[sage-combinat-devel] progress on simplicial complexes (or "What I did on my summer vacation")

2015-09-10 Thread John H Palmieri
I have been working on improving Sage's capabilities with simplicial 
complexes. With the changes at #19179, #6101, and #6102 (all ready for 
review), we now have

- chain homotopies
- cup products (with field coefficients)
- cohomology as a FiniteDimensionalAlgebra (with field coefficients)
- Steenrod squares acting on cohomology (mod 2 coefficients)
- maps on homology and cohomology induced by maps of simplicial complexes 
(with field coefficients)

There is one speed bottleneck, the computation of an "algebraic topological 
model" for the simplicial complex. This should probably be cythonized, but 
I am not the person to do that. This could also be done with integer 
coefficients, but that requires a different algorithm. I can provide a 
reference if anyone wants to work on it. That will be even slower than with 
field coefficients, of course.

If you are interested in this sort of mathematics, please take a look at 
the relevant tickets.

http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/19179  (which is also incorporated into 

Share and Enjoy.


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[sage-combinat-devel] Categories and the top level

2015-04-14 Thread John H Palmieri
I've been wondering lately about the design choice of having all of the 
various categories accessible at the top-level in Sage. Would it be 
preferable to have a catalog of categories accessible via 
categories.AdditiveMagmas(), etc.? Having more than 50 categories could 
be viewed as polluting the top-level. I certainly notice that when I hit 
the TAB key, I often see a bunch of categories in the list of possible 
completions, and I never actually use them, despite the fact that 
categories and functors underlie much of my research. Of course, I'm 
probably missing something. How often do people use these in Sage, and how 
much of an inconvenience would it be if you had to prefix them with 
categories. each time?

Oh, and just to be clear, I am not volunteering to make any necessary 
changes. Nor am I against the status quo: I'm genuinely curious about the 
best approach here.


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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: dot2tex

2014-04-26 Thread John H Palmieri

On Saturday, April 26, 2014 11:31:43 AM UTC-7, slabbe wrote:

One issue that is bugging me 
isA https://github.com/kjellmf/dot2tex/issues/13 

I'm not able to reproduce the issue with \verb in the current 
version. I may have fixed it or things may have changed in Graphviz or 
pyparsing. Can you confirm if this issue is still an issue in Sage? 

 I reported that issue. The ticket on the sage side is  

 If I well remember, the issue was fixed indirectly by
 which stop adding the \verb part for labels.

 I am trying to confirm it on my version of Sage (sage-6.2.beta6), but it 
 seems dot2tex is broken because it can't find pyparsing again. See comment 
 http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/14594#comment:62. So I am not able to 
 confirm it is okay, but I think it was.

 Note that *with* doc2tex installed, I get the following error message:

 sage: G = DiGraph()
 sage: G.add_edge(, 88, 'my_label')
 sage: G.set_latex_options(format='dot2tex')
 sage: G.set_latex_options(edge_labels=True)
 sage: view(G)
 Traceback (most recent call last):
 RuntimeError: dot2tex not available.

 Please see :meth:`sage.graphs.generic_graph.GenericGraph.layout_graphviz`
 for installation instructions.

 which is quite bad. The real error (while importing pyparsing) is not 
 reraised and is replaced by the one above. I just created ticket #16242 to 
 fix this. It needs review.



I think there should be a new dot2tex package which fixes the pyparsing 
import problem. See http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/16026. (That said, your 
patch still looks like a good idea.)


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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: CombinatorialFreeModules

2014-04-13 Thread John H Palmieri
You ask at the end what you're doing wrong. There are at least two things: 
first, you should probably also post this message to sage-combinat-devel, 
which gets a lot more traffic. I'm cc'ing that group. Second, the very last 
error message is partly a clue: 

   TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

Try using tuples everywhere instead of lists. For example, you could use the 

threecolouredpart+=tuple([tuple([x,y,z]) for x in Partitions(i) for y in 
Partitions(j) for z in Partitions(weight-i-j)])

in your function. Also, I'm not sure what FiniteCombinatorialClass is supposed 
to do for you here; if I do


it seems to work just fine (after replacing the lists with tuples): it can tell 
that the basis is a FiniteFamily. If I do use FiniteCombinatorialClass, then I 
just see LazyFamily, the way you do.


On Sunday, April 13, 2014 6:51:02 AM UTC-7, Simon Wood wrote:

 Good day everyone,

 I am trying to get to grips with CombinatorialFreeModules. The 
 combinatorial basis I am trying to use is 3-coloured partitions. But I'm 
 not sure how to correctly define combinatorial classes.

 What I've done so far is the following:

 def genThreeColouredPartitions(weight): #generates all triples of 
 partitions with total weight equal to 'weight'
 threecolouredpart= []
 for i in range(weight+1):
 for j in range(weight-i+1):
 threecolouredpart+=[[x,y,z] for x in Partitions(i) for y in 
 Partitions(j) for z in Partitions(weight-i-j)]
 return threecolouredpart

 If I try to use these 3-coloured partitions to define a Combinatorial free 
 module things don't work the way I expect.

 M = 


 Free module generated by Combinatorial class with elements in [[[], [],
 [2]], [[], [], [1, 1]], [[], [1], [1]], [[], [2], []], [[], [1, 1], []],
 [[1], [], [1]], [[1], [1], []], [[2], [], []], [[1, 1], [], []]] over
 Algebraic Field


 Lazy family (Term map from Combinatorial class with elements in [[[],
 [], [2]], [[], [], [1, 1]], [[], [1], [1]], [[], [2], []], [[], [1, 1],
 []], [[1], [], [1]], [[1], [1], []], [[2], [], []], [[1, 1], [], []]] to
 Free module generated by Combinatorial class with elements in [[[], [],
 [2]], [[], [], [1, 1]], [[], [1], [1]], [[], [2], []], [[], [1, 1], []],
 [[1], [], [1]], [[1], [1], []], [[2], [], []], [[1, 1], [], []]] over
 Algebraic Field(i))_{i in Combinatorial class with elements in [[[], [],
 [2]], [[], [], [1, 1]], [[], [1], [1]], [[], [2], []], [[], [1, 1], []],
 [[1], [], [1]], [[1], [1], []], [[2], [], []], [[1, 1], [], []]]}

 Why is this a lazy family and not a finite family? I do not seem to be able 
 to iterate over the basis.

 for i in e:


 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in module
   File _sage_input_11.py, line 10, in module
 exec compile(u'open(___code___.py,w).write(# -*- coding: utf-8 
 -*-\\n + 
   File , line 1, in module
   File /tmp/tmpm0bNnU/___code___.py, line 2, in module
 exec compile(u'for i in e:\ni
   File , line 1, in module
 line 952, in __iter__
 yield self[i]
 line 968, in __getitem__
 return self.function(i)
  line 125, in __call__
 return self._function(*args)
  line 2176, in _monomial
 return self._from_dict( {index: self.base_ring().one()}, remove_zeros = 
 False )
 TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

 Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?

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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: [sage-algebra] Re: CombinatorialFreeModules

2014-04-13 Thread John H Palmieri
Hi Travis,

I appreciate your trying to accept some of the blame. I'm not really 
convinced that much of it is really your fault, and I wasn't asking for 
anyone to step forward. (Not that it really matters, but ere you even 
involved in Sage development 4 years ago?) 

Instead, I have two points: Sage could have been better 4 years ago with 
this code in it, and the reasons (as far as I understand them) for not 
merging it when it was first submitted don't really hold water. For the 
first point: with this particular ticket, there have been a number of 
times, in these newsgroups, at ask.sagemath.org, and probably in other 
contexts, where someone asked how do you do X with 
CombinatorialFreeModule or what's a basic example of how to define an 
algebra with a distinguished basis or ..., and rather than be able to 
point to this code as part of Sage, I could only refer to the patch (along 
with some of the existing code in categories/examples, etc.). There were 
probably other people with similar questions and concerns who didn't ask, 
and so didn't find out about this. Documentation and good examples are very 
important to any computer code, and certainly to Sage. So I think real 
damage may have been done by the slowness in merging this particular code. 
For the second point, I think that after I submitted the code, the response 
was basically, that's good, but we really need to get some of the 
underlying framework in place first. In retrospect, since it has taken 4 
years and may take another 4 for all I know, it would have been *much* 
better to merge the code first, then revise it accordingly when (or if) the 
underlying framework is part of Sage. Maybe future situations can be dealt 
with better, keeping this sort of experience in mind.


On Sunday, April 13, 2014 9:51:27 PM UTC-7, Travis Scrimshaw wrote:

 Hey John, 

 A good part of that is my fault. I need to get that dependency done, or we 
 need to switch the indexing set for the example. 

 Hey Simon, 

 You might also be interested in #14901 (
 http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/14901) (which I'll rebase shortly once I 
 fix a few things I've broken trying to refactor things). I'm hoping to get 
 a big chunk of work on finishing that over the next few months. I'd 
 appreciate it if you could keep me in the loop on your progress. 


