[sage-devel] Problem building sage 3.1 on Debian lenny amd 64

2008-08-25 Thread Thierry Dumont

I try to compile sage on my opteron machine.

When compiling flint, I get the ld error message:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lstdc++

Th ld lines are:

g++  -I/usr/local/sage-3.1/local/include/
-I/usr/local/sage-3.1/local/include -f PIC -funroll-loops  -O3 -c
NTL-interface.cpp -o NTL-interface.o
gcc -std=c99 -fPIC -shared -Wl,-soname,lib`cat DIRNAME`.so -o lib`cat
DIRNAME`.s o mpn_extras.o mpz_extras.o memory-manager.o ZmodF.o
ZmodF_mul.o ZmodF_mul-tunin g.o fmpz.o fmpz_poly.o mpz_poly-tuning.o
mpz_poly.o ZmodF_poly.o long_extras.o z mod_poly.o NTL-interface.o
-L/usr/local/sage-3.1/local/lib/ -L/usr/local/sage-3.1/local/lib/  -lgmp
-lpthread -lntl -lm -lstdc++

and so, we certainly try to find a libstdc++ in
and, actually, there is non stl lib installed there.
The stl lib is system wide installed

fn:Thierry Dumont
org;quoted-printable:CNRS - Universit=C3=A9 Lyon 1. / Villeurbanne France.;Institut Camille Jordan
adr:;;43 Bd du 11 Novembre;Villeurbanne Cedex;F;69621;France
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title;quoted-printable:Ing=C3=A9nieur de Recherche/Research Ingeneer
tel;work:(33) 4 72 44 85 23

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

[sage-devel] Proposal for inclusion of GINAC/pynac-0.1 in Sage.

2008-08-25 Thread William Stein


I propose that pynac be included in Sage.

Pynac is a rewrite of Ginac to seamlessly use native Python objects instead
of  CLN -- for inclusion in Sage.   Pynac is a C++ library plus extensive
Cython bindings.   Pynac is about 30K lines, is very well documented and
commented, and as C++ code goes is extremely readable.

 [ ] Yes, include Pynac in Sage
 [ ] No, do not (please explain)
 [ ] Hmm, I have questions (please ask).


The idea to rewrite Ginac so it can manipulate native Python objects
directly appears to be new, and hasn't been tried before.

After thinking through all the options in detail, having experimented
with gfurnish's symbolics approach, watching how sympycore and sympy
have developed, and seeing what is possible using Maxima and Axiom,
I think Burcin's proposal to use a rewritten Ginac as the core symbolics
library for Sage is by far the best, given the goal of having a very solid
nearly-bug-free-well-documented-robust-fast symbolic system in literally
weeks from when we start.  Absolutely all other approaches result in
something that either doesn't scale speedwise, is buggy, is slow, or
will take a long time to finish.I'm so convinced that Burcin is right
about the Ginac approach that I've invested most of my time during
the last two weeks in this.

The new Pynac:
   (1) doesn't depend at all on (the heavy) CLN library,
   (2) can manipulate Python objects instead of CLN classes,
   (3) has Cython bindings that replicate roughly 50% (?) of the
functionality of the current Sage calculus, and at the same time
works with many more data types in Sage (e.g., interval arithmetic)
unlike the current calculus code which only works with types
that Maxima supports.  Currently the new code is 100% independent
of the Maxima-base calculus code in sage, and in many cases
much faster and potentially more powerful.

To try it out:

  (a) if you have an account on sage.math, just run the system-wide sage.

  (b) To install yourself into sage-3.1.1, see


In particular, do

   sage -i http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/was/pynac/pynac-0.1.spkg

The above build should take between 2 and 6 minutes depending on how fast
your computer is.   On one of my test machines with export MAKE=make -j4
it takes 45 seconds realtime to build.

Then do:

   sage: hg_sage.pull()
   sage: hg_sage.merge()   # possibly not needed
   sage: hg_sage.ci()  # possibly not needed

and exit and do:

 sage -br

You can create symbolic expression in the new symbolic ring
by doing e.g.,

sage: var('x,y,z',ns=1)
(x, y, z)
sage: f = (x+y+sin(z)^x)^3
sage: f.expand()
3*sin(z)^x*x^2 + 3*sin(z)^x*y^2 + 3*(sin(z)^x)^2*x + ...[snip]
sage: f.[tab]

An example with interval coefficients:

sage: f = x^3 + x^RIF(1) + y*RIF(pi)
sage: f
x^3 + x^(1.?) + (3.141592653589794?)*y
sage: expand(f^2).diff(y)
(6.283185307179587?)*x^3 + (6.283185307179587?)*x + (19.73920880217872?)*y

Arithmetic with relations is fully supported, including squaring both
sage: f =   (x^3 + x - 2/3  + y  x^3)
sage: f^2
(x^3 + x + y - 2/3)^2  x^6
sage: f - x^3
x + y - 2/3  0

Arithmetic with formal functions -- something that Burcin was originally
very concerned about -- is well supported.  Here's an example illustrating
applying a differential operator and extracting off coefficients of
it, a feature
that somebody recently wanted but the current Sage calculus didn't have:

sage: from sage.symbolic.function import function
sage: r, kappa = var('r,kappa', ns=1)
sage: psi = function('psi', 1)(r)
sage: g = 1/r^2*(2*r*psi.diff(r,1) + r^2*psi.diff(r,2)); g
(2*psi(1,r)*r + psi(2,r)*r^2)*r^(-2)
sage: g.coeff(psi.diff(r,2))
sage: g.coeff(psi.diff(r,1))

See the directory SAGE_ROOT/devel/sage/sage/symbolic for nearly 500 lines of
input examples or point your browser here:


Let me know if you have any questions.

There are still a lot of questions that I didn't answer above.  Including:
  (a) who will do the actual work?   (mainly Burcin at this point)
  (b) what will the new design look like?  How much
will change from the current symbolic calculus interface?
   In particular, how are we ensuring that the many requests
   from users in recent threads are addressed in this redesign?
  (See http://wiki.sagemath.org/symbench)
  (c) how does all this relate to the coercion model?
   (That will help with, e.g., a symbolic complex number type.)
  (d) what's the time frame for completely replacing the current calculus code?
   (Two months?)
  (e) how does this relate to sympy?
   (I dont' know.
Sympy does several things Ginac doesn't, such as symbolic
integration and
sophisticated limits. I would like to find a way to somehow
reuse that code directly,
especially since 

[sage-devel] Re: Problem building sage 3.1 on Debian lenny amd 64

2008-08-25 Thread William Stein

2008/8/25 Thierry Dumont [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I try to compile sage on my opteron machine.

What compiler version, exact operating sytem, etc.?

 When compiling flint, I get the ld error message:
 /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lstdc++

 Th ld lines are:

 g++  -I/usr/local/sage-3.1/local/include/
 -I/usr/local/sage-3.1/local/include -f PIC -funroll-loops  -O3 -c
 NTL-interface.cpp -o NTL-interface.o
 gcc -std=c99 -fPIC -shared -Wl,-soname,lib`cat DIRNAME`.so -o lib`cat
 DIRNAME`.s o mpn_extras.o mpz_extras.o memory-manager.o ZmodF.o
 ZmodF_mul.o ZmodF_mul-tunin g.o fmpz.o fmpz_poly.o mpz_poly-tuning.o
 mpz_poly.o ZmodF_poly.o long_extras.o z mod_poly.o NTL-interface.o
 -L/usr/local/sage-3.1/local/lib/ -L/usr/local/sage-3.1/local/lib/  -lgmp
 -lpthread -lntl -lm -lstdc++

 and so, we certainly try to find a libstdc++ in
 and, actually, there is non stl lib installed there.
 The stl lib is system wide installed


William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel
URLs: http://www.sagemath.org

[sage-devel] Re: Problem building sage 3.1 on Debian lenny amd 64

2008-08-25 Thread Thierry Dumont
William Stein a écrit :
 2008/8/25 Thierry Dumont [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 I try to compile sage on my opteron machine.
 What compiler version, exact operating sytem, etc.?
OS:  Debian lenny, amd64 (up to date).
gcc version 4.3.1 (Debian 4.3.1-2)


 When compiling flint, I get the ld error message:
 /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lstdc++

 Th ld lines are:

 g++  -I/usr/local/sage-3.1/local/include/
 -I/usr/local/sage-3.1/local/include -f PIC -funroll-loops  -O3 -c
 NTL-interface.cpp -o NTL-interface.o
 gcc -std=c99 -fPIC -shared -Wl,-soname,lib`cat DIRNAME`.so -o lib`cat
 DIRNAME`.s o mpn_extras.o mpz_extras.o memory-manager.o ZmodF.o
 ZmodF_mul.o ZmodF_mul-tunin g.o fmpz.o fmpz_poly.o mpz_poly-tuning.o
 mpz_poly.o ZmodF_poly.o long_extras.o z mod_poly.o NTL-interface.o
 -L/usr/local/sage-3.1/local/lib/ -L/usr/local/sage-3.1/local/lib/  -lgmp
 -lpthread -lntl -lm -lstdc++

 and so, we certainly try to find a libstdc++ in
 and, actually, there is non stl lib installed there.
 The stl lib is system wide installed



fn:Thierry Dumont
org;quoted-printable:CNRS - Universit=C3=A9 Lyon 1. / Villeurbanne France.;Institut Camille Jordan
adr:;;43 Bd du 11 Novembre;Villeurbanne Cedex;F;69621;France
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title;quoted-printable:Ing=C3=A9nieur de Recherche/Research Ingeneer
tel;work:(33) 4 72 44 85 23

Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

[sage-devel] Re: Proposal for inclusion of GINAC/pynac-0.1 in Sage.

2008-08-25 Thread Ondrej Certik

  [ ] Yes, include Pynac in Sage
  [ ] No, do not (please explain)
  [ ] Hmm, I have questions (please ask).

I don't know if my vote counts, but I am of course +1.

Thanks for pioneering the use of Python in C projects, I hope people
will now try much more to reuse C/C++ code.

  (e) how does this relate to sympy?
   (I dont' know.
Sympy does several things Ginac doesn't, such as symbolic
 integration and
sophisticated limits. I would like to find a way to somehow
 reuse that code directly,
especially since sympy is in sage already, and is already often better
than using Sage's current maxima + pexpect symbolic manipulation.
On the other hand, Burcin is I think driven mostly by his Ph.D. thesis
research, and has told me he will only write GPL'd code, which means
it can't go into Sympy.)

I think porting the limits is quite easy, but unfortunately ginac
series expansion is not sophisticated enough for more complicated
limits (at least last time I tried, it was I think 2 years ago), so
you will have to port the sympy's series expansion as well, or improve
ginac series expansion.

As to integration, that will be I think a little more difficult to
port, but definitely doable as well.

As to GPL vs BSD, I am sad that some people will not contribute to a
BSD project and some other people will not use a GPL project. But my
intuition says that the license is not the main reason. If sympy was
as fast as ginac (as I hope it will be in not so distant future), I am
sure it'd be ok, even if it's BSD. BTW, I told Burcin and William that
if the license was the only reason, I am willing to consider switching
to GPL (i.e. try to persuade all 44+ contributors), if that would mean
more people would be developing sympy. Currently it seems to be the
opposite, i.e. when we switched from GPL to BSD, people and developers
seemed to like it, but I may well be mistaken. But as I said, I think
the main problem of sympy is not the license, but speed.

I myself like the way sympy is designed, e.g. pure python + now we are
working on the Cython core (+possibly pynac if it's a better
alternative, even though some sympy developers seems to prefer pure
Cython solution if we can made it as fast as pynac), because that
allows to use sympy easily in the google app engine, hopefully soon in
pypy and jython, and also as a compiled library when we get the core
in with exactly the same interface, i.e., whenever there is python, it
should work on it.

On the other hand, if you are willing to release and maintain pynac
outside sage, so that it's easy to use and basically implement or port
all sympy to it, I'll be more than happy that someone else will do my
job and I can move to do some more advanced things. I really don't
want to have two codebases for the same thing.


To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com
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URLs: http://www.sagemath.org

[sage-devel] Templating engine for the Notebook

2008-08-25 Thread Timothy Clemans


Regarding the Sage Notebook, I propose that we use a templating engine
instead of using Python string templates class and writing HTML code
in the Python code. I have converted the existing templates in Extcode
to templates that use the Jinja engine, see
http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/3923. I also moved the HTML
for the Account Settings page to a Jinja template, see

I think using Jinja makes the Python code more readable. In addition,
I like be able to create a base template that other templates build
upon. Plus it's nice to be able to use for loops and if statements in
the templates. I use both in the templates at the two tickets.

Jinja is a clone of the templating engine used in the most popular
Python web framework Django. I am very interested in the possibility
of migrating the Sage Notebook to Django. Moving all the Notebook's
HTML to Jinja templates is the first step in migrating.

If Sphinx, a documentation system, is distributed with Sage then Jinja
would also be. See the sage-devel thread Sphinx and the Sage
Documentation at


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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel
URLs: http://www.sagemath.org

[sage-devel] Re: Manipulating diff. eqs. in Mathematica using pattern matching

2008-08-25 Thread Ondrej Certik

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 12:55 AM, Jason Merrill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In hopes that it may be a useful reference during the current work on
 symbolics, I wrote a toy Mathematica program for transforming a single
 higher order ODE into a system of first order ODEs.  Most of the free
 numerical differential equation solvers I've seen want input in the
 form y'[x] == f(y,x), so the purpose of a program like this is to take
 more general input and turn it into something suitable for those

 I'll use the Poisson-Boltzmann equation in spherical coordinates, a
 second order ODE, as my test example, because I recently needed to
 solve it numerically.

 pbe = r^2 p''[r] + 2 r p'[r] == r^2 k^2 Sinh[p[r]]

 The full form of the equation, which is useful for pattern matching,



 Notice how this looks a lot like Lisp?

 First, I want to find out what the order of the equation is, so I will
 match any terms of the form Derivative[o][p][r], and then find the
 match with the maximum o:

 diffEqOrder[eqn_, y_, x_] :=
  Max[Cases[pbe, Derivative[o_][y][x] - o, Infinity]]

 Cases produces a list of all the subexpressions in its first argument
 that match the pattern specified in the second argument, optionally
 with a replacement rule applied to the matches.  By default, it only
 looks at the top level of an expression, but setting the final
 argument to Infinity forces it to look all the way down the tree.  The
 _ here is a wildcard that matches any expression, and writing o_ gives
 that subexpression a name.  Since o is the only part I care about, I
 replace all the matches with just o.

 diffEqOrder[pbe, p, r]

 Now we're ready for the function that actually transforms equations:

 firstOrderForm[eqn_, y_, x_] :=
  Module[{rep, order = diffEqOrder[eqn, y, x]},
  rep = Solve[
eqn /. {Derivative[o_][y][x] - y[o][x], y[x] - y[0][x]},
  Join[Table[y'[o][x] == y[o + 1][x], {o, 0, order - 2}],
   y'[order - 1][x] == y[order][x] /. rep]

 The Module bit is just for keeping variables used in the definition
 out of global scope.  The important line is

 eqn /. {Derivative[o_][y][x] - y[o][x], y[x] - y[0][x]}

 where I use the replacement operator /. to replace all the derivatives
 of y with respect to x by a new function of x, y[o][x], where o is
 again the order of the derivative.  Once I've done that, I solve the
 equation for the highest order term.  Then I make a list basically
 just giving definitions of all the new functions as derivatives of the
 next lower order functions, and stick the solved highest order
 derivative equation on the end of the list.

 Here's the result for the example equation

 firstOrderForm[pbe, p, r]

 {p'[0][r] == p[1][r], p'[1][r] == (k^2 r Sinh[p[0][r]] - 2 p[1][r])/r}

 It's just a short shot from here to providing the input in a form that
 would be accepted by the gsl solver, or scipy.

 Hopefully this will be useful as one example of the kind of
 manipulations that pattern matching makes possible.  I'm happy to
 answer any more questions about it.

Thanks for doing this. It is indeed very useful, I always wondered how
things like this are done in Mathematica.

Any ideas how this could be nicely translated to Python?


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URLs: http://www.sagemath.org

[sage-devel] Re: Manipulating diff. eqs. in Mathematica using pattern matching

2008-08-25 Thread Burcin Erocal

On Sun, 24 Aug 2008 15:55:25 -0700 (PDT)
Jason Merrill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In hopes that it may be a useful reference during the current work on
 symbolics, I wrote a toy Mathematica program for transforming a single
 higher order ODE into a system of first order ODEs.  Most of the free
 numerical differential equation solvers I've seen want input in the
 form y'[x] == f(y,x), so the purpose of a program like this is to take
 more general input and turn it into something suitable for those

Thank you for taking the time to write this. It is very useful indeed. 

The interface to pynac (William's modified version of GiNaC) doesn't
support pattern matching yet, though it is not hard to add this. I'll
add this functionality and try to reproduce your example in Sage once I
finish reviewing the initial pynac interface patches (#3872).



To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel
URLs: http://www.sagemath.org

[sage-devel] Re: Proposal for inclusion of GINAC/pynac-0.1 in Sage.

2008-08-25 Thread David Joyner

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 4:59 AM, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I propose that pynac be included in Sage.

 Pynac is a rewrite of Ginac to seamlessly use native Python objects instead
 of  CLN -- for inclusion in Sage.   Pynac is a C++ library plus extensive
 Cython bindings.   Pynac is about 30K lines, is very well documented and
 commented, and as C++ code goes is extremely readable.

  [x ] Yes, include Pynac in Sage
  [ ] No, do not (please explain)
  [ ] Hmm, I have questions (please ask).

Looks very nice!



 I think with polish and proper refereeing, the code Burcin and I have
 already written should be included in Sage, so that others can start using it
 and developing it further.

  --  William

 William Stein
 Associate Professor of Mathematics
 University of Washington


To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel
URLs: http://www.sagemath.org

[sage-devel] Re: Templating engine for the Notebook

2008-08-25 Thread Harald Schilly


On Aug 25, 1:39 pm, Timothy Clemans [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I am very interested in the possibility
 of migrating the Sage Notebook to Django. Moving all the Notebook's
 HTML to Jinja templates is the first step in migrating.

