[Samba] Virus Alert

2004-05-10 Thread isvw
The mail message (file: your_product.pif) you sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] contains a 
virus. (on mail.dmoch.de)
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[Fwd: Re: [Samba] Windows XP client - intermittent 'network name cannot befound' loading profile]

2004-05-10 Thread Michael Vermaes
Doesn't really resolve the issue, but in my case the problem went away
when using physical machines rather than virtual machines. The
environments are identical - RH ES 3.0 with Windows XP sp1a client (no
hotfixes or GPO settings applied). Thanks for everyone's help.

On Fri, 2004-05-07 at 15:38, Michael Vermaes wrote: 

> On Fri, 2004-05-07 at 15:16, Clint Sharp wrote:
> > Michael Vermaes wrote:
> > 
> > >Thanks for the quick reply John. I tried setting the local GPO option as
> > >described in the article, but the problem still occurs. The issue
> > >described in the article is not exactly what I am experiencing - the
> > >event id is 1521. The permissions of the profile on the server are
> > >correct after it is created:
> > >
> > >[EMAIL PROTECTED] profiles]# ls -la
> > >total 6352
> > >drwxrwxr-x7 root dusers   4096 May  3 10:05 .
> > >drwxr-xr-x4 root root 4096 Mar 30 15:14 ..
> > >drwx--   13 michaelv dusers   4096 May  3 11:45
> > >michaelv<===
> > >
> > >where dusers is mapped to the "Domain Users" Windows group with net
> > >groupmap.
> > >
> > >The ownership of the profile on the Windows XP client also appears to be
> > >correct.
> > >
> > >I would expect the problem described in the article to be a more
> > >consistently occurring error - my problem is seemingly random, and
> > >usually works after leaving the client for a long period of time, or
> > >restarting it.
> > >
> > >I have tried experimenting with some of the other GPO settings on the
> > >client, and also setting the "profile acls = yes" option in the
> > >[Profiles] section of smb.conf, but the problem remains.
> > >
> > >Thanks for any additional help.
> > >
> > >
> > >  
> > >
> > Michael,
> > 
> > Add me to the list of me-toos on this one.  However, I've noticed it 
> > appears to be something specific done to the workstations which is 
> > causing this.  I don't know if it's a particular Microsoft patch or 
> > what, but we are only experiencing this in one of our 8 installations.  
> > Unlike most of the installations, I didn't build the machines myself for 
> > this one.  I tried creating a duplicate set of Microsoft patches on a 
> > freshly imaged workstation and could not reproduce the problem.  The 
> > only thing I can figure is there was some setting or software package 
> > installed by the contractor who was setting up these machines which was 
> > causing the issue.  I'm afraid I don't have much more insight other than 
> > to say I don't think it's a Samba server side issue, I think it's 
> > something which could be fixed on the clients if I could find what was 
> > done to them to cause it.  The ultimate fix for this problem is going to 
> > be re-imaging these machines to a known-good image which has been used 
> > in other islands (although these machines started with that, I just 
> > can't figure out what was done to them after the image to get them to 
> > this state).
> > 
> > Clint
> I agree that it seems to be client related, specifically Windows XP (any
> version). I am currently running the clients and server on VMware for
> testing, but I don't think that makes any difference, since W2K works
> fine in the same situation. I will try to set up the same scenario on
> physical machines next week anyway.
> Maybe the second service pack for XP will fix the problem (or at least
> cause some different ones), although apparently the release of that has
> been pushed back to July.
> I'll keep the list informed of any progress.
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[Samba] Permissions 101

2004-05-10 Thread Tim Booher
Hello. I have a Security = share smb.conf file and everything works fine,
except that my wife 'sara' has only read access to the directory I am trying
to share \\myserver\data\ on the linux machine.

I am running two WinXP machines (home and pro) and trying to share files in
this directory. If I check permissions I get ie:

drwxrwxr--2 john  myadmins   4096 May  4 03:11 2003_12
drwxrwxr--2 john  myadmins   4096 May  4 03:08 2004_01


-rwxrwxr--1 john  myadmins 669914 Feb 28 15:37 114_1467.JPG
-rwxrwxr--1 john  myadmins 759455 Feb 28 15:38 114_1468.JPG

My smb.conf is set up as:
# 040502
workgroup = myworkgroup
netbios name = myserver
security = share
encrypt password = Yes
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
server string = s %v on %L

comment = John and Sara's Home Directories
# we set the valid users = to the current share's name
valid users = john # I know I should use something else here, but can't get
anything else to work
read only = No
# we might want to set this to No after troubleshooting
browseable = No
hide dot files = Yes

# this is the main share we run all our files from
comment=John and Sara's data store
path = /home/data
valid users = john sara
read only = No
writeable = Yes

My /etc/group has the following lines inside:


And my passwd file has the needed entries.

