Re: [rules-users] Planner with a list of planning variables

2013-06-03 Thread Justin Case
Cool, that should work as well :) thanks a lot for the prompt reply!

> From: Geoffrey De Smet 
>To: Rules Users List  
>Sent: Monday, June 3, 2013 3:05 PM
>Subject: Re: [rules-users] Planner with a list of planning variables
>Currently, Planner only supports a single value for a @PlanningVariable 
>Here's the issue for that:
>But in your case, I 'd just do it like this:
>class Recipe extends Solution { 
>  List ...;
>  List ...; // of size 5
>  ...
>class Ingredient {...}
>class Assignment {
>   private int index; // Ingredient 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5?
>   private Ingredient ingredient;
>   @PlanningVariable()
>   @ValueRange(...)
>   public Ingredient getIngredient() {...}
>   ...
rules-users mailing list

[rules-users] Planner with a list of planning variables

2013-06-03 Thread Justin Case
Hello all,
can I use as planning variable a list of values? 
Here's a test use case: planning a food recipe, where the recipe can have say 
maximally 5 ingredients (taken from the solution property, I guess). So far I 
could find in the examples and documentation, it's all about ONE planning 
variable in the solution, but here I'd need a LIST of such... is it actually 
doable this way? 
I cannot do it the other way around, as an ingredient may be found in more 

Many thanks,
rules-users mailing list

Re: [rules-users] drools grid or other high availability solution?

2012-11-11 Thread Justin Case
In my plan, there are a few DRools servers running stateless, integrated with 
Apache Camel for HA/load balancing. 
I didn't get yet (by reading the docs) how to get it running, might be because 
I don't know Camel either...

How does the Drools server support High Availability?
>Can you run multiple instances and have load sharing (I guess no?)
>How about failover (like if facts are persisted to a shared database?)
rules-users mailing list

Re: [rules-users] drools grid or other high availability solution?

2012-11-09 Thread Justin Case
D'uh how could I have missed that. You're so right, I will check with Camel.

Thank you Mauricio!

> From: Mauricio Salatino 
>To: Justin Case ; Rules Users List 
>Sent: Friday, November 9, 2012 6:35 PM
>Subject: Re: [rules-users] drools grid or other high availability solution?
>Hi Justin,
>We are working on it, drools-grid was an experimental project to start the 
>We also have the Drools Server using camel, and we will continue the 
>development of the remoting APIs, probably after the next release.
rules-users mailing list

Re: [rules-users] drools grid or other high availability solution?

2012-11-09 Thread Justin Case
Not even a single idea? :(


- Original Message -
> From: Justin Case 
> To: "" 
> Cc: 
> Sent: Wednesday, November 7, 2012 3:33 PM
> Subject: [rules-users] drools grid or other high availability solution?
> Hello all,
> I noticed there's not much fuss about drools-grid (anymore?). Is there 
> something still going on there? Is it recommendable for something reliable? 
> Or if not, do you have any hints/links/experience on how to achieve a certain 
> high availability level with DRools servers?
> Many thanks,
> JC
> ___
> rules-users mailing list
rules-users mailing list

[rules-users] drools grid or other high availability solution?

2012-11-07 Thread Justin Case
Hello all,
I noticed there's not much fuss about drools-grid (anymore?). Is there 
something still going on there? Is it recommendable for something reliable? 
Or if not, do you have any hints/links/experience on how to achieve a certain 
high availability level with DRools servers?
Many thanks,
rules-users mailing list

Re: [rules-users] Drools Rule Editor based on Eclipse RCP

2011-07-12 Thread Justin Case
Eclipse has a DRools plugin (on the downloads page) with offered such editors, 
but also they are not supported anymore as far as I understand. 


- Original Message 
> From: magendo 
> To:
> Sent: Tue, July 12, 2011 3:40:08 PM
> Subject: [rules-users] Drools Rule Editor based on Eclipse RCP
> Would it be possible to build a Drools Rule Editor based on the Eclipse  RCP?
> I'd like to have an rule editor which works similar to guvnor, but I  need to
> integrate it into my RCP configuration application. Where should I  start in
> order to achieve that? Are any similar projects out there? I have  read in
> different communities about guys who tried to build one, but all  those
> threads are dead now.
> Thanks in advance for helpfull replies  :)
> --
> View this message in context: 
> Sent  from the Drools: User forum mailing list archive at
> ___
> rules-users  mailing list
rules-users mailing list

Re: [rules-users] Starting Guvnor in Eclipse

2011-07-12 Thread Justin Case
Thank you, I had to remove completely the "test" directories from the project 
because once in the project I couldn't unselect them anymore from the launch 
configuration. Now the errors are gone, cool :) I just hope I won't need "test" 
With the abysmal startup speed I guess I have to learn to live - I had 
FastCompiledGuvnor also before. It's almost as slow as JBoss 6...

