[rt-users] TimeWorkedReport.html

2012-09-17 Thread Mayk Backus

Hello List,

Does anyone know if it's possible to adjust this script (found in the 
wiki) to display te requestor information ?  It mentions the creator , 
wich in most cases is fine, but when our agents create a ticket on 
behalf of a customer, the agent is the creator what results in the 
script displaying the time but the customer is our agent.
I think this could be a nice add-on for this script, but i lack the 
knowledge in doing this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Other suggestions for reporting 
tools also.

thanks in advance,



Final RT training for 2012 in Atlanta, GA - October 23  24

We're hiring! http://bestpractical.com/jobs

[rt-users] Custom fields empty

2012-09-10 Thread Mayk Backus
Hello List,

I've noticed some strange things regarding custom fields. We use a
documenting system called i-doit , that has a connection to RT (provider by
the builders of i-doit) . This make it possible to generate custom fields in
RT that are populated with information from the other system. So far , so
good.  The strange this however is, when i change some things in the fields
on the i-doit part, some custom fields are empty.  The thing i don't
understand is, the information is logged in the tickets with the information
from the CF , and in the articles (this one's annoying that it's empty).
When i look closer at the article, i see all the information inside the
article, but not displaying in the CF's.

This is normal behavior , is there perhaps a workaround for this ? I know
it's a third party app that's probably screwing this upŠ

Any help is appreciated.


Mayk Backus

Re: [rt-users] E-mails not updating History?

2012-08-01 Thread Mayk Backus
Hello Mario,

Check the permissions of the users (or groups) involved on the queues. My 
experience is to take a piece of paper and draw out a matrix for the permission 


From: Mario DiNatale [mailto:mdinat...@hamdenpd.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2012 08:07 PM
To: rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com 
Subject: Re: [rt-users] E-mails not updating History? 

Sorry to bother you guys again, but it actually

Appears that this issue is simpler than it initially appeared!
The messages ARE making into the comment history, however

Neither the poster nor the responder can see it, however

When logged in as root, I can see the full history of the messages…

Does anyone know how I would go about fixing it so that everyone

Involved in a ticket can see the full comment history?


From: Mario DiNatale 
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2012 12:23 PM
To: 'rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com'
Subject: E-mails not updating History?


Finishing up my virgin RT install today,

spent yesterday configuring fetchmail

and exchange to play nice… However I’m

running into a strange issue that I’m hoping

you gentleman can help me out with.

When a user opens a ticket and comments on it,

emails are sent. When another user uses the web-ui

to make a comment, emails are sent and the comment

shows up in the ticket history. However, if a user reply’s

to a ticket email, the comment is received via email to

all the users requested, however the comment history

is never updated in the ticket itself, it seems to disappear

off into the void?

Best guess I have is that it has something to do with fetchmail

not dropping it into an appropriate queue, so I’m attatching

my fetchmailrc below and the results of a manual fetchmail run.

fetchmail run w/ 2 fake messages:
# fetchmail -f /etc/rt3/fetchmailrc

fetchmail: No mail for rt at hpd-exc1

2 messages for rt-comment at hpd-exc1 (3886 octets).

reading message rt-comment@hpd-exc1.hamdenps.local:1 of 2 (2092 octets) flushed

reading message rt-comment@hpd-exc1.hamdenps.local:2 of 2 (1794 octets) flushed


poll hpd-exc1

proto pop3:

auth password

username rt

password **

mda /usr/local/bin/rt-mailgate --url http://tickets.hamdenps.local --queue I.T

--action correspond

username rt-comment

password ***

mda /usr/local/bin/rt-mailgate --url http://tickets.hamdenps.local --queue I.T

--action comment




sslfingerprint E4:27:FC:15:3E:97:FD:37:00:D9:D2:D9:AF:01:64:4E

Any thoughts or suggestions would be most appreciated gentlemen.

Thanks again,



 Mario DiNatale

   Information Technology Manager

2900 Dixwell Avenue   Tel: 203-407-3187

Hamden, CT 06518   Fax: 203-230-4097




















Re: [rt-users] Running rt-server with SSL certificate

2012-07-24 Thread Mayk Backus

Thank you for the quick reply.

We start RT with the rt-server command located in the sbin directory of RT.
It's a own kind of daemon of RT that listens on a port.

Thanks again, regards,


Van:  Jack Zabolotnyi jzabolot...@arces.net
Datum:  Tue, 24 Jul 2012 14:16:21 +0200
Aan:  Mayk Backus bac...@nlcom.nl
CC:  rt-users@lists.bestpractical.com
Onderwerp:  Re: [rt-users] Running rt-server with SSL certificate

Actually, there is nothing about RT. You have to look how to run web-server
with SSL. For ex. module for apache is mod_ssl.
 RT in this case is simply a backend (like php, perl, python) that generates
you content.

