[sage-support] Re: Some bugs and some wishes

2012-02-21 Thread Rob Beezer
On Feb 21, 12:36 am, emil  wrote:
> Hi Rob, you understand more than I do - is this a bug (big step of
> time needed for that type of calculation at an rather arbitrary
> number)? Should I create a track ticket for that? Do you have also an
> opinion on the various other points?

And Martin A knows more than I do.  ;-) (Thanks for your comments,

As Martin noted, the cutoff is not as arbitrary as I made it appear.
(I was just too lazy to clean it up.)  I would not call this a bug, it
is just the current upper bound on optimized implementations.  Martin
has been doing a lot for fast linear algebra for specific cases, so we
may be doing better in some cases (such as powers of 2).


The fact that Mathematica does so much better in the original example
posted might be some extra motivation to extend the current
boundaries, but I can only speculate on how much work that would be.


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Re: [sage-support] Re: Some bugs and some wishes

2012-02-21 Thread Martin Albrecht
> Hi Rob, you understand more than I do - is this a bug (big step of
> time needed for that type of calculation at an rather arbitrary
> number)? Should I create a track ticket for that? Do you have also an
> opinion on the various other points?

Actually, the cutoff changed:

sage: type(Matrix(GF(previous_prime(2^23)),10,10))

sage: type(M)

sage: %time M.right_kernel()
CPU times: user 0.23 s, sys: 0.02 s, total: 0.25 s
Wall time: 0.26 s
Vector space of degree 1001 and dimension 1 over Finite Field of size 8388593
Basis matrix:
1 x 1001 dense matrix over Finite Field of size 8388593

sage: type(Matrix(GF(previous_prime(2^24)),10,10))

sage: M = MatrixSpace(GF(previous_prime(2^24)), 1000, 1001).random_element();
sage: %time M.right_kernel()
... wait a long long time

This cutoff is not arbitrary btw. but such that the product of two elements 
fits into a double (53 bits).


name: Martin Albrecht
_pgp: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x8EF0DC99
_otr: 47F43D1A 5D68C36F 468BAEBA 640E8856 D7951CCF
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_jab: martinralbre...@jabber.ccc.de

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[sage-support] Re: Some bugs and some wishes

2012-02-21 Thread emil

On 21 Feb., 06:18, Rob Beezer  wrote:
> On Feb 16, 1:43 am, Manuel Kauers  wrote:
> > 7.  Nullspace for matrices over finite fields is unreasonably slow
> > sage: M = MatrixSpace(GF(2^31-1), 1000, 1001).random_element();
> > sage: %time M.right_kernel();
> > CPU times: user 165.71 s, sys: 0.01 s, total: 165.73 s
> > Wall time: 166.20 s
> > Mathematica does this almost 20 times as fast:
> > In[5]:= mat = Table[RandomInteger[{0,2^31-1}], {n,0,1000},{k,0,1001}];
> > In[6]:= Timing[NullSpace[mat, Modulus -> 2^31-1];]
> > Out[6]= {8.98856, Null}
> It is the size of the prime here that matters.  The kernel of a matrix
> is quite fast for "small" primes, but there is obviously room for
> improvement for larger primes.  The cutoff is at
> sage.ext.multi_modular.MAX_MODULUS == 46341
> Timings of Mathematica 6.0 on sage.math:
> sage: mathematica_console()
>         Mathematica 6.0 for Linux x86 (64-bit)
> Copyright 1988-2007 Wolfram Research, Inc.
> In[1]:= mat = Table[RandomInteger[{0,2^31-1}], {n,0,1000},{k,
> 0,1001}];
> In[2]:= Timing[NullSpace[mat, Modulus -> 2^31-1];]
> Out[2]= {9.54, Null}
> In[3]:= mat = Table[RandomInteger[{0,46049}], {n,0,1000},{k,0,1001}];
> In[4]:= Timing[NullSpace[mat, Modulus -> 46049];]
> Out[4]= {5.06, Null}
> Timings for Sage 4.8 on sage.math:
> sage: M = MatrixSpace(GF(2^31-1), 1000, 1001).random_element();
> sage: %time M.right_kernel();
> CPU times: user 209.69 s, sys: 0.11 s, total: 209.80 s
> sage: M = MatrixSpace(GF(46049), 1000, 1001).random_element();
> sage: %time M.right_kernel();
> CPU times: user 0.79 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.79 s
> About 6 times faster.  How does Mathematica do on finite fields with
> more structure?
> sage: sage: K. =
> GF(101^2)
> sage:
> K
> Finite Field in a of size
> 101^2
> sage: sage: M = MatrixSpace(K, 1000, 1001).random_element();
> sage: sage: %time M.right_kernel();
> CPU times: user 89.87 s, sys: 0.06 s, total: 89.93 s
> Rob

