[rt-users] rt 3.4.5 : apache load sometimes climbs to 100%

2006-12-06 Thread Robert Grasso

I installed RT v3.4.5 on CentOS 4.4 with yum. Opening a ticket takes 1 or 2 
seconds. But after
having performed a search, opening the first ticket makes Apache load the cpu 
to 100% for roughly 30
seconds ! Then the ticket displays normally. Further tickets opened from the 
same page take 1 or 2
seconds to open. If I go to the Next page, again the Apache load when opening 
the first ticket
climbs to 100%, and further tickets open in 1 or 2 seconds.

I don't see any valuable info neither in the RT logs (even with Set($LogToFile  
, 'debug');) nor
in the Mysql logs nor in the Apache logs. I tried to use debug tools such as 
mentioned on

Debug - RT Wiki

but I was not able to get any output from DBI::ProfileDumper::Apache nor from 
MasonX-Profiler. I
carefully read the doc though ...

I am running


I tried to install RT v3.6.1, but the required DBIx::SearchBuilder was so new, 
it looked like I had
to install a brand new Perl by hand ! Thus losing the automatic upgrades from 
yum ...

Can anybody give me some help ? I am getting sort of desperate !

Here are more details about my config :

I am upgrading from RT2; RT2 currently runs on a Dell server, running at 1.1 
GHz, with 512 MB ram
and 512 MB swap, two RAID 1 SCSI disk, the hdparm -t test ports roughly 15 
MB/sec. With such a
configuration, opening any ticket in RT2 is immediate (it takes much less than 
one second !).
Without much tuning.

For test purposes, I installed RT3 on a simple PC with a P4 at 1.7 GHz, 1GB 
ram, 1GB swap. The hard
disk is a SCSI one, the hdparm -t test may report 34 MB/sec

I imported our RT2 database into RT3 without problems.

There are many large attachments in the database. I limited them to 10 MB.

I tuned the kernel with


Mysql : here is my my.cnf :
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# grep '^[^#]' /etc/my.cnf
port= 3306
socket  = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock

port= 3306
socket  = /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock
key_buffer = 384M
max_allowed_packet = 10M
table_cache = 512
sort_buffer_size = 2M
read_buffer_size = 2M
read_rnd_buffer_size = 8M
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 64M
thread_cache_size = 8
query_cache_size= 32M
thread_concurrency = 8
log-bin = /var/lib/mysql/backup_rt3/rt3_bin
server-id   = 1
innodb_mirrored_log_groups = 1
innodb_log_files_in_group = 3
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 384M
innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 20M
innodb_log_file_size = 200M
innodb_log_buffer_size = 8M
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 1
innodb_log_archive = 0
innodb_file_io_threads = 4
innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 50

max_allowed_packet = 16M


key_buffer = 128M
sort_buffer_size = 128M
read_buffer = 2M
write_buffer = 2M

key_buffer = 128M
sort_buffer_size = 128M
read_buffer = 2M
write_buffer = 2M




Apache config:
in httpd.conf, I enabled

KeepAlive On
LogLevel debug

Here is my rt.conf
[EMAIL PROTECTED] conf.d]# grep '^[^#]' rt.conf
VirtualHost *:80
ServerName rt3.cedrat.lan
ServerAlias rt3.cedrat.com
DocumentRoot /var/rt/html
AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
PerlModule Apache::DBI
PerlRequire /usr/bin/webmux.pl
PerlModule MasonX::Profiler
PerlSetVar MasonPreamble my $p = MasonX::Profiler-new($m, $r);
Location /
Order Deny,Allow
Allow from all
Options None
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType text/css A3600
ExpiresByType image/png A3600
ExpiresByType application/x-javascript A3600
ExpiresByType image/gif A3600
SetHandler perl-script
PerlResponseHandler RT::Mason
IfDefine PerlDProf
  IfDefine PerlSmallProf
PerlFixupHandler Apache::SmallProf
Location /NoAuth/images
  SetHandler default-handler
# To use this you have to start apache with -DPerlStatus.
# In RHEL, add the following line to /etc/sysconfig/httpd:
# OPTIONS=-DPerlStatus
IfDefine PerlStatus
  Location /perl-status
SetHandler perl-script
PerlResponseHandler Apache2::Status
PerlSetVar StatusOptionsAll On
PerlSetVar StatusTerse On
PerlSetVar StatusTerseSize On
PerlSetVar StatusTerseSizeMainSummary On
PerlSetVar StatusLexInfo On