Thanks a lot for the hints,

>From: Michael Anstis 
>To: Rules Users List 
>Sent: Mon, July 11, 2011 9:42:12 PM
>Subject: Re: [rules-users] Starting Guvnor in Eclipse
>If I am not mistaken you have created a launch configuration in Eclipse for 
>Guvnor (nothing wrong there, I do the same).
>What you need to do is manually delete all references to "test" resources in 
>launch configuration classpath.
>The apparant "lock-up" is GWT compliling JScript from the Java code. It can be 
>made quicker by:-
>* Ensuring no test resources are on the lanch configuration (which will also 
>remove the errors)
>* Using the "FastCompiledGuvnor" module (which only compiles for en_US and 
>Firefox - gecko1_8).
rules-users mailing list

[rules-users] Starting Guvnor in Eclipse

2011-07-11 Thread Justin Case
Hi all,
any Eclipse users around here? 
I have followed the instructions here:
for Eclipse Helios+EGit+m2eclipse.
I downloaded 5.2.0.Final from, 
all Maven projects it could find in the directory (except guvnor-docs which 
misses something and I didn't care).

The Guvnor application will start in development mode, but:
- Firefox is causing often 100% CPU with it (might be the development mode)
- Eclipse Development Mode view shows LOTS of errors like this:
[ERROR] [org.drools.guvnor.Guvnor] - Errors in 

[ERROR] [org.drools.guvnor.Guvnor] - Line 47: No source code is 
available for type 
org.drools.ide.common.server.rules.SuggestionCompletionLoader; did you forget 
inherit a required module?
[ERROR] [org.drools.guvnor.Guvnor] - Line 49: No source code is 
available for type java.util.jar.JarInputStream; did you forget to inherit a 
required module?

Again, one can work also like this but seeing hundreds of errors is not helping 
at all when I try to tinker with something somewhere. Plus there's the 100% CPU 
thing... where and what should I inherit more than Maven is configured already 
to inherit?

Tinkering around:
- I set all other projects as dependencies
- I set to export all sources from all projects (but there it bitches also 
missing java.util sources, who cares about these?)...
- added all these sources to the run configuration
nothing changed, I still have the above errors from both system libraries AND 
project dependencies.

Or do I experience the problem mentioned in this message?

Thanks for any hints,

rules-users mailing list

Re: [rules-users] Drools Expert (5.2.0.Final) documentation; Ch5 issue

2011-07-07 Thread Justin Case
Same problem here in FFx 5  on W7x64. In IE9 it works.

>From: Raf 
>To: Rules Users List 
>Sent: Thu, July 7, 2011 6:49:11 PM
>Subject: Re: [rules-users] Drools Expert (5.2.0.Final) documentation; Ch5 issue
>2011/7/7 Geoffrey De Smet 
>>Yea, this is an issue, but I haven't been able to look into in detail. I 
>>on PTO, so I won't be able to soon.
>>Here's the summary of what I know so far:
>>firefox 3.5 is fine.
>>firefox 5.0 beta stops rendering after the first SVG image.
>>No idea on other browsers/version

I confirm I have the same problem with:
* Firefox 5.0
* Chrome 13.0.782.41 beta
on Ubuntu 11.04

rules-users mailing list

Re: [rules-users] Guvnor another few questions...

2011-07-07 Thread Justin Case

Hi Michael,

>The message sources are available in the org.drools.guvnor.client.messages 

Yes, there's a Constants.CLASS. I cannot edit a class :) there a real 
to compile them instead of using simple text resource 
files and rely on Java bundles mechanism?
>If you can provide a screen-shot it might nudge people's memory better? 
>Unfortunately mine is blank.

I'll have to switch back to M1 for this. I'll be back once I have it.

>As from 5.3 we also set the locale automatically (from the browsers 
>Accept-Language setting in Guvnor.jsp
Uh I always hated that when it came without the option to change it by hand ;) 
but that's probably only me. Windows apps have the bad habit of taking whatever 
else instead of the OS language, so I get all funny languages when I travel 
my laptop (or I use a local keyboard and change the input locale to find the 
special characters).