Hi Rob, you understand more than I do - is this a bug (big step of
time needed for that type of calculation at an rather arbitrary
number)? Should I create a track ticket for that? Do you have also an
opinion on the various other points?

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[sage-support] Re: Some bugs and some wishes

2012-02-20 Thread Rob Beezer
On Feb 16, 1:43 am, Manuel Kauers  wrote:

> 7.  Nullspace for matrices over finite fields is unreasonably slow
> sage: M = MatrixSpace(GF(2^31-1), 1000, 1001).random_element();
> sage: %time M.right_kernel();
> CPU times: user 165.71 s, sys: 0.01 s, total: 165.73 s
> Wall time: 166.20 s
> Mathematica does this almost 20 times as fast:
> In[5]:= mat = Table[RandomInteger[{0,2^31-1}], {n,0,1000},{k,0,1001}];
> In[6]:= Timing[NullSpace[mat, Modulus -> 2^31-1];]
> Out[6]= {8.98856, Null}

It is the size of the prime here that matters.  The kernel of a matrix
is quite fast for "small" primes, but there is obviously room for
improvement for larger primes.  The cutoff is at

sage.ext.multi_modular.MAX_MODULUS == 46341

Timings of Mathematica 6.0 on sage.math:

sage: mathematica_console()
Mathematica 6.0 for Linux x86 (64-bit)
Copyright 1988-2007 Wolfram Research, Inc.

In[1]:= mat = Table[RandomInteger[{0,2^31-1}], {n,0,1000},{k,
In[2]:= Timing[NullSpace[mat, Modulus -> 2^31-1];]
Out[2]= {9.54, Null}

In[3]:= mat = Table[RandomInteger[{0,46049}], {n,0,1000},{k,0,1001}];
In[4]:= Timing[NullSpace[mat, Modulus -> 46049];]
Out[4]= {5.06, Null}

Timings for Sage 4.8 on sage.math:

sage: M = MatrixSpace(GF(2^31-1), 1000, 1001).random_element();
sage: %time M.right_kernel();
CPU times: user 209.69 s, sys: 0.11 s, total: 209.80 s

sage: M = MatrixSpace(GF(46049), 1000, 1001).random_element();
sage: %time M.right_kernel();
CPU times: user 0.79 s, sys: 0.00 s, total: 0.79 s

About 6 times faster.  How does Mathematica do on finite fields with
more structure?

sage: sage: K. =
Finite Field in a of size
sage: sage: M = MatrixSpace(K, 1000, 1001).random_element();
sage: sage: %time M.right_kernel();
CPU times: user 89.87 s, sys: 0.06 s, total: 89.93 s


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[sage-support] Re: Some bugs and some wishes

