[rt-users] RT with Office 365 Outlook

2016-03-14 Thread Donny Brooks

We recently migrated from in house Postfix to hosted Office365 
Outlook/exchange. I have been trying to figure out how to get RT to work with 
this setup but the only way I can see to do this is to "burn" a license or 4. 
With each one costing us around $20/month I would rather not do this. Has 
anyone successfully gotten RT to work with O365 without multiple email 
accounts? I was wondering if it could be done with "shared mailboxes" since I 
found the following instructions on accessing a shared mailbox via IMAP:
Exchange Configuration:
  USER EMAIL: u...@maindomain.com
  PASSWORD: password

  SHARED MAILBOX: sha...@anotherdomain.com      (could also be @domain.com, of 
  SHARED MAILBOX ALIAS: shared-mailbox
  Note: Please make sure to create the UNIQUE alias always with the mailbox, 
because it creates the user [alias]@maindomain.com. In this case 
Settings for IMAP Configuration:
  EMAIL ADDRESS: sha...@anotherdomain.com (shared mailbox)
  IMAP SERVER: outlook.office365.com
  SMTP SERVER: smtp.office365.com
  USERNAME: u...@maindomain.com\shared-mailbox  (user\shared mailbox alias)
  PASSWORD: password (user's password)
  USERNAME: u...@maindomain.com  (users email)
  PASSWORD: password (user's password) 
It has been a long time since I have delved into the bowels of RT. It has been 
that rock solid for us. So any and all help is much appreciated.
Donny B.  
RT 4.4 and RTIR Training Sessions https://bestpractical.com/training
* Washington DC - May 23 & 24, 2016

[rt-users] New ticket in: change order

2013-09-24 Thread Donny Brooks
Is there a way, without messing up something, to change the order of queues as 
they appear in the web interface under New ticket in:? We have 4 queues 
currently: CM, CS, General, IS. Nearly everything we input is in IS but it 
defaults to CM which is our change management queue. One of my co-workers has a 
problem with constantly putting tickets in the CM queue since it is default. 


Donny B.

RT Training in New York, October 8th and 9th: http://bestpractical.com/training

[rt-users] Categories

2013-08-27 Thread Donny Brooks
On our old helpdesk (hand written php/mysql setup) we had different categories 
that a ticket could be put into. The choices were like:

New user

We have set up RT with a main queue that the ticket then gets routed to either 
one of two sub queues as we have two different I.T. groups in our agency. 
Instead of setting up a queue for each category what would be the best way to 
be able to check categories for stats? I was thinking keywords/hashtags in the 
resolution. Anyone else have ideas or pointers?

Donny B.

[rt-users] Change Management approvals

2013-08-19 Thread Donny Brooks
I have setup the change requests queue according to the documents here: 
http://www.bestpractical.com/docs/rt/4.0/customizing/approvals.html. However I 
need it setup to where every one that receives the request has to approve it 
before it can be acted on. Basically that means 4 people in total in my 
environment would have to approve it. What would be the best way to do this or 
is it even possible?

Donny B.

[rt-users] A few general questions

2013-08-15 Thread Donny Brooks
I have setup RT 4.0.17 on Centos 6.4 with RT::External:Auth for our ldap along 
with RT-mailgate and the corresponding email command stuff. All that is 
working, as best I can tell. We are currently testing only a single queue so we 
can just have one single email address users can send to and from there our 
manager can delegate it to whomever they deem needed. However I have a few 

1. How do you setup the manager account? Basically one that can delegate 
tickets to others, but still have it to where we can take ownership without 
their intervention if needed.
2. Is there an easy way to get statistics of number of tickets worked by each 
individual staff member
3. Is there a good place to read up on the various permissions and such I would 
need to set to allow my staff and I to do stuff. I have found hit and miss 
documentation in the wikia but nothing all inclusive.


Donny B.

[rt-users] Groups in LDAP

2013-08-14 Thread Donny Brooks
I have successfully setup RT4.0.17 on a CentOS 6.4 machine with 
RT::Authen::ExternalAuth to authenticate against our OpenLDAP. My question is, 
can I have certain groups in LDAP that are automatically privileged in RT? Like 
setup a helpdesk group and everyone in there are automatically set with the 
proper abilities.

Donny B.

