Re: Gloucester April

1999-03-28 Thread BrenchleyR
In a message dated 26/03/99  00:59:33, you write:

>Anything planned for November, to co-incide with Sam's 10th Anniversary? I
>was half-expecting you to move the October show back a bit, but maybe
>you're planning two shows?

Problem really is "when is SAM's Birthday?"

Could be seen as being as early as September or as late as just a week before
Christmas when the bulk of the first orders went out.

I'll dig out my old records and see what notable dates could be used.


Re: Gloucester April

1999-03-25 Thread BrenchleyR
In a message dated 22/03/99 18:20:25 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Being that time of year again, is anything happening at Quedgely, and if
>  so which date.  
>  Trying to sort out my schedule ;-)

No April show this year due to my recent illness(s) and time pressures. Back
to normal in October. Should be the last Saturday of the month but we are
waiting for booking conformation.


Re: Severe Lameness... NOT a Birmingham 8-bit show

1999-03-15 Thread BrenchleyR
In a message dated 13/03/99 01:58:14 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  It would be nice to have a decent Sam presence there. Is anyone planning to
>  book a table? Bob?

Yes, its in hand.
>  Might book one myself actually...
>  Andrew


Re: keyboard problems :(

1999-03-15 Thread BrenchleyR
In a message dated 12/03/99 15:44:39 GMT Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> >Hi, i have this problem with my keyboard (probably a broken membrame
>  >because keys 1,q,a,l-shift space 0,p,enter,r-shift won't work).
>  Could be the connectors, rather than the keyboard itself.
>  >matter of facts Martijn is still waiting for his copy of "Kaboom", so
>  >Brenchley why don't you answer the letters he send to you?
>  Kaboom was never to do with Bob - that was always a FRED title, and Colin
>  MacDonald eventually sold Fred to Persona... I still don't know what will
>  be hapenning to that business after Malcolm.

I do have the packaging and discs ready to go for Kaboom (something I agreed
to do for Colin when he went off to the states nearly two years ago) but of
course the program was never finished. I would also point out that Martijn
does not appear to have written to us on the subject.
>  >So has anyone a spare membrame or keyboard left, or is he willing to sell
>  >the damn-thing, i know that Stefan is suposed to have some membrames, but
>  >the last time i heard from him was last october (mailed him yesterday),
>  >when i find telephone number i am gonna give him a call >:-).
>  Well, I have a dead Sam in the loft at home which is gradually being
>  cannibalised for spare parts, and the keyboard is intact so far! I won't be
>  going back for another week though.
>  Andrew

Keyboard units in stock at £14.95 (overseas £19.95 because of weight). 



Re: Replacement power-supplies

1999-02-01 Thread BrenchleyR
In a message dated 26/01/99  23:22:31, you write:

>My Sam produces no composite video output signal if the 12V is not present.
>Without it my Sam is not functional to any useful extent. And if I bought a
>new PSU then Format wouldn't guarantee the 12V line? Boy, am I glad I
>bought those Greenweld PSUs as soon as I did.

That is not what I said, I said that SAM Elites were not guaranteed to have a
TV output. All replacement PSUs sold do have full UHF output and 12v lines


Re: Replacement power-supplies

1999-01-26 Thread BrenchleyR
In a message dated 25/01/99  14:50:36, you write:

>On Mon, Jan 25, 1999 at 01:53:28PM +, Andrew Gale wrote:
>> Thinking about it, even RGB connections still need the composite
>> video signal for synchronisation. so ignore my comments about
>> not needing the 12v line!
>Surely it's the composite sync they need, not the composite video -
>a different thing entirely.  The main job of the MC1377P is turning
>the RGB signals into a chroma and luma signal; I'm fairly sure the
>sync is created by something else.

Indeed, the 1377 is just a D-to-A converter. There is even a version of the
chip that does not need the 12v.