 On Sunday, April 13, 2014 8:59:23 PM UTC-7, Simon Wood wrote: 
  Thank you John. I'll give that code a spin. Graded algebras are exactly 
 what I am interested in. The code snippet I presented in my first post was 
 a stepping stone on the way to defining Verma modules over affine Kac-Moody 
 algebras (which are graded as you probably know). 
  Anyway, I'll keep fiddling with the code. Thanks for your help. 
  On Monday, April 14, 2014 1:37:11 PM UTC+10, John H Palmieri wrote: 
  You might look at the code in the file 
  This is a patch (which *should* have been merged into Sage 4 years ago, 
 but forces beyond my control have so far prevented this; don't get me 
 started) which uses CombinatorialFreeModules to define a simple-minded 
 version of a graded polynomial algebra, partly to illustrate the sorts of 
 things you're talking about. In particular, it has an infinite basis which 
 is made up of finite pieces, and it also uses the category structure in 
 Sage to define the produce just on basis elements. 
  You can also browse the existing Sage code (execute for example 
 search_src('CombinatorialFreeModule')) to see other uses of 
 CombinatorialFreeModule. Maybe some of them will be helpful. 
  On Sunday, April 13, 2014 6:52:38 PM UTC-7, Simon Wood wrote:Hi John, 
  That was very helpful thank you! Now I can generate the basis elements 
  and add them up and the likes. 
  There are two more things things I want to do: 
  1) Allow the 3-coloured partitions to be any non-neg integer weight, 
  i.e., take the direct sum over all non-neg integer weights. 
  2) Define operations on the basis elements and extend them linearly to 
  the entire module. 
  I'll just keep playing around with the code and see how far I get. 
  Thanks again for your help. 
  On 14 April 2014 00:54, John H Palmieri jhpalm...@gmail.com wrote: 
   You ask at the end what you're doing wrong. There are at least two 
   first, you should probably also post this message to 
   which gets a lot more traffic. I'm cc'ing that group. Second, the very 
   error message is partly a clue: 
  TypeError: unhashable type: 'list' 
   Try using tuples everywhere instead of lists. For example, you could 
 use the 
   threecolouredpart+=tuple([tuple([x,y,z]) for x in Partitions(i) 
 for y in 
   Partitions(j) for z

[sage-combinat-devel] Re: [sage-devel] Re: Call for vote about ticket #10963: axioms and more functorial constructions

2014-03-11 Thread John H Palmieri

On Tuesday, March 11, 2014 12:40:41 PM UTC-7, Nathann Cohen wrote:

 On that note, I think reviewers shouldn't hold up tickets because they
  don't like the current implementation without providing a working
  alternative and can demonstrate why it's better. 

 Do you think that a patch should automatically be merged when it has been 
 waiting for a reviewer for a long time ?

With regards to #10963, the ticket had been reviewed and indeed had gotten 
a positive review, and then some other people looked at it and started 
asking questions. So Nicolas is not trying to bypass the review process, 
but rather trying to sort out a disagreement among the various participants 
on the ticket. That's probably too brief to adequately summarize what's 
going on, but anyway, I think your question is not really relevant to this 
particular ticket.


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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: Tensors on free modules of finite rank

2014-03-10 Thread John H Palmieri
Quick question: why not use the class 

Longer question/comment (not directed at you, but at the general situation 
in Sage): is it a problem to have multiple parallel developments of free 
modules, one in sage.modules.free_module, one in sage.combinat.free_module, 
and then possibly a new one in this ticket? (It doesn't seem like a good 
idea to me.) Should they all be unified somehow? Are there any plans to do 
that? For my own uses, the version in combinat.free_module has been the 
most relevant, but it's not in an obvious place; there is nothing 
intrinsically combinatorial about it, is there? We could move it to 
sage.module.free_module_with_basis, for example...


On Monday, March 10, 2014 9:09:01 AM UTC-7, Eric Gourgoulhon wrote:


 A new enhancement, devoted to tensors on generic free modules of finite 
 rank, has been submitted to trac (ticket 
 By *generic*, it is meant *without any distinguished basis*.

 This ticket implements:

 - tensor products of the type M\otimes ...\otimes M \otimes M^* 
 \otimes...\otimes M^* (k factors of M and l factors of M*, say)
   where M is a free module of finite rank over a commutative ring R and 
 M^* is its dual
 - the elements of the above tensor products, considered as tensors of type 
 (k,l) on M, i.e. multilinear forms (M^*)^k \times M^l  -- R, thanks to the 
 canonical isomorphism M^** = M (which holds since M is a free module of 
 finite rank)
 - the following tensor operations:
   * operations inherent to the module structure (addition, multiplication 
 by a ring element)
   * tensor product of two tensors
   * tensor contraction
   * symmetry / antisymmetry handling (on subset of the tensor arguments or 
 on all arguments)
   * exterior product of alternating forms

 No distinguished basis is assumed on the free module M; on the contrary 
 many bases can be introduced. Each tensor has then various representations, 
 via its components in the various bases. 

 *Motivation and context*

 The ticket has been motivated by tensors on smooth manifolds over \RR, 
 within the SageManifolds http://sagemanifolds.obspm.fr/ project. In 
 this context, tensors on free modules appear at two places:
 - tensors on tangent spaces: 
   * commutative ring R = real field \RR
   * free module M = tangent vector space at a given manifold's point 
 - tensor fields on a manifold:
   * commutative ring R = the set C^\infty(N) of smooth functions N-- \RR, 
 where N is a parallelizable open set of the manifold
   * free module M = the set X(N) of smooth vector fields on N (since N is 
 parallelizable, this is a free module; its rank is the manifold's dimension)

 Apart from the numerous doctests in the code, some pieces of documentation 
 - the tutorial worksheet posted 
 (the pdf version is 
 - the reference 
 pdf version is 
 here http://sagemanifolds.obspm.fr/doc/tensors_free_modules_ref.pdf); 
 it can also be generated via the command
   sage -docbuild tensors_free_module html

 See also this page http://sagemanifolds.obspm.fr/tensor_modules.html.


 1/ Although developed in the context of SageManifolds, the ticket is 
 self-contained and does not depend on other parts of SageManifolds. It this 
 respect, it can be viewed as some attempt to include a first subset of 
 SageManifolds in Sage, with a moderate size: the ticket comprises 9391 
 lines of Python code (most of them being doctests), while at present 
 SageManifolds contains 29240 lines of code. 

 2/ The ticket follows Sage's Parent/Element scheme and the (new) category 
 framework. In particular, the ticket's free module class (FiniteFreeModule) 
 passes the module TestSuite.

 3/ It turned out to be necessary to develop a new class to implement free 
 modules of finite rank. Indeed, the category of free modules does not exist 
 yet in Sage: only those of generic modules (Modules) or free modules with a 
 distinguished basis (ModulesWithBasis) are available. Now, the tangent 
 space at a given point of a manifold is a vector space without any 
 distinguished basis (in other words, while the tangent space is isomorphic 
 to \RR^n, there is no *canonical* isomorphism, each isomorphism relying on 
 the choice of some coordinate chart). The new class, 
 does not rely on any distinguished basis. It inherits directly from 
 sage.modules.module.Module. In particular, it does not inherit from 
 sage.modules.module.Module_old.FreeModule_generic since the latter does not 
 conform to the new coercion model and seems to assume a distinguished 

Re: [sage-combinat-devel] tensor products of free modules; combinatorial algebras

2014-02-14 Thread John H Palmieri

On Friday, February 14, 2014 6:18:42 PM UTC-8, Mark Shimozono wrote:


  In your case, to implement the smash product, you probably want to 
  implement a subclass of CombinatorialFreeModuleTensor, set its 
  category to the join of ModulesWithBasis(QQ).TensorProducts() and 
  AlgebrasWithBasis(QQ), and implement the product similarly to what's 
  done for tensor products of algebras with basis. 

 I would dearly love to be able to construct elements in my class in an 
 automatically multilinear way, using the _tensor_of_elements method 
 for tensor products of modules. However sage won't let me. 
 Basically it has an overly restrictive type check which fails. 

 Here is a toy version of my class: 

 class MyTensorProductOfAlgebras(CombinatorialFreeModule_Tensor): 
 def __init__(self, A, B): 
 R = A.base_ring() 
 CombinatorialFreeModule_Tensor.__init__(self, [A,B], \ 

 The code calling the _element_tensor method for the 
 vanilla instance T: 

 sage: L = CartanType(['A',2]).root_system().weight_lattice() 
 sage: A = L.algebra(ZZ) 
 sage: a = A.an_element() 
 sage: T = tensor([A,A]) 
 sage: T._tensor_of_elements([a,a]) 
 B[2*Lambda[1] + 2*Lambda[2]] # B[2*Lambda[1] + 2*Lambda[2]] 

 and the custom class TT: 

 sage: TT = MyTensorProductOfAlgebras(A,A) 


 and the offending line is: 

 assert(sage.categories.tensor.tensor(modules) == self) 

 where modules is the list of modules to be tensored and self 
 is the instance that is invoking _tensor_of_elements. 