Re: [rt-users] Setup RT with existing postfix on separate server

2011-03-18 Thread Donny Brooks

On 3/17/2011 5:29 PM, Chris Herrmann wrote:

Hi Donny,

I'm not clear if we're using a similar type of setup to what you're 
referring to, but I'll fill in how we do it and hopefully it'll help 

We have:

-RT box running exim. Exim is setup to smarthost through our front 
facing mail server, and to integrate with RT queue names. It has a 
local dnsname of hostname.faredge.com.au .

-Qmail frontend server which is configured to forward any matching 
mails for the specific aliases to queuename@ourrtserver, and handles 
external mail. It also forwards any messages for exchange users to the 
exchange server.

-An Exchange server which has contacts setup for each queue in 
question so that a message for Queue is correctly forwarded through 
to queuename@ourrtserver. The exchange domain is the local windows 
domain (as opposed to faredge.com.au)

It's a bit more complicated than it needs to be, but is in place 
mainly for historical reasons and as it works well so far there and 
hasn't introduced a huge overhead there's no great pressure to change it.

So Donny, I'm not sure about the postfix side of what you're trying to 
do -- basically make sure you have aliases that relate to each queue 
that live at your RT server for example:

mailto:donnysqu...@donnysrtserver.domain.com which is delivered to 
your RT server. Your alias for this email should forward it to RT's 
mail handler (this is a web service, but not sure of the URL structure 
off the top of my head).

  Setup a contact in exchange to forward donnysqu...@domain.com 
mailto:donnysqu...@domain.com to 

You can get funkier by automatically setting up new emails based upon 
queue name etc as we have, but it's not necessary to make it work.


Chris Herrmann

Far Edge Technology

p. 02 84251400

m. 0403 393309


Thanks for all the input everyone. I ended up installing the rt-mailgate 
on our postfix machine and just letting it handle all the forwarding to 
the other machine. I have a basic system setup and functioning. Now I am 
evaluating what all features we need to enable on the RT box. I do 
appreciate all the input and various ways that was suggested. I just 
figured that this was the easiest with minimal configuration needed.

Donny B.

[rt-users] Setup RT with existing postfix on separate server

2011-03-17 Thread Donny Brooks
Are there any others running an external postfix mail server and RT? I 
have been through all of the wiki/google hits and only see examples of 
how to setup RT in an exchange domain or with postfix/sendmail on the RT 
box. I have an existing domain with postfix/dovecot running on its own 
machine. RT is a totally separate machine (actually a Xen VM). I am at a 
loss as to even how to begin to get mail delivered to the RT machine and 
tickets created from that. I have the following setup on the RT box:

rt: |/usr/sbin/rt-mailgate --queue 'general' --action correspond 
rt-comment: |/usr/sbin/rt-mailgate --queue 'general' --action comment 

However mail cannot be sent to r...@rt.domain.tld or 
rt-comm...@rt.domain.tld due to failing DNS resolution that we do not 
have control over. I have setup rt.domain.tld in our internal DNS 
though. How have others accomplished this? I have thought about 
fetchmail on the RT box but not sure if there was a better solution than 
that. Thanks for any and all input.

Donny B.

Re: [rt-users] Trouble using RT::Authen::ExternalAuth with OpenLDAP on Centos 5.5

2011-03-11 Thread Donny Brooks

On 3/10/2011 4:37 PM, Kevin Falcone wrote:

On Thu, Mar 10, 2011 at 04:18:17PM -0600, Donny Brooks wrote:

Hello all,

  I have setup RT 3.8.9 on a Centos 5.5 machine according to the
directions located here:
http://home.roadrunner.com/~computertaijutsu/rt3.html. I was able to

You don't mention what version of RT::Authen::ExternalAuth you're
trying, if you read the archives you'll see that you need 0.08_01.


That did it. Thanks Kevin! I was using 0.08 so I downloaded and compiled 
the 0.08_01 and all seems to work now.

get it installed as far as I can tell successfully and I am now
going for external ldap authentication. I have followed the wiki
pages that I have found on it as well as the README but do not seem
to be able to get it going correctly. When I try to login as a user
with my correct username and password I just get the incorrect
user/pass page. Also, when trying to add the user to RT via the web
interface under Configuration-Users-Create I get:

User could not be created: Could not set user info

and in the apache error logs I get:

