Re: [rt-users] Emailing (=contacting users) via RT?

2008-12-12 Thread Bob Goldstein

I might have an analogous situtation.

Our security team might find a machine they have to filter off
the network.  They can lookup the net admin for that department,
and they want to create an RT ticket with that admin as CC,
so they can record the subsequent interactions.

They want all email to go through RT, so they don't want the
initial email to go directly to the admin.  They want the initial
mail to go ONLY to RT, but they want RT to THINK the admin
was cc'ed on the email.

As it turned out for an unrelated reason, we run procmail ahead of
RT, and we have a procmail rule that changes headers like this:

  Comments: cc:

to this:


So, the security team sends off an email like this:

   Comments: Cc:

The admin gets only a single piece of mail, from RT.
And when he replies, it goes back to RT.


>I feel silly for asking this question, but I've searched the Net and the RT
>wiki and just couldn't find the answer.
>Basically I wanted to use RT to actively contact a user. Makes perfect
>sense, because on occasion it's not users reporting problems or bugs, but
>support wanting to contact users to notify them of something they have
>observed. Only, for the life of me I just can't get it done! When I create a
>ticket, it's basically treated as an *incoming* message towards the queue.
>And I can cc: the person whom I want to contact, but that doesn't look good
>at all.
>So in a nutshell do I have to operate an MTA alongside RT to be able to
>contact users of the system? And if I do, how can I cleanly integrate that
>into an RT helpdesk thread? Because if the outgoing message doesn't have any
>RT tags, the system will thing the reply is a help request and sent out an
>auto-reply ("thanks for creating a ticket" and all that jazz). I'm really
>somewhat confused by now and wondering what I may have overlooked. Any help
>would be greatly appreciated!
>View this message in context:
>Sent from the Request Tracker - User mailing list archive at
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Re: [rt-users] Paid assistance

2008-04-22 Thread Bob Goldstein
>I have spent three days trying to get my RT installation working, I have 
>given up in frustration. It seems any minor item out of whack causes a 
>complete failure in RT. I have asked for help on this mailing list but 
>no-one has offered any insights into the problems I am experiencing.
>Is there any one with the expertise to solve these issues that would be 
>available for hire? It's either I hire someone or I find another ticket 
>Any takers?


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  I couldn't help but notice, the above line is in the footer of this list.

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Re: [rt-users] RT as a intranet portal? Or other suggestions?

2008-04-16 Thread Bob Goldstein
>Is there an extension that will make RT look like an intranet portal?
>To be able to put in articles, upload docs, and such?
>Or do you guys have any suggestions as a good Intranet Portal I could
>install on the same box as RT (RHEL5) ?

I've been happy with TWiki for our internal needs.  A wiki-notion
of edit-in-place is more suitable for our documentation than RT's
notion of serial appends to a thread (ticket).

I've also been interested in Trac, but that uses its own
built-in wiki and ticketing system.  I like the integration Trac
provides, but I don't want a second ticketing system or a second wiki.

FWIW, it probably would not be too hard to make a twiki plugin
that interacted with RT via the REST interface.  And probably
the reverse, if you wanted some RT interface to twiki (e.g. to
use wiki pages instead of RTFM articles).


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Re: [rt-users] What criteria do you use when deciding the number of instances of RT?

2008-01-10 Thread Bob Goldstein
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative; 
>   boundary="=_Part_8390_1032883.1199978446926"
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>I have had to think about this a lot. Maintaining one RT with customizations
>for lots of different groups can be challenging. Maintaining multiple RT
>instances and trying to keep some customizations in sync across those
>instances can also be a bit of a pain.
>So what it comes down to for me is risk. I can't have my externally facing
>customer service queues being screwed up by customization for my internal
>queues. So for me customer service gets its own instance and everyone else
>gets another instance.

 Interesting.  For code customizations, I have my paths set up
 so that a given instance gets a base part (governing the core RT version),
 a common part for all instances (of that RT version) where I put _vendor
 files, and a per-instance part.  Any customization I want to apply
 to all instances is easy, and I can still have per-instance differences.

 Of course, if you mean customizations in the RT config file or in
 the database, this doesn't help.


