[rrd-users] Re: Median calculations ?

2006-03-14 Thread Serge Maandag
 My apologies :) so the 50th percentile would be {2,3,4} here? 
 (or without the 2...)


I haven't ever used the percentile function of rrdtool, but it should
just return 2.

In your example the 20th percentile is 1, the 40th 2 etc. etc. and the 
100th percentile is 50.

The rrdtool documentation says:

This should follow a DEF or CDEF vname. The vname is popped, another 
number is popped which is a certain percentage (0..100). The data set 
is then sorted and the value returned is chosen such that percentage 
percent of the values is lower or equal than the result. Unknown values 
are considered lower than any finite number for this purpose so if this 
operator returns an unknown you have quite a lot of them in your data. 
Infinite numbers are lesser, or more, than the finite numbers and are 
always more than the Unknown numbers. (NaN  -INF  finite values  INF)
Example: VDEF:perc95=mydata,95,PERCENT

I don't think it will interpolate if there's an even number of elements
in the array.


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[rrd-users] Re: Adding or removing a ds / Data Source from an .rrdfile

2006-02-28 Thread Serge Maandag
 I ran across something called rrdaddsource in the contrib 
 directory (yourfavemirror/contrib).
 Does it work?

Last time I used it: yes.


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[rrd-users] Re: interpolation algo?

2006-02-28 Thread Serge Maandag
 Does anyone have handy a detailed description of, or the name 
 of the data interpolation algorithm in rrdtool?

There are multiple interpolations.

If you update more than once in a PDP, the weighted average is
taken, iirc. The PDPs are simply averaged into a CDP if the RRA
type is AVERAGE.


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[rrd-users] Re: RRDGraph command with arrays?

2006-02-20 Thread Serge Maandag
 To have a graphs.sh with that command four times (day, week, month and
 year) is ok
 if I have only one data to graph,  but now I have a 
 weather-station logging 6 other values (humidity, pressure 
 and so on) so to have a graph.sh with 28 times that long 
 command when it should be possible with less?

I am not into shell programming, but I think you mean something like:

cmd=rrdtool graph ; 
for i in temperature.rrd:temp humidity.rrd:ds0 bla.rrd:bla0 bli.rrd:ds1;
  cmd=$cmd DEF:Outside=/etc/weatherstation/rrddb/$i.rrd:temp:AVERAGE; 
echo $cmd


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[rrd-users] Re: map file issue

2006-02-15 Thread Serge Maandag
 Current Connections 30 
 map file:
 and push @s, [check_currentconnections
 [ Connections,  GAUGE,  $1 ] ];

Assuming this is Perl lingo:

First of all your regexp says ouput i.s.o. output.

Second of all, I never use square brackets for anonymous arrays.
Or are these used as text delimiters? 

Third, I'm not sure whether and is a logical operator. 
It might be a bitwise operator. 

Fourth, your input seems multiline, but you're not using the
multiline match statement. This won't work on $_ b.t.w., $_
is (usually) single line.

So perhaps it needs to be:

$text =~ /output:.*Connections=([\d])/m 
push @s, qw/check_currentconnections Connections GAUGE $1/;

But I might be wrong on 3 out of 4 statements..

Have fun :)

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[rrd-users] Re: Error: to float not complete:tail

2006-01-05 Thread Serge Maandag
 ' to float not complete: tail '
 I've tried Googling for it, but didn't get very far.  Here's my RRD
 rrdtool create /usr/local/www/data/mrtg/data/nephrite.iisresults.rrd \
  DS:200:GAUGE:600:U:U \
  DS:206:GAUGE:600:U:U \

I'm not sure it is legal to have DS names that consist solely of
You could try putting a letter before the number..


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[rrd-users] Re: Problem with comment in RRDtool 1.2

2005-12-31 Thread Serge Maandag
 $time = localtime(time);
 $time =~ s/:/\\:/;
 COMMENT:Generated on\: $time\\r;
 But that give me the following error:
 unable to generate load graph: Garbage ': Sat Dec 31 
 12\:32:10 2005\r' after
 COMMENT:Generated on: Sat Dec 31 12\:32:10 2005\r

You have to use COMMENT:Generated on\: $time\\r in your
graph statement. Putting it on a single line like this does
not mean anything in perl.

And the \\r probably has to be a \\n

I would expect you to something like:

@args = (...your stuff..);
push @args, (COMMENT:Generated on\: $time\\n);


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[rrd-users] Re: Problem with comment in RRDtool 1.2

2005-12-30 Thread Serge Maandag
 Is there a easy and good way the create the date and time as 
 comment in 1.2?? I have used to search but did't find anything.


$time = localtime(time);
$time =~ s/:/\\:/g; 
COMMENT:Generated on\: $time\\r;


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[rrd-users] Re: Problem with comment in RRDtool 1.2

2005-12-30 Thread Serge Maandag
  COMMENT:Generated on\: $time\\r;
 This was what was suggested to me when I had the same issue:
   COMMENT:   data last updated\: RRD::TIME::LAST 
 /path/to/rrd '%a %b %d %k\:%M\:%S %Y'

But that tells you when your rrd was updated for the last time,
not when the image was generated..


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[rrd-users] Re: Division Bug with RRDTool

2005-12-09 Thread Serge Maandag
 Oh, I forgot:


it's a bit of a mess and it would take me an hour to get it straight
this way.
There still are definitions that are unknown.

- sometimes there's a reference to xsubnet_... that isn't defined
- somehow some variables switched from ... to ..._pct
- some subnet_... variables are not defined

Can you set it straight and translate the command to something that can
be run
on the command line like:

rrdtool graph /tmp/test.png -s -1d \
 DEF:total_out_bytes=/dir/total.rrd:out_bytes:AVERAGE \
 DEF:total_in_bytes=/dir/total.rrd:in_bytes:AVERAGE \
 CDEF:total_bytes=total_out_bytes,total_in_bytes,+ \
 fill this in
 GPRINT:subnet_Mbps_pct:AVERAGE:'subnet Mbps (BYTES*0.08) %lf' \
 GPRINT:div_Mbps_pct:AVERAGE:'subnet/TOTAL Mbps %lf'


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[rrd-users] Re: Division Bug with RRDTool

2005-12-05 Thread Serge Maandag
  $(DEF_total_out_bytes) \
  $(DEF_total_in_bytes) \
  $(CDEF_total_bytes) \
  $(CDEF_total_Mbps) \
  'CDEF:TOTAL_Mbps_pct=TOTAL_Mbps' \
  'CDEF:total_Mbps_pct=total_Mbps' \
  'CDEF:div_Mbps_pct=subnet_Mbps,TOTAL_Mbps,/' \  
  'CDEF:subnet_pct=subnet_Mbps,TOTAL_Mbps,/,100,*' \ =
  LINE1:TOTAL_Mbps#00:'TOTAL I/O' \
  GPRINT:TOTAL_Mbps_pct:AVERAGE:'TOTAL Mbps %lf' \
  GPRINT:total_Mbps_pct:AVERAGE:'total Mbps %lf' \

I see all kinds of references to DEFs and CDEFs with total 
in the name. But I don't see the definition of them anywhere?


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[rrd-users] Re: Division Bug with RRDTool

2005-12-02 Thread Serge Maandag
 I´m making graphs with rrdtool, but I think that the the 
 percentage values do not correspond the reality. I am using 
 template graphs.mf without no alteration in expressions RPN.

Can't say I ever heard of template graphs.mf.

 DEF_subnet_out_bytes =
 DEF_subnet_in_bytes =
 div_Mbps= 0.272552(subnet_Mbps/TOTAL_Mbps) 
 == error
 But, using a calculator, 0.040251/0.079754 = 0.504689
 I would like to know what´s happening?

Well these can't be the commands you used.
You have empty DEF lines and no PRINT/GPRINT lines.

Post the ones you did use, otherwise noone can help you..