On Tue, Jul 24, 2012 at 1:47 PM, Mayk Backus bac...@nlcom.nl wrote:
 Helle List,
 Is there a how-to that explains on how to run rt-server with a ssl
 certificate. We have a wildcard cert that we want to use on our RT
 Any tips are greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance,
 Mayk Backus

Jack Zabolotnyi
Arces Network, LLC

e: jzabolot...@arces.net
w: http://www.arces.net http://www.arces.net/

PGP key: 2048R/7F2AB658 2012-07-02
PGP fingerprint: 4C7E 00A8 5210 F3D9 0509  C70E 87C8 666E 7F2A B658

[rt-users] Require owner before update

2012-05-18 Thread Mayk Backus

Hi List,

I'm searching the list but can't find anything usefull for now. At our 
site, a lot of agents lack becoming owner of tickets.  I want them to 
take a ticket first and then start working on it. Is there a way to 
force this that the must be an owner set ?

thanks in advance.



[rt-users] update warning between working hours

2012-04-02 Thread Mayk Backus
Dear list,

We have a crontool in use that alerts a e-mail distributionlist when a
ticket in our emergency queue has gone without an update for 15 minutes
or more. This is fine and works well.

/rt-crontool --search RT::Search::FromSQL --search-arg LastUpdated 
'-15 minutes' AND Queue = 'Emergency' AND Status != 'stalled' AND Status
!= 'resolved' AND Status != 'rejected' --action
RT::Action::RecordComment --template 'Ignored tickets'

We now want to extend this for other queues , that notifies queue
members that a ticket has gone without an update for 3 hours (we have an
update commitment of 4 hours). The problem is, i don't want to spam the
crap out off people and want to limit the check to between working
hours. Doing this with cron is fine, but has the downside that in the
morning it will mark every ticket as not update since it sees the last
time as yesterday. This is logical.  I'm wondering if there is something
to be set for working hours , it's a function that for example otrs
has. I want it in RT too ;-)

Anyone any suggestions or experience in this ?

Any help is greatly appreciated.



[rt-users] view agent attached file/image in a reply/comment

2012-02-01 Thread Mayk Backus
Hi list,

I noticed that when a reply is made on a ticket by one of our agents,
and there's an attachement i can't view this.  For example when someone
sends a screenshot of something, i can see the file is attached when
downloading the it with headers , but is there a way to view the
attachment (image, etc) inside RT ?



Mayk Backus

RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
* Boston  March 5  6, 2012

Re: [rt-users] Ipad app , give a ticket

2011-12-09 Thread Mayk Backus

Anyone any clue on this ?




On Dec 3, 2011, at 10:41 AM, Mayk Backus wrote:

 Hi list,
 Is there an option to give a ticket to someone from inside the ipad app ? It 
 is possible to take a ticket , but i can't seem to find how i can assign 
 (give) a ticket to someone.. Anyone any thoughts .
 Verstuurd vanaf mijn iPad
 RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
 * Boston  March 5  6, 2012

RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
* Boston  March 5  6, 2012

[rt-users] Query / Report worked time

2011-11-22 Thread Mayk Backus
Hi List,

Is there a way to get a report timeworked a little detailed ?
For example, show me all tickets that have been worked on today, and
show the time worked on the tickets today, so not the total worked time
on a ticket. We have tickets that span a couple of days, so i'm
interested in reporting today's worked time.
Can this be done with a query ?

Thank you for your time.



RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
*  Barcelona, Spain  November 28  29, 2011

Re: [rt-users] Query / Report worked time

2011-11-22 Thread Mayk Backus
As a follow-up to myself, i've found something called..

Following the instructions, getting it to run on a 4.0.2 install , i
borks on the following.. Can someone shed any light on this ?

Error during compilation of
/opt/rt4/local/html/Tools/Reports/TimeWorkedReport.html: syntax error at
/opt/rt4/local/html/Tools/Reports/TimeWorkedReport.html line 48, near
) BEGIN not safe after errors--compilation aborted at
/opt/rt4/local/html/Tools/Reports/TimeWorkedReport.html line 62. Stack:
[/usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1/Plack/Runner.pm:263] [rt-server:231]




On 11/22/11 10:21 PM, Mayk Backus wrote:
 Hi List,

 Is there a way to get a report timeworked a little detailed ?
 For example, show me all tickets that have been worked on today, and
 show the time worked on the tickets today, so not the total worked time
 on a ticket. We have tickets that span a couple of days, so i'm
 interested in reporting today's worked time.
 Can this be done with a query ?