My comments on that are based on my experience with something similar
- writing jsp and servlet code in java. But anyways, using templates
has a lot of benefits. Faster development, easier maintenance and
extensibility, i.e. extending basic templates with specialized
functionality and so on. This is also useful for things like i18n
internationalization of the interface, where just a middleware layer
switches according to a language parameter and nobody has to poke
around inside the current python code to replace strings. Another
point is, that editing html content is more error prone since there is
a better separation of code, logic and html. Also, the processing is
faster since templates are only loaded once. according to the django-
book website, there are also addons for authentication and
administration that makes development easier and the interface more

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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel
URLs: http://www.sagemath.org

[sage-devel] missing imports for experimental module for Sage

2008-08-25 Thread Philippe Saade


i'am testing a Python module i wrote and placed it in one of the
pathes visited by Sage's Python while importing.

I try to do the necessary imports at the beginning of my module but it
seem's to be an endless quest.

I am not an experienced Python user.
Can anybody give me a hint ?

(rem : the classes defined in that module work fine if placed in a
notebook cell)


To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel
URLs: http://www.sagemath.org

[sage-devel] Re: Comparing complex numbers

2008-08-25 Thread William Stein

On Sat, Aug 23, 2008 at 7:09 PM, Nils Bruin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Aug 23, 1:27 pm, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Did you read through the article Alfredo Portes posted, which
 also explains some of the gotchas and subtleties of disallowing
 comparisons?   I'm curious what you thought of it.

 At the very least,  should be transitive wherever it is allowed.
 The one example that David Mertz gives in favour of universal ordering
 is sorting, which completely hinges on transitivity of . As it
 stands at the moment with 1  None  int(0), this is already violated.
 That means that any algorithm based on sorting can fail in
 unpredictable ways.


Just as another data point, since I happened to see it when reading
source code, in the Ginac library (http://www.ginac.de) we find this comment:

  /** This method establishes a canonical order on all numbers.  For complex
   *  numbers this is not possible in a mathematically consistent way
but we need
   *  to establish some order and it ought to be fast.  So we simply define it
   *  to be compatible with our method csgn.
   *  @return csgn(*this-other)
   *  @see numeric::csgn() */

I'm not making or suggesting any conclusions -- just adding another data point.


To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel
URLs: http://www.sagemath.org

[sage-devel] Re: missing imports for experimental module for Sage

2008-08-25 Thread David Joyner

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 8:20 AM, Philippe Saade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 i'am testing a Python module i wrote and placed it in one of the
 pathes visited by Sage's Python while importing.

 I try to do the necessary imports at the beginning of my module but it
 seem's to be an endless quest.

 I am not an experienced Python user.
 Can anybody give me a hint ?

Did you add it to devel/sage/setup.py?

 (rem : the classes defined in that module work fine if placed in a
 notebook cell)



To post to this group, send email to sage-devel@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel
URLs: http://www.sagemath.org

[sage-devel] Re: Manipulating diff. eqs. in Mathematica using pattern matching

2008-08-25 Thread Jason Merrill

On Aug 25, 7:46 am, Ondrej Certik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 12:55 AM, Jason Merrill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  In hopes that it may be a useful reference during the current work on
  symbolics, I wrote a toy Mathematica program for transforming a single
  higher order ODE into a system of first order ODEs.  Most of the free
  numerical differential equation solvers I've seen want input in the
  form y'[x] == f(y,x), so the purpose of a program like this is to take
  more general input and turn it into something suitable for those


 Thanks for doing this. It is indeed very useful, I always wondered how
 things like this are done in Mathematica.

 Any ideas how this could be nicely translated to Python?


I thought you were going to tell me that sympy already does this.  I
believe I saw an example somewhere in the docs about matching
derivatives, but I couldn't immediately find it again.

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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sage-devel
URLs: http://www.sagemath.org

[sage-devel] Re: Sage Notebook CSS

2008-08-25 Thread john_perry_usm

Found it. I was missing a div.worksheet_title.

john perry

On Aug 22, 12:00 pm, john_perry_usm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've been working with this recently and I'm wondering which CSS tag I
 should change for the background color of the table whose id is
 topbar. It doesn't have a class assigned to it and for the life of
 me I can't find the class that affects it. My CSS is not the best; is
 there a generic table class I could modify? The following doesn't seem
 to do the trick

 table {
   background-color: rgb(224,224,224);


 john perry

 On May 27, 9:57 am, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I've always wondered why nobody creates nice stylized skins, etc.
  for the notebook.
  It just occurred to me that though I made it trivial to change the
  notebook css on the
  fly, nobody knows how.  If you would like to make your Sage notebook
  look totally
  different, here's a quick tutorial (assumes you are not using the
  vmware version of
  the notebook):

  1. See attached screenshot.

  2. Start your *own* notebook server running locally on your computer.

  3. Make a new file $HOME/.sage/notebook.css with these contents:

  textarea.cell_input {
    border: 0px;
    font-family: monaco;


  div.cell_not_evaluated {
      border-left: 3px solid #ff;


  td.cell_number_running {
     border-left:20px solid orange;


  4. Press refresh in your web browser and observe that the above css takes
  effect thus changing the style of your notebook.

  5. You can change a lot.  To get a feel for the options 
  where 8000 is replaced by whatever port your notebook runs on.

  This feature has been in Sage for two years, but I don't think anybody
  has ever used it.

   -- William

  William Stein
  Associate Professor of Mathematics
  University of Washingtonhttp://wstein.org

   Picture 2.png

 On May 27, 9:57 am, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I've always wondered why nobody creates nice stylized skins, etc.
  for the notebook.
  It just occurred to me that though I made it trivial to change the
  notebook css on the
  fly, nobody knows how.  If you would like to make your Sage notebook
  look totally
  different, here's a quick tutorial (assumes you are not using the
  vmware version of
  the notebook):

  1. See attached screenshot.

  2. Start your *own* notebook server running locally on your computer.

  3. Make a new file $HOME/.sage/notebook.css with these contents:

  textarea.cell_input {
    border: 0px;
    font-family: monaco;


  div.cell_not_evaluated {
      border-left: 3px solid #ff;


  td.cell_number_running {
     border-left:20px solid orange;


  4. Press refresh in your web browser and observe that the above css takes
  effect thus changing the style of your notebook.

  5. You can change a lot.  To get a feel for the options 
  where 8000 is replaced by whatever port your notebook runs on.

  This feature has been in Sage for two years, but I don't think anybody
  has ever used it.

   -- William

  William Stein
  Associate Professor of Mathematics
  University of Washingtonhttp://wstein.org

   Picture 2.png
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[sage-devel] Re: Manipulating diff. eqs. in Mathematica using pattern matching

2008-08-25 Thread Ondrej Certik

 Thanks for doing this. It is indeed very useful, I always wondered how
 things like this are done in Mathematica.

 Any ideas how this could be nicely translated to Python?


 I thought you were going to tell me that sympy already does this.  I
 believe I saw an example somewhere in the docs about matching
 derivatives, but I couldn't immediately find it again.

We have something, but not exactly like in Mathematica. Here is
sympy's implementation of deriv_degree


and here are other examples of matching:


E.g. the thing that you were looking for is starting here:


some other docs are here:



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[sage-devel] Re: missing imports for experimental module for Sage

2008-08-25 Thread Philippe Saade

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 2:41 PM, David Joyner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 8:20 AM, Philippe Saade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

nybody give me a hint ?

 Did you add it to devel/sage/setup.py?

No and honestly, i don't fully understand the way that file is structured.
If you could give me an example of a line i should add...

Sorry to bother


 (rem : the classes defined in that module work fine if placed in a
 notebook cell)



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[sage-devel] Re: Sage mentioned in American Scientist

2008-08-25 Thread Tim Abbott

On Aug 24, 4:45 pm, iSAGE [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 This is exciting news. Just curious about the debian package - it will
 probably not have many of the optional packages. What will be the
 procedure to install optional packages then? For example, I am
 interested in nauty, which I believe is not under GPL. So will it
 never be in the debian package?

I included some of the optional packages already in Debian on the
Recommends: line for the sagemath package, so that they will be
installed automatically when one installs Sage (but the user can
choose not to install them).

One should be able to install optional sage spkgs using sage -i (as
root) from the Debian installation.

-Tim Abbott
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URLs: http://www.sagemath.org

[sage-devel] Re: Proposal for inclusion of GINAC/pynac-0.1 in Sage.

2008-08-25 Thread parisse

I still do not understand why giac is not even mentionned in the
symbolic discussion considering the fact that like ginac, it is a C++
library, but unlike ginac (Ginac Is Not A Cas), giac (Giac Is A Cas)
has much more advanced calculus functions (either functionnalities
like limits, integration) and good benchmarks. I thought sage was an
effort to build a free alternative to maple or mathematica and that
collaboration between projects having this goal would prevail, not
competition (how much time lost duplicating the functionnalities
already available in giac for pynac?).
By the way, I installed in ~parisse on sage the 64 bits binaries
version of giac (icas) and xcas so that everybody can test benchmarks.
Unfortunately a few system libraries on sage have bad rights, e.g.
libstdc++.so.6 is rw instead of rwx, hence one must run
 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~parisse
before running
For example
g:=(x+y+z+1)^20; h:=(x-y+2z-2)^20; time(r:=normal(g*h));

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[sage-devel] Re: Proposal for inclusion of GINAC/pynac-0.1 in Sage.

2008-08-25 Thread David Joyner

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 10:12 AM, parisse

 I still do not understand why giac is not even mentionned in the
 symbolic discussion considering the fact that like ginac, it is a C++
 library, but unlike ginac (Ginac Is Not A Cas), giac (Giac Is A Cas)
 has much more advanced calculus functions (either functionnalities
 like limits, integration) and good benchmarks. I thought sage was an
 effort to build a free alternative to maple or mathematica and that
 collaboration between projects having this goal would prevail, not
 competition (how much time lost duplicating the functionnalities
 already available in giac for pynac?).

I can't speak for anyone else (hence I can't really answer your
question) but I have had problems compiling giac for amd64 hardy heron.
I'm fairly impatient though, and maybe if I tried harder I could have
gotten something to compile. I did spend maybe 30 minutes on it
and gave up.

I also tried installing it on an intel macbook but the package refused
to install
on my firewire drive. It's actually the first application I've run
across which has
refused to install on my firewire drive (my tiny HD is full:-). Is it
possible to
fix this?

Can you create a system for which someone using amd64 hardy heron
(a very popular distribution) can compile it from source (at least after a
specific number of dependencies are installed using apt-get). In other words,
can you create the analog of
http://modular.math.washington.edu/sage/doc/inst/node5.html ?
If so, I'd be happy to test it out. Also, is there any documentation in
English? (I mean something more than a 5 page tutorial.)

Sorry if I seem to hijack your thread. Actually, giac seems potentially
interesting but it is difficult for me to say more.

 By the way, I installed in ~parisse on sage the 64 bits binaries
 version of giac (icas) and xcas so that everybody can test benchmarks.
 Unfortunately a few system libraries on sage have bad rights, e.g.
 libstdc++.so.6 is rw instead of rwx, hence one must run
  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~parisse
 before running
 For example
 g:=(x+y+z+1)^20; h:=(x-y+2z-2)^20; time(r:=normal(g*h));


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URLs: http://www.sagemath.org

[sage-devel] Re: Proposal for inclusion of GINAC/pynac-0.1 in Sage.

2008-08-25 Thread Burcin Erocal


On Mon, 25 Aug 2008 07:12:27 -0700 (PDT)
parisse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I still do not understand why giac is not even mentionned in the
 symbolic discussion considering the fact that like ginac, it is a C++
 library, but unlike ginac (Ginac Is Not A Cas), giac (Giac Is A Cas)
 has much more advanced calculus functions (either functionnalities
 like limits, integration) and good benchmarks. 

I think the only reason giac is not mentioned in the benchmarks is that
it wasn't available. There are already interfaces to MMA and Maple from
Sage, so they are easy to time. Sympy and sympycore are already in
Python, so no trouble there. GiNaC was easy to build and understand, so
I could create packages and write an interface in a matter of hours. 

There was already an attempt (by Ondrej) to make a package for giac,
which is the first step to writing an interface. However, IIRC, it
didn't succeed.

There is also the question why use GiNaC and not giac as the symbolic
arithmetic engine in Sage. The answer lies in the formulation of the
question, and the word arithmetic.

We already have a pretty good symbolic engine in Sage, maxima does
quite a good job of solving integrals, limits, etc. The main problem
with Maxima is that we cannot extend it. The situation would be the
same if we adopted yet another system, such as giac. 

The point of the pynac effort (at least from my pov), is to acquire a
fast and capable arithmetic and manipulation engine and write the
higher level algorithms on top of that. This way Sage can advance
from being a user interface to become a research environment.

 I thought sage was an
 effort to build a free alternative to maple or mathematica and that
 collaboration between projects having this goal would prevail, not
 competition (how much time lost duplicating the functionnalities
 already available in giac for pynac?).

Pynac is a modification of GiNaC to use python objects as coefficients
in its data types. This was a rather tricky, but well isolated change,
since GiNaC already abstracts this functionality into a single class. I
don't think this is duplicating any functionality already in giac.



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URLs: http://www.sagemath.org

[sage-devel] Re: Proposal for inclusion of GINAC/pynac-0.1 in Sage.

2008-08-25 Thread Gary Furnish

I've been trying to get an answer for this question for the last few
weeks: Is the plan to extend ginac (write algorithms in C) or to
extend sage (write new algorithms in Sage) using cython/python?  This
is very much a design related question, and in the hurry to get GiNaC
through review I feel that design issues and questions have been very
much ignored.  To put the question somewhat differently, are
algorithms using the new symbolics system going to be use GiNaC/pynac
enough that switching to any other low level system will be very, very
difficult (because new code such as sums may depend directly on GiNaC
specific behavior)?  If this is not intended, what will be done to try
to prevent Sage from becoming overly dependent on GiNaC in the long


On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 8:24 AM, Burcin Erocal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 On Mon, 25 Aug 2008 07:12:27 -0700 (PDT)
 parisse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I still do not understand why giac is not even mentionned in the
 symbolic discussion considering the fact that like ginac, it is a C++
 library, but unlike ginac (Ginac Is Not A Cas), giac (Giac Is A Cas)
 has much more advanced calculus functions (either functionnalities
 like limits, integration) and good benchmarks.

 I think the only reason giac is not mentioned in the benchmarks is that
 it wasn't available. There are already interfaces to MMA and Maple from
 Sage, so they are easy to time. Sympy and sympycore are already in
 Python, so no trouble there. GiNaC was easy to build and understand, so
 I could create packages and write an interface in a matter of hours.

 There was already an attempt (by Ondrej) to make a package for giac,
 which is the first step to writing an interface. However, IIRC, it
 didn't succeed.

 There is also the question why use GiNaC and not giac as the symbolic
 arithmetic engine in Sage. The answer lies in the formulation of the
 question, and the word arithmetic.

 We already have a pretty good symbolic engine in Sage, maxima does
 quite a good job of solving integrals, limits, etc. The main problem
 with Maxima is that we cannot extend it. The situation would be the
 same if we adopted yet another system, such as giac.

 The point of the pynac effort (at least from my pov), is to acquire a
 fast and capable arithmetic and manipulation engine and write the
 higher level algorithms on top of that. This way Sage can advance
 from being a user interface to become a research environment.

 I thought sage was an
 effort to build a free alternative to maple or mathematica and that
 collaboration between projects having this goal would prevail, not
 competition (how much time lost duplicating the functionnalities
 already available in giac for pynac?).

 Pynac is a modification of GiNaC to use python objects as coefficients
 in its data types. This was a rather tricky, but well isolated change,
 since GiNaC already abstracts this functionality into a single class. I
 don't think this is duplicating any functionality already in giac.




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URLs: http://www.sagemath.org

[sage-devel] Re: Proposal for inclusion of GINAC/pynac-0.1 in Sage.

2008-08-25 Thread Ondrej Certik

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 5:24 PM, Burcin Erocal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 On Mon, 25 Aug 2008 07:12:27 -0700 (PDT)
 parisse [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I still do not understand why giac is not even mentionned in the
 symbolic discussion considering the fact that like ginac, it is a C++
 library, but unlike ginac (Ginac Is Not A Cas), giac (Giac Is A Cas)
 has much more advanced calculus functions (either functionnalities
 like limits, integration) and good benchmarks.

 I think the only reason giac is not mentioned in the benchmarks is that
 it wasn't available. There are already interfaces to MMA and Maple from
 Sage, so they are easy to time. Sympy and sympycore are already in
 Python, so no trouble there. GiNaC was easy to build and understand, so
 I could create packages and write an interface in a matter of hours.

 There was already an attempt (by Ondrej) to make a package for giac,
 which is the first step to writing an interface. However, IIRC, it
 didn't succeed.

It did:


giac builds, but it takes 72, while pynac takes 2 minutes. Also noone
has tried to write the Cython wrappers for it,
I hoped Bernard would try it, but I really don't have time for this now.


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[sage-devel] Re: Proposal for inclusion of GINAC/pynac-0.1 in Sage.

2008-08-25 Thread parisse

 I can't speak for anyone else (hence I can't really answer your
 question) but I have had problems compiling giac for amd64 hardy heron.
 I'm fairly impatient though, and maybe if I tried harder I could have
 gotten something to compile. I did spend maybe 30 minutes on it
 and gave up.

For a full-featured giac, you will need several packages. That's why I
provide binaries. The binaries on sage should work on any amd64 (first
install xcas_root.tgz (http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/~parisse/
giac/xcas_root.tgz) to have the doc, then unarchive xcas64.tgz (ftp://
ftp-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/xcas/xcas64.tgz) in /usr/local/bin). For
compilation, get the latest giac_unstable.tgz or try the spkg built by
Ondrej which is in my directory on sage (it is up to date and compiles
on sage).

 I also tried installing it on an intel macbook but the package refused
 to install
 on my firewire drive. It's actually the first application I've run
 across which has
 refused to install on my firewire drive (my tiny HD is full:-). Is it
 possible to
 fix this?

There is perhaps some problem since a part of the installation goes
in /usr/local. You are the first one reporting this and I'm not a mac
expert therefore I can't answer right now:-(

 Can you create a system for which someone using amd64 hardy heron
 (a very popular distribution) can compile it from source (at least after a
 specific number of dependencies are installed using apt-get). In other words,
 can you create the analog 

The INSTALL file from the source should help you compile giac. Where
does it fail for you?

 If so, I'd be happy to test it out. Also, is there any documentation in
 English? (I mean something more than a 5 page tutorial.)

