[Rails] Re: Need Help!

2009-04-07 Thread glennswest

Few things come to mind here.
I've done this exact app before.
I keep my devices in a table. The Rails app just displays the
from the table. A background daemon does the actual monitoring.
I get alot more details in my version, including mapping what mac/ip
address are on
which switch port, and using SNMP to the switch to do discovery of

The moral of this is break you ping into a separate process/task. Then
poll yours AP's
and update there status with ActiveRecord.

If you need some help, I can certainly give you some pointers.

glennswest at yahoo dot com dot sg

On Apr 7, 10:31 am, Junior Junior wangsa rails-mailing-l...@andreas-
s.net wrote:

 i'm new at ruby on rails..
 first i have a table with a column named status(this column use to store
 a status of an access point (online or offline) after my application
 have done pinging the access point)

 i use a net-ping library..

 how can i update the data in column status automatically.

 can somebody explain this code?

       @nodestat = Node.all.map do |node|{
           :Status = PingExternal.new(node.ipadd)? Online : Offline}

 and why the status always Online

 Any ideas would be very gratefully received!

 Thank You.
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[Rails] Re: Creating Complex ActiveResource objects

2009-04-07 Thread glennswest

Yes you would normally update pings as they occur, unless your
thinking of submitting
a xml and doing a bulk update. So the pinger is doing a butch of
pings, then
sending the results to the backend?
Then you just need to convert a local array to a xml file and submit
it to your Restful web app.

On Apr 7, 6:45 am, Carl Fyffe carl.fy...@gmail.com wrote:
 Given the following models:

 class Uptime  ActiveRecord::Base
   has_many :pings

 class Ping  ActiveRecord::Base
   belongs_to :uptime

 I can create an ActiveResource that will get the uptimes and ping models:

 class UptimeResource  ActiveResource::Base
   self.site = http://localhost:3000;
   self.element_name = uptime

 class PingResource  UptimeResource
   self.element_name = ping

 If the information exists in the database, I can do
 UptimeResource.find(1).pings and get a list of pings. But how can I
 create pings besides creating an UptimeResource and then creating the
 pings separately. I am trying to save the XML into an XML Database and
 bypass a relational database (client requirements). I wish I had
 something like CouchDB_fu but for XML databases...

 Is this a job for DataMapper? I am open to any strategy. Swift kicks
 to the head welcome.

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[Rails] Re: Need Ruby on Rails Senior Developer

2009-04-07 Thread glennswest

App is interesting, sound like you need someone with drive
and deep experience. Did I say DRIVE :).

I'm held the post of CTO, but still very hands on, and very intense.
If you need someone to get in, roll up the sleves and get something
done, I dont mind.

Far as your question, I usually set down in a large screen, and have
the reference I need, and get things done. I've done 500+ table rails
app in aviation, so lot of what you saying seems really simple to me.

drop me a mail at glennswest at yahoo dot come dot sg

On Apr 7, 4:35 am, eborhood.com rajan...@gmail.com wrote:
 Company: Eborhood
 Industry: Ecommerce/communication/Real Estate - map-based search,
 communication, and execution
 Location: Based in Texas
 Pay: over $50K-$250K - more if you're worth it

 We are in need of a programmer that has a great set of ruby/rails
 skills.  We have had a few problems hitting deadlines because some
 programmers would do things at their convenience.  We need a serious
 programmer that has full knowledge of the ruby on fails framework.  If
 you think you're serious, then send a portfolio or resume to

 Anyway, a little more information about Eborhood.com.  This hub
 focuses on connecting local people, places, and things while helping
 them interact in a meaningful way - unlike Facebook, MySpace or
 Twitter.  Eborhood allows users to interact and execute on their
 desires.  We're not talking about anything x-rated, we are talking
 about that Nintendo Wii you couldn't find for your child for
 Christmas!  In sum, we offer many different services such as online
 leasing to bartering, all local.  We also are creating a peer to peer
 systems for finance and logistics. It's going to be great.  We want
 someone on our team who feels the same way.