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[rrd-users] Re: Fedora Core 4 and 1.2

2005-11-30 Thread Serge Maandag
 I am doing a Fedora Core 4 install and trying to keep it easy 
 to maintain by using only packages that can up installed via 
 yum/rpm.  I did the yum install rrdtool and it installed 
 version 1.0.49.  Any reason the default
 FC4 is not using the 1.2.x version of rrdtool?

It's probably not shipping with Fedora yet.
Have you tried Dag Wieers's repository?


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[rrd-users] Re: weird update values from cron

2005-11-21 Thread Serge Maandag
 my values in my RRD looks correct and drawing the graph seems perfect:
 1132578600: 5.5507237333e+03 9.143722e+02
 but When I run this same script via cron, (did a test that the path is
 correct) my values seems to be in bytes when drawing the graph:
 1132578000: 6.795650e+02 0.00e+00

Troubles with cron relate to missing paths in 99% of all cases.
Be sure to have each file and each binary addressed with a full path
Both in your script and in your crontab.

To debug, you should know what the script outputs when run from cron.
To do so, add a:

echo $TIMESTAMP:$TRAFFIC  /tmp/logfile.txt

to your script. Or just


so it outputs to stdout. In addition add a MAILTO='[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
the updaten.sh line in cron to have the output of your script sent to


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[rrd-users] Re: How to implement a 'line of best fit' over graphs

2005-11-21 Thread Serge Maandag
 Any idea on how would you implement a 'line of best fit' over 
 your graph?
 Would you just look at an average of all rrd.archives per 
 graph? Then graph that value?

A line of best fit is more for finite data sets as in scatter graphs.
Rrd archives go on forever, but taking the graphed timespan as a 
finite dataset could do.

Drawing a true sloping line of best fit would take a lot of programming.
I wouldn't dare to program the logic in CDEF rpn language. But I'm not
a mathematician. 

Drawing just the average seems a bit crude to me. I'd at least add the 
standard deviation to it. I have some graphs that do just that, but I 
store the standard deviation in the rrd database the moment I put the 
data in the database.


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[rrd-users] Re: Problem with --x-grid settings

2005-11-21 Thread Serge Maandag
 I'm using rrdtool to create a graph, and on the x-axis the 
 days are displayed. The problem is that these are not 
 correct. They are about two days wrong.

Then there's something quite wrong. Perhaps either the date on
your collecting machine or on your graphing machine is off.

 I have been trying to use the --x-grid 
 HOUR:1:DAY:1:DAY:1:84600:%A command to display the day, 
 hoping that this would resolve the problem above.
 But this only result in that A is printed on the x-axis.

You may have to escape the % sign and maybe even the colons.
Like \% or even \\\%


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[rrd-users] Re: rolling average

2005-11-17 Thread Serge Maandag
 Is it possible to have a weighted average like eg. 0.5 val[t]+0.3
 val[t-1]+0.2 val[t-2] ?

Kind of, I use (val[t-1] - val[t]) * 0.93 + val[t].

I think I stole it from this list once.
By changing the weight factor 0.93, you can change how slow the line

Together with some catching of exceptions, it becomes something like:


So PREV has been replaced with:
} else {

and val has been replaced with:

IF (val==UN){
} else {


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[rrd-users] Re: Legend / font alignment problem

2005-11-17 Thread Serge Maandag
   I'm having a problem with rrdtool graphs: the legend is not 
 anymore, since I upgraded from rrdtool 1.0x to 1.2. You can 
 see the bad result on the URL: 


Toby wrote:

 the only thing you may run into is that colons (:) in COMMENT 
 have to be escaped now like anywhere else ... 
 before this was not necessary ...

some days ago, you might try changing that.


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[rrd-users] Re: Bar Graphing with rrdtool Graph

2005-11-09 Thread Serge Maandag
 Is this possible with rrdtool graph? Anyone implemented bar graphing?
 Im looking into making an MRTG summary. Time changes the 
 height of the bar graph with IN and OUT, maybe interlapping.

Perhaps you are looking for something like rrdbar?


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[rrd-users] Re: How to add an AVERAGE line on graph

2005-10-31 Thread Serge Maandag
 The graphs of the data are fine, but I've been asked to add a 
 line showing the current AVERAGE. (a simple horizontal line 
 at the current graph average (ie 24) The definitions below 
 draw the graph fine, and display the max, average, and 
 current values itself. I've tried searching archives, google 
 and my last few months of this list, but can't find a way to 
 add a line for the average.

iirc, you could use HRULE:value:color with rrdtool 1.0.x and:


with rrdtool 1.2.x


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[rrd-users] Re: graph 0x0

2005-10-28 Thread Serge Maandag
 I'm a rrdtool beginner, When I try, to build graph in 
 rrdtpool, I get 0x0 and there is no graph, can u please help 
 me find what happens.

Not if you don't post your graph statement..


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[rrd-users] Re: Stop it creating averages of the values.

2005-10-26 Thread Serge Maandag
 rrdtool create /root/test/test_1_errors.rrd --step 60 \
   DS:errors:COUNTER:60:0:U \
 !-- 2005-10-26 11:09:00 BST -- rowv 0.00e+00 /v/row
 !-- 2005-10-26 11:10:00 BST -- rowv 6.67e-02 /v/row
 Now 6.67e-02 is 4 / 60 so it seems to be taking an 
 average of the value passed in... I assume its due to the 
 AVERAGE in the following line... RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:3000 but 
 I can't work out what I should change it to.

No, it's because you use COUNTER i.s.o. GAUGE.


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[rrd-users] Re: Stop it creating averages of the values.

2005-10-26 Thread Serge Maandag
 Sorry I think it was me describing my situation badly... the 
 commands I am using to update the rrd file are...
 rrdtool update test_1_errors.rrd N:0
 rrdtool update test_1_errors.rrd N:4
 rrdtool update test_1_errors.rrd N:8
 rrdtool update test_1_errors.rrd N:12

Ah, it was me that did the bad reading, sorry.

 So (to the best of my understanding) it should be COUNTER or 
 DERIVE and as it can overflow (it jumps back to 0 if the 
 monitoring process
 restarts) i chose COUNTER.

Counter protects against counter wraps. Not against randomly 
resetting counters. Counter is alright, but you need to do 
something yourself against counter resets yourself.

I think your problem is that you expect 4 to come out when you
put in a difference of 4. But what comes out is 4/step.

You can use a cdef to multiply by the step again before plotting.


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[rrd-users] Re: rrdtool on win xp

2005-10-26 Thread Serge Maandag
 I'm still in trouble with rrdtool on win xp, I receive always 
 this message can't locate rrds [EMAIL PROTECTED] I've tried some 
 tips suggested here, noway.

You could try some fiddling with the use lib statement in perl.


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[rrd-users] Re: Date Range

2005-10-25 Thread Serge Maandag
 I'm curious, if I query an RRD file for date from 10/15/2005 
 @ 23:59:59 to 10/20/2005 @ 23:59:59 I get samples in the 
 result set for both
 10/15/2005 @ 23:00:00 and 10/21/2005 @ 00:00:00.
 Does anyone know how this could be?

I guess it doesn't round down or up, but it rounds to the
nearest available sample.


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[rrd-users] Re: copy with no data

2005-10-18 Thread Serge Maandag
 I forgot to save the command line I used to create an rrd. 
 Is there an easy way to clone an rrd but leave the data and 
 the 'last updated' info behind?
 I want the resulting rrd to be empty like when I originally 
 created it.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] rrdtool info temp.rrd   
filename = temp.rrd
rrd_version = 0001
step = 300
last_update = 1095609000
ds[a].type = GAUGE
ds[a].minimal_heartbeat = 450
ds[a].min = NaN
ds[a].max = NaN
ds[a].last_ds = UNKN
ds[a].value = 0.00e+00
ds[a].unknown_sec = 0
rra[0].cf = AVERAGE
rra[0].rows = 12
rra[0].pdp_per_row = 1
rra[0].xff = 5.00e-01
rra[0].cdp_prep[0].value = NaN
rra[0].cdp_prep[0].unknown_datapoints = 0

So that must have been:

rrdtool create temp.rrd -s 300 DS:a:GAUGE:450:U:U \


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[rrd-users] Re: RRD with historical data

2005-10-18 Thread Serge Maandag
 I have a few thousand daily values that correspond to: 
 messages/day.  I guess my question would be something like: 
 How can I create an RRD with a start time that is 3 years ago 
 (so that I can feed all the past data)?

rrdtool -b start date

Make sure you update with epoch time:value i.s.o. N:value.


