Re: [rt-users] DB performance

2010-06-04 Thread Agnislav Onufrijchuk
03.06.2010 17:23, rmp dmd wrote:
 Currently our RT DB is about 308M.  Not much but with nagios alerts,
 production issues, customer problems, Im seeing the DB growing quickly.
 I need to make sure that DB will not affect the RT performance.
 Kindly help on how I can check DB integrity, and make sure that DB will not
 slow RT.
The first question is: what db do you use? mysql/postgres/oracle? Different DBs
requires different approaches.

The second question is: what db do you use?

The third and the rest of questions are rely on DB.

Agnislav Onufrijchuk
PortaOne, Inc., RT Developer
Tel: +1-866-SIP VOIP (+1 866 747 8647) ext. 7670

  PortaOne Booth 3H1-10, Hall 3
  Canadian Pavilion @ CommunicAsia
  Singapore Expo, June 15-18, 2010

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Re: [rt-users] Errors in scrips.

2010-04-23 Thread Agnislav Onufrijchuk
22.04.2010 15:43, H Manohar Rayker пишет:
 How can I track errors in scrips?
The same way as the rest of errors - they're logged.

Agnislav Onufrijchuk
PortaOne, Inc., RT Developer
Tel: +1-866-SIP VOIP (+1 866 747 8647) ext. 7670

  PortaOne Booth 812 @ ITW 2010
  International Telecommunication Week
  Marriott Wardman Park Hotel
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Re: [rt-users] New install rt-mailgate problem

2010-04-14 Thread Agnislav Onufrijchuk

Ian Pellew пишет:

FreeBSD_8 RT 387 at a glance works fine,
rt-mailgate fails with the likes of:-
[Tue Apr 13 17:29:13 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: 

But my RT is at /usr/local/Rt/rt-3.8.7/share/html

My vhost uses ports 8001:-

Cannot figure out how to get mailgate, and maybe the other tools, to use 
Any suggestions pls?

It seems you haven't set port when you call rt-mailgate. In your case it should 
be similar to:

| //usr/local/Rt/rt-3.8.7/bin/rt-mailgate --queue General --action correspond 

Agnislav Onufrijchuk
PortaOne, Inc., RT Developer
Tel: +1-866-SIP VOIP (+1 866 747 8647) ext. 7670

  PortaOne Booth 812 @ ITW 2010
  International Telecommunication Week
  Marriott Wardman Park Hotel
  Washington, DC - May 24-26

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Re: [rt-users] New install rt-mailgate problem

2010-04-14 Thread Agnislav Onufrijchuk

You're welcome!

BTW, please add


to correspondence to let other subscribers know the results/flow.

Ian Pellew wrote:

Thanks Agnislav
Just the nudge I needed.
I get in these loops where nothing works out of stupidity.

It seems you haven't set port when you call rt-mailgate. In your case it should 
be similar to:

| //usr/local/Rt/rt-3.8.7/bin/rt-mailgate --queue General --action correspond 

Agnislav Onufrijchuk
PortaOne, Inc., RT Developer
Tel: +1-866-SIP VOIP (+1 866 747 8647) ext. 7670

  PortaOne Booth 812 @ ITW 2010
  International Telecommunication Week
  Marriott Wardman Park Hotel
  Washington, DC - May 24-26

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Re: [rt-users] rt emailing extra line breaks

2010-04-09 Thread Agnislav Onufrijchuk

Vitaly Tskhovrebov wrote:

We're doing a lot of emailing through RT. So we have an issue, when
quotation has much more line breakes, then in original letters. It seems
like RT doing s/\n/\n\n/ every time.:

Hi, Vitaly.

We've fixed this on our 3.8.4 with an attached patch.

Agnislav Onufrijchuk
PortaOne, Inc., RT Developer
Tel: +1-866-SIP VOIP (+1 866 747 8647) ext. 7670

  PortaOne Booth 812 @ ITW 2010
  International Telecommunication Week
  Marriott Wardman Park Hotel
  Washington, DC - May 24-26
--- share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowMessageStanza	2010-04-09 07:18:51.0 +0300
+++ local/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowMessageStanza	2010-04-09 07:21:38.0 +0300
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@
 $m-callback( content = $ref, %ARGS );
 $m-comp('/Elements/MakeClicky', content = $ref, ticket = $ticket, %ARGS);
 unless ( $plain_text_pre ) {
+$$ref =~ s{(\r*\n)}{\n}g if defined $$ref;
 $$ref =~ s{(?=\r*\n)}{br /}g if defined $$ref;
 $m-out( $$ref );

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Re: [rt-users] How to send a different message to each requestor of ticket?