2012-02-18 Thread emil

On 16 Feb., 10:43, Manuel Kauers  wrote:
> Hi there,
> here are some bugs which may or may not be already known. If they are
> new, could you please file them wherever such bugs need to be filed? Or
> if they are not bugs but wrong usage, could you explain to me what I
> should type instead?
> I am still working with version 4.7.1, so some remarks might be obsolete
> already. (Sorry about that.)
> 1.  When I have rational functions over a field [or over an integral
> domain], I expect that the denominator is made monic [or the content of
> numerator and denominator coprime]. This is not always happening. For
> example:
> sage: R. = QQ[]
> sage: (2*x+4)/(4*x-8)
> (2*x + 4)/(4*x - 8)  # bad
> sage: R. = ZZ[]
> sage: (2*x+4)/(4*x-8)
> (x + 2)/(2*x - 4)  # good
> Although mathematically correct, I consider this as a bug, because not
> bringing rational functions to normal form can easily lead to ridiculous
> expression swell. For example:
> sage: R1. = QQ[]
> sage: R2. = R1.fraction_field()[]
> sage: K = R2.fraction_field()
> sage: def canonic(rat):
>      num, den = rat.numerator(), rat.denominator()
>      clear = lcm(num.denominator(), den.denominator())
>      num, den = num*clear, den*clear
>      clear = map(lambda p: p.numerator().coeffs(), \
>                  num.coeffs() + den.coeffs())
>      clear = lcm([a.denominator() for b in clear for a in b])
>      num, den = num*clear, den*clear
>      x = rat.parent().gen()
>      t = rat.parent().base_ring().gen()
>      return rat.parent()(ZZ[t,x](num)/ZZ[t,x](den))
> sage: d = K.random_element().derivative(y).derivative(x);
> sage: len(str(d))
> 919274
> sage: len(str(canonic(d)))
> 8371
> 2.  A coercion problem?
> sage: K = QQ[x].fraction_field()
> sage: R. = K[]
> sage: S = QuotientRing(R, R.ideal(y^2-(x^2+1)))
> sage: ybar = S.gen()
> sage: S(y) # works
> ybar
> sage: 1/ybar # works
> (-1/(-x^2 - 1))*ybar
> sage: S(1/y) # doesn't work
> *** output flushed ***
> TypeError: denominator must be a unit
> 3.  Another coercion problem?
> sage: R0 = QQ['t'].fraction_field(); t = R0.gen()
> sage: R1 = R0['x'].fraction_field(); x = R1.gen()
> sage: R2 = R1['y']; y = R2.gen()
> sage: R = QuotientRing(R2, R2.ideal(y^2-(x+t)))
> sage: ybar = R.gen()
> sage: ybar^2 # works
> x + t
> sage: ybar + x # works
> ybar + x
> sage: ybar * x # doesn't work
> *** output flushed ***
> NotImplementedError:
> sage: ybar*R(x) # works
> x*ybar
> 4.  A bug in LCM:
> sage: u = QQ['u'].gen(); v = QQ[u].fraction_field()['v'].gen()
> sage: pol = ((u^2 - u - 1)/(-1/5*u^2 - u - 1))*v^2 + ((4/9*u^2 -
> 1/2)/(1/2*u - 2))*v + (2*u^2 - 1/2*u - 1/3)/(-2*u^2 - 5*u - 1/2)
> sage: lcm(pol, 1)
> *** output flushed ***
> TypeError: denominator must be a unit
> 5.  The universe of a factorization cannot be changed if the
> factorization happens to be empty.
> sage: factor(2).base_change(ZZ['t','x']).universe()
> Multivariate Polynomial Ring in t, x over Integer Ring # correct
> sage: factor(1).base_change(ZZ['t','x']).universe()
> Integer Ring # incorrect
> 6.  Resultants for elements of Quot(ZZ[t])[x,y] crash.
> sage: K = ZZ['t'].fraction_field(); t = K.gen()
> sage: R = K['x', 'y']; x,y = R.gens()
> sage: R.random_element().resultant(R.random_element(), y)
> *** Output flushed ***
> TypeError: denominator must be a unit
> 7.  Nullspace for matrices over finite fields is unreasonably slow
> sage: M = MatrixSpace(GF(2^31-1), 1000, 1001).random_element();
> sage: %time M.right_kernel();
> CPU times: user 165.71 s, sys: 0.01 s, total: 165.73 s
> Wall time: 166.20 s
> Mathematica does this almost 20 times as fast:
> In[5]:= mat = Table[RandomInteger[{0,2^31-1}], {n,0,1000},{k,0,1001}];
> In[6]:= Timing[NullSpace[mat, Modulus -> 2^31-1];]
> Out[6]= {8.98856, Null}
> And here is a wish list of some things that I would find convenient to
> have, but didn't find.
> 1.  a method .derivative for quotient ring elements, with which
> algebraic functions can be differentiated.
> 2.  a method Factorization.square_free_part
> 3.  a possibility to specify a variable in the method .minpoly for
> quotient ring elements. It is confusing that this method takes 'x' as
> variable for the minimal polynomial even if there is already an 'x' in
> the ground field.
> Thanks & best regards,
> Manuel


I some of those are real "bugs" I could copy over these examples to
tickets on Sage Trac. Or do you want to create an account and file
those tickets yourself which would be preferable?.

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