 Note that 

 sage: T 


 sage: TT 

 give the same exact description string. 

 Any solutions/workarounds? Surely there is no need to reimplement the 


You could reimplement the 'tensor_constructor' method for your class: just 
copy over the one from CombinatorialFreeModule_Tensor in 
combinat/free_module.py, but delete the line

assert(sage.categories.tensor.tensor(modules) == self)

Or you could patch free_module.py, adding an optional argument, say 
type_check=True, to both tensor_constructor and _tensor_of_elements, and 
only do this assertion if type_check is True.

Other suggestions?


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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] tensor products of free modules; combinatorial algebras

2014-02-14 Thread John H Palmieri

On Friday, February 14, 2014 9:06:35 PM UTC-8, John H Palmieri wrote:

 On Friday, February 14, 2014 6:18:42 PM UTC-8, Mark Shimozono wrote:


  In your case, to implement the smash product, you probably want to 
  implement a subclass of CombinatorialFreeModuleTensor, set its 
  category to the join of ModulesWithBasis(QQ).TensorProducts() and 
  AlgebrasWithBasis(QQ), and implement the product similarly to what's 
  done for tensor products of algebras with basis. 

 I would dearly love to be able to construct elements in my class in an 
 automatically multilinear way, using the _tensor_of_elements method 
 for tensor products of modules. However sage won't let me. 
 Basically it has an overly restrictive type check which fails. 

 Here is a toy version of my class: 

 class MyTensorProductOfAlgebras(CombinatorialFreeModule_Tensor): 
 def __init__(self, A, B): 
 R = A.base_ring() 
 CombinatorialFreeModule_Tensor.__init__(self, [A,B], \ 

 The code calling the _element_tensor method for the 
 vanilla instance T: 

 sage: L = CartanType(['A',2]).root_system().weight_lattice() 
 sage: A = L.algebra(ZZ) 
 sage: a = A.an_element() 
 sage: T = tensor([A,A]) 
 sage: T._tensor_of_elements([a,a]) 
 B[2*Lambda[1] + 2*Lambda[2]] # B[2*Lambda[1] + 2*Lambda[2]] 

 and the custom class TT: 

 sage: TT = MyTensorProductOfAlgebras(A,A) 


 and the offending line is: 

 assert(sage.categories.tensor.tensor(modules) == self) 

 where modules is the list of modules to be tensored and self 
 is the instance that is invoking _tensor_of_elements. 

 Note that 

 sage: T 


 sage: TT 

 give the same exact description string. 

 Any solutions/workarounds? Surely there is no need to reimplement the 


 You could reimplement the 'tensor_constructor' method for your class: just 
 copy over the one from CombinatorialFreeModule_Tensor in 
 combinat/free_module.py, but delete the line

 assert(sage.categories.tensor.tensor(modules) == self)

 Or you could patch free_module.py, adding an optional argument, say 
 type_check=True, to both tensor_constructor and _tensor_of_elements, and 
 only do this assertion if type_check is True.

Oh, heh, if you go this route, then you actually have to use the optional 
argument somehow. Maybe instead you should define an attribute 
self._type_check and set it when you initialize an instance of the class. 
The default value would be True, but when you initialize your version, you 
would set it to False.


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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: [sage-devel] poll for making dot2tex a standard spkg

2013-05-22 Thread John H Palmieri

On Wednesday, May 22, 2013 9:58:56 AM UTC-7, Nicolas M. Thiéry wrote:

 On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 09:13:09AM -0700, kcrisman wrote: 
   A standard package which is only useful in the presence of an 
   package doesn't make sense to me. 

 It simplifies our users's life, and that is useful! Also it simplifies 
 *my* life: I am tired, e.g. during Sage Days, of having to explain 
 about Sage packages to our complete beginners for something that is 
 often one of the very first feature that they want to play with. 

Is graphviz a run-time dependency of dot2tex? That is, can someone install 
graphviz after building Sage (including dot2tex, if it were a standard 
spkg) and have it work, or would they need to rebuild dot2tex?

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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: WARNING: Docbuilder patch (#6495) going into combinat

2013-02-19 Thread John H Palmieri

On Tuesday, February 19, 2013 6:23:08 PM UTC-8, Andrew Mathas wrote:

 Hi Travis,

 The queue isn't applying for in using version 5.6 even with this spkg 
 installed. Specifically, trac_6495-part1-moving-files-link.patch does not 
 apply. It's not a big deal as I can just move to 5.7.rc0 but it might 
 affect others.


You might have to add the patches from the dependency tickets listed at 


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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Re: problems with documentation build

2012-12-13 Thread John H Palmieri

On Thursday, December 13, 2012 9:03:51 AM UTC-8, Volker Braun wrote:

 Works for me on Firefox 17.0.1 on Linux x86_64. Can somebody try and see 
 if its fixed in more recent recent release?

In more detail: go to http://www.mathjax.org/download/ and follow the 
link for Current Version: MathJax-2.1. Unzip the file to get a directory 
called something like ~/Downloads/mathjax-MathJax-24a378e. Now, go to 
SAGE_ROOT/devel/sagenb/sagenb/data and do

$ mv mathjax mathjax-old
$ mv ~/Downloads/mathjax-MathJax-24a378e mathjax

and try looking at the documentation.


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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Re: problems with documentation build

2012-12-13 Thread John H Palmieri

On Thursday, December 13, 2012 9:09:15 AM UTC-8, John H Palmieri wrote:

 On Thursday, December 13, 2012 9:03:51 AM UTC-8, Volker Braun wrote:

 Works for me on Firefox 17.0.1 on Linux x86_64. Can somebody try and see 
 if its fixed in more recent recent release?

 In more detail: go to http://www.mathjax.org/download/ and follow the 
 link for Current Version: MathJax-2.1. 

Or perhaps Volker meant a more recent release of Firefox. What is the most 
recent release available for OS X 10.6.8?


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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Re: problems with documentation build

2012-12-13 Thread John H Palmieri

On Thursday, December 13, 2012 9:17:24 AM UTC-8, Volker Braun wrote:

 On Thursday, December 13, 2012 5:13:38 PM UTC, John H Palmieri wrote:

 Or perhaps Volker meant a more recent release of Firefox. What is the 
 most recent release available for OS X 10.6.8?

 Thats what I meant - most recent version is 17.0.1 on all platforms. 

I wonder if upgrading MathJax would help anyway.


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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Re: number_of_partitions and friends

2012-08-29 Thread John H Palmieri

On Wednesday, August 29, 2012 4:53:33 PM UTC-7, Anne Schilling wrote:

 In principle, reading the documentation of Partitions the command 

 sage: RestrictedPartitions(5,[3,2,1], 3).list() 
 [[3, 1, 1], [2, 2, 1]] 

 should be achieved by 

 sage: Partitions(5, parts_in = [3,2,1], max_length=3) 
 Partitions of the integer 5 with parts in [1, 2, 3] 

 but unfortunately max_length is not taken into account: 

 sage: Partitions(5, parts_in = [3,2,1], max_length=3).list() 
 [[3, 2], [3, 1, 1], [2, 2, 1], [2, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]] 

 Is this a bug? 

The documentation for Partitions says

   Right now, the parts_in, starting, and ending keyword
   arguments are mutually exclusive, both of each other and of other
   keyword arguments. If you specify, say, parts_in, all other
   keyword arguments will be ignored; starting and ending work the
   same way.

So it's not a bug: it's documented. (Not ideal behavior, I think, but at 
least it's documented.)


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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Re: number_of_partitions and friends

2012-08-29 Thread John H Palmieri

On Wednesday, August 29, 2012 5:21:31 PM UTC-7, Anne Schilling wrote:

 On 8/29/12 5:11 PM, John H Palmieri wrote: 
  On Wednesday, August 29, 2012 4:53:33 PM UTC-7, Anne Schilling wrote: 
  In principle, reading the documentation of Partitions the command 
  sage: RestrictedPartitions(5,[3,2,1], 3).list() 
  [[3, 1, 1], [2, 2, 1]] 
  should be achieved by 
  sage: Partitions(5, parts_in = [3,2,1], max_length=3) 
  Partitions of the integer 5 with parts in [1, 2, 3] 
  but unfortunately max_length is not taken into account: 
  sage: Partitions(5, parts_in = [3,2,1], max_length=3).list() 
  [[3, 2], [3, 1, 1], [2, 2, 1], [2, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]] 
  Is this a bug? 
  The documentation for Partitions says 
 Right now, the parts_in, starting, and ending keyword 
 arguments are mutually exclusive, both of each other and of other 
 keyword arguments. If you specify, say, parts_in, all other 
 keyword arguments will be ignored; starting and ending work 
 same way. 
  So it's not a bug: it's documented. (Not ideal behavior, I think, but at 
 least it's documented.) 