System Engineer

15, Chemin de Malacher - Inovallée - 38246 MEYLAN Cedex - FRANCE

[rt-users] RT 3.6 error and IE6

2006-12-06 Thread Tomas Olaj


We are entering production phase next week on 3.6.1, but we noticed a 
problem among Internet Explorer version 6 users (yes, there are some of 
these at our university), ;), where they are getting an Error on page 
error-message in browser trying to _open_ a ticket in RT 3.6.1.

This error message is not reproducable in other browsers (even IE version 

The typical error message is described on:

but it doesn't solve the problem, since it's only a work-a-round.

Is it something incompatible in the HTML-code?

Best regars,


Tomas A. P. Olaj, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], web: folk.uio.no/tomaso
 University of Oslo / USIT (Center for Information Technology Services)
   System- and Application Management / Applications Management Group

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Re: [rt-users] performance question

2006-12-06 Thread Filip Rembiałkowski
Ruslan Zakirov napisał(a):

  Could you spend some
 time and write instructions about how to create such report? :)


1) login to rt (probably ou want to login as root, to see all queues)

2) enable logging of all SQL queries.
- for postgresql you can do it by putting these lines in your postgresql.conf
log_destination = 'stderr'
redirect_stderr = on
log_line_prefix = '[%t] [%p] [EMAIL PROTECTED] '
log_min_duration_statement = 0
- for mysql you could use 'log' option

3) restart your database (or do whatever is needed to create fresh logfile)

4) click Home in browser window - this will display the home page and fill
your SQL log

5) copy out this logfile to avoid polluting it with other queries

6) transform the logfile to following format:
it can be tricky if queries have newlines or tabs

7) anonymize queries by replacing some literals by placeholders

8) calculate some statistics in tabular format

tools I have used:

step 6) http://filip.rembialkowski.net/tool/pglogstat/pglogtimes
step 7) http://filip.rembialkowski.net/tool/pglogstat/sqa
step 8) http://filip.rembialkowski.net/tool/pglogstat/pgtimestat

pglogtimes  sample.log | sqa | pgtimestat  sample.csv


Filip Rembiałkowski
eo Networks sp. z o.o.

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[rt-users] Permission denied Problem

2006-12-06 Thread Tobias Heinz

Dear All,

I am running an rt installation (3.4 on Debian, with seperate postgres
backend) for about a year now. Currently I have around 50 call centre
agents working on tickets submitted by a community of around 100.000

I have set-up the system to allow creation of tickets for everyone
(following the instructions in the bestpractical-Wiki) by just sending a
mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  which works fine. At this point in time
the amount of users that have been autocreated on ticket creation has
hit 35.000 and the number of tickets currently in my database is around

For the past weeks I have had clients that were sending a mail with a
new ticket, that received a Message not recorded permission denied
bounce back from the request tracker. I have checked the entries and
there are no differences between other users. At the same time, other
tickets are recorded by the system just fine. In two cases the clients
were creating another different ticket a few minutes later - and this
time without a problem.

Any hint or idea what might be happening?

Best regards and many thanks in advance ...

T. Heinz

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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Re: [rt-users] Calendar view of tickets?

2006-12-06 Thread Jim Brandt


I used the following modules that you'll need to install from CPAN:

* HTML::CalendarMonth (I think this has some dependencies like 
HTML::Element, etc. Just follow them and install all dependencies.)

* Date::Calc

Also, I should mention I got this working on 3.6.1. I think it could 
work in 3.4.5, but the Tools menu is different so you'd need to make 
some changes.

Let me know if I left anything else out.


Torsten Brumm wrote:

Hi Jim,

sounds good to me a Calendar per Queue base, tried yours but got the 
following error:

Error during compilation of /opt/rt36/local/html/Tools/Calendar/Calendar:
Can't locate HTML/CalendarMonth.pm in @INC (@INC contains: 
/opt/rt36/local/lib /opt/rt36/lib 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.4 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3 
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5 
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.4 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.3 
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6/i386-linux-thread-multi 
/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6 .) at /opt/rt36/local/html/Tools/Calendar/Calendar 
line 9, GEN35 line 40.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at 
/opt/rt36/local/html/Tools/Calendar/Calendar line 9, GEN35 line 40.

