Re: [rust-dev] rustpkg use scenarios

2013-06-28 Thread Tim Chevalier
Graydon answered this pretty thoroughly, but just to add:

On Thu, Jun 27, 2013 at 2:39 PM, SiegeLord wrote:
 Scenario 4: Fetching/building without installation

 Building without installing:

  rustpkg build URI

 If you then run `rustpkg install URI` or `rustpkg install --package bar`,
 then it'll use that pre-built copy without fetching the sources and building

This is the intended behavior, though currently it will rebuild,
because isn't implemented

 them again. Speaking of fetching, this would just fetch the sources:

  rustpkg fetch URI

Planned -- see

Also, I opened for Zack's
suggestions about versions.


Tim Chevalier * * Often in error, never in doubt
Not a riot, it's a rebellion. -- Boots Riley
Attention Bros and Trolls: When I call out your spew, I'm not angry,
I'm defiant. -- Reg Braithwaite
Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Language support for external iterators (new for loop)

2013-06-28 Thread Niko Matsakis
Specificity is the cost of non-virtual dispatch. However, if it is
truly undesirable in some cases, we can eventually permit you to
return `~Iteratorint`, once ~-objects work properly.


On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 11:49:07PM +0100, Gareth Smith wrote:
 One downside of external iterators is that they produce function
 signatures that expose implementation details and are harder to
 For example, an internal iterator function that loops over odd
 numbers would have a signature like this:
 fn each_odd(ints: [int], fn(int) - bool) - bool;
 The same function written to produce an external iterator would have
 a signature more like this:
 fn iter_odds'a(ints: 'a [int]) - iterator::FilterMapIterator'a,
 int, int, vec::VecIterator'a, int;
 This signature is more complicated. It is also likely to change if
 the implementation of iter_odds changes (e.g. to no longer use
 On 26/06/13 04:44, Daniel Micay wrote:
 This is a followup from the previous discussion on internal vs. external
 Since then, most iterators in the standard library have been converted to
 external ones. Almost all uses of the `for` loop are now using the `.advance`
 wrapper, and I don't think there will be any use cases left for the old
 internal iteration protocol.
 # External iterators
 To reiterate the benefits of the external iteration protocol:
 * It's generic and works well with traits, so functions can be written to 
on any arbitrary `IteratorA`. Most adaptors can work for any type `A`,
whether it's a value, reference or mutable reference.
 * Iteration state is an object, so iterators can be interleaved. This is
required for a generic zip, merge, union, intersect, etc. and is often 
in an ad-hoc fashion to consume only some of an iterator without
losing it.
 * In the future, Rust can have generators using a `yield` statement like C#,
compiling down to a fast state machine without requiring context switches,
virtual functions or even closures. This would eliminate the difficulty of
coding recursive traversals by-hand with external iterators.
 # Alternatives
 The iteration protocol can't be based on anything requiring virtual method
 calls, heap allocations or context switches without the performance becoming
 significantly worse.
 There have been some suggestions about following the lead of Clojure and 
 reducers[2], but the implementation suffers from the same limitations of not
 having an external state.
 Rust doesn't yet have a way to write data-parallel code, but when it does 
 that, containers can just support partitioning themselves into ranges via
 `Iterator`. It will work for in-place mutation in parallel too.
 # A new loop
 I think it's a foregone conclusion that we'll be replacing `for`, so I 
 that we just reuse the current syntax and change the semantics:
  for iterator |pattern| { body }
 This can just be compiled as the following would be:
  let mut it = iterator;
  loop {
  match {
  Some(pattern) = { body }
  None = break
 A lang item can be added for the Iterator trait requirement.
 This would avoid the `.advance` tacked onto almost every `for` loop at the
 moment, and rid us of the problems associated with the current `for`:
 * The `break` and `return` statements can fail to work, so borrow/liveness
checking can't trust them. A loop body can't take an `mut` reference and
return it because it could result in grabbing the reference again. This 
seems to be why we forbid `return` inside closures and do statements, 
  since it
would be confusing to have to act differently than `for`.
 * The function's local variables are upvars in the closure, so using them is
very restricted. It's very obvious that it's not just another block 
of this.
 * Compiling closures is slow, as they have to broken down by SROA and involve
inlining a function after proving the function pointer is constant. If we
were marking the function pointers as `llvm.invariant` it might stop 
  being a
performance hit, but it would remain a compile time issue.
 # Iterables
 The `for` loop above can also be extended to work for *any* `Iterable` in the
 future, not just iterators themselves.
  for iterable |x| { ... } // use the default iterator
  for iterable.rev_iter |x| { ... } // use another iterator
 At the moment, the `Iterable` trait cannot be defined/used because the 
 ignores bounds on trait type parameters, but it would be something like the
  #[lang = iterable]
  trait IterableA, T: IteratorA {
  fn iter(self) - T;
  trait ReverseIterableA, T: IteratorA {
  fn rev_iter(self) - T;
  trait MutableIterableA, T: IteratorA {
  fn mut_iter(mut self) - T;

