Re: [RollTideFan] NCAA reduces charge

2001-11-03 Thread William H Evans


I am going to cross post something that I posted to AU-Sports to answer
why people like to talk about UA.

- Forwarded message --
From: William H Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2001 20:27:53 -0500
Subject: Re: [aus] Another Meltdown on TI

Since you haven't been around that long, I'll tell you that actually I
have pretty much been in a minority amongst Auburn people in attempting
to maintain a Bama-neutral stance in watching their games.  I have been
that way since 1997 when I noticed the bammers in my family took a game
played by 18-22 year old boy's *WAY* too seriously.  I couldn't stand to
pull against them week after week and hear them bitch and moan all the
next week so I stopped.

BTW - you didn't say whether you pulled for UA or UT today.  Pray tell
please enlighten us as to who you pulled for.

bill evans
Hartselle, AL

On Sat, 20 Oct 2001 20:19:16 -0400 Rock Williams
 Wouldn't you rather Bama be ranked (highly) and at the top of their 
 when they played Auburn? Wouldn't that make the game so much more

As much as it might pain me to say this, I am going to say it: Auburn
people, like most people (maybe 98% of the people I have met of all teams
fans) like to revel in the misfortunes of others.

In case you haven't noticed, there is a *LOT* of this in sports.  ($1 to
Bill Buckner) ($1 to Al Downing) ($1 to the Buffalo Bills)

I could come up with examples of this all night.

Luckily, this mostly is contained to the part of the human experience we
call 'sports'.  You don't see people dancing around saying The bank
foreclosed on your house, the bank foreclosed on your house..  That
kind of stuff goes on all the time in sports.

But the point is, that due to the baser human impulses to talk about the
other guys and how screwed up they are, and a few extremely 'thread
worthy' news items coming out of Tuscaloosa the past 18 months, and I'll
admit that we have talked about UA a whole lot the past 18 months. 
Before the internet was around this was called 'gossip'.  

I still don't think it was anywhere near 10%-15% of the total year's
traffic, much less half of the sports related traffic.  You see, I was
exaggerating about that 'cat' thread.  We actually had 125 messages that
day about Terry Bowden in addition to that 'cat' thread.  But I see your
point, those Terry Bowden posts weren't sports related either.  If we are
going to go that route, couldn't we say that the CMD/Little Debbie posts
and UA-NCAA posts weren't sports related either?

Auburn people pull against Alabama, and vice-versa.  It's expected.  When
they get their wish, they celebrate.  It's human.  I will remind you that
a very high percentage of the posts on RTF last week were
'Siie Pig!'.

It happens, it's no big deal, and you should get used to it.

BTW - what I said in the post above was true.  And I believe you have
heard me say that the 1997 Iron Bowl was what lead me to at least
*attempt* to see where I personally was acting this way.  I no longer
really pull against Bama like I used to.  Seeing Ed Scissum cry like he
did after the Arians screen pass, I will *attempt* to never pull against
anyone or wish misfortune AT ALL (especially in sports) the rest of my

BTW #2 - Please mention that much of the recent discussion of Bama
amongst the barners is an incredulity at Bama fans wanting to fire
Franchione. ($1 to Hugh)

bill evans
Hartselle, AL

On Sat, 3 Nov 2001 02:08:11 -0600 Jeff Todd [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I've said it before and I'll say it again.
 You aubies are some of the most knowledgeable BAMA Football 
 Historians on
 the face of our earth. I'll give you credit. Y'all are well schooled 
 in BAMA
 History. Hell, I guess y'all needed something to occupy your time. 
 It only
 takes about 15 minutes to memorize the storied history of arbrin 
 You should be alarmed by the fact that BAMA dominates the daily 
 related discussions on your list. To say youse guys have a 
 inferiority complex' would be an understatement.
 I must close now. But, before I go I need to remind you...BAMA 
 WHIP arbins *ASS* on November 17th!
 Roll Tide!!
 -Original Message-
 From: William H Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Saturday, November 03, 2001 1:43 AM
 Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] NCAA reduces charge
 Fascinating.  ($1 to Spock)  We talk 'Star Trek' year round as 
 Semi-seriously though, in the year or year and a half you have 
 lurking on AU-Sports, what has happened at UA?
 1) You had just gotten through with the last item in the 
 Debbie saga with his fine of $360k.
 2) Then you start out #3 and go 3-8
 3) NCAA comes to town as you fire your coach
 4) Coaching search
 5) Franchione hire