I think there are some missing files?!?



2006/12/5, Jim Brandt [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:


I have a rough prototype of something like this working on our dev
machine. In my case, I was playing around with creating a maintenance
calendar that would allow us to track system changes in RT. My thought
was to have a few designated queues set up as the maintenance queues.
You'll see these hard-coded in the example. My thought was to make them
a config option eventually.

I installed the attached code under /opt/rt3/share/html/Tools so my
Tools page has a menu with Offline, Reports, and Calendar.

It's a bit ugly, but it works. Hope it helps.


Roedel, Mark wrote:
  It occurred to me last night that it'd be useful sometimes to have a
  calendar display with ticket on it according to their due
dates.  Before
  I start hacking on something myself, is that something that anybody's
  already attempted?
  Mark Roedel
  Senior Programmer / Analyst
  LeTourneau University
  Longview, Texas  USA
  Community help: http://wiki.bestpractical.com
  Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media.
  Buy a copy at http://rtbook.bestpractical.com

Jim Brandt
Administrative Computing Services
University at Buffalo


Community help: http://wiki.bestpractical.com
Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media.
Buy a copy at http://rtbook.bestpractical.com


Torsten Brumm


Jim Brandt
Administrative Computing Services
University at Buffalo


Community help: http://wiki.bestpractical.com
Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [rt-users] Calendar view of tickets?

2006-12-06 Thread Torsten Brumm

Argh, no..

2006/12/6, Jim Brandt [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

When I run it, for the month I pick, it shows links with the ticket
subject in the day indicated by the due date on the ticket. Do your
tickets have due dates?

Torsten Brumm wrote:
 Hi Jim,

 OK, now it works. But it renders only a calender, nothing elsei have
 changed the SelectCalendar.html Values from your ACS Queues to the ones
 i have but nothing happens...how does your result looks like???


 2006/12/6, Jim Brandt [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


 I used the following modules that you'll need to install from CPAN:

 * HTML::CalendarMonth (I think this has some dependencies like
 HTML::Element, etc. Just follow them and install all dependencies.)

 * Date::Calc

 Also, I should mention I got this working on 3.6.1. I think it could
 work in 3.4.5, but the Tools menu is different so you'd need to make
 some changes.

 Let me know if I left anything else out.


 Torsten Brumm wrote:
   Hi Jim,
   sounds good to me a Calendar per Queue base, tried yours but got
   following error:
   Error during compilation of
   Can't locate HTML/CalendarMonth.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
   /opt/rt36/local/lib /opt/rt36/lib
   /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5
   /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.4 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3
   /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5
   /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.4 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.3
   /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6 .) at
   line 9, GEN35 line 40.
   BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
   /opt/rt36/local/html/Tools/Calendar/Calendar line 9, GEN35 line
   I think there are some missing files?!?
   2006/12/5, Jim Brandt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I have a rough prototype of something like this working on
 our dev
   machine. In my case, I was playing around with creating a
   calendar that would allow us to track system changes in RT.
 My thought
   was to have a few designated queues set up as the maintenance
   You'll see these hard-coded in the example. My thought was to
 make them
   a config option eventually.
   I installed the attached code under /opt/rt3/share/html/Tools
 so my
   Tools page has a menu with Offline, Reports, and Calendar.
   It's a bit ugly, but it works. Hope it helps.
   Roedel, Mark wrote:
 It occurred to me last night that it'd be useful sometimes
 to have a
 calendar display with ticket on it according to their due
   dates.  Before
 I start hacking on something myself, is that something
 that anybody's
 already attempted?

 Mark Roedel
 Senior Programmer / Analyst
 LeTourneau University
 Longview, Texas  USA


 Community help: http://wiki.bestpractical.com
 Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:

 Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from
 O'Reilly Media.
 Buy a copy at http://rtbook.bestpractical.com
   Jim Brandt
   Administrative Computing Services
   University at Buffalo
   Community help: http://wiki.bestpractical.com
   Commercial support: [EMAIL 

Re: [rt-users] What kind of hardware setup are you using?

