[Rails] Re: Rails / Rack version mismatch

2014-02-13 Thread Roger Pack
ok for me this meant "manually install rack 1.1.x then install rails 
2.3.18 and magically it works now" ai ai

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Re: [Rails] StatementInvalid error when adding a tagging system to a blog

2014-02-13 Thread Colin Law
On 13 February 2014 06:57, Nadia Vu  wrote:
> Hi there, I'm very new to RoR please be kind.
> I wasn't sure where to go but I was hoping I could find help here after days
> of hair pulling. Stackoverflow was not successful.
> I have followed the Official Beginners Guide to ROR and made a blog.
> I wanted to take it further and add a tagging system to the blog. Im getting
> errors and I don't have enough knowledge of ruby to determine what is
> causing them. Any thoughts/help would be really appreciated.
> So this is the error
> ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in Posts#show
> Showing /home/nadia/blog/app/views/posts/show.html.erb where line #8 raised:
> SQLite3::SQLException: no such column: taggings.post_id: SELECT "tags".*

It says there is no column post_id in the table taggings.  Is it that
you do not think
it should be looking for that column or is it that you know there
should be but think that
it does exist?

You have neglected to show us taggings.rb but I presume it contains
belongs_to post.


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[Rails] Attention Please - Hiring Now: Immediate Need for Ruby on Rails Developer

2014-02-13 Thread Krishna Murthy

*Position: Ruby on Rails DevelopersLocation: McLean, VA.Duration:1-2 
yrsRequired Skills: Applications, AS/400, COBOL, DB2, Developer, 
Development, HTML, IBM, Java, JavaScript, Linux, PC, Programming, Project, 
Quality, Quality Assurance, RPG, Ruby, Software, SQL, Systems, Testing*

KMM Technologies has 2 immediate needs for Ruby on Rails Developers. These 
are long term 1 - 2 year contract positions for our client in McLean, VA.

Our client is using the latest versions of Ruby 1.9 and Rails 3. We'd love 
another Rails guru, but an ability to write quality code for very large 
systems is more important than your years of Rails experience. Knowledge of 
jQuery, RSpec and Linux is helpful.

Our client works in small, self-directed, project-based groups, using an 
Agile methodology, some pair programming and two-week iterations. Every 
developer does some requirements gathering, design and coding. New projects 
and groups form throughout the year. We encourage exploration of new tools 
and techniques. We're looking for someone who enjoys solving problems and 
taming complexity.

 Job Description
The developers will be creating and maintaining software for advertising, 
circulation and marketing operations at our clients newspapers, with the 
goals of increasing customer satisfaction and revenue while limiting costs.
- Modify and write programs, primarily using Ruby on Rails, with HTML, CSS, 
and JQuery, using Agile development methodology
- Create general project design and high-level story list based on 
requirements from newspaper staff
- Write detailed user stories based on general project design
- Perform software quality assurance testing and participate in code reviews

 Job Requirements
- Working knowledge of one or more of the following: Ruby on Rails, 
JavaScript, Linux, DB2, Java, LANSA, RPG, COBOL, IBM iSeries (AS/400), SQL; 
working knowledge of PC's and common office applications
- Strong programming skills, with the ability to follow department 
standards and meeting high levels of quality, clarity and efficiency; 
ability to organize and plan work for

Murthy Pasumarthy
Talent Acquisition Manager
KMM Technologies, Inc.
SBA 8(A), MD/DC MSDC and VA SWaM Certified
Tel: 240-200-9330| Fax: (866) 856 3684
Email : mur...@kmmtechnologies.com



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[Rails] JOBS (I'm looking)

2014-02-13 Thread Tyler Wasden

I just relocated to SLC after finishing a Ruby/JS bootcamp in Austin, TX 
called MakerSquare .  I'm currently looking 
for a junior dev position at a Ruby shop.  If you're looking to hire a 
junior dev get in touch with me and I'll send you my resume with my github 
and links to live projects.


Tyler Wasden


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[Rails] [JOBS] Senior Ruby Developer - Contract in North San Diego

2014-02-13 Thread Gayle Steuckrath
We are seeking a Senior Ruby & Ruby on Rails Developer for a 3-6 month 
project with our direct healthcare client in north San Diego county. This 
is a 40 hour per week onsite project working with a small, talented team. 

Ruby developer must have experience working on custom projects. Our client 
is customizing their claims processing product which is led by a team based 
on the east coast and they are adding a developer in San Diego to round out 
the team. Senior Developer should be a Ruby evangelist and have experience 
migrating code and dealing with version control. 