 I could go on about this, but let's just get down to the point.  We
 need to finish out some of our widgets that were made by our last
 programmers.  If you are deeply intrigued and interested, contact us
 for the beta link which is unavailable to the public at the moment.

 Many of our features and updates are not pushed out and are on hold
 until we find the best individual to add the finishing touches.  Below
 are some thing we require our lead ruby developer to know:

     * Widgets - creating, editing
     * EC2 setup
     * Google Maps configuration  usage
     * Sphinx configuration  usage
     * Code compatibility across all computers and operating systems
     * Complete knowledge of Ajax
     * Google Maps API
     * PCI compliancy

 Our current developer will ask you something like this:

     * What does acts_as_relationable do for each subclassed models?

 If you feel like you have the skill set for the above, then we can
 offer the salary that best matches your skill set.  We are open to
 suggestions from you.  We also offer vacation days and shares if you
 go above and beyond our expectations.

 We look forward to hearing from you.


 Rajan Babaria
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[Rails] Re: Ridiculously Slow View Rendering

2009-04-07 Thread glennswest

Yep I agree there, you should create thumbs that
are totally separate. Otherwise your sending megs instead of
K. And you can create the thumbs on new user signup. I've done
that, and it woks really well. Really need to check your image sizes.

On Apr 7, 5:18 am, Harold A. Giménez Ch. harold.gime...@gmail.com
 To be honest, I really don't know what's going on, but I would try
 commenting out the image_tag. First of all, it is probably causing another
 trip to the DB per user. Second, I don't know how heavy the images are, but
 using height and width may be hiding the fact that they're big, and you're
 just using html to scale them down on your view. Do you see similar results
 when completely removing the images on that _user partial?

 On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 5:10 PM, Avishai avishai.we...@gmail.com wrote:

  When I leave the params off and just go for a straight index, I'm
  still seeing this:

  Processing UsersController#index [GET]
   Parameters: {action=index, controller=users}
   User Load (5.6ms)   SELECT * FROM `users` ORDER BY users.created_at
  DESC LIMIT 0, 10
   SQL (0.4ms)   SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM `users`
  Rendering template within layouts/application
  Rendering users/index
  Rendered users/_user (432.4ms)
  Rendered users/_user (133.4ms)
  Rendered users/_user (96.1ms)
  Rendered users/_user (202.4ms)
  Rendered users/_user (26.1ms)
  Rendered users/_user (55.6ms)
  Rendered users/_user (51.3ms)
  Rendered users/_user (21.8ms)
  Rendered users/_user (38.3ms)
  Rendered users/_user (47.9ms)
  User Load (9.3ms)   SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (`users`.`id` = 1)
  Rendered users/_search (67.1ms)
   SQL (3.8ms)   SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM `messages` WHERE
  (`messages`.receiver_id = 1 AND (`messages`.`read` = 0))
  Rendered users/_user_bar (134.7ms)
  Completed in 1861ms (View: 1534, DB: 19)

  I had thought that it had something had to do with the size of the
  about_me as mentioned before, but I checked again, and some of those
  long-rendering user partials had no content for the about_me field...

  Any other ideas as to why this could be taking so long to render?

  Thanks a lot


  On Apr 6, 2:55 pm, Avishai avishai.we...@gmail.com wrote:
   I tried a bunch of different searches, and it's actually loading
   reasonably quickly still...  500ms at least.

   Also, in the process I upgraded from Rails 2.2.1 to 2.3.2, so maybe
   that helped somewhat too.


   On Apr 6, 2:13 pm, Harold A. Giménez Ch. harold.gime...@gmail.com

This is good to know.
Completed in 319ms (View: 288, DB: 27)
319ms is not hardly close to your original 11386ms.

I notice that your params below do not have any of the search
([:user][:interests], etc). If you run the view using the criteria,
performance degrade?

