Re: [Sam-users] New Sam game.

2021-09-05 Thread the wub
Hi Edwin, really glad you're enjoying this! :)

I decided to lose the power LED as it was a bit distracting, and I
didn't think it looked that good.  It seems a bit tidier without it to
me.  I forgot to mention that if you press 'E' you can change the
colour palette, of which there's four to choose from.

I wasn't too keen on clipping the ghost sprite, just purely to save
some drawing time, but when I saw how funny it looked going over the
edge of the bezel, I decided that was how it had to be.  Breaking the
4th wall is always very funny! :p

Adding keys was a bit of a nightmare, I neglected to consider keyboard
input until right at the end of the project, but I'll definitely add
ctrl and cursors if I update it in the future.

Thanks again,

sam-users mailing list

Re: [Sam-users] New Sam game.

2021-09-05 Thread the wub
The WOSAM page looks amazing, thanks for doing that Dan! :)

I was a bit worried about the copyright situation so I wasn't sure
about making an entry there, looks like I needn't have worried!
sam-users mailing list

[Sam-users] New Sam game.

2021-09-04 Thread the wub
Hi all,

The new game is now available from

The controls are joystick or QAOP and space.

I really hope people have as much fun playing it as I had making it!

It seems to be perfectly bug free now but if anyone finds something
weird please do let me know via email, or here on the list, and I'll
get it sorted asap.

Have fun! :)

sam-users mailing list

Re: [Sam-users] So what's up in SAM Wolrd?

2021-08-30 Thread the wub
Sadly not a gameboy emulator, just a remake of Bubble Ghost :)
sam-users mailing list

Re: [Sam-users] So what's up in SAM Wolrd?

2021-08-30 Thread the wub
The only preview I have right now is the video on my youtube channel:

Edwin will be pleased to know I created it with Comet :)
sam-users mailing list

Re: [Sam-users] So what's up in SAM Wolrd?

2021-08-30 Thread the wub
Hi all,

Great to see some activity on the list, I'm not a facebooker either.

I have a new game, with amazing music by Howard Price, that will be
released next week.  But there may be a delay depending on how much
Rick dangerous gets in the way! :)
sam-users mailing list

Re: [Sam-users] The Space Adventure Simulator

2021-02-02 Thread the wub
Hi, thanks for trying it out!

It's a bit limited, but it was a good way to have a go at this type of
game without having to do proper graphics :)  I should have made the
combat system differently, like a final fantasy style RPG maybe, but
if you persevere with it there is an adventure in there somewhere, or
somewhen ;)

I'm not on facebook myself but I do have a youtube channel now that
will be updated, at least, monthly:

I'm also putting together a new webpage using webassembly that will
hopefully have some kind of Sam/Trinity support in the future.

Thanks again, Captain! :)

sam-users mailing list

[Sam-users] The Space Adventure Simulator

2020-11-24 Thread the wub
Hi all,

I've uploaded a new game to World of Sam:

It was very straight forward to make but has become a living nightmare
to test!  It should be ok but if anyone finds a bug do let me know as
I'm happy to fix anything that comes up..

Enjoy! :)
sam-users mailing list

Re: SAM Revival issue 25 now out! (And other recent releases!)

2015-10-16 Thread the wub
Great work Colin!  As others have said it really is a particularly
good issue, amazing games and demos on the disks too.  Many thanks to
all who made this happen, here's to the next 25 years! :)


Re: Prototype of case for planed new computer SAM COUPE 2

2015-04-29 Thread the wub
What a great project, your Sam Coupe 2 looks really amazing.  I
particularly like the spherical feet!

And the Lynx did have at least one good game: Super Skweek! :)

Re: Hi All Sam Users From Italy!

2014-08-29 Thread the wub
Hi and welcome to the Sam scene! :)

You made a great choice, the Sam has some excellent software and is
the nicest way to play spectrum games on real hardware too!

Have fun!


Re: Musician wanted!

2014-08-25 Thread the wub
Great news!  The Sam desperately needs more good shooters!  Can't wait
to see what you've come up with this time! :)

Re: Bug in game Oh No! More Lemmings

2014-08-17 Thread the wub
So I couldn't have been more wrong.  My apologies to all.