* BS Degree in Computer Science or related field 
* Strong Ruby and Ruby on Rails experience 

Preferred skills: 
* Engine Yard 
* GIT 
* Force.com  platform experience

Please reply by sending your current resume and contact information to:   

Thank you!
Gayle Steuckrath
The Carrera Agency

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[Rails] StatementInvalid error when adding a tagging system to a blog

2014-02-13 Thread Nadia Vu

Hi there, I'm very new to RoR please be kind.

I wasn't sure where to go but I was hoping I could find help here after 
days of hair pulling. Stackoverflow was not successful. 

I have followed the Official Beginners Guide to ROR and made a blog.

I wanted to take it further and add a tagging system to the blog. Im 
getting errors and I don't have enough knowledge of ruby to determine what 
is causing them. Any thoughts/help would be really appreciated.

So this is the error 
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid in Posts#show

Showing */home/nadia/blog/app/views/posts/show.html.erb* where line *#8*
SQLite3::SQLException: no such column: taggings.post_id: SELECT "tags".* 
FROM "tags" INNER JOIN "taggings" ON "tags"."id" = "taggings"."tag_id" 
WHERE "taggings"."post_id" = ?

Extracted source (around line *#8*):

 8<% @post.tags.each do |tag| %>
 9<%= link_to tag.name, tag_path(tag) %>
10<% end %>



And this a small chunk of the 


def new
 27   @post = Post.new
 29def create
 30   @post = Post.new(post_params)
 32 if @post.save
 33 redirect_to action: :show, id: @post.id
 34  else
 35 render 'new'
 36  end
 39def destroy
 40@post = Post.find(params[:id])
 43 redirect_to action: :index
 44 end

This is my tag_controller

  1 class TagsController < ApplicationController
  3 def show
  4   @tag = Tag.find(params[:id])
  5 end~

my tag.rb

  1 class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base
  2   has_many :taggings
  3   has_many :posts, through: :taggings
  5 end 


  1 class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
  3 has_many :comments, dependent: :destroy
  4 has_many :taggings
  5 has_many :tags, through: :taggings
  6 validates :title,
  7 presence: true,
  8length: { minimum: 5 }
 10   def tag_list
 11self.tags.collect do |tag|
 12   tag.name
 13   end.join(", ")
 14   end
 15   def tag_list=(tags_string)
 16 tag_names = tags_string.split(",").collect{|s| s.strip.downcase}.uniq
 17 new_or_found_tags = tag_names.collect { |name| 
Tag.find_or_create_by(name: name) }
 18 self.tags = new_or_found_tags
 19   end
 20 end~   

and my posts_helper

  1 module PostsHelper
  2   def post_params
  3 params.require(:post).permit(:title, :body, :tag_list)
  4   end
  5 end

Please let me know if I can add any more code that you would need to see

Please please help. I really need to get out of this little rut. And any 
comments would be appreciated.


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[Rails] Re: Proof of concept

2014-02-13 Thread Thompson Edolo
Hi guys, coding has been quite good and I've been able to put together a 
nice app(I'd deploy to heroku soon). I've kinda hit a snag(again?!). As you 
would now know, I'm building a Soccer blog/app and I would like your take 
on how you'd implement the following scenario.

I'm trying to query the Game model for games per week with the current week 
in focus and pagination to previous weeks for past games and future weeks 
for upcoming games. By the way I added a postponed Boolean to the Game 
model to handle games that have been called off. 

Thanks guys.

On Tuesday, January 14, 2014 1:33:49 PM UTC+1, Thompson Edolo wrote:
> Thanks guys, now I am truly excited about this project again. I'll keep 
> you posted on my progress.
> On Tuesday, January 14, 2014 1:44:31 AM UTC+1, Thompson Edolo wrote:
>> Hello everyone. I'm currently building a blog in Rails 4 to serve news 
>> from the local soccer league in my country. The news part has been a breeze 
>> but I have not been able to code the fixtures and result portion.
>> I have been totally stumped as i don't even have an idea on how best to 
>> go about this. To make matters worse, I have to associate these 
>> fixtures/results to their respective pre-match previews and post-match 
>> reviews(I intend to make these normal post entries with a category).
>> Please, I might not necessarily need actual codes. Pseudo codes would 
>> suffice. 
>> Thanks.
>> PS: If you need more info about how i have the app setup, just ask. 
>> Thanks in advance.  

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Re: [Rails] Cucumber test question

2014-02-13 Thread Vell
Alexandru-Emil hit was right on. Once I took out the assertion for creating
the record, once I finally get down to where I am executing my method the
record is still there.