2006-12-06 Thread Vivek Khera

On Dec 5, 2006, at 5:24 PM, John Arends wrote:

How do you all handle backups/DR? Is anyone else running RT in a  
virtual machine?

We use a live replication system to keep the DB up-to-the-second on  
another DB server.  If the main DB dies, we just failover and point  
RT at the backup. We also take nightly snapshots of the database on  
yet another machine dedicated to that purpose on our network.  Once  
per month, a set of snapshots is archived off to DVD and tossed into  
a safe.  That pretty much covers our DB back up for RT...

As for system backup, the only thing we backup of our RT installation  
is the etc/RT*Config.pm files and httpd+mailserver config files.  To  
recover the RT installation, just re-install the software and copy  
those handful of configs files back in place.  I suppose having a  
snapshot of the VM would be faster to recover :-)

Our primary RT instance runs on a dedicated Dell 1950 with a hardware- 
mirrored drive and a local Postgres database.  The replica runs on a  
dedicated 'backup' db server which also backs up several other  

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Community help: http://wiki.bestpractical.com
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[rt-users] Removing garbage from mail replies

2006-12-06 Thread [Mailclub] - Laurent Bauer


I searched the wiki and mailing list archives, but couldn't find a 
solution to do that :

- when RT sends an e-mail, add a line like [Reply below this line]
- when a user replies to the mail, only log the text added below

That way, the recipient keeps getting a normal e-mail (with quote), 
while RT only logs the last response (without quote) on its interface.

Example : User creates a ticket, Admin fixes it and sends an e-mail :

User wrote :
 Subject : any bug

 I have a problem with ...
 Please fix

[Reply below]

Ok, fixed

RT History would show :

User : Ticket created

I have a problem with ...
Please fix
Admin : E-mail

Ok, fixed
Admin : Ticket closed

Instead of :

User : Ticket created

I have a problem with ...
Please fix
Admin : E-mail

User wrote :
 Subject : any bug

 I have a problem with ...
 Please fix

[Reply below]

Ok, fixed

Hope I made it clear, since I use a French GUI and guessed the english 

Thanks for helping.


Community help: http://wiki.bestpractical.com
Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media. 
Buy a copy at http://rtbook.bestpractical.com

Re: [rt-users] RT hangs with 'SELECT GET_LOCK' slow query log entries

2006-12-06 Thread Jesse Vincent

On Dec 6, 2006, at 2:18 AM, Torsten Brumm wrote:

Hi Jesse,

i've checked the permissions twice, apache is running as user/group  
apache and has more permission in that directory as needed. I  
played around a bit and came now to the point, that it works with  
fucking IE7 but not in NS7, NS8 and Firefox 1.6 and 2.0. I'm not  
sure whats wrong, i can see, for each session an new file is  
created, nothing at the error logs from apache/rtcould be a  
problem with the browsers=?!

No idea off the top of my head.



Community help: http://wiki.bestpractical.com
Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media. 
Buy a copy at http://rtbook.bestpractical.com

RE: [rt-users] Calendar view of tickets?

2006-12-06 Thread Jared Hanks
I had the same problem, it was only displaying tickets with that have a Due 
date.  I changed Calendar and SelectCalendar.html to search for Created, not 
Due, and it display the tickets the way I wanted.

Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2006 17:12:30 +0100From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 
Re: [rt-users] Calendar view of tickets?CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED], no..
2006/12/6, Jim Brandt [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
When I run it, for the month I pick, it shows links with the ticketsubject in 
the day indicated by the due date on the ticket. Do yourtickets have due 
dates?Torsten Brumm wrote: Hi Jim,  OK, now it works. But it renders only a 
calender, nothing elsei have changed the SelectCalendar.html Values from 
your ACS Queues to the ones i have but nothing happens...how does your result 
looks like???  Torsten 2006/12/6, Jim Brandt [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: Torsten,  I used the following modules 
that you'll need to install from CPAN: * HTML::CalendarMonth (I think 
this has some dependencies like HTML::Element, etc. Just follow them and 
install all dependencies.)  * Date::Calc Also, I should mention I 
got this working on 3.6.1. I think it could work in 3.4.5, but the Tools 
menu is different so you'd need to make some changes.  Let me know 
if I left anything else out. Jim Torsten Brumm wrote:   Hi 
Jim, sounds good to me a Calendar per Queue base, tried yours 
but got thefollowing error: Error during compilation 
of /opt/rt36/local/html/Tools/Calendar/Calendar:   Can't locate 
HTML/CalendarMonth.pm in @INC (@INC contains:/opt/rt36/local/lib 
/opt/rt36/lib   /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6/i386-linux-thread-multi   
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5   
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.4 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5   
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.4 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.3
/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6/i386-linux-thread-multi   
/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6 .) at 
/opt/rt36/local/html/Tools/Calendar/Calendar   line 9, GEN35 line 40.  
  BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at   
/opt/rt36/local/html/Tools/Calendar/Calendar line 9, GEN35 line 40. 
  I think there are some missing files?!?  
Thanks Torsten 2006/12/5, Jim Brandt [EMAIL 
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Mark, I 
have a rough prototype of something like this working on our dev 
  machine. In my case, I was playing around with creating a  maintenance  
 calendar that would allow us to track system changes in RT. My 
thought   was to have a few designated queues set up as the 
maintenance queues.You'll see these hard-coded in the 
example. My thought was to make them   a config option 
eventually. I installed the attached code under 
/opt/rt3/share/html/Tools  so my   Tools page has a menu with 
Offline, Reports, and Calendar. It's a bit ugly, but it 
works. Hope it helps. Jim  Roedel, Mark 
wrote: It occurred to me last night that it'd be useful 
sometimes to have a calendar display with ticket on it 
according to their duedates.  Before I start 
hacking on something myself, is that something that anybody's
 already attempted?  -- Mark 
Roedel Senior Programmer / Analyst LeTourneau 
University Longview, Texas  USA  
 Community help: http://wiki.bestpractical.com 
Commercial support: [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from  
O'Reilly Media. Buy a copy at http://rtbook.bestpractical.com   
  --   Jim BrandtAdministrative 
Computing Services   University at Buffalo 

[rt-users] including custom fields in a template

2006-12-06 Thread Dan Parsons
I want to include the value of 3 custom fields in the template used  
for emailing admins when a ticket is created. The custom fields are  
named Linux computer name, Impact and Deadline ...

What exactly is the syntax for this? Especially for a field with  
spaces in its name?

Dan Parsons
Sr. Systems Administrator
Luxtera, Inc.


Community help: http://wiki.bestpractical.com
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Discover RT's hidden secrets with RT Essentials from O'Reilly Media. 
Buy a copy at http://rtbook.bestpractical.com

Re: [rt-users] Calendar view of tickets?

2006-12-06 Thread Torsten Brumm

Just an idea, let us try to make it more flexible, just as an option to
select all (makes not the most sense) and Starts and Due, also a view for
Reminder entries could be great. i'm just playing around to make the queue
selection more flexible...hopefully i can sent tomorrow some files.


2006/12/6, Jared Hanks [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

I had the same problem, it was only displaying tickets with that have a
Due date.  I changed Calendar and SelectCalendar.html to search for
Created, not Due, and it display the tickets the way I wanted.

Date: Wed, 6 Dec 2006 17:12:30 +0100
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Calendar view of tickets?
CC: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com

Argh, no..

2006/12/6, Jim Brandt [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

When I run it, for the month I pick, it shows links with the ticket
subject in the day indicated by the due date on the ticket. Do your
tickets have due dates?

Torsten Brumm wrote:
 Hi Jim,

 OK, now it works. But it renders only a calender, nothing elsei have
 changed the SelectCalendar.html Values from your ACS Queues to the ones
 i have but nothing happens...how does your result looks like???


 2006/12/6, Jim Brandt [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


 I used the following modules that you'll need to install from CPAN:

 * HTML::CalendarMonth (I think this has some dependencies like
 HTML::Element, etc. Just follow them and install all dependencies.)

 * Date::Calc

 Also, I should mention I got this working on 3.6.1. I think it could
 work in 3.4.5, but the Tools menu is different so you'd need to make
 some changes.

 Let me know if I left anything else out.


