Re: [rt-users] RT 4

2007-05-01 Thread Tomasz Wlodek

On Tue, 1 May 2007, Jesse Vincent wrote:

If, for the sake of argument, Best Practical were to rewrite RT, what would 
you want to see in the new product?

Include AT or write your own asset tracking module which does the same 
thing as AT does.

include network interface so that RT/AT databases can be inquired from 
external machines.


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[rt-users] how to read AT link information

2007-04-26 Thread Tomasz Wlodek
This is an AT question, but it touches RT as well, since the same problem, 
how to read links between tickets, exists in RT.

It is a very, very, very easy problem for an expert (at least I think so), 
but for a non expert like me it is baffling. I am struggling with it for 
some time.

Let us suppose that I have an AT asset object $Asset. I want to find 
another assed, let us call it $NewAsset which is connected to $Asset by 
one of the links (RunsOn, ComponentOf, DependsOn,... and so on, what you 
see on link page in AT asset).

My intuition, common sense and past experience suggests that the code 
should look like this (in general):

$Asset = ..  # read the AT asset information
$Links = $Asset-RunsOn; # links to objects on which Asset runs
for (my $Link=$Links-Next){ # loop over the links
$NewAsset=$Link-Target; # asset to which the $Link points to

So much my intuition how I THINK it SHOULD be. In reality it does not 
work this way.

$Asset object does have methods like Links, RunsOn, IsRunning, ComponentOf 
and so on, but the meaning of those fields puzzless me. for example when I 

$Links = $Asset-RunsOn;
while ( my ($key, $value) = each(%$Links) ) {
 print \t $key = $value \n;

I get:

_open_parens = HASH(0x9e435fc)
alias_count = 0
order_by = ARRAY(0x9e7b164)
where_clause =
table = Links
tables =
is_limited = 1
order =
user = RT::CurrentUser=HASH(0x9d95b60)
limit_clause =
DBIxHandle = RT::Handle=HASH(0x9b2bd3c)
restrictions = HASH(0x9e7ba80)
primary_key = id
auxillary_tables =
must_redo_search = 1
itemscount = 0
show_rows = 0
aliases = ARRAY(0x9e7ba44)
first_row = 0

Hell, what does it mean?

How do I translate it into target Asset?

Did anyone deal with similar problem?

How to decode link information in AT?

What is the real meaning of fields like Links,RunsOn,IsRunning,... in 
Asset objects in AT?

Tom Wlodek

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[rt-users] AT question: how to read links and administrators/owners?

2007-03-12 Thread Tomasz Wlodek
This is an AT question, but it overlaps with RT and since there is a large 
number of AT users in RT community I might get help here.

I write Perl script which reads all information about an Asset. I can get 
all AT specific information exept of links, owners and administrators of 
an asset.

Can anyone show an example of a code which does this?

Suppose you have an Asset list, you loop over it and you want to get list 
of experts for each asset, administrators, and the links... this should be 
something like:

while ($Asset = $Assets-Next) {
$Administrators=$Asset= ... ???
$Has Component=$Asset=...

This should be a trivial thing to code, if you know how to do this.

Can anyone post an example?


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Re: [rt-users] Google Summer of Code

2007-03-01 Thread Tomasz Wlodek

On Wed, 28 Feb 2007, Les Mikesell wrote:

Jesse Vincent wrote:
I'd love to submit RT to Google's Summer of Code this summer.  It's 
probably time to start brainstorming projects.

What would you like to do/see done as part of a RT summer of code project?

It might take more than a summer, depending on how close-coupled you try to 
make it, but I'd love to see a connection between RT and opennms 
( so that network problems could 
open RT tickets automatically (that could probably be done by email now), and 
from the ticket you would have a link to the opennms node and asset info and 
history. One complication would be how to do this in a way that would still 
make sense if you delete network nodes or start over again with a new opennms 
database.   A link to a twiki page using some convention for naming would be 
nice too.

We have started on working on such system, but instaed of opennms we are 
integrating RT-AT-Nagios.