Thank you,

rules-users mailing list

Re: [rules-users] Guvnor another few questions...

2011-07-07 Thread Justin Case
Hi Vincent,

>You can use predicates in the dialog box for editing a condition column. 
>There are 3 radio buttons for "value", "formula", and "predicate"

Yes, but that looks like a very very limited version of the literal value. 
I really don't see any benefit in the predicate, other than being a shortcut 
choosing a field literal value = true or false... am I missing something here?

>But I agree that template offer more possibilities (in term of rule 
>complexity) that tables, which must handle "flat" POJO. For you initial 
>question, ie using functions in tables, the simpler way is to add a method 
>in the POJO itself, but may be not the cleaner way ... Indeed, using 

>often lead to some model adaptations...

We ended indeed adding a "fake" method to the POJO, and I hate it :)

>You can switch the langage used by adding   "?langage=fr_FR" parameter to 
>the guvnor URL. 
>You can also provide a resource file translated to your favorite   langage 
>(by browsing the trunk or a grep code) in a JIRA.

Yes, and nothing happens as there's no resource file around. All these JIRAs 
nothing about WHERE in the directory structure the resource file shall be 
placed... and based on Michael's answer this won't be a trivial endeavor 
(recompiling the app for a language switch?? sorry, I can't call this real i8n.)

>POJO upload :
>You need to "SAVE" the package (File/Save in the package tab) after an 
>upload for the new class to be updated (and old one to be deleted). 
>is not enough (was in 5.1, not in 5.2)

Uh oh. This was the missing link, thanks a lot!

> >Model... is there anything I can do about that? A Java POJO model   once 
> >uploaded is just a jar blob afterwards, not usable from Eclipse anymore...
>Via Webdav it (should) works if you upload a .jar file. Works in 5.2m2 for 
>me, but you still need to save the package (and create the import list in 
>the package view too, or upload a drools.package file) to see your classes

I see, I understand now. 
Well, unless one can upload a Java _source_ file or link it somehow, just 
the files still doesn't bring much except some comfort "look here they are".

>Guided editors are no longer supported by eclipse plugin (brl was, gdst 
>never was). Officialy due to a lack of interest from the users ... brl was 
>very badly handled anyway, so may be it is better like this. 

Well, at least we know where we stand. Editing them in both places didn't make 
much sense anyway. I'm fine with editing business rules in Guvnor, if I only 
could edit/link the model classes and technical rules in Eclipse...

>But you can still download it to your local drive, and edit it in XML (if 
>you really want to).

No no thank you :)

> >8. Clicking in Eclipse in the Guvnor perspective a freshly   created 
> >rule 

> >flow (nothing uploaded yet) throws an exception as well...
>How can you have a "not uploaded yet" resource in the Guvnor perspective 
>(view rather that perspective I think) ?

I create a new rule flow in _Guvnor_. I land on the "upload resource" tab. The 
RF is created but it's obviously empty. I do nothing there but immediately 
switch to Eclipse, refresh Guvnor repo view, click on the freshly created RF, 

Many thanks,

rules-users mailing list

Re: [rules-users] Guvnor another few questions...

2011-07-06 Thread Justin Case
Thank you Michael for your quick answer :) I certainly hope there will be 
somewhere some answer to the other points as well.

>You can use a predicate within a pattern by selecting "Predicate" as the  
>Condition Column type. These compile to inline evals. It is not however  
>possible to define a predicate that is not part of a pattern.

No idea what these are :) but I'll definitely look into them.

>If, in your example, $var and $date are constants you could look into using a 
>Template instead of Decision Table. You'll find there is greater flexibility 

>what DRL you can define.
I noticed I can create Templates, but I didn't think about them in that way 
(templates MORE flexible??). Worth a try indeed.

>The community edition (i.e. Guvnor, not JBoss BRMS) has translations for 

>fr_FR, ja_JP, pt_BR, zh_CN and en_US. GWT compiles the resources away into 
>JScript. Depending upon your locale GWT will only dispatch the relevant 

>to your browser.

I have the Guvnor (not JBoss BRMS) and can't see any of them. Not even the which should be the "regular" language file...
Where do these guys get their files??? I (and my folks) would gladly share the 
translation - if we ever come to do one.