2010-03-02 Thread Agnislav Onufrijchuk
Guenter Burgstaller wrote:
 But how can I trigger a different mail to each requestor?
Try this way:
1. Create User Custom Field.
2. Fill it.
3. Disable general 'correspondence notification for requesters' scrip.
4. Send correspondence using several scrips that will use different 
templates accordingly to user's CF value.

Agnislav Onufrijchuk
PortaOne, Inc., RT Developer
Tel: +1-866-sip voip (+1 866 747 8647) ext. 7670

   Meet us at CeBIT 2010
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Re: [rt-users] Merge Two Qs?

2009-08-14 Thread Agnislav Onufrijchuk
Gabriel - IP Guys wrote:
 Hi guys,  Just a quick one, is it possible to merge two existing q’s 
 into one?
You can make bulk update of all tickets from one queue to assign them to 

Agnislav Onufrijchuk
PortaOne, Inc., RT Developer
Tel: +1-866-SIP VOIP (+1 866 747 8647) ext. 7670

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Re: [rt-users] Broken attachements

2009-08-03 Thread Agnislav Onufrijchuk
Zodal wrote:
 I am using Rt 3.8.4 and if user creates new ticket in QuickCreate, add some
 attachements and give somebody to Cc, the attachements are broken when they
 are received.
Attachments are being broken in DB or in sent e-mail?

Agnislav Onufrijchuk
PortaOne, Inc., RT Developer
Tel: +1-866-SIP VOIP (+1 866 747 8647) ext. 7670

   Meet us at ITEXPO West 2009
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Re: [rt-users] rt 3.8.4 customization (FreeBSD)

2009-07-16 Thread Agnislav Onufrijchuk
Steve Sizemore wrote:
 I've migrated an older rt 3.6 installation from linux to
 FreeBSD 7.2, and upgraded successfully to 3.8.4. There's
 only one missing piece: our previous installation had
 a customized ticket display.
 was customized by
   I've tried /usr/local/share/rt38/local/html/Ticket/Display.html,
 as well as /usr/local/share/rt38/local/html/Ticket/Display_Local.html, 
 and neither works.
Because it works only for libs.

 Does anyone know how to customize 3.8.4 on a FreeBSD port?
Look into /usr/local/share/rt38/lib/ file, find $MasonLocalComponentRoot 
variable. It contains path for web modification. If its value is 'local/html', 
you can just create directory /usr/local/share/rt38/local/html manually, then 
create Ticket directory under it and put your modified Display.html inside.

If $MasonLocalComponentRoot contains another value, just do the same steps, as 
above, but instead of 'local/html' create directory set in the variable.

Agnislav Onufrijchuk
PortaOne, Inc., RT Developer
Tel: +1-866-SIP VOIP (+1 866 747 8647) ext. 7670

   Meet us at ITEXPO West 2009
   September 2-3, Booth 427
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Re: [rt-users] Monthly Tasks

2009-07-14 Thread Agnislav Onufrijchuk
rmp dmd wrote:
 I create a new ticket run scan vulnerability on server X. 
 After running, I will close this
 ticket. On next month, this ticket automatically will be re-opend (or a 
 new one generated).
 I'm thinking of using RT Reminders. I've checked it but the scrips that 
 I saw, use reminders to send open tickets that are due over a period of 
 Does anyone was able to do this and any scrips that I can check?
I can advise following solution:

1. Create Condition which will check current date and will return 1 in case 
today is day of scanning.
2. Add rt-crontool call with the Condition and appropriate Action to crontab to 
be run daily.

Agnislav Onufrijchuk
PortaOne, Inc., RT Developer
Tel: +1-866-SIP VOIP (+1 866 747 8647) ext. 7670

   Meet us at ITEXPO West 2009
   September 2-3, Booth 427
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Re: [rt-users] Read-Only global switch?

2009-07-13 Thread Agnislav Onufrijchuk
Beachey, Kendric wrote:
 I'm about to (finally) migrate our 2.0.11 installation to 3.6.5 and
 would like to have the 2.0.11 installation stay up for a few months or
 so in a read-only capacity.
 Is there (or was there as early as 2.0.11) an easy way to make RT be
 read-only in a global sense?  I mean, I can run through all the
 group/user permissions and turn off anything that constitutes an update.
 But if there's an easy way to make it read-only on a system-wide level,
 that'd be preferable.
I've done the same on rt 3.4.4 with granting rt_user mysql user only SELECT 
right for rt3 db for all tables except sessions.

Agnislav Onufrijchuk
PortaOne, Inc., RT Developer
Tel: +1-866-SIP VOIP (+1 866 747 8647) ext. 7670

   Meet us at ITEXPO West 2009
   September 2-3, Booth 427
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Re: [rt-users] RT [Transactions] failing after Fedora upgrade

2009-07-09 Thread Agnislav Onufrijchuk
Jay Vlavianos wrote:
 Transactions not supported by database at 
 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.10.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/ line 1674.