Re: Replacement power-supplies

1999-01-26 Thread BrenchleyR
In a message dated 25/01/99  12:30:49, you write:

>>I reckon it should be fine, but I did hear once that
>>switch-mode power supplies (as in PCs) aren't happy if
>>you leave some of the lines unloaded - eg the -15v and -12v

Never had trouble with the two PC PSUs I've used.
>So, in other words, it may be more appropriate to grab
>a 12v PSU from Maplin's (or somewhere), wire up an
>extremely simple stripboard with a 5v regulator so that
>the PSU can supply both 12v and 5v juice, to the SAM,
>in its favourite flavour (the DIN socket).
>Doesn't sound like a bad plan. All I need now is a
>SCART TV (or, maybe, my video has a SCART Aux socket),
>a SAM-compatible SCART cable, a PSU, some bits from
>Maplins, a little time and some courage.

Cheaper to get a second hand PSU from a PC.
>Or 25quid for a replacement PSU from Format (if they
>still exist)

They do :)
>Hmmm... I'll have to keep my options open.
>>No - in fact, if you are using RGB (rather than composite)
>>connections, then you may not even need the 12v supply!
>I think I'd rather give it some 12v juice just so the
>composite bit wouldn't get fried (how likely would that

No, the Elite has always been sold with no guarantee that the 12v is working
on the PSU, this is because it is sold as a Scart machine. The missing 12v has
no effect on the 1377.



1999-01-26 Thread BrenchleyR
In a message dated 24/01/99  11:39:15, you write:

>David Tonks has asked me to explain why he did not attend the last
>Gloucester show.
>He say`s he was phoned on the Friday before the show, asking if he was
>going, he said he wasn`t, he was then told he could have a free stall, he
>still said that he could not attend, the reason being that he was asked to
>work on the Saturday and therefore it was a question of going to the show
>and possibly losing money, or working and making money, and as Dave
>explained, his family & his job come before anything else.


All regular stall holders had been offered a free stand at the October show as
our way of saying thanks for their past support [we ourselves had been given
the hall free for the day for a similar reason].

Having had no reply from the letter, Jean Tonks was phoned (IIRC about two
weeks before the show) and she confirmed that they would be coming. Jean has
always been the person who dealt with the shows, not Dave. We had no reason to
believe they were not coming and space was left for them right up to the last
moment. Needless to say we were a little angry on the day as this was not the
first time that they had said they were coming to a show and then failed to


Re: IDSA/SimCoupe

1998-12-22 Thread BrenchleyR
In a message dated 22/12/98  20:02:45, you write:

>as i said :o)... what is it?!?

Check out comp.sys.sinclair for a full run down, but in short it is all about
an attempt by some yanks to get emulators made illegal. If fact they were
really only aiming at the emulators for games machines, but of course being
woolly headed yanks they went overboard. No real worry, despite all the noise,
it shouldn't affect the SAM or the Spectrum.


Re: IDSA/SimCoupe

1998-12-22 Thread BrenchleyR
In a message dated 22/12/98  00:35:01, you write:

>On Mon, 21 Dec 1998 22:00:10 +, you wrote:
>>Tim wrote:
>>> So then,
>>> anyone wanna have a nice big thread on how simcoupe will be affected by
>>> ISDA?
>>whats that when its at home...
>>...but personally i think it'll be terrible (just to start the thread
>The IDSA issue shouldn't really affect SimCoupe because:
>   a) self-governing seems to be pretty tight - there's no unpermitted
>disk images in the archives.
>   b) the legality of SimCoupe itself (ROMs, etc) is in Bob's hands, and
>from what I gather he doesn't mind so long as no one puts pirated images

Correct. On all scores I think. 


Re: Looked into it yet Mr Bob?

1998-12-10 Thread BrenchleyR
In a message dated 10/12/98  13:26:50, you write:

>> nah, that can't be right, because as far as i'm aware it's only big bad
>> Bob who doesn't tend to read personal E-Mail.
>> And he's hardly the most likely to be of assistance.
>Either way, do we really care?

I read ALL email - except two people who are fixtures in the killfile.

And as to the original question, I've sent a not to Robin Evans with a copy of
the details (and an offer to help him if he thinks it necessary).


Rights to the SAM Robot.

1998-12-07 Thread BrenchleyR
The rights to the SAM 'robot' are owned jointly by Robin Evans, Alan Miles and

Overall Robin Evans is at the top of the pile.

