Re: [rust-dev] Rust discourse visibility [Was: Tail call compatibility]

2014-12-29 Thread Benjamin Herr
On Mon, 2014-12-29 at 13:02 -0800, Kevin Cantu wrote:
 It's easy to set up discuss to email you all the time, too: give it a

That still loses you the thread structure of email discussion. I also
can't start threads via the mail interface, and the mail interface
regularly eats whole replies by people who are optimistic enough to to
use it like nmatsakis. People can also edit their posts to append more
information and I don't believe the mail interface would inform me of

Also the settings page in Discourse invariably says  We'll only email
you if we haven't seen you in the last 10 minutes and you haven't read
the thing we're emailing you about.  which doesn't give me much
confidence that I'm not somehow missing messages after following links
on irc or wherever.
 It had gotten pretty clear that having a catch-all mailing list wasn't
 going to scale.

It also doesn't scale for people to come to terms with a separate web
based discussion forum for each project they keep up with or contribute

Many projects use multiple mailing lists, it's not clear to me why that
doesn't address the rust team's requirements.

 On Dec 29, 2014 10:57 AM, Dmitry Romanov
 I agree on almost every word. I have well sorted and with love
 configured mail, where I track several Libre projects. Now it
 is interesting to track rust questions. But dropping maillist
 most probably means I will not participate any more.
 I could add, as example, I have very limited Internet
 connection on cristmass trip now so the mail on my mobile is
 the only reliable way to track what is happening. Think about
 this reason too.
 On Dec 29, 2014 7:22 PM, Paul Nathan wrote:
 I have no desire to use Discourse, and nearly
 certainly won't sign up for it (I don't even
 understand why it came to be). I have never used Rust
 discourse besides happening once upon it and reading
 the linked thread.
  My membership in mailing lists is neatly sorted and
 segregated, easily readable on my mobile devices
 without extra signing up or poking at badly designed
 websites. Discourse gives me zero advantage for yet
 *another* website signup, and probably with less
 usability, given my experience of web site development
  design.  It's worth noting that every single libre
 software project I have any interest in (from the
 arcane to the popular) maintains the mailing list as
 the primary official channel of communiques.
 If the Rust admins kill the mailing list, I will
 probably drop out of participation (what a loss. ;) )
 and limit participation to lurking reddit's /r/rust (I
 don't contribute thoughtful stuff to reddit in part
 due to the fact that mobile website = awful, readers
 = ehhh and occasional IRC questions. 
 I am sure I sound like a crabby crank, but, meh. 
 On Sat, Dec 27, 2014 at 9:02 AM, Clark Gaebel wrote:
 There was a thread about it on... Discourse!
 On Sat, Dec 27, 2014 at 11:53 AM, Tomi
 Pieviläinen wrote:
  The mailing list is mostly dead BTW.
 Consider bringing this up on instead. 
 This is the first time I've heard of
 that. I checked that it isn't 
 even linked on the homepage, but the
 mailing list and IRC are. 
 Have I missed something, or should the
 discourse then be linked 
 instead of or at least in addition of
 the mailing list? 
 Tomi Pieviläinen, +358 400 487 504 

Re: [rust-dev] Confusing way to declare a uint

2014-11-03 Thread Benjamin Herr
With the other numeric types, I'd assume. 0_i8, 0_f32 etc all work.

On Mon, 2014-11-03 at 15:25 -0500, Evan G wrote:
 Not consistent with what? The syntax for number literals is taken
 directly from C/C++, and is used by many other languages.
 On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 3:19 PM, Jake Scott wrote:
 I was trying to declare a uint using this:
 let a: uint = 0_uint;
 But the correct way to declare it is:
 let a: uint = 0u;
 Anyone else think that's not consistent? 
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Re: [rust-dev] Met with a terrible fate

2014-07-02 Thread Benjamin Herr

Anything in the std lib that touches the runtime (task spawning and
concurrency stuff, i/o, probably `GcT` and some things I'm forgetting)
will assert that it's being called from within a rust task, meaning it
can obtain a reference to the runtime object providing those services
from it.