Tomasz Wlodek 
Brookhaven Lab


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[rt-users] How to read asset info from AT

2007-02-23 Thread Tomasz Wlodek


I know that this is RT mailing list, not AT, but since AT www site is 
down, and since many of RT users use AT, I thought some of you may be able 
to help me.

I want to run a perl script which will loop over assets and print all 
custom fields values for each asset.

This is a super trivial problem for an expert, just a few lines of Perl, I 
know. But if you are not an expert you would like to see and example how 
this is done, to get you started.

Could anyone help me with that?


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[rt-users] Asstet Tracker with RT 3.6

2007-01-26 Thread Tomasz Wlodek


We use AT with older version of RT (3.4.5). Does anyone use it with RT 
3.6? Does it work with the most recent RT?


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RE: [rt-users] Multiple Authentication Schemes

2006-11-29 Thread Tomasz Wlodek

And how do you deal with multiple user identities?

I mean: one and the same user can logon once using web certyficate and 
once using RT password. How do you tell that this is the same user and 
uses the same RT account? How do you map user certyficates to RT accounts?


On Wed, 29 Nov 2006, Stephen Turner wrote:

-Original Message-
From: John Arends [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: [rt-users] Multiple Authentication Schemes

How well does RT handle having slightly different URLs? You have to
specify the port number in the site config file, so do you have a
separate config file for each instance?

It works fine - we are running 3.4.2 and there's no port number spec in the
site config. I don't know if that is different in 3.6. We have these
variables set:

$WebBaseURL -;
$WebAuthURL -;
$WebPath - 



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[rt-users] How to chenge subject of incoming ticket?

2006-11-28 Thread Tomasz Wlodek

Hi experts,

Here is the problem:

When a ticket arrives by e-mail we analyze its contents and based on 
appearance of certain words in the ticket we would like to change the 
ticket subject to force the incoming ticket to be appended to an existing 

Example: a ticket comes and our mail filter decides that this ticket 
should be posted as followup to ticket 3141596. Se we would like to change 
the subject to [ #3141596] and then feed it to 

Is there a more elegant way of doing this? How to force rt-mailgate to 
treat incoming mail as correspondence to some existing ticket, even if the 
incoming ticket seems to be a new one?

Tom Wlodek

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Re: [rt-users] How to chenge subject of incoming ticket?

2006-11-28 Thread Tomasz Wlodek

Have a look at the '--extension' mechanism in rt-mailgate and the
$EXTENSION environment variable. Basically, you can trick RT into giving
you a per-ticket email address.

Thanks, it works.


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Re: [rt-users] How to chenge subject of incoming ticket?

2006-11-28 Thread Tomasz Wlodek

On Tue, 28 Nov 2006, Jesse Vincent wrote:

On Tue, Nov 28, 2006 at 12:33:13PM -0500, Tomasz Wlodek wrote:

Have a look at the '--extension' mechanism in rt-mailgate and the
$EXTENSION environment variable. Basically, you can trick RT into giving
you a per-ticket email address.

Thanks, it works.

It'd be great if you could publish your solution to the wiki so that
others could take advantage of your handywork.


Ok, I will publish it once it is ready. But I have a warning: it'll be in 


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[rt-users] rt: resvice unavailable

2006-11-27 Thread Tomasz Wlodek

Hi experts,

I am playing with RT command line inteface. I try to create and edit 
tickets in command line mode. Unfourtunately every time I try to do 
something I get an error:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ rt comment -m 'response to ticket' 1136
rt: Server error: Service Unavailable (503)

Our RT installation works perfectly fine, both web and e-mail. This must 
be some very trivial problem which prevents us from using command line 

Any hints?

Tomasz Wlodek

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Re: [rt-users] rt: resvice unavailable

2006-11-27 Thread Tomasz Wlodek
I am playing with RT command line inteface. I try to create and edit 
tickets in command line mode. Unfourtunately every time I try to do 
something I get an error:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ rt comment -m 'response to ticket' 1136
rt: Server error: Service Unavailable (503)

Our RT installation works perfectly fine, both web and e-mail. This must be 
some very trivial problem which prevents us from using command line mode.

Any hints?

This suggests that the RT server URL you specified is perhaps not right and 
that the CLI can't get there. set the environment variable RTDEBUG=3 and see 
what turns up.


