[sage-support] Re: Compiling sage on Ubuntu 11.10 under VirtualBox

2011-12-15 Thread Adam Webb

On Dec 15, 5:49 pm, Michael Fawcett  wrote:
> I am having problems compiling Sage on the following setup:
> ASUS K52J laptop with Intel Core I3 processor with 4G RAM running Windows 7
> VirtualBox 4.1.6
> Guest OS Ubuntu 11.10 desktop (i386) with 1933 M RAM allocated. VirtualBox
> guest additions have been installed
> The install fails during the installation of Atlas with an Illegal
> instruction.


I have a similar situation (vmware on windows 7). I don't recall if I
get the exact same error but I do get something similar. The build
seems to stop with an error but it also seems to be only that the
output is not updating. If I leave the build for a while (maybe 10
min) it will resume. My guess is that the output is buffered so you
don't see that the build is still working. Try giving it some time


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[sage-support] Re: Using Sage Python as System Python

2011-01-12 Thread Adam Webb

On Jan 12, 4:21 pm, emil  wrote:
> > My guess is that matplotlib was built without the gui. I build Sage
> > from source and in that case it is necessary to set an environment
> > variable. For example in bash: export SAGE_MATPLOTLIB_GUI='yes'. This
> > then will tell it to try to build a gui. It does require that the
> > needed devel packages are present. Matplotlib can use several such as
> > Tk, Qt, Gtk.
> > Adam
> Hello Adam,
> thanks very much for that, will it try to built every possible backend
> or do I need to set an additional Variable?
> emil

I am not really certain but I don't know of any other flags so I would
guess so. Normally, Matplotlib tries to build for everything that it
can detect. I do a test where I take the matplotlib from the web-site
and build it without installing it. There is information at the start
of the build about which libraries that it found. I use that to test
my system to make sure that it will build the ones that I want.


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[sage-support] Re: Using Sage Python as System Python

2011-01-12 Thread Adam Webb

On Jan 12, 11:00 am, emil  wrote:

> Hm, I ask that here because it seems related somehow. Is there a way
> to make plotting behave normal from the python commandline? I know
> that from the notebook it will show all pictures which are stored in
> the notebook directory. I also readhttp://uw.sagenb.org/home/pub/9/
> So question is, can settings be changed so that
> from pylab import *
> x = linspace(-1,1,1000) f = sin(6*x) + sin(60*exp(x))
> plot(x,f,'k')
> actually produces a plot from the commandline?
> I have a related problem with getting Texmacs to show sage plots,
> there is always a message about a missing matplotlib GUI backend.
> Does anybody has pointers how I could fix this?
> thanks!
> emil

My guess is that matplotlib was built without the gui. I build Sage
from source and in that case it is necessary to set an environment
variable. For example in bash: export SAGE_MATPLOTLIB_GUI='yes'. This
then will tell it to try to build a gui. It does require that the
needed devel packages are present. Matplotlib can use several such as
Tk, Qt, Gtk.


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[sage-support] Re: Using Sage Python as System Python

2011-01-11 Thread Adam Webb

On Jan 12, 6:49 am, mankoff  wrote:
> Hi Group,
> I'm using Sage as my python install. How can I upgrade a python
> package within sage? For example, pygmentize is version 0.11, and I'd
> like to upgrade this. Easy_install doesn't seem to be working, or
> places the new binary in /usr/local/bin, and if I copy that into sage/
> local/bin/ it causes problems.
> Thanks,
>    -k.


You are using the system-wide easy_install rather than the sage one.
Do 'sage -sh' first and then use easy_install. That will install into
your sage location.


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[sage-support] Re: Is sage 4.3.5 able to solve quadratic equations??