 Then I think the functionality of RestrictedPartitions should be fully 
 implemented in Partitions 
 by allowing several keyword entries. 

That sounds fine to me. I think that RestrictedPartitions should not be 
removed until this happens. This could be addressed at #12278 or at #13072.


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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: number_of_partitions and friends

2012-08-24 Thread John H Palmieri

On Friday, August 24, 2012 12:29:06 AM UTC-7, Nicolas M. Thiery wrote:

 On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 04:48:31PM -0700, Andrew Mathas wrote: 
 Here, I think, is the complete list together with their recommended 

 Thanks! If no one has complained in, say, two days, please go ahead. 

I don't think it's a good idea to remove functions from the global name 
space with no warning. If they were already deprecated, sure, but if not: 
deprecate them now, and remove them from the global name space in 6 months 
or a year. I remember seeing number_of_partitions used in some Sage demo 
talks, for example at least one talk by William Stein, so removing it seems 
dangerous to me.


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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: Sage compared to LiE

2012-08-22 Thread John H Palmieri

On Wednesday, August 22, 2012 11:40:05 AM UTC-7, Anne Schilling wrote:

 Hi All! 

 Savdeep Sethi made a summary of a comparison between Sage and LiE. 
 Any volunteers to port or implement the functionality of LiE to Sage? 

There is already an optional LiE spkg for Sage [1]. I don't know anything 
about it, for example whether it even builds. But that would perhaps be a 
place to start.

[1] http://www.sagemath.org/packages/optional/lie-2.2.2.p4.spkg


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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: Sage compared to LiE

2012-08-22 Thread John H Palmieri

On Wednesday, August 22, 2012 11:47:08 AM UTC-7, John H Palmieri wrote:

 On Wednesday, August 22, 2012 11:40:05 AM UTC-7, Anne Schilling wrote:

 Hi All! 

 Savdeep Sethi made a summary of a comparison between Sage and LiE. 
 Any volunteers to port or implement the functionality of LiE to Sage? 

 There is already an optional LiE spkg for Sage [1]. I don't know anything 
 about it, for example whether it even builds. But that would perhaps be a 
 place to start.

 [1] http://www.sagemath.org/packages/optional/lie-2.2.2.p4.spkg

Note also SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage/sage/interfaces/lie.py.

Anyway, I just tried it out. The spkg-install file relies on the GNU 
version of 'mv', so it doesn't install on my mac without this change:

diff --git a/spkg-install b/spkg-install
--- a/spkg-install
+++ b/spkg-install
@@ -25,5 +25,5 @@ cd ..
 sed -i -e s'$PWD/src'$SAGE_LOCAL/lib/LiE' src/lie
 rm -rf $SAGE_LOCAL/lib/lie # clean up old versions
 rm -rf $SAGE_LOCAL/bin/lie $SAGE_LOCAL/lib/LiE
-mv src/lie -t $SAGE_LOCAL/bin/
-mv src/ -T $SAGE_LOCAL/lib/LiE
+mv src/lie $SAGE_LOCAL/bin/
+mv src/ $SAGE_LOCAL/lib/LiE

But then it seems to work okay. It probably installs without problems on a 
linux system.


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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Re: dual (co)algebras

2012-08-14 Thread John H Palmieri

On Tuesday, August 14, 2012 11:51:16 AM UTC-7, Franco Saliola wrote:

 Hello Simon, 

 On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 2:16 PM, Simon King 
  Hi Franco, 
  On 2012-08-14, Franco Saliola sal...@gmail.com javascript: wrote: 
  What should the method that returns the dual of an algebraic object be 
  I don't know whether a convention exists. But I would suggest the 
  Hence, if you have a vector space V then I'd suggest that 
  V.dual_vector_space() returns what it says, and ... 
  For example, the dual Hopf algebra of non-commutative symmetric 
  functions is the Hopf algebra of quasi-symmetric functions. 
  ... H.dual_hopf_algebra() returns the dual Hopf algebra of a Hopf 
  algebra H. 

 I thought about that, but would the Hopf algebra then also have the 


 since it is a vector space, an algebra, a coalgebra, etc.? 

 What about just dual? By default, it would compute the dual with 
 respect to the category to which it belongs, and we can allow 
 customization like so:  

 sage: H.dual(category=VectorSpaces(QQ)) 
 ... a vector space ... 

I think H.dual() is good. Specifying a category like this also, as well as

 sage: VectorSpaces(QQ)(H.dual())

to return the same thing as H.dual(category=...)

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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: dual (co)algebras

2012-08-14 Thread John H Palmieri
On Tuesday, August 14, 2012 1:27:49 PM UTC-7, Simon King wrote:

 [Followup-To: header set to gmane.comp.mathematics.sage.algebra.] 
 On 2012-08-14, John H Palmieri jhpalm...@gmail.com javascript: wrote: 
  What about just dual? By default, it would compute the dual with 
  respect to the category to which it belongs, and we can allow 
  customization like so:   
  sage: H.dual(category=VectorSpaces(QQ)) 
  ... a vector space ... 
  I think H.dual() is good. Specifying a category like this also, as 
 well as 
   sage: VectorSpaces(QQ)(H.dual()) 

 Start with an object O in some category C1, take its dual D in C1, and 
 the forgetful functor to map it to a sub-category C2; one would not always 
 the same result as if one first applies the forgetful functor to O and 
 dualise the result in C2, right? 
 And hence VectorSpaces(QQ)(H.dual()) might (perhaps not here, but in other 
 situations) be different from (VectorSpaces(QQ)(H)).dual(). Would that 
 be a problem? 

I agree that they might be different in some situations, but I also think 
it's clear what each means: either dualize first or apply the forgetful 
functor first. Anyway, I don't think it's a problem. (My original message 
might have said the wrong thing, though.)


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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] The deprecation change

2012-08-01 Thread John H Palmieri

On Wednesday, August 1, 2012 1:35:02 PM UTC-7, Nicolas M. Thiery wrote: 

 All in all, in the future, I *will* put a negative review to similar 
 non essential global changes that impact much of our code (stuff in 
 combinat, ...). Unless the author volunteers to handle all the 
 rebasing work in the Sage-Combinat queue, together with the associated 

See http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/13255. There may be other 
similar tickets by the same author.


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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] The deprecation change

2012-08-01 Thread John H Palmieri

On Wednesday, August 1, 2012 6:05:44 PM UTC-7, Volker Braun wrote:

 On Wednesday, August 1, 2012 8:47:37 PM UTC-4, John H Palmieri wrote:

 See http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/13255. There may be 
 other similar tickets by the same author.

 At least that ticket only touches stuff in sage/misc and only replaces 
 them by equivalent python 3. So it shouldn't conflict with the combinat 
 queue at all.

Well, according to grep, 39 patches in the combinat queue touch files in 
sage/misc. I didn't test if any of them conflicted with the patch at #13255.


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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] doctest failures

2012-07-19 Thread John H Palmieri

On Thursday, July 19, 2012 2:45:09 PM UTC-7, Martin wrote:

 Anne Schilling writes: 

  Here are several *ideas*: 
  * We should run daily tests on the needs review section and pop 
off that section if the tests do not pass (or people are not actively 
on making them pass). 
  * Everyone should try to get their patches into main-sage in a 
time frame or remove their patches from the queue if they are 
  * Perhaps we should have a second queue for only the patches currently 
actively developed and in the review or final development process. 
This queue would only be maintained on the very last version of sage 
and patches are removed once the next version of sage comes out. 
This would take the extra constraints off developers to, at the same 
make their patch apply cleanly on a given version of sage and juggle 
the tail of sage-combinat patches that lie on top of it. 
This caused quite some frustration to both Franco and Mike and myself 
week trying to work on some large patches. 

 Although I am now relieved that I didn't break anything, let me add one 
 other idea: in the unittesting package for fricas, two things turned out 
 to be very useful: 

 1) being able to mark tests as expected to fail 

You can mark a doctest as

 sage: 2+2  # known bug

Then it won't get run ordinarily, but you can do sage -t 
-only-optional=bug FILE.py to run doctests marked this way. It doesn't 
quite do what you want, since the number of skipped tests is not reported. 
But maybe that could be added on to the new doctesting framework being 
developed at http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/12415.


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[sage-combinat-devel] Warning: a few trac tickets touching many files, leading to possible conflicts with the queue

2012-07-14 Thread John H Palmieri
For people working with the combinat queue:

- Trac ticket #13255 [1] touches many files, all in the directory 

- Trac ticket #6495 [2] touches many files, all in devel/sage/doc/, 
including practically all of the files in devel/sage/doc/en/reference.

These patches are still marked as Needs review, so if your combinat patch 
also touches files in these directories, you might want to work with the 
authors of these tickets to try to avoid future conflicts.