On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 6:48 PM, Alexandru-Emil Lupu wrote:

> Hello!
> I might be wrong, but i think this is causing you problems:
> Given(/^there is at least (\d+) staff info record$/) do |arg1|
>  assert_difference('StaffInfo.count', 1) do
>@staff_info = FactoryGirl.create :staff_info
>  end
> end
> When(/^the shirt size field is empty$/) do
>  assert @staff_info.update_attribute(:shirt_size, nil)
> end
> Most probably is because you are combining cucumber with Rails test,
> meaning you managed to perform a test in a test ... Those assertions might
> be your problem...
> I haven't met this behavior, but most probably your databse_cleaner is
> cleaning your test after those assertions, which is inside your scenario.
> I'd go for something like this:
> # Populating my Db and Make sure i have at least one
> Given /^there is at least (\d+) staff info record$/ do |arg1|
>   @staff_info = FactoryGirl.create :staff_info
>   (arg1.to_i - 1).times do
> FactoryGirl.create :staff_info
>   end
> end
> # Make sure my model is empty
> When /^the shirt size field is empty$/ do
>  @staff_info.update_attribute(:shirt_size, nil)
> end
> In my support env.rb i would add
> World FactoryGirl::Syntax::Methods
> Then use create(:staff_info) instead of full FactoryGirl.create syntax ...
> Tks.
> A.
> On 12 Feb 2014, at 15:43, jsnark  wrote:
> On Tuesday, February 11, 2014 3:43:40 PM UTC-5, Vell wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I am trying to understand when I try to run a test in cucumber what I am
>> missing that it is failing. I am using FactoryGirl to create my records and
>> using cucumber to test my logic however I know that I am doing something
>> wrong in my testing I just can't seem to figure out what. Here is what I
>> have:
>> Feature:
>> Feature: All features related to staff info
>>   Scenario: notification for empty shirt size
>> Given there is at least 1 staff info record
>> When the shirt size field is empty
>> And the shirt size check is run
>> Then the system should send an email notification
>> Steps:
>> Given(/^there is at least (\d+) staff info record$/) do |arg1|
>>   assert_difference('StaffInfo.count', 1) do
>> @staff_info = FactoryGirl.create :staff_info
>>   end
>> end
>> When(/^the shirt size field is empty$/) do
>>   assert @staff_info.update_attribute(:shirt_size, nil)
>> end
>> When(/^the shirt size check is run$/) do
>>   StaffInfo.check_empty_shirt_fields
>> end
>> Then(/^the system should send an email notification$/) do
>>   pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
>> end
>> Model:
>> class StaffInfo < ActiveRecord::Base
>>   belongs_to :person
>>   scope :empty_shirt_fields, -> { where('shirt_size in (?)', [nil, '']) }
>>   def self.check_empty_shirt_fields
>> staff_with_missing_shirt_sizes = StaffInfo.empty_shirt_fields
>> debugger
>> send_empty_shirt_size_notification staff_with_missing_shirt_sizes if
>> staff_with_missing_shirt_sizes.size >  0
>>   end
>>   def send_empty_shirt_size_notification(staff_records)
>> Mailer.missing_shirt_size(staff_records).deliver
>>   end
>> end
>> What is happening is, when I hit the 3rd test I did a check to see if the
>> record was present (StaffInfo.count) and it was. But after running
>> StaffInfo.check_empty_shirt_fields, I did a check for the record and it
>> was gone. I am not understanding how my record could have disappeared when
>> I all my method was doing was checking for any records with a missing field.
>> Anyone have any ideas?
> The default behavior of cucumber is to run each scenario in a transaction
> and then do a rollback when the scenario completes.  The behavior is
> specified by the DatabaseCleaner.strategy in the env.rb file/
> --
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Re: [Rails] Re: Cucumber test question

2014-02-13 Thread Vell
Thanks Kosmas, I will try that as well as the advice from Alexandru-Emil
and see if I can make some progress. Yes I am on the cukes list so I will
definitely post there if I am still having issues.