My wife is only able to get read permissions to this directory, she is a
member of Myserver\myadmins, but that doesn't seem to help. I am new to this
and very confused. Can anyone help? I have, of course, added the users to
the smbpasswd.


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[Samba] Linux VS ADS

2004-05-10 Thread Balamurugan.T
Dear Samba Admin.

We have windows 2000 ADS and RH9.0 in our office. Our developers are using
Clearcase software which is the VOB resides on Linux server and development
are doing in windows environment. All windows users are connected with
windows domain controller. Now user need to access their files both windows
as well as Linux.

A.Can ADS users able to login in to linux server without creating user same
user ID?

If yes... can you guide me the procedure?
   Home directory should reside on the linux server.

How do i add my Linux samba server in to ADS domain?

Thanks in advance


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Re: [Samba] schannel issue on samba 3.0.3

2004-05-10 Thread Thomas Munck Steenholdt
Ralf Tomczak wrote:
Hi there,

I've seen a strange thing not reported yet AFAIK.
We have W2K DCs with SP3 with Samba 3.0.2a everything works fine in regard
to winbind, but with Samba 3.0.3 winbind produces schannel len 24 errors and
'wbinfo -t' and 'id DOMAIN\userid' doesn't work. Note that wbinfo -u|g works
well and a join was successful as well. I tried to tune my krb5.conf but in
the end I disabled 'client schannel' in smb.conf. Does anyone know what is
going wrong exactly? Is there a reasonable security risk? 

Please take a look at this, add additional info if required.

Also not tht 3.0.4 has been released with some winbindd changes among 
other things, this might be resolved already!


Good luck

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[Samba] Cannot create fake user root account

2004-05-10 Thread Wolanin, George
Boy I hope someone can help me out here.

I am tring to install an LDAP Samba PDC

I am using the latest Samba 3.0.4 and OpenLDAP.

The LDAP server is running fine and samba.

What I am having problems with is connecting the winBlows machines to the
domain controller.  This is driving me up a wall.  I was following this
HOWTO: http://www.idealx.org/prj/samba/samba-ldap-howto.pdf to the T.  And
when I get to the point to create a 'fake user root' account which will
allow the NT workstations to connect I get the following error.

I do not know where to go from here.  Can anyone help?

If you need any diag info, let me know I will post it.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] schema]# smbldap-usermod -u 0 -g 0 root
Can't call method "get_value" on an undefined value at
/usr/local/sbin/smbldap-usermod line 177,  line 283.


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[Samba] smbd log meesages

2004-05-10 Thread Mark
Can someone please explain what these messages mean. I am running 3.0.2a 
with no issues at all. I just happened to be looking through the logs 
and notice the messages.

[2004/05/10 03:53:23, 0] rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_pipe_netsec_process(1371)
  failed to decode PDU
[2004/05/10 03:53:23, 0] rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:process_request_pdu(605)
  process_request_pdu: failed to do schannel processing.
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Re: [Samba] Re: share is read-only since 3.0.3 - "access is denie d"

2004-05-10 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1
Rauno Tuul wrote:
| Well...
| It worked for me.
| Only thing I had to do was to add
|   writeable = yes
| for each share.
| IMHO there is a slight difference since 3.0.3, not 1.9 ;)
| It would be nice to mention it in changelog too.
Help me out becuase apparently we have a regression.
Is this the bug then ?

It's still unconfirmed, but if you have any additional
details, that would be appreciated.

cheers, jerry
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[Samba] Re: Problem upgrading to 3.0.4 and ArcServe

2004-05-10 Thread Guillermo Borgobello
> Since I had upgraded from Samba 3.0.0 to 3.0.4
> I have problems with ArcServe to connect to the
> share.
> Arcserve is running on a NT 4.0 box, everytime
> I try to connect to the samba share it says me
> "authenticacion failed". When I browse the share
> from windows explorer I have not problems.

Sorry, the ArcServe says me "access denied"


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[Samba] cant convert SID to UID...

2004-05-10 Thread Nick Stephens
I am running a redhat 7.3 server with the 2.4.26 kernel.  I am using Samba
3.0.0beta2 to allow Windows AD Users to access our sendmail mailserver
with their windows logins/passwords.  Things have gone very smoothly for
quite some time until I recently went to add new users.