There is a user guide in English for the xcas application.
and a very short introduction on how to program with giac
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URLs: http://www.sagemath.org

[sage-devel] GIAC

2008-08-25 Thread Martin Albrecht

On Monday 25 August 2008, parisse wrote:
 I still do not understand why giac is not even mentionned in the
 symbolic discussion considering the fact that like ginac, it is a C++
 library, but unlike ginac (Ginac Is Not A Cas), giac (Giac Is A Cas)
 has much more advanced calculus functions (either functionnalities
 like limits, integration) and good benchmarks. I thought sage was an
 effort to build a free alternative to maple or mathematica and that
 collaboration between projects having this goal would prevail, not
 competition (how much time lost duplicating the functionnalities
 already available in giac for pynac?).
 By the way, I installed in ~parisse on sage the 64 bits binaries
 version of giac (icas) and xcas so that everybody can test benchmarks.
 Unfortunately a few system libraries on sage have bad rights, e.g.
 libstdc++.so.6 is rw instead of rwx, hence one must run
  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~parisse
 before running
 For example
 g:=(x+y+z+1)^20; h:=(x-y+2z-2)^20; time(r:=normal(g*h));

Hi there,

I totally agree with you that it is annoying that your e-mails don't get 
addressed properly. Thus, I'm answering however I don't really use symbolics, 
so my expertice is very limited in that area.

The official guidelines for inclusion of new packages are:

 = License =
 GPL version 2+ compatible license. (This will be publicly revisited around
 Jan 15, 2009.)

GIAC seems to be GPL v3+ according to Michael Abshoff?

 = Build Support =
 The package must build on our supported architectures and compilers [and
 intended port targets]: * Linux: x86, x86_64, Itanium, ppc, ppc64, Sparc
 (gcc 3.4-4.3)
  * Apple Mac OS X: ppc, ppc64, x86, x86-64 (Xcode 2.5+)
  * Microsoft Windows: x86, x86_64 MSVC 2005/Intel Fortran [MinGW or Cygwin 
 * support is insufficient!] * Solaris 10: Sparc, x86, x86_64 (Sun Forte 12)
 Some Sage developers are willing to help you port to OSX, Solaris and
 Windows. But this is no guarantee and you or your project are expected to
 do the heavy lifting and also support those ports upstream if there is no
 Sage developer who is willing to share the burden. Potential future ports:
 FreeBSD: x86, x86-64
 OpenBSD: x86, x86-64
 HPUX: Itanium

As far as I know there were a couple of build issues with GIAC in the past. 
But you replied fast to any issue brought up on this list.

Michael Abshoff wrote about this on [sage-devel]:
 The code doesn't seem to have MSVC support and due to its size the 
 size/benefit ratio doesn't look good. Since I will likely end up 
 porting the code I am not too excited to have to deal with another 
 150k lines of code. 

I am not aware of any build issue with GINAC because I never tried. However, 
it seems that this issue was not addressed in William's proposal. William, 
can you clarify where you tried to build GINAC and how it worked? Also, since 
MSVC support is now a *requirement*, does Pynac compile with MSVC?

 The package should be better than anything else (that passes the two
 above criteria) and an argument should be made for this. The comparison
 should be made to both Python and other software. Criteria in passing the
 quality test include: 

As far as I understand it there is an issue defining what Speed is in that 
context. But both Ginac and Giac seem to do well overall. Someone else needs 
to address this in more detail


Ginac seems to be fairly well documented from what I gather: Tutorial, 
reference manual. Same goes for Giac which also seems to have a tutorial and 
a reference manual. This seems to be focused on Xcas though, which is not 
what Sage could use. Is there any C++ level reference manual?

Michael Abshoff wrote about this:
 The code is sparingly commented and seems to conform to its own 
 coding style. We specifically looked at the Risch code and also 
 infrastructure like vecteur - this is really a big issue since dealing 
 with sparingly documented code in the past had proven to be a huge 
 pain in case we had to fix bugs 


I have no clue. However, Ginac seems to be extendible since it is designed as 
a C++ library rather than a full system. Libraries are obviously better for 
Sage since they are easier to integrate.

 Memory leaks

No clue.


That seems to be an issue, since people complaint about the lack of code 
documentation, module separation and so on for Giac. I'm just repeating what 
others said already on this list, I personally never tried.

Also Giac comes with a lot of stuff that is already in Sage, while Ginac only 
does stuff that is not there yet (fast symbolic arithmetic)

 Reasonable build time, size, dependencies

Ondrej reported that building Giac required 72 minutes on sage.math which is 
way too long. Ginac builds in up to 6 minutes. Also Giac seems much larger 
than Ginac.

 JSAGE vote (majority)
 A certain number of sage-devel +1 votes (and sage-support votes)
 Every spkg 

[sage-devel] Re: Proposal for inclusion of GINAC/pynac-0.1 in Sage.

2008-08-25 Thread didier deshommes

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 4:59 AM, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I propose that pynac be included in Sage.

  [ ] Yes, include Pynac in Sage
  [ ] No, do not (please explain)
  [ ] Hmm, I have questions (please ask).

I have a question: what will happen to gfurnish's work? Is it going to
be completely abandoned?


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URLs: http://www.sagemath.org

[sage-devel] Re: 3 edits - [Re: [sage-devel] trivial typo on Help and Support page]

2008-08-25 Thread Minh Nguyen

Hi Harald,

On Sat, Aug 23, 2008 at 11:50 AM, Harald Schilly
 This is a typo for you to fix...

 thx for the proofreading. I've uploaded your changes.

Still a typo at the URL:


The very last bold heading at the bottom of that page reads
Utilites. I think you've only fixed the second occurrence of the
typo utilites, but not the first occurrence. The diff below fixes
the first occurrence of utilites:

- Utilites  Useful utilities when working with Sage
+ Utilities  Useful utilities when working with Sage

Minh Van Nguyen

Web: http://nguyenminh2.googlepages.com
Blog: http://mvngu.wordpress.com

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URLs: http://www.sagemath.org

[sage-devel] Re: GIAC

2008-08-25 Thread parisse

 The official guidelines for inclusion of new packages are:

  = License =
  GPL version 2+ compatible license. (This will be publicly revisited around
  Jan 15, 2009.)

 GIAC seems to be GPL v3+ according to Michael Abshoff?

I can re-license it to GPL 2 (maybe some optional libraries should not
be linked with).

 As far as I understand it there is an issue defining what Speed is in that
 context. But both Ginac and Giac seem to do well overall. Someone else needs
 to address this in more detail

It all depends on what you are benchmarking. For basic arithmetic,
ginac and giac are probably on the same scale.
I did not try ginac recently, but I don't think they have for example
a modular GCD algorithm, they rely on heuristic GCD and subresultant.


 Ginac seems to be fairly well documented from what I gather: Tutorial,
 reference manual. Same goes for Giac which also seems to have a tutorial and
 a reference manual. This seems to be focused on Xcas though, which is not
 what Sage could use. Is there any C++ level reference manual?

See above, there is a short introduction on how the library may be
used. The user guide is focused on Xcas since that's where users
currently are. It is anyway useful for writing code using giac, since
(almost) every xcas function has an equivalent giac function with the
same name + an initial _ and the same arguments (groupped in a vector)
and sometimes a context argument (for thread-safe parallel execution).
I'm waiting for interested contributors before writing a more complete


 I have no clue. However, Ginac seems to be extendible since it is designed as
 a C++ library rather than a full system. Libraries are obviously better for
 Sage since they are easier to integrate.

Giac is also a C++ library unlike maxima or axiom.

 Also Giac comes with a lot of stuff that is already in Sage, while Ginac only
 does stuff that is not there yet (fast symbolic arithmetic)

What do you mean by fast symbolic arithmetic? Ginac does basic fast
symbolic arithmetic (+,*), Giac does in addition gcd, factor,
integration, etc. Of course, maxima or axiom can be called from inside
sage to do these kinds of computations, but they will not benefit from
speed or functionnality improvements from other libraries (e.g. maxima
will not benefit from the inclusion of ginac or NTL or whatever will
be in sage).
Dismissing giac means that some sage developers will take time and
efforts to duplicate what's already in giac from the ginac base.

 Ondrej reported that building Giac required 72 minutes on sage.math which is
 way too long. Ginac builds in up to 6 minutes. Also Giac seems much larger
 than Ginac.

Of course, giac is much larger since it has much more calculus
features. It is indeed long to build with -O2 but with -g it is about
10mn or less. I never build with -O2 for development, only for
distributing final binaries.
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[sage-devel] Re: Proposal for inclusion of GINAC/pynac-0.1 in Sage.

2008-08-25 Thread parisse

 Also noone
 has tried to write the Cython wrappers for it,
 I hoped Bernard would try it, but I really don't have time for this now.


I don't have the time right now to learn how to write Cython wrappers.
Unfortunately I may end up being obliged (once again) to do it myself
to attract python developpers:-( It will most probably not be as good
as if a true python developers write one.
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[sage-devel] Re: GIAC

2008-08-25 Thread Martin Albrecht

  Also Giac comes with a lot of stuff that is already in Sage, while Ginac
  only does stuff that is not there yet (fast symbolic arithmetic)

 What do you mean by fast symbolic arithmetic? Ginac does basic fast
 symbolic arithmetic (+,*), Giac does in addition gcd, factor,
 integration, etc. Of course, maxima or axiom can be called from inside
 sage to do these kinds of computations, but they will not benefit from
 speed or functionnality improvements from other libraries (e.g. maxima
 will not benefit from the inclusion of ginac or NTL or whatever will
 be in sage).
 Dismissing giac means that some sage developers will take time and
 efforts to duplicate what's already in giac from the ginac base.

I meant stuff like this:

Installing the required libraries from source (recommended)
 * CoCoA 0.99 (for faster Groebner basis).

Sage already has faster Groebner bases since it included Singular. There is  
a lot of stuff like that in Xcas/Giac like that Sage already has. This makes 
sense since Giac/Xcas is a stand-alone system just like Sage.

  Ondrej reported that building Giac required 72 minutes on sage.math which
  is way too long. Ginac builds in up to 6 minutes. Also Giac seems much
  larger than Ginac.

 Of course, giac is much larger since it has much more calculus
 features. It is indeed long to build with -O2 but with -g it is about
 10mn or less. I never build with -O2 for development, only for
 distributing final binaries.

Sage is built from source by many people. One of the design goals was to 
enable each end user easily to contribute and thus there is no such stark 
distinction between development and final binaries. This might change 
eventually, but a build time of 72 minutes seems way too long.


name: Martin Albrecht
_pgp: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=getsearch=0x8EF0DC99
_www: http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~malb

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[sage-devel] Re: Templating engine for the Notebook

2008-08-25 Thread William Stein

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 4:39 AM, Timothy Clemans

 Regarding the Sage Notebook, I propose that we use a templating engine
 instead of using Python string templates class and writing HTML code
 in the Python code. I have converted the existing templates in Extcode
 to templates that use the Jinja engine, see
 http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/3923. I also moved the HTML
 for the Account Settings page to a Jinja template, see


I strongly support your proposal to use Jinja to template the HTML
generation code for the Sage notebook.  Go for it!


 I think using Jinja makes the Python code more readable. In addition,
 I like be able to create a base template that other templates build
 upon. Plus it's nice to be able to use for loops and if statements in
 the templates. I use both in the templates at the two tickets.

 Jinja is a clone of the templating engine used in the most popular
 Python web framework Django. I am very interested in the possibility
 of migrating the Sage Notebook to Django. Moving all the Notebook's
 HTML to Jinja templates is the first step in migrating.

 If Sphinx, a documentation system, is distributed with Sage then Jinja
 would also be. See the sage-devel thread Sphinx and the Sage
 Documentation at


William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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[sage-devel] Re: missing imports for experimental module for Sage

2008-08-25 Thread William Stein

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 5:41 AM, David Joyner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 8:20 AM, Philippe Saade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 i'am testing a Python module i wrote and placed it in one of the
 pathes visited by Sage's Python while importing.

 I try to do the necessary imports at the beginning of my module but it
 seem's to be an endless quest.

What do you think the necessary imports are?  Could you be way more

 I am not an experienced Python user.
 Can anybody give me a hint ?

 Did you add it to devel/sage/setup.py?

 (rem : the classes defined in that module work fine if placed in a
 notebook cell)




William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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[sage-devel] Re: Manipulating diff. eqs. in Mathematica using pattern matching

2008-08-25 Thread William Stein

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 4:47 AM, Burcin Erocal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, 24 Aug 2008 15:55:25 -0700 (PDT)
 Jason Merrill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In hopes that it may be a useful reference during the current work on
 symbolics, I wrote a toy Mathematica program for transforming a single
 higher order ODE into a system of first order ODEs.  Most of the free
 numerical differential equation solvers I've seen want input in the
 form y'[x] == f(y,x), so the purpose of a program like this is to take
 more general input and turn it into something suitable for those

 Thank you for taking the time to write this. It is very useful indeed.

 The interface to pynac (William's modified version of GiNaC) doesn't
 support pattern matching yet, though it is not hard to add this. I'll
 add this functionality and try to reproduce your example in Sage once I
 finish reviewing the initial pynac interface patches (#3872).

Burcin -- I did actually mostly implement pattern matching in Pynac.
Some examples:
sage: var('x,y,z,a,b,c,d,e,f',ns=1); S = parent(x)
(x, y, z, a, b, c, d, e, f)
sage: w0 = S.wild(0); w1 = S.wild(1); w2 = S.wild(2)
sage: ((x+y)^a).match((x+y)^a)
sage: ((x+y)^a).match((x+y)^b)
sage: (a^2 + b^2 + (x+y)^2).subs(w0^2 == w0^3)
(x + y)^3 + a^3 + b^3
sage: (a^4 + b^4 + (x+y)^4).subs(w0^2 == w0^3)
(x + y)^4 + a^4 + b^4
sage: (a^2 + b^4 + (x+y)^4).subs(w0^2 == w0^3)
(x + y)^4 + a^3 + b^4
sage: ((a+b+c)^2).subs(a+b==x)
(a + b + c)^2
sage: ((a+b+c)^2).subs(a+b+w0==x+w0)
(c + x)^2
sage: (a+2*b).subs(a+b==x)
a + 2*b
sage: (a+2*b).subs(a+b+w0 == x+w0)
a + 2*b
sage: (a+2*b).subs(a+w0*b == x)
sage: (a+2*b).subs(a+b+w0*b == x+w0*b)
a + 2*b
sage: (4*x^3-2*x^2+5*x-1).subs(x==a)
4*a^3 - 2*a^2 + 5*a - 1
sage: (4*x^3-2*x^2+5*x-1).subs(x^w0==a^w0)
4*a^3 - 2*a^2 + 5*x - 1
sage: (4*x^3-2*x^2+5*x-1).subs(x^w0==a^(2*w0)).subs(x==a)
4*a^6 - 2*a^4 + 5*a - 1
sage: sin(1+sin(x)).subs(sin(w0)==cos(w0))
cos(cos(x) + 1)
sage: (sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2).subs(sin(w0)^2+cos(w0)^2==1)
sage: (1 + sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2).subs(sin(w0)^2+cos(w0)^2==1)
sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2 + 1
sage: (17*x + sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2).subs(w1 +
sin(w0)^2+cos(w0)^2 == w1 + 1)
17*x + 1
sage: ((x-1)*(sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2)^2).subs(sin(w0)^2+cos(w0)^2 == 1)
x - 1




William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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[sage-devel] Re: Manipulating diff. eqs. in Mathematica using pattern matching

2008-08-25 Thread William Stein

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 5:56 AM, Jason Merrill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Aug 25, 7:46 am, Ondrej Certik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 12:55 AM, Jason Merrill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  In hopes that it may be a useful reference during the current work on
  symbolics, I wrote a toy Mathematica program for transforming a single
  higher order ODE into a system of first order ODEs.  Most of the free
  numerical differential equation solvers I've seen want input in the
  form y'[x] == f(y,x), so the purpose of a program like this is to take
  more general input and turn it into something suitable for those


 Thanks for doing this. It is indeed very useful, I always wondered how
 things like this are done in Mathematica.

 Any ideas how this could be nicely translated to Python?


 I thought you were going to tell me that sympy already does this.  I
 believe I saw an example somewhere in the docs about matching
 derivatives, but I couldn't immediately find it again.

The new pynac code referred to elsewhere does this.  See the example below:

sage: from sage.symbolic.function import function
sage: var('r,kappa', ns=1)
(r, kappa)
sage: psi = function('psi', 1)(r); psi
sage: g = 1/r^2*(2*r*psi.diff(r,1) + r^2*psi.diff(r,2)); g
(2*psi(1,r)*r + psi(2,r)*r^2)*r^(-2)
sage: g.expand()
psi(2,r) + 2*psi(1,r)*r^(-1)
sage: g.coeff(psi.diff(r,2))
sage: g.coeff(psi.diff(r,1))

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[sage-devel] Re: Templating engine for the Notebook

2008-08-25 Thread Carl Witty

On Aug 25, 4:39 am, Timothy Clemans [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Regarding the Sage Notebook, I propose that we use a templating engine
 instead of using Python string templates class and writing HTML code
 in the Python code.

I think this is a great idea.

 If Sphinx, a documentation system, is distributed with Sage then Jinja
 would also be. See the sage-devel thread Sphinx and the Sage

Unfortunately, Sphinx uses the original Jinja and you're using Jinja2;
one of these will presumably have to change.  (I like the idea of
using Jinja2, which is billed as Jinja1 without the design mistakes;
I don't know how hard it would be to change Sphinx to use Jinja2.)

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[sage-devel] Re: [Knoboo-devel] Templating engine for the Notebook

2008-08-25 Thread alex clemesha

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 4:39 AM, Timothy Clemans


 Regarding the Sage Notebook, I propose that we use a templating engine
 instead of using Python string templates class and writing HTML code
 in the Python code. I have converted the existing templates in Extcode
 to templates that use the Jinja engine, see
 http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/3923. I also moved the HTML
 for the Account Settings page to a Jinja template, see

 I think using Jinja makes the Python code more readable. In addition,
 I like be able to create a base template that other templates build
 upon. Plus it's nice to be able to use for loops and if statements in
 the templates. I use both in the templates at the two tickets.

 Jinja is a clone of the templating engine used in the most popular
 Python web framework Django. I am very interested in the possibility
 of migrating the Sage Notebook to Django.
This is something that I have considered a bit.  Django has a lot of
good stuff for templating, a good ORM, and the admin interface is
seriously amazing.

One argument against using Django for the notebook is that you
might end up trying to code around a bunch of the abstractions that
Django puts on top of what is really going on.

Either way, this is definitely something to consider, because in my
experience, Django is really good at what it does.


Moving all the Notebook's
 HTML to Jinja templates is the first step in migrating.