As far as I know, your options are pretty much to try really hard to
avoid using that functionality in code called from C, or arrange for
everything that makes use of the runtime into to be wrapped in a call to
`native::start()` or `green::start()`, which start up and tear down a
runtime object to make it available to user code they run.

This isn't super satisfying so I hope someone proves me wrong and
provides a better option. I vaguely hope that in the long run there'll
be something you can call from all extern C functions like
that would make sure that subsequent code can use runtime services
without requiring C code to be significantly restructured (and ideally
also something more lightweight to catch task failure before it tries to
unwind through C code), but afaik we aren't there yet.


On Thu, 2014-07-03 at 00:07 +0200, Isak Andersson wrote:

 I have written a library in Rust that has some pub extern fv's in it
 so that they are callable from C. I wrote a C program to try calling
 these functions and I was met with the following message:
 % ./test
 You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?
 fatal runtime error: Could not unwind stack, error = 5
 zsh: illegal hardware instruction  ./test
 To begin with, nice reference!
 Second of all. How do I fix this, I am guessing that I need to start
 the rust runtime or something but I don't know how to do this, if
 someone could point me in the right direction that would be great!
 If you need more specific code examples of what I'm doing I can
 provide it it's just that I'm gonna sleep now and it doesn't seem like
 that's all too relevant. Also I did link to the libraries in the order
 it told me to.
 Isak Andersson
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Re: [rust-dev] Syntax sugar: Vec Rc RefCell Box Foo - VecRcRefCellBoxFoo

2014-06-29 Thread Benjamin Herr
I realize that, but simplifying



Arc (Exclusive (Vec (Box (Buffer T

wouldn't really buy us that much.

On Sun, 2014-06-29 at 09:50 -0700, Cameron Zwarich wrote:
 This is pretty confusing to me because it’s associative in the opposite 
 direction that function application is associative in functional languages 
 with automatic currying.
 On Jun 28, 2014, at 3:48 PM, Benjamin Herr wrote:
  So, I've been vaguely concerned that types in a less sigil-heavy Rust
  inevitably devolve into what some call spikey lisp, and tried to come
  up with some more lightweight syntax. Of course, just removing syntax is
  the easiest way to make it weigh less, and it seems like the following
  doesn't actually break the grammar dramatically (only some macros!):
  In parsing a path, if a path segment is immediately followed by an
  identifier, start parsing another type right away and use it as the only
  element of the type parameter list for the current path segment.
  This is fairly limited:
  * It won't work for absolute paths as type parameters
   (since they'll look like just another path segment)
  * It also doesn't work for non-path types in type parameter lists
  * It doesn't simplify multiple type parameters
  I think that's okay, since it's a simplification that applies well to a
  lot of simple cases, and might still reduce the total depth of ``, ``
  nesting in more complicated cases.
  So, for example, the following desugarings would apply:
Vec String
 = VecString
Arc RWLock Vec f64
 = ArcRWLockVecf64
Arc Exclusive Vec Box Buffer T
 = ArcExclusiveVecBoxBufferT // from libsync
RefCell DefIdMap Rc Vec Rc TraitRef
 = RefCellDefIdMapRcVecRcTraitRef// from librustc
HashMapVec String, Vec Rc Cell int
 = HashMapVecString, VecRcCellint
AddComplex T, Complex T
 = AddComplexT, ComplexT
std::mem::size_of RefCell String()  // maybe a bit much?
 = std::mem::size_of::RefCellString())
  I've patched that into libsyntax and `make check` passes...
  ... after changing some macros, since it basically means that adjacent
  identifiers parse as a single type (or expression, if we omit `::`
  too) and some macros try to match `($x:ty fake_keyword_ident ...)`, or
  have a case for `($x:expr)` and another for `(fake_keyword $x:expr)`, or
  just `($t:ty)*`. Seems like just chomping down on all adjacent
  identifiers makes the parser pretty aggressive...
  Yeah, okay, I don't know if this is really a good idea, and it's
  probably not RFC-worthy at this point, but imo it does make the syntax a
  bit easier on the eyes, and I think that's something we ought to look at
  at some point.
  Rust-dev mailing list

Rust-dev mailing list

[rust-dev] Syntax sugar: Vec Rc RefCell Box Foo - VecRcRefCellBoxFoo

2014-06-28 Thread Benjamin Herr
So, I've been vaguely concerned that types in a less sigil-heavy Rust
inevitably devolve into what some call spikey lisp, and tried to come
up with some more lightweight syntax. Of course, just removing syntax is
the easiest way to make it weigh less, and it seems like the following
doesn't actually break the grammar dramatically (only some macros!):

In parsing a path, if a path segment is immediately followed by an
identifier, start parsing another type right away and use it as the only
element of the type parameter list for the current path segment.