If i try to convert the SID's of users i added a while ago, it still
works.. but for any new users i try to add, it does not work.  in example,

#] wbinfo -n josh|xargs wbinfo -S
Could not convert sid S-1-5-21-1185626433-31129641-14044502-1472 to uid

#] wbinfo -n jim|xargs wbinfo -S

jim being an older user, and josh being a brand new user i added

This is important to me only because I add /etc/passwd entries to map out
homedirectories to match the AD users.  Has anyone seen this before?

Sometimes I think I'd be better off dead.. No, wait.. Not me. You.
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RE: [Samba] Re: share is read-only since 3.0.3 - "access is denie d"

2004-05-10 Thread Rauno Tuul

It worked for me.
Only thing I had to do was to add
writeable = yes
for each share.

IMHO there is a slight difference since 3.0.3, not 1.9 ;)
It would be nice to mention it in changelog too.


-Original Message-
From: Gerald (Jerry) Carter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jeff Umbach wrote:

| They changed the read only default to "yes" in
| versions 3.0.3 and 3.0.4.

Sorry Jeff.  But 'read only = yes' has been the
default for as long as I can remember (back to 1.9).

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[Samba] Problem upgrading to 3.0.4 and ArcServe

2004-05-10 Thread Guillermo Borgobello

Since I had upgraded from Samba 3.0.0 to 3.0.4
I have problems with ArcServe to connect to the 
Arcserve is running on a NT 4.0 box, everytime
I try to connect to the samba share it says me
"authenticacion failed". When I browse the share
from windows explorer I have not problems.

Thank you in advance


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Re: [Samba] Re: share is read-only since 3.0.3 - "access is denied"

2004-05-10 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1
Jeff Umbach wrote:

| They changed the read only default to "yes" in
| versions 3.0.3 and 3.0.4.
Sorry Jeff.  But 'read only = yes' has been the
default for as long as I can remember (back to 1.9).

cheers, jerry
- --
Hewlett-Packard- http://www.hp.com
SAMBA Team -- http://www.samba.org
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[Samba] is it necessary to disconnect from one Domain before joining another

2004-05-10 Thread Jim
Is it nessary to disconnect from one MS Win 2k Domain before I join

can I use something like  "net ads disconnect"


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[Samba] Re: samba quotas

2004-05-10 Thread Dragan Krnic
>> > I was never able to use the quota functions of samba. I use
>> > Suse 8.2 with Samba 3.0.3 and XFS. Even the latest samba 
>> > version doesn't recognize quotas correctly. For me quota 
>> > code is broken since beginning in samba.
>> I didn't know it was broken. What's broken? It works fine
>> for me.
> I don't know if quotas are broken in general but I was never 
> able to get them work. I tried both compile options, 
> --with-quotas and --with-sys-quotas

One's own rebuilds are OK. But do use SuSE's spec file because 
it includes most anything you could want in your samba package.
Like acls and quotas for example. Even if you want something
very special it's easier to configure with the spec file.

>> I don't limit users. I limit projects (groups).
> I only use user quotas.
> Samba take care of quota restrictions. Users can't write more 
> data than allowed by quotas. But clients don't show used space 
> and free space correctly. It shows complete disk usage and 
> complete free space instead of space used by user and max. 
> space allowed by quotas

So that's the rub. Is that how an MS Server would behave?

It would show the capacity available to you as individual
quotee? If it does, then there should be a smooth way to
reproduce such behaviour for those who expect it, even if
I don't personally think it makes much sense. I mean,
free disk space is disk space not yet wasted on live
files and available quota space is, well, available quota
space. I would expect another mechanism to show me that
value, not disk free.

I'm not sure that samba is meant to show available quota
space as disk free. The option "dfree command" sounds
rather like it is provided as a fix for other possible
problems but it's perfectly legitimate to tweak it in your 

>> What did you think was wrong with quotas in samba?
> Thats the reason I've written it seems broken for 
> me and not in general. I don't know why it's exactly 
> not working.
> I don't know why they don't work for me.
> I use Suse 8.2 standard installtion with all updates.
> filesystem is XFS.
> Samba is 3.0.3, self compiled.
> Quotas are working fine but not in samba.

Hold on there. What do you mean by the last sentence? 
Is it the disk free value erroneously showing total disk 
capacity minus occupancy instead of what you would expect 
from an MS server, or is it that quotas are not enforced 
by samba so that you can allocate more than you should be
able to?

> I've atached quota relevant parts of config.log.
> I would be glad if you find an error in my configuration.