 Torsten Brumm wrote:
   Hi Jim,
   sounds good to me a Calendar per Queue base, tried yours but got
   following error:
   Error during compilation of
   Can't locate HTML/CalendarMonth.pm in @INC (@INC contains:
   /opt/rt36/local/lib /opt/rt36/lib
   /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.6 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5
   /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.4 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.3
   /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.6 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.5
   /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.4 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.3

   /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.6 .) at
   line 9, GEN35 line 40.
   BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at
   /opt/rt36/local/html/Tools/Calendar/Calendar line 9, GEN35 line
   I think there are some missing files?!?
   2006/12/5, Jim Brandt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   I have a rough prototype of something like this working on
 our dev
   machine. In my case, I was playing around with creating a
   calendar that would allow us to track system changes in RT.
 My thought
   was to have a few designated queues set up as the maintenance
   You'll see these hard-coded in the example. My thought was to
 make them
   a config option eventually.
   I installed the attached code under /opt/rt3/share/html/Tools

 so my
   Tools page has a menu with Offline, Reports, and Calendar.
   It's a bit ugly, but it works. Hope it helps.
   Roedel, Mark wrote:
 It occurred to me last night that it'd be useful sometimes
 to have a
 calendar display with ticket on it according to their due
   dates.  Before
 I start hacking on something myself, is that something
 that anybody's
 already attempted?

 Mark Roedel
 Senior Programmer / Analyst
 LeTourneau University
 Longview, Texas  USA


 Community help: http://wiki.bestpractical.com

Re: [rt-users] RT hangs with 'SELECT GET_LOCK' slow query log entries

2006-12-06 Thread Torsten Brumm

Any chance to figure out more details? I can test a lot and i have played
around a lot, this relogin occurs until i pressed the first Time the Tools
link, afterwards it is finished and the worst part, i have the same
situation under each Firefox and NS Browser

Will try more tomorrow...

2006/12/6, Jesse Vincent [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

On Dec 6, 2006, at 2:18 AM, Torsten Brumm wrote:

 Hi Jesse,

 i've checked the permissions twice, apache is running as user/group
 apache and has more permission in that directory as needed. I
 played around a bit and came now to the point, that it works with
 fucking IE7 but not in NS7, NS8 and Firefox 1.6 and 2.0. I'm not
 sure whats wrong, i can see, for each session an new file is
 created, nothing at the error logs from apache/rtcould be a
 problem with the browsers=?!

No idea off the top of my head.



Torsten Brumm


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RE: [rt-users] RT 3.6.1 stops sending out emails

2006-12-06 Thread Les Driggers
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf 
 Of Harald Kapper
 Sent: Wednesday, December 06, 2006 8:58 AM
 To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
 Subject: [rt-users] RT 3.6.1 stops sending out emails
 he've a perfectly working RT 3.6.1 (on debian etch).
 Only problem is that sometimes RT simply stops to send out 
 emails (comments,
 replys) to just anyone - as if it lost it's email-interface 
 somehow, also no correspondences are then tracked in the 
 ticket (which is quite right, but basically not the wanted 
 Restarting the apache2 it's running in helps.
 But having to worry about outgoing-correspondence is really a pain...
 Anyone any ideas on this one?
 Thank you in advance
 Harald Kapper 

I am having this issue as well.


I think my issue is related to a custom scrip I wrote to send
alerts to my cell phone when a ticket is created during the weekend.
It is based on a similar example in the RT Essentials book.

I have deleted that scrip, so now I just have to wait and see if that 
fixed the problem. I'll post an update when I know more.

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[rt-users] Query Questions

2006-12-06 Thread beilman
I have been asked to see if I can get RT to show the Ticket Content, using the 
basic Query Builder tool. In the actual query results window, I need to show 
the initial part of the request.

I know I can do this via an outside Perl script, or using the Rt command line, 
but I am trying to do it within the actual RT web interface.

  From what I can tell the RT Query tool, queries the Ticket Table, and what I 
am after is in the Attachment table.

I am trying to use the advanced query tool to both query and display the first 
element of the content.

Is this possible, or do I have to do it via a Scrip?   Most of the Scrips I 
have seen relate to an action, and some Email event.

My other option is to create another Custom Field and then write a scrip to 
populate that field with the content data.



