[RollTideFan] Wrong fight?

2005-08-09 Thread Charles

My Note:
I dont agree with this editorial, not even a small bit. But it is
interesting reading.

Wrong fight

position: In trying to protect its fighting Indian mascot, FSU is off base.

Posted August 9, 2005 


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Florida State University is
fighting the wrong fight in trying to keep its Seminole mascot that many
American Indians find offensive. Ideally, the institution and its fans will
recognize that before embarking on an expensive and embarrassing court battle.

FSU's fans consider Chief Osceola leading the Seminoles onto the
football field and sticking a flaming spear into the turf a treasured

But American Indians have complained for years about the stereotypes portrayed
at FSU and on other college campuses. Dozens of schools have listened to the
concerns and changed their mascots out of respect to those who complained,
while FSU and 17 other schools have not.

The NCAA Executive Committee last week responded by banning schools that
display hostile or abusive mascots from playing in championship
tournaments, affecting all sports but football.

FSU President T.K. Wetherell not surprisingly took issue with this, arguing
that the Seminoles mascot is a tribute to the fighting spirit of the Florida
Seminole. But Mr. Wetherell can't escape the fact that, intended or not, the
images of Osceola in war paint and thousands of fans doing the Seminole
Chop portray American Indians as savages.

In his anger, Mr. Wetherell vowed to sue the NCAA. That would be a mistake,
sending the message that FSU is willing to fight to the end for the right to
offend people. It is a stand no respected institution of higher learning should

An even bigger mistake would be to portray such a lawsuit as a battle against
political correctness. The step taken by the NCAA is not an attempt to kowtow
to interest groups. This is a recognition by the organization that these images
-- historically accurate or not -- offend many of those whose cultures are
being portrayed.

Presumably Mr. Wetherell would not support calling FSU's teams the Pickaninnies
and starting each game with students in blackface tap-dancing out to the
50-yard-line for a spirited rendition of Camp Town Races.

Times change. Just as black men resent being called boy and adult
women wince at being referred to as girls, American Indians object
to terms like the Braves, Savages and Redmen. Why? Because demeaning terms
justify and encourage subtle discrimination against individuals in the group.
It perpetuates prejudice and keeps people in those groups on society's lower

FSU's defense that the Seminole Tribe of Florida has voted to endorse the use
of the symbols by FSU really serves only to bolster the NCAA's argument. The
leaders of the larger Seminole Tribe of Oklahoma -- where the United States
relocated Seminoles they could find after fighting three wars -- cheered the
NCAA decision.

That only shows that FSU and others can't pick which Seminoles they want to
listen to. FSU should listen to the concerns of American Indians and remove the
offensive images.

Judge not the horse by his saddle. - Chinese Proverb 

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Re: [RollTideFan] Wrong fight?

2005-08-09 Thread rspoon17

Where is this from?  


P.S. - You might be interested in 
which brings up the case I mentioned early in this dicussion - the Fighting 
Irish.  And don't even get me started on the Wake Forest Demon Deacons...
 From: Charles [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: 2005/08/09 Tue PM 03:49:51 EDT
 To: 'RollTideFan - University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List'
 Subject: [RollTideFan] Wrong fight?

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Re: [RollTideFan] Wrong fight?

2005-08-09 Thread PIRATESPT
it has nothing to do...with being offensive...its just a straight out power 
struggle.  The tail trying to wag the dogUnder paid, under age editorial 
writers dont impress me.  Basically, I could care less if FSU changes their 
mascot or not...but I want it to be their choice.  Oh...were the Ole Miss 
on the list...?If it is...it is the only one in the SEC..however...to be 
fair...the Commodores...hey...its gotta change...the stories I could 
tellThe fact is he bought the failed university of nashville...put in 
some money 
(stolen money) and named it for himself...but...let the old dead fart be 
honored!!Same thang about Osceola and his murderous band...Do it like the 
Mississippi flag...have an election!

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Re: [RollTideFan] Wrong fight?

2005-08-09 Thread kurt rasmussen

 P.S. - You might be interested in 
 which brings up the case I mentioned early in this dicussion - the
 Fighting Irish.  [...]

I donut rightly recall if I set this to RTF.  I think I did, but just
in case..