Re: [RollTideFan] NCAA reduces charge

2001-11-03 Thread Phillip L. Harbison

William H Evans wrote:
 But seriously, if Bama gets (let's just guess) half the charges
 dropped, wouldn't that put them officially into them into
 'untouchable' status?

After being gang-raped by the NCAA in 1995, I don't think we can
ever be considered untouchable.

Phil Harbison
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Re: [RollTideFan] NCAA reduces charge

2001-11-03 Thread William H Evans

But back to my original question: There are TV reports that the Ivy 
Williams charges are going to be dropped.


bill evansHartselle, AL[EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Sat, 03 Nov 2001 04:26:02 -0500 "Phillip L. Harbison" [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
William H Evans wrote:  But seriously, if Bama gets (let's just 
guess) half the charges  dropped, wouldn't that put them officially 
into them into  'untouchable' status?  After being 
gang-raped by the NCAA in 1995, I don't think we can ever be considered 
"untouchable".  --  Phil Harbison mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [RollTideFan] NCAA reduces charge

2001-11-03 Thread Coach_Fran

But back to my original question:  There are TV reports that the Ivy
Williams charges are going to be dropped.
bill evans
Hartselle, AL

I don't believe anything said on tiderinsider.  BarnerBill we know that
you Aubies are hoping Bama gets slammed. And btw, Allbarn still sucks.

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[RollTideFan] NCAA reduces charge

2001-11-02 Thread William H Evans

I just looked back through my e-mail and I didn't see any discussion of
this today.

Comments?  You guys holding your breath till you see if this ends up
being true?

There is also a report on TI that UA has called a press conference for
tomorrow involving Ivy Williams.

When will UA start wearing gold helmets?

bill evans
Hartselle, AL


NCAA reduces charge 

News staff writer

TUSCALOOSA The NCAA enforcement staff has lessened at least one major
charge against the University of Alabama football program, a source
familiar with the investigation confirmed Thursday. 

Meanwhile, interviews with sources familiar with the case indicate that
Alabama has offered a self-imposed penalty of no more than 20 scholarship
cuts over no more than three years. The self-imposed penalty also
includes recruiting restrictions and may include a fine. 
The NCAA's official letter of inquiry on Sept. 5 leveled 16 charges,
including three major charges involving the 1995-97 recruitment of
Stevenson's Kenny Smith and the 1999-2000 recruitment of Memphis' Albert
Means. Those three charges pertained mostly to the actions of boosters
Logan Young, Wendell Smith or Ray Keller. 

Although the university officially disassociated the boosters in its Oct.
24 written response, it also contested some of the allegations connected
with those three charges. That included an argument by Alabama that the
NCAA's 5-year statute of limitations had expired in the Smith case. 

University officials met with the enforcement staff Tuesday at a
pre-hearing at Indianapolis, in preparation for a Nov. 17 appearance
before the NCAA's Committee on Infractions. Although details were not
clear, that meeting led to the enforcement staff reducing the allegations
connected with at least one of the charges that stemmed from the Smith or
Means recruitment. 

Alabama's statute of limitations argument in the Smith case appeared more
likely to be considered by the infractions committee than by the
enforcement staff, because the enforcement staff deemed it appropriate to
include in the original charges. 

Alabama faculty athletics representative Gene Marsh and attorney Stan
Murphy would not comment on the matter. 

But Murphy said that university officials were meeting to determine
whether they could make public any information without violating a
confidentiality agreement with the NCAA. If so, a statement could be

The NCAA will not comment on the case until the committee on infractions
announces its findings. That announcement is expected in January. 

