Re: Junk mail

2012-04-06 Thread nev young

On 06/04/12 21:16, Tommo H wrote:

I received five emails this morning, at least two of them to the same
long list of people as those that started this conversation.

For the record, I've never considered him to be a troll because he
doesn't seem deliberately to be trying to annoy anyone, and his
messages aren't deliberately provocative so much as just a little

Do you want to hear my 4 year tale of woe of being harassed and stalked 
across the internet by this crazy person?

I can assure you, if he's not trying to annoy or be provocative he does 
a damn good imitation of it.

I've had an internet presence since 1995 and in all that time only one 
person has moved me to make a permanent kill file entry. Well actually I 
need several as he harasses me over several different mail servers.


Re: SAM HAM viewer

2012-04-06 Thread Thomas Harte
An additional observation: this might finally be an application for
the Kaleidoscope?

On 5 April 2012 17:10, Simon Cooke  wrote:
> I thought about doing something like this a while back, but as ever didn't
> get chance to play with the idea. For me, the trick would have been to say
> screw it and randomly/genetically generate the code required to change the
> palette. On modern CPUs it shouldn't take more than a few hours to
> generate/simulate even if you're brute forcing it.
> Now, of course, once you get to dithering the image and optimizing that,
> you're starting to explode the solution space but it's not exactly
> insurmountable.
> (I've got a 2 year old daughter and enough work to sink a battleship these
> days, so unfortunately as much as I hate to say it, I think my SAM
> programming days are done :'( ).
> From: Simon Owen
> Sent: 4/3/2012 2:43
> To:
> Subject: Re: SAM HAM viewer
> On 2 Apr 2012, at 23:58, Thomas Harte wrote:
>> I think that used a tight loop of something like (i) load next palette
>> index,
>> next colour and next delay length; (ii) push colour to palette index;
>> (iii) perform a busy loop of the desired length; (iv) repeat.
> That's closer the approach I was originally aiming for, but the conversion
> is far more complicated.  For a first attempt I restricted it to changing
> the CLUT when the raster was outside the image, which still gives a
> noticeable improvement over a static palette.
> My ideal approach would even eliminate steps (i) and (iii), and just use a
> huge unrolled loop of OUTI instructions.  That would update 1 CLUT entry per
> instruction in reverse order, in a continuous loop.  The converter would be
> tracking a rolling window colours, with knowledge of colours no longer
> needed and look-ahead to what can be set up in advance.  It also needs to
> understand the instruction timing, which varies across the scanline.
> Thinking of implementing that still makes my head hurt!
>> but you could instead, say, change a single palette index several
>> times over the course of a single scan line, or anything in between.
> I considered individual CLUT updates for my current viewer, but it took too
> much time away from the actual updating — the extra LD B,n needed costs
> about the same has half an OUTI.  Instead I grouped the dynamic colours
> together and updated them with a small unrolled OUTI block.
>> If you have portions of the image with only four colours (especially
>> once the colour aliasing forced by the 128-colour palette is accounted
>> for) then switching to mode 3 for a portion of a line could be the smarter
>> thing to do, and would presumably cost basically nothing to implement?
> Unless you need the extra resolution, I don't think there's anything to gain
> from using mode 3.  It uses a subset of the mode 4 CLUT, so it doesn't help
> with fast access to an alternative colour set.  Or am I missing something?
> Si

Re: Junk mail

2012-04-06 Thread Thomas Harte
Well that's an email I hadn't spotted. And there's a difference
between being a troll and reacting badly in an argument but I
certainly wouldn't want to be Roger's defence counsel.

On 6 April 2012 14:00, Wayne Weedon  wrote:
> On 06/04/2012 21:16, Tommo H wrote:
>> I received five emails this morning, at least two of them to the same
>> long list of people as those that started this conversation.
>> For the record, I've never considered him to be a troll because he
>> doesn't seem deliberately to be trying to annoy anyone, and his
>> messages aren't deliberately provocative so much as just a little
>> confusing.
> He seemed to had gone off on one!
> fascists??

Re: Alan (Alain) Miles?

2012-04-06 Thread Wayne Weedon

On 06/04/2012 22:39, wrote:


Quoting Wayne Weedon :

Answered it myself. Yes it is, he has some audio readings of his work
on the web and that voice I remember very well for some reason.