On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 5:32 AM, Kosmas  wrote:

> On Tuesday, 11 February 2014 21:43:40 UTC+1, Vell wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I am trying to understand when I try to run a test in cucumber what I am
>> missing that it is failing. I am using FactoryGirl to create my records and
>> using cucumber to test my logic however I know that I am doing something
>> wrong in my testing I just can't seem to figure out what. Here is what I
>> have:
>> Feature:
>> Feature: All features related to staff info
>>   Scenario: notification for empty shirt size
>> Given there is at least 1 staff info record
>> When the shirt size field is empty
>> And the shirt size check is run
>> Then the system should send an email notification
>> Steps:
>> Given(/^there is at least (\d+) staff info record$/) do |arg1|
>>   assert_difference('StaffInfo.count', 1) do
>> @staff_info = FactoryGirl.create :staff_info
>>   end
>> end
>> When(/^the shirt size field is empty$/) do
>>   assert @staff_info.update_attribute(:shirt_size, nil)
>> end
>> When(/^the shirt size check is run$/) do
>>   StaffInfo.check_empty_shirt_fields
>> end
>> Then(/^the system should send an email notification$/) do
>>   pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
>> end
>> Model:
>> class StaffInfo < ActiveRecord::Base
>>   belongs_to :person
>>   scope :empty_shirt_fields, -> { where('shirt_size in (?)', [nil, '']) }
>>   def self.check_empty_shirt_fields
>> staff_with_missing_shirt_sizes = StaffInfo.empty_shirt_fields
>> debugger
>> send_empty_shirt_size_notification staff_with_missing_shirt_sizes if
>> staff_with_missing_shirt_sizes.size >  0
>>   end
>>   def send_empty_shirt_size_notification(staff_records)
>> Mailer.missing_shirt_size(staff_records).deliver
>>   end
>> end
>> What is happening is, when I hit the 3rd test I did a check to see if the
>> record was present (StaffInfo.count) and it was. But after running
>> StaffInfo.check_empty_shirt_fields, I did a check for the record and it
>> was gone. I am not understanding how my record could have disappeared when
>> I all my method was doing was checking for any records with a missing field.
>> Anyone have any ideas?
>  Vell,
> One way to be able to find out what is happening is:
> a) tag your scenario with @pause, that will pause after each step.
> b) Open a terminal and have a look at the test log file: tail -f
> log/test.log
> That way you can see what is happening in the test database at each step,
> and when records are created, and/or the database is cleared.
> P.S. It would also be a better idea to post your question in the cucumber
> email list if you still have problems
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/cukes
>  --
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[Rails] Re: Cucumber test question

2014-02-13 Thread Kosmas

On Tuesday, 11 February 2014 21:43:40 UTC+1, Vell wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am trying to understand when I try to run a test in cucumber what I am 
> missing that it is failing. I am using FactoryGirl to create my records and 
> using cucumber to test my logic however I know that I am doing something 
> wrong in my testing I just can't seem to figure out what. Here is what I 
> have:
> Feature:
> Feature: All features related to staff info
>   Scenario: notification for empty shirt size
> Given there is at least 1 staff info record
> When the shirt size field is empty
> And the shirt size check is run
> Then the system should send an email notification
> Steps:
> Given(/^there is at least (\d+) staff info record$/) do |arg1|
>   assert_difference('StaffInfo.count', 1) do
> @staff_info = FactoryGirl.create :staff_info
>   end
> end
> When(/^the shirt size field is empty$/) do
>   assert @staff_info.update_attribute(:shirt_size, nil)
> end
> When(/^the shirt size check is run$/) do
>   StaffInfo.check_empty_shirt_fields
> end
> Then(/^the system should send an email notification$/) do
>   pending # express the regexp above with the code you wish you had
> end
> Model:
> class StaffInfo < ActiveRecord::Base
>   belongs_to :person
>   scope :empty_shirt_fields, -> { where('shirt_size in (?)', [nil, '']) }
>   def self.check_empty_shirt_fields
> staff_with_missing_shirt_sizes = StaffInfo.empty_shirt_fields
> debugger
> send_empty_shirt_size_notification staff_with_missing_shirt_sizes if 
> staff_with_missing_shirt_sizes.size >  0
>   end
>   def send_empty_shirt_size_notification(staff_records)
> Mailer.missing_shirt_size(staff_records).deliver
>   end
> end
> What is happening is, when I hit the 3rd test I did a check to see if the 
> record was present (StaffInfo.count) and it was. But after running   
> StaffInfo.check_empty_shirt_fields, I did a check for the record and it was 
> gone. I am not understanding how my record could have disappeared when I 
> all my method was doing was checking for any records with a missing field.
> Anyone have any ideas?


One way to be able to find out what is happening is:

a) tag your scenario with @pause, that will pause after each step.
b) Open a terminal and have a look at the test log file: tail -f 

That way you can see what is happening in the test database at each step, 
and when records are created, and/or the database is cleared.

P.S. It would also be a better idea to post your question in the cucumber 
email list if you still have problems 

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