Mike Downey   

No blarney: Leprechaun must go

August 7, 2005

I want that leprechaun put to sleep.

Do you hear me, NCAA? I don't want to see that darn leprechaun at Notre
Dame's games anymore. No more of that goofy green suit. No more of that
hokey hat. Most of all, no more of that offensive, insensitive,
insulting, dehumanizing dance.

As a proud Irish-American, I demand that you make the Fighting Irish of
Notre Dame get rid of that stupefying, stereotypical mascot of theirs.
And that little jig of his. And I mean pronto, if you'll excuse my use
of Indian lingo.

Ladies and gentlemen of the NCAA, I implore you. Do that thing you do.
Do what you did Friday, when your executive committee announced that it
no longer would tolerate any hostile and abusive
racial/ethnic/national origin mascots, nicknames or imagery.

A leprechaun is all that.

He is mischievous by nature. He is up to no good. He clearly is
abusive. Have you ever seen him treat Notre Dame's enemies with any

And what of that big, crooked stick in his hand? He doesn't carry that
cudgel because he is lame. It isn't a cane. A leprechaun doesn't limp.
Look at that little fool do his dance. He moves fine. No, a shillelagh
looks like a weapon to me. You wouldn't let a Seminole or an Illini
walk around a football stadium with a bow and arrow, would you?

I can guess what you are thinking. You're thinking an Irish-American is
not an oppressed minority. Or hasn't been one.

Well, you couldn't be more wrong. Irish immigrants were given a very
bad time in America when they first came here. They were treated as
suspicious foreigners. Their ancestry and accents were mocked. They
were maligned as Micks and stigmatized as brawling drunks.

Therefore, I would like you righteous brothers and sisters at the NCAA
to put an end to the degradation of this Fighting Irish slur once and
for all. A lot of us don't fight. I don't fight. Well, I did toss a guy
out of a bar in Greece last summer, but he was drunker than I was.

The NCAA has made a good start. The actions it took Friday gave notice
to the Bradley Braves and Central Michigan Chippewas and Utah Utes that
they had better take all of their Native American garb, arrowheads,
weapons and war paint and dump the whole pile into a Dumpster.

If these people want to host a postseason competition ever again, they
will have to abide by the NCAA's rules and lose the Indian theme.

You, noble warlords of the NCAA, are taking no prisoners. University of
North Dakota Fighting Sioux? What do you care if there are Sioux who
don't care? So what if there are remaining members of the Sioux tribe
who are honored by this legacy? Your edict has come down. You have
spoken. The next time North Dakota plays for a national championship,
its mascot had better be Buffalo Bill.

OK, so a lot of us happen to believe that tribal names are not unto
themselves offensive. Illini, Seminole, Chippewa, Choctaw … these don't
seem so bad to us. They have history and dignity. We have entire states
named for Indian tribes, for heaven's sake. What do you think the word
Illinois is, anyway … French? Its origin is Algonquin.

What some of us do resent is the way Caucasians paint their faces red
and wear buckskin and feathers and go hey-yo-yo-yo and woo-woo-woo. It
doesn't matter if there are some Indians who take no umbrage at this,
not until you have taken a vote from every last one of them in this
land that their ancestors founded.

Jimmy Carter was as humane and decent a president as this nation has
had in this last half-century. So it was appalling to see him at
Atlanta Braves baseball games, chanting and chopping a make-believe
tomahawk. There are ways to support a favorite team without making a
mockery of an entire culture and race.

Somebody should take those Cleveland Indians caps with the grinning
red-faced Indian and fling them into Ohio's largest incinerator.
Somebody should go up to an African-American athlete on the Washington
Redskins and ask him how he would like it if his team were known as the
Washington … uh, you know.

I don't mind a team being called the Irish, I really don't. I take
pride in my heritage. I wish we could live in a world in which a
university's teams could be called the Fighting Italians, the Fighting
Mexicans, the Fighting Japanese or the Fighting Germans.

Yet if we get rid of some, mustn't we get rid of all? Can a school
really get away with calling itself the Fighting Irish in the wake of
this NCAA posse's vigilant PC crackdown? Doesn't this scurrilous
nickname need to go? Isn't it time