[Thu Mar 10 21:44:58 2011] [info]:
RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::CanonicalizeUserInfo returning Address1: ,
Address2: , AuthSystem: , City: , Comments: , ContactInfoSystem: ,
Country: , Disabled: 0, EmailAddress: , EmailEncoding: ,
ExternalAuthId: , ExternalContactInfoId: , FreeformContactInfo: ,
Gecos: , HomePhone: , Lang: , MobilePhone: , Name: dbrooks,
NickName: , Organization: , PagerPhone: , Privileged: , RealName: ,
Signature: , State: , WebEncoding: , WorkPhone: , Zip:  

It appears as though the RT machine is not talking to my OpenLDAP
server properly. Below is my /opt/rt3/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm

Set( $rtname, 'mdah.state.ms.us');
Set( @Plugins, qw(RT::Authen::ExternalAuth) );
Set($ExternalAuthPriority,  [ 'My_LDAP' ] );
Set($ExternalInfoPriority,  [ 'My_LDAP' ] );
Set($AutoCreateNonExternalUsers, 0);

Set($ExternalSettings,  {
 'My_LDAP'   =   {
'type'  =   'ldap',
'server'=   'ldap.mdah.state.ms.us',
'user'  =   'cn=Manager,dc=mdah,dc=state,dc=ms,dc=us',
'pass'=   'ldappassword',
'base'  =   'dc=mdah,dc=state,dc=ms,dc=us',
'filter'=   '(objectClass=People)',
'd_filter'  =   '(objectClass=FooBarBaz)',
'tls'   =   0,
'ssl_version'   =   3,
'net_ldap_args' =  [version =   3   ],
'attr_match_list'   =  ['Name',


'attr_map'  =   {   'Name' =  'uid',
  'EmailAddress' =  'mail'


Am I missing something obvious? Been at this all day and no closer
to finding the problem it appears. I do appreciate any guidance.

Donny B.

[rt-users] Trouble using RT::Authen::ExternalAuth with OpenLDAP on Centos 5.5

2011-03-10 Thread Donny Brooks

Hello all,

 I have setup RT 3.8.9 on a Centos 5.5 machine according to the 
directions located here: 
http://home.roadrunner.com/~computertaijutsu/rt3.html. I was able to get 
it installed as far as I can tell successfully and I am now going for 
external ldap authentication. I have followed the wiki pages that I have 
found on it as well as the README but do not seem to be able to get it 
going correctly. When I try to login as a user with my correct username 
and password I just get the incorrect user/pass page. Also, when trying 
to add the user to RT via the web interface under 
Configuration-Users-Create I get:

User could not be created: Could not set user info

and in the apache error logs I get:

[Thu Mar 10 21:44:58 2011] [info]: 
RT::Authen::ExternalAuth::CanonicalizeUserInfo returning Address1: , 
Address2: , AuthSystem: , City: , Comments: , ContactInfoSystem: , 
Country: , Disabled: 0, EmailAddress: , EmailEncoding: , ExternalAuthId: 
, ExternalContactInfoId: , FreeformContactInfo: , Gecos: , HomePhone: , 
Lang: , MobilePhone: , Name: dbrooks, NickName: , Organization: , 
PagerPhone: , Privileged: , RealName: , Signature: , State: , 
WebEncoding: , WorkPhone: , Zip:  

It appears as though the RT machine is not talking to my OpenLDAP server 
properly. Below is my /opt/rt3/etc/RT_SiteConfig.pm

Set( $rtname, 'mdah.state.ms.us');
Set( @Plugins, qw(RT::Authen::ExternalAuth) );
Set($ExternalAuthPriority,  [ 'My_LDAP' ] );
Set($ExternalInfoPriority,  [ 'My_LDAP' ] );
Set($AutoCreateNonExternalUsers, 0);

Set($ExternalSettings,  {
'My_LDAP'   =  {

'type'  =  'ldap',

'server'=  'ldap.mdah.state.ms.us',

'user'  =  'cn=Manager,dc=mdah,dc=state,dc=ms,dc=us',

'pass'=  'ldappassword',

'base'  =  'dc=mdah,dc=state,dc=ms,dc=us',

'filter'=  '(objectClass=People)',

'd_filter'  =  '(objectClass=FooBarBaz)',

'tls'   =  0,

'ssl_version'   =  3,

'net_ldap_args' = [version =  3   ],

'attr_match_list'   = ['Name',


'attr_map'  =  {   'Name' = 'uid',

 'EmailAddress' = 'mail'


Am I missing something obvious? Been at this all day and no closer to 
finding the problem it appears. I do appreciate any guidance.

Donny B.