I have inherited, via MGT plc and then SAMCo the rights to use the SAM Robot
in anything to do with the SAM Computer - including promotion of the machine,
software and many other areas. To be honest the contract is very involved.

In some cases Robin Evans has a veto on things - adverts in high-street mags
would have to be passed by him.

Alan Miles retained the rights to use the SAM Robot in educational software
and in children's books.

If Robin Evans wished to licence the SAM Robot for any other commercial use,
then MGT (me) would have the right to be consulted and to veto anything that
went against the interests of the Sam computer.

In effect. At this time. Robin would be free to do anything he wanted - except
use the SAM character to promote computer products.



Re: Missing disk error.

1998-11-30 Thread BrenchleyR
In a message dated 30/11/98  10:51:35, you write:

>Do Sam drives have rubber bands in them like the infamous +3 drives?

The citizen ones do.


Re: Missing disk error.

1998-11-30 Thread BrenchleyR
In a message dated 30/11/98  10:56:56, you write:

>MR BRENCHLEY?!? You reading this? What can I do to
>replace my disk drive if my drive is cackered?

Three options.

Second hand slim-line.
Strip drive and replace belt (not easy but it can be done).
Buy new style interface and then fit your own PC type drive inside.


Re: Missing disk error.

1998-11-30 Thread BrenchleyR
In a message dated 30/11/98  10:17:22, you write:

>Turn it off and leave it to sulk for a few minutes then try it :)
>Seriously it's probably the disk controller getting it's knickers in a
>twist (Something that according to Bob doesn't happen but there you go

I've never said that.

All I content is that there is no need, in normal everyday use, for any
additional chips on the disc system.


Re: SamDOS copyright.

1998-11-23 Thread BrenchleyR
In a message dated 21/11/98  21:59:33, you write:

>At 9:37 pm + 21/11/98, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>In a message dated 18/11/98  19:21:30, you write:
>>>Who owns the SamDOS copyright, and is there permission to freely
>>>distribute it?
>>Copyright held by Revelation Software. However, a SAMDOS image can be
>>distributed free of charge as EVERY computer sold had one.
>Every one? Or was it just every one with a disk drive... not that SamDos
>would have been particularly useful to the early tape-based machines!

Okokokok. Every disc based machine (and every slot-in slim-line drive sold --
well 90% anyway).
>Just to clarify here, we are talking about SamDos2 really, aren't we?

All versions of SAMDOS, but of course SAMDOS 2 for version 3 ROMs.


Re: SamDOS copyright.

1998-11-21 Thread BrenchleyR
In a message dated 18/11/98  19:21:30, you write:

>Who owns the SamDOS copyright, and is there permission to freely
>distribute it?

Copyright held by Revelation Software. However, a SAMDOS image can be
distributed free of charge as EVERY computer sold had one.

The manual, and of course the source, is not free for distribution.



Re: Disk Controllers...

1998-11-02 Thread BrenchleyR
In a message dated 30/10/98  09:13:50, you write:

>I think the 1772 is a generally improved version of the 1770, with
>new head stepo rates - I think the 1770 was 6ms, 12ms, 20ms, and 30ms,
>whereas the 1772 is 2ms, 3ms, 6ms and 12ms. Or something like that.

Also, IIRC, the 1770 only handled single density drives.
>I think the 1770 and 1772 are pin compatible, but if you can't
>get hold of a 1772, then you ain't gonna get a 1770!

Very true.
>When I've asked about tweaking the DOS for a new controller before,
>the response seems to have been that it is impossible but
>I can't believe it's too tricky for some dedicated hacker.

The 1772 family does things rather differently than the current generation of
chips. It would not be impossible, but it would be hard work - especially in
getting a system that enabled existing 'protected' software to work.

However, all may not be lost. The full secrets of the 1772 are available in
the Tech manual, so I think it would be easier to use a small interface card
to 'translate' between the DOS (with its 1772 commands) and some other
controller. This is down as one of the projects for the SAMSON.
>Talking of the DOS, we've got both the ROMs and MASTERDOS source
>files on the ftp site... but not SAMDOS2. Any reason why not?