On 8/17/14, Colin Piggot  wrote:
> "the wub" wrote:
>> Really glad to hear that I was probably wrong,  I'd seen this before
>> and so leapt to a conclusion. :)
> Chris White had granted permission for Prince of Persia, Lemmings and Oh No
> More Lemmings and they are up on World of Sam for download.
> From Fred 56, the code for Crazy - 4 is: MFMLFKID
> Colin
> =
> Quazar : Hardware, Software, Spares and Repairs for the SAM Coupé
> 1995-2014 - Celebrating 20 Years of developing for the SAM Coupé
> Website: www.samcoupe.comTwitter: @QuazarSamCoupe

Re: Bug in game Oh No! More Lemmings

2014-08-17 Thread the wub
Really glad to hear that I was probably wrong,  I'd seen this before
and so leapt to a conclusion. :)

Re: Bug in game Oh No! More Lemmings

2014-08-12 Thread the wub
I think you're being ignored by the mailing list because of the
suspicion that you may be using an illegal copy of this game.

Some people don't have a problem with copying a 20+ year old game for
a dead system.  Some do.

I wish I could help, I will be a Trinity owner at some point and will
be trying to do similar things as you, but I have no experience with
any of the problems you've mentioned.

Good luck!

On 8/11/14, Solaris104  wrote:
> I played this game and I found a bug in the level 3 (rating crazy), password
> NEYLEKNO.  Does it exist any fix and level codes for this game?
> Solaris104

Re: Pro-DOS v2.0 (CP/M 2.2) released

2014-05-31 Thread the wub
Great work Chris, I'm another person looking forward to playing
Hitchhikers on the Sam.


On 5/30/14, Chris Pile  wrote:
> The date on the letter/instructions I sent to Brian to accompanying the
> disks
> was March 1993.  So, yep, 21 years old!  They were cheap bulk-buy
> non-branded
> disks too, so it's amazing the data survived!

Re: Retro shows and Sam's 25th birthday

2014-02-27 Thread the wub
definitely interested, would be great to meet you guys!

On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 9:47 PM,  wrote:

> Quoting Ian Spencer :
>  No quite Stefan I also live in Germany (near Köln) and have had a sam
>> since the very beginning. I now have two, though these days I usually use
>> the emulator.
>> Ian
> Cologne is a nice place indeed - been there a couple of times with the
> German FGTH Fans.
> Perhaps it's possible to arrange a UK based one and a German one? :)
> Wonder what Tarquin's doing these days?

Re: keyboard codes map

2013-10-09 Thread the wub
Hey Josef,

This looks very useful!  Thank you for posting it :)


On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 9:50 PM, SCjoe  wrote:

> Still in draft, for many years :-)
> Made in the LibreOffice, works with the Adobe Reader, also the new Firefox
> can slowly print it.
> Any comments will be appreciated. Thank you.
> Josef

Re: SAM Revival ... Revived!

2013-04-26 Thread the wub
Great news, thanks Colin!

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 9:08 PM,  wrote:

> Thanks for the great read Colin!
> Really enjoying the issue as always
> Quoting Colin Piggot :
>  It's about time... Yes, it's back! Yes, it's been a long time! SAM
>> Revival 24 is now finally out. It's been a rocky road to get this issue
>> done, and unfortunately work on new SAM Coupé bits and bobs hasn't always
>> been able to feature high on my list of priorities recently. Please
>> remember it's always been just a hobby for myself over the last 19 years,
>> never a business, so thanks for your patience and I now hope to get things
>> back to normal.
>> Inside issue 24...
>> - 40 pages packing in the news from around the SAM Coupé Scene.
>> - What happened to Sandman's Shadow - information, screenshots and
>> sketches from Gordon Wallis about the point-and-click adventure game he was
>> developing back in 1992.
>> - Developer Diary - Lots of info from SAM developers featuring a Space
>> Invaders Arcade Machine Emulator (Simon Owen), Wubtris + more (Rob Evans).
>> - Coupe Correspondence - lots of readers letters.
>> - SAM Comment - kicking around some potential new projects for the SAM
>> Coupe.
>> On the coverdisk you'll find the full game 'The Witching Hour' by John
>> Vincent (who also painted the fab cover artwork for the magazine too!)
>> There's also the preview demo 'Minutes Before The Witching Hour'.
>> Issue 24 of SAM Revival cost £4.99 (including UK postage) or £6.99
>> (including EU postage). To order, see my website at
>> All UK preoders and subscription  issues were posted on Monday and have
>> started to arrive with readers and I'm halfway through posting
>> international issues so they'll be arriving during the next week.
>> All the best,
>> Colin
>> =
>> Quazar : Hardware, Software, Spares and Repairs for the SAM Coupé
>> 1995-2013 - Celebrating 19 Years of developing for the SAM Coupé
>> Website:
>> Twitter: @QuazarSamCoupe