This is fairly limited:

* It won't work for absolute paths as type parameters
  (since they'll look like just another path segment)
* It also doesn't work for non-path types in type parameter lists
* It doesn't simplify multiple type parameters

I think that's okay, since it's a simplification that applies well to a
lot of simple cases, and might still reduce the total depth of ``, ``
nesting in more complicated cases.

So, for example, the following desugarings would apply:

   Vec String
= VecString

   Arc RWLock Vec f64
= ArcRWLockVecf64

   Arc Exclusive Vec Box Buffer T
= ArcExclusiveVecBoxBufferT // from libsync

   RefCell DefIdMap Rc Vec Rc TraitRef
= RefCellDefIdMapRcVecRcTraitRef// from librustc

   HashMapVec String, Vec Rc Cell int
= HashMapVecString, VecRcCellint

   AddComplex T, Complex T
= AddComplexT, ComplexT

   std::mem::size_of RefCell String()  // maybe a bit much?
= std::mem::size_of::RefCellString())

I've patched that into libsyntax and `make check` passes...

... after changing some macros, since it basically means that adjacent
identifiers parse as a single type (or expression, if we omit `::`
too) and some macros try to match `($x:ty fake_keyword_ident ...)`, or
have a case for `($x:expr)` and another for `(fake_keyword $x:expr)`, or
just `($t:ty)*`. Seems like just chomping down on all adjacent
identifiers makes the parser pretty aggressive...

Yeah, okay, I don't know if this is really a good idea, and it's
probably not RFC-worthy at this point, but imo it does make the syntax a
bit easier on the eyes, and I think that's something we ought to look at
at some point.

Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Proposal: Change Parametric Polymorphism Declaration Syntax

2014-02-02 Thread Benjamin Herr

On Sun, 2014-02-02 at 14:45 +1300, Nick Cameron wrote:

 - The change adds boilerplate and nomenclature that is likely
 unfamiliar to our target audience - 'for all' is well known to
 functional programmers, but I believe that is not true for most users
 of C++ (or Java). Being closer to the C++/Java syntax for generics is
 probably more 'intuitive

So instead of 'for all', use 'template', and we're closer to C++ syntax
than ever!

templateT: typename, U: typename
struct Foo { ... }

templateT: typename, U: typename
impl TraitT for FooT, U { ... }

templateT: typename, U: typename
fn foo(...) { ... }


fwiw, like C++, Java generic methods also put the  type parameter list
in front of the function signature rather than behind the function name:

public static T extends ComparableT
int countGreaterThan(T[] anArray, T elem) { ... } 

... while C# apparently compromises and puts the type parameters between
the function name and value parameter list, but leaves the bounds for

 public static bool ContainsT(IEnumerableT collection, T item) 
   where T : IComparableT;

Neither approach translates too well into Rust, but that Rust is almost
the odd one out here makes me sympathetic to the desire to avoid
breaking up particularly function declarations between the name and the
value parameter list too much, in spite of the familiarity argument.

Of course, like everything else, that has to be balanced with avoiding
superficial but far-reaching overhauls of the language at the eleventh
hour. Alas!


Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] do

2013-11-30 Thread Benjamin Herr
On Sat, 2013-11-30 at 09:34 +0200, Oren Ben-Kiki wrote:

 This is a lose-lose situation. If the container takes a `proc`, then
 Rust complains that it can't capture the non-send-able variable. But
 if the container takes a stack closure, then Rust complains it can't
 use the owned variable. Of course, the container will _not_ send the
 action and will also _not_ call it twice, but it can't express this in
 the action type :-) The only workaround I found is to use a closure
 and wrap each and every non-send-able variable in a cell - this is an
 pointless and downright annoying manual boilerplate code.