On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 1:50 PM, Avishai avishai.we...@gmail.com

 Fred, I took your suggestion to up the log level and this is what it

 Processing UsersController#index [GET]
  Parameters: {action=index, controller=users, page=11}
  User Load (26.0ms)   SELECT * FROM `users` ORDER BY users.created_at
 DESC LIMIT 100, 10
  SQL (0.2ms)   SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM `users`
 Rendering template within layouts/application
 Rendering users/index
 Rendered users/_user (3.7ms)
 Rendered users/_user (2.9ms)
 Rendered users/_user (3.1ms)
 Rendered users/_user (42.6ms)
 Rendered users/_user (39.6ms)
 Rendered users/_user (121.2ms)
 Rendered users/_user (32.9ms)
 Rendered users/_user (4.9ms)
 Rendered users/_user (14.7ms)
 Rendered users/_user (2.7ms)
  User Load (0.2ms)   SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE (`users`.`id` = 1)
 Rendered users/_search (3.0ms)
 Rendered users/_user_bar (2.1ms)
 Completed in 319ms (View: 288, DB: 27)

 However, once I hit refresh a bunch of times, all those partials drop
 to only a few ms each. Including the ones that show as 40, 120, etc
 above. Those long ones all had text in the about_me


 On Apr 6, 1:37 pm, Avishai avishai.we...@gmail.com wrote:
  Interesting. Maybe something is going on in the controller. I've
  running the resulting SQL queries directly, and they still seem to
  fetching pretty quickly...

  The controller contains a lot of conditionals, maybe that's the
  I've used Newrelic RPM to analyze my SQL, and it looks like for
  everything there's no USING FILESYSTEM, so indexes are set up
  properly... The about_me column is a regular freetext column (TEXT
  think), so the length varies anywhere from zero to a few paragraphs
  text. The photos are handled with paperclip, but are just URLs, not
  the actual files in the DB. Could it still be a bandwidth still be
  issue DB = webserver if they're on the same box?


[Rails] Re: Wizard like data entry

2009-04-06 Thread glennswest

This is a stateful type processing, and you can do redirects after
each submit.
Also you can keep track of the time of the last state, and then use
rufus-scheduler to
run a cleanup task from time to time.

There is also a call in rails to let you redirect on the server, so on
the submit of step 1,
you redirect to the beginning of step 2.

You must also thing of the condition where the user stops in the

Rails after all is stateless, so your state should be in a table
Also depending on your implementation your step 1 etc may actually run
in a different
mongrel process if your  doing load balancing.

If you need help, drop me a line.

My blog: http://mentalpagingspace.blogspot.com

On Apr 6, 2:30 pm, Indu RS rails-mailing-l...@andreas-s.net wrote:
 Hello after having searched the forums I couldn't find any solution to
 this problem:

 I want to implement a multi step form across models.

 Step 1: Enter requested username/ password/image etc - User model
 Step 2: Enter Employer Job Conditions information - EmployerJobCondition
 Step 3: Enter Canditate Job Conditions information -
 CandidateJobCondition model
 In the third step only I want to store all the informations.

 The problem is if a user is created in step 1 and then exits his browser
 during step 2, thus a record in the users table is dangling, no good.Any
 suggestion for wizard like data entry? Ive looked at the Wizard plugin
 (http://github.com/crankin/wizard/tree/master), however it doesnt seam
 like it addresses the issue mentioned above.
 Pls help by giving suggestions for the above mentioned problem .
 Thanks in advance.
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[Rails] Re: Where to store scrape results?

2009-04-06 Thread glennswest

Just thinking, your scrape should probably be in a worker, stick the
results in
a db, Depending on what your using, you configure it to be a temp
table even.
Then in your search window you can do ajax based updated from the
With the ability to then clear up the cache. You get more concurrency,
and with
the right javascript you could cancel the scrape in process.

Think this would scale and be more responsive

On Apr 5, 10:02 pm, Adam Akhtar rails-mailing-l...@andreas-s.net
 Excellent thanks once again Andrew! Appreciate your advice.