>I find this observation strange, as the JAR is just stored as a BLOB in JCR 

>the latest version retrieved to build suggestions available for rule authoring.
>There are however known issues, logged in JIRA, with Validation not clearing 
>down correctly which could lead to what you report.

Indeed the validation might be a cause, or it's not only the Validator leaving 
old skeletons behind :) A few days ago a teammate of me showed me the problem 
5.2.0.M1 AND ALSO showed be a dialog list with the actual model classes AND the 
old class, saying "hey but I can remove it from here and it verifies ok". Now 
all upgragded to 5.2.0.Final and we can't find that dialog anymore :( I kind of 
miss it anyway, it would always be nice to see what classes you have in your 
uploaded model. Did 5.2.0.Final remove it?

>Not in my experience. I often upload POJO JARs (with 5.2 at least) and am able 
>to work with the classes defined therein without a restart. 

Might have to do with the above problem anyway...

>I suspect you are accessing the 
>"Declarative Model" resources from a Guvnor repository using the Eclipse 

>facilities (given the context of your surrounding questions). AFAIK, 
>models are not available this way - they are stored on the Asset in the 
>repository using XStream to serialise the internal object graph to XML. It 
>however be an interesting idea to provide a means to retrieve their DRL 
>equivalent through WebDAV. If you'd like to pursue this please raise a JIRA 
>capturing your requirement and details of your specification.

Correct, this is what I was expecting: some support from the Eclipse Guvnor 
plugin. I can imagine however that this would be just priority pit-bottom on 
developers todo list :)

>Why is this a problem? As you say the field, presumably privately called 
>"aThing" is accessible via the getter "AThing"?
>Does your DRL not compile?

Well this is not a "real" problem, it works also this way. But the field should 
look like all others: the "getMyField()" accessor of the Java POJO will show 
"myField", but "getAThing()" will show "AThing" - notice the different 

Thank you,

rules-users mailing list

[rules-users] Guvnor another few questions...

2011-07-06 Thread Justin Case
Hi all,

I played a bit with 5.2.0.Final and I have a couple of more questions, I don't 
know whether I misread the documentation or I just expect too much...

1. Can I use functions in a web decision table columns? Because if yes, I just 
can't figure out how... Either way would be good, calling a function defined in 
Guvnor or calling a static function of some model class (like 
ModelClass.getMyParameter(...) ). Anything which would result to an eval() 
block... or should I use a "formula" caclulation type then enter in each cell 
the same eval(function()) call? Even so, I still need a rule like:

2. I see discussions about translations of Guvnor GUI, and I see them 
a certain file. I can't see that file anywhere in my 
installation, nor any other language translation for that matter although 
and Spanish were mentioned. Is there by chance a German translation around, and 
even if no, how can one generate and use one?

3. I have the feeling that uploading a new version of the POJO model jar 
the existing classes only. That is, if I remove a class from the Java model and 
upload it again, then package validation will fail because it doesn't find the 
old class (even when NOT used by any rule or anything I know of). Wasn't there 
somewhere a Guvnor dialog where one could remove POJO model classes by hand one 
by one? I kind of remember such a class list...

4. And is it really that way that uploading a new POJO model requires an 
application restart to actually use it?

5. If I upload something from Eclipse it lands under "Other assets, 
documentation" even if they are Java classes which I hoped would land under 
Model... is there anything I can do about that? A Java POJO model once uploaded 
is just a jar blob afterwards, not usable from Eclipse anymore...

6. The declarative model defined in Guvnor is not much usable in Eclipse 
comes as an unrecognized text file. I didn't try to edit it in Eclipse, the 
of integration in the application classes would bring nothing. Could the 
declarative model mapped somehow to some Java classes (or generate classes out 
of it)?

7. Clicking a Guvnor repository business rule file in Eclipse throws a WebDav 
error "not found", both for brl and gdsl files. Could it have to do with the 
fact that the package doesn't validate at the moment?

8. Clicking in Eclipse in the Guvnor perspective a freshly created rule flow 
(nothing uploaded yet) throws an exception as well...

9. If I have a model class with a field called aThing, it will have an accessor 
called getAThing(). Guvnor after POJO import will keep both capitals - thus in 
the field selection dropdowns I will have the field AThing... should this be my 
only problem.

Thank you for any answers,

rules-users mailing list

Re: [rules-users] Guvnor errors stay forever

2011-07-05 Thread Justin Case
>From: Michael Anstis 
>Please raise a new JIRA for the first problem (HTTP500). Please include an 
>example rule that causes the failure.