>On 1/9/08, james machado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> My question is both hypothetical and practical.  I've got RT deployed in
>> my I.T. department doing what it does best and it's working well.  I've
>> put feelers out to some other departments that I think could benefit from RT
>> to see if they would be interested in having it setup for them.  I am finely
>> getting some positive responses so I'm looking for some guidance on
>> deployment options.  I am trying to decide if I should share an instance of
>> RT among 1+ departments or create a new instance of RT for each department.
>> Hardware is not an issue either way, nor does it look like the traffic
>> volume will be an issue.  These are all internally created tickets with no
>> Internet access to my RT instance.  If Internet access were required then a
>> separate instance of RT would be desirable.
>> So what I am looking for from people who have either had this issue or
>> thought about it is: what factors you would take into account when deciding
>> on 1 or more instances of RT and why.
>> Thanks,
>> James
>> ___
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>Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
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>Content-Disposition: inline
>I have had to think about this a lot. Maintaining one RT with customizations f
>or lots of different groups can be challenging. Maintaining multiple RT instan
>ces and trying to keep some customizations in sync across those instances can 
>also be a bit of a pain.
>So what it comes down to for me is risk. I can't have my externall
>y facing customer service queues being screwed up by customization for my inte
>rnal queues. So for me customer service gets its own instance and everyone els
>e gets another instance.
>-ToddOn 1/9/08, james machado hvge
>Hi All,My question is both hypothetical and practical.  I've 
>got RT deployed in my I.T. department doing what it does best and it's wor
>king well.  I've put feelers out to some other departments that I thi
>nk could benefit from RT to see if they would be interested in having it setup
> for them.  I am finely getting some positive responses so I'm lookin
>g for some guidance on deployment options.  I am trying to decide if I sh
>ould share an instance of RT among 1+ departments or create a new instance of 
>RT for each department.  Hardware is not an issue either way, nor does it
> look like the traffic volume will be an issue.  These are all internally
> created tickets with no Internet access to my RT instance.  If Internet 
>access were required then a separate instance of RT would be desirable.
>So what I am looking for from people who have either had this issue or
> thought about it is: what factors you would take into account when deciding o
>n 1 or more instances of RT and why.Thanks,
>/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/rt-users" target="_blank">http://lists.bestpractical
>Community help:"; target="_blank">http://wiki.bestp
>ractical.comCommercial support: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]">
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]Discover RT's hidden secrets with R
>T Essentials from O'Reilly Media.Buy a copy at"; targ

Re: [rt-users] What criteria do you use when deciding the number of instances of RT?

2008-01-09 Thread Bob Goldstein

  I work in a university computer center.  We try to set up
  an instance per department or other large unit (e.g. college)
  on request.  Part of it is, I can hand the instance to an
  admin and say "have fun".  They can then handle new users,
  privs, new queues, etc.  (I have to connect email addresses
  to new queues, though.)

  There are many ways, all good.  It partly depends on how much
  control a given unit wants over it's RT instance, to a lesser extent
  the security of isolating instances, and the nuissance of wanting
  to transfer tickets between instances.

  A downside of many instances is that you can't transfer tickets
  between them, and you need someone to take care of each instance.
  We do the sysadmin work, but the dept has to deal with adding
  consultants, etc.  


>Hi All,
>My question is both hypothetical and practical.  I've got RT deployed in my
>I.T. department doing what it does best and it's working well.  I've put
>feelers out to some other departments that I think could benefit from RT to
>see if they would be interested in having it setup for them.  I am finely
>getting some positive responses so I'm looking for some guidance on
>deployment options.  I am trying to decide if I should share an instance of
>RT among 1+ departments or create a new instance of RT for each department.
>Hardware is not an issue either way, nor does it look like the traffic
>volume will be an issue.  These are all internally created tickets with no
>Internet access to my RT instance.  If Internet access were required then a
>separate instance of RT would be desirable.
>So what I am looking for from people who have either had this issue or
>thought about it is: what factors you would take into account when deciding
>on 1 or more instances of RT and why.
>Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Content-Disposition: inline
>Hi All,My question is both hypothetical and practical.  I've 
>got RT deployed in my I.T. department doing what it does best and it's wor
>king well.  I've put feelers out to some other departments that I thi
>nk could benefit from RT to see if they would be interested in having it setup
> for them.  I am finely getting some positive responses so I'm lookin
>g for some guidance on deployment options.  I am trying to decide if I sh
>ould share an instance of RT among 1+ departments or create a new instance of 
>RT for each department.  Hardware is not an issue either way, nor does it
> look like the traffic volume will be an issue.  These are all internally
> created tickets with no Internet access to my RT instance.  If Internet 
>access were required then a separate instance of RT would be desirable.
>So what I am looking for from people who have either had this issue or
> thought about it is: what factors you would take into account when deciding o
>n 1 or more instances of RT and why.Thanks,James
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>MIME-Version: 1.0
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>Content-Disposition: inline
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Re: [rt-users] Filtering troublesome tickets with procmail

2007-09-24 Thread Bob Goldstein
>Hey everyone,
>I got burned a few weeks ago when someone in my organization sent a meeting re
>quest to RT. That produced a bit of a mail storm as the requests started flyin
>g around. We got it under control, and I've now added a procmail rule to inter
>cept meeting request emails and send them right to /dev/null. I also thought i
>t would be good to insert a rule that could be engaged in case of "emergency" 
>to filter communication for any particular ticket.
>For example, I tried the following:
># Filter out troublesome ticket emails
>* ^Subject: .*[BHM \#448]
>The problem is that this rule is catching everything, whether it's ticket #448
> or not. I'm not exactly a procmail wizard, but I don't see the problem here. 
>Any ideas?