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[rrd-users] Re: RRD with historical data

2005-10-18 Thread Serge Maandag
 I tried this:
 rrdtool create test.rrd -b now-10d -s 86400 
 DS:msgs:ABSOLUTE:86400:U:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:10
 and then
 rrdtool update test.rrd 1128643200:100
 which returned
 ERROR: illegal attempt to update using time 1128643200 when 
 last update time is 1128776944 (minimum one second step)
 What am I doing wrong?

A database that starts 10 days ago and has an RRA with 
10 days of samples ends approximately now.

You can only add data to the end of the database, rrdtool
will shift the values in time. So what you need is a
database that ends 10 days ago. Try:

rrdtool create test.rrd -b now-22d -s 86400 \
DS:msgs:ABSOLUTE:86400:U:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:10

rrdtool update test.rrd 1128643200:100


p.s. try it within 2 days, otherwise it will give the
same complaint again :)

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[rrd-users] Re: memory graphs

2005-10-18 Thread Serge Maandag
 Hi guys,
 i'm here again...
 weel, i'm trying to build the memory graph, but some strange 
 problems are happen...
 first i create the rrd file:

Your heartbeat is lower than your step.
So if you update every 300 seconds, you will be 100 seconds too 
late to keep the DS value valid.

Read up on step and heartbeat on the rrdtool website.


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[rrd-users] Re: Entering historical information into RRD

2005-10-11 Thread Serge Maandag
 I would like to record the squid access log into a rrd 
 database so that I can know how much traffic was happening at 
 any given time.  The problem with this is that the log entries happen
 *after* the traffic has completed -- ie. the log may indicate 
 that for the last 55 minutes we were doing a long download, 
 comprising 120Mb, which has nothing to do with the last 5 
 minutes.  I would like this to be added to my RRD data, after 
 the fact.

hmm, that would mean you can never really trust your rrd graphs.
There may always be a download still happening that you are not seeing.

But the simple answer is no. Rrdtool does not like old data.
You can dump the rrd file to text, add the data in a script and
restore the file.

You can also keep the data in a (sql) database and generate the rrd
database at the moment you need a graph.

And there are probably other tricks if you let your imagination get
But inputting data and changing it later on with rrdtool update is not


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[rrd-users] Re: FW: pictures of the kids

2005-10-11 Thread Serge Maandag
 From: Tanya Ruttenberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2005 8:56 PM
 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Ruttenberg, Tanya
 Subject: pictures of the kids
 -- URL : http://lists.ee.ethz.ch/p/yehdua%20tzvi%20as%20vashti.jpg
 -- URL : http://lists.ee.ethz.ch/p/locomoting.jpg

I'm pretty sure this qualifies for most off topic post of the year.
Nice kids though...


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[rrd-users] Re: How get CPU and Memory values

2005-10-08 Thread Serge Maandag
 But how can I calculate the processor load with the numbers 
 from /proc/stat ? 
 I didn't understand what they represent...  can you help me? 
 do you have an example script or the calcule to do this?

The contents of /proc/stat differ among kernel versions and among
linux distributions. But there's a man page. `man proc` is what you
are looking for.

For my old server it says:
(the mailinglist program is going to ruin the formatting of this)

stat   kernel/system statistics

  cpu  3357 0 4313 1362393
 The number of jiffies (1/100ths of a second) 
   that the system spent in user mode, user mode

   with low priority (nice), system mode, and
 idle task, respectively.  The last value should 
   be 100 times the second entry in the uptime 

Since it is a counter and it is counting 1/100th of a second, you can
take the number, put it in a COUNTER DS in your database and you 
automatically are storing the cpu usage in percent.

`cat /proc/stat` says:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] cat /proc/stat 
cpu  37636778 776 37294156 150024398
cpu0 18825283 409 18999739 74652623
cpu1 18811495 367 18294417 75371775


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[rrd-users] Re: How get CPU and Memory values

2005-10-08 Thread Serge Maandag
 Did you look at other stuff in proc?
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] cat /proc/loadavg
 0.01 0.03 0.00 1/69 25902

This may be like stating the obvious to some, but remember that
load is not the same as cpu usage.

The load is the number of processes waiting to be run.
They can be waiting for cpu, but also for disk I/O.

I've seen loads of 700 and up on busy systems. That is also
about the moment top doesn't work anymore, so you'll have to
use `who` or `vmstat`.


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[rrd-users] Re: How get CPU and Memory values

2005-10-07 Thread Serge Maandag
  How do you get values of cpu and memory usage in a percent way?
 It all depends on your operating system.

In linux you can try sar or `cat /proc/stat`


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[rrd-users] Re: rrdtool update problem

2005-10-06 Thread Serge Maandag
 i'm trying to update my rrdtool file but i receive the follow error:
 ERROR: conversion of '1825K' to float not complete: tail 'K'
 i'm getting the data from iptables rules:
 0 0 tcp  --  *  *   tcp dpt:5900
 125K 7257Ktcp  --  *  *   tcp dpt:3389
 0 0tcp  --  *  *   tcp dpt:3306

Make sure you use -x with iptables, as in:

iptables -nvxL PREROUTING

That prevents iptables from using human readable numbers (10k, 200M).


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[rrd-users] Re: Newbie rrdtool fetch question

2005-10-05 Thread Serge Maandag
 I want to grab some of the information using rrdtool fetch 
 and process it in a script but the output comes to me as:
 1128534300: 1.6889052210e+07 5.1873403241e+07
 What I want to know is... How do I translate something like
 5.4227032121e+07 into Kb/s or Mb/s?

1.6889052210e+07 is 1 dot 6889 times 10 to the power 7
About 16 million.

It represents what you put in. If you put in bytes and the 
data type is COUNTER, then it is 16 MegaByte/sec or 108 Megabits/sec.


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[rrd-users] Re: Possible RRDs.pm Bug

2005-09-30 Thread Serge Maandag
  This is the same as PRINT, but printed inside the graph.
 Maybe its not wrong, but misleading. I'm not really sure how 
 to solve the problem. I'd like to be able to print the 
 current value in the GPRINT. 

Do you mean something like:

push @args, 'GPRINT:in:LAST:%.1lf%s'; ?


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[rrd-users] Re: rrdupdate with UNKNOWN and 0 value

2005-07-27 Thread Serge Maandag
  please try creating a demo script using absolute time including an 
  absolute --start time when creating the rrd file ...
 I'm not sure what you're suggesting here.


Tobias will look into it, but ofcourse he does not want to spend an hour
trying to recreate the problem only to find out that he doesn't see what
you see.

What he wants to see the exact commandos you use to prove it goes wrong.
So post an exact copy of wahat you did like:

rrdtool create bla.rrd --step 300 \
DS:ds0:COUNTER:600:0:U DS:ds1:GAUGE:600:0:U \ 

rrdtool update 1122418510:U:0
rrdtool update 1122418810:U:0
rrdtool update 1122419210:U:0

rrdtool fetch ... | tail -10

Note that you shouldn't use N: in the update line. Use an exact
like I did. Toby can not reproduce N: because he does not know what time
you performed the test.

Also, A single N: update will always yield an UNKOWN value. rrdtool 
interpolates values, so it needs 3 updates around a PDP to calculate the

average. It's in the rrdtool tutorial.


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[rrd-users] Re: Wrong data in rrd file

2005-07-01 Thread Serge Maandag
 rrdtool update rrdfile N:3
 rrdtool update rrdfile N:2

 real data in rrd file are:
 1120199400: 3.00e+00
 112020: 2.5163305117e+00

 What is the problem?