It can choose to either accept Alabama's self-imposed penalties included
in the Oct. 24 response or place additional penalties on the program. 

Meanwhile, the purpose of Tuesday's meeting was for the accuser (the
enforcement staff) and defendant (the university) to go over all 16
itemized charges, making clear which ones they agree and disagree on
before the hearing. 

On Tuesday, the enforcement staff decided to make alterations. Several
are expected as it prepares its case summary to present to the
infractions committee. 

The case summary will outline both sides' positions on each charge and
list whether they agree. The committee will use it as a guide for the

Although that hearing is scheduled for the same day as the annual
Alabama-Auburn game at Jordan-Hare Stadium, university officials pushed
hard to be included on that docket, because the next committee meeting
isn't scheduled until February. 

University president Andrew Sorensen and Athletics Director Mal Moore
will miss the game to be at Indianapolis, along with Marsh, Murphy,
university compliance director Marie Robbins and outside attorney Rich
Hilliard, a former NCAA investigator from the Ice Miller law firm at

Former Alabama assistant coaches Ronnie Cottrell and Ivy Williams, both
accused of unethical conduct in the NCAA's charges, will be represented
at the hearing. They are allowed to take part in discussions pertaining
to their charges only. 

The alleged violations occurred during the coaching regimes of Mike
DuBose and Gene Stallings, but current Crimson Tide head coach Dennis
Franchione will appear before the committee by videotape, telephone, or

Franchione is expected to talk about the current staff's commitment to
following the rules. 

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Re: [RollTideFan] NCAA reduces charge

2001-11-02 Thread William H Evans

-- likewise --

On Sat, 3 Nov 2001 00:59:52 -0600 "Jeff Todd" [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
writes: comments embedded~~  -Original 
Message- From: William H Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: 
Roll Tide Fan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion  List 
Roll Tide Fan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion 
List Date: Saturday, November 03, 2001 12:33 AM Subject: 
[RollTideFan] NCAA reduces charge   I just looked 
back through my e-mail and I didn't see any  discussion of 
this today. Comments?  Apparently you failed to 
read your arbrin e-mail. 

I saw those messages. You know I did because I speculated it would be 
the Stevenson charges that were dropped. I am talking about *this* 

 As usual, BAMA is  the main topic of discussion on the 
arbrin list. 

Just like Auburn was the main topic on this listlast Saturday. 
I know you were beating 'off', so you didn't have much else to talk about. 
Well, we are beating 'off' all week long this week, so we don't have anything 
else to talk about.

Besides, NCAA = Newsworthy for most people. Especially barners. 
We wrote that book, remember?

FWIW - I dispute your claim that UA was the main topic of conversation this 
week on AU-Sports. Of over 300 messages on that list on Wednesday when 
this first came out, less than 20 were about this. The rest were about 
cats. g

 You guys holding your breath till you see if this ends up 
being  true?  Wouldn't that be the smart thing to 

Yes it would. Can't blame anybody there, especially since it is an 
unnamed source.

 There is also a report on TI that UA has called a press 
conference  for tomorrow involving Ivy Williams. 
 A *REPORT*, or barner bait? 

I am talking about these:

 When will UA start wearing gold helmets?  
EXACTLY one day after arbrin wins a National Championship. In other 

I knew you would love that one.

But seriously, if Bama gets (let's just guess) half the charges dropped, 
wouldn't that put them officially into them into 'untouchable' status?

 Roll Tide!!  Slef  

bill evansHartselle, AL[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [RollTideFan] NCAA reduces charge

2001-11-02 Thread Jeff Todd

I'll reserve comment until such time as all the details are made public.
That seems like the smart thing to do.

Roll Tide!!


-Original Message-
From: William H Evans [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, November 03, 2001 1:13 AM
Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] NCAA reduces charge

But seriously, if Bama gets (let's just guess) half the charges dropped,
wouldn't that put them officially into them into 'untouchable' status?

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