Just a guess, but maybe the brackets are interpreted as
part of the regexp, not literally?  Try:

* ^Subject: .*\[BHM \#448\]


>Tim Wilson, Director of Technology
>Buffalo-Hanover-Montrose Schools
>214 1st Ave NE   Buffalo, MN  55313
>ph: 763.682.8740  fax: 763.682.8743
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Re: [rt-users] Input from any other University or similar

2007-08-22 Thread Bob Goldstein
>Bob Goldstein wrote:
>>> With our current experience with our implementation, we have been
>>> considering some sort of Federated solution -- entirely separate
>>> instances of RT that know about each other and that can communicate
>>> effectively (transfer/link tickets).
>>   Not sure what "entirely separate" means, if you can transfer tickets.
>Yeah that was a bit unclear.  We are considering an extension which 
>would allow you to "transfer" a ticket to an other instance (separate 
>database, etc) of RT.

  I might be interested in that extension.

  I had crafted a one-way extension, so that tickets from
  a Clarify system could be transferred to RT.  Basically,
  Clarify would send email with a special format, and RT
  would parse that email and create a new ticket, tracking
  the Clarify ID in a custom field. (So any future appends
  to the Clarify ticket could be sent to RT and appended
  to the proper RT ticket.)  However, this was one-way.
  Clarify never received any updates when the RT ticket
  was modified, and there was no back-transfer mode.

  Depends on your need, of course, but an easy course
  would just be to create an RT ticket, and have it contain
  a web link to a ticket in the other RT instance.  In my case,
  though, we rarely need this, so I've ignored it.

>>   We do set up entirely separate instances (same core codebase, but
>>   separate databases, separate config files, separate customized code
>>   (of which there is little) for departments.  But they are truly
>>   separate, no transfer of tickets.   I tell people I don't
>>   want to set up multiple instances in a single department, in part
>>   because they probably do want to transfer tickets, even if they
>>   don't know it yet.
>Do you charge departments for the service?

  No.  But we do minimal support.  It works for us because
  RT pretty much works as needed, and consultants don't really
  need much training to use it.   And the way I have the
  core code shared, any mods I make to my own instance
  can be shared across all instances (on the vendor branch)
  or not (on the user branch), so there hasn't really been
  any call for customizations that I didn't want for myself as well.

  BTW, I did propose that the rest of the university replace
  Clarify with RT, and that I'd be willing to do that for a fee.
  The people involved really like preminum service, formal SLAs,
  etc, which is ok but beyond my "free" resources.  But so far
  I don't think they are interested.

>How are you hosting the various instances?  We've considered dedicated 
>servers, dedicated VMs, or a cluster of that services multiple vhosts.

  At the moment, I have two boxes, one for apache and one for mysql.
  But it was set up initially so that I could have multiple
  web servers (via DNS rotation, or other load balancer), or
  could put the db for each instance on a separate mysql box.
  I can't imagine a single instance so large that would overwhelm
  a single mysql server (at least before we move to mysql 5.x clusters)
  so we're prepared.  



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Re: [rt-users] Input from any other University or similar

2007-08-22 Thread Bob Goldstein
>I've been running RT in production for almost 2 years in a fairly large
>implementation for just the University of Washington's Computing and
>Communications (central IT infrastructure).  We're just about to 220K
>tickets, after a fairly slow roll out.  Last week we had more than 2700
>new tickets -- and that is during Summer our slowest period.
>But now we're in the process of investigating offering RT as a service
>to the rest of the campus, which would involve supporting several
>similarly sized departments, and many smaller departments.
>I am curious if there is anyone else on the list that is currently doing
>something similar.

>With our current experience with our implementation, we have been
>considering some sort of Federated solution -- entirely separate
>instances of RT that know about each other and that can communicate
>effectively (transfer/link tickets).

  Not sure what "entirely separate" means, if you can transfer tickets.

  We do set up entirely separate instances (same core codebase, but
  separate databases, separate config files, separate customized code
  (of which there is little) for departments.  But they are truly
  separate, no transfer of tickets.   I tell people I don't
  want to set up multiple instances in a single department, in part
  because they probably do want to transfer tickets, even if they
  don't know it yet.


>Any input or experience would be useful.  Thanks,
>Joby Walker
>C&C SSG, University of Washington
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Re: [rt-users] RT 4

2007-05-25 Thread Bob Goldstein
>We are also looking at SugarCRM (and it's ability to work with the 
>Asterisk PBX). Rather than build CRM features into RT, it would be nice 
>(for us) to have RT integrate with SugarCRM as an optional/stronger 
>replacement for the SugarCRM ticket system.

I'm all for a better API, for exactly such integrations.

However, I still wonder: Doesn't the idea of having an RT
group represent a "customer" work?  You could have all the
various customer representatives in that group.  Have
a special user in that group represent the customer as a whole,
with appropriate flags or custom fields to represent your
relationship with the customer.

And so on.  Does this not provide the functionality you
need?  Or is the fact that RT doesn't have the Customer Concept
explicit out-of-the-box offputting?  Just curious.

Hmm, I think tracking all the customer-related tickets would
be easy.  Tracking changes to the customer group itself,
or to the special customer user might be harder.

>We like RT, and as others have expressed here, we could really use the 
>concept of a "Company" record to link individual requesters to. Even an 
>"alias" linkage of some kind would be helpful. ([EMAIL PROTECTED] is 
>also [EMAIL PROTECTED] and is also [EMAIL PROTECTED] - depending on 
>where he is at the moment he opens tickets for his company using all 
>three email accounts).

