Re: [rt-users] Change username format of autocomplete list

2011-10-24 Thread Peter Reuterås
 share/html/Elements/ShowUser is what looks at the system setting or user
 preference and dispatches to the right component for display
 (ShowUserVerbose vs. ShowUserConcise out of the box).

 You'll need to add a share/html/Elements/ShowUserSuperverbose (note casing
 since the preference is lower-cased an then the first letter upper-cased)
 and then either Set($UsernameFormat, 'superverbose'); globally and/or write
 some Perl in your config to add superverbose to the user preference options.
  Something like this might do the trick:

 push @{$RT::Config::META{UsernameFormat}-{WidgetArguments}{Values}},
 = 'Name, email address, and phone number';

 That's untested, so give it a shot.

Thanks for quick reply! Will look into it as soon as I'm back from a conference.


RT Training Sessions (
*  Washington DC, USA  October 31  November 1, 2011
*  Barcelona, Spain  November 28  29, 2011

Re: [rt-users] bulk update thousands of tickets

2010-11-28 Thread Peter Reuterås

On Sun, Nov 28, 2010 at 7:34 PM, uzee wrote:


 Some of our devices that feed into RT generated thousands of tickets which
 are really informational. Besides the bulk update of the UI, is there
 another way that I can use to filter and update hundreds or thousands of
 tickets..? the UI allows for 50 tkts per page and that will take me a very
 long time

Look at the rt command line tool in the bin-directory. Look at rt
help examples. An example of what you can do is

rt ls -i owner=myaccount | rt edit - set status=resolved

which first lists tickets owned by myaccount and then status to
resolved. I use it regularly to filter out certain emails.


[rt-users] Keyboard shortcuts for RT

2010-10-28 Thread Peter Reuterås

Since I have to sort through a queue in RT with a high percentage of spam
(we don't remove spam for our postmaster queue) I thought it would be useful
with some keyboard shortcuts like n (for next), x (spam), o (open), t (take)
etc for RT. I found a javascript tool from Acunote (1) and made which is a Greasemonkey (2)
script that adds some keyboard shortcuts to RT. It's a very early release
and I'm not a javascript developer but if it could be useful for anyone else
I just wanted to let the community know that the tool exists and add bugs at
github when you find them. A warning, it's very ease to do x,n,x,n... very
quickly and perhaps miss a real ticket...



Re: [rt-users] Need help setting up Command Line RT

2010-09-24 Thread Peter Reuterås

On Thu, Sep 23, 2010 at 9:01 PM, Patton, Brandon wrote:

  I’m running RT 3.8.7 on Fedora 13 and trying to setup running the CLI
 however I always get the “Server error: Not Found (404)” error all the time.
 I’ve been searching and reading and tried the “export” and “.rtrc” methods
 and neither seem to work. The URL to RT is http://fedora/rt

What output do you get if you run the command

curl http://fedora/rt

If you don't get the RT first page your /etc/hosts file is probably missing
a line for the hostname fedora.


RT Training in Washington DC, USA on Oct 25  26 2010
Last one this year -- Learn how to get the most out of RT!