Rrdtool interpolates your values because you are using N: and you aren't
updating on an epoch timestamp that is a whole number times 600. (600 is
your step size)


 rrdtool update 1120199400:3
 rrdtool update 112020:2


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[rrd-users] Re: rrdtool graph more than 3 LINES

2005-06-15 Thread Serge Maandag
I have one graph that holds 75 lines.
I use it to pick out strange behaving devices.


 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Jacobs, Sven [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Verzonden: woensdag 15 juni 2005 16:09
 Aan: rrd-users@list.ee.ethz.ch
 Onderwerp: [rrd-users] rrdtool graph more than 3 LINES
 Urgentie: Laag
 Hey All,
 Is it possible to draw more than 3 lines in a graph?
 I want to create a graph of 6 partitions of my system.
 In case not is there an other solution? 
 Kind regards
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[rrd-users] Re: rrdtool graph more than 3 LINES

2005-06-15 Thread Serge Maandag
 If i define LINE4 ..
 Then rrd will not create graph en i get error message in my 
 apache log 


LINE1 and LINE2 means a line with width 1 and width 2. 
Just use multiple LINE1's


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[rrd-users] Re: 14all and rrdtool 1.2

2005-05-26 Thread Serge Maandag
 set up 14all, and found it doesn't generate any graphs. When 
 logging the
 rrdtool calls, I see rrdtool throws the error unknown option
 '--alt-y-mrtg'. Since the script doesn't appear to have been updated
 for a while, I presume that the options in rrdtool 1.2 have moved on a

alt-y-mrtg was dropped in 1.2, but Tobias put it back in as a placebo
in 1.2.7:

* add --alt-y-mrtg as a placebo option for old front-ends who use
  this. It gets silently ignored.

Alternatively you can strip the alt-y-mrtg from 14all.cgi.
mrtg-rrd.cgi is a replacement option for 14all, but I don't know
whether it uses the alt-y-mrtg option.


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[rrd-users] Re: Big rrd files (too big !)

2005-05-24 Thread Serge Maandag
 I need to create reports for tcp_source_ip_addresses, 
 udp_source_ip_addresses, tcp_destination_ports and 

That's something ntop does quite nicely.
Argus is a great tool for capturing traffic and sorting or
Summarizing it.

 For the moment the best way I found is to generated 4 lists 
 (4 top ten).
 But I want 4hours period reports and 1 daily reports for each 
 list. So I obtain 28 reports that I have to sort to eliminate 
 duplicated values.


 For me, I understood that I have to create one rrd file per 
 dest/src port/ip-addr (tcp/udp) I have in my 4 lists.
 For each rrd files, I create 2 data sources in order to 
 display graphs in bytes or packets, but then I don't know how 
 many RRA I have to create.

Just look at how many pixels wide you want to plot your graph.
That's about the number of rows your RRA must hold. A bit more
Usually is wise. For every view (4 hours, 1 day) recalculate the
Number of rows needed and create an RRA that big.

 I don't know what is the aim to create RRA, for example, for 
 a weekly archive, monthly archive, etc if it's, for example, 
 display graph for one month of captured flows.

You can make one big RRA that spans a year in 5 minute samples,
But you are not going to use that many samples in your yearly
Graph. Therefore it would only eat disk space and processing time.
Tailor made RRA's prevent that. One for every view.

 I think this have a big influence on the size of the rrd files.

It sure can.

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[rrd-users] Re: Creating RRD/RRA

2005-05-12 Thread Serge Maandag
 If heartbeat  step then values = NaN
 At least that is what I have understood for all the time I 
 have been on
 the list. So your heartbeat should be larger then your stepsize.

If you do multiple updates within a step interval, then your
heartbeat can be smaller than the step size. As long as the
individual updates are not more than 'heartbeat' seconds apart
from each other.


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[rrd-users] Re: Simple RRA Want to make it more Complex

2005-04-26 Thread Serge Maandag
 I have a pretty simple rrd files that stores values I collect 
 in a database
 every 15 minutes.
 I now want to make it a little like mrtg with a weekly avg, monthly
 avg and yearlt avg graphs..
 Can someone suggest some better rra options here ?
 my @options = (-b, $START, -s, $STEP,

You have a little less than 15000 minutes or 10 days worth of samples
here. That'll make a lousy yearly graph.

You need enough samples to build a year worth of data.
You can go for one RRA that holds more than a year of 15 minute samples
or you can make several RRA's with consolidated (averaged) data.

The first solution will be quicker to produce, but the last one will be
quicker when graphing. I think I would go for:
- a little over 2 days worth of 15 minute samples
- a little over 2 weeks worth of 2 hour samples
- a little over 2 months worth of 8 hour samples
- a little over 2 years worth of 24 hour samples

So make 4 AVERAGE, MIN and MAX RRAs, each holding the amount of samples
mentioned above. the 999 in your example should in the first RRAs be:
2 days+ / 15 minutes = 193.

If your graphs are less than 193 samples wide, you can perhaps do with
30 minute samples. Same goes for the other RRAs.


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[rrd-users] Re: Problem in Updating RRD

2005-04-26 Thread Serge Maandag
 But then when I do the update with some values that they are 
 in $value5, $value10 and $value15 and they are correct 
 because I tested them.
 RRDs::update ( $rrdfile, N:$value5:$value10:$value15);

Make sure you do multiple consecutive updates over a longer
timeperiod. rrdtool needs to average multiple samples.


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[rrd-users] Re: Graph negative values

2005-04-19 Thread Serge Maandag
 Hi, im collect negative values and graph it if apply factor (-1)...
 Is possible graph negarive values ?
 Im use mrtg with routers2.cgi via mrtgbundle...

Yes, if I recall correctly, mrtg creates the rrd databases with a
minimum value of 0 for all DS's. You can check that with 
rrdtool info. If so, use rrdtool tune to set the value to something
negative or to U.


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[rrd-users] Re: Help on listing available DEF fields

2005-04-15 Thread Serge Maandag
 rddtool info returned me the data below, can you give me a 
 sample command to use xport to retrieve the data in this 
 file? I couldn't imagine how to find a DEF parameter for this info.

Here's one for example:

rrdtool xport \
--start now-1h --end now \
DEF:xx= \
DEF:yy= \
XPORT:xx:out bytes \
XPORT:yy:in bytes


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[rrd-users] Re: Graph: start of '--step' Consolidation

2005-04-14 Thread Serge Maandag
 Then you probably will have to use a step size of 1 day.
 This could be true, but is look very strange and doesn't fit 
 into my idea...

When the row size of your highest resolution RRA is 1 week, then your
database will contain a value for the end of each week.

That value will have an epoch timestamp of N x 604800.
With N being an integer.

The closest N times 604800 may have been at a wednesday for the start
of your graph. You want to have the agility to choose the starting day.
Giving the database a 1 day resolution will help you. 

 This didn't affect the start of week. Do you mean --end or the end of 
 Data in the rra?



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[rrd-users] Re: Help on listing available DEF fields

2005-04-14 Thread Serge Maandag
 Is there any way to list all available fields in RRD


rrdtool info file.rrd | grep type


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[rrd-users] Re: Adding many data samples at once

2005-04-14 Thread Serge Maandag
 foreach (1..5000) {
   $NewTimeStamp = $baseTime + 300;
   Push (@DataPoints, ValIn:ValOut:$NewTimeStamp);

shouldn't that be $NewTimeStamp:ValIn:ValOut ?

 RRDs::update (test.rrd, @DataPoints);
 The problem is that this will produce an error because it 
 tells me that it
 was looking for 2 data points but got 5000 (in this example). 
 How can I
 perform this update in 1 rrd update instead of (much slower) 
 5000 updates?

Uhm, perhaps this works?

RRDs::update (test.rrd, join ( ,@DataPoints));


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[rrd-users] Re: How to simply insert and extract data in rrdtool without any averaging

2005-04-14 Thread Serge Maandag
 But extracting the data from our archive, we see that 
 averaging is done 
 whenever we set the hearbeat greater than the step. But if we set 
 heartbeat also to 10s, we get Unknown values all the time.
 Any hints what we could do?

update exactly on N x step epoch timestamps.
Then rrdtool will not need to interpolate.