Right.  This is an issue whether you have Customers or not.
You might like to map multiple email addresses to a single user.
I could see identifying a user based on matching a list of addresses.
But which address do you use when RT sends email, particularly
if the transaction was created by a consultant or done on the
web?  The last address used by this user?  The first?  All of them?


>Just a thought..
>> On 25/05/2007, at 11:10 AM, Mathew Snyder wrote:
 >> - Customer database and the ability to track tickets per customer
>>> >
>>> > But this is what RT does anyway
>> RT is currently *not* a customer database, it is a ticketing system.
>> We are getting pressured to move to systems like NetSuite or SugarCRM  
>> because they have built in ticketing systems providing similar  
>> functionality to RT and also manage all of the customer information  
>> and relations.
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Re: [rt-users] Customer Centric RT?

2007-05-24 Thread Bob Goldstein
>We are currently evaluating a dedicated CRM system versus RT, since we have 
>already running RT for other things. The main aspect that seems common to 
>your problem to me is, that a customer (= a company) is the main object and 
>not the person who created a ticket neither the ticket itself. Yet every 
>contact, phone call etc will be documented by a ticket so I need to be able 
>to search for all tickets belonging to a customer. Each ticket  may have 
>different requestors (people in my company and employees of the customer. 
>So is somebody using RT as CRM system ?

Would it be adequate to create a special RT "user" for each customer?
Then you attach that user to a ticket as a CC.  You still have individual
requestors, owners, and so on.  But you can easily get reports of all tickets
relating to given customer.  (And you can even have a single ticket
be related to multiple customers.)

Some variations:

  1. Create a Group for each Customer (instead of, or in addition to,
 the special Customer User.)  You can assign the group as a CC watcher on a 
 This will enable you to put the representatives of a Customer in
 that Group.  With a little bit of scrip'ing, if repA from Customer2
 sends in a ticket, you would automatically CC Customer_Group2,
 which would notify repB and repC, who are in that group.

 It would even be possible to have a real user be a member of
 multiple Customer Groups.  This might be useful if you have
 a consultant assigned to specific Customers.

 (You might have to hack RT a little to allow non-privileged users
 to be in groups.  Or better, make everyone "privileged", 
 but reserve real privilege for consultants to other special consultant 

  2. It was suggested to add a new "role". You might create a "Customer" role,
 to stand out a bit visually from CC or AdminCC, but for the most part,
 do the same thing.

  3. Note that you can make custom fields that apply to a user rather than a 
 That should let you tag a Customer as "premium service" or whatnot.
 You can also add comments to a User.


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Re: [rt-users] RT 4

2007-05-18 Thread Bob Goldstein
>Using Nagios as an example.
>Its written also in Perl, but there's a Java port which basically eliminates
>the installation completely.
>Download a bunch JARs and fire up Java.
>If there was a port of RT in Java - this would do wonders for the adoption
>Many big corporation don't allow open source stuff and Perl-based software
>in particular...

That makes my head spin!

Are you saying the installation is a turnoff, regardless of language?
If so, there are alternatives to java, such as a VM image.
Or, like WebGUI (a CMS I'm playing with), you can download
a full runtime, including apache, mysql, and perl itself,
so there isn't the usuall "installation".

Are you saying it must be java, just because of "policy"?
That the shop knows java, doesn't know perl, and won't
install anything but java?  

Are you saying bigcos don't like things writting in perl
because perl is open source?  Even if the app is not open?
Even though RT is open in the way I care about, it is closed
in the sense that changes in the official distribution are
vetted by a company.   Besides, what now that java is being open-sourced?

I'm not that familiar with nagios.  Do the jars include a database
and web server?  Also, how do they ensure that the perl and java
versions actually work the same?


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Re: [rt-users] RT 4

2007-05-11 Thread Bob Goldstein
>In case you are still collecting .. some of my suggestions may already 
>been stated so apology for duplicates;
>1- group unprivileged users (so each member of that group can view the 
>group tickets)

This one puzzles me.  I think others have mentioned it, so
I want to comment.

In RT, "privileged" means "you are allowed to have privileges",
not that you have any specific ones.

If I have a consultant with various privileges, and I need
to turn off those privileges, I can revoke the "privilege" flag
easily, and the person can still create new tickets as
an unprivileged client.

If you allow unprivleged users to be put into groups,
and give those groups some sort of privilege, then what does
"unprivileged" mean?

What you need to do is make a group "consultants",
and put your consultants in that.  Then you can have
other groups for clients if you want.  They clients
would have to be privileged, but they would not have
consultant privileges.


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Re: [rt-users] RT and mysql replication

2007-05-04 Thread Bob Goldstein
>I'd googled about this quesitons, but I'd find no useful information.
>You can simply tell me RTFM, but please link the FM I must R... ;-)
>Is there an RT support for mysql replication, a single master/many slave 
>databases simple clustering method described in this page?