Also, ticket #13245 turns off docbuilding while doing the clone when 
installing the combinat queue, so if you want to review that, you will help 
to speed up the process of installing the queue.


[1] http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/13255
[2] http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/6495
[3] http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/13245

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[sage-combinat-devel] problems with some files in the queue

2012-07-12 Thread John H Palmieri
In the combinat queue, some files contain non-ascii characters. Several 
participants at Sage-Combinat Days 40 have run into problems with this: 
when there are non-ascii characters, if you clone the combinat queue, you 
get errors when building Sage and its documentation.

- trac_11305-rigged_configurations-ts.patch: line 1064 (in 187–201) 
contains a character which looks like a hyphen, but is not, so it needs to 
be replaced.

- trac_11929_8899-ncsf-qsym-fs.patch: line 77 has a similar problem 

- separatrix_diagram-vd.patch: line 2179 looks something like this:

+`vef = 1` and the action of the group generated by `v,e,f` acts 

but there are two characters of gibberish before `v,e,f`. They should be 

- trac_12518-enumerated_set_from_iterator-vd.patch: line 476 has a 
character (immediately after the #) which looks like a space but isn't. 
Maybe Franco has fixed this already, but please check.


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[sage-combinat-devel] Deprecations

2012-06-30 Thread John H Palmieri
Dear Sage developers:

Because of Volker's work on the patch at Trac #13109, the syntax for 
deprecations has changed. He fixed all of the discrepancies in the Sage 
library, and we just did similar fixes on (I think) all tickets with 
positive reviews. So if you have a ticket at some other stage which uses 
deprecations, please rebase your work to use the new syntax at #13109.



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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: doctesting nonsage modules

2012-04-08 Thread John H Palmieri

On Sunday, April 8, 2012 8:44:47 PM UTC-7, Mark Shimozono wrote:

 Suppose I make a new file that looks like 
 a sage module, replete with doctesting strings. 
 If I run 

 sage -t 

 on it, the functions defined in the new file are not loaded 
 and errors occur. 

What version of Sage is this? The patch in 


was merged in Sage 5.0.beta11, and should fix this problem.


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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: problems with HasseDiagram and rank

2012-01-13 Thread John H Palmieri

On Friday, January 13, 2012 2:07:00 PM UTC-8, Raymond N. Greenwell wrote:

 Hello! I posted this on sage-support, but I should have posted it 

 I tried using the HasseDiagram and rank features of Sage as described 

 Things worked ok, but when I then tried: 
 m= Matrix([[0,1,1],[0,0,1],[0,0,0]]) 
 g = DiGraph(m) 
 h2 = HasseDiagram(g) 

Look at the documentation for HasseDiagram.  It says:

This should not be called directly, use Poset instead; all type
checking happens there.


   sage: m = Matrix([[0,1,1],[0,0,1],[0,0,0]]) 
   sage: g = DiGraph(m) 
   sage: p2 = Poset(g)


   sage: p2.rank(2)


   sage: p2.cover_relations()
   sage: show(p2)

both look right.


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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: dot2tex, combinat

2011-12-24 Thread John H Palmieri

On Friday, December 23, 2011 4:54:53 PM UTC-8, Travis Scrimshaw wrote:

I copied the latest version of TikZ / PGF (using a shared folder) 
 to the VM and installed it. I was able to compile the .tex file using 
 the VM's latex compiler and view the output .pdf from my host OS 
 (Windows Vista) in the shared folder, but I could not get it to 
 display in the notebook.

Did you try my suggestion about using jsmath_avoid_list?


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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] Re: dot2tex, combinat

2011-12-20 Thread John H Palmieri

On Tuesday, December 20, 2011 12:48:00 AM UTC-8, Nicolas M. Thiery wrote:

 On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 12:55:11AM +, Sagan, Bruce wrote:
  Formidable!  This installed dot2tex.  Thanks so much!!  One last 
 question.  When I went back to the notebook and ran a view command (I just 
 copied the first example of using this command from the section Crystals of 
 Tableaux in Sage of the Classic Crystals thematic tutorial) I got as output 
 the tex commands for the tikz picture of the crystal.  Is there a way to 
 get the picture itself printed in the notebook without having to create a 
 latex file?  Maybe I have to install another package?

 Alas, the notebook (or more precisely the component jsmath/mathjax
 which is the same used on e.g. mathscinet) isn't yet able to display
 all latex construct, and in particular tikz pictures.

 Instead, you can view it in an external pdf viewer:

 sage: view(B, pdflatex=True, tightpage=True)

You could also use the jsmath avoid list: a list of strings which tells 
the notebook to use straight latex, rather than JSMath, to process them:

  sage: latex.add_to_jsmath_avoid_list('tikz')

tells Sage to not try to use JSMath on any string which includes 'tikz'.  
This is documented in sage/misc/latex.py.  You can do this to try an 

  sage: from sage.misc.latex import latex_examples
  sage: G = latex_examples.graph()
  sage: G
  (prints an informative message about what you can do with G)

I would hope that something similar would work with dot2tex, but I haven't 
actually tried it.


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Re: [sage-combinat-devel] (free) algebras

2011-03-22 Thread John H Palmieri

On Tuesday, March 22, 2011 1:34:44 AM UTC-7, Nicolas M. Thiéry wrote:

  Is it already possible or would it be easy to implement a quotient
  of the free algebra by specifying relations between the generators?

 Unless Singular can provide something (but I guess that would be more
 for skew-commutative algebras; Simon: can you confirm?), the proper
 way to do this would be to use gap's KBMAG package. It should be
 fairly straightforward, but not instantaneous either.

I don't know anything about KBMAG; I should look into that.  Meanwhile, 
Singular does let you define certain quotients of free algebras.  See 
http://www.singular.uni-kl.de/Manual/3-1-0/sing_404.htm.  In Sage, I can 
define a GF(2)-algebra S to be the free algebra on x and y subject to the 
relation [x,y] = y^2:

sage: singular.LIB('ncall.lib')
sage: R=singular.ring(2,'(x,y)')
sage: C = singular.matrix(2, 2, '(1,1,1,1)')
sage: D = singular.matrix(2, 2, '(0, y*y, 0, 0)')
sage: S = C.nc_algebra(D)
sage: S.set_ring()
sage: x = singular('x')
sage: y = singular('y')
sage: x*y
sage: y*x

There are limitations on the sorts of algebras which can be defined this way 
-- I think they need to have a PBW basis, basically -- see 
http://www.singular.uni-kl.de/Manual/3-1-0/sing_420.htm#SEC461 -- but 
Singular does give you some quotients of free algebras.


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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: bug in latex for CombinatorialFreeModule in elements in the root lattice

2011-02-25 Thread John H Palmieri

On Friday, February 25, 2011 1:28:06 PM UTC-8, Christian Stump wrote:

   Is it okay if I open a ticket on that and provide a fix? 
  Yes, please fix CombinatorialFreeModule! 
   Is there a way to provide a latex prefix in addition to the prefix 
   for CombinatorialFreeModule in order to get the alpha shown as an 
   \alpha?  Should I add this functionality as well? 

 here is the patch: http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/10852

Could you please reconcile this with the patch at #9370?  That implemented a 
latex prefix and various other things. (If you felt like refereeing #9370 at 
the same time, that would be helpful, too.)


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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: Implementing a ring using CombinatorialFreeModule

2010-09-27 Thread John H Palmieri
On Sep 27, 5:41 am, Christian Stump christian.st...@gmail.com wrote:

 as you are just talking about the CombinatorialFreeModule: my problem
 is that the CFM imports everything from rings, as you can create a CFM
 over any ring. Now, I use the CFM to implement the universal
 cyclotomic field, which I import in rings, as it is one. Thus, I get
 problems with an import loop.

 Any suggestions?

I think that many of the import statements in free_module.py should be
inside the methods that use them, rather than at the top level.
Here's a patch which moves some of them:


I think this should make it work.  I tested this by adding a line

   from sage.categories.examples.algebras_with_basis import Example

to sage.rings.all, and Sage started without problems.  (I may also
have had to fix some imports in examples/algebras_with_basis.py.)


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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: Implementing a ring using CombinatorialFreeModule

2010-09-27 Thread John H Palmieri

On Sep 27, 12:02 pm, Nicolas M. Thiery nicolas.thi...@u-psud.fr
         Hi John, Christian,

 On Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 08:20:26AM -0700, John H Palmieri wrote:
  I think that many of the import statements in free_module.py should be
  inside the methods that use them, rather than at the top level.
  Here's a patch which moves some of them:


 Sounds good to me in general. Thanks for working on that!

 Just a comment: I would tend to leave the import of ``Integer`` at the
 top level, since it's used in at least one time critical spot. Only, I
 would import it from sage.rings.integer instead of sage.rings.all.

I guess I don't know what the speed issues are here.  Why should
including it at the top-level be better than when it is actually
used?  In practice during a Sage session, Integer will already be
imported, right?