What DBD::mysql version do you use? Do you have InnoDB engine enabled in your 
my.cnf ?

Agnislav Onufrijchuk
PortaOne, Inc., RT Developer
Tel: +1-866-SIP VOIP (+1 866 747 8647) ext. 7670

   Meet us at ITEXPO West 2009
   September 2-3, Booth 427
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Re: [rt-users] RT Memory Leaks Problem

2009-06-24 Thread Agnislav Onufrijchuk
Kenneth Marshall wrote:
 In the interim, you could schedule a graceful restart of apache
 every day with cron:
 # Restart apache daily to clear process bloat.
 5 5 * * * APACHE_PIDFILE=/var/run/ APACHE_CONFIG=/etc/httpd.conf 
 /usr/sbin/apachectl graceful /dev/null 21
 This should keep everything in check. I hope that this helps.
I have the same problem with rt 3.4.4 and have to restart apache periodically. 
Graceful restart doesn't help me, it's needed to make full restart:

  apachectl restart

Agnislav Onufrijchuk
PortaOne, Inc., RT Developer
Tel: +1-866-SIP VOIP (+1 866 747 8647) ext. 7670

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Re: [rt-users] Difference between a CC and a Requestor

2009-06-24 Thread Agnislav Onufrijchuk
Richard Brady wrote:
 I am struggling to understand the difference between a CC and a 
 Requestor? When adding extra people to a ticket, it's not clear whether 
 they should be added as one or the other.
 Any clarification would  be much appreciated. (I have looked for 
 documentation on this but have not found much).
Requester can see his tickets via SelfService page.

Agnislav Onufrijchuk
PortaOne, Inc., RT Developer
Tel: +1-866-SIP VOIP (+1 866 747 8647) ext. 7670

   Meet us at ITEXPO West 2009
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[rt-users] What software is recommended for high-loaded RT3.8-latest?

2009-04-02 Thread Agnislav Onufrijchuk
Hi all.

I'm going to migrate our rt installation to latest version. We'll install clean
RT on new hardware and them migrate DB and custom modifications.

Some points about our rt installation:
- db size - more than 30G;
- mostly 10 tickets;
- 4000 transactions per day.

Can you please advice software for serving such high-loaded system:
- FreeBSD or Linux?
- File system: Ext3/XFS/JFS/...?
- apache 2.2 or nginx?
- MySQL or Postgresql?

Any advice will be appreciated.

Agnislav Onufrijchuk
PortaOne, Inc., RT Developer
Tel: +1-866-SIP VOIP (+1 866 747 8647) ext. 7670

   Meet us on April 14-15 at Booth 1202
   Billing  OSS World Conference  Expo
   Rio All-Suite Hotel  Casino, Las Vegas


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[rt-users] What software is recommended for high-loaded RT3.8-latest?

2009-04-02 Thread Agnislav Onufrijchuk
Mike Peachey wrote:
 Slackware Linux. Perfect balance of security and stability and with a
 custom-generic kernel the RAM footprint is comparatively tiny and makes
 for a very responsive server.
I have no enough experience with Slackware. AFAIK, it's simple as BSD. Is it 

 Whatever OS you choose, make sure you do a manual RT install, don't rely
 on someone's pre-packaged system. Also, I recommend making sure all of
 your perl modules are installed via CPAN not a packaging system to
 ensure no upstream modifications and a simple upgrade path.
Sure :)

 - File system: Ext3/XFS/JFS/...?
 Debatable. I would probably say Ext3 myself, but then for the level of
 transactions you're talking about you are on the border where J/X/Reiser
 could prove themselves useful. Wouldn't hurt to do some benchmarking.
 For what it's worth, don't take recoverability into account in your
 decision, just make backups. Trying to perform file-system data recovery
 in that type of environment is a waste of time on any FS.

AFAIK, they're all provide good data safety. Now we're using MySQL  InnoDB, I 
think XFS should be fast enough. But we may migrate to PostgreSQL. AFAIK it 
a number of files (I may be wrong) to serve its DB. So, there can be Reiser/JFS.

 - apache 2.2 or nginx?
 Apache. No Question.
Why? nginx supports FastCGI too and it is recommended to use on dedicated 

 - MySQL or Postgresql?
 Debatable. I think for me it would depend on what is in use in the rest
 of your architecture. If you are a fully MySQL house, as we are here,
 then it makes sense to keep it all the same since you can share
 primary/failover servers and your people-processes are harmonious. If
 you don't really have a dependency on either then... well it's up to
 you. I'm used to MySQL and having it at the core of nearly all
 DB-dependant applications here has been useful, but many would argue
 that for a larger system like yours PG wouyld give you better
 performance. Again, a bit of benchmarking wouldn't go amiss.
Thank you!