  I don't believe this is an RT question.  Mysql supports replication,
  for sure at 4.x, and supports clusters at 5.x.  Do the needful
  at the mysql level, RT doesn't care.  Just make sure to use a version
  of mysql supported by RT.  (We happen to use replication with 4.x,
  but there is nothing in RT that would depend on this.)


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Re: [rt-users] RT 4

2007-05-02 Thread Bob Goldstein
>As a code-blind admin I would love to see a slicker front end out of the
>box: I know lots of people will have applied their web design skills to
>build on RT but I for one can't. 

Heh, be careful what you wish for.  We used a previous product
with a very slick rich interface (PC-based client, with all the
richness), and that drove us screaming to RT.   The ability
to have a frontline consultant use RT with almost no extra
training is really nice.


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Re: [rt-users] RT 4

2007-05-01 Thread Bob Goldstein
>If, for the sake of argument, Best Practical were to rewrite RT, what  
>would you want to see in the new product?

1. Full functional API, both local and network accessible.
   I have in mind integrating RT with other apps, possibly
   point-to-point, or with some SOA/message bus.  This could
   mean RT-to-RT sync, account provisioning-to-RT, RT-to-other helpdesk,
   extra funtionalities like AT, and so on.  

   Do I remember correctly that some RT-ness (like checks for privilege)
   take place in the mason components?  If so, that should be moved
   to the perl modules, so that the API would contain all this goodness.
   In particular, it should be possible to write an entirely new
   UI, at whatever complexity the author wishes, and have it safely
   interoperate with the official RT UI on the same RT instance.

2. Better development docs.  Maybe I just want the API above to be
   well documented, I'm not sure.  But I want to understand the code
   architecture and data model at something higher than the subroutine
   or file level, and lower than the UI.

3. Other features could be built on top, by you or others.  Ad hoc reports,
   adjustment of cron jobs from the UI (e.g. send mail to ticket owners
   if the consultant hasn't responded in 2 days, ...), project tracking
   (maybe integrate RT into Trac), more formal change management,
   calendar integration (an RT ticket might be linked to, or create,
   a meeting on a calendar, or sync RT todo list with a calendar/pda).


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Re: [rt-users] RTGUI, a Graphical User Interface for Best Practical's Request Tracker

2007-04-20 Thread Bob Goldstein
>Boris Jordanov wrote:
>>> A quick and simple description of how things are done. All data that 
>>> we get from RT is collected directly from the MySQL database. All 
>>> data that we put back in (create/update tickets) are done through the 
>>> CommandByMail extension.
>> Not very useful in an open environment (internet, public networks). To 
>> make the database accessible from all over the net...
>That's true. I'm not to familiar with global settings MySQL server, but 
>you have the possibility to use wildcards when setting up the user with 
>select rights on the database. That way you can at least restrict the 
>user to only connect from certain IP addresses. I'm guessing you have 
>some of those settings in the server settings also, but I'm not sure.
>Since it's a requirement form our "employer" (Gjøvik University College) 
>that this must be a stand-alone application we only had 2 choices. 
>Either try to get the data from the RT web service or get the data 
>directly from the MySQL database. We went for the second one. We have 
>the possibility to do SSL encryption on the SQL connection, but this 
>will still keep your MySQL server accessible..
>If you or anyone else have a better solution for the problem we'll take 
>that into consideration and mabye change the way things are done now.

I do have a better suggestion, but it's too involved and complicated
to be of short term use to you.  That is, RT needs a network API
that you should use. It does have one, the REST/1.0 code used by
the existing command line interpreter, but that is not extensive
or extendable enough.  I have sketched some thoughts on this here:
But I haven't had any time to write code and see how well it might work.

The reason the API is needed is not so much for security, but because
the official interpretation of the data _is_ the perl code.  If you
want to write a new java UI, you really want to be manipulating
the perl objects on the server, not the raw data.  (Doesn't
matter they are perl.  A remote machine would think of them
as 'server objects') That way, all the ACLs and other data
interpretation/enforcement are done properly and consistently,
particularly when RT is upgraded.

And, of course, such an API would make it much easier and safer
to integrate RT with other systems.  (My personal need is to
hookup RT with our account provisioning system.  Another is to
connect RT with a non-RTFM Knowledge Database.  I can also
imagine connecting RT with other (RT as well as non-RT) helpdesk
systems to share tickets. ) And, alternate UIs for specialized



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Re: [rt-users] Cannot write to '/opt/rt3/var/log/rt.log'-Permission denied

2007-03-17 Thread Bob Goldstein

Check privs on directories.

su to 'apache' and try to update that file by hand.  Presumably
you can't, so keep adjusting privs until you can.

Given that it runs fine on your gentoo, what are the differences
in privs?


>Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="0-1412020896-1174134364=:23363"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
>Hello to all,
> This is Bijayant. I have a very strange problem regarding RT.
> I am installing RT-3.6.1 from a tar file on CentOs. I have every required dep
>endencies for RT installed on my system. when i am trying to run RT on web i a
>m getting this error in my log :-
>[Sat Mar 17 07:18:43 2007] [error] [client] Cannot write to '/op
>t/rt3/var/log/rt.log': Permission denied at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/Log
>/Dispatch/ line 86.\n
>I have checked permission of the /opt/rt3/var/rt.log , it is all set to apache
>:apache. I have already installed RT on gentoo-linux, and its running fine ove
>r there. But i am not able to understand this issue, why i am getting the abov
>e error. 
>So please please help me, my clients need this urgently. I will be very thankf
>ul to you all for the same.
>Bijayant Kumar
> Send instant messages to your online friends 
>Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
>Hello to all,  &
>nbsp;  This is Bijayant. I have a very strange pr
>oblem regarding RT. I am installing RT-3.6.1 from a tar file on CentOs. I have
> every required dependencies for RT installed on my system. when i am trying t
>o run RT on web i am getting this error in my log :-[Sat Mar 17 07:18:
>43 2007] [error] [client] Cannot write to '/opt/rt3/var/log/rt.l
>og': Permission denied at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.5/Log/Dispatch/ 
>line 86.\nI have checked permission of the /opt/rt3/var/rt.log , it is
> all set to apache:apache. I have already installed RT on gentoo-linux, and it
>s running fine over there. But i am not able to understand this issue, why i a
>m getting the above error. So please please help me, my clients need t
>his urgently. I will be very thankful to you all for the same.Bija
>yant Kumar Send instant messages to your
> online friends 
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Content-Disposition: inline
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Re: [rt-users] Google Summer of Code

2007-02-28 Thread Bob Goldstein
>On Wed, 2007-02-28 at 14:29 -0500, Jesse Vincent wrote:
>> I'd love to submit RT to Google's Summer of Code this summer.  It's  
>> probably time to start brainstorming projects.
>> What would you like to do/see done as part of a RT summer of code  
>> project?

A rational, extensible, full-featured REST 2.0

>> Jesse
>> ___
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Re: [rt-users] Q: rt-mailgate: "exited with EX_TEMPFAIL"

2007-02-17 Thread Bob Goldstein

Note that rt-mailgate uses LWP to make a web connection.
It inserts the mail through the web, not directly into the database.
Be sure your RT web server is configured to allow connections
from the machine running rt-mailgate.  Also, I noticed your
url had 'https'.  Dont' know if there could be issues there.

Anyway, I'm guessing you won't see any RT error messages
because the process is stopping at the web server, not making
it into RT.  

I'd start by adding '--debug' to the rt-mailgate command line,
and run it by hand.


>   Greetings,
>   I am running RT 3.4.5 on FreeBSD and am having a sendmail or rt-mailgat
>problem.  No mail manages to go in or come out of rt (although the web 
>interface works just fine otherwise).
>   I can telnet to sendmail and run the usual tests, and I can send a 
>message to sendmail from a client, which receives the report that the email wa
>sent without errors.  The maillog, however, is filled with EX_TEMPFAIL message
>from the mail failing to be accepted by rt-mailgate:
>sm-mta[663]: l1H3MNqa000662: to="|/usr/libexec/sm.bin/rt-mailgate --queue unas
>signed --action 
>correspond --url https://removed.for.privacy";, 
>ctladdr=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (26/0), delay=00:01:16, xdelay=00:01:16, 
>mailer=prog, pri=30717, dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: prog mailer (/bin/sh) exited
>I have tried changing the mail/aliases file for sendmail to route messages to 
>rt-mailgate directly (not through smrsh) and the error is virtually the same. 
>(yes, I ran newaliases after changing the aliases file)
>If I envoke rt-mailgate directly, it generates no errors and listens politely 
>while I dump in well formatted mail, but nothing seems to come from this. 
>(Perhaps I am missing some needed option).
>I have turned on debugging in RT, but have not seen any enlightening messages 
>that could point me in the right direction.
>Does anyone have some pointers or a debugging procedure that could help me tra
>this down?
>   Thanks,
>John H. Nyhuis
>IT Manager
>Dept. of Pediatrics
>HS RR541C, Box 356320
>University of Washington
>Desk: (206)-685-3884
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Re: [rt-users] CLI Question - Add Users to group per Scrip

2007-02-15 Thread Bob Goldstein
>Again just another question for the CLI Part. Has anyone a idea how to add a
>set of users per scrip to a group?
>Lets say, i have a list of 500 User that are needed to be member of a single

  This isn't a direct answer, but several months ago I was wrestling with
  a similar issue of users and groups.  Although I'm sure I could hammer
  in some code to do this, after reading through the REST code, I started
  thinking about what would be involved in a REST2 interface, something
  that would provide more structure for extensions or modifications
  on the server end.

  I haven't coded anything yet, but I did write up some notes
  on what a new wire protocol and code organization might be like.

  Comments are welcome.  I'm mostly convinced, but not 100%
  sure this is a good way to go.  And probably my notes
  would change if/when I start building this.


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Re: [rt-users] No Answers :-(

2007-02-15 Thread Bob Goldstein

Don't take this the wrong way, but RT is commercial as well as
open source. I've been pleased with RT and the list, but I never
felt entitled to specific answers. I do read the code when I need
to, and I answer questions when I have time and expertise. But if
I didn't have the time or skill to do that, and I had to have
timely answers for a production system, I'd consider buying a
support contract.  In fact, one of the selling points of RT
here, is if I were to get hit by a beer truck, the organization
could get commercial support and continue.