Thanks a lot. It works now.

Now I have a related question, I posted it already but got no responses.

How do I post correspondence to ticket from command line mode?

Suppose I have a file ticket.txt which contains the text I want to post. 
How can I post a reply using the content of ticket.txt?

I am aware about the options

rt -correspond -m 'my response' ticket id
rt -correspond -a ticket.txt ticket id

but they do not do what I want: -m option allows me to add only one line 
text while -a appends a file to ticket instead of posting content of 
ticket.txt as response.

In intercatcive mode the rt -correspond command opens editor and lets me 
type the ticket, but again I want the command to pick the content of 
ticket from a file.

any hints?

Tom Wlodek


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Re: [rt-users] TicketSQL question

2006-09-27 Thread Tomasz Wlodek

On Wed, 27 Sep 2006, taan wrote:

Is it possible to search for all tickets Resolved less than 2 weeks after 
Creation using ticketSQL?


I am not sure but maybe a query:

status==resolved and TimeWorked14

will do the trick.


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Re: [rt-users] search

2006-09-26 Thread Tomasz Wlodek

On Tue, 26 Sep 2006, Justin Lim wrote:

I noticed that when you do a quick search from the homepage of RT that it
only searchs the open tickets.

Is there a way to include ALL tickets opened/closed/resolved/etc ?

Go to tickets and use the query. Using the query builder you can search 
for any tickets you want using any criteria you want. Building the query 
it a bit tricky and hard to explain by e-mail, you have to experiment with 
it before you become an expert, but it is possible to learn it. Once you 
have built a query you can save it to use later, so if you have queries 
you use often you can customize your RT.


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[rt-users] How to show list of Cc: in e-mail?

2006-06-25 Thread Tomasz Wlodek

I would like the e-mails with replys to tickets to show the list of Cc:,
right now they hide the Cc. The people who receive the e-mails should see
all the Cc's.  Can this be done somehow?

Is it possible to add the list of Cc to the template for correspondence,
for example by adding to template correspondence something like

$Ticket-ListOfCc's (Does there exist a field in $Ticket which can give
list of CC's?)

Tomasz Wlodek| tel 631-344-7448
Brookhaven Laboratory, Building 510M | fax 631-344-7616
Upton NY 11973-5000  |


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Re: [rt-users] Assigning Tickets to users

2006-06-15 Thread Tomasz Wlodek
Maybe the problem is that you do not own the ticket. If I understand RT
correctly you can only assign tickets which you own. So if the ticket is
owned by nobody, then you first have to take it and then you can assign

I am not usre if this helps.

Tomasz Wlodek| tel 631-344-7448
Brookhaven Laboratory, Building 510M | fax 631-344-7616
Upton NY 11973-5000  |

On Thu, 15 Jun 2006, Jim Robinson wrote:

   I am new to RT and we are looking at implimenting it in our company, We are 
 a windows based shop therefore I am trying the Win/RT version,
   I have one issue that is causing a problem and cannot figure out a 
 resolution to it.

   When a new ticket arrives, I cannot assign the ticket to another user! I 
 have verified that both the queue and the group have own, Take, steal ticket 
 but when I bring up the ticket people field I only get Nobody!

   I would really like to get this resolved so I can go forward in the testing 
 phase and implimentation phase.

   Thanks for your help.



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[rt-users] read-only user rights.

2006-06-08 Thread Tomasz Wlodek

Imagine that I have a group, non_experts, where I keep people who can
logon to RT web site, can post tickets, can see certain queues (but not
all) and can search tickets in those queues (but not all). Those users
should be able to change their password, but not modify rest of profile.

I figured out that unprivileged users who are given right Modify self
will be able to change password but not rest of profile.

I also figured out that if in a queue I gile the right SeeQueue to
unprivileged users, they they will be able to see the queue when they
click Create ticket button.

But how can I give them the right to search the ticket database? They
should be able to search the queues which give them See queue privilege.

Tomasz Wlodek| tel 631-344-7448
Brookhaven Laboratory, Building 510M | fax 631-344-7616
Upton NY 11973-5000  |


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[rt-users] Re: read-only user rights.