It does not exist any more. Mr Gordon lost it, along with several other
valuable items :(


Re: Glos Show

1998-10-06 Thread BrenchleyR
In a message dated 05/10/98  17:29:19, you write:

>Just to confirm.
>The glos show is week saturday (17th)

>Doors open 10ish?

>Pub Lunch noon-ish

Food? What is that?
>Is there a "discussion" in the afternoon to encourage us back from the

Not planned at the moment, but could be.
>I should be able to put in an appearance now, though probably not all day
>(too many things to do that weekend) so am trying to pick the better
>half ;)

Ah, you looking for a wife are you :)


Re: Simple question regarding printer cable

1998-09-16 Thread BrenchleyR
In a message dated 14/09/98  23:38:13, you write:

>On Mon, 14 Sep 1998 22:47:38 -0700, David said:
>> > >The Sam printer cable is the same as the BBC one - it might be easier to
>> > >find one of those.
>> > 
>> > Oh no it isn't.
>> > 
>> > AFAIKFO no one makes them anymore (well, except me).
>It can't be more than five years since I last bought a BBC printer cable. :-)
>> > You need 2m 26way IDC ribon cable,  Maplin part number XR75S @ 42p per
>> > 1 26way IDC socket, Maplin part number FG85G @ 149P each, and 1
>> > connector, Maplin part number FJ62S @265p each.
>Which I reckon up to 498p.

The wonders of modern education :)

But don't forget the p&p or a visit to the local Maplin shop.
>> > You will also need either a crimping tool, part number GW34M @ 1049p or a
>> > and very great care.
>I've wired up many an IDC connector in the past without a tool with only a
>few foul-ups. :-)  Difficult but by no means impossible.

Ah! but you are clever :)

But true, you can do the job with a vice, I even once used a door to crimp a
connector on. But given the price of the connectors it is far safer to use the
correct tool.
>> > Makes the 795p we charge look quit good does it not?
>Only if you need a new tool for every three cables.

But you forget the labour, the postage, the packing and of course the fact
that you can say you have something made by me :)
>> BOB! You're alive!
>Didn't you see him on "The Royle Family" today?
>Incidentally, for obscure reasons I saw a bit of Newsnight with the sound
>turned off tonight and was rather confused to see Jack Charlton and Clive
>Sinclair apparently talking about American politics...

They prolly know as much about it as most americans do.


Re: Simple question regarding printer cable

1998-09-16 Thread BrenchleyR
In a message dated 15/09/98  16:14:02, you write:

>On Mon 14 Sep 98 (17:19:16), [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>In a message dated 14/09/98  11:03:55, you write:
 Where can I buy a SAM printer cable, and at what price? (Other than
>I'm not sure, but I think Maplins still sell the BBC Style ones.
>Or if you ask me nicely Phil, I'll let you have my spare one :-)
>Of course, I can't guarantee that it will work, but if it saves you some
>>>The Sam printer cable is the same as the BBC one - it might be easier
>>>find one of those.
>>Oh no it isn't.
>I've always used the lead that came with my BBC and it's printer with my SAM,
>and I've never had any problems.
>>AFAIKFO no one makes them anymore (well, except me).

The "Oh no it isn't" was referring to how easy it would be to get a printer

BBC cables are normally only 1m long, whereas the ones we supply are either
1.5 or 2m long.

Maplin have dropped the BBC cable from their range, although some shops may
still have one.



Re: Simple question regarding printer cable

1998-09-14 Thread BrenchleyR
In a message dated 14/09/98  11:03:55, you write:

>> Where can I buy a SAM printer cable, and at what price? (Other than
>> Gloucester).
>The Sam printer cable is the same as the BBC one - it might be easier to   
>find one of those.

Oh no it isn't.

AFAIKFO no one makes them anymore (well, except me).

You need 2m 26way IDC ribon cable,  Maplin part number XR75S @ 42p per metre,
1 26way IDC socket, Maplin part number FG85G @ 149P each, and 1 Centronics
connector, Maplin part number FJ62S @265p each.

Prices include VAT but not P&P.

You will also need either a crimping tool, part number GW34M @ 1049p or a vice
and very great care.

Makes the 795p we charge look quit good does it not?