I might come back to that log, after we make clear what 
exactly the problem is. You probably mean to say that 
samba handling of quota is broken because it doesn't 
behave the way you expect it to regarding the display 
of free space. I can't say for sure without MUCH more 
burrowing through the code but I guess that it's not 
implemented that way.

You found and implemented an exemplary fix for it.
Thanks for sharing it with the rest of us.
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[Samba] Re: share is read-only since 3.0.3 - "access is denied"

2004-05-10 Thread Jeff Umbach
They changed the read only default to "yes" in versions 3.0.3 and 3.0.4.

Do the writable shares have "read only = no" or "writable = yes" in thier
definitions?  This happened to me on any shares that I did not explicitely
define it on.

"Rauno Tuul" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I've a samba-3.0.2a running perfectly on redhat-8.
> Filesystem is EXT3 with ACL support.
> I can't upgrade the PDC to 3.0.3 or 3.0.4, because shares are only
> read-only.
> In 3.0.3 only home share and temp share are writable.
> All other shares are in read-only mode. Users can see the
> but can't save anything or create new items.
> When trying to create a new item - windows promps "Access is denied".
> I don't get, what is wrong.
> Do I have to change something in my setup, to get shares be writable?
> 3.0.0 and 3.0.2.a runs well.
> Best regards,
> Rauno
> ---
> ./configure --with-ldap --bindir=/bin --sbindir=/sbin
> --sysconfdir=/etc/samba --with-configdir=/etc/samba
> --with-logfilebase=/var/log/samba --with-smbmount
> --with-quotas --with-acl-support
> smb.conf
>nt acl support = yes
>acl compatibility = Auto
>security = user
>restrict anonymous = no
>encrypt passwords = yes
> # Create modes
>directory mask = 0775
>force directory mode = 0775
>create mask = 0664
>force create mode = 0664
>encrypt passwords = yes
>deadtime = 0
>force group = users
>force user = %U
> [homes]
>browseable = no
>writable = yes
> [it]
>path = /arc/it
>valid users = @osak_it
>write list = @osak_it
>browseable = yes
> [temp]
>comment = Temporary file space
>path = /home/samba/tmp
>force user = nobody
>force group = nobody
>create mask = 0777
>directory mask = 0777
>public = yes
>writeable = yes
>browseable = yes
> Folder:
> drwxrwxr-x   49 root users4096 it
> User account:
> # smbldap-usershow.pl rauno
> dn: uid=rauno,ou=Users,dc=ehk,dc=lan
> sambaSID: S-1-5-21-1347305728-752463190-2852647101-3000
> uidNumber: 1000
> gidNumber: 221
> sambaPrimaryGroupSID: S-1-5-21-1347305728-752463190-2852647101-1443
> Group entries:
> users:x:221:
> osak_it:x:215:rauno
> Group mappings:
> # net groupmap list
> Osakond_it (S-1-5-21-1347305728-752463190-2852647101-1431) -> osak_it
> Users (S-1-5-21-1347305728-752463190-2852647101-1443) -> users
> smbd.log of trying to create new folder (level 5)
>   unix_convert called on file "aee/New Folder"
>   size=168
>   smb_com=0x25
>   smb_rcls=0
> [2004/05/10 09:45:50, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(177)
>   smb_reh=0
>   unix_convert begin: name = aee/New Folder, dirpath = aee, start = New
> Folder
>   smb_err=0
>   smb_flg=24
>   smb_flg2=51207
>   smb_tid=1
>   smb_pid=228
> [2004/05/10 09:45:50, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(312)
>   smb_uid=101
>   New file New Folder
>   smb_mid=28736
> [2004/05/10 09:45:50, 3] smbd/vfs.c:reduce_name(864)
>   smt_wct=16
>   reduce_name [aee/New Folder] [/arc/it]
>   smb_vwv[ 0]=0 (0x0)
>   ...
> [2004/05/10 09:45:50, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(685)
>   reduced to aee/New Folder
>   switch message SMBtrans (pid 31406)
> [2004/05/10 09:45:50, 3] smbd/trans2.c:call_trans2qfilepathinfo(2353)
> [2004/05/10 09:45:50, 4] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(186)
>   call_trans2qfilepathinfo: SMB_VFS_STAT of aee/New Folder failed (No such
> file or directory)
>   change_to_user: Skipping user change - already user
> [2004/05/10 09:45:50, 3] smbd/error.c:error_packet(94)
> [2004/05/10 09:45:50, 3] smbd/ipc.c:reply_trans(538)
>   error string = No such file or directory
>   trans <\PIPE\> data=84 params=0 setup=2
> [2004/05