Yes indeed the same one

As far as I can tell i mean :) (really hate hitting send too soon!) :)

  It is.  That mellow voice is distinctive.

Re: Alan (Alain) Miles?

2012-04-06 Thread david


Quoting Wayne Weedon :

Answered it myself.  Yes it is, he has some audio readings of his  
work on the web and that voice I remember very well for some reason.

Yes indeed the same one

As far as I can tell i mean :) (really hate hitting send too soon!) :)

Re: Alan (Alain) Miles?

2012-04-06 Thread david

Quoting Wayne Weedon :

On 06/04/2012 18:59, wayne wrote:

See this?

Got to be the same Alan surely?

Answered it myself.  Yes it is, he has some audio readings of his  
work on the web and that voice I remember very well for some reason.

Yes indeed the same one

Re: Junk mail

2012-04-06 Thread Wayne Weedon

On 06/04/2012 21:16, Tommo H wrote:

I received five emails this morning, at least two of them to the same
long list of people as those that started this conversation.

For the record, I've never considered him to be a troll because he
doesn't seem deliberately to be trying to annoy anyone, and his
messages aren't deliberately provocative so much as just a little

He seemed to had gone off on one!


Re: Junk mail

2012-04-06 Thread Tommo H
I received five emails this morning, at least two of them to the same
long list of people as those that started this conversation.

For the record, I've never considered him to be a troll because he
doesn't seem deliberately to be trying to annoy anyone, and his
messages aren't deliberately provocative so much as just a little

On 6 Apr 2012, at 10:38, Wayne Weedon  wrote:

> On 06/04/2012 16:14, Frode Tennebø wrote:
>> On 6 April 2012 14:10, Roger Jowett  wrote:
>> [snipp]
>> Sorry about that, folks.  I shall try to be more vigilant.  I have yet
>> again forcibly unsubscribed him and will do so until I find a more
>> permanent solution.
>>  -Frode
> did he reply with a tirade of insults?  Didn't see it so obviously my
> filter worked!

Re: Alan (Alain) Miles?

2012-04-06 Thread Wayne Weedon

On 06/04/2012 18:59, wayne wrote:

See this?

Got to be the same Alan surely?

Answered it myself.  Yes it is, he has some audio readings of his work 
on the web and that voice I remember very well for some reason.

Alan (Alain) Miles?

2012-04-06 Thread wayne

See this?

Got to be the same Alan surely?

Re: Junk mail

2012-04-06 Thread Wayne Weedon

On 06/04/2012 16:14, Frode Tennebø wrote:

On 6 April 2012 14:10, Roger Jowett  wrote:


Sorry about that, folks.  I shall try to be more vigilant.  I have yet
again forcibly unsubscribed him and will do so until I find a more
permanent solution.


did he reply with a tirade of insults?  Didn't see it so obviously my 
filter worked!

Re: Junk mail

2012-04-06 Thread Frode Tennebø
On 6 April 2012 14:10, Roger Jowett  wrote:


Sorry about that, folks.  I shall try to be more vigilant.  I have yet
again forcibly unsubscribed him and will do so until I find a more
permanent solution.


Re: SAM HAM viewer

2012-04-06 Thread Roger Jowett
agree 100% better to take care of your daughter - make sure she goes
to the right school
here in limavady you 'd have five to choose from!
all paid for from tax payers money
make sure you choose the right one

On 06/04/2012, Simon Cooke  wrote:
> I thought about doing something like this a while back, but as ever didn't
> get chance to play with the idea. For me, the trick would have been to say
> screw it and randomly/genetically generate the code required to change the
> palette. On modern CPUs it shouldn't take more than a few hours to
> generate/simulate even if you're brute forcing it.
> Now, of course, once you get to dithering the image and optimizing that,
> you're starting to explode the solution space but it's not exactly
> insurmountable.
> (I've got a 2 year old daughter and enough work to sink a battleship these
> days, so unfortunately as much as I hate to say it, I think my SAM
> programming days are done :'( ).