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[rrd-users] Re: Graph: start of '--step' Consolidation

2005-04-13 Thread Serge Maandag
 I would like to make a graph over one year, which has a resolution of
 one Week.
 To do this, i use '--step 604800'.
 But the Problem i have: This 'Blocks' start at Thursday and end at
 But i would like a block for Monday to Sunday.

Then you probably will have to use a step size of 1 day.
You will also have to specify an end time when graphing to make sure
the graph ends on a sunday.


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[rrd-users] Re: how to input the old data with update parameter?

2005-04-13 Thread Serge Maandag
 rrdtool fetch one.rrd AVERAGE
 1113324000:  nan
 1113327000:  nan
 111333:  nan

 Is there anything I miss?

This looks more like a step of 3000 than like a step of 300 to me..


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[rrd-users] Re: lost horizontal graduation

2005-03-29 Thread Serge Maandag
 I use cacti to make some rrd. I recently change the upper 
 limit of my adsl connexion graph. This action made me loose 
 the horizontale graduation and i am unable to put it back. I 
 don't want to loose all the data of the rrd. How can i repare it ?

By fiddling with the scaling and axis parameters of rrdtool.
I don't use Cacti, but it's probably a configurable item.

From what I see, it goes wrong when graphing, so the data still gets
Added to your database correctly. Therefore, do not worry about
Losing your data.


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[rrd-users] Re: 95th Percentile - Values stored inside RRD file

2005-03-24 Thread Serge Maandag
 Thanks Serge, I've changed it to Counter type and I now see 
 that the output of rrdfetch is in transfer rates.


 Basically the router is returning me the amount of bytes that 
 has been transferred for every 300 seconds of SNMP poll. 

Almost Correct. The counter is continuously increasing with every
byte that passes. So the difference betweeen your last poll and
the current poll is the amount of bytes that have passed in the 

 Because this value is cumulative, there will come a time 
 where it's being resetted to 0 due to overflow.
 I'm curious if rrd is capable of detecting that the value has 
 wrapped around and compute the value correctly.

Rrdtool automatically detects and corrects 32 and 64 bits counter
overflows. You don't have to specify anything. Just make sure you
don't have 2 counter overflows within your polling period.

You have that for instance when polling a 32 bits counter every 5
minutes for an interface that transports more than 114 Mps.


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[rrd-users] Re: rrdtool graphs without the rrd?

2005-03-24 Thread Serge Maandag
  You should be able to populate it on the fly.  
 I would be interested to know if you or anyone knows how to 
 populate an rrd on the fly.

The hard way. See: 


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[rrd-users] Re: rrdtool create start date/time

2005-03-19 Thread Serge Maandag
 What am I doing wrong ?
 rrdtool create pdx_int.rrd --start='19970703 12:45' --step=.
 ERROR: start time: unparsable trailing text: '...12:45'

Try: '12:45 07031997'


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[rrd-users] Re: 95th Percentile - Values stored inside RRD file

2005-03-17 Thread Serge Maandag
  3) I noticed the raw data inside RRD file contains the
  cumulative figure (e.g. the octet count is always
  increasing). Is it possible for me to configure RRD such that
  it computes the transfer speed and then store them into the
  file? Instead of dumping the exact figure to the file.
 I did a rrdfetch and here's a sample of what I got:
 047600:  4.1100088879e+08  4.0569527413e+08
 047900:  4.1204431180e+08  4.0673533156e+08
 048200:  4.1280187560e+08  4.0748254008e+08
 my rrd file is created with the option:
   -s 300,
   DS:ioct:GAUGE:600:0:U,#input traffic datasource
   DS:ooct:GAUGE:600:0:U,#output traffic datasource
 because the value (InOctets) is always inreasing, I choose 
 GAUGE thinking
 that it will help me compute the average and store them in 
 the rrd file.

If the input keeps increasing, then is probably is a COUNTER value.
As in an snmp byte counter. If you query it every 300 seconds, then
you get the amount of bytes that have passed during that 300 seconds.

I see no advantage in storing that as a gsuge value in your rrd 
database. The only interesting value is the amount of bps that have
passed and that would be automatically computed is you use a counter
ds type.

What everage do you want to compute?


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[rrd-users] Re: Data buildup, need to clip information

2005-03-15 Thread Serge Maandag
 I've asked this question on amavis-stats as well.  I made a 
 grave error with the application and imported the data 
 multiple times into the rrd files.  Is it possible to remove 
 a week's worth of data from the rrd files?  If so, how do I do it?

Rrdtool dump, edit or parse through a script and rrdtool restore.


- create a database with the same properties
- rrdtool dump both databases
- count the lines before the week starts - X lines
- count the lines until the week ends - Y lines
- count the total amount of lines - Z lines
- W = Z - X
- V = Y - X
- U = Z - Y

And then something like:

(head -X oldfile;tail -W newfile | head -V;tail -U oldfile)  resultfile
Rrdtool restore resultfile


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[rrd-users] Re: RRDtool and NaN data

2005-03-15 Thread Serge Maandag
 I've just today started using RRDtool with Cacti to try and 
 log some traffic data.
 The RRA files are created with:
 rrdtool create data.rrd   --step 300

 2. The heartbeat is significantly larger than the step 

Perhaps a bit too significant.

From the rrdtool create page:

A long heartbeat can span multiple ``steps'', which means it is
acceptable to have multiple PDPs calculated from a single sample. An
extreme example of this might be a ``step'' of 5 minutes and a
``heartbeat'' of one day, in which case a single sample every day will
result in all the PDPs for that entire day period being set to the same
average rate.

So you should probably wait 6000 seconds to see the database getting


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[rrd-users] Re: Good Colours to use on graphs?

2005-03-10 Thread Serge Maandag
 I'm struggling a bit with something so simple and stupid, but 
 something that is integral to the whole idea... what colours to use?
 I have a total of 20 DS's, and sometimes will want all of 
 these to be displayed on a single graph, however, getting the 
 definition between the colours is quite akward, so I'm 
 looking for recommendations of colours to be used that are 
 very different to each other so I can get a 'clear' graph!

Good question. I once struggled with this too.
The way I solved it was to convert rgb to hsv. That way you get
A color wheel. You can then pick colors at even spaced angles
From the wheel. For instance if you need 6 colors, take one
With h=0, one with h=60, one with h=120 and so on.

This will not give you perfect results. You may also want to
Change S and V with each color. Let me know if you found a good
Algorithm for that :) 

Here's example code for rgb - hsv and hsv - rgb code conversion.
Google will give you lots more.

To see what the hsv colour wheel looks like, check:


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[rrd-users] Re: Smooth Entry line?

2005-03-10 Thread Serge Maandag
 I have generated quite a few different graphs for different 
 time periods, however, when I, for example generate a graph 
 for the last month of data, but I only have 1 weeks worth, 
 the line starts in the middle of the graphs at the point of 
 the first value. Is their anyway without injecting false data 
 into the RRD to achieve a smooth line into this or even a 
 solid vertical line?

You probably have nan's in your database in the timespan before
The data starts. Use a CDEF to convert nan's to 0.



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[rrd-users] Re: rate of change?

2005-03-10 Thread Serge Maandag
 I have a bunch of existing rrd's for the disk usage stats for 
 a number of servers. The graphs are regularly updated by snmp.
 I was wondering if it was possible to query these rrds to get 
 the rate of increase in disk usage for given periods?
 Are there existing scripts/tools to do this sort of thing?

Don't know, but you can use rrdtool fetch to dump a
Timespan, parse it in your favorite scripting language and
Calculate the increase.


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[rrd-users] Re: Getting an average...

2005-03-04 Thread Serge Maandag
 I'm trying to get a single value per DS from my RRD database 
 which is the
 average of the values for a specified time..
 Is it possible just to get the values 5 and 25 from the RRD 
 or do I have to
 parse all the values with some home grown code to get this?

Use DEFS of type AVERAGE
and add a PRINT statement for each DEF.

Then do rrdtool graph.

That will print your averages to stdout.