 While you are at it: the first occurrence of Integer (in
 R(Integer(1))) would be best rewritten in R.one(). In principle, that
 should be supported by all Sage rings.

  I think this should make it work.  I tested this by adding a line

     from sage.categories.examples.algebras_with_basis import Example

  to sage.rings.all, and Sage started without problems.  (I may also
  have had to fix some imports in examples/algebras_with_basis.py.)

 Just a side note: (except for testing purposes like above), things in
 categories/examples are not supposed to be imported into Sage by
 default, or at least only very late in the process. So I would leave
 the imports there as simple as possible.

Right, I wasn't suggesting doing that for real.  I was just using it
as something defined in terms of CombinatorialFreeModule which I could
import (temporarily) in rings to trouble-shoot the circular imports.


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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: CombinatorialFreeModule (again)

2010-09-02 Thread John H Palmieri
On Sep 2, 3:33 am, Bruce brucewestb...@gmail.com wrote:
 I am trying to construct the free module on the set of instances of a
 class G.

Did you also ask this on ask.sagemath.org?  I've posted some possibly
related ideas in the thread http://ask.sagemath.org/question/94/using-


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[sage-combinat-devel] CombinatorialFreeModule and UniqueRepresentation

2010-06-30 Thread John H Palmieri
I find the following a little strange.  I know why it happens, but

  sage: F = CombinatorialFreeModule(QQ, [1,2,3,4], prefix='F')
  sage: F._prefix = 'x'
  sage: G = CombinatorialFreeModule(QQ, [1,2,3,4], prefix='F')
  sage: G.prefix()

Would it be possible, and would it make sense, to do the following

 - every module M over a given base ring with a given basis is unique
(also including the element_class and category, but not including the
prefix).  This would be its own class, UniqueCombinatorialFreeModule
or something.  I think of this as the immutable part of the
 - then specifying a prefix makes it no longer unique: a
CombinatorialFreeModule would essentially be a pair (M as above,
prefix).  Modifying the prefix would not affect other instances: it
wouldn't affect M.  The prefix would be mutable.

One way to do this would be for the __init__ method for
CombinatorialFreeModule to be something like this:

   self._module = UniqueCombinatorialFreeModule(...)
   self._prefix = ...
   # other mutable parts of the structure here

Then a lot of things in free_module.py would have to be rewritten to
use self._module.  How feasible is this?


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[sage-combinat-devel] customizing printing of CombinatorialFreeModuleElements

2010-06-28 Thread John H Palmieri
I personally don't like the use of an asterisk * for scalar
multiplication in printed output -- I like a space, or sometimes
nothing at all -- so I've put a patch at


which allows for customization of printing of
CombinatorialFreeModuleElements.  It's maybe a first draft; please
provide feedback.  As far as I can tell, it's backwards compatible,
but it should allow for more flexibility in the future.

(I don't know how well putting sage-combinat in the cc field works,
so I'm posting here as well.)


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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: an example of a graded algebra with basis

2010-06-24 Thread John H Palmieri
On Jun 24, 12:23 am, Nicolas M. Thiery nicolas.thi...@u-psud.fr
 On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 11:06:40PM -0700, John H Palmieri wrote:
   If the grading is over NN/ZZ, or some naturally ordered monoid, I
   would definitely argue for keeping degree for all elements.

  That's not how I think of elements of a Z-graded algebra: in my
  experience, if they're not homogeneous, then they don't have a
  degree.  It should probably be left as a case-by-case situation.

 Well, certainly not case by case, since for most of our graded
 algebras (and we will have lots of them) we definitely want to have a
 degree function for all elements. But maybe that should be just in a
 subcategory (most of our algebras are actually graded connected over

 What makes you dislike having degree implemented for all elements?

  - That it could be accidently used on non homogeneous elements by the
    caller, when not meant to, without an error raised?

Yes, or that mathematically, at least some people would view degree
as being undefined except on homogeneous elements, and I would want
Sage to reflect that.  If someone tells me that an element of a graded
algebra has degree d, then I expect it to be homogeneous: I expect it
to give a well-defined action, raising degree by d, on any graded
module over that graded algebra. If someone says that they have a
degree d polynomial, then I understand that this just means that the
leading term is homogeneous of degree d, but if they say they have a
degree d element in the polynomial ring k[x,y,z] graded by ..., then
I interpret this to be a homogeneous element.

(By if they say, I really mean, if I read this in a paper dealing
with graded algebras.  For example, if X is a topological space and
H^*(X) is its cohomology, then if someone talks about a degree d
element of H^*(X), they are almost guaranteed, in my experience, to
mean a *homogeneous* element of degree d of H^*(X).)

I'm leaving my example as is: non-homogeneous elements don't have a
well-defined degree.  But I'm also including a comment about this
choice in the docstring.

  - That the specs might be ill-defined for non homogeneous elements
    (e.g. if the order is not total)?

  - That there is a faster way to do it for homogeneous elements
    (assuming we don't check for homogeneity)?

  Because without forcing the list, the TestSuite fails.

 Ah ok. Then that's just a bug that should be investigated and
 fixed. Let me know when you have an updated patch on trac, and I'll
 have a look.

It's posted now:


 It's great that we are having all those discussions. Once the example
 will be finalized, we will have a sound basis to build upon.

That's what I'm hoping.

Thanks to everyone for all of your comments and suggestions.


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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: an example of a graded algebra with basis

2010-06-23 Thread John H Palmieri
On Jun 22, 2:53 pm, Franco Saliola sali...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hello John,

 On Sat, Jun 19, 2010 at 11:45 PM, John H Palmieri

 jhpalmier...@gmail.com wrote:
  I have a simple example of a graded algebra with basis.  Please take a
  look at


 I have some comments on the interface for GradedAlgebraWithBasis.

 1. Your choice of using ``A[n]`` to return the degree `n` piece of `A` is
 not consistent with other graded algebras in Sage.

And given the lack of formal development of graded objects in Sage,
maybe now is the time to settle on a convention.

 For example:

     sage: sf = SymmetricFunctions(QQ)
     sage: s = sf.schur()
     sage: s[3]

 This returns an element of the algebra, and not the degree 3 homogoneous
 component. I wrote graded because the algebra is indeed graded, but Sage
 does not currently know about the grading.

 Personally, I strongly prefer the idea of using __getitem__ to access
 elements of the algebra, by passing data to construct an element of the
 indexing set. I really don't like to write

     sage: s.basis()(Partition([3]))

 to construct an element of the algebra.

 Instead, I suggest a method called homogeneous_component(n) that returns
 the degree n component. (This should be generic and pushed up to every
 GradedAlgebraWithBasis, and so you don't need to define it in your case.
 It would also have the benefit of showing up in tab completion.)

I would instead use _element_constructor_ to construct elements of the
algebra, so you would call A(data) instead of A[data].  This is
consistent with the coercion framework: you should use A(...) to
construct elements of A.

In mathematical notation, if I have a graded object M, then I would
write M_n or M^n to get the graded pieces, so in Sage, M[n] seems like
a reasonable approximation.  If list[n] gives me the nth term of the
list, it feels natural that M[n] should give me the nth homogeneous
piece of a graded object.  I happen to think that M[n] returning the
nth homogeneous piece feels more natural than M[n] returning an
element of M.  In the case of an integer grading, there is also the
possibility of implementing M[m:n] to return the sum of several graded
pieces, or M[1:] or M[1:Infinity] to return the positively graded
part.  This notation just feels right to me.  Does anyone else have an

As far as tab completion goes, if we use __getitem__, then
M.homogeneous_component(n) should be a synonym for M.__getitem__(n),
and both usages should be discussed in the docstring.  (By the way, if
you want A[n] to return a element of the algebra, note that this
construction doesn't show up in tab completion either.)

 2. I wonder if your method basis_in_degree should be merged with basis: if
 no argument is specified, then default to the current behaviour (return a
 basis of the algebra); otherwise, return a basis of the degree n component.

That seems like a good idea, although the printing of bases when
they're produced from infinite lazy families is perhaps less than
ideal.  We're overriding the basis method for a
CombinatorialFreeModule, but I guess with no arguments it should
return the old value, so it shouldn't break anything.

 3. Right now, you are starting with a DisjointUnionEnumeratedSets
 constructed from a family:

     DisjointUnionEnumeratedSets(Family(NN, self._basis_fcn))

This choice was based on some discussions over the past few months in
sage-algebra and sage-combinat-devel.  I tried changing this to
Family(NN, self._basis_fcn) and got some weird doctest errors about
pickling, causing the TestSuite to fail.  So while what you say makes
sense, it causes problems for me.


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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: an example of a graded algebra with basis

2010-06-22 Thread John H Palmieri
On Jun 22, 3:36 am, Andrew Mathas a.mat...@usyd.edu.au wrote:
 Hi John,

 I am currently writing some code to compute in some graded module --
 there is a graded algebra lurking in the background for which I have
 generators and relations but it is highly non-trivial to describe how
 the algebra acts on its homogeneous basis and to rewrite the
 generators in terms of this basis so I am not really interested in
 coding up the algebra just yet. Still, I'd be  happy to work with you
 on this.