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[Rails] Re: Where to store scrape results?

2009-04-06 Thread glennswest

Here's your problem in rails:

Your web server is single threaded, so while you scrapping, its not
doing anything else, so you will
need more mongrels to take care of the users.

Generally you scale by having more threads, and cpu working on the
The database is probably not going to be your bottleneck for a while,
its more the

Why dont I train you a bit. We can do a screen share/skype session.

On Apr 6, 9:27 pm, Adam Akhtar rails-mailing-l...@andreas-s.net
 Thanks glennswest, im relatively new to rails. Whilst i think i
 understood what you said can you (or anyone else) elaborate furhter on
 the points below? I really appreciated your help.

  Just thinking, your scrape should probably be in a worker,

 when you say a worker i take it you mean some temporary database?

 Depending on what your using, you configure it to be a temp
  table even.
  Then in your search window you can do ajax based updated from the

 From the above do you mean whilst im scraping results from sites, when
 one sites results get added to the db and i go off scraping another
 sites results, i can simultaneously show the results that were just
 added to the screen?

  With the ability to then clear up the cache.

 after i get all the results and display them to the screen i can then
 clear the table?

  You get more concurrency,

 Wasnt too sure what you meant by this but thats because im fresh to
 rails and cant gather from the context.

  and with
  the right javascript you could cancel the scrape in process.

 ahh so if whilst im scraping and simultaneously presenting already
 scraped data from the db, the user decides to cancel the request, via
 some javascript call i can terminate the outstanding scrape tasks and
 move on?

  Think this would scale and be more responsive

 In general how fast/slow is it to update a table with around 1000
 results? is it fast enough to handle this situation? Id prefer to stick
 the objects in a temporary db because then id get to use existing
 activerecord methods and mysql statements. Im just worrying about the

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[Rails] Re: Where to store scrape results?

2009-04-05 Thread glennswest

You can easily create a table, and stick it in as a row.
in rails sqlite is easy enough, if you site is bigger you
can use db2.
If its like most sites, you make a result table
that is associated to a user table.
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[Rails] Re: Rails Stability

2008-11-18 Thread glennswest

Your code is past being old in ruby and rails terms.
Almost everything has been updated/fixed and resolved.
I've got production sites that have been running for 6 months, with
a reboot at most once a month. (On windows). On linux,
no problem at all. Update and run it on passenger.

I run code on windows and linux, and find the portability is great.
Long with running it over half a dozen different databases.

Php is Not portable, nor stable from my past projects.

On Nov 18, 1:04 am, Fernando Perez [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Frederick Cheung wrote:
  On 17 Nov 2008, at 16:09, Bobnation wrote:

  Don't let that one blog entry turn you away. Like Jeremy said, a lot
  of stuff can cause instabilities, including configuration. I would
  search around for some hosts and see which ones are having the
  greatest luck with mod_rails (or another config) and maybe even think
  about running your own virtual server somewhere just for the fun.

  eg see
  All the 37signals stuff will be moving to mod_rails soonish


 I run Nginx+Thin each in its own virtual machine. My Thin virtual
 machine only crashed once, but I can't tell you why, anyway it was
 simply a matter of restarting the VM. Probably a memory leak somewhere
 in the code.
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[Rails] Re: ROR switcher asks Does ROR offer CRUD form (admin interfaces) auto-generation for databases?

2008-11-13 Thread glennswest

Here my strategy for such a app.

1. Export\copy the existing database schema, and a snapshot of the
data into your database of choice.
I usually use a ruby application at dbi level, or a rake task. On my
blog there are several reviews of doing this.
This also gets you a chance to cleanup the data. Fix things like
ID being missing, junk data, and build any needed relationships.
2. From the imported data, I use another script to generate all my
controllers, models, and even menu's.
I use ActiveScaffold to handle the view, models are simple as well.
For menus I use tabnav.
3. Edit the menus to organize it to a more useful format
4. At this point you can actually use the app
5. Start adding and customizing the app to fufill the app. AS is
highly customizable.
6. Use RoleRequirment to separate your roles.