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[rrd-users] Re: expand rrd-database size

2005-03-04 Thread Serge Maandag
 Now I want to change the storage time of the 5min samples
 for each interface from 2 days(default) to 7 or 14days.
 How can I solve this problem?

man rrdresize should help you on your way..


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[rrd-users] Re: Cleaning a messed up rrdtool data file

2005-03-04 Thread Serge Maandag
 Therefore, is there a way of saying:
if date before d0, then clamp to lim1 else clamp to lim2

The CDEF language has an LTIME operator that can do that.
Don't ask me for details, haven't ever used it.

 The second approach I considered would be to go into the rrd file and 
 iterate over the values, looking for peaks greater than 2Mb, and 
 replacing them by a linear interpolation between to the two points 
 either side of the peak?
 The maths doesn't pose much of a problem, I'm wondering about the 
 mechanics of going through the datapoints in the rrd file.

That would be a clean solution. You could do it like this:
- rrdtool dump the database
- Use a regexp to extract the DS values from your RRA rows
- Change them to what you like
- rrdtool restore the database back to its binary form


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[rrd-users] Re: problem with displaying metrics of different ranges

2005-02-23 Thread Serge Maandag
 I have an RRD that contains several metrics.  The
 value of the metrics is very different in the range,
 i.e., one range is between 1 and 200, and another is
 between 5000 to 2.  When I plot these 2 metrics on
 the same graph, only one line is readable.  How can I
 plot it so that I can see both values, they do not
 need to be on the same scales.  Once way I was
 thinking of doing is to scale them to below 10, but I
 need to get the MAX, which I do not know how to get...
 Can anyone suggest better methods?

Not really,

you can divide the biggest one by ten and add a comment to
the legend saying you did so. GPRINT the MAX value of the
original value to the legend and use the scaled version
for your LINE.

Something like:


You can also use a logarithmic y-axis.


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[rrd-users] Re: problem with storing values in the database

2005-02-23 Thread Serge Maandag
 I am trying to store packet data into the database and then plot them.
 I've created an archive, one average, min then max.
 But either, the timing is off when storing so the value will 
 not update
 in the database or the data information is invalid.  I tried to use
 GAUGE but it still doesn't store the ACTUAL value.

- You need to do consecutive updates before you see any of the updated
- The interval between the updates must be smaller than the heartbeat of

  your DS's
- To store actual values, you must update on an epoch timestamp that is
N times
  your step size, otherwise it will be interpolated.


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[rrd-users] Re: problem with displaying metrics of different ranges

2005-02-23 Thread Serge Maandag
 For example, I can do this:
 But, instead of a static value of 10, I need a dynamic value 
 that depends on the MAX value of the metric.
 I was hoping to get that information from the info, but all I 
 got for the .max was a NaN:
 rra[0].cf = MAX
 rra[0].cdp_prep[0].value = NaN

This not the maximum value in te database.

You want to know the max value of the average RRA within the
Time span you are going to graph. That will define your scaling
Factor. If you don't understand that, I urge you to read the 
tutorial at the rrdtool site.

You can get that average in two ways:

1. do an rrdtool fetch with the same time span you use for your
   graph statement. Sort the values by size with awk/perl whatever
   and grab the highest (last) value.
2. copy your rrdtool graph statement, remove the lines, area's
   and stacks and PRINT the max value. Grab that and reuse it in 
   your graph statement to scale your line height.

So you'll need to do some scripting.


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[rrd-users] Re: problem with storing values in the database

2005-02-23 Thread Serge Maandag
 Should I be setting the CF to GAUGE?

If you're inputting a value that is not constantly 
Increasing, yes. Otherwise no. For the rest it's a
Matter of what you like best.


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[rrd-users] Re: problem with storing values in the database

2005-02-23 Thread Serge Maandag
 Could you provide me with a sample?

Well, I'm not going to do your work.

Your heartbeat probably is 600 and your step 300
(that's pretty standard)

If you type date +%s on your command line, you'll
Get the number of seconds that have passed since 
01-01-1970 00:00:00. That's called an epoch timestamp.

Round it to the nearest 300 seconds border and use that
timestamp to update your database.

timestamp=`date +%s | awk '{print $1-($1%300)}'`
rrdtool update file.rrd $timestamp:$value1:$value2


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[rrd-users] Re: Creating Graphs via .rrd files:

2005-02-17 Thread Serge Maandag
 I have updated some rows in the /etc/mrtg/mrtg.conf
 LogFormat: rrdtool
 Please advice me how can I draw the page as mrtg did.
 Using the rrdtool software.

You can use 14all.cgi or mrtg-rrd.cgi to generate your pages.
They work slightly different from what you were used too with
sec mrtg. You can now:
- call the cgi in a crontab to generate your graphs and use the
  mrtg html indexes you already have
- Alter the html index files so they do not point at a static
  image, but point at the cgi instead. The cgi can output a image
  to the standard output.
- Use the cgi to generate your indexfiles dynamically

Download one of the two, read the docs and try what you like best.
If you view the graphs a lot, then option 1 may be good for you,
since the cpu load due to image generation will be lower. You could
also use the second option and tell the cgi to do lazy image 


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[rrd-users] Re: 95th Percentile - Values stored inside RRD file

2005-02-17 Thread Serge Maandag
 I got some questions on 95th percentile and RRD which I hope 
 someone can enlighten.

I don't see a connection between your questions and the 95th 
Percentile value, but o.k...

 1) Is . (e.g.
 ifMIB.ifMIBObjects.ifXTable.ifXEntry.ifHCInOctets.XXX = Counter64)
 where XXX refers to a particular interface/sub interface
 the correct OIDs to use?

It is if you need 64 bps counters. You will need them when for
Instance you poll every 5 minutes and your interface has a load
Of more than 114 Mbps. The device you are polling must support
64 bit counters, though.

 2) Since 95th percentile is measuring the rate of transfer, 
 that means I will need to add
 (ifMIB.ifMIBObjects.ifXTable.ifXEntry.ifHCOutOctets.XXX) to 
 InOctets to obtain the exact rate of transfer over the 
 interface? Am I correct?

Only on half duplex lines. Full duplex connections have different
wires for each direction. There's no logic in adding the traffic
Loads of those two.

 3) I noticed the raw data inside RRD file contains the 
 cumulative figure (e.g. the octet count is always 
 increasing). Is it possible for me to configure RRD such that 
 it computes the transfer speed and then store them into the 
 file? Instead of dumping the exact figure to the file.

Uhm, With my files they don't. The rates are stored, not the
Raw counters. Perhaps you are looking for the GAUGE type?
The difference is explained in the tutorial on the rrdtool


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[rrd-users] Re: Data Averaging

2005-02-16 Thread Serge Maandag
 Here is the content of the rrd db :
 rra[0].cf = AVERAGE
 rra[0].rows = 140160
 rra[0].pdp_per_row = 1
 rra[0].xff = 5.00e-01

This seems o.k.

 Perhaps, you could 
 suggest a better way to graph long time series that would 
 solve the problem ?

I assumed you were suffering from averaging when values are 
travelled from a high resolution RRA to a coarser RRA.

I think in this case you are suffering from another type
Of averaging. You plot more rows horizontally than your graph 
Is wide. The solution is of course to plot a wider graph then.

But if that is not a solution, you might ask yourself what you
Do want to see. The maximum in the period covered by that pixel?

If so, changing the type of the AVERAGE RRA to a MAX RRA may work.
Rrdtool dump, edit to change the RRA type and rrdtool restore
Should do it.


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[rrd-users] Re: updating rrd from another rrd

2005-02-10 Thread Serge Maandag
 I mean, I can update it with dump/restore just by renaming 
 old ds to ds name used in new rrd, but maybe there is/can be 
 smarter and more automagic way to do that?