2010-06-21 Thread Adam Webb

On Jun 20, 6:50 pm, Matthias Meulien  wrote:
> Hi,
> I can't figure out why the following commands ends with a TypeError
> exception.
> sage: basering = PolynomialRing(SR, 'x')
> sage: polynomial = basering.lagrange_polynomial([(0,0), (1,pi), (2, pi/
> 2)])
> sage:
> polynomial.base_ring()
> Symbolic Ring
> sage:
> type(polynomial)
>  'sage.rings.polynomial.polynomial_element_generic.Polynomial_generic_dense_field'>
> sage:
> polynomial.roots(x)
~ snip ~
> TypeError: base_ring must be a ring
> Thanks for reading.

sage: polynomial.roots?

gives lots of information including the calling information:
polynomial.roots(self, ring=None, multiplicities=True, algorithm

It appears that a ring is needed. If I do
sage: polynomial.roots(RR)
[(0.000, 1), (2.33, 1)]

There may be more information in the doc string that is useful for

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[sage-support] Re: Error when importing matplotlib from sage -python

2010-05-23 Thread Adam Webb

On May 22, 11:12 pm, Jose Guzman  wrote:
> Hi everybody
> When I tried to import matplotlib from the Python version that is
> bundled with Sage, I found that the moduled tkagg was not present.
>  >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>  >>> No module named _tkagg
> Would anybody tell me how to install this module in the Python version
> of Sage. I am using Debian/GNU Linux and Sage 4.3.5
> Thanks a lot in advance!
> Jose.


As I recall, you need to set an environment variable before building
matplotlib. In bash:
$ export SAGE_MATPLOTLIB_GUI='yes'

You will also need the dev pakages installed.
$ sudo apt-get install tk-dev tcl-dev

After installing the dev packages you should only have to reinstall
$ sage -f matplotlib



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[sage-support] Re: Running SAGE on Scientific Linux: Possible?

2010-03-16 Thread Adam Webb

On Mar 16, 3:06 pm, "rvaug...@gmail.com"  wrote:
> When I try to make sage-4.3.3, I get:
> "There is no spkg-install script, no setup.py, and no configure
> script,
> so I do not know how to install /usr/share/sage-4.3.3/spkg/standard/
> gd-2.0.35.p4.spkg.
> make[1]: *** [installed/gd-2.0.35.p4] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/share/sage-4.3.3/spkg'"
> This looks to me like either the makefile is looking for something
> that doesn't exist, or something is missing from the sage-4.3.3
> package.
> When I try to make sage-4.3.3-linux-32bit-fedora_release_11_leonidas-
> i686-Linux, I get:
> "ImportError: /lib/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.7' not found (required
> by
> /usr/share/sage-4.3.3-linux-32bit-fedora_release_11_leonidas-i686-
> Linux/local/lib/libgmp.so.3)"
> I see this message about a dozen times in install.log.
> Apparently glibc only goes as far as 2.5-42 on SciLinux 5.4,
> and this version of SAGE is looking for 2.7.
> -Richard


The source file is called sage-4.3.3.tar. You have a binary package
which does not require running make. I don't know if that package will
work as it uses newer libraries but you should be able to just run
sage and try it.

If the binary does not work than you can try to build from source.
FWIW I have been building Sage on Scientific Linux 5.1 for at least a


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[sage-support] Re: WTF

2010-02-16 Thread Adam Webb

On Feb 16, 3:15 pm, "ma...@mendelu.cz"  wrote:
> On 16 ún, 07:31, William Stein  wrote:
> > > Interestingly, Dana's worksheet has a "cells/-1" directory---none of my
> > Wow.  It should not be possible to get a "cells/-1" directory.  The
> > cell numbers should start at 1, not -1.
> ??
> Many of my notebooks have also cells/0 directory
> Robert Marik

I was looking at a couple of random notebooks and I found one with
cells starting at -2. It also skips -1, 1 and 3. There doesn't seem to
be problems with the page though (ordering or otherwise).