I will do all that as soon as I will be able to login to JIRA (can't do much 
about "Sorry, an error occurred trying to log you in - please try again."). 
Nevertheless I think a 4th issue related to the same thing - unhandled Verifier 
errors  - is going to split the efforts...

Thank you very much,

rules-users mailing list

[rules-users] Guvnor errors stay forever

2011-07-04 Thread Justin Case
Hi all,

Here's a funny thing I experience:
I declare a function and do the mistake of verifying it before editing 
while it's still a template (so it has chevrons). The verify obviously fails - 
but with a HTTP error 500! Server crashed?? Indeed I can see in the console:
at [:1.6.0_12]
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Verifier Errors:
[ERR 102] Line 1:9 mismatched input '<' in function
[ERR 102] Line 1:36 mismatched input '<' in function "calculateAge"
[ERR 102] Line 1:46 mismatched input '>' in function "calculateAge"
Parser returned a null Package
I see quite a few JIRAs about incomplete exception handling - GUVNOR-741, 
GUVNOR-690, GUVNOR-536, should I add the above to any of them?

Whatever, an error is an error, but here comes the real problem:

After the above I come to realize that each analysis of a package keeps adding 
the results of the previous ones, so the Errors/Warnings list just grows and 
grows. An old error will always come again even though the item it refers to is 
not even existing anymore (so I cannot analyse/verify anything reliably). I 
renamed the above function, I edited it so it doesn't have the chevrons, its 
code can be validated fine, but nevertheless Guvnor keeps throwing the same 
error 500 and the JBoss console keeps complaining about the ld function 
calculateAge and its chevrons each time I verify or analyse. And it does that 
repeating the message for each retry once more. Either the error list is not 
cleaned after the verify, or some artifacts live too long. Logout and relogon 
keeps the list, but restarting JBoss solves the problem.
I really have the feeling GUVNOR-1499 has the same underlying problem...

For the record: I'm on 5.2.0.Final on JBoss 6, Java 6 on Windows XP.

Thank you very much,
rules-users mailing list

Re: [rules-users] Building a rule base from the content of a directory

2010-11-21 Thread Justin Case

> Are you talking about  DroolsCompilerAntTask and DroolsVerifierAntTask 

> Ant tasks (that I discovered  after having read you email)?

I actually wrote my own compiler task, for reasons of playing with the  class 
loader and pre-merging all files - performance-increasing tricks  which with 
5.1.1 don't bring anything anymore. So yes, the Drools own Ant task is today 
just as good.

> the Drools RCP plugin enables to create "rule resources",  either "rule 
> packages" (a DRL file with package, import, globals...) in a  single DRL 
> For the  moment I tend to think that, like in Guvnor UI, the solution is 
> to have  conventions (this directory contains "individual rules", that 
> directory  contains "rule packages", that one "business  rules"...).

I'm using only DRL files (technical, like your rule packages) and they are  
indeed grouped by naming conventions. I don't find this way particularly  great 
and I think I should allocate some time to rethink it...


rules-users mailing list

[rules-users] Re: Building a rule base from the content of a directory

2010-11-19 Thread Justin Case
I'm happily using an Ant task for that - registered as Eclipse external 
But I don't feel it exactly like cutting edge...

rules-users mailing list

[rules-users] compiling performance dropped with 5.0.1 to 5.1.1 upgrade

2010-11-17 Thread Justin Case
Hi all,

my set of rules (100 files, 20 rules/file) was taking 30 seconds to compile 
until yesterday. Now I upgraded DRools to 5.1.1 and it takes about 2 minutes to 
compile. I'm on Windows XP and cannot notice any memory or CPU bottlenecks.

I'm using an Ant task to do it, and the timing is exactly the same whether I'm 
using the DRools Ant compiler task, or I define a compiler task of my own. I 
see in my own compiler task that this particular line is spending a few seconds 
per DRL file:

builder.add( res, ResourceType.DRL );

so the effective compilation is the culprit right? I tried also to merge all 
DRL files and compile them all-at-once but this didn't change anything.

Do you have any idea what might have changed between 5.0 and 5.1 or what I 
do to have it like before? Or even faster, of course :)

Thanks a lot,

rules-users mailing list

Re: [rules-users] Unable to load dialect java from Ant task

2008-09-22 Thread Justin Case
Oh I see. I added now all the eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.*.jar to the 
classpath and guess what
Now the question: is this Ant task documented somewhere and I just dumbly 
missed it, or should somebody put together the required steps? Even I could do 
it, although I'm no DRools guru...