You can change ds-names with:

Rrdtool tune file.rrd -r old-name:new-name

Or you can do it in perl. Handy if you need to change more things.

rrdtool dump old.rrd | perl -pe 's/old_dsname/new_dsname/g' | rrdtool
restore - new.rrd


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[rrd-users] Re: Strange Graph Problem

2005-02-09 Thread Serge Maandag
 After a couple of updates to  the table, all three values change to
 0.5, which doesn't surprise me; after two samples the min, max and
 average should be all the same.  What surprises me is the 
 graph, the Y
 axis on my graph display from 400m to 500m...  And my area 
 and line are
 both around 450m.  How is that possible, since my min, max and average
 are all 0.5

500m = 500 milli = 0.5

That's what autoscaling does.
If you don't want that, you can set your own scales.
The rrdgraph manual should give you some ideas.


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[rrd-users] Re: more than 1 values in specified interval

2005-02-05 Thread Serge Maandag
 i just want to know what happens if we provide more than 1 
 value in specified interval of 300 seconds?

There was a discussion on this last year. A google search on 
Avoiding pitfalls when using GAUGE with some kind of data
Should help you on your way.

The values will be weighted by the time to the next update 
and averaged.


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[rrd-users] Re: rrd fetch command - unexpected output

2005-02-04 Thread Serge Maandag
 1) [EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# ./rrdtool fetch default.rrd AVERAGE | wc -l
 I suppose this is 24 HRS worth of records. But where does the extra 4
 records comes in? I thought at most it would be 288 + 1

use less instead of wc -l and lok at the output. There's probably
a header and stuff.

 Also, I tried doing an update:
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# ./rrdtool update default.rrd N:1234:4388
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] bin]# ./rrdtool fetch default.rrd AVERAGE
 but I cannot find the 2 values inside the RRD. I tried 

Rrdtool interpolates, so you'll need to update multiple consecutive 
values before you see values in your rrd database.


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[rrd-users] Re: values less than 1

2005-01-28 Thread Serge Maandag
  when i have a value using RRD::GRAPH in an rrdcgi file that is less
 then 1, the value shows up with an m min the graph.  I assume this
 means micro of some sort, but it is confusing to other users. 
  Is there
 a way to force a decimal place to do this instead of the m?

m stands for milli. Use --units-exponent 0.
See the rrdgraph manual for more info.


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[rrd-users] Re: Question on RRA and number of rows

2005-01-27 Thread Serge Maandag
 Oh 1 more question, by using RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:1 with a 
 step = 1, this is as good as storing raw data. So why would 
 anyone want to specify another RRA like 
 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:797 or RRA:MAX:0.5:288:797?

To save diskspace and processing overhead.
You might as well use mysql if you want to save raw values.
Rrdtool stores rates and rates are always over a timespan.

I for one am not interested in that much info when it comes to
The bandwidth consumption of my links.


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[rrd-users] Re: Question on RRA and number of rows

2005-01-27 Thread Serge Maandag
 will there be any performance impact if the number of 
 specified rows is set very high?

Yes. The file will be bigger. 

It has to be opened, all the rows will have to be shifted 
(o.k., that's not too hard) en the file will have to be rewritten
Each time you update.

And with every rrdtool graph a lot of rows will have to be averaged.

Whether it's a piece of cake for your hardware or not: I don't know.
A matter of 'trying is knowing', I think.


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[rrd-users] Re: A doubt on RRD database

2005-01-26 Thread Serge Maandag
 I'm interested in installing RRDTool on my FreeBSD box.
 I searched the web and found a nice tutorial:
 What type of database does RRD create? If the database is 
 filled with new data and the oldest is overwritten then how 
 can RRD generate a timeline graph? What's this loop thing?

An RRD database is a FIFO.
You create multiple RRAs in your RRD database, they will hold 
your historical data.

Every RRA has a type (MAX, AVERAGE, ..), a size and a granularity.
For instance 
- RRA 1: one sample per 5 minutes for 24 hours
- RRA 2: one sample per hour for 1 week

Say you configured the above and you update your database every 5
Then after the 12th update, one hour will have passed and 12 values of
First RRA will be consolidated into the second. If the type of your RRAs
AVERAGE, the average of the 12 samples will be added to RRA 2. 
The oldest 5 minutes sample will be shifted out of the first RRA and the

oldest hourly sample will be shifted out of the second RRA.


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[rrd-users] Re: A doubt on RRD database

2005-01-26 Thread Serge Maandag
 I get the picture. :-)
 If I would define a time period of 5 months, after the 5th 
 month, time would be continuously shifted after each data 
 collected value, overwritting old data from the begining, 
 never increasing past the defined size for the
 5 month data, correct?

Totally correct.

 BTW, thanks Serge for the explanation.

You're welcome..


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[rrd-users] Re: Data granularity

2005-01-20 Thread Serge Maandag
 I have a monitor scripts that gets invoked every time a user 
 interacts with a Web service.  There are several Web services 
 that we are collecting data from.  Each one goes to a 
 different RRD.  Some services are very busy (several hits per 
 second) and some are not (a few hits per 
 week).   There is no way for me to identify which is which...

I cannot see how this works. Rrdtool collects rates, while you use
It as a counting mechanism. But as long as it works for you..

 I would like to use 5sec STEP so that there is enough detail 
 for busy services.  A few questions to RRD gurus:
 (1) What is best value for HEARTBEAT?  Is 10 seconds too low? 

That depends on what you want to see in your database.
If you set it to 10:
- updates that are longer apart than 10 seconds, will cause NaNs
  to appear in your database
- updates that are between 5 and 10 seconds apart, will cause
  2 consecutive rows to be influenced, it will be averaged out.

If you set heartnbeat to N x step, N rows will be affected by
An update, provided your high res RRA has a row time that is equal
To the step size.

 (2) What is the best value for XFF?

That also totally depends. 

Say you have these RRA's:


Every step tim, one value will be put in the first RRA.
Every 10 step times, 10 values from the first RRA will be averaged 
And the result will be put in the second RRA. Unless more than 50%
Of the 10 values are NaNs. If that is the case NaN will be put in the
Second RRA.

If the second RRA would read:


Then the average of the 10 values would still be put in the second
RRA if 9 out of 10 values would be NaN.

So it all depends on what you want to see.

In your case I'd probably just dump the hits with a timestamp in a 
log file and setup a cron job that would do every 5 minutes:
- read back all lines and count the hits that were within the last 
  5 minutes
- update the RRD database with the sum of the counted hits as a gauge 


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[rrd-users] Re: Converting rrd files from one system to another

2005-01-20 Thread Serge Maandag
 in it.   I was hoping I could write a simple shell loop to dump 
 for x in `ls *.rrd`
 rrdtool xport ${x}  ${x}_xport

Wouldn't it be much easier to use rrdtool dump and rrdtool restore?


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[rrd-users] Re: Data granularity

2005-01-20 Thread Serge Maandag
   rrdtool create resp.rrd --step 5 \
   DS:resp:GAUGE:10:0:U \
 If I do single data point update using:
   rrdtool update resp.rrd 1106249083:45
 and *not* post any update for a while (  10 seconds ), the 
 RRD fetch command shows that the AVERAGE CF has the following value:
   1106249083: nan
 Why do I have a NaN?  Shouldn't I have 4.50e+01  instead?

No, rrdtool normalizes your input. Therefore it really only is useful
if you enter data in a regular interval.

Say you updated like this:

rrdtool update resp.rrd 1106249073:15
rrdtool update resp.rrd 1106249083:45

Then after the second update, rrdtool is able to determine the value
At timestamp 1106249080. It would be:

(45-15) * (1106249080-1106249073)/(1106249083-1106249073)
= 30 * 7/10 = 21

It is interpolated because you did not update on a N x 10 seconds

In your case the value is unknown, because you have no previous value to
use for interpolation. You need multiple consecutive values for that.

 Is there a way to retain the value entered for that step?

One solution is to set the heartbeat very high, so multiple rows will be

filled by a single update, but that is not what you want.

What you could try is:
- update only on N x 10 timestamps. So 1106249083 would become:
  10 x int(1106249083/10) = 1106249080 or
- before updating, do a rrdtool last to get the last time the database
  was updated. Then for ech step size between now and that last update
  update the database with 0.