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[sage-support] Re: Using many local files with remote notebook

2009-12-30 Thread Adam Webb

On Dec 30, 4:45 am, Marshall Hampton  wrote:
> It seems like this really depends how the files are generated and what
> needs to be done to them.  If a scientific instrument is generating
> them, perhaps they could be put onto a web server, and then accessed
> with urllib functions?    Do they need to be analyzed one by one, by a
> person?  If so, perhaps an @interact would be useful.

I deal with spectra which are generated one at time by the instrument.
The processing may have to directed by a person as the series is
likely to include multiple samples and/or bad scans. This might mean
grouping spectra while discarding unusable files.

I am trying to come up with a scheme that is easy to use for the
people using the instrument. They may be experts in their field but
don't necessarily have strong computer skills. Any interface needs to
be simple. I know from experience that any extra steps is a barrier.

I had not thought of an @interact. That might be quite useful. There
may be a different approach. I am also thinking of making a small
local gui and using the remote Sage server. This would be something
like remote-sagetex. This would also get around having the user
manually zip things. They can just select the files and they are
handled as needed. However, it means making the gui and I rather like
the notebook. I have to think about it.


> I've dealt with somewhat similar issues but I suspect the details are
> quite different.
> -Marshall

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[sage-support] Re: Using many local files with remote notebook

2009-12-29 Thread Adam Webb

> How is it not user-friendly?  (I'm really curious).  Python has some
> very nice ways with dealing with zip files.  Here is some pages from a
> google search on python and zip:
> http://docs.python.org/library/zipfile.html
> http://effbot.org/librarybook/zipfile.htm
> Is there a better way, i.e. to tell
> > the notebook to use the local directory?
> This is telling a web browser to let javascript read and write to a
> local directory.  I think there are serious security concerns with a web
> browser being able to do that.  There are no ways right now of telling
> the notebook to use a local directory, if the server is remote.
> Thanks,
> Jason

Well I agree that I don't want just any web-app to have local access.
So I will simply put it down as being a bad idea.

Using a zip-file is still an option. I called it unfriendly as it
means that the user will have to use another program to prepare the
data first. It isn't a deal-breaker though.

I was mostly just wondering how other people deal with this situation
or perhaps it doesn't come up with most Sage users.

Thanks for the rapid response,

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[sage-support] Using many local files with remote notebook

2009-12-29 Thread Adam Webb
Hi all,

I often have multiple files for analysis. For example, I might have a
few hundred spectra in a single directory as a single series. I want
to run a script that loads them one at a time, does something on each,
and returns a result in a final file. This works fine in a local
setting. The question is, how I might do this with a remote server?
Ideally, I would like to be able to set up a notebook that a user can
(easily) use and work on a directory of local files. The user would be
on a Windows machine and Sage would be on a separate machine.

I can upload one file at a time to the notebook but that gets rather
boring for a hundred files. :-\ I thought about using a zip file but
this is not very user friendly. Is there a better way, i.e. to tell
the notebook to use the local directory?


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[sage-support] AttributeError using remote-sagetex.py

2009-12-29 Thread Adam Webb

I have been having a problem using sagetex. I want to use it on a
Windows machine by using TeXnicCenter and the remote-sagetex script.
TexnicCenter worked great and even auto-installed sagetex from CTAN.
However, running remote-sagetex.py complains and gives:

$ sage-python remote-sagetex.py --file server2.txt example.sage
Processing Sage code for example.tex using remote Sage server.
Reading login information from server2.txt.
server = "http://localhost:8000";

username = "??"

password = "***"

Parsing example.sage...done.
Logging into http://localhost:8000 and starting session...Traceback
(most recent call last):
  File "remote-sagetex.py", line 301, in 
with closing(RemoteSage(server, username, password)) as sage:
  File "remote-sagetex.py", line 161, in __init__
  File "remote-sagetex.py", line 185, in _get_url
result = json.loads(data.group('header'))
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'

This occurs on Linux (above) and in Windows (not shown). This occurred
for multiple servers, i.e., my local install on Linux, www.sagenb.org
and a virtual machine on Windows.