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[rt-users] Reply to stalled tickets

2006-12-06 Thread Peer Michael
I am using rt-3.4.5. My problem is, when i reply to a stalled ticket and
i don't want change the status, the rt-system set the status to open. I
know, that the reason of this is the autoopen-script. But i don't
understand, why rt-2.0.4, the system that i used before, Doesn't do
that, nevertheless the script exists.
Thanks for helping

Michael Peer
EURAC research
Viale Druso/Drususallee 1
39100 Bolzano/Bozen

Website: www.eurac.edu http://www.eurac.edu/ 


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Re: [rt-users] Query Questions

2006-12-06 Thread Todd Chapman
On Wed, Dec 06, 2006 at 03:10:10PM -0500, beilman wrote:
 I have been asked to see if I can get RT to show the Ticket Content, using 
 the basic Query Builder tool. In the actual query results window, I need to 
 show the initial part of the request.
 I know I can do this via an outside Perl script, or using the Rt command 
 line, but I am trying to do it within the actual RT web interface.
   From what I can tell the RT Query tool, queries the Ticket Table, and what 
 I am after is in the Attachment table.
 I am trying to use the advanced query tool to both query and display the 
 first element of the content.
 Is this possible, or do I have to do it via a Scrip?   Most of the Scrips I 
 have seen relate to an action, and some Email event.
 My other option is to create another Custom Field and then write a scrip to 
 populate that field with the content data.


To do what you want you will have to write some perl code.

html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap defines translations from
columns to callbacks that are run when display search results.

You can augment this mapping with a callback called ColumnMap.

So you need to:

1. Create a callback.
2. Insert the correct code into the callback. (grok RT API?)
3. Get your new column name to show up in the query builder.

The last step involves a local copy of html/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString.

Is that enought to get you started?


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Re: [rt-users] Query Questions

2006-12-06 Thread beilman
I think so, inside html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap  I see references to 
things like
LastUpdated = {
attribute = 'LastUpdated',
title = 'Last Updated',
value = sub { return $_[0]-LastUpdatedObj-AsString }

So I need to figure out how to reference what I need and insert something like 
Content= {
attribute = 'Content',
title = 'Content,
value = sub { return $_[0]-Appropriate_stuff_hereAsString }

Or whatever the RT API indicates.

I am a mild PERL programmer, but it looks like I will have to dig in.

It's a starting place. 

If anyone out there already did this,I would love it if you shared your code. 
In the mean time, I will dig in.

  ---Original Message---
  From: Todd Chapman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: Re: [rt-users] Query Questions
  Sent: 06 Dec '06 15:46
  On Wed, Dec 06, 2006 at 03:10:10PM -0500, beilman wrote:
   I have been asked to see if I can get RT to show the Ticket Content, using 
 the basic Query Builder tool. In the actual query results window, I need to 
 show the initial part of the request.
   I know I can do this via an outside Perl script, or using the Rt command 
 line, but I am trying to do it within the actual RT web interface.
 From what I can tell the RT Query tool, queries the Ticket Table, and 
 what I am after is in the Attachment table.
   I am trying to use the advanced query tool to both query and display the 
 first element of the content.
   Is this possible, or do I have to do it via a Scrip?   Most of the Scrips 
 I have seen relate to an action, and some Email event.
   My other option is to create another Custom Field and then write a scrip 
 to populate that field with the content data.
  To do what you want you will have to write some perl code.
  html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap defines translations from
  columns to callbacks that are run when display search results.
  You can augment this mapping with a callback called ColumnMap.
  So you need to:
  1. Create a callback.
  2. Insert the correct code into the callback. (grok RT API?)
  3. Get your new column name to show up in the query builder.
  The last step involves a local copy of 
  Is that enought to get you started?

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Re: [rt-users] Query Questions

2006-12-06 Thread Todd Chapman
On Wed, Dec 06, 2006 at 04:26:04PM -0500, beilman wrote:
 I think so, inside html/Elements/RT__Ticket/ColumnMap  I see references to 
 things like
 LastUpdated = {
 attribute = 'LastUpdated',
 title = 'Last Updated',
 value = sub { return $_[0]-LastUpdatedObj-AsString }
 So I need to figure out how to reference what I need and insert something 
 Content= {
 attribute = 'Content',
 title = 'Content,
 value = sub { return $_[0]-Appropriate_stuff_hereAsString }
 Or whatever the RT API indicates.
 I am a mild PERL programmer, but it looks like I will have to dig in.
 It's a starting place. 
 If anyone out there already did this,I would love it if you shared your code. 
 In the mean time, I will dig in.