 If Sphinx, a documentation system, is distributed with Sage then Jinja
 would also be. See the sage-devel thread Sphinx and the Sage
 Documentation at



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[sage-devel] Re: Problem building sage 3.1 on Debian lenny amd 64

2008-08-25 Thread mabshoff

On Aug 25, 1:45 am, Thierry Dumont [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I try to compile sage on my opteron machine.

 When compiling flint, I get the ld error message:
 /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lstdc++

 Th ld lines are:

 g++  -I/usr/local/sage-3.1/local/include/
 -I/usr/local/sage-3.1/local/include -f PIC -funroll-loops  -O3 -c
 NTL-interface.cpp -o NTL-interface.o
 gcc -std=c99 -fPIC -shared -Wl,-soname,lib`cat DIRNAME`.so -o lib`cat
 DIRNAME`.s o mpn_extras.o mpz_extras.o memory-manager.o ZmodF.o
 ZmodF_mul.o ZmodF_mul-tunin g.o fmpz.o fmpz_poly.o mpz_poly-tuning.o
 mpz_poly.o ZmodF_poly.o long_extras.o z mod_poly.o NTL-interface.o
 -L/usr/local/sage-3.1/local/lib/ -L/usr/local/sage-3.1/local/lib/  -lgmp
 -lpthread -lntl -lm -lstdc++

 and so, we certainly try to find a libstdc++ in
 and, actually, there is non stl lib installed there.
 The stl lib is system wide installed

Odd to say the least and I am not sure why we even need to link libstdc
++ explicitly here. I assume your C++ compiler works since at that
point we have already build NTL. libstdc++.so should be automatically
picked up the compiler. To fix this I would remove that linker
directive from FLINT.

Does Lenny ship with gcc 4.3.1 or did you compile the compiler itself?





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[sage-devel] Re: Proposal for inclusion of GINAC/pynac-0.1 in Sage.

2008-08-25 Thread William Stein

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 7:12 AM, parisse

 I still do not understand why giac is not even mentionned in the
 symbolic discussion considering the fact that like ginac, it is a C++

I was able to very quickly get a good understanding of the Ginac
codebase, and make fundamental changes that allowed me to
modify it to work at its core throughout with Python objects instead
of CLN.  Every single question I have had about Ginac I have literally
been able to answer for myself in minutes by reading the source
code. And when I change things in Ginac I can rebuild the whole
system in just over a minute.   My experience with Giac is that:
(a) I can't build it, (b) even on systems where I could, I'm not
patient enough, and (c) looking at the source code from the point
of view of doing what I want makes me dizzy and I get nowhere,
(d) and Giac is HUGE -- about five times the size of Ginac, and
much of that code in Giac overlaps with what Sage already does,
and (e) my technical build guy tells me that Giac isn't a model
of super high quality code.

So to me Giac cannot solve any of our problems today,
unless we want Sage to be bloated, and we want to take months
or years rather than a few days to get this stuff done.

Perhaps I could take code from Giac, e.g., for limits or
symbolic integration, but (a) you're using GPLv3, so I can't,
and (b) probably that would make you unhappy anyways,
and (c) I would rather such functionality comes from the sympy
project, since that is in Python.

 By the way, I installed in ~parisse on sage the 64 bits binaries
 version of giac (icas) and xcas so that everybody can test benchmarks.
 Unfortunately a few system libraries on sage have bad rights, e.g.
 libstdc++.so.6 is rw instead of rwx, hence one must run
  export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~parisse
 before running
 For example
 g:=(x+y+z+1)^20; h:=(x-y+2z-2)^20; time(r:=normal(g*h));

Wow, that particular synthetic benchmark is really fast in Giac.

 -- William

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[sage-devel] Re: Proposal for inclusion of GINAC/pynac-0.1 in Sage.

2008-08-25 Thread William Stein

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 8:54 AM, didier deshommes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 4:59 AM, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I propose that pynac be included in Sage.

  [ ] Yes, include Pynac in Sage
  [ ] No, do not (please explain)
  [ ] Hmm, I have questions (please ask).

 I have a question: what will happen to gfurnish's work?
 Is it going to be completely abandoned?

If he clearly licenses it under GPLv2+ then hopefully it won't be, and
somebody will find ways to use it.  gfurnish -- are you willing to
post a version of all your code with GPLv2+ headers?

 -- William

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[sage-devel] Re: GIAC

2008-08-25 Thread William Stein

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 9:23 AM, parisse

 The official guidelines for inclusion of new packages are:

  = License =
  GPL version 2+ compatible license. (This will be publicly revisited around
  Jan 15, 2009.)

 GIAC seems to be GPL v3+ according to Michael Abshoff?

 I can re-license it to GPL 2 (maybe some optional libraries should not
 be linked with).

 As far as I understand it there is an issue defining what Speed is in that
 context. But both Ginac and Giac seem to do well overall. Someone else needs
 to address this in more detail

 It all depends on what you are benchmarking. For basic arithmetic,
 ginac and giac are probably on the same scale.
 I did not try ginac recently, but I don't think they have for example
 a modular GCD algorithm, they rely on heuristic GCD and subresultant.

I have already looked at the gcd algorithm in Ginac, and it would
be easy to completely replace it by calls to Singular, so we could
completely eliminate the GCD (etc.) code from pynac.

In any case, we're using Ginac almost entirely as a foundation
for fast basic arithmetic, and for not much else.

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[sage-devel] Re: Proposal for inclusion of GINAC/pynac-0.1 in Sage.

2008-08-25 Thread William Stein

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 8:35 AM, Gary Furnish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I've been trying to get an answer for this question for the last few
 weeks: Is the plan to extend ginac (write algorithms in C) or to
 extend sage (write new algorithms in Sage) using cython/python?

The plan is definitely to extend sage (write new algorithms in Sage)
using cython/python.

 To put the question somewhat differently, are
 algorithms using the new symbolics system going to be use GiNaC/pynac
 enough that switching to any other low level system will be very, very
 difficult (because new code such as sums may depend directly on GiNaC
 specific behavior)?

Probably not.

   If this is not intended, what will be done to try
 to prevent Sage from becoming overly dependent on GiNaC in the long

Make it so sympy also runs on top of GiNaC.  This will force the creation
of a clear interface specification.

 -- William

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[sage-devel] Re: missing imports for experimental module for Sage

2008-08-25 Thread Philippe Saade

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 6:45 PM, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 i'am testing a Python module i wrote and placed it in one of the
 pathes visited by Sage's Python while importing.

 I try to do the necessary imports at the beginning of my module but it
 seem's to be an endless quest.

 What do you think the necessary imports are?  Could you be way more

I wrote few classes to plot graphs in a special way. All the code
worked fine if placed in a cell at the beginning of the worksheet.
As far as it makes a very long cell, it is boring for the reader so i
thought i could place all this in an external file and use :

from FooBar import *

but, naturally, the Sage commands i use in that file are unkown in the
Module namespace.
I started adding many import statements, one for each unknown command.

But vector computation seemed to be needing a lot of imports.

That's why i'am asking for advice.

(and if it sounds like support, i am again on the wrong list...:-[)


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[sage-devel] Re: Proposal for inclusion of GINAC/pynac-0.1 in Sage.

2008-08-25 Thread William Stein

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 2:42 AM, Ondrej Certik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  [ ] Yes, include Pynac in Sage
  [ ] No, do not (please explain)
  [ ] Hmm, I have questions (please ask).

 I don't know if my vote counts, but I am of course +1.

Your vote counts.

 Thanks for pioneering the use of Python in C projects, I hope people
 will now try much more to reuse C/C++ code.

  (e) how does this relate to sympy?
   (I dont' know.
Sympy does several things Ginac doesn't, such as symbolic
 integration and
sophisticated limits. I would like to find a way to somehow
 reuse that code directly,
especially since sympy is in sage already, and is already often better
than using Sage's current maxima + pexpect symbolic manipulation.
On the other hand, Burcin is I think driven mostly by his Ph.D. thesis
research, and has told me he will only write GPL'd code, which means
it can't go into Sympy.)

 I think porting the limits is quite easy, but unfortunately ginac
 series expansion is not sophisticated enough for more complicated
 limits (at least last time I tried, it was I think 2 years ago), so
 you will have to port the sympy's series expansion as well, or improve
 ginac series expansion.

Or hopefully find a way to just directly use sympy's series expansion code?
Could you give an example to illustrate where you maybe found shortcomings
in Ginac's series code?  It's pretty straightforward code for the most part, and
I don't know how it could go wrong.

 As to integration, that will be I think a little more difficult to
 port, but definitely doable as well.

By port I will take it to mean improve sympy so it can manipulate
Pynac symbolic expressions in addition to its own.  I.e., it's basically
a duck typing thing, where as long as Pynac exports the right
interface, sympy should be able to work with it.

 As to GPL vs BSD, I am sad that some people will not contribute to a
 BSD project and some other people will not use a GPL project. But my
 intuition says that the license is not the main reason. If sympy was
 as fast as ginac (as I hope it will be in not so distant future), I am
 sure it'd be ok, even if it's BSD. BTW, I told Burcin and William that
 if the license was the only reason, I am willing to consider switching
 to GPL (i.e. try to persuade all 44+ contributors), if that would mean
 more people would be developing sympy. Currently it seems to be the
 opposite, i.e. when we switched from GPL to BSD, people and developers
 seemed to like it, but I may well be mistaken. But as I said, I think
 the main problem of sympy is not the license, but speed.

The GPL/BSD split in the mathematical Python community is
unfortunate and a is very real problem.   At scipy'08 it was
the source of tension for some people...

 I myself like the way sympy is designed, e.g. pure python + now we are
 working on the Cython core (+possibly pynac if it's a better
 alternative, even though some sympy developers seems to prefer pure
 Cython solution if we can made it as fast as pynac),

Why not both?  Having the option of multiple pluggable cores is probably
the best way to do a good job designing the right interface for the core.
The only option for sympy is both or no pynac, since pynac is GPL'd
(as was decided by the Ginac developers long ago).  So I can imagine
some sympy users using pynac as the core because it is maybe better
for large problems, and other users using csympycore or something,
because it is BSD licensed.  Yet others would use the purepython core
for portability (e.g., me on my cell phone ;-) ).

 because that
 allows to use sympy easily in the google app engine, hopefully soon in
 pypy and jython, and also as a compiled library when we get the core
 in with exactly the same interface, i.e., whenever there is python, it
 should work on it.

 On the other hand, if you are willing to release and maintain pynac
 outside sage, so that it's easy to use and basically implement or port
 all sympy to it, I'll be more than happy that someone else will do my
 job and I can move to do some more advanced things. I really don't
 want to have two codebases for the same thing.

I definitely want to have a version of pynac outside sage.  But keep
in mind again that pynac is GPL'd, and given your mission statement
for sympy, I think it is not an option for you to depend only on something
GPL'd as the only option.   As I see it, an important part of the
sympy mission is to be the CAS for the we will only use BSD'd code
side of the Python math software world, which is a very substantial
important and well funded group of people.


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[sage-devel] Re: GIAC

2008-08-25 Thread parisse

 I meant stuff like this:

 Installing the required libraries from source (recommended)
  * CoCoA 0.99 (for faster Groebner basis).

 Sage already has faster Groebner bases since it included Singular. There is 
 a lot of stuff like that in Xcas/Giac like that Sage already has. This makes
 sense since Giac/Xcas is a stand-alone system just like Sage.

This is not a part of giac, it is an optional external library that is
linked in giac. There are other parts of giac that might be
interesting for sage or are fast inside giac. Like gcd, limit,
integration, contexts...

 Sage is built from source by many people. One of the design goals was to
 enable each end user easily to contribute and thus there is no such stark
 distinction between development and final binaries. This might change
 eventually, but a build time of 72 minutes seems way too long.

I don't see why it's a problem if the spkg_install script specifies
CXXFLAGS=-g so that it compiles without optimization in less than 10
minutes by default. If you develop around giac, you will most likely
want to use gdb, hence -O2 is bad even with -g. Optimization is only
required from time to time when one needs to make benchmarks.

Re: William
My experience with Giac is that:
(a) I can't build it, (b) even on systems where I could, I'm not
patient enough, and (c) looking at the source code from the point
of view of doing what I want makes me dizzy and I get nowhere,
(d) and Giac is HUGE -- about five times the size of Ginac, and
much of that code in Giac overlaps with what Sage already does,
and (e) my technical build guy tells me that Giac isn't a model
of super high quality code.

(a) and (b) are bad excuses, since there is a spkg.
(c) Did you first look at the giac.info page?
(d) Yes, giac/xcas is large (maybe 100K lines for giac, you don't have
to look at the interface code), but that's the price to have a CAS!
(e) Perhaps. From my own experience, it is not easy to enter into a
large library (e.g. cocoa, pari, etc.).

So to me Giac cannot solve any of our problems today,
unless we want Sage to be bloated, and we want to take months
or years rather than a few days to get this stuff done.

I can't believe it would take years to make sage and giac
interoperate. Even if it take months, that should be compared to the
time required to get the same level of functionnalities at a
comparable speed over ginac.

Perhaps I could take code from Giac, e.g., for limits or
symbolic integration, but (a) you're using GPLv3, so I can't,
and (b) probably that would make you unhappy anyways,
and (c) I would rather such functionality comes from the sympy
project, since that is in Python.

(a) is not recevable since I could relicense it to GPL v2. Anyway, it
is highly improbable that you could take code slices without taking
almost all of the library. Higher level code depends on the low level
routines and data structures (e.g. rational fraction integration from
multivariate polynoms) + many parts are interconnected (e.g.
integration requires linear algebra) which BTW makes modularization

Ok, it's probably time lost for both parts, I'm afraid I won't
convince you to use giac and you will certainly not convince me to
abandon giac in favor of re-developing over ginac or inside sympy
(which I find interesting, I wonder how the speed problem will be
The real fight should be with closed-source systems. I will keep
looking at symbolic threads, it's always interesting to test examples
and benchmarks.
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[sage-devel] small bug in multivariate comparison

2008-08-25 Thread Nick Alexander

Do people agree that the first False should be True?

sage: x, y = QQ['x', 'y'].gens()
sage: R.x, y = QQ[]
sage: (x / y)*y in R
sage: R((x / y)*y) == x
sage: R((x / y)*y) == (x/y)*y

For comparison:

sage: (2 / 3)*3 in ZZ


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[sage-devel] trac report for Tickets in which I have participated

2008-08-25 Thread Jason Grout

Is there an easy way to create a trac report that lists all the tickets 
in which I have participated (e.g., created, commented on, in the CC 
list, am the editor, etc.).

For me, this would serve as a Tickets on which I should follow up 

This request is trac ticket #3951



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[sage-devel] Re: Manipulating diff. eqs. in Mathematica using pattern matching

2008-08-25 Thread Ondrej Certik

sage: from sage.symbolic.function import function
sage: var('r,kappa', ns=1)
(r, kappa)
sage: psi = function('psi', 1)(r); psi
sage: g = 1/r^2*(2*r*psi.diff(r,1) + r^2*psi.diff(r,2)); g
(2*psi(1,r)*r + psi(2,r)*r^2)*r^(-2)
sage: g.expand()
psi(2,r) + 2*psi(1,r)*r^(-1)
sage: g.coeff(psi.diff(r,2))
sage: g.coeff(psi.diff(r,1))

I implemented the same interface to sympy:


In [1]: var('r, kappa')
Out[1]: (r, κ)

In [2]: psi = Function(psi)

In [3]: g = 1/r**2 * (2*r*psi(r).diff(r, 1) + r**2 * psi(r).diff(r, 2))

In [4]: g.coeff(psi(r).diff(r))

In [5]: g.coeff(psi(r).diff(r, 2))
Out[5]: 1

It will be in the next release.


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[sage-devel] Re: Comparing complex numbers

2008-08-25 Thread Kurt

On Aug 24, 12:02 pm, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just as another data point, since I happened to see it when reading
 source code, in the Ginac library (http://www.ginac.de) we find this comment:

   /** This method establishes a canonical order on all numbers.  For complex
    *  numbers this is not possible in a mathematically consistent way
 but we need
    *  to establish some order and it ought to be fast.  So we simply define it
    *  to be compatible with our method csgn.

/pedantic ON

It is, of course, possible to establish a total ordering on the
complex numbers.
In many ways.  So it is not true to say otherwise.

The issue is that cryptic phrase, in a mathematically consistent
If all you are interested in is, say, topology, then every total
ordering gives you
an order topology on the set.  Nothing mathematically inconsistent in
this context.

What is usually meant by the phrase is that one cannot have a total
on the complex numbers that simultaneously preserves the full range of
cherished properties,
including the algebraic ones, that we know and love about the usual
ordering of the reals.
For example, that the order on the complex numbers be an extension of
the natural ordering of the reals,
that  ((0  a) and (0  b)) implies (0  ab), that the order topology
be the same as that induced by the usual Euclidean metric, etc.

/pedantic OFF

Whether this last context is the appropriate one to drive the issue of
whether there should be a default order implemented for complex
numbers in Sage (or even Python, for that matter) is debatable.  IMHO,
if it is useful to programming to have a default comparison, such as
for sorting lists, then I think it would be OK to have one.  Document
what it does, and if necessary, explain to your students the reason
for it.
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[sage-devel] Re: Proposal for inclusion of GINAC/pynac-0.1 in Sage.

2008-08-25 Thread Gary Furnish

Make it so sympy also runs on top of GiNaC.  This will force the creation
of a clear interface specification.

If there is going to be a clear interface spec, then we should go and
make a clear interface spec so that anyone, not just GiNaC can
potentially conform to it.  Perhaps this is the best long term

My symbolics code is already GPLv2+ so fixing the headers is just a

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 10:24 AM, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 8:54 AM, didier deshommes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 4:59 AM, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I propose that pynac be included in Sage.

  [ ] Yes, include Pynac in Sage
  [ ] No, do not (please explain)
  [ ] Hmm, I have questions (please ask).

 I have a question: what will happen to gfurnish's work?
 Is it going to be completely abandoned?

 If he clearly licenses it under GPLv2+ then hopefully it won't be, and
 somebody will find ways to use it.  gfurnish -- are you willing to
 post a version of all your code with GPLv2+ headers?

  -- William


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[sage-devel] Re: small bug in multivariate comparison

2008-08-25 Thread Carl Witty

On Aug 25, 12:28 pm, Nick Alexander [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Do people agree that the first False should be True?

 sage: x, y = QQ['x', 'y'].gens()
 sage: R.x, y = QQ[]
 sage: (x / y)*y in R
 sage: R((x / y)*y) == x
 sage: R((x / y)*y) == (x/y)*y


Probably the fix is to just remove the __contains__ method from
multi_polynomial_ring_generic.pyx, so that the generic implementation
is used.