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[sage-support] Re: jsmath fonts bafflement

2009-04-17 Thread Adam Webb

On Apr 18, 12:35 am, Kevin Horton  wrote:
> I am running sage 3.4 on OS X.  I get the well known jsmath fonts
> messages when I try to view a notebook worksheet from my work
> computer.  Our work PCs are so locked down that I cannot install
> additional fonts there, so I need to address this on the server end.
> What else should I try?  Other than this small issue, sage is
> wonderful.
> Kevin Horton


What worked for me was to download a jsMath font from
http://www.math.union.edu/~dpvc/jsMath/download/jsMath-fonts.html and
install the fonts into my ~/.fonts directory. I find that this is
often the easiest way to install fonts and of course does not need
root permission.

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[sage-support] Re: Sage upgrade

2008-12-07 Thread Adam Webb

I got a similar message when I did an upgrade. The original 3.2 was
built from source. This is on Ubuntu 8.10 on AMD64. I tried running
'sage -ba', however, this did not change anything.

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[sage-support] Re: sage and tkinter?

2008-12-03 Thread Adam Webb


Do you have tcl-devel and tk-devel installed? I would expect that
these are also needed when python is being built.


On Dec 3, 2:50 pm, "David Joyner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi:
> I wonder if anyone here knows how to get sage's python to recognize
> tcl/tk? In other words, I would like
> sage: import _tkinter
> and
> sage: import Tkinter
> to work and not raise an ImportError.
> BTW, tcl/tk 8,4 is installed:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/sagefiles/sage-3.2.rc0$ whereis tcl
> tcl: /usr/lib/tcl8.4 /usr/lib64/tcl8.4 /usr/include/tcl8.4
> - David Joyner
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[sage-support] using Matplotlib and sagetex

2008-12-01 Thread Adam Webb


I would like to add plots to a document using sagetex and my script
uses matplotlib to generate the plot. Is it possible to matplotlib
with sagetex? I understand that /sageplot{} wants a 
with a .save method. However, I have not found how to generate such an

For example if I use the simple example:
sage: from pylab import *
sage: t = arange(0.0, 2.0, 0.01)
sage: s = sin(2*pi*t)
sage: P = plot(t, s, linewidth=1.0)
sage: xl = xlabel('time (s)')
sage: yl = ylabel('voltage (mV)')
sage: t = title('About as simple as it gets, folks')
sage: grid(True)
sage: savefig('sage.png')

Where is the ?

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[sage-support] Re: sage -wiki not starting

2008-09-23 Thread Adam Webb


> > > > ^^^ This is some sort of permission error. Are you running SELinux or
> > > > something like that?

It turns out that although SELinux is installed it is actually
disabled because it interferes to much and since I live behind a
firewall it deemed unneeded. So I am back to square one.

At the moment I went into the last file in the traceback: sage/local/
lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/python/util.py and put in a
statement to set setgroups and getgroups to None. If I understand the
comments, this forces the case where the OS does not support this. My
initial test is that this works but I have no idea what the side
effects might be.

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[sage-support] Re: sage -wiki not starting

2008-09-22 Thread Adam Webb

> > ^^^ This is some sort of permission error. Are you running SELinux or
> > something like that?

Just to confirm. SELinux was added to the computer. I am now
'negotiating' with IT. :-)

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[sage-support] Re: sage -wiki not starting

2008-09-22 Thread Adam Webb

> It works for me:
> sage: wiki()
> **
> *                                                *
> * Open your web browser tohttp://localhost:9000*
> *                                                *
> **
> 2008-09-22 09:30:32-0700 [-] Log opened.
> 2008-09-22 09:30:32-0700 [-] twistd 8.1.0 (//scratch/mabshoff/release-
> cycle/sage-3.1.3.alpha1/local/bin/python 2.5.2) starting up
> 2008-09-22 09:30:32-0700 [-] reactor class:  'twisted.internet.selectreactor.SelectReactor'>
> 2008-09-22 09:30:32-0700 [-] MoinMoin.server.twistedmoin.MoinSite
> starting on 9000
> 2008-09-22 09:30:32-0700 [-] Starting factory
> 2008-09-22 09:30:32-0700 [-] set uid/gid 1090/1090
> ^^^ This is some sort of permission error. Are you running SELinux or
> something like that?