Re: Re[2]:

2012-04-06 Thread Roger Jowett
are you taking the... oh no you've already

On 05/04/2012, Andy Chandler  wrote:
> I emailed Roger the same thing in reply - I got a huge email back
> ranting about getting 30KB/s for £400 or something.
> Roger is now in my Junk filter!
> Wednesday, April 4, 2012, 3:00:19 PM, you wrote:
> Wayne> On 04/04/2012 14:15, Roger Jowett wrote:
> Wayne> Roger, please don't send multiple spam to my email address again.
> Once
> Wayne> more and I'll have to put your address on block.


2012-04-06 Thread Roger Jowett

On 05/04/2012, Wayne Weedon  wrote:
> On 05/04/2012 09:26, Andy Chandler wrote:
>> I emailed Roger the same thing in reply - I got a huge email back
>> ranting about getting 30KB/s for £400 or something.
>> Roger is now in my Junk filter!
> Well as his does appear to be a deliberate attempt to piss people off,
> he's in the sin bin at server level here now.

Re: Junk mail

2012-04-06 Thread Roger Jowett
unless someone works out how to run the mods frmo the mod archive that
are bigger than 800kb - maybe needs external ram help or loading small
amounts while playing samdac mod files - maybe turn screen on only for
one third of visible area?

On 06/04/2012, Roger Jowett  wrote:
> dont forget ear plugs
> On 06/04/2012, Roger Jowett  wrote:
>> how many attachments? how big are they?
>> im glad they are all different sizes and numbers
>> otherwise youd be able to work out that at 8mbps your £400.00 a
>> quarter internet service should trasnfer what 1MB a second - roughly -
>> not one of you explaining just how long it took to transfer teh 8mb
>> you clima i sent you - having difficulty converting megabits into
>> kilobytes are we?
>> dont worry i cant even understand the technical manuals explanation of
>> hmpr bits5&6
>> or why teh heck our only spell checker would ignore the 32768 bytes of
>> the rom with its everal hundred keywords which are all in english not
>> to mention how many other words you could find in the rom code if you
>> looked for them - or the dictionary program itself - dont worry modems
>> dont use dictionarys to compress the html text they send and receive
>> its much better more efficient to send every letter of every word and
>> completely ignore teh hardware compression that is built into all
>> networked devices - other wise youd end up using a fone mdoem to
>> contact a local broadcast station to trasnmit data or video to a tv
>> tuner sitting in your pc and that just wouldnt flounce any local
>> server with GB of low quality video data which could have been
>> compressed into a 1mb emulator and a few mb of program for the
>> emulator
>> none of you have looked at youtube? there are some excellent sam and
>> spectrum - even other 8 bit machine videos up on there - you can trash
>> mine and have them removed if you like the credit for all of them is
>> Blink Chmielewski Collier and Keprt
>> On 06/04/2012, Thomas Harte  wrote:
>>> He did the skull animation that Aleš posted about just recently,
>>> didn't he? Which is a tape file of a 25 fps animation that a suitably
>>> accelerated emulator — such as ASCD — can play as a video.
>>> On 5 April 2012 11:52, James R Curry <> wrote:
 Or the 14 disk collection of screen captures he'd release...

 James R Curry

 On Apr 5, 2012, at 1:48 PM, Chris Pile 

> The geezer's a prize numpty!  I just got hit with 30-odd "Onspeed
> Software Recommendation"
> emails and a whopping 8.29 MB email - the contents of which is
> anyone's
> guess!  Although I
> imagine it's dozens of screen captures, as that seems a favourite of
> his.
>  Suffice to say I didn't
> bother opening any of them - select-all/delete...  Job done!
> Why doesn't he channel the energy he puts into spamming into doing
> something constructive
> on the SAM?  Bloody hell, imagine the mega-game or ultra-utility that
> would arrive if he did!
> - Original Message - From: "Wayne Weedon"
> To: 
> Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 7:13 PM
> Subject: Re: Junk mail
>> Well seems a lot of us have blocked his madness now.  Hopefully he'll
>> get pissed off with not getting any attention if hardly anyone see's
>> the
>> crap.
>> It used to be facebook and Linkedin requests only.   Got caught with
>> his
>> pants down this time with the harvesting attempt we saw in the list!
>> Wayne...