I think another previously mentioned workaround is to change all your
closure-taking functions to have a name ending in _with and take an
extra generic parameter by value that is then passed to the closure. In
practice, that might end up being a tuple with all the values you're
need to move into and from within the closure.

It's not ideal and requires cooperation from the API but it probably
reads better than a bunch of cells. :)


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Re: [rust-dev] freeing of locals

2013-11-16 Thread Benjamin Herr

as I understand it, currently, rust zeros variables after cleanup or
when moved from (and adds a drop flag field to structs with cleanup
logic to be zeroed), and so dynamically, at runtime, tracks which
variables need to be freed/have destructors called.

This might change somewhat:


On Sat, 2013-11-16 at 17:59 +0100, spir wrote:
 say a function defines 4 pointed elements of data. Depending on logical 
 conditions, one of them escapes the func to be assigned to some world 
 (static or on heap), while another is returned. How does Rust determine which 
 those data are to be freed? Seems this can only be done dynamically, at 
 or do I miss a relevant point? Is there a cheap algo to do this?
 (Also, those elements of data can be arbitrarily complex, and hold other 
 data which themselves may be placed there conditionally.)
 Thank you,
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Re: [rust-dev] Some suggestions of Rust language

2013-09-25 Thread Benjamin Herr
On Wed, 2013-09-25 at 14:29 -0400, Benjamin Striegel wrote:
 Is there a use case that necessitates such a feature? The following
 code works today:
 let a = 1;
 let b = 2;
 let (a, b) = (b, a);
 Not sure why that wouldn't be sufficient.

Motivating toy example then ;)

fn fib() {
let mut a = 0;
let mut b = 1;

loop {
(a, b) = (b, a + b);

(I miss `let mut (a, b) = ...`!)


Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Some suggestions of Rust language

2013-09-25 Thread Benjamin Herr
On Wed, 2013-09-25 at 15:23 -0600, Jack Moffitt wrote:
  (I miss `let mut (a, b) = ...`!)
 Miss it? Did it ever work? This seems like a bug though. Mutability is
 inherited, so without this there's no way to do mutable destructuring
 bind right?

Apparently it went away in commit f9b54541 and the workaround used there
is `let (foo, bar) = ...; let mut foo = foo;` etc.

Seems intentional, but I don't recall the rationale.


Rust-dev mailing list

Re: [rust-dev] Owned pointers vs raw pointers (newbie question)

2013-05-25 Thread Benjamin Herr
On Sat, 2013-05-25 at 11:09 +0100, Thomas Leonard wrote:


 I'm trying to interface to some C code which uses a lot of structs. I
 can declare these using raw pointers, but then I lose the benefits of
 Rust's compile-time pointer checking. So I tried replacing the raw
 pointers with owned pointers, which more accurately captures the
 meaning of the C interface. But when I do this, the pointers get
 offset by 32 bytes.


Yeah, there's currently some overhead for owned boxes. From what I
understand, they share the structure of the refcounted managed boxes
with most of the fields nulled out (there's a struct to that effect in
I believe).

I figure this is because managed boxes were there first, and owned boxes
kind of grew out of them, and this is going to change eventually when
someone gets around to it...

 For example, I'd like to replace this:
 struct xmlNode {
 name: *i8,
 struct CString;
 struct xmlNode {
 name: ~CString,
 Then I could (I assume) define safe functions on my CString type (len,
 eq, etc) and not have to worry about memory leaks, etc when using them
 from safe code.
 Is this possible?

I don't believe this is possible in general even accounting for the box
headers somehow because rust isn't promising what malloc/free
implementation it is using for owned pointers.

Maybe someone else has a better idea, but you could wrap the unsafe
pointer into a struct with a safe interface and an impl for the Drop
trait that calls libc's free() for much the same semantics, if a bit
more awkward syntax. I think a type like this ought to be in libextra at
some point, but I don't think there is yet. does
something similar with refcounting instead of unique ownership
semantics, maybe that's a starting point.

Good luck,
Benjamin Herr

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