 I had a look through your code and it looks good. Some comments:
   o you seem to have a positive grading built in, but a Z-grading is
 more natural in many ways.

In general I agree with you, but for a polynomial algebra, if you have
one generator in a positive degree and another in a negative degree,
then some of the graded pieces will be infinite-dimensional, and that
seems awkward, if nothing else.

      Some people will be interested in grading by arbitrary groups or
 even monoids so some flexibility should be allowed here.

Right.  In principle, where I have a line like

  Family(NN, self._basis_fcn)

you could put

  Family(M, self._basis_fcn)

where M is any (commutative?) monoid.  In practice, it may not work so
well yet -- I tried using cartesian_product((NN, NN)) and it didn't
work -- but I think things are progressing.

 To capture the greatest
 generality the degree function
      probably should be allowed to be a morphism, or even just a
 method on the indexing set
     for the basis/generating set? (The latter is what I am doing.)

Sounds good to me.  (Remember, in my patch I'm trying to implement an
example, not the general case.  But we could add comments about this
sort of thing to my example.)

   o Is it necessary to code up _latex_ for the elements? I thought
 that this should be inherited from

My basis is given by tuples of integers, and their latex method
doesn't produce anything resembling monomials: the default method
would give something like B[(2,0,3)].  I could have made a separate
class of monomials first, then used them as basis elements, but I
chose to use tuples as the raw data.

   o the only generic function that I have added apart from degree() is
 a homogeneous_components()
     function. What I have currently is the following method:

     def homogeneous_components(self):
       r Returns a dictionary of the homogeneous components.

         sage: G=GradedSpechtModule(3,[3,2])
         Graded Specht module S(3,2) with e=3.
         sage: a=G.an_element()
         sage: a.homogeneous_components()
         {0: 2*[125/34] + 3*[134/25], 1: [135/24]}

       for (tab,coeff) in self:
         if d in hom: hom[d]+=self.parent().term(tab,coeff)
         else: hom[d]=self.parent().term(tab,coeff)
       return hom

     I just threw this in playing around  am not sure that it will
 be useful in practice.

Seems like it might be useful.

 In my current implementation -- which is still very much a template --
 I am hacking CombinatorialFreeModule. My degree function is actually a
 method on tableaux, so it is not defined explicitly. Having seen your
 code it's clear that I really ought to implement a
 GradedCombinatorialFreeModule/GradedModuleWithBasis class.

I think something like that is probably needed, but I didn't have the
time to think about all of the details behind implementing it.  It was
easier for me to write a simple example using what's already present
in Sage.  (Actually, first I've been working on rewriting the Steenrod
algebra code in Sage using the new category framework, and I wanted to
make it into a graded algebra.  From what I've learned doing that, I
produced the example, in the hope that it's helpful to other people.)

One issue I've had: if I define the nth graded piece (using
__getitem__, for example) as a CombinatorialFreeModule on a subset of
the basis, then I couldn't figure out how to easily multiply elements
of that: it's just a free module, with no _mul_ or product method
defined.  It's easy to set up coercion so that multiplying an element
of a graded piece with an element of the whole algebra is defined, but
not so easy when multiplying an element of one piece with an element
of another. Part of the structure of GradedCombinatorialFreeModule
should allow this, so that you can work with the pieces, then
reassemble them using sums, products, etc.

 One idea is that we could try and develop the GradedAlgebraWithBasis
 and GradedModuleWithBasis in parallel. That way we can fine tune what
 we're both doing and hopefully arrive at a good design... I'm likely
 to be overloaded for the next few weeks, but can probably do something
 after this.

Sounds okay.  I hope some other people chime in with ideas as well.



 On Jun 20, 5:45 am, John H Palmieri jhpalmier...@gmail.com wrote:

  I have a simple example of a graded algebra

[sage-combinat-devel] Re: Graded algebras (a third time)

2010-06-04 Thread John H Palmieri
On Jun 4, 3:21 pm, John H Palmieri jhpalmier...@gmail.com wrote:
 On Jun 4, 2:51 pm, Nicolas M. Thiery nicolas.thi...@u-psud.fr

          Hi John,

 Hi Nicolas,

  On Wed, Jun 02, 2010 at 10:48:00AM -0700, John H Palmieri wrote:
   How about this for a starting point for an implementation of graded
     sage: A = Family(NonNegativeIntegers(), lambda d:
   CombinatorialFreeModule(GF(2), steenrod_algebra_basis(d), prefix=),
  Is there something preventing to do doing something like:


 If I do


 it's okay but not perfect. (Maybe it's better if I use keepkey=True
 as well.)  (Also, I can't seem to make it work without using Family
 -- I get an assertion error -- but I haven't tried that hard.)
 However, with this setup, I don't know how to get the basis in degree
 n, for instance, or the entire degree n piece of the algebra.  I
 really need to be able to extract this information.  Any ideas how?  I
 could separately write a method which just returns

   CombinatorialFreeModule(GF(2), steenrod_algebra_basis(n))

 but I want to have a structure where I can extract this from the
 original construction.

 If I define the whole thing as a family (or if I store the family as
 an attribute and write a suitable __getitem__ method), then I can do
 A[n] to get the degree n part, so for example A[n].basis() is what I
 want.  For the Steenrod algebra, it is pretty rare to deal with
 nonhomogeneous elements, so having the homogeneous parts as easily
 extractable pieces is a natural way to think about things.

One more thing: I can't figure out how to modify


to define a bigraded algebra.  For example,

  sage: NN = NonNegativeIntegers()
  sage: N2 = CartesianProduct(NN, NN)
  sage: def f(s,t): return tuple(range(s+t))  # tuple so hashable
  sage: CombinatorialFreeModule(GF(2),
   DisjointUnionEnumeratedSets(Family(N2, lambda a: f(a[0],

gives me an error NotImplementedError: infinite list.  Indeed, while

  sage: Family(N2, lambda a: f(a[0], a[1]))

works, this doesn't:

  sage: DisjointUnionEnumeratedSets(Family(N2, lambda a: f(a[0],

Nesting families (as below) partially works, but I'm having various
problems with it...

  sage: DisjointUnionEnumeratedSets(Family(NN, lambda s: Family(NN,
lambda t: f(s,t


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[sage-combinat-devel] bug with DisjointUnionEnumeratedSet?

2010-05-31 Thread John H Palmieri
(also posted to sage-devel)

One of the examples in the docstring for DisjointUnionEnumeratedSet
goes something like this:

sage: U = DisjointUnionEnumeratedSets(Family(NonNegativeIntegers(),
sage: it = iter(U)
sage: it.next()

If I try the same thing, replacing Permutations with Partitions,
it doesn't work:

sage: U = DisjointUnionEnumeratedSets(Family(NonNegativeIntegers(),
sage: it = iter(U)
sage: it.next()
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call

/Users/palmieri/ipython console in module()

disjoint_union_enumerated_sets.pyc in __iter__(self)
    399         for k in self._family.keys():
-- 400             for el in self._family[k]:
    401                 if self._keepkey:
    402                     el = (k, el)

family.pyc in __getitem__(self, i)
    939             10
-- 941         return self.function(i)
    943     def __getstate__(self):

combinat.pyc in __call__(self, x)
   1013             return self._element_constructor_(x)
   1014         else:
- 1015             raise ValueError, %s not in %s%(x, self)
   1017     Element = CombinatorialObject # mostly for backward

ValueError: 0 not in Partitions

Is this expected?


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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: [sage-algebra] AlgebraWithBasis, GradedAlgebraWithBasis (again)

2010-05-25 Thread John H Palmieri
On May 25, 12:46 am, Nicolas M. Thiery nicolas.thi...@u-psud.fr
         Hi John!

 Again, I'll stick to a very short answer for the moment. Prompted by
 your questions, I now have a clearer idea of what sort of wizard-like
 document is needed by the developers when choosing the implementation
 for a parent. I'll try to work on it this week, and keep you updated
 when I'll have some draft.


 On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 09:46:54PM -0700, John H Palmieri wrote:
  Some questions about defining an AlgebraWithBasis or a

  - Do these need to be defined using CombinatorialFreeModule, as in the

 Not at all. CombinatorialFreeModule just provides you with a data
 structure (mostly for the elements, and a bit for the parent). But you
 can use your own data structure.

If I use another data structure, are there methods that I should make
sure to implement for it to be a well-implemented

  - If so, in all of the examples I've seen, CombinatorialFreeModule
  needs a basis with an explicit indexing set.  

 Yes. That's actually a prerequisite of AlgebrasWithBasis. Ok, the
 definition of AlgebrasWithBasis should be rewritten as:

     The category of algebras with a distinguished basis on which the
     elements are represented by their expansion.