I don't so but I was upgraded from SDL 5 to 5.1 and something may have
changed. I am not the administrator so it is possible that something
like selinux has been added or policy changed without telling me. I
would guess that you are probably right and I will ask the

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[sage-support] sage -wiki not starting

2008-09-22 Thread Adam Webb


I would guess this might be related to ticket #1870. If I try to run
sage -wiki or wiki() I get an error.

$ sage
| SAGE Version 3.1.2, Release Date: 2008-09-16   |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information.|

sage: wiki()
* Open your web browser to http://localhost:9000 *
Removing stale pidfile /home/adamwebb/tmp/sage_wiki/twistd.pid
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-] Log opened.
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-] twistd 8.1.0 (/home/adamwebb/local/sage/
local/bin/python 2.5.2) starting up
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-] reactor class: 
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-] MoinMoin.server.twistedmoin.MoinSite
starting on 9000
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-] Starting factory

2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-] Traceback (most recent call last):
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-]   File "/home/adamwebb/local/sage/local/
bin/twistd", line 21, in 
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-] run()
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-]   File "/home/adamwebb/local/sage/local/
lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/scripts/twistd.py", line 27, in
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-] app.run(runApp, ServerOptions)
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-]   File "/home/adamwebb/local/sage/local/
lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/application/app.py", line 614, in
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-] runApp(config)
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-]   File "/home/adamwebb/local/sage/local/
lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/scripts/twistd.py", line 23, in
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-] _SomeApplicationRunner(config).run()
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-]   File "/home/adamwebb/local/sage/local/
lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/application/app.py", line 337, in
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-] self.postApplication()
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-]   File "/home/adamwebb/local/sage/local/
lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/scripts/_twistd_unix.py", line
207, in postApplication
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-]
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-]   File "/home/adamwebb/local/sage/local/
lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/scripts/_twistd_unix.py", line
309, in startApplication
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-]
self.shedPrivileges(self.config['euid'], uid, gid)
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-]   File "/home/adamwebb/local/sage/local/
lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/scripts/_twistd_unix.py", line
281, in shedPrivileges
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-] switchUID(uid, gid, euid)
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-]   File "/home/adamwebb/local/sage/local/
lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/python/util.py", line 664, in
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-] initgroups(uid, gid)
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-]   File "/home/adamwebb/local/sage/local/
lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/python/util.py", line 641, in
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-] _setgroups_until_success(l)
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-]   File "/home/adamwebb/local/sage/local/
lib/python2.5/site-packages/twisted/python/util.py", line 587, in
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-] setgroups(l)
2008-09-22 14:03:18+0200 [-] OSError: [Errno 1] Operation not

This is on 32-bit Scientific Linux 5.1. I used the wiki with 3.1 so
this is recent.

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[sage-support] Re: SnapPeaPython

2008-09-11 Thread Adam Webb


On Sep 11, 3:05 am, hypermonkey2 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Cool! i actually did not have gcc, but i installed it now. my error
> looks like now:
>  [1;31meeepc-jonathanl: [1;34m/media/E/SnapPeaPython [1;00m> python
> setup.py build
> running build
> running build_py
> running build_ext
> building 'SnapPea.SnapPeaC' extension
> gcc -pthread -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -O2 -Wall -Wstrict-
> prototypes -fPIC -DDEBUG_MALLOC=0 -ISnapPeaC/headers -ISnapPeaC/
> unix_kit -I/usr/include/python2.4 -c SnapPeaC/SnapPeaC.c -o build/
> temp.linux-i686-2.4/SnapPeaC/SnapPeaC.o
> SnapPeaC/SnapPeaC.c:25:20: error: Python.h: No such file or directory
> SnapPeaC/SnapPeaC.c:27:19: error: ctype.h: No such file or directory
> SnapPeaC/SnapPeaC.c:28:20: error: assert.h: No such file or directory
> In file included from SnapPeaC/SnapPeaC.c:29:
> SnapPeaC/headers/kernel.h:13:20: error: string.h: No such file or
> directory
> SnapPeaC/headers/kernel.h:14:18: error: math.h: No such file or
> directory