I've done this for 10-500 tables in a single app.
Even merging multiple apps into one rails app.

For reference look thru mentalpagingspace.blogspot.com

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[Rails] Re: Getting started with ROR when you come from the desktop world with no experience in developing web application

2008-11-02 Thread glennswest

It depends on what you have interest in doing.

For my applications, there database focused.

So here is the getting something going in the shortest possible

1. Get the Ruby Cookbook fro Oreilly. (Keep on your desk)
2. ProActive Record is another one I would keep handy.
3. Choose a project.
4. Use the following plugins:
a. ActiveScaffold
b. Tabnav/Widgets
5. Use sqlite to start. (I used oracle to start, but I work in a
6. Start your app.

The lovely part of using activescaffold, is its highly customizable.
So you can go
far not writing any dhtml/xml/dom/css. Yes your have a enterprisey
looking app,
but your have it in short order. I've done apps with 20-30 tables,
write a conversion script
to import the data, write a generator script to generate controllers
and models, and had
it up and running and usable in 4 days.

It all depends on the type of applications you want to do.

You might want to look at mentalpagingspace.blogspot.com
lots of experience I've gained in using ruby and rails for large
scale corp applications.

At this point I feel I can do anything from a Stock trading
applications to a MRP/ERP system
using ruby on rails. (And can do it in windows or linux).

On Nov 2, 1:44 am, Tarek Demiati [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I’m very interested in starting with ROR, however I do not know where
 to start, I’ve a background as a developer of desktop application, the
 web is new to me, there seems to be a lot of things to master in order
 to become an efficient ROR developer, So I’m a bit confuse on what
 should I learn first : HTTP,DHTML,XML,DOM,Javascript, CSS and then
 Ruby on Rails ?

 I’m aware that ROR does many of the low level dirty work for you, so
 it hides the complexity from you

 So my questions are :

 1/ Do you think someone can be a good ROR developer without mastering
 the following technologies : HTTP,DHTML,XML,DOM,Javascript, CSS

 2/ Which books would you advise me to read (ideally in chronological

 3/ Does the learning curve can be pretty steep for someone who do not
 come from a web development culture (ie : Java/J2EE)

 4/ I would also appreciate book recommendations for :
 HTTP,DHTML,XML,DOM,Javascript, CSS, Ruby, Rails

 Best Regards from France,
 Tarek Demiati
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[Rails] Re: the performance debate

2008-10-08 Thread glennswest

Well the had excellent references.
And I've look at it. But by software engineering standands
php is spagetting code.

Ruby is modular, and for once the object oriented nature works quite
ActiveRecord works well as well.
Show me php applications that can handle 400 different tables, that
be developed by one guy in two weeks?

I've seen a few php developers that were ok, but its not something I'd
recommend a fortune 500 use to do a proper application.

On Oct 8, 10:09 am, Maurício Linhares [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Tue, Oct 7, 2008 at 11:03 PM, glennswest [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Is Ruby Faster to Develop than PHP?
  Yes (What 5 people did in a year, I did in a week)

 Crappy developers, what a shame :)

  Can I make my Rails App Faster than the old PHP APP?

  Is Ruby the bottleneck?

  Can I learn new things in ruby fast?

  Can I get them into Production fast?

  Can I scale applications to support billion dollar Multi-national

  I know a dozen languges(Of the computer type), a kernel hacker, device
  driver writer,
  and a embedded systems developer. I can  make ruby stand up and shout,
  and I can do it
  with a hour a day.

  After having 5 man years into a PHP project, we scrapped it, and I
  recoded it in rails
  in no time at all, by myself.

 Maybe you should try to learn a litlte bit more of PHP and worry less about
 kernel hacking or device drivers.

 Maurício Linhareshttp://alinhavado.wordpress.com/(pt-br) 
 João Pessoa, PB, +55 83 8867-7208- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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