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[sage-devel] Re: [sympy] Re: [sage-devel] Re: Proposal for inclusion of GINAC/pynac-0.1 in Sage.

2008-08-25 Thread Ondrej Certik
 I think porting the limits is quite easy, but unfortunately ginac
 series expansion is not sophisticated enough for more complicated
 limits (at least last time I tried, it was I think 2 years ago), so
 you will have to port the sympy's series expansion as well, or improve
 ginac series expansion.

 Or hopefully find a way to just directly use sympy's series expansion code?

I hope so too, see below.

 Could you give an example to illustrate where you maybe found shortcomings
 in Ginac's series code?  It's pretty straightforward code for the most part, 
 I don't know how it could go wrong.

Basically any more complicated limit.

I put a print statement in sympy to print the series that needs to work:

In [1]: limit(sqrt(x)/sqrt(x+sqrt(x+sqrt(x))),x,oo)
1/(((1/_w + _w**(-1/2))**(1/2) + 1/_w)**(1/2)*_w**(1/2)) _w
Out[1]: 1

So you can try it in sympy:

In [2]: e = sympify(1/(((1/_w + _w**(-1/2))**(1/2) + 1/_w)**(1/2)*_w**(1/2)))

In [9]: e
╱  ⎽
   ╱  ╱ 1  1   1
╲╱ _w ⋅   ╱  ╱  ── + ──  + ──
 ╱  ╱   _w _w
   ╲╱ ╲╱ ╲╱ _w

In [5]: var(_w)
Out[5]: _w

In [6]: e.series(_w, 0, 2)
_w   ╲╱ _w
1 + ── - ── + O(_w**(3/2))
8  2

In [8]: e.series(_w, 0, 3)
   2 3/2
_w   ╲╱ _w29⋅_w_w
1 + ── - ── - ── + ─ + O(_w**(5/2))
8  2   128   8

Use a fixed width font or look here:



In [10]: print e.series(_w, 0, 3)
1 + _w/8 - 1/2*_w**(1/2) - 29*_w**2/128 + 1/8*_w**(3/2) + O(_w**(5/2))

Now compare maxima:

sage: var(_w)
sage: e = 1/(((1/_w + _w**(-1/2))**(1/2) + 1/_w)**(1/2)*_w**(1/2))
sage: e.taylor(_w, 0, 2)
1 - sqrt(_w)/2 + _w/8 + _w^(3/2)/8 - 29*_w^2/128

which is the same as sympy, although without the O term. And compare pynac:

sage: var(_w, ns=1)
sage: e = 1/(((1/_w + _w**(-1/2))**(1/2) + 1/_w)**(1/2)*_w**(1/2))
sage: e.series(_w, 2)
RuntimeError  Traceback (most recent call last)

/home/ondrej/ipython console in module()

/home/ondrej/expression.pyx in

RuntimeError: power::eval(): division by zero

And there are many more like this. This was one of the reasons when I
abandoned swiginac, because I really didn't want to fix this in C++, I
rather wanted to play with these things in Python first, until we
figure out what needs to work and how.

At that time I didn't know how to call maxima from python, nor how to
fix ginac easily, so I just wrote everything in Python. But now it may
be easier to just go through all the limits and fix all the series in
ginac itself. Btw I believe Bernard fixed all of these in giac, didn't
you? How difficult was it?

This situation reminds me a year ago when Pearu wrote sympycore and it
was about 100x faster, just like ginac is now 10x to 100x faster than
sympy. So we massively switched to it, and then I had to fix all these
series problems and many other things, it's a lot of work. And I am
almost 100% sure we could (=should) have sped up sympy iteratively. So
you can imagine, I myself am not really keen on absolving the same
thing again, especially if we think we can speedup sympy to the level
of ginac (or very close) in matter of months from now.

However, if Burcin or others come up and help us with it, I am all for
it. I believe ginac is in a better state than our new core was. Also
the pynac core will be optional, so I think it could work.

 As to integration, that will be I think a little more difficult to
 port, but definitely doable as well.

 By port I will take it to mean improve sympy so it can manipulate
 Pynac symbolic expressions in addition to its own.  I.e., it's basically
 a duck typing thing, where as long as Pynac exports the right
 interface, sympy should be able to work with it.

Yes, I believe it is worthy to do it.

 As to GPL vs BSD, I am sad that some people will not contribute to a
 BSD project and some other people will not use a GPL project. But my
 intuition says that the license is not the main reason. If sympy was
 as fast as ginac (as I hope it will be in not so distant future), I am
 sure it'd be ok, even if it's BSD. BTW, I told Burcin and William that
 if the license was the only reason, I am willing to consider switching
 to GPL (i.e. try to persuade all 44+ contributors), if that would mean
 more people would be developing sympy. Currently it seems to be the
 opposite, i.e. when we switched from GPL to BSD, people and developers
 seemed to like it, but I may well be mistaken. But as I said, I think
 the main problem of sympy is not the license, but speed.

 The GPL/BSD split in the 

[sage-devel] Re: Proposal for inclusion of GINAC/pynac-0.1 in Sage.

2008-08-25 Thread Ondrej Certik

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 10:41 PM, Gary Furnish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Make it so sympy also runs on top of GiNaC.  This will force the creation
 of a clear interface specification.

 If there is going to be a clear interface spec, then we should go and
 make a clear interface spec so that anyone, not just GiNaC can
 potentially conform to it.  Perhaps this is the best long term

 My symbolics code is already GPLv2+ so fixing the headers is just a

Exactly. Especially if you believe you can be way faster than ginac.
It'd be really awesome.

Maybe William has some ideas how to do it the best, I think it just
needs to be done iteratively. We will have 2 production cores soon --
pynac and sympy. Then there is sympycore and your symbolics, so that
should give us enough data to see what all the cores have in common
and what is different.

BTW, one important warning: ginac and sympycore are missing
assumptions and sympy only has very trivial ones, like positive,
negative, integer, even, odd, etc. This is really important for any
nontrivial things in a CAS and I changes to the core may be needed. I
really want to have assumptions in sympy first before saying -- yes,
this approach to do the core is the best.


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[sage-devel] Re: Manipulating diff. eqs. in Mathematica using pattern matching

2008-08-25 Thread David Philp

On 26/08/2008, at 2:50 AM, William Stein wrote:

 Burcin -- I did actually mostly implement pattern matching in Pynac.

Is there documentation?  A bit of google turned up nothing.

sage: sin(1+sin(x)).subs(sin(w0)==cos(w0))
cos(cos(x) + 1)

In Mathematica, the result would be cos(sin(x) + 1), since having  
matched the outer expression, the replacement algorithm moves on  
rather than in.

One would obtain cos(cos(x) + 1) by making the substitution rule  
sin==cos.  Can you do that?  Can you evaluate code during the matching  
of your patterns?  Can you nest patterns?  I think these are highly  
desirable, even if they are suitably carefully hidden from the casual  

On 26/08/2008, at 1:24 AM, in a different thread, Burcin Erocal wrote:
 We already have a pretty good symbolic engine in Sage, maxima does
 quite a good job of solving integrals, limits, etc. The main problem
 with Maxima is that we cannot extend it.

Is not extending of Maxima a concrete policy?  I understand that  
maxima sucks in some circumstances, but it seems quite the beast here.

I am quite confused about a lot of the pattern matching discussion.   
AFAICT, that is the problem for which lisp rocks, and the best way to  
do it is probably to write maxima code for it.  And the best way to  
make it accessible from python is to provide pretty python methods to  
call lisp.

Any other suitably general form of pattern mathematical matching will  
involve the proverbial reimplementation of lisp.


p.s. this is obviously from my fairly basic lisp is more or less  
mathematica understanding of lisp.

David J Philp
Postdoctoral Fellow
National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health
Building 62, cnr Mills Rd  Eggleston Rd
The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200 Australia

T: +61 2 6125 8260
F: +61 2 6125 0740
M: 0423 535 397
W: http://nceph.anu.edu.au/

CRICOS Provider #00120C

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[sage-devel] Re: [sympy] Re: [sage-devel] Re: Proposal for inclusion of GINAC/pynac-0.1 in Sage.

2008-08-25 Thread Ondrej Certik

 I definitely want to have a version of pynac outside sage.  But keep
 in mind again that pynac is GPL'd, and given your mission statement
 for sympy, I think it is not an option for you to depend only on something
 GPL'd as the only option.   As I see it, an important part of the
 sympy mission is to be the CAS for the we will only use BSD'd code
 side of the Python math software world, which is a very substantial
 important and well funded group of people.

 As far as I know we don't have anything about BSD vs GPL in our
 missing statement.

But to make this clear: Yes, if it's at least a bit possible, I'd like
to stay BSD, because clearly the BSD market is good.
But if staying BSD means that people will not help with sympy but
rather help with a GPLed package, I think that getting the job done
(=good symbolics in python) is more important than BSD vs GPL

We had the discussion BSD/GPL here:


a good summary is for example this email:



But also I think it's good to say my own opinion on this, and that is,
that I personally think that given that I am paid from tax payers
money (i.e. grants, stipends, etc.), which are individuals or
companies (in my case mostly Czech and European and soon hopefully
US), I really think it's fair if the companies can use the work that
was produced by their money in the way they want. I.e. BSD fits nice,
GPL doesn't. LGPL is somewhere shady, but many companies don't like it
either. But I understand that those are complicated questions and and
one argument for (L)GPL is the fear that someone will take the code
and close it, improve it, sell it and make a lot of money with BSD,
while with GPL he is forced to open it and that is better over all,
because it brings the code back to the project, that otherwise would
not be available. I believe though that less restrictions are better
in the long term, i.e. if people and companies can do things that they
want and use code as they want, it is better for all of us in the end.

But I am not fundamental on this, as I said above, getting the job
done and getting people to work together is way more important for me.

If you have opposite opinion than I do, I'd love if you could oppose,
but please no flamewars.

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[sage-devel] Re: Manipulating diff. eqs. in Mathematica using pattern matching

2008-08-25 Thread Ondrej Certik

 Is not extending of Maxima a concrete policy?  I understand that maxima
 sucks in some circumstances, but it seems quite the beast here.
 I am quite confused about a lot of the pattern matching discussion.  AFAICT,
 that is the problem for which lisp rocks, and the best way to do it is

I think it's just about getting people to fix it. There are many
people around who can fix Python/Cython and a little less (I guess)
who can fix C++ and C. But a lot less who can fix lisp.


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[sage-devel] Re: GIAC

2008-08-25 Thread William Stein

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 12:34 PM, parisse

 I meant stuff like this:

 Installing the required libraries from source (recommended)
  * CoCoA 0.99 (for faster Groebner basis).

 Sage already has faster Groebner bases since it included Singular. There is
 a lot of stuff like that in Xcas/Giac like that Sage already has. This makes
 sense since Giac/Xcas is a stand-alone system just like Sage.

 This is not a part of giac, it is an optional external library that is
 linked in giac. There are other parts of giac that might be
 interesting for sage or are fast inside giac. Like gcd, limit,
 integration, contexts...

 Sage is built from source by many people. One of the design goals was to
 enable each end user easily to contribute and thus there is no such stark
 distinction between development and final binaries. This might change
 eventually, but a build time of 72 minutes seems way too long.

 I don't see why it's a problem if the spkg_install script specifies
 CXXFLAGS=-g so that it compiles without optimization in less than 10
 minutes by default. If you develop around giac, you will most likely
 want to use gdb, hence -O2 is bad even with -g. Optimization is only
 required from time to time when one needs to make benchmarks.

 Re: William
My experience with Giac is that:
(a) I can't build it, (b) even on systems where I could, I'm not
patient enough, and (c) looking at the source code from the point
of view of doing what I want makes me dizzy and I get nowhere,
(d) and Giac is HUGE -- about five times the size of Ginac, and
much of that code in Giac overlaps with what Sage already does,
and (e) my technical build guy tells me that Giac isn't a model
of super high quality code.

 (a) and (b) are bad excuses, since there is a spkg.

Even at 10 minutes with no optimization
that seriously tests my patience.  And 72 minutes with
optimization is real deal breaker.

 (c) Did you first look at the giac.info page?

I don't know what that is.  However, I expect to be able
to cd to the source directory, start looking around, and make
progress.  I was very pleasantly surprised by how well
this worked with ginac, which certainly passes that test.

 (d) Yes, giac/xcas is large (maybe 100K lines for giac, you don't have
 to look at the interface code), but that's the price to have a CAS!

True.  I'm not saying giac is at all bad -- I just don't think it is the
right tool for the problem that I need to solve.

 (e) Perhaps. From my own experience, it is not easy to enter into a
 large library (e.g. cocoa, pari, etc.).

I don't know what you mean here.  Pari is also a fairly unpleasant
library to work with.  Ginac is one of the better ones I've seen, similar
maybe to NTL which is also quite good as far as usability goes.
PARI is terrible to use as a library.

So to me Giac cannot solve any of our problems today,
unless we want Sage to be bloated, and we want to take months
or years rather than a few days to get this stuff done.

 I can't believe it would take years to make sage and giac
 interoperate. Even if it take months, that should be compared to the
 time required to get the same level of functionnalities at a
 comparable speed over ginac.

Perhaps I could take code from Giac, e.g., for limits or
symbolic integration, but (a) you're using GPLv3, so I can't,
and (b) probably that would make you unhappy anyways,
and (c) I would rather such functionality comes from the sympy
project, since that is in Python.

 (a) is not recevable since I could relicense it to GPL v2. Anyway, it
 is highly improbable that you could take code slices without taking
 almost all of the library. Higher level code depends on the low level
 routines and data structures (e.g. rational fraction integration from
 multivariate polynoms) + many parts are interconnected (e.g.
 integration requires linear algebra) which BTW makes modularization

This nicely illustrates issues with using giac for sage.  Again, it is
not to say that giac is bad; just that it isn't suitable for my purposes.

 Ok, it's probably time lost for both parts, I'm afraid I won't
 convince you to use giac and you will certainly not convince me to
 abandon giac in favor of re-developing over ginac or inside sympy
 (which I find interesting, I wonder how the speed problem will be

I am not at all trying to convince you to do anything differently.

 The real fight should be with closed-source systems. I will keep
 looking at symbolic threads, it's always interesting to test examples
 and benchmarks.

I'm not even trying to fight with closed source systems.  I just want
to get Sage's symbolic manipulation capabilities to be up to snuff for
research level work, which is something they are not right now,
except for say calculus  teaching.


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[sage-devel] Re: Proposal for inclusion of GINAC/pynac-0.1 in Sage.

2008-08-25 Thread William Stein

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 1:41 PM, Gary Furnish [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Make it so sympy also runs on top of GiNaC.  This will force the creation
 of a clear interface specification.

 If there is going to be a clear interface spec, then we should go and
 make a clear interface spec so that anyone, not just GiNaC can
 potentially conform to it.  Perhaps this is the best long term

It will not be clear what that spec should be until 2 systems use it.
In my opinion, specs should  not be written by committee, but by
abstracted away from an actual working solution.  When Sage and
Sympy can both run on top of a Pynac core, we'll see how it works
and have a clear interface as a result.

 My symbolics code is already GPLv2+ so fixing the headers is just a

Please do so and make an official release as a tarball or something.

 On Mon, Aug 25, 2008

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[sage-devel] a new language

2008-08-25 Thread ahmet alper parker
Hi all,
I am not a computer scientist and nor I have much experience like you. So my
question may not be too much meaningful, but I want to ask it :) All I see
in the opensource industry that people do many good programs, but most of
them are some duplicate and much of them are not too much functional and
promising ones. So, I think bringing the same goaled projects under same
umbrella is according to my opinion very crucial. And as I see (if I
understand correct, please correct me if I am wrong) all the programs are
written in different languages and they do not fully communicate each other
perfectly. So people need to reimplement some of the codes which is time
consuming and tedious. So, can't someone develop a new programming language
that could interact all the  properties of the  most widely used languages?
Again sorry if the question is not meaningful :)
Thanks with Best Regards

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[sage-devel] Re: [sympy] Re: [sage-devel] Re: Proposal for inclusion of GINAC/pynac-0.1 in Sage.

2008-08-25 Thread William Stein

 For example pynac uses

 sin(x).seires(x, 5)

Actually, more precisely pynac uses:

  sin(x).series(x == 3, 5)

to get a taylor expansion about x = 3.   I did this
only for consistency with GiNaC, since that is what
GiNaC does.

 sympy uses

 sin(x).series(x, 0, 5)

 and sage uses

 sin(x).taylor(x, 0, 5)

Using taylor is really dumb.  It is inconsistent with
every other system and is confusion since it can
give Laurent series.

 and this is unfortunate. I would like to use just one interface.

Yep.  That's precisely what we'll have to have in order to
have a sympy + pynac system.


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[sage-devel] Re: a new language

2008-08-25 Thread Mike Hansen


 So, can't someone develop a new programming language
 that could interact all the  properties of the  most widely used languages?
 Again sorry if the question is not meaningful :)

I think creating a new language would hurt the problem more than help
it since you have yet another language to support, find developers
for, build up a critical mass, maintain, etc.  Plus, most of the
developers here would probably rather use a language rather than write
one.  Sage uses Python for these reasons.  A better solution might be
to work on tools to allow better interaction within the existing
languages.  Examples of this include Cython or getting Maxima to run
on ECL.

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[sage-devel] Re: Manipulating diff. eqs. in Mathematica using pattern matching

2008-08-25 Thread David Philp

On 26/08/2008, at 8:15 AM, Ondrej Certik wrote:

 Is not extending of Maxima a concrete policy?  I understand that  
 sucks in some circumstances, but it seems quite the beast here.
 I am quite confused about a lot of the pattern matching  
 discussion.  AFAICT,
 that is the problem for which lisp rocks, and the best way to do it  

 I think it's just about getting people to fix it. There are many
 people around who can fix Python/Cython and a little less (I guess)
 who can fix C++ and C. But a lot less who can fix lisp.

I think that could change.  There must be a few experienced  
mathematica users who would happily enough pick up lisp as part of  
their transition to sage.  Mathematica - lisp - sage is surely  
easier than mathematica - python - sage.

Anyway, it is always better to learn the right tool for the job, than  
to rewrite it yourself.  It will be less effort for sage people to  
learn lisp than to design and implement a pattern matching language /  
domain-specific-language / library.

Any sufficiently complicated C or Fortran program contains an ad hoc,  
informally specified, bug-ridden, slow implementation of half of  
Common Lisp.