Agnislav Onufrijchuk
PortaOne, Inc., RT Developer
Tel: +1-866-SIP VOIP (+1 866 747 8647) ext. 7670

   Meet us on April 14-15 at Booth 1202
   Billing  OSS World Conference  Expo
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Re: [rt-users] What software is recommended for high-loaded RT3.8-latest?

2009-04-02 Thread Agnislav Onufrijchuk
Kenneth Marshall wrote:
 Are these 4000 tickets per day or 4000 updates total? 10 tickets
 is not very many if you actually generate 4000 tickets per day. Do
 you shred old tickets to remove them from your DB?
4000 Transactions, not tickets per day.

 - File system: Ext3/XFS/JFS/...?
 Use the supported/recommended one for your chosen OS.
Even if I'll choose FreeBSD, I will not use UFS :)  It's too slow.

 - apache 2.2 or nginx?
 Apache all the way.
What advantages does it have?

 - MySQL or Postgresql?
 We use PostgreSQL here because the release quality does not vary
 as wildly and MySQL. Check the mailing list for problems caused by
 particular versions of MySQL. If you pick a tested version, it will
 work well. PostgreSQL also support full text index support that make
 searching ticket body content extremely fast. We also use the Slony
 replication software to keep a warm spare RT system ready to go, in
 case the primary system has a hardware problem. We really want to
 have redundancy in our ticket system because it should be up even if
 everything else is down. :)
FTS - is one of the advantages of PostgreSQL we look for.

Thank you for help!

Agnislav Onufrijchuk
PortaOne, Inc., RT Developer
Tel: +1-866-SIP VOIP (+1 866 747 8647) ext. 7670

   Meet us on April 14-15 at Booth 1202
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Re: [rt-users] What software is recommended for high-loaded RT3.8-latest?

2009-04-02 Thread Agnislav Onufrijchuk
 Are these 4000 tickets per day or 4000 updates total? 10 tickets
 is not very many if you actually generate 4000 tickets per day. Do
 you shred old tickets to remove them from your DB?

One more thing: we have 4000 transactions, but we have a number of long SELECT 
queries every day. No, we didn't shred any of tickets yet, because currently we 
use 3.4.4 version :(

Agnislav Onufrijchuk
PortaOne, Inc., RT Developer
Tel: +1-866-SIP VOIP (+1 866 747 8647) ext. 7670

   Meet us on April 14-15 at Booth 1202
   Billing  OSS World Conference  Expo
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Re: [rt-users] What software is recommended for high-loaded RT3.8-latest?

2009-04-02 Thread Agnislav Onufrijchuk
 - apache 2.2 or nginx?
 Apache. No Question.

 Why? nginx supports FastCGI too and it is recommended to use on dedicated 
 Let me put it this way.. when you run into trouble, you want to be on
 the same server that 99.9% of RT users are running.
Agree :)

Thanks for help!

Agnislav Onufrijchuk
PortaOne, Inc., RT Developer
Tel: +1-866-SIP VOIP (+1 866 747 8647) ext. 7670

   Meet us on April 14-15 at Booth 1202
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[rt-users] Temporary files issue

2008-12-01 Thread Agnislav Onufrijchuk
Hi all.

I have RT 3.4.4 with number of custom modifications. Now we have the 
following issue:


1. I attach a number of files
2. I attach one file, click Add more files and then I write text

one or several temporary file(s) are being deleted by File::Temp-cleanup.

Where can be the root of such incorrect behavior?

We're thinking about rewriting Interface::Web-MakeMIMEEntity method 
with the newest (from 3.8 branch) to use memory instead of tempfiles. 
Can you advice, is it a good idea or not?

Agnislav Onufrijchuk
PortaOne, Inc., RT Developer
Tel: +1-866-SIP VOIP (+1 866 747 8647) ext. 7670

   Meet us at Internet Telephony East
   February 2-4, 2009 - Booth 826
   Miami Beach Convention Center

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[rt-users] Temporary files issue

2008-12-01 Thread Agnislav Onufrijchuk
Dear Jesse,

Thank you for your quick response.

You wrote:
 This is but one of many fairly important bugfixes. Rather than further
 customizing your RT 3.4 instance, I'd strongly consider putting that
 effort toward coming up to 3.8.
We have some reasons to postpone upgrading to 3.8-latest. Can you advice 
something in our current situations?

We made a workaround - set UNLINK = 0 and cleanup procedure is 
running by cron. It seems it's workable.

Agnislav Onufrijchuk
PortaOne, Inc., RT Developer
Tel: +1-866-SIP VOIP (+1 866 747 8647) ext. 7670

   Meet us at Internet Telephony East
   February 2-4, 2009 - Booth 826
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