Re: Junk mail

2012-04-06 Thread Roger Jowett
dont forget ear plugs

On 06/04/2012, Roger Jowett  wrote:
> how many attachments? how big are they?
> im glad they are all different sizes and numbers
> otherwise youd be able to work out that at 8mbps your £400.00 a
> quarter internet service should trasnfer what 1MB a second - roughly -
> not one of you explaining just how long it took to transfer teh 8mb
> you clima i sent you - having difficulty converting megabits into
> kilobytes are we?
> dont worry i cant even understand the technical manuals explanation of
> hmpr bits5&6
> or why teh heck our only spell checker would ignore the 32768 bytes of
> the rom with its everal hundred keywords which are all in english not
> to mention how many other words you could find in the rom code if you
> looked for them - or the dictionary program itself - dont worry modems
> dont use dictionarys to compress the html text they send and receive
> its much better more efficient to send every letter of every word and
> completely ignore teh hardware compression that is built into all
> networked devices - other wise youd end up using a fone mdoem to
> contact a local broadcast station to trasnmit data or video to a tv
> tuner sitting in your pc and that just wouldnt flounce any local
> server with GB of low quality video data which could have been
> compressed into a 1mb emulator and a few mb of program for the
> emulator
> none of you have looked at youtube? there are some excellent sam and
> spectrum - even other 8 bit machine videos up on there - you can trash
> mine and have them removed if you like the credit for all of them is
> Blink Chmielewski Collier and Keprt
> On 06/04/2012, Thomas Harte  wrote:
>> He did the skull animation that Aleš posted about just recently,
>> didn't he? Which is a tape file of a 25 fps animation that a suitably
>> accelerated emulator — such as ASCD — can play as a video.
>> On 5 April 2012 11:52, James R Curry <> wrote:
>>> Or the 14 disk collection of screen captures he'd release...
>>> --
>>> James R Curry
>>> On Apr 5, 2012, at 1:48 PM, Chris Pile 
>>> wrote:
 The geezer's a prize numpty!  I just got hit with 30-odd "Onspeed
 Software Recommendation"
 emails and a whopping 8.29 MB email - the contents of which is anyone's
 guess!  Although I
 imagine it's dozens of screen captures, as that seems a favourite of
  Suffice to say I didn't
 bother opening any of them - select-all/delete...  Job done!

 Why doesn't he channel the energy he puts into spamming into doing
 something constructive
 on the SAM?  Bloody hell, imagine the mega-game or ultra-utility that
 would arrive if he did!

 - Original Message - From: "Wayne Weedon"
 Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 7:13 PM
 Subject: Re: Junk mail
> Well seems a lot of us have blocked his madness now.  Hopefully he'll
> get pissed off with not getting any attention if hardly anyone see's
> the
> crap.
> It used to be facebook and Linkedin requests only.   Got caught with
> his
> pants down this time with the harvesting attempt we saw in the list!
> Wayne...

Re: Junk mail

2012-04-06 Thread Roger Jowett
how many attachments? how big are they?
im glad they are all different sizes and numbers
otherwise youd be able to work out that at 8mbps your £400.00 a
quarter internet service should trasnfer what 1MB a second - roughly -
not one of you explaining just how long it took to transfer teh 8mb
you clima i sent you - having difficulty converting megabits into
kilobytes are we?
dont worry i cant even understand the technical manuals explanation of
hmpr bits5&6
or why teh heck our only spell checker would ignore the 32768 bytes of
the rom with its everal hundred keywords which are all in english not
to mention how many other words you could find in the rom code if you
looked for them - or the dictionary program itself - dont worry modems
dont use dictionarys to compress the html text they send and receive
its much better more efficient to send every letter of every word and
completely ignore teh hardware compression that is built into all
networked devices - other wise youd end up using a fone mdoem to
contact a local broadcast station to trasnmit data or video to a tv
tuner sitting in your pc and that just wouldnt flounce any local
server with GB of low quality video data which could have been
compressed into a 1mb emulator and a few mb of program for the
none of you have looked at youtube? there are some excellent sam and
spectrum - even other 8 bit machine videos up on there - you can trash
mine and have them removed if you like the credit for all of them is
Blink Chmielewski Collier and Keprt