2006-06-08 Thread Tomasz Wlodek
Ok, If I did not express myself clearly:

right now unprivileges users can only modify their passwords, but not rest
of profile, and they are not allowed to search ticket database.

If I make them privileged they can search the tickets, but also can modify
their profile.

I want middle road: I want users be able to search tickets, but I do not
want them to change their profile, exept password.

How to do this?

Tomasz Wlodek| tel 631-344-7448
Brookhaven Laboratory, Building 510M | fax 631-344-7616
Upton NY 11973-5000  |

On Thu, 8 Jun 2006, Tomasz Wlodek wrote:


 Imagine that I have a group, non_experts, where I keep people who can
 logon to RT web site, can post tickets, can see certain queues (but not
 all) and can search tickets in those queues (but not all). Those users
 should be able to change their password, but not modify rest of profile.

 I figured out that unprivileged users who are given right Modify self
 will be able to change password but not rest of profile.

 I also figured out that if in a queue I gile the right SeeQueue to
 unprivileged users, they they will be able to see the queue when they
 click Create ticket button.

 But how can I give them the right to search the ticket database? They
 should be able to search the queues which give them See queue privilege.

 Tomasz Wlodek| tel 631-344-7448
 Brookhaven Laboratory, Building 510M | fax 631-344-7616
 Upton NY 11973-5000  |


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[rt-users] How can a regular user see which groups he is a member?

2006-06-06 Thread Tomasz Wlodek
Is it possible for a RT user to be able to see in which groups he is a

Tomasz Wlodek| tel 631-344-7448
Brookhaven Laboratory, Building 510M | fax 631-344-7616
Upton NY 11973-5000  |


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Re: [rt-users] Known bug in RT 3.4.5 with disabled Group display?

2006-06-04 Thread Tomasz Wlodek
I can confirm that the same thing happened to me when I disabled a group.
Wne I tried to re-enable it the group was gone. I can still find
individual tickets from this group though.

Tomasz Wlodek| tel 631-344-7448
Brookhaven Laboratory, Building 510M | fax 631-344-7616
Upton NY 11973-5000  |

On Sat, 3 Jun 2006, Philip Kime wrote:

 Is it a known bug in 3.4.5 that the Include disabled groups in listing
 box on the Groups display page does nothing? I added this to the INIT
 sectionof /Admin/Groups/index.html and now it seems to work ...

 if ($FindDisabledGroups) {
 $Groups-{'find_disabled_rows'} = 1;

 I found this out the hard way as I thought I'd disabled a group (I had)
 went to display it to re-enable it, couldn't, recreated the group with
 the same name (RT let me do this) and I ended up with two groups with
 the same name. Some code I was using to set Group rights then kept
 setting the rights on the invisible, disabled one and confused the hell
 out of me ...


 found the disabled group first when loading the group by name ...


 Philip Kime
 NOPS Systems Architect
 310 401 0407


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[rt-users] bug in Cc list of addreses.

2006-05-26 Thread Tomasz Wlodek
Hi experts,

I try to reply to ticket. Normally a group of users is set as AdminCc.
This AdminCc list consists of [EMAIL PROTECTED] and [EMAIL PROTECTED] I
want to add one Cc ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) user to the Cc list.

I select a ticket and went to People page. In the field watchers I
have added [EMAIL PROTECTED] as type Cc:. Then I have sent reponse.

The response has never been sent. If I click on show I can see why:

in the e-mail sent by RT in the Cc: field you can see that the adresses
are set


with , , between user0 and user1. I suspect this this makes the e-mail
fail. This is, I suspect, a bug.

Any idea how to work around this?

Subject: [ #168] Re: Test ticket with cc e-mail
From: Tomasz Wlodek via RT [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Precedence: bulk
RT-Ticket: #168
Managed-by: RT 3.4.5 (
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
X-RT-Original-Encoding: utf-8
X-RT-Original-Encoding: utf-8

Tomasz Wlodek| tel 631-344-7448
Brookhaven Laboratory, Building 510M | fax 631-344-7616
Upton NY 11973-5000  |


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