I still would use the log file solution.
It's way cleaner.


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[rrd-users] Re: R: Simple (Stupid) COUNTER Question

2005-01-18 Thread Serge Maandag
 Example a 2Mbit Line should have a rrd file with max value 
 allowed not over 3Mbit, to prevent strange peaks. Also what 
 should I set creating the file?

Because of the mrtg history, most people put Bytes per second
in the database and multiply it by 8 when plotting.

3 Mbit/s = 3000 kbit/s = 375 kByte/s.
So you would set a MAX value: 375000.


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[rrd-users] Re: rrd::graph and perl rpoblem

2005-01-18 Thread Serge Maandag
 This line creates a gif file but it shows only one variable 
 line in the graph even if @DEF and @LINE have more than one element.
 For example:
 print @DEF shows:

Are you sure there is data in those DS's?
Try an rrdtool fetch on the command line. Is it returning NAN's or
numeric values?


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[rrd-users] Re: X Access Fun

2005-01-18 Thread Serge Maandag
 I'm in a bind and am wondering if it's possible with RRD Tool 
 to change the X access to words?
 0 = down
 1 = UP
 2 = Maintenance
 Can this be done?

AFAIK you can't.

The X-axis displays time. You can alter how that time is 
Represented by fiddling with the --x-grid parameter, see:

If you meant to say the vertical Y-axis, try to make a good
looking vertical label with --vertical-label


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[rrd-users] Re: Manipulating .rrd files especially timestamp

2005-01-18 Thread Serge Maandag
 Every 24 hours a cronjob adds the availability of a host to a 
 .rrd file which means usually the value 100 is added. The 
 jobs runs at 1:00 a.m. but i pass to rrdtool update the 
 timestamp of the previous day at 23:59:59.
 Later i fetch the values out of the .rrd file but what i get 
 as the timestamp is 1:00 a.m. of the next day that means the 
 time when the cronjob runs.

You are updating once a day, but you are in timezone GMT + 1.
Subtracting 1 hour is not the way you'll want to go since it will
Give you headaches with daytime saving.

It's a topic that has been discussed quite often before.
Here's a pointer:

Or http://tinyurl.com/6o5wm


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[rrd-users] Re: MAX-value differs for week/month

2005-01-18 Thread Serge Maandag
 Then in rrdgraph I use the MAX-CF to GPRINT the maximum value 
 over the viewed time. For my DEF-statement I also use the AVERAGE.
 GPRINT:total0:MAX: maximum %2.1lf

Uhmm.. Where did that total0 come from? I don't see a DEF.

  From my point of view the MAX GPRINTed in the day-view (-s 
 -1day) should not be higher than the MAX printed in the 
 week-view (-s
 -1week) or the month-view (-s -1month), cause I store 
 the max-values in my RRD.

Correct, but only if you print MAX(MAX), not if you print MAX(AVERAGE).
You store the MAX values in your MAX RRA to be more specific.

 is lower and so on. It seems that the MAX in GPRINT only 
 takes the maximum of the actually drawn values and not the 
 MAX of the RRD, cause the problem does not occure if I use 
 MAX as CF for DEF, which is not what I want.

Ah, you see: it prints just what you defined: MAX(AVERAGE)

 Is this a bug or a feature  and is there any way round?

It's a feature. It just prints what you ask.
The way to print MAX(MAX) is to DEF it and GPRINT it of course..


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[rrd-users] Re: rrd::graph and perl rpoblem

2005-01-18 Thread Serge Maandag
 I can see all data if I fetch archive via command line but it 
 seems to be
 something wrong interpreting command line.
 In effect I read on 'legenda' at graphic bottom %src   
 LINE2 such as if it
 wasn't able to understand correctly line parameter after first LINE2.

It might be choking on the percentage signs in your LINE2 lines.
Try replacing them with pct.


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[rrd-users] Re: Strange rrdtool behaviour (IMHO)

2005-01-09 Thread Serge Maandag
 both cases only a fraction more than half the actual loss. If 
 this is indeed the case it should be mostly remedied by 
 making the script run a minute later, or is there a better 
 way to accomplish this?

In perl I'd do something like:

$timestamp = $step * int($timestamp/$size)

You are using a shell script, so you'll have to call some 
external program like bc, dc or awk.

 Hmmm, This is logical for the graph itsself, but IMHO 
 shouldn't be for raw MAX and MIN calculations as in GPRINT's. 
 A Maximum is a maximum and by definition shouldn't be 
 averaged if it doesn't have to be for viewing purposes.

But a GPRINT is for viewing purposes. Afaik, a GPRINT is not raw, 
but just as averaged as your graph is.

 BTW, am I correct in assuming that the only reason to add 
 more RRA's with a bigger step are to minimise CPU-time at 
 graph generation time, or am I missing something obvious here?

Almost, it also saves disk space.


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[rrd-users] Re: Strange rrdtool behaviour (IMHO)

2005-01-04 Thread Serge Maandag
 The output looks like:
 /usr/local/bin/rrdtool update /var/rrd/pingstats.rrd 

 The RRD definatly gets an integer as the fourth argument, as can be
 seen by the output from the script (which I started saving for
 debugging purposes), but how is it then possible that I
 get floats in the last GPRINTs?

That's a question that should be added to the top of the rrdtool FAQ.

Rrdtool normalizes all input.
You are updating using N: and that is probably not on a (
N times step seconds since 01-01 1970 00:00:00) boundary.

Secondly, unless the width of your graph is exactly the same 
as the amount of RRA rows you are printing, rrdtool will average
One or some rows over two adjacent pixels. This also averages your
Values and that also affects your GPRINTs.


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[rrd-users] Re: Using CDEF to make B = 1 but only when A = 0

2004-12-23 Thread Serge Maandag
 What I would like to do is add a CDEF that fills the white 
 space in with an orange area.
 I tried:
 AREA:Down#FFAA00:Site Down

The IF line seems incomplete and has the function UN i.s.o.
the value UNKN. It probably should say something like:


That is untested, b.t.w.

But I'm not sure you want this. The blue area is not just 0 or 1
But it seems to have values in between too (0.5 in your graph).

Why not say Down1 = 1 - Response?


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[rrd-users] Re: Customize graph view

2004-12-20 Thread Serge Maandag
 I'm sorry if this question is very newbie
 I just want to ask is it possible to create graph that can be view by 
 time we want it to.
 I mean the graph can be view back by our input of time. 

That depends on a number of things.
you will need rrdtool as database system because the old mrtg databases
are not very flexible.

I suggest you try the rrdtool frontends, some probably offer the
flexibility you are looking for.

Start here:


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[rrd-users] Re: What kind of data is stored?

2004-12-10 Thread Serge Maandag
 Now I have counters (e.g. a firewall rule counter) and some traffic 
 routers2.cgi seems to know when to multiply data by 8 for 
 plotting traffic 
 I was wondering how routers2.cgi determines this.

An Option[target]: bits line probably triggers the grapher to multiply
the value by 8.


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[rrd-users] Re: What kind of data is stored?

2004-12-10 Thread Serge Maandag
  An Option[target]: bits line probably triggers the 
  grapher to multiply the value by 8.

 That's what I thought.
 But then i found traffic measurement configations without the 
 option[x]:bits line...
 So that got me confused again.. .

Yet it must be something like that, because the RRD holds no such info.

Perhaps there's a Options[_]: bits somewhere in the file or in an
included file.
_ is a wildcard in mrtg configs.


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[rrd-users] Re: Cisco NAM + Perl + SNMP + RMON2 + RRDtool

2004-12-09 Thread Serge Maandag
  That is two times the same resolution, but with different sizes.
  The first one is redundant.


Misread it as if it said:


 It should be the last seen rate. Never used it so can't say for sure.
 I _think_ it is to sort of override an earlier found rate, to 
 make sure you have the most current rate when updating more 
 than once per interval.  Never understood why one would want 
 to do this, as is seems to be a waste of resources :)

Perhaps it should, in case of a gauge, return the last entered value
Within a row time. That would make the I don't see exactly what I
Put in guys happy.


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