On 06/04/2012, Thomas Harte  wrote:
> He did the skull animation that Aleš posted about just recently,
> didn't he? Which is a tape file of a 25 fps animation that a suitably
> accelerated emulator — such as ASCD — can play as a video

Re: SAM HAM viewer

2012-04-06 Thread Roger Jowett
very big apols simon
but lovely top hear from someone with 2 seconds to just explain that
something is possible but the do not have the time
sorry for all the trouble caused i'm sure pressing the delete key when
you are so snowed under is a real pain
i'm going to try to keep this short and sweet
as the longer they get the more i offend everyone
i posted several million annoying questions about how things work
which i still dont understand
i know rtfm
i tried to rtftm
technical manual where hmpr bits 5&6 are supposedly explained
i think aley tried to explain it to me and he managed it slightly
better thant he technical manual and i was trying to tie this
explanation in with the comments to a question i posted on teh world
of sam site so maybe some people have been  bombarded with questions
from me hacing not read the comments on world of sam where i saked in
teh palette section how many palette alterations could be made per
scan line
someone posted that 9 was allowed in internal ram an 18 using external
i'm obsessed - that doesnt seem like too many but if a couple fo those
were hmpr bits5&6 changes then surely even if we had to keep one
colour the same throughout all the 16 colours available in the clut -
now divided into 4x4 colour sections for  a mode 3 screen - keeping
one colour the same would this help reduce flicker? i assume if you
alter all four colours then the one that is on the screen being
displayed and having its clut value modified will flicker during the
alteration - i do not know i did not design the asic - nor could i!
well i just keep thinking that at 512x192 and then inerlacing two
512x192 screens - which technically when you could have 16 screen$ in
easy vmpr pointable to ram areas without having to copy form ram to
ram or from port to ram - unless you manage to use teh full 4mb
external as a video ram page buffer - uncompressed? - which would also
necessitate a ram to ram copy
and here is where the DMA from the MB-02+ would come in really useful
- though yes i agree with everyone that £139.99 for the 28½mhz
accelerator from quazar or the 14mhz one from velesoft woudl be much
more fun from a progrrammers point of view - mind you if either or
both could have a dma - especially if there was one that understood
what teffect the bits per pixel of video ram might have on the byte or
blocks of ram it copies &or compares - in terms of offering rotations
or other scaling orientation modifications for things like sprites or
scrolled backgrounds - even antialiased lines for 3d vectors or solid
shapes- polygons(dead parrot?!)
off on  another one
16 colours per scan line?
if bmp2scr output  this in its tap/tzx file - prefer an atom hdf file
but still only another massive application to spend all day
transferring from one place to another only to find it has been hacked
on route - for pities sake never use a secure connection with any of
the hardware driver update software app sites - it makes sense!
20 years ago
16 coluors per scan line?
animations if we'd hada  hardrive at the time?
DMA interface - evn a basic one - you coudl ahve converted amiga demos
and reanimated them on sam - who cares if the processor isnt power ful
enough to do it look its running as a video! which is incidentally
what most of the ati nvidia demos are which kind of begs the question
was it worth spengin several million piounds to install several dozen
vga cards with tv encoders that dont work in my pc! - got it in there
just at the end - you can ban me from all the forums on the planet now
and hack my pc another dozen times please -
yours ever restarting my restart
reboot rebooot rebt
even my sam boots faster than this piece of shit!
just think masterdos and masterbasic running with mass storage like atom lite
dictonary like spell master on a couple of records 80,000 words - now
use that as the basis for the itu t v44+IPR=921600
oh dear another technical term weird you guys can program emulators
that dont work properly but dont understand modems! - me ether!

On 06/04/2012, Simon Cooke  wrote:
> I thought about doing something like this a while back, but as ever didn't
> get chance to play with the idea. For me, the trick would have been to say
> screw it and randomly/genetically generate the code required to change the
> palette. On modern CPUs it shouldn't take more than a few hours to
> generate/simulate even if you're brute forcing it.
> Now, of course, once you get to dithering the image and optimizing that,
> you're starting to explode the solution space but it's not exactly
> insurmountable.
> (I've got a 2 year old daughter and enough work to sink a battleship these
> days, so unfortunately as much as I hate to say it, I think my SAM
> programming days are done :'( ).