> error: command 'gcc' failed with exit status 1
> does this make any sense? :) i got the same error installing to the
> global python too...

It looks like you are missing header files. I doubt the EEEpc has any
development packages installed by default. You could start by looking
at the SAGE installation guide. http://www.sagemath.org/doc/inst/inst.html
Check to see if you have the basic packages installed. I see a number
of missing header files including things like stdio.h and stdlib.h
which are common files. (perhaps in libstdc++6-dev?) Other ones look
like python files. Do you have python-devel installed?


PS For future reference: it is not usually necessary nor desired to
post the entire error output unless asked. It is generally better to
only post the important bits.
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[sage-support] Re: Problem of using sagetex with a MikTeX system

2008-08-22 Thread Adam Webb


> Traceback (click to the left for traceback)
> ...
> ImportError: No module named sagetex

It appears that sagetex is not installed for MikTek. This is not
surprising. The first thing would be to install it from CTAN (http://
www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/sagetex/). I cannot say
for certain but I assume that it should work.

> What should I do? I understand I need to produce a file called
> example.sout then run latex on it. By how can I download the .sout
> file back to my windows system even if I successfully generate it
> using SAGE?

Moving files in and out of vmware should be simply a matter of scp (eg

I hope this helps,


PS I do not have a system to test this.
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[sage-support] problems building matplotlib on Ubuntu 8.04

2008-07-03 Thread Adam Webb

Hi all,

I have been having problems with Matplotlib on Ubuntu 8.04 (AMD-64).
Specifically, I am having trouble with the backends. If I build
Matplotlib separately I get the following for information about

libpng: 1.2.15beta5
   Tkinter: no
* Tkinter present, but header files are not
* You may need to install development
  Gtk+: gtk+: 2.12.9, glib: 2.16.3, pygtk: 2.12.1,
pygobject: 2.14.1
Qt: no
   Qt4: no
 Cairo: 1.4.0

In fact, I do have Tcl/Tk headers but they are not found. This is a
known issue: http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg02799.html

However, when I look into the install.log file of Sage I find:

libpng: 1.2.15beta5
   Tkinter: no
* Tkinter present, but header files are not
* You may need to install development
  wxPython: no
* wxPython not found
  Gtk+: no
* Building for Gtk+ requires pygtk; you must
be able
* to "import gtk" in your build/install
Qt: no
   Qt4: no
 Cairo: no

It can not find anything and so does not build any and so various
tests fail. I also tried using sage -python to build Matplotlib with
the same result (no backends found).  I was hoping to use another
backend until a fix for the tcl/tk problem is found.

Any ideas would be welcome.

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[sage-support] Re: matplotlib show command not showing plot

2008-05-19 Thread Adam Webb

Of course it wasn't 8.10. I am running Ubuntu 8.04. My mistake. :-)