Re: Epic Fail

2012-07-27 Thread the wub
Apologies for bumping the thread but I thought I'd take the
opportunity while I have the net!

I have realised that I'm wasting cpu time in Epic Fail by using masks
when the sprites are all the same single image!  I think I can shave a
lot of time, and some memory, by taking the masks out of the sprite
data and putting the necessary values right into the blitting code...

More soon(ish)!


Re: New SAM Game: The Lost Disks of SAM

2012-05-31 Thread the wub
What a great game!  The presentation is outstanding, you really have a
nice style graphically!  I like the infinite lives/quick restart as it
makes for a very compulsive, "this time I'll do it" kind of feeling..

The fact you did this in a month makes you some kind of coding legend!  :)


Re: Epic Fail

2012-05-31 Thread the wub
Thanks for the feedback guys, sorry I haven't replied sooner but I
don't have the internet at home at the moment!

This is a fail to me because I had to keep scaling back my plans!
Initially I was going for a remake of the Atari ST game, "Better dead
than alien" but it just needed way too many sprites!  Then I thought
I'd be able to get away with 12 bad guys, 18 enemy bullets and the
player sprite with 4 bullets but even this was too much at 50fps!  If
I dropped the frame rate to 25fps then I could probably get a bit
closer to this...

 The code is mostly unrolled and I prepare all my sprite data so each
sprite is a contiguous chunk with it's mask interlaced.  I'd be happy
to show the blitting code if anyone is interested, it was a gift from
Chris and is surely as quick as it gets!
I save time with the collision by not checking every row and I use the
stack pointer for drawing wherever possible.
I'm not sure what bobbing is, but you are right it is not a real
scroll.  I pre-draw 8 screens to make a full screen animation and then
use the 8kb at the end of each screen to hold the mask data.

As for the difficulty, the trick is to learn the first few waves so
you can power up to double shot power as quickly as possible, then it
gets a bit too easy...

Thanks again!


Re: XOR now completed!

2012-04-29 Thread the wub
This might(possibly) help!

Re: XOR now completed!

2012-04-29 Thread the wub
Seems to work fine for me, not come across any bugs yet...  The map
screen only has something to see if you've collected map pieces
otherwise it's just a blank screen, maybe this was the problem?

It's still as frustratingly brain twisting as ever and the
presentation is way better than the speccy version!  I'd be interested
to know if that's all your own work or have you based this on a 16-bit

All in all, this is definitely going to be booted up every time the
Sam comes out to play!

Thanks again!


Re: Dave Infuriators

2012-03-08 Thread the wub
This looks like great fun!  The background graphics are really
effective too, can't wait to have a go! :)


Re: New Game - "Dave Invaders"

2012-02-01 Thread the wub
Sorry to join the discussion a bit late!

Dave Invaders is amazing!  The graphics and music are fantastic and
the playability is spot on!  Every go leaves you with that, "next time
I'll get a bit further" feeling...  I've got to level 4 so far!

Great work Andrew!  You've really given me something to aim for,
particularly in terms of making a game that's fun to play.  Can't wait
to see what you do next!


Re: The Garden Centre of the Universe.

2011-10-17 Thread the wub
I've updated the demo and it's now available at World of Sam.

It now has 20 levels and hopefully it's a bit easier!  That said, a
couple of the levels are right mingers in the hard game mode!

There's one bug I know about where the cpu lets you win but it only
crops up in one level and only after a very specific chain of events.
I'll fix this as soon as I can!


Re: Resistor R55

2011-10-03 Thread the wub
If the original R55 has blown, i.e no current is able to pass through
it, then the piggy backed R55 will restore the circuit as intended.

If the piggy-backed one has blown as well I'd be concerned as to what
is causing this to happen!