Re: [rust-dev] Language support for external iterators (new for loop)

2013-06-28 Thread Patrick Walton

On 6/28/13 11:23 AM, Niko Matsakis wrote:

Specificity is the cost of non-virtual dispatch. However, if it is
truly undesirable in some cases, we can eventually permit you to
return `~Iteratorint`, once ~-objects work properly.

They basically do now (in master), no?


Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Language support for external iterators (new for loop)

2013-06-28 Thread Niko Matsakis
On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 11:44:10PM -0400, Daniel Micay wrote:
 Rust doesn't yet have a way to write data-parallel code, but when it does gain
 that, containers can just support partitioning themselves into ranges via
 `Iterator`. It will work for in-place mutation in parallel too.

I do not follow what you mean by support partitioning themselves into
ranges via `Iterator`.  That said, I don't think the optimal
sequential protocol will necessarily be the optimal parallel protocol,
and it's not clear to me how general it will be to have a protocol
that yields slices. It'd work ok for vectors and btrees but perhaps
not that much else?

I suspect the best thing will be to have the iterable trait optimized
for sequential access, and provide a second trait to be used for
optimal parallel access, probably some kind of
divide-and-conquer-like trait that can split an iterator into two
other iterators. For types that lack the DivideAndConquer trait, you
could also have a poor man's DC that is implemented in terms of an
iterator, or just serialize to a vec.

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] mk_t() and interning in middle/

2013-06-28 Thread Michael Wörister
Ah, thanks for clearing that up. That makes much more sense now :)
On Jun 28, 2013 10:04 PM, Björn Steinbrink wrote:


 On 2013.06.28 13:27:57 +0200, Michael Woerister wrote:
  I hope this question is not too specific for the mailing list, but I
  stumbled upon something I don't understand today and thought I'd
  better ask.
  In librustc/middle/ there is the mk_t() function which creates
  and caches objects of type t from values of type sty. However,
  the way it uses the cache seems kind of strange, especially the key
  creation at the beginning:
  fn mk_t(cx: ctxt, st: sty) - t {
  // Check for primitive types.
  // ... omitted here ...
  let key = intern_key { sty: to_unsafe_ptr(st) };
  match cx.interner.find(key) {
Some(t) = unsafe { return cast::transmute(t.sty); },
_ = ()
  The intern_key is created by taking a pointer to st, which in
  effect is the address of the argument slot on the stack. That can't
  be right, can it?

 The IterBytes implementation for intern_key, which is used to generate
 the key for the hashmap, derefs the stored pointer, so it's using the
 actual value on the stack. And when actually interning, the interned
 value has a sty field, which is referenced by the key for that value,
 so the pointer in the intern_key stays valid as long as the value is in
 the interner.


Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Language support for external iterators (new for loop)

2013-06-28 Thread Graydon Hoare

On 13-06-28 11:23 AM, Niko Matsakis wrote:

Specificity is the cost of non-virtual dispatch. However, if it is
truly undesirable in some cases, we can eventually permit you to
return `~Iteratorint`, once ~-objects work properly.

This is interesting. I assume we'd want these to be Iterator cast to 
Iterator, no? But we can't really do that in a return value; we'd 
have to return the Iterator and have the caller cast it to Iterator. 
~-allocating here seems a bit much..


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