David J Philp
Postdoctoral Fellow
National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health
Building 62, cnr Mills Rd  Eggleston Rd
The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200 Australia

T: +61 2 6125 8260
F: +61 2 6125 0740
M: 0423 535 397
W: http://nceph.anu.edu.au/

CRICOS Provider #00120C

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[sage-devel] Re: Proposal for inclusion of GINAC/pynac-0.1 in Sage.

2008-08-25 Thread William Stein

 BTW, one important warning: ginac and sympycore are missing
 assumptions and sympy only has very trivial ones, like positive,
 negative, integer, even, odd, etc. This is really important for any
 nontrivial things in a CAS and I changes to the core may be needed. I
 really want to have assumptions in sympy first before saying -- yes,
 this approach to do the core is the best.


Why are assumptions really important for any nontrivial things in a CAS?
In my entire life I've only ever used assumptions to get maxima to do
a symbolic integration.  I've never used them in any other context.
Can you please educate me on why they are so important?   Thanks.


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[sage-devel] Re: a new language

2008-08-25 Thread Justin C. Walker

#include 0.014 e

On Aug 25, 2008, at 3:17 PM, ahmet alper parker wrote:

 Hi all,
 I am not a computer scientist and nor I have much experience like  
 you. So my
 question may not be too much meaningful, but I want to ask it :)  
 All I see
 in the opensource industry that people do many good programs, but  
 most of
 them are some duplicate and much of them are not too much  
 functional and
 promising ones. So, I think bringing the same goaled projects under  
 umbrella is according to my opinion very crucial. And as I see (if I
 understand correct, please correct me if I am wrong) all the  
 programs are
 written in different languages and they do not fully communicate  
 each other
 perfectly. So people need to reimplement some of the codes which is  
 consuming and tedious. So, can't someone develop a new programming  
 that could interact all the  properties of the  most widely used  
 Again sorry if the question is not meaningful :)

It's always tempting to consider a new language, and a complete  
rewrite of a major system, but the reality can be pretty harsh.  I  
think it's tantamount to saying the highway system in the U.S. is  
pretty bad; let's start over and do it right.  The dislocation,  
startup costs, and general headaches that come with this idea are  

No one would seriously consider rebuilding a major highway system,  
or, say, New York City, from the ground up.  The associated problems  
tend to be obvious, so the subject rarely comes up.

Software seems to be easy, so rebuilding can appear easy, but, if  
the system is large and complex, as is Sage or a new language, the  
issues are similar to the hardware situation.

We have several languages right now that are quite useful and more  
than adequate for the needs of Sage (Python and C, in particular).   
As Mike says, the better solution is to make the pieces play together  
well (and, of course, to manage the development so that it doesn't  
get out of hand :-}).


Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large
Institute for the Absorption of Federal Funds

If you're not confused,
You're not paying attention

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[sage-devel] Re: a new language

2008-08-25 Thread ahmet alper parker
thanks for your comments :) I think you all are right... :)

On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 2:08 AM, Justin C. Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 #include 0.014 e

 On Aug 25, 2008, at 3:17 PM, ahmet alper parker wrote:

  Hi all,
  I am not a computer scientist and nor I have much experience like
  you. So my
  question may not be too much meaningful, but I want to ask it :)
  All I see
  in the opensource industry that people do many good programs, but
  most of
  them are some duplicate and much of them are not too much
  functional and
  promising ones. So, I think bringing the same goaled projects under
  umbrella is according to my opinion very crucial. And as I see (if I
  understand correct, please correct me if I am wrong) all the
  programs are
  written in different languages and they do not fully communicate
  each other
  perfectly. So people need to reimplement some of the codes which is
  consuming and tedious. So, can't someone develop a new programming
  that could interact all the  properties of the  most widely used
  Again sorry if the question is not meaningful :)

 It's always tempting to consider a new language, and a complete
 rewrite of a major system, but the reality can be pretty harsh.  I
 think it's tantamount to saying the highway system in the U.S. is
 pretty bad; let's start over and do it right.  The dislocation,
 startup costs, and general headaches that come with this idea are

 No one would seriously consider rebuilding a major highway system,
 or, say, New York City, from the ground up.  The associated problems
 tend to be obvious, so the subject rarely comes up.

 Software seems to be easy, so rebuilding can appear easy, but, if
 the system is large and complex, as is Sage or a new language, the
 issues are similar to the hardware situation.

 We have several languages right now that are quite useful and more
 than adequate for the needs of Sage (Python and C, in particular).
 As Mike says, the better solution is to make the pieces play together
 well (and, of course, to manage the development so that it doesn't
 get out of hand :-}).


 Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon-At-Large
 Institute for the Absorption of Federal Funds
 If you're not confused,
 You're not paying attention


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[sage-devel] Re: Manipulating diff. eqs. in Mathematica using pattern matching

2008-08-25 Thread Jason Merrill

On Aug 25, 12:50 pm, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 4:47 AM, Burcin Erocal [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Sun, 24 Aug 2008 15:55:25 -0700 (PDT)
  Jason Merrill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  In hopes that it may be a useful reference during the current work on
  symbolics, I wrote a toy Mathematica program for transforming a single
  higher order ODE into a system of first order ODEs.  Most of the free
  numerical differential equation solvers I've seen want input in the
  form y'[x] == f(y,x), so the purpose of a program like this is to take
  more general input and turn it into something suitable for those

 Burcin -- I did actually mostly implement pattern matching in Pynac.
 Some examples:
             sage: var('x,y,z,a,b,c,d,e,f',ns=1); S = parent(x)
             (x, y, z, a, b, c, d, e, f)
             sage: w0 = S.wild(0); w1 = S.wild(1); w2 = S.wild(2)
             sage: ((x+y)^a).match((x+y)^a)
             sage: ((x+y)^a).match((x+y)^b)
             sage: (a^2 + b^2 + (x+y)^2).subs(w0^2 == w0^3)
             (x + y)^3 + a^3 + b^3
             sage: (a^4 + b^4 + (x+y)^4).subs(w0^2 == w0^3)
             (x + y)^4 + a^4 + b^4
             sage: (a^2 + b^4 + (x+y)^4).subs(w0^2 == w0^3)
             (x + y)^4 + a^3 + b^4
             sage: ((a+b+c)^2).subs(a+b==x)
             (a + b + c)^2
             sage: ((a+b+c)^2).subs(a+b+w0==x+w0)
             (c + x)^2
             sage: (a+2*b).subs(a+b==x)
             a + 2*b
             sage: (a+2*b).subs(a+b+w0 == x+w0)
             a + 2*b
             sage: (a+2*b).subs(a+w0*b == x)
             sage: (a+2*b).subs(a+b+w0*b == x+w0*b)
             a + 2*b
             sage: (4*x^3-2*x^2+5*x-1).subs(x==a)
             4*a^3 - 2*a^2 + 5*a - 1
             sage: (4*x^3-2*x^2+5*x-1).subs(x^w0==a^w0)
             4*a^3 - 2*a^2 + 5*x - 1
             sage: (4*x^3-2*x^2+5*x-1).subs(x^w0==a^(2*w0)).subs(x==a)
             4*a^6 - 2*a^4 + 5*a - 1
             sage: sin(1+sin(x)).subs(sin(w0)==cos(w0))
             cos(cos(x) + 1)
             sage: (sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2).subs(sin(w0)^2+cos(w0)^2==1)
             sage: (1 + sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2).subs(sin(w0)^2+cos(w0)^2==1)
             sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2 + 1
             sage: (17*x + sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2).subs(w1 +
 sin(w0)^2+cos(w0)^2 == w1 + 1)
             17*x + 1
             sage: ((x-1)*(sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2)^2).subs(sin(w0)^2+cos(w0)^2 == 
             x - 1

Awesome.  Thanks for making all this happen.  I'm really excited about
where Sage is going.  I've only been watching for a couple weeks now,
but I think I chose a fun time to find out about it.

Is the syntax for this stuff set in stone?  I'm not sure I like the
equality inside the subs call.  Equality is reflexive, but
substitution is a one way operation.  What about a dictionary, sage: (a
+2*b).subs({a+b:x}), or even just a single equal sign, like keyword
args, sage: (a+2*b).subs(a+b=x).  The double equals would work too,
but now is probably a better time for discussion than later.

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[sage-devel] Re: missing imports for experimental module for Sage

2008-08-25 Thread David Joyner

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 9:33 AM, Philippe Saade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 2:41 PM, David Joyner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 8:20 AM, Philippe Saade [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 nybody give me a hint ?

 Did you add it to devel/sage/setup.py?

 No and honestly, i don't fully understand the way that file is structured.
 If you could give me an example of a line i should add...

 Sorry to bother

You only need to modify that file if you are adding a file to sage/devel
somewhere and want sage to auto-load your python module. Since William's
suggestion helped you, it seems you are doing something different, so
you can leave setup.py alone.


 (rem : the classes defined in that module work fine if placed in a
 notebook cell)




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[sage-devel] Re: Manipulating diff. eqs. in Mathematica using pattern matching

2008-08-25 Thread Jason Merrill

On Aug 24, 6:55 pm, Jason Merrill [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In hopes that it may be a useful reference during the current work on
 symbolics, I wrote a toy Mathematica program for transforming a single
 higher order ODE into a system of first order ODEs.  Most of the free
 numerical differential equation solvers I've seen want input in the
 form y'[x] == f(y,x), so the purpose of a program like this is to take
 more general input and turn it into something suitable for those

 I'll use the Poisson-Boltzmann equation in spherical coordinates, a
 second order ODE, as my test example, because I recently needed to
 solve it numerically.

 pbe = r^2 p''[r] + 2 r p'[r] == r^2 k^2 Sinh[p[r]]

 The full form of the equation, which is useful for pattern matching,



 Notice how this looks a lot like Lisp?

 First, I want to find out what the order of the equation is, so I will
 match any terms of the form Derivative[o][p][r], and then find the
 match with the maximum o:

 diffEqOrder[eqn_, y_, x_] :=
  Max[Cases[pbe, Derivative[o_][y][x] - o, Infinity]]

 Cases produces a list of all the subexpressions in its first argument
 that match the pattern specified in the second argument, optionally
 with a replacement rule applied to the matches.  By default, it only
 looks at the top level of an expression, but setting the final
 argument to Infinity forces it to look all the way down the tree.  The
 _ here is a wildcard that matches any expression, and writing o_ gives
 that subexpression a name.  Since o is the only part I care about, I
 replace all the matches with just o.

 diffEqOrder[pbe, p, r]

 Now we're ready for the function that actually transforms equations:

 firstOrderForm[eqn_, y_, x_] :=
  Module[{rep, order = diffEqOrder[eqn, y, x]},
   rep = Solve[
     eqn /. {Derivative[o_][y][x] - y[o][x], y[x] - y[0][x]},
   Join[Table[y'[o][x] == y[o + 1][x], {o, 0, order - 2}],
    y'[order - 1][x] == y[order][x] /. rep]

 The Module bit is just for keeping variables used in the definition
 out of global scope.  The important line is

 eqn /. {Derivative[o_][y][x] - y[o][x], y[x] - y[0][x]}

 where I use the replacement operator /. to replace all the derivatives
 of y with respect to x by a new function of x, y[o][x], where o is
 again the order of the derivative.  Once I've done that, I solve the
 equation for the highest order term.  Then I make a list basically
 just giving definitions of all the new functions as derivatives of the
 next lower order functions, and stick the solved highest order
 derivative equation on the end of the list.

 Here's the result for the example equation

 firstOrderForm[pbe, p, r]

 {p'[0][r] == p[1][r], p'[1][r] == (k^2 r Sinh[p[0][r]] - 2 p[1][r])/r}

 It's just a short shot from here to providing the input in a form that
 would be accepted by the gsl solver, or scipy.

 Hopefully this will be useful as one example of the kind of
 manipulations that pattern matching makes possible.  I'm happy to
 answer any more questions about it.


 Jason Merrill

I'm afraid I'm straying off topic, but I thought I'd use the above
code as a jumping off point to say a few more things about pattern
matching and Mathematica, since there seems to be at least some
interesting in hearing about this kind of thing.  First, I should
point out that there was a bug in my definition of diffEqOrder:

 diffEqOrder[eqn_, y_, x_] :=
  Max[Cases[pbe, Derivative[o_][y][x] - o, Infinity]]

should be

diffEqOrder[eqn_, y_, x_] :=
 Max[Cases[eqn, Derivative[o_][y][x] - o, Infinity]]  (*Changed pbe
to eqn on this line*)

Pattern matching is one of the fundamental underpinnings of
Mathematica--more than is obvious at first pass.  I used it
conspicuously to play with derivative terms, but it is used
inconspicuously in every function definition.  Remember how _ is a
wildcard, and o_ gives the match a name so it can be used again
later?  Well that's what's going on in function definitions.  In its
definition, each of the arguments of diffEqOrder is a named pattern,
which is why we can use the names eqn, y, and x later in the
definition.  So function definitions are just replacement rules that
are applied globally after they are defined.

You can be more restrictive with the argument patterns than just using
wildcards.  For instance, say I wanted to allow the first argument to
just be an expression, with an implied == 0 at the end.  I could have

Clear[diffEqOrder] (*just gets rid of the old definition*)
diffEqOrder[eqn_Equal,y_,x_] :=
 Max[Cases[eqn, Derivative[o_][y][x] - o, Infinity]]
diffEqOrder[expr_,y_,x_] := diffEqOrder[expr == 0, y, x]

The eqn_Equal is a more restrictive pattern that only matches
expressions whose head is Equal, i.e. Equal[_,_] which is the same as
_ == _ .  Here's a factorial definition in the same 

[sage-devel] Re: Changing line() and text() to not generate 3d objects

2008-08-25 Thread Jason Merrill

On Aug 21, 6:54 pm, Robert Bradshaw [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 On Thu, 21 Aug 2008, Jason Grout wrote:

  What do people think of changing line() and text() to only give 2d
  graphics.  Currently, the behavior for line() seems to be something
  like, passing in a list of coordinates:

  1. if the list has 3-dimensional coordinates, make a 3d line
  2. if the list has more than 3-dimensional coordinates, silently strip
  off the first two and make a 2d line
  3. if the list has 2-dimensional coordinates,

  Since there is not feature-parity between the 2d and 3d backends, the
  current setup also means that options become valid or invalid depending
  on how line() interprets its coordinates.  That sounds like a very bad

  There is a patch up at #3853 which makes line() and text() only do 2d
  stuff, leavingline3dand text3d for the 3d things.  I've also fixed
  some other places that assumed the current behavior (which broke some
  doctests; hooray for doctests).  Are there any comments about making
  this change?


I also don't like this change.  It seems pretty unambiguous what I
want to do if I pass line() a list with three dimensional
coordinates.  I want a 3D line.  I don't really understand the
rationale for this change.

1. and 3. above seem like correct behavior.  2. should throw an error,
until there is a 4D plotting backed ;-).  Is there more specific data
on the problem with options not being the same between 2D and 3D?
Could the options be fixed to be the same?  Or to fail in a sensible

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[sage-devel] Re: Things I miss from Maple in Sage

2008-08-25 Thread Robert Dodier

Tim Lahey wrote:

 3. Somewhat related to #1, is the ability to make new variables/
 function names from old ones. For example, when in the Calculus of
 Variations, I'll create the variation function with a name based on
 the function to be varied (e.g., v(x,y,z,t) to \delta v(x,y,z,t)).
 I also need this to carry out my EulerLagrange calculation. To
 illustrate this, my Maple code for this is:

Dunno if it really matters, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to
translate the function in question to Maxima ...

euler_lagrange (Lagrangian, variables) := block
  ([num_list, qv_name, vel_var, qv_subs, qv_unsubs, Lagrange_subs1,
Lagrange_subs2, dL_dqv1, dL_dqv2, dL_dqv, dL_dqvt, dL_dq, dL_dq1,
dL_dq2, dL_dq3, q_name, q_subs, q_unsubs],

/* guessing here that nops = length */
num_list : makelist (i, i, 1, length (variables)),

qv_name : map (concat, qv, num_list),
q_name : map (concat, q, num_list),

vel_var : map (lambda ([x], 'diff (x, t)), variables),
/* guessing here that
 * zip(f, a, b) = [f(a[1], b[1]), ..., f(a[n], b[n])
qv_subs : map (=, vel_var, qv_var),
qv_unsubs : map (=, qv_var, vel_var),

q_subs : map (=, variables, q_name),
q_unsubs : map (=, q_name, variables),

/* guessing here that subs = subst */
Lagrange_subs1 : subst (qv_subs, Lagrangian),
Lagrange_subs2 : subst (q_subs, Lagrange_subs1),

dL_dqv1 : map (lambda ([x], diff (Lagrange_subs2, x)), qv_name),
dL_dq1 : map (lambda ([x], diff (Lagrange_subs2, x)), q_name),

/* not sure why original has map2(subs(...)) here;
 * why not just subs ? stagger ahead anyway
dL_dq2 : subst (qv_unsubs, dL_dq1),
dL_dqv2 : subst (qv_unsubs, dL_dqv1),
dL_dqv : subst (q_unsubs, dL_dqv2),
dL_dq : subst (q_unsubs, dL_dq2),
dL_dqvt : map (lambda ([u], diff (u, t)), dL_dqv),

[dL_dqvt, dL_dq]);

The above is untested. As you can see from the comments
I'm not sure what some (maybe most) of the Maple functions do.

What does this prove? Maybe not much, except that in this case
it's possible to do some useful expression hacking without
writing new code for Sage.


Robert Dodier

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[sage-devel] Re: Manipulating diff. eqs. in Mathematica using pattern matching

2008-08-25 Thread William Stein

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 3:08 PM, David Philp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 26/08/2008, at 2:50 AM, William Stein wrote:
  Burcin -- I did actually mostly implement pattern matching in Pynac.

 Is there documentation?  A bit of google turned up nothing.

(1) Let me clarify -- I *wrapped* the pattern matching already in Pynac.
(2) I made up the name pynac about 3 days ago, and released the first version
15 hours ago. This is code that will be included in Sage.  There was
a long sage-devel post about this last night.  So I doubt Google will
find anything.Incidentally, Pynac = Ginac + Python - CLN, and you
can read about Ginac at the Ginac website: http://www.ginac.de/

sage: sin(1+sin(x)).subs(sin(w0)==cos(w0))
cos(cos(x) + 1)

 In Mathematica, the result would be cos(sin(x) + 1), since having matched
 the outer expression, the replacement algorithm moves on rather than in.
 One would obtain cos(cos(x) + 1) by making the substitution rule sin==cos.
  Can you do that?  Can you evaluate code during the matching of your
 patterns?  Can you nest patterns?  I think these are highly desirable, even
 if they are suitably carefully hidden from the casual user.