On May 18, 6:52 pm, Adam Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried a few settings in matplotlibrc and found that TkAgg worked.
> Thanks,
> Adam
> On May 18, 4:10 pm, chu-ching huang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > This error might be caused by the  wrong setting (?)  in  matplotlibrc
> > in the directory, $SAGE/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/
> > mpl-data,
> > ...
> > # the default backend; one of GTK GTKAgg GTKCairo FltkAgg QtAgg TkAgg
> > # Agg Cairo GD GDK Paint PS PDF SVG Template
> > backend  : Agg
> > ...
> > I add wx (module) and change it to:
> > backend  : WX
> > And the problem is solved.
> > cch
> > On May 18, 11:05 am, Adam Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I have recently had a problem plotting with matplotlib in sage 3.0 and
> > > now also in sage 3.0.1.
> > > Even if I try the simplest plot from the matplotlib tutorial, I don't
> > > get a plot.
> > > sage: from pylab import *
> > > sage: plot([1,2,3,4])
> > > []
> > > sage: show()
> > > sage:
> > > I have tried this in both the notebook and from the command line. I
> > > have also tried using sage -python and ipython. In all cases no plot
> > > appears. In fact nothing seems to happen. There is no window or plot
> > > and unfortunately, no error message.
> > > I have installed sage 3.0.1 from source on two machines. One is
> > > running Ubuntu 8.10 on AMD 64 and the other is a 32 bit machine
> > > running Scientific Linux 5.0. I also tried the binary: sage-3.0.1-
> > > rhel32bit-intel-sse2-i686-Linux.tar.gz.
> > > I have tried removing .matplotlib and .ipython from my home directory
> > > but this had no effect.
> > > Cheers,
> > > Adam
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For more options, visit this group at 
URLs: http://www.sagemath.org

[sage-support] Re: matplotlib show command not showing plot

2008-05-18 Thread Adam Webb


I tried a few settings in matplotlibrc and found that TkAgg worked.



On May 18, 4:10 pm, chu-ching huang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This error might be caused by the  wrong setting (?)  in  matplotlibrc
> in the directory, $SAGE/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/matplotlib/
> mpl-data,
> ...
> # the default backend; one of GTK GTKAgg GTKCairo FltkAgg QtAgg TkAgg
> # Agg Cairo GD GDK Paint PS PDF SVG Template
> backend  : Agg
> ...
> I add wx (module) and change it to:
> backend  : WX
> And the problem is solved.
> cch
> On May 18, 11:05 am, Adam Webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have recently had a problem plotting with matplotlib in sage 3.0 and
> > now also in sage 3.0.1.
> > Even if I try the simplest plot from the matplotlib tutorial, I don't
> > get a plot.
> > sage: from pylab import *
> > sage: plot([1,2,3,4])
> > []
> > sage: show()
> > sage:
> > I have tried this in both the notebook and from the command line. I
> > have also tried using sage -python and ipython. In all cases no plot
> > appears. In fact nothing seems to happen. There is no window or plot
> > and unfortunately, no error message.
> > I have installed sage 3.0.1 from source on two machines. One is
> > running Ubuntu 8.10 on AMD 64 and the other is a 32 bit machine
> > running Scientific Linux 5.0. I also tried the binary: sage-3.0.1-
> > rhel32bit-intel-sse2-i686-Linux.tar.gz.
> > I have tried removing .matplotlib and .ipython from my home directory
> > but this had no effect.
> > Cheers,
> > Adam

To post to this group, send email to sage-support@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For more options, visit this group at 
URLs: http://www.sagemath.org

[sage-support] matplotlib show command not showing plot

2008-05-18 Thread Adam Webb

I have recently had a problem plotting with matplotlib in sage 3.0 and
now also in sage 3.0.1.
Even if I try the simplest plot from the matplotlib tutorial, I don't
get a plot.

sage: from pylab import *
sage: plot([1,2,3,4])
sage: show()

I have tried this in both the notebook and from the command line. I
have also tried using sage -python and ipython. In all cases no plot
appears. In fact nothing seems to happen. There is no window or plot
and unfortunately, no error message.

I have installed sage 3.0.1 from source on two machines. One is
running Ubuntu 8.10 on AMD 64 and the other is a 32 bit machine
running Scientific Linux 5.0. I also tried the binary: sage-3.0.1-

I have tried removing .matplotlib and .ipython from my home directory
but this had no effect.


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