>I too, have had issues with questions I've asked going unanswered.
>Initially, I thought it was due to people just not caring to answer
>them.  However, having been posting to this mailing list for a while
>now, I've come to realize that a lot of questions get posted and it is
>easy to lose one or two in the mix.  I've asked a few of the questions
>I've had more than once usually getting some kind of answer eventually.
> Even people don't know the answer, they will generally let you know.
>If you don't get an answer the first time, ask again.  Eventually you will
>Torben Nehmer wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have been using RT for a while now and I must say that I am very happy
>> with it as a product.
>> What I'm a bit dissapointed is the fact, that I didn't get any response
>> at all to two questions I have been asking here on the list, one about a
>> Problem with text/html mails [1], and another about default ticket
>> filtres [2].
>> [1]:,
>> [2]:
>> In both cases I'd be happy even with a first few insights where to start
>> searching. I have quite some experience in application development in
>> itself, but I have almost no knowledge of RT internals and not the time
>> to spend hours in understanding the whole architecture. Heck, even
>> pointers at existing Documents etc. would be a help, I searched for the
>> problems, but i didn't find anything useful.
>> I know that support is always a problem with open source software (I
>> have been leading an OSS Project for years), but just not answering in
>> any way isn't exactly what I'd expect. Please don't destroy the very
>> good impression I currently have from RT by letting this slide entirely.
>> Currently our RT instance here is only used by a few people, but we have
>> plans of opening it up to around a thousand employees here and there it
>> will be a problem.
>> Yours sincerely,
>> Torben Nehmer
>> ---
>> Torben Nehmer
>> Diplom Informatiker (FH)
>> Business System Developer
>> CANCOM Deutschland GmbH
>> Messerschmittstr. 20
>> 89343 Scheppach
>> Germany
>> Phone: +49 (0)8225 - 996-1118
>> Fax: +49 (0)8225 - 996-41118
>> CANCOM Deutschland GmbH
>> Sitz der Gesellschaft: Jettingen-Scheppach
>> HRB 10653 Memmingen
>> Geschäftsführer: Paul Holdschik, Christian Linder
>> ___
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Re: [rt-users] Some thoughts on the Quick Search list

2007-01-30 Thread Bob Goldstein
>On Wed, Jan 31, 2007 at 10:04:39AM +1100, Taan Lindemans wrote:
>> Does anybody else think it would be useful if the Quick Search list 
>> could be modified to include saved searches on a per user basis?
>I think that this might want to be another portlet, but I'd love to see
>it happen. 

  There is something similar at
  At the bottom, there is a set of callbacks, one of which puts a list
  of saved searches in the left navigation column.  (I know I found out
  about this from the wiki, but I can't find the reference on
  the wiki right now.)  FWIW, we really like these; the colorizing
  and a couple extra menu options add a very nice polish to the experience.

  (I didn't write these, I just like them.  Tim Bishop gets the credit.)


>> This way you could display summaries of categorized (by custom field) 
>> tickets without displaying a list of tickets. This would make for a more 
>> versatile rt dashboard. Of coarse you could set up a separate queue for 
>> each category but this is overkill in some situations such as having one 
>> queue for software issues with categories for bugs, feature requests etc.
>> I don't know how difficult this is to implement however.
>> Taan
>> ___
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Re: [rt-users] WishList - Assign Ticket to a group of user

2007-01-30 Thread Bob Goldstein
>Hello list,
>I just would like to know if this fonctionnality (assign a tiket to a
>group of users) is planned.
>I've implemented an home-made version of a wake-up feature, and my wish
>would be to assign a woke-up ticket to the group of the user that put it
>into "sleep mode", in order that any member of this group can be warned
>and "steal" the ticket. So it would be easier if we could assign a ticket
>to a group!

   I had a similar request here, but I argued it was unnecessary.
   There are many ways to assocaiate a set of people with some
   responsibility for a ticket.  Ownership is one way, and the
   owner is a unique person (or 'nobody').  But the queue is another.
   Why not "wake up" the watchers of that queue?  Or if you want
   more specificity, use the AdminCC.  Or create a custom field
   to hold group names, or an arbitrary set of people?


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Re: [rt-users] RT-3.6.3 and RTFM 2.2.0RC4 - how to create custom fields?

2007-01-21 Thread Bob Goldstein

In my RT:

  RTFM -> Configuration -> Custom Fields (under the RTFM heading) -> New Custom 

  Then, the "applies to" contains "RTFM articles" as well as other entries.