I didn't implement the pattern matching. I wrapped the pattern matching
that is provided by GiNaC.  It is certainly not identical to the pattern
matching in Mathematica, at present.  I'm glad you're pointing out some
of the differences between what is in Mathematica and what is in Ginac.

 We already have a pretty good symbolic engine in Sage, maxima does
 quite a good job of solving integrals, limits, etc. The main problem
 with Maxima is that we cannot extend it.

 Is not extending of Maxima a concrete policy?

Maxima is definitely not the future of symbolic manipulation *in Sage*:

   (1) Maxima cannot manipulate native Python objects (e.g., real interval
field elements, number field elements, finite field elements); both
Pynac and sympy can.

   (2) Maxima is written in Lisp.  This is a total show stopper for most
Sage developers, including me.

Both apply to Axiom, too, by the way.

 I understand that maxima
 sucks in some circumstances, but it seems quite the beast here.
 I am quite confused about a lot of the pattern matching discussion.  AFAICT,
 that is the problem for which lisp rocks, and the best way to do it is
 probably to write maxima code for it.  And the best way to make it
 accessible from python is to provide pretty python methods to call lisp.
 Any other suitably general form of pattern mathematical matching will
 involve the proverbial reimplementation of lisp.

That would be a waste of time for Sage.  No matter how good Maxima
is or its pattern matching is, Maxima is still working in it's own
world of objects
and data types, which have nothing much to do with Python's.  Maxima/Axiom
live on a totally different planet than Python/C/C++.   This is just a fact
we have to deal with.

 -- William

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[sage-devel] Re: Manipulating diff. eqs. in Mathematica using pattern matching

2008-08-25 Thread William Stein

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 3:43 PM, David Philp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 26/08/2008, at 8:15 AM, Ondrej Certik wrote:

 Is not extending of Maxima a concrete policy?  I understand that
 sucks in some circumstances, but it seems quite the beast here.
 I am quite confused about a lot of the pattern matching
 discussion.  AFAICT,
 that is the problem for which lisp rocks, and the best way to do it

 I think it's just about getting people to fix it. There are many
 people around who can fix Python/Cython and a little less (I guess)
 who can fix C++ and C. But a lot less who can fix lisp.

As I mentioned before, another big
problem is that lisp doesn't manipulate native Python objects efficiently.
Python *is* just a C library -- Python and C/C++ play very well together,
especially because of Cython.  The same is not the case with lisp/maxima.

 I think that could change.  There must be a few experienced
 mathematica users who would happily enough pick up lisp as part of
 their transition to sage.  Mathematica - lisp - sage is surely
 easier than mathematica - python - sage.

In four years not a single such person has ever appeared on sage-devel.

 Anyway, it is always better to learn the right tool for the job, than
 to rewrite it yourself. [...]

Yes, but Maxima is not the right tool for this job.

 -- william

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[sage-devel] Re: Manipulating diff. eqs. in Mathematica using pattern matching

2008-08-25 Thread William Stein

 I'm afraid I'm straying off topic, but I thought I'd use the above
 code as a jumping off point to say a few more things about pattern

Given the topic which is Mathematica pattern matching, this email
is 100% on topic, and I *definitely* appreciate it!

 matching and Mathematica, since there seems to be at least some
 interesting in hearing about this kind of thing.  First, I should
 point out that there was a bug in my definition of diffEqOrder:

 diffEqOrder[eqn_, y_, x_] :=
  Max[Cases[pbe, Derivative[o_][y][x] - o, Infinity]]

 should be

 diffEqOrder[eqn_, y_, x_] :=
  Max[Cases[eqn, Derivative[o_][y][x] - o, Infinity]]  (*Changed pbe
 to eqn on this line*)

 Pattern matching is one of the fundamental underpinnings of
 Mathematica--more than is obvious at first pass.  I used it
 conspicuously to play with derivative terms, but it is used
 inconspicuously in every function definition.  Remember how _ is a
 wildcard, and o_ gives the match a name so it can be used again
 later?  Well that's what's going on in function definitions.  In its
 definition, each of the arguments of diffEqOrder is a named pattern,
 which is why we can use the names eqn, y, and x later in the
 definition.  So function definitions are just replacement rules that
 are applied globally after they are defined.

 You can be more restrictive with the argument patterns than just using
 wildcards.  For instance, say I wanted to allow the first argument to
 just be an expression, with an implied == 0 at the end.  I could have

 Clear[diffEqOrder] (*just gets rid of the old definition*)
 diffEqOrder[eqn_Equal,y_,x_] :=
  Max[Cases[eqn, Derivative[o_][y][x] - o, Infinity]]
 diffEqOrder[expr_,y_,x_] := diffEqOrder[expr == 0, y, x]

 The eqn_Equal is a more restrictive pattern that only matches
 expressions whose head is Equal, i.e. Equal[_,_] which is the same as
 _ == _ .  Here's a factorial definition in the same style

 fac[n_Integer] := n*fac[n - 1]
 fac[1] := 1

 Part of what allows pattern matching to be so powerful is that
 *everything* has a full form that is just an expression tree tree,



 Even plots have this form

 FullForm[Plot[Sin[x], {x, -Pi, Pi}]]


 Not that friendly to look at, but this form lets me manipulate plots
 just like any other data.  If I want to see just the points that are
 evaluated for the plot, omitting the line connecting them, I can do

 Plot[Sin[x],{x,-Pi,Pi}] /. Line-Point

 This gets to the reason that I think Mathematica is actually a
 beautiful language.  First, it has the Lisp thing going for it--
 everything is an expression, and programs are data.  Given that
 foundation, it uses pattern matching to do basically all of the work
 with expressions, which makes things feel really unified once you get
 it.  It also provides powerful functional programming constructs: Map,
 Nest, Fold, Thread, and variations on these themes.

 Mathematica is nominally multi-paradigm: it has For loops and other
 procedural stuff; it also has objects, sort of, though I've never seen
 much done with them.  But really, functional programming and pattern
 matching are the beautiful part, and they let you do everything.  If
 you've tried to program Mathematica a different way, you probably
 thought it was ugly.  But then, you were doing it wrong.

Thanks for all that explanation. I really appreciate it.

 -- William

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[sage-devel] Re: Changing line() and text() to not generate 3d objects

2008-08-25 Thread Mike Hansen


 I also don't like this change.  It seems pretty unambiguous what I
 want to do if I pass line() a list with three dimensional
 coordinates.  I want a 3D line.  I don't really understand the
 rationale for this change.

 1. and 3. above seem like correct behavior.  2. should throw an error,
 until there is a 4D plotting backed ;-).  Is there more specific data
 on the problem with options not being the same between 2D and 3D?
 Could the options be fixed to be the same?  Or to fail in a sensible

The patch at #3853 will dispatch to line3d if line2d (same for point)
fails.  This is the same behavior as was there before.  It needs to be


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[sage-devel] Re: Manipulating diff. eqs. in Mathematica using pattern matching

2008-08-25 Thread Robert Dodier

Jason Merrill wrote:

 pbe = r^2 p''[r] + 2 r p'[r] == r^2 k^2 Sinh[p[r]]

 diffEqOrder[eqn_, y_, x_] :=
  Max[Cases[pbe, Derivative[o_][y][x] - o, Infinity]]

 firstOrderForm[eqn_, y_, x_] :=
  Module[{rep, order = diffEqOrder[eqn, y, x]},
   rep = Solve[
 eqn /. {Derivative[o_][y][x] - y[o][x], y[x] - y[0][x]},
   Join[Table[y'[o][x] == y[o + 1][x], {o, 0, order - 2}],
y'[order - 1][x] == y[order][x] /. rep]

OK --- here is some more or less equivalent Maxima code.
Maxima's pattern construction functions are more verbose.
There isn't any built-in function to get a list of subexpressions
but it's easy to create one.

matchdeclare ([aa, bb], symbolp, ii, integerp);
defrule (r1, 'diff (aa, bb, ii), ii);
defrule (r2, 'diff (aa, bb, ii), aa[ii]);
subexprs (e) := if mapatom(e) then e else [e, map (subexprs, args

first_order_form (e, y, x) := block ([n],
n : apply (max, subst (false=minf, map (r1, flatten (subexprs
ev (subst (y=y[0], apply1 (e, r2)),  opsubst=false),
solve (%%, y[n]),
   (makelist ('diff (y[i], x) = y[i + 1], i, 0, n - 2),
   ['diff (y[n - 1], x) = rhs (%%[1])]));

 firstOrderForm[pbe, p, r]

 {p'[0][r] == p[1][r], p'[1][r] == (k^2 r Sinh[p[0][r]] - 2 p[1][r])/r}

pbe : r^2 * 'diff (p, r, 2) + 2 * r * 'diff (p, r) = r^2 * k^2 * sinh

first_order_form (pbe, p, r);
 = ['diff(p[0],r,1) = p[1],
  'diff(p[1],r,1) = (sinh(p[0])*k^2*r-2*p[1])/r]

 It's just a short shot from here to providing the input in a form that
 would be accepted by the gsl solver, or scipy.

Yes. I believe a combination of symbolic and numerical problem
solving is very powerful.


Robert Dodier

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[sage-devel] Re: Things I miss from Maple in Sage

2008-08-25 Thread Robert Dodier

Tim Lahey wrote:

 I presume that Sage can't take a derivative with respect to a function
 (Maple can't which is why this code is written this way).

By the way, what do you mean by that? What is the operation that
you would like to do, but fails? Thanks for the info.

Robert Dodier

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[sage-devel] Re: Things I miss from Maple in Sage

2008-08-25 Thread Tim Lahey


Taking the derivative with respect to a function is
something like


and also


where L may contain terms with u(x,t) and diff(u(x,t),t).
So, u(x,t) is a function, not just a symbolic variable.

These terms pop up in the Euler-Lagrange equation which is
at the heart of Calculus of Variations.

I haven't tried to do it in Sage, but I haven't seen any
examples that use it and I couldn't find any Maxima examples



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[sage-devel] Re: Things I miss from Maple in Sage

2008-08-25 Thread Robert Bradshaw

On Aug 25, 2008, at 8:05 PM, Robert Dodier wrote:

 Tim Lahey wrote:

 I presume that Sage can't take a derivative with respect to a  
 (Maple can't which is why this code is written this way).

 By the way, what do you mean by that? What is the operation that
 you would like to do, but fails? Thanks for the info.

You could use automatic differentiation, but that has yet to be  
implemented in Sage. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ 

- Robert

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[sage-devel] Re: Manipulating diff. eqs. in Mathematica using pattern matching

2008-08-25 Thread David Philp

On 26/08/2008, at 12:42 PM, William Stein wrote:

 1) Let me clarify -- I *wrapped* the pattern matching already in  
 and you
 can read about Ginac at the Ginac website: http://www.ginac.de/

Thanks for the clarification.  Sorry I missed the post about pynac--- 
I'm fairly quick to delete stuff.

In the spirit of clarification, I should say that I am not  
particularly batting for Lisp, Maxima or Mathematica, nor do I want to  
make sage look like Mathematica.  But this area of pattern matching is  
one where the Mathematica / Lisp way of doing things is extremely  
instructive.  That is the only reason I am rabbitting on about it.

   sage: sin(1+sin(x)).subs(sin(w0)==cos(w0))
   cos(cos(x) + 1)

 In Mathematica, the result would be cos(sin(x) + 1), since having  
 the outer expression, the replacement algorithm moves on rather  
 than in.
 One would obtain cos(cos(x) + 1) by making the substitution rule  
 Can you do that?  Can you evaluate code during the matching of your
 patterns?  Can you nest patterns?  I think these are highly  
 desirable, even
 if they are suitably carefully hidden from the casual user.

 I didn't implement the pattern matching. I wrapped the pattern  
 that is provided by GiNaC.  It is certainly not identical to the  
 matching in Mathematica, at present.  I'm glad you're pointing out  
 of the differences between what is in Mathematica and what is in  

I see.  (Sorry for sounding like I was jumping down your throat.)  I  
was actually asking what capabilities you envisage.  From looking at  
ginac, I think there's a good chance that it does all those things.

 We already have a pretty good symbolic engine in Sage, maxima does
 quite a good job of solving integrals, limits, etc. The main problem
 with Maxima is that we cannot extend it.

 Is not extending of Maxima a concrete policy?

 Maxima is definitely not the future of symbolic manipulation *in  

I don't know maxima well enough to have opinions on that, (except that  
it looked like a good idea at the time.)

   (2) Maxima is written in Lisp.  This is a total show stopper for  
 Sage developers, including me.

In the spirit of learning a new programming paradigm makes you a  
better programmer I strongly recommend this page:

In any case, ginac might just be a good, non-buggy, reimplementation  
of just that part of lisp we need, and one that is more efficient for  
the problem at hand.

 I understand that maxima
 sucks in some circumstances, but it seems quite the beast here.
 I am quite confused about a lot of the pattern matching  
 discussion.  AFAICT,
 that is the problem for which lisp rocks, and the best way to do it  
 probably to write maxima code for it.  And the best way to make it
 accessible from python is to provide pretty python methods to call  
 Any other suitably general form of pattern mathematical matching will
 involve the proverbial reimplementation of lisp.

 That would be a waste of time for Sage.  No matter how good Maxima
 is or its pattern matching is, Maxima is still working in it's own
 world of objects
 and data types, which have nothing much to do with Python's.  Maxima/ 
 live on a totally different planet than Python/C/C++.   This is just  
 a fact
 we have to deal with.

I actually don't understand this.  For both pynac and the existing  
maxima link, I think you must already have some method of transforming  
a python object to and from lisp-like expressions.  I suppose it might  
be problematically inefficient.  At any rate, I am not after  
implementation details at the moment, sorry for bringing that furphy up.


David J Philp
Postdoctoral Fellow
National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health
Building 62, cnr Mills Rd  Eggleston Rd
The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200 Australia

T: +61 2 6125 8260
F: +61 2 6125 0740
M: 0423 535 397
W: http://nceph.anu.edu.au/

CRICOS Provider #00120C

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URLs: http://www.sagemath.org

[sage-devel] Re: Things I miss from Maple in Sage

2008-08-25 Thread Tim Lahey

On Aug 25, 2008, at 11:45 PM, William Stein wrote:

The chain rule from calculus says that if f(x) = g(h(x)) then

   df/dx = (dg/dh) *  (dh/dx).

Dividing both sides by dh/dx we see that

   dg / dh  = (df /dx)  / (dh/dx).

I thus suspect that when you say differentiate g(h(x))
with respect to h you might mean to compute dg/dh,
as defined by the chain rule above.

Yes, but that's a) a horribly inefficient way of doing
that and b) in my case, impossible. I don't know h(x)
because I'm trying to solve for it. It's the whole point
of the system of PDEs. But, dg/dh is easily computable if
you have g which I have.

The point is that differentiation with respect to a function
or a variable should be equivalent.



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[sage-devel] Re: Manipulating diff. eqs. in Mathematica using pattern matching

2008-08-25 Thread William Stein

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 8:55 PM, David Philp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 26/08/2008, at 12:42 PM, William Stein wrote:

 1) Let me clarify -- I *wrapped* the pattern matching already in
 and you
 can read about Ginac at the Ginac website: http://www.ginac.de/

 Thanks for the clarification.  Sorry I missed the post about pynac---
 I'm fairly quick to delete stuff.

 In the spirit of clarification, I should say that I am not
 particularly batting for Lisp, Maxima or Mathematica, nor do I want to
 make sage look like Mathematica.  But this area of pattern matching is
 one where the Mathematica / Lisp way of doing things is extremely
 instructive.  That is the only reason I am rabbitting on about it.

I do greatly appreciate it.

 I was actually asking what capabilities you envisage.  From looking at
 ginac, I think there's a good chance that it does all those things.

It does a lot, but there's no reason to not make it better, and there's every
reason to understand its shortcomings.
 That would be a waste of time for Sage.  No matter how good Maxima
 is or its pattern matching is, Maxima is still working in it's own
 world of objects
 and data types, which have nothing much to do with Python's.  Maxima/
 live on a totally different planet than Python/C/C++.   This is just
 a fact
 we have to deal with.

 I actually don't understand this.  For both pynac and the existing
 maxima link, I think you must already have some method of transforming
 a python object to and from lisp-like expressions.

Pynac works with objects that are simply expression trees constructed
directly from native Python objects.  Literally, if you type, e.g.,

sage: S = var('x',ns=1).parent()   # new symbolic ring
sage: foo = S(any_crazy_element_you_can_think_of_in_Sage)^3 + 17

then Pynac constructs an expression tree with a *pointer* in memory
to that any_crazy_element_you_can_think_of_in_Sage.  This pointer
setting takes a few nanoseconds.   Moreover, because of the extreme
flexibility of any_crazy_element_you_can_think_of_in_Sage, you
can do awesome things from this point of view, which are impossible
in maxima via Sage.

Interestingly, today a colleague asked me a computational research
problem, involving computing a bunch of powers series defined
by a recurrence with coefficients in a rational function field.
They were using Magma with quotients of polynomial rings by
powers of ideals over fraction fields, and suffering greatly just
trying to extract off coefficients, etc., and of course in trying
to visualize the result.  I just wrote code in a couple minutes
to do what they want using the new Pynac symbolic stuff,
and it uses just the point I'm making above to feel right and
be faster.I can make parts of the symbols appearing
in the computation be singular-based multivariate polynomials,
and other parts by Ginac formal symbols.  It's very very nice.
This is one of the key things Sage has been missing for
a long time to feel complete.

 -- William

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[sage-devel] Re: Manipulating diff. eqs. in Mathematica using pattern matching

2008-08-25 Thread David Philp

On 26/08/2008, at 2:12 PM, William Stein wrote:

 I actually don't understand this.  For both pynac and the existing
 maxima link, I think you must already have some method of  
 a python object to and from lisp-like expressions.

 Pynac works with objects that are simply expression trees constructed
 directly from native Python objects.  Literally, if you type, e.g.,

 sage: S = var('x',ns=1).parent()   # new symbolic ring
 sage: foo = S(any_crazy_element_you_can_think_of_in_Sage)^3 + 17

 then Pynac constructs an expression tree with a *pointer* in memory
 to that any_crazy_element_you_can_think_of_in_Sage.  This pointer
 setting takes a few nanoseconds.

If shared memory is important to you then lisp won't do.  Fair.

