[Rails] Re: "Best practice" for accessing session from model

2009-12-20 Thread Lin Wj

totally got lost ploughing thru Userstamp's code
probably a good time for me to start learning some metaprogramming
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[Rails] "Best practice" for accessing session from model

2009-12-20 Thread Lin Wj
i need to do update pm a "updated_by" field with a session variable
"user" on a model after_save.

but accessing session variables from models is supposedly bad

whats the usual best practice for this kinda scenario ?
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[Rails] logging in using current Windows user information

2009-08-31 Thread Lin Wj

is it possible to fetch the current logged in window user information
for authentication / log in purposes ?
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[Rails] Help with Code Tweaking

2009-04-03 Thread Lin Wj

scenario : select distinct years from members and their respective
record count of that particular year.

eg:  [{year = 2008 , count = 45123},{year = 2007 , count = 12332} ]

previously , i was using "select distinct tochar(datetime)" , it ended
up taking quite a while to fetch the records so i switched to this code.

relationship group 1 : N members

rootgroup is a pretched group

member = root_group.members.find(:all,
  :select => "max(datetime) as maxdate,min(datetime) as mindate"

return member.mindate.year.upto(member.maxdate.year).inject({}) do

  #return hash with year and member count for that year

  compare_date = Date.new(year,1,1)

  {year , root_group.members.find(
   :conditions => [ "datetime >= ? AND datetime < ?",
 compare_date + 1.year ],
:select => 'count(*)')}

any ideas on how to tweak it ?

it really looks quite clumsy at the moment
and iam repeating the code for drilling into the months and days ,
it really feels like bad practice.

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[Rails] how to use Wsdl2ruby generated files

2009-03-02 Thread Lin Wj

i am cloning a current soap server to ruby
and i have zero experience in this soap thing.

i did a wsdl2ruby on the url and generated 3 riles


how do i use the files to setup a soap server ?
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[Rails] Re: ActiveWebService returning custom types

2009-03-02 Thread Lin Wj

nevermind the above posts
i wasnt paying attention

i created a model Sample

changed code to

class TestApi < ActionWebService::API::Base
   api_method :get_me, :returns => [Sample]

class MarketdataController < ApplicationController
  def poll
Sample.find(:all,:limit =>1)

here i get all sorts of mapping errors

returns => [Sample]#it should expect a Sample object

i return a Sample.find(:all,:limit=>1)[0]
and i get a "Cannot map Sample to SOAP/OM"

i return a Sample.find(:all,:limit=>1) #which would return an array 
containing Sample objects , it errors out and says
"Don't know how to cast Array to Sample"
thats expected

then i tried this
returns => [[Sample]] #it should expect an array of sample objects ?
i return a sample.find(:all,:limit=>1)
and i get a "Cannot map Array to SOAP/OM"

Any ideas on how to get it to cast properly ?

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[Rails] Re: ActiveWebService returning custom types

2009-03-01 Thread Lin Wj

disregard this section
 indices = get_indices()
 stocks = get_stocks()
 summary = get_summary()
 current_time = DateTime.now
 tempsnapshot = Snapshot.new(indices,stocks,summary,current_time)

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[Rails] ActiveWebService returning custom types

2009-03-01 Thread Lin Wj

class Sampleclass
 attr_reader :temp_arr,:temp_hash,:temp_str
  def initialize(temp_arr,temp_hash,temp_str)

class TestApi < ActionWebService::API::Base
   api_method :get_me, :returns => [Sampleclass]

class TestController < ApplicationController
  wsdl_service_name 'Test'
  web_service_api TestApi
  web_service_scaffold :invocation if Rails.env == 'development'

  def get_me
indices = get_indices()
stocks = get_stocks()
summary = get_summary()
current_time = DateTime.now
tempsnapshot = Snapshot.new(indices,stocks,summary,current_time)
 {'a' => '1',
  'b' => '2' },
 'something' ) ]

i got this error
Don't know how to cast Sampleclass to Sampleclass

how do i define custom classes as return paramters
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[Rails] Actionwebservice for rails2.2.2 / ruby 1.8.7

2009-02-27 Thread Lin Wj

has anyone gotten action actionwebservice to work for this config ?

tried instructions from

and got a "activate': can't activate actionpack"   on server startup
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[Rails] strict XHTML compliant ajax library

2009-02-26 Thread Lin Wj

problem : i have to develope a app using ajax features and it has to run
in an environment(web tv related) which is very strict about XHTML

and ajax codes generated by rails doesnt seem to be compliant.
(they work on normal webpages , but not in the webtv env)

other than writing my own ajax codes and including them as helpers.

is there any other way ?

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[Rails] setting header in views?

2009-01-13 Thread Lin Wj

currently iam using FasterCSV to render csv pages

format.csv do
csv_string = FasterCSV.generate do |csv|
  # header row
  csv << @query_result[0].keys

  @query_result.each do |x|
csv << x.values
#send it to the browser
send_data csv_string,
  :type => 'text/csv; charset=iso-8859-1; header=present',
  :disposition => "attachment; filename=#{'data'}.csv"

i wanted to contain the "display codes" inside a view so i tried using
respond_to do |format|
and having a matching show.csv.erb

but i cant set the header information
-> send_data csv_string,
  :type => 'text/csv; charset=iso-8859-1; header=present',
  :disposition => "attachment; filename=#{'data'}.csv"
inside the view itself

anyway to do it ?
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