Anyway, thank you very much, all of you!

--- On Mon, 9/22/08, Mark Proctor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> the only Eclipe jar drools depends on is Eclipse JDT
> Compiler, which is 
> available separately and is up on ibiblio.

rules-users mailing list

Re: [rules-users] Unable to load dialect java from Ant task

2008-09-22 Thread Justin Case
Thanks a lot for the answer. The problem is exactly that one: how could I know 
what the dependencies for the DRools compiler are?! I thought this list would 
know :)) Anyway, I'll print out the Eclipse runtime classpath and compare them 
two to see what stands out. 

The Ant task is mentioned here and there in the documentation (albeit without 
examples) so I kinda thought more people are using it. An older thread of this 
same list talks about adding (only) the drools-ant to the classpath, which of 
course solves the ant task itself but none of its dependencies... I find it 
difficult to believe that the compiler depends on some Eclipse stuff, 
especially after I added ALL the jars existing in the Eclipse configuration. 
The only thing I cannot directly rule out is the classloader issue, but that's 
also the only thing I have no idea how to debug/solve :(

Thank you,

--- On Sun, 9/21/08, Edson Tirelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is always related to classpath problems. Make sure you have all
> dependencies set in your classpath and if that does not work, maybe 
> make an> example project with the error available somewhere that
> another person can take a look at it. (don't think you can send zip
> attachements to the list, but not sure).
>Eclipse-plugin embeds a series of dependency jars that are 
> transparently added to the classpath. That is the major reason you may
> see the problem outside of eclipse, but not inside. Classloader
> configuration is also another reason.
> 2008/9/18 Soterro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I have a perfectly running Eclipse 3.3 with DRools
> 4.0.4 and JDK 1.5.14.
> > The rules are compiled with a post build Ant task
> which uses Janino (need
> > it for Tomcat compatibility).
> > Now OUTSIDE Eclipse it seems I cannot use that Ant
> task to save my life :(
> > I tried switching from Janino to the default compiler,
> same thing. I always
> > get this infamous error:
> >
> >  E:\buildRules-hudson.xml:30: RuleBaseTask failed:
> Unable to load dialect
> > 
> ''
> >at
> >
> >(
> >at
> >
> >at
> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
> >at
> >
> sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.
> >java:39)
> >at
> sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
> >
> >at
> java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
> >at
> >
> >:105)
> >at
> >  [...]
> >  Caused by: org.drools.RuntimeDroolsException: Unable
> to load dialect
> > 
> ''
> >at
> org.drools.compiler.PackageBuilderConfiguration.addDialect(
> >
> >at
> org.drools.compiler.PackageBuilderConfiguration.
> >   
> buildDialectConfigurationMap(
> >at
> org.drools.compiler.PackageBuilderConfiguration.init(
> >
> >at
> org.drools.compiler.PackageBuilderConfiguration.(
> >
> >at
> >
> >
> >at
> >
> >
> > That "DroolsCompilerAntTaskStandalone" is my
> task using the default
> > compiler like this:
> >PackageBuilderConfiguration conf = new
> PackageBuilderConfiguration();
> >conf.setClassLoader( loader );
> >PackageBuilder builder = new PackageBuilder( conf
> );
> >
> > If I use Janino like below the error is exactly the
> same...
> >PackageBuilderConfiguration pkgBuilderCfg = new
> >PackageBuilderConfiguration();
> >pkgBuilderCfg.setClassLoader( loader );
> >JavaDialectConfiguration javaConf =
> (JavaDialectConfiguration)
> >pkgBuilderCfg.getDialectConfiguration(
> "java" );
> >javaConf.setCompiler(
> JavaDialectConfiguration.JANINO );
> >PackageBuilder builder = new PackageBuilder(
> pkgBuilderCfg );
> >
> > Again, in Eclipse all is working fine. I checked
> Ant's classpath, here it
> > is:
> > 
> E:\apache-ant-1.7.0\bin\..\lib\ant-launcher.jar
> >  E:\apache-ant-1.7.0\lib\*.jar
> >  C:\Program
> Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_14\lib\tools.jar
> >
> > Here is how I provide a classpath:
> > classname="
> >DroolsCompilerAntTaskStandalone"
> > clas