Something like:


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[rt-users] Can't view newly created ticket

2006-12-06 Thread Winn Johnston
This just started happening, no changes were made to
the system. 

mysql v 4.01

Is there something i can check in the ACL table?

snip from rt.log
Wed Dec  6 23:36:03 2006] [info]:
#6421/28782 - Scrip 2 
[Wed Dec  6 23:36:03 2006] [warning]: DBD::mysql::st
execute failed: MySQL server has gone away at
ne 492. (/opt/rt3/lib/RT.pm:287)
[Wed Dec  6 23:36:03 2006] [warning]:
RT::Handle=HASH(0x96f8200) couldn't execute the query
'INSERT INTO Transactions (OldReference, Type, Field,
OldValue, NewReferenc
e, NewValue, Creator, ObjectId, ReferenceType,
Created, Data, ObjectType) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?,
?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' at
rchBuilder/Handle.pm line 505
INTO Transactions (OldReference, Type, Field,
'undef','undef','undef','undef',1,...) called at
line 365
led at
line 39
..) called at
line 1291
d at /opt/rt3/lib/RT/Record.pm line 300
/snip from rt.log

Winn Johnston


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[rt-users] RT/Opera Text alignment problem

2006-12-06 Thread Tim Rosmus

Seems to be a bug in all Opera 9.x (any OS) that causes nested DIVs to
be centered. The headers for each history entry are correct, but the actual
ticket history content is all centered, making it a pain to read.

Has anybody seen this and/or have a fix or is this a problem with Opera, 
Thanks. Running   RT 3.6.2rc1  (new style interface)

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[rt-users] Shredder Users plugin error about invalid characters

2006-12-06 Thread Mathew Snyder
I have a script that gathers up all the newest spam users created over the
course of a day and iterates over each one calling rtx-shredder with the Users

It occassionaly spits out an error thusly:
Couldn't load plugin
Error: Invalid characters in email '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'

The email address that cause the error are pretty much the same format as that
above with the hyphen in the domain part.  I'm guessing that is the error's
cause.  The strange thing though is that I've never received this error when
running the plugin from the UI.

Also, how do I call Shredder as RT::SystemUser so I don't get the
RT::User=HASH(0xb01b258) was created without a CurrentUser error?


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Re: [rt-users] Pulling CustomFieldValues

2006-12-06 Thread Mathew Snyder
Stephen Turner wrote:
 -Original Message-
 From: Mathew Snyder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 4:29 AM
 Cc: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
 Subject: Re: [rt-users] Pulling CustomFieldValues


 This is the code I now have:

 my $cf = RT::CustomField-new(RT::SystemUser);
 foreach my $cf_key (${cf}){
 print $$cf_key{KEY} . \n;

 Values() appears to return a reference to a hash.  If I run 
 this code I get one
 blank line back.  I guess I don't know how to iterate through 
 the hash to print
 out each item.  How would I go about that?


 Hi Mathew,
 You're getting close! The Values method actually returns a CustomFieldValues
 object, even though a print will show a hash. This object represents a
 collection of CustomFieldValue objects and you can iterate through the value
 objects using the RT collections API (see RTx::SearchBuilder):
 My $cfvalues = $cf-Values($cf_name);
 while (my $cfval = $cfvalues-Next() ){
 print $cfval-Name . \n;
 You can see this in action on the custom field 'modify' screen - (
 /Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html ). This calls
 /Admin/Elements/EditCustomFieldValues which displays a list of the existing
 values for the CF.

I guess it's time to revisit this after taking a break for a bit.

The code I now have, based on the above is thus:
use warnings;
use strict;
use lib /usr/local/rt-3.6.1/lib;
use RT;
use RT::CustomField;
use RT::Interface::CLI qw(CleanEnv);

my $cf_name = Profiles;

my $cf = RT::CustomField-new(RT::SystemUser);
my $cfvalues = $cf-Values($cf_name);
while (my $cfval = $cfvalues-Next() ){
print $cfval-Name . \n;


This will run and place me right back at the prompt without any output.  I guess
I just don't understand how to get the values of the custom field.


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