>This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
>Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>   boundary="_=_NextPart_001_01C73DC9.B350C1E5"
>This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
>Content-Type: text/plain;
>   charset="US-ASCII"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>I can't see how to create Custom Fields for RTFM 2.2.0RC4 and RT-3.6.3?
>If I select "New custom field", it sends me to the usual custom field
>creation page (/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html?Create=3D1) and there is
>nothing like "article" or "RTFM class" or whatever in the "Applies to"
>drop-down - just the usual
>Ticket Transactions
> Should I be seeing somthing else? This is a fresh install of RTFM, no
>previous version.
>Philip Kime
>NOPS Systems Architect
>310 401 0407
>Content-Type: text/html;
>   charset="US-ASCII"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>I =
>can't see how to=20
>create Custom Fields for RTFM 2.2.0RC4 and RT-3.6.3? If I select "New =
>field", it sends me to the usual custom field creation page=20
>(/Admin/CustomFields/Modify.html?Create=3D1) and there is nothing like =
>or "RTFM class" or whatever in the "Applies to" drop-down - just the=20
>Ticket =
>class=3D232420202-22012007> Should I be=20
>seeing somthing else? This is a fresh install of RTFM, no previous=20
>Philip Kime
>NOPS Systems =
>310 401 0407
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Content-Disposition: inline
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Re: [rt-users] upgrade 3.6.1 to 3.6.3

2007-01-19 Thread Bob Goldstein



>Well, this will "overwrite" all my custom changes made to RT (not those
>made in the database, i know - but all *.pm for ex.). So what files does
>the "make upgrade" modify/replace?
>> Yep, it's that easy.  However, I like to keep previous installations intact
>> in case any problems come up.  So, for example:
>> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/rt3.6.3
>> make testdeps
>> make install
>> Copy over the old Site config from /rt3 (or update the new one in
>> /usr/local/rt3.6.3)
>> Then make a symlink:
>> ln -s /usr/local/rt3.6.3 /usr/local/rt3
>> Of course, if your current installation is /rt3, you'd want to tar that
>> directory up and then remove the /rt3 directory before creating the sym
>> link.
>> Doing it this way, you don't have to clear out the mason cache from the
>> current installation.
>> James Moseley
>>  joey  
>>  Sent by:   To 
>>  rt-users-bounces@
>>  lists.bestpractic  cc 
>>[rt-users] upgrade 3.6.1 to 3.6.3   
>>  01/12/2007 11:51  
>>  AM
>> Hey there,
>> is it that easy?
>> 1. ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/rt3/ <- found that in the old
>>config.log of rt-3.6.1 source as "Invocation command line was"
>> 2. make testdeps
>> 3. make upgrade
>> 4. Update etc/
>> ?
>> Greetings,
>> Joey
>> ___
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Re: [rt-users] features question.

2007-01-19 Thread Bob Goldstein
>I've been using RT 3.2.1 for a while... and I'm gathering that's a
>little old by now...
>I've got new needs so I'm wondering if RT is capable, with or without
>customisations of doing the some multi-domain type support, kind of
>like virtual hosting.
>For example,
>I have two domains, each for a different brand name. The same support
>staff answer both.
>I'd like the customers to get their replies from an email address at
>the same domain/brand as that which they sent their request to.

Easy to assign a separate "From" address to each queue.

>Also, I'd the domain tag in the subject line of the ticket responses
>to be the same as the domain/brand as they sent their request to.

I think you'd have to hack on the code for this.
Given that the FROM address is clear, and that the subject
line mirrors the email the user sent it creating the ticket,
then IMHO an oddball domain tag is not very confusing.


>I could do this with two RT systems and two databases... but I'd like
>the staff to only have to look at one system.
>It wouldn't bother me if it had to be separate queues in the same
>Is this sort of thing possible?
>- Sam
>Sam Tilders
>(Move to Jupiter)
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Re: [rt-users] 10 highest priority

2007-01-18 Thread Bob Goldstein
Click "Edit" in the top blue bar at the right (NOT in the "10 highest priority",
but in the far right of the very top blue bar.)

Scroll to bottom.  See where it says "Rows per box" ?  Set it there.


>This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
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>This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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>Hi all,
>I upgraded from RT 3.6.1 to 3.6.3 last night.   Well, what I actually
>did was "make install" over the previous version after I backed up the
>original directory first.  I did some testing after the upgrade, and
>everything checked out. =20
>Today, I started getting reports that, when selecting the "10 highest
>priority tickets I own", instead of it showing 25/50/100/etc tickets,
>the results are always limited to 10.   Which is annoying to folks with
>many tickets, since they now have to page more to get to the rest.
>If I "Edit" 10 highest priority tickets, and change the "rows per page"
>on that screen, nothing changes.
>If I select the "Search - My Tickets" link, change the rows per page
>there and save, nothing happens.
>If I select 10 highest priority tickets and get to the results page,
>then "edit search", it shows 10 rows per page.
>I can change that, do a search,  and get more than 10 results, but if I
>then go back to the "At a Glance" page and start over, the rows per page
>is back to 10.
>I'm not getting any other problem reports, this seems to be it.  If I do
>a "Quick Search" on one of the queues, I get 50 results, as expected for
>that particular one.
>Any idea if something changed, or maybe I broke something during the
>upgrade?  This is my first  attempt at an upgrade, I usually do a clean
>Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>Patrick Turner
>Sysems Administrator - Corporate Operations
>Marchex, Inc.
>t 206.331.3492
>This e-mail message and any attachments are solely for intended
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