 Thank you for your time.



 RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
 *  Barcelona, Spain  November 28  29, 2011

RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
*  Barcelona, Spain — November 28  29, 2011

[rt-users] timer/escalation/mail reminders (untouchedin script)

2011-10-17 Thread Mayk Backus

Hi List,

I'm new to RT, and i've spend a lot of time trying to get a feature 
working i'm used to having in otrs.

We need several queues in RT, each queue needs to notify queue members 
when a ticket has gone by N amount of time without being worked on. 
Searching around i found the untouchedin script on the wiki. Trying 
several versions of the script, but all of them run into the same 
problem. rt-cron runs ok for others jobs, but when i run it for the 
untouchedin script it fails on : Failed to load module 
RT::Condition::UntouchedInHours. (Can't locate RT/I18N/en_us.pm . I 
checked the posting not having the complete script, trying the version 
suggested but to no avail.

Having a look on a second system, pulling RT out of the ubuntu repo's , 
i see the I18N directory containing more files, but not the en_us.pm file.

Trying to create workarounds with a script upping the priority , and a 
second rt-cron checking tickets with priorit higher then N commenting 
with a custom template works, kinda-ish.. The drawback here is that the 
ticketresponder needs to manually set back the priority to avoid being 
hit up by an e-mail notification he's not responding to fast.

To me, the untouchedin script could do the trick, since (the way i 
understand i should work, but then agian, i'm a noob) it calculates the 
time since last response and the time the script is run. If a 
ticketresponder updates the ticket, the script does nothing.

Can someone please point me in a direction to a sollution, i'm lost at 
the moment.

My RT Version is 4.0.2 , running Ubuntu 10.04.

Thank you in advance.


Mayk Backus

RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
*  San Francisco, CA, USA  October 18  19, 2011
*  Washington DC, USA  October 31  November 1, 2011
*  Barcelona, Spain  November 28  29, 2011

Re: [rt-users] timer/escalation/mail reminders (untouchedin script)

2011-10-17 Thread Mayk Backus

Hi Kenneth,

thank you for the reply. I was looking into what i could do with 
dashboards.. The subscription timing is run once a day only, or you need 
to create more dashes ? The notification i need has to run every 5 
minutes to find a ticket. I think i would be better off with rt-crontool 
then ?



On 10/17/11 9:05 PM, Kenneth Crocker wrote:


I like using Dashboards for this type of function. Create a search to 
give you what you want and then create a Dashboard to run it and set 
up your subscription for the timing.


On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 8:34 AM, Mayk Backus bac...@nlcom.nl 
mailto:bac...@nlcom.nl wrote:

Hi List,

I'm new to RT, and i've spend a lot of time trying to get a
feature working i'm used to having in otrs.

We need several queues in RT, each queue needs to notify queue
members when a ticket has gone by N amount of time without being
worked on. Searching around i found the untouchedin script on the
wiki. Trying several versions of the script, but all of them run
into the same problem. rt-cron runs ok for others jobs, but when i
run it for the untouchedin script it fails on : Failed to load
module RT::Condition::UntouchedInHours. (Can't locate
RT/I18N/en_us.pm http://en_us.pm . I checked the posting not
having the complete script, trying the version suggested but to no

Having a look on a second system, pulling RT out of the ubuntu
repo's , i see the I18N directory containing more files, but not
the en_us.pm http://en_us.pm file.

Trying to create workarounds with a script upping the priority ,
and a second rt-cron checking tickets with priorit higher then N
commenting with a custom template works, kinda-ish.. The drawback
here is that the ticketresponder needs to manually set back the
priority to avoid being hit up by an e-mail notification he's not
responding to fast.

To me, the untouchedin script could do the trick, since (the way i
understand i should work, but then agian, i'm a noob) it
calculates the time since last response and the time the script is
run. If a ticketresponder updates the ticket, the script does nothing.

Can someone please point me in a direction to a sollution, i'm
lost at the moment.
My RT Version is 4.0.2 , running Ubuntu 10.04.

Thank you in advance.


Mayk Backus

RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
*  San Francisco, CA, USA  October 18  19, 2011
*  Washington DC, USA  October 31  November 1, 2011
*  Barcelona, Spain  November 28  29, 2011

RT Training Sessions (http://bestpractical.com/services/training.html)
*  San Francisco, CA, USA — October 18  19, 2011
*  Washington DC, USA — October 31  November 1, 2011
*  Barcelona, Spain — November 28  29, 2011