When I say an explicit indexing set, I mean explicit from the point
of view of Sage.  I can give you a mathematically explicit indexing
set -- ordered partitions satisfying certain explicit conditions --
but I can't give it as a list or tuple or anything else simple that
already exists in Sage.  This morning I thought of the possibility of
implementing a subclass of Partitions and then using that for my
indexing set; is that feasible?  Maybe that's the right choice.

  I don't know an explicit indexing set in the case I'm interested in;

When I said this, I meant that I don't know, for example, a closed-
form expression for the dimension of the algebra in bidegree (s,t).
But as I said above, I can write down a mathematically explicit
expression for an indexing set for the basis.

  rather, I can define a function which produces the basis.  (It's
  graded, so I can give a recursive function which defines the basis
  in degree d in terms of the bases in lower degrees.)  So what can I
  do?  Is it possible and is it a good idea to specify a spanning set
  instead (as the basis in CombinatorialFreeModule) -- I can just
  use words in the generators -- and then later on specify a linearly
  independent subset?

 Sounds like you probably just want to use the GradedAlgebras(QQ)
 category. And as of now, the categories won't give you that much,
 except for TestSuite, and not having to be refactored at some later

 On the other hand, it also sounds like your algebra is defined as a
 subalgebra of a larger ambient algebra.

Well, it's actually a quotient of a free algebra, which by itself
tells you absolutely nothing, since every algebra is such a quotient.
But I have explicit generators and relations, and there is a
distinguished collection of words (admissible words) in the
generators which projects to a basis of the quotient algebra, and
there is a clear procedure for rewriting any word in the generators as
a sum of basis elements.


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[sage-combinat-devel] question about Partitions, Compositions, IntegerListsLex

2010-05-25 Thread John H Palmieri
I would like to construct the set of ordered partitions of a positive
integer n subject to a condition like this:

 - if the partition is (l_1, l_2, ...), then I want to specify a
variant of slope: I want to specify integers a and b, or lists of
integers (a_1, a_2, ...) and (b_1, b_2, ...) and then I want to
replace the slope condition

   max_slope = l_i - l_{i+1} = min_slope


   max_slope = a_i * l_i - b_i * l_{i+1} = min_slope

For example, I want to be able to produce the ordered partitions (l_1,
l_2, ..., l_k) of n, with length k, such that

2l_i = l_{i+1}

for all i.

Can someone help me to alter IntegerListsLex (I think this is the
right class) so that it allows for this functionality?  The code in
combinat/integer_list.py looks a little complicated, and I'm hoping
someone can provide a quick answer.


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[sage-combinat-devel] AlgebraWithBasis, GradedAlgebraWithBasis (again)

2010-05-24 Thread John H Palmieri
Some questions about defining an AlgebraWithBasis or a

- Do these need to be defined using CombinatorialFreeModule, as in the

- If so, in all of the examples I've seen, CombinatorialFreeModule
needs a basis with an explicit indexing set.  I don't know an explicit
indexing set in the case I'm interested in; rather, I can define a
function which produces the basis.  (It's graded, so I can give a
recursive function which defines the basis in degree d in terms of the
bases in lower degrees.)  So what can I do?  Is it possible and is it
a good idea to specify a spanning set instead (as the basis in
CombinatorialFreeModule) -- I can just use words in the generators --
and then later on specify a linearly independent subset?

- If I don't need to use CombinatorialFreeModule, what other choices
do I have?


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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: categories, etc.: how to define a new algebra

2010-05-21 Thread John H Palmieri
On May 19, 3:55 pm, Nicolas M. Thiery nicolas.thi...@u-psud.fr
         Hi John!

 On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 03:40:44PM -0700, John H Palmieri wrote:
  On May 19, 3:02 pm, Nicolas M. Thiery nicolas.thi...@u-psud.fr
   On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 02:25:22PM -0700, John Palmieri wrote:
 - Should I do anything with the new categories framework?  I've
defined a category method for the algebra, but should I do anything

 - I'm working on a differential graded algebra, in fact.  It is a
graded algebra with basis (and it's actually Z x Z graded, so a
bigraded algebra with basis); do I need to do anything special about
this?  I've defined a basis method already which returns the basis
in each bidegree as a Python list.

   As a short first answer, please try:

       sage: A = AlgebrasWithBasis(QQ).example()

  Yes, I saw that.  It looks like I should try to define my algebra
  (call it L) as a CombinatorialFreeModule and implement at least
  one_basis, product_on_basis, and algebra_generators. Unfortunately,
  there is no corresponding example for GradedAlgebrasWithBasis, and the
  framework for graded objects doesn't seem very complete.  So should I
  specify the basis for the CombinatorialFreeModule using some family,
  and then attach some sort of grading to the basis elements to induce a
  grading on L?  That seems awkward -- it is important, at least for
  this example, to be able to easily extract the basis in any given
  (bi)degree, so it seems better to define a function specifying the
  basis in each degree.  What do you think?

  If that's right, then I don't see how to conveniently construct L as a
  CombinatorialFreeModule; rather, it is an infinite direct sum of
  (finite-dimensional) such objects, and I need to be able to consider
  each piece as well as the whole.

 Yes, real support for graded enumerated sets / algebras is still to
 come. Now I really need to jump to bed; in the mean time, you may want
 to have a look at DisjointUnionEnumeratedSets!

I'm sorry, but I can't see how to use this. I'm stuck with the whole
thing, in fact. (I'm not stuck with a Sage implementation, but I am
stuck with an implementation using the new categories framework.)

Let me provide some details: my algebra L is a bigraded algebra over
GF(p) (there is one algebra L for each prime p).  I don't know a
simple way to list the basis elements; instead, if I want a basis in a
particular bidegree (s,t), I build it recursively using the algebra
generators and the bases in bidegrees (s', t') for various s'  s and
t'  t. Thus, for example, I don't know offhand the dimension in each
bidegree.  As a result, I don't see how to implement this with
families or DisjointUnionEnumeratedSets.

(In case it helps: at the prime 2, the basis in bidegree (s,t) is in
bijection with length s partitions (i_1, i_2, ..., i_s) of t-s that
don't increase too fast: for each j, 2i_j = i_{j+1}.  It's similar
but a bit more complicated at odd primes.)

Anyway, if you have more suggestions, I would appreciate it.


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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: [sage-release] Sage 4.4.rc0 released

2010-04-26 Thread John H Palmieri
On Apr 26, 7:58 am, Florent Hivert florent.hiv...@univ-rouen.fr

 How is it decided to make a ticket a blocker ? Is it the responsibility of the
 release manager ? If on Wednesday I had realized that 4.4rc0 was so close to 
 out, could I have made #8746 a blocker ? (Apologies if my use of past tense in
 the previous sentence is wrong... Anyway I hope you get what I mean)

You can mark anything you like a blocker, but I think the release
manager can evaluate the ticket and decide whether to keep it as a
blocker for this release, change its priority, or make it a blocker
for the next release.  The release manager should make some sort of
comment on any blocker ticket indicating what's going on (or what
isn't) with the ticket for that release and why.

Regarding #8746: this appears to be a performance issue, not a bug fix
-- without it, Sage still functions but does some things much more
slowly.  So I personally wouldn't hold up a release just for this.  If
the patch had been there while I was working on alpha0 or alpha1, no
problem, but I would need a really good reason to delay the release
once we hit feature freeze. (This particular release also had a time
constraint: I have to stop being release manager tomorrow.  It takes
about 19 hours to build Sage on our Solaris box, t2.math, so
thoroughly testing a potential new release adds about a day to the

I think in general, if during the release process you decide that a
positively-reviewed ticket should have high priority, then it might be
best to email the release manager and explain the situation.  If this
had happened last Wednesday, I would have tried to merge it.  (If it
had been Friday, probably not -- feature freeze by then.)


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[sage-combinat-devel] Re: Partitions bug with max_slope?

2010-01-12 Thread John H Palmieri
On Jan 9, 3:58 am, Nicolas M. Thiery nicolas.thi...@u-psud.fr
 On Sat, Jan 09, 2010 at 10:53:30AM +0100, Vincent Delecroix wrote:
  I get the following with sage-4.3, is it normal to have [2, 1] and [1,
  2] as partitions ?

  sage: for p in Partitions(3, max_slope=1):
  :     print p
  [2, 1]
  [1, 2]
  [1, 1, 1]

 Well, that's consistent with max_slope=1. Did you mean max_slope=-1?
 Of course, it would have been nicer to get an error (since the highest
 meaningful max_slope for a partition is 0). Hopefully we will be able
 to do that when the IntegerListsLex kernel will be rewritten
 (volunteers for that welcome!).

While we're on this topic, here's a bug which I don't know if anyone
has worked on recently: compare

sage: Partitions(4, max_slope=-1).list()
[[4], [3, 1]]


sage: Partitions(4, max_slope=-1, length=3).list()  # doesn't work
[[2, 1, 1]]

See http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/6538.

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