 Moreover, because of the extreme
 flexibility of any_crazy_element_you_can_think_of_in_Sage, you
 can do awesome things from this point of view, which are impossible
 in maxima via Sage.

Cool.  I will try to have a play with ginac and the combination and  
see if I can bend it to my Mathematica-will.


David J Philp
Postdoctoral Fellow
National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health
Building 62, cnr Mills Rd  Eggleston Rd
The Australian National University
Canberra ACT 0200 Australia

T: +61 2 6125 8260
F: +61 2 6125 0740
M: 0423 535 397
W: http://nceph.anu.edu.au/

CRICOS Provider #00120C

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URLs: http://www.sagemath.org

[sage-devel] Re: Things I miss from Maple in Sage

2008-08-25 Thread William Stein

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 8:58 PM, Tim Lahey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Aug 25, 2008, at 11:45 PM, William Stein wrote:

 The chain rule from calculus says that if f(x) = g(h(x)) then

   df/dx = (dg/dh) *  (dh/dx).

 Dividing both sides by dh/dx we see that

   dg / dh  = (df /dx)  / (dh/dx).

 I thus suspect that when you say differentiate g(h(x))
 with respect to h you might mean to compute dg/dh,
 as defined by the chain rule above.

 Yes, but that's a) a horribly inefficient way of doing
 that and b) in my case, impossible. I don't know h(x)
 because I'm trying to solve for it. It's the whole point
 of the system of PDEs. But, dg/dh is easily computable if
 you have g which I have.

 The point is that differentiation with respect to a function
 or a variable should be equivalent.

I only meant it as a definition to help clarify the discussion, not
as an algorithm.  Many thanks for your additional clarification.


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[sage-devel] Re: Things I miss from Maple in Sage

2008-08-25 Thread Tim Lahey

On Aug 26, 2008, at 12:23 AM, William Stein wrote:

I only meant it as a definition to help clarify the discussion, not
as an algorithm.  Many thanks for your additional clarification.


Oh, I misunderstood. If Sage can't take the derivative with respect
to a function, I wouldn't be surprised since it isn't a common
feature of the various CAS packages I've tried.

The Maple code I posted at the start of the thread runs in well
less than a second while the built-in Maple code takes about 10s
for the same problem because of a poor decision the implementers
made. Their code always tries to integrate as the last step even when
the DEs can't be integrated so it has to wait for the integration to

I think the new pynac code might make implementing some of the things
I do easier. I'll see.



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[sage-devel] Re: Things I miss from Maple in Sage

2008-08-25 Thread William Stein

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 9:34 PM, Tim Lahey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Aug 26, 2008, at 12:23 AM, William Stein wrote:

 I only meant it as a definition to help clarify the discussion, not
 as an algorithm.  Many thanks for your additional clarification.


 Oh, I misunderstood. If Sage can't take the derivative with respect
 to a function, I wouldn't be surprised since it isn't a common
 feature of the various CAS packages I've tried.

 The Maple code I posted at the start of the thread runs in well
 less than a second while the built-in Maple code takes about 10s
 for the same problem because of a poor decision the implementers
 made. Their code always tries to integrate as the last step even when
 the DEs can't be integrated so it has to wait for the integration to

 I think the new pynac code might make implementing some of the things
 I do easier. I'll see.

Well I really hope that you implement a bunch of stuff for inclusion in Sage!
So far we have very very very few developers working on symbolic
differential equations stuff in Sage.  (I.e., none, as far as I know.)


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[sage-devel] Re: Things I miss from Maple in Sage

2008-08-25 Thread Tim Lahey

On Aug 26, 2008, at 12:37 AM, William Stein wrote:

Well I really hope that you implement a bunch of stuff for inclusion  
in Sage!

So far we have very very very few developers working on symbolic
differential equations stuff in Sage.  (I.e., none, as far as I know.)

Besides the code I already posted, I have written other variational  
code. However, I need to work with things on a term-by-term basis so I  

access to the expression tree which I couldn't find out how to work with
based upon the Sage documentation (e.g., commands like Maple's op  
allow one to

pull apart the symbolic expression term by term).

Plus, based upon how integration and differentiation is currently
implemented (as I understand it), I'd have to drop into Maxima to do
that manipulation.

That Euler-Lagrange code is simple example. It consists basically

1) Replacing all functions specified with placeholder symbols.
2) Differentiation with respect to those symbols.
3) Reversing the replacement.
4) Differentiation of one expression with respect to time.

Since you don't know the number of functions in advance, you
need to programmatically create the replacement list and reverse
subs list. Both Maple and Maxima can do it fairly simply. Based upon
how Sage works, I'm not exactly clear on how to do step 1 which is
this Maple code:

# create a list of indices from 1 to the number of variables
# used in the formulation
num_list := [seq(i,i=1..nops(variables))]:

# Define a list of generalized velocity and position variables
qv_name := map2(cat,qv,num_list):
q_name := map2(cat,q,num_list):

# Equate the time derivatives of the system variable to the
# generalized velocities and also define the reverse mapping
vel_var := map(diff,variables,t):
qv_subs := zip(equate,vel_var,qv_name):
qv_unsubs := zip(equate,qv_name,vel_var):

# Equate the generalized positions to the system variables
# and define the reverse mapping
q_subs := zip(equate,variables,q_name):
q_unsubs := zip(equate,q_name,variables):

Can I programmatically create a symbolic variable name and use
that to replace a symbolic function name? If it's possible, I probably
can code the rest in Sage fairly quickly. Then, I'll just be waiting
on some of the expression manipulation tools.



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[sage-devel] Re: Things I miss from Maple in Sage

2008-08-25 Thread mhampton

You have done a great job highlighting some of the things that are
easy in mathematica and hard in sage.  I don't see any answer to your
points in the comments below.  I suspect that a fairly serious rewrite
of symbolic expressions will be necessary at some point to help this
situation, but I don't think that it is un-doable in python.

M. Hampton

On Aug 22, 8:21 am, David Philp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 22/08/2008, at 5:27 PM, William Stein wrote:

  On Thu, Aug 21, 2008 at 11:28 PM, David Philp

  I hope one can't own such things but I don't want a legal fight.

  If I were afraid, then Sage would be nowhere today.

 I just don't think Mathematica reimplementation is a worthy enough
 thing that it's worth risking a legal fight with Wolfram.  There are
 other ways to make Sage really good.

  Otherwise, I agree.  A mathematica-like parser would be useful.
  Though I'd be surprised if the concepts map across well enough for it
  to be anything other than an ugly hack.


 I don't think it's useful for me to keep going much more until I know
 more about sage.   But I will explain where the bad feeling came from:

 All the explanations that sage can do that have involved python
 lists, because I used names and examples like 'data = {1, 2, 3}'.  But
 the power of ReplaceAll (the /. operator) is that it places no
 requirements on the form of the 'data' argument.

 I.e. the example:
 [(0 if d  0 else d) for d in data]

 is an illustration of how to write a for-each expression in python,
 but it has nothing much to do with ReplaceAll.  The difference is that
 ReplaceAll is used for transforming 'data' not 'the elements of data'.

 x + a*y + z[w + v] /. Plus - List

 yields {x, a y, z[{v, w}]}  (That sort of manipulation has been useful
 to me sometimes.)

 It reads much the same as before: expr, but with sums replaced by lists.

 If someone proposes an implementation I can try and shoot it down or
 improve it.  But I don't know sage well enough to know whether there
 is an obvious way to do it all.  My guess is that this is a natural
 task for Lisp and the wrong task for Python.


 David J Philp
 Postdoctoral Fellow
 National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health
 Building 62, cnr Mills Rd  Eggleston Rd
 The Australian National University
 Canberra ACT 0200 Australia

 T: +61 2 6125 8260
 F: +61 2 6125 0740
 M: 0423 535 397

 CRICOS Provider #00120C
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[sage-devel] Re: Things I miss from Maple in Sage

2008-08-25 Thread Robert Dodier

Tim Lahey wrote:

 \frac{d}{d t}\left(\frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q_i}}\right)
 = \left(\frac{\partial L}{\partial q_i}\right)

 where i=1,...,n and L(q_i,\dot{q_i},t). Note that q_i
 is a function of at least t. This is the Euler-Lagrange
 equation. It's the basis for most advanced dynamics.

 So, I want to differentiate L with respect to \dot{q_i) and
 q_i as if they were just x and t in a normal derivative.
 This is why my code replaces the functions with symbols and
 then takes the derivative with respect to these placeholder
 symbols and then reverses it.

FWIW Maxima likes to see dy/dx in formulations of
differential equations instead of dy(x)/dx so I think maybe
this problem of whether y is a variable or a function doesn't
really come into play; Maxima can always handle y as a
variable. You could ask on the Maxima mailing list to see
if anyone has worked with Lagrangian mechanics in Maxima.

Robert Dodier

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[sage-devel] Re: Things I miss from Maple in Sage

2008-08-25 Thread Tim Lahey

On Aug 26, 2008, at 1:24 AM, Robert Dodier wrote:

FWIW Maxima likes to see dy/dx in formulations of
differential equations instead of dy(x)/dx so I think maybe
this problem of whether y is a variable or a function doesn't
really come into play; Maxima can always handle y as a
variable. You could ask on the Maxima mailing list to see
if anyone has worked with Lagrangian mechanics in Maxima.

Robert Dodier

Thanks. However, It's not y(x) that's the problem, it's
that the x may be a function and I need the derivative
carried out. However, the code you translated should handle



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[sage-devel] Re: Things I miss from Maple in Sage

2008-08-25 Thread Tim Lahey

On Aug 26, 2008, at 1:14 AM, William Stein wrote:

Sounds good.  Unfortunately I don't understand precisely what
you're asking for.  Do you want to do this?

sage: x = var('x', ns=1)
sage: from sage.symbolic.function import function
sage: foo = function('foo',1)
sage: expr = foo(x)^2 + foo(x)-1
sage: expr
foo(x) + foo(x)^2 - 1
sage: y = var('y')
sage: expr.subs(foo(x)==y)
y^2 + y - 1

This *already* works in the new pynac symbolics.  I just typed it in.

Of course, I'm skipping the programatically part...

It's the programatically part that makes it a bit more difficult.
so imagine doing this with foo1 through foon and y1 through yn. So,
I need to create y1 through yn as needed. I'm not sure how to do
that since n is only known when the list of foo is read.



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[sage-devel] Re: Things I miss from Maple in Sage

2008-08-25 Thread William Stein

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 10:28 PM, Tim Lahey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Aug 26, 2008, at 1:14 AM, William Stein wrote:

 Sounds good.  Unfortunately I don't understand precisely what
 you're asking for.  Do you want to do this?

 sage: x = var('x', ns=1)
 sage: from sage.symbolic.function import function
 sage: foo = function('foo',1)
 sage: expr = foo(x)^2 + foo(x)-1
 sage: expr
 foo(x) + foo(x)^2 - 1
 sage: y = var('y')
 sage: expr.subs(foo(x)==y)
 y^2 + y - 1

 This *already* works in the new pynac symbolics.  I just typed it in.

 Of course, I'm skipping the programatically part...

 It's the programatically part that makes it a bit more difficult.
 so imagine doing this with foo1 through foon and y1 through yn. So,
 I need to create y1 through yn as needed. I'm not sure how to do
 that since n is only known when the list of foo is read.

What is the list of foo?  Is n just the length of a list?  Do you
want to do something like this?

sage: y = [var('y%s'%i) for i in range(10)]
sage: y
[y0, y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6, y7, y8, y9]
sage: expr.subs(foo(x) == y[3])
y3^2 + y3 - 1

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[sage-devel] Re: Things I miss from Maple in Sage

2008-08-25 Thread Tim Lahey

On Aug 26, 2008, at 1:43 AM, William Stein wrote:

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 10:28 PM, Tim Lahey [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

It's the programatically part that makes it a bit more difficult.
so imagine doing this with foo1 through foon and y1 through yn. So,
I need to create y1 through yn as needed. I'm not sure how to do
that since n is only known when the list of foo is read.

What is the list of foo?  Is n just the length of a list?  Do you
want to do something like this?

sage: y = [var('y%s'%i) for i in range(10)]
sage: y
[y0, y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6, y7, y8, y9]
sage: expr.subs(foo(x) == y[3])
y3^2 + y3 - 1

Basically, there will be a list of foo_i(x). It looks like the above
will work because you can get the length of the list. Then, you just
need to make a list of substitutions of foo_i(x) == y[i].

I think I can make it work. I might get around to trying it tomorrow.



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[sage-devel] Re: Proposal for inclusion of GINAC/pynac-0.1 in Sage.

2008-08-25 Thread Robert Bradshaw

On Aug 25, 2008, at 1:59 AM, William Stein wrote:


 I propose that pynac be included in Sage.

 Pynac is a rewrite of Ginac to seamlessly use native Python objects  
 of  CLN -- for inclusion in Sage.   Pynac is a C++ library plus  
 Cython bindings.   Pynac is about 30K lines, is very well  
 documented and
 commented, and as C++ code goes is extremely readable.

  [x] Yes, include Pynac in Sage
  [ ] No, do not (please explain)
  [ ] Hmm, I have questions (please ask).

Very enthusiastic about this!

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[sage-devel] Re: Manipulating diff. eqs. in Mathematica using pattern matching

2008-08-25 Thread William Stein

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 7:42 PM, William Stein [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 3:08 PM, David Philp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 26/08/2008, at 2:50 AM, William Stein wrote:
  Burcin -- I did actually mostly implement pattern matching in Pynac.

 Is there documentation?  A bit of google turned up nothing.

 (1) Let me clarify -- I *wrapped* the pattern matching already in Pynac.
 (2) I made up the name pynac about 3 days ago, and released the first version
 15 hours ago. This is code that will be included in Sage.  There was
 a long sage-devel post about this last night.  So I doubt Google will
 find anything.Incidentally, Pynac = Ginac + Python - CLN, and you
 can read about Ginac at the Ginac website: http://www.ginac.de/

sage: sin(1+sin(x)).subs(sin(w0)==cos(w0))
cos(cos(x) + 1)

 In Mathematica, the result would be cos(sin(x) + 1), since having matched
 the outer expression, the replacement algorithm moves on rather than in.
 One would obtain cos(cos(x) + 1) by making the substitution rule sin==cos.
  Can you do that?  Can you evaluate code during the matching of your
 patterns?  Can you nest patterns?  I think these are highly desirable, even
 if they are suitably carefully hidden from the casual user.

 I didn't implement the pattern matching. I wrapped the pattern matching
 that is provided by GiNaC.  It is certainly not identical to the pattern
 matching in Mathematica, at present.  I'm glad you're pointing out some
 of the differences between what is in Mathematica and what is in Ginac.

 We already have a pretty good symbolic engine in Sage, maxima does
 quite a good job of solving integrals, limits, etc. The main problem
 with Maxima is that we cannot extend it.

 Is not extending of Maxima a concrete policy?

 Maxima is definitely not the future of symbolic manipulation *in Sage*:

   (1) Maxima cannot manipulate native Python objects (e.g., real interval
 field elements, number field elements, finite field elements); both
 Pynac and sympy can.

   (2) Maxima is written in Lisp.  This is a total show stopper for most
 Sage developers, including me.

 Both apply to Axiom, too, by the way.

Tim Daly just wrote to me off list about this remark: Users [of axiom]
never see Lisp code.  I realize you don't like Axiom and don't plan to use
it in Sage. But I would ask you to at least keep your facts straight when
criticizing Axiom in public.  -- Tim

(a) I'm not criticizing Axiom.  I'm saying that it doesn't have two properties
that are relevant to it being used for a certain aspect of
symbolic manipulation in Sage itself, since the original poster seemed
to not understand what the issues are.I do not think this makes
Axiom (or Maxima) in any way bad -- it's just that they aren't the
right tool to solve a certain problem.

(b) I do not dislike Axiom.  In fact, I really like a wide range of software,
including Axiom.

(c) I made two claims above which you seem to dispute:
  (1) Axiom cannot manipulate native Python objects.  [[I think this is true]]
  (2) Axiom is written in Lisp. [[I think there is some truth to this.]]

In (2) I didn't say that users use Lisp to work with Axiom, just like they
don't use Lisp to program Maxima.  But the discussion is about
extending the core functionality of the system rather than just writing
user-level code, so I thought that was justified.

-- William

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[sage-devel] Re: Things I miss from Maple in Sage

2008-08-25 Thread William Stein

On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 10:48 PM, Tim Lahey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Aug 26, 2008, at 1:43 AM, William Stein wrote:

 On Mon, Aug 25, 2008 at 10:28 PM, Tim Lahey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It's the programatically part that makes it a bit more difficult.
 so imagine doing this with foo1 through foon and y1 through yn. So,
 I need to create y1 through yn as needed. I'm not sure how to do
 that since n is only known when the list of foo is read.

 What is the list of foo?  Is n just the length of a list?  Do you
 want to do something like this?

 sage: y = [var('y%s'%i) for i in range(10)]
 sage: y
 [y0, y1, y2, y3, y4, y5, y6, y7, y8, y9]
 sage: expr.subs(foo(x) == y[3])
 y3^2 + y3 - 1

 Basically, there will be a list of foo_i(x). It looks like the above
 will work because you can get the length of the list. Then, you just
 need to make a list of substitutions of foo_i(x) == y[i].

 I think I can make it work. I might get around to trying it tomorrow.

Do complain if you can't.   Also, let meknow if you have trouble installing
pynac -- it's very new (1 day old!) so installation might not just work yet
on all Sage-supported platforms.

 -- William

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[sage-devel] Re: Proposal for inclusion of GINAC/pynac-0.1 in Sage.

2008-08-25 Thread Robert Bradshaw

On Aug 25, 2008, at 8:35 AM, Gary Furnish wrote:

 I've been trying to get an answer for this question for the last few
 weeks: Is the plan to extend ginac (write algorithms in C) or to
 extend sage (write new algorithms in Sage) using cython/python?

I don't think this was addressed in the email, but my understanding  
is that the plan is very much the latter. Perhaps (I hope) that much  
of this will not be re-implementation so much as porting SymPy  
algorithms/getting SymPy to run on top of GiNaC.

 This is very much a design related question, and in the hurry to  
 get GiNaC
 through review I feel that design issues and questions have been very
 much ignored.  To put the question somewhat differently, are
 algorithms using the new symbolics system going to be use GiNaC/pynac
 enough that switching to any other low level system will be very, very
 difficult (because new code such as sums may depend directly on GiNaC
 specific behavior)?  If this is not intended, what will be done to try
 to prevent Sage from becoming overly dependent on GiNaC in the long


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