>  Also, isn't this now missing the else-with-no-if case, or am I just 
> misreading it?

No in this case it wrote e.g.
/data/SPECS/attrtest.spec:1: %%endif with no %%if
/data/SPECS/configtest.spec:1: %%else with no %%if

> Hmm, "with no" could just as well be changed into "before", which makes the 
> messages more in line with each other: this is just about the order of 
> things, so things are either before or after its proper place.

This message appears e.g. in case that in spec file is only one conditional: 
%endif. So in this case there is no %if after the %endif, thus changing "with 
no" into "before" good idea.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Warn if %else is after %else (#649)

2019-05-16 Thread pavlinamv
Commit message is corrected.

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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Add documentation for %getncpus macro (#707)

2019-05-16 Thread pavlinamv

You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Add documentation for %getncpus macro

-- File Changes --

M doc/manual/macros (1)

-- Patch Links --


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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Warn if %else is after %else (#649)

2019-05-19 Thread pavlinamv
Rebase + fixes are done.

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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Implement %elif (#710)

2019-05-21 Thread pavlinamv

You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Use already detected line type to identify %if lines
  * Consolidate %if condition parsing to one place
  * Make "Bad %if condition" error message more general and informative
  * Supported operators: %elif, %elifarch, %elifos.
  * Add tests for %elif, %elifos, %elifarch

-- File Changes --

M build/parseSpec.c (46)
M build/rpmbuild_internal.h (7)
M build/spec.c (1)
M tests/Makefile.am (1)
A tests/data/SPECS/eliftest.spec (116)
M tests/rpmmacro.at (105)

-- Patch Links --


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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Implement %elif (#710)

2019-05-22 Thread pavlinamv
Panu's comments are incorporated.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Implement %elif (#710)

2019-05-22 Thread pavlinamv
pavlinamv commented on this pull request.

>   rl->lastConditional = lineType;
spec->readStack = rl;
spec->line[0] = '\0';
+} else if (lineType->id & (LINE_ELIF | LINE_ELIFARCH | LINE_ELIFOS)) {

It is changed in the new version.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Implement %elif (#710)

2019-05-23 Thread pavlinamv
Corrected the commit message of the first commit.

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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Fix bogus if-condition in find-debuginfo.sh (#735) (#737)

2019-06-04 Thread pavlinamv
Introduced in commit 1da9e83, spotted by covscan.
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Fix bogus if-condition in find-debuginfo.sh (#735)

-- File Changes --

M scripts/find-debuginfo.sh (2)

-- Patch Links --


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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Take changelog timezone in account (RhBug 1715412) (#739)

2019-06-05 Thread pavlinamv
When building RPMs that have %changelog sections with changelog entries with 
full timestamps, RPM did not take the time zone into account. Now the timezone 
description is taken into account using function tzset(). It handles correctly 
timezone descriptions like: 
"GMT-5", or
but it is not able to work with time zone descriptions that do not contain all 
information regarding the DST like e.g. "NZST".
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Include time zone in changelog time calculation (RhBug:1715412)
  * Enable using longer time zones names/abbreviations in changelogs

-- File Changes --

M build/parseChangelog.c (22)

-- Patch Links --


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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Take changelog timezone in account (RhBug 1715412) (#739)

2019-06-05 Thread pavlinamv
@pavlinamv pushed 2 commits.

1b44c113b06574e24ae5cd1e92aa2ae132975081  Return non-zero exit status if 
changelog order fails
e4dc76e450dd0277fe5f15d4b74df3935dc2ae58  Test effects of time zone in chanelog 

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Take changelog timezone in account (RhBug 1715412) (#739)

2019-06-05 Thread pavlinamv
Tests were added. Moreover they already help to show, that exit status 0 is 
returned when changelog order fails. Thus I add an additional commit that 
corrects this behaviour (regression).

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Take changelog timezone in account (RhBug 1715412) (#739)

2019-06-06 Thread pavlinamv
pavlinamv commented on this pull request.

> @@ -30,10 +30,12 @@ static int sameDate(const struct tm *ot, const struct tm 
> *nt)
ot->tm_wday == nt->tm_wday);
+#define TZ_MAX_LENGTH 80

Thank you. In the new version dynamic allocation is used.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Take changelog timezone in account (RhBug 1715412) (#739)

2019-06-08 Thread pavlinamv
Panu's comments incorporated.

Moreover I think about the problem again. The current implementation does not 
need further changes, but it needs to correct comments and add an info if the 
description of time zone is not correct. o the first commit in the PR is 
omitted and commit "Emit info if the TZ database name in changelog is not 
correct" is added.

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[Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] Support triple operator for conditional shortcut (#115) (#746)

2019-06-12 Thread pavlinamv
%{?  { macro_name } : true  : false }
%{?  { macro_name } : true }
%{?! { macro_name } : false : true  }
%{?! { macro_name } : false   }

More detailed description of the notation:
* Between the first chars "%{?" resp. "%{!?" or "%{?!  there can not be a space.
* On the other hand around {condition} and :, there can but not need to be a 
* In {condition}, there can be a space before or after macro_name.

So e.g. the following conditions are similar (from rpm point of view):
%{? { macro } : true : false }
You can view, comment on, or merge this pull request online at:


-- Commit Summary --

  * Make chkexist variable in macro.c more general
  * Create a separate variable for storing parts of a macro
  * Support triple operator for conditional shortcut

-- File Changes --

M rpmio/macro.c (187)
M tests/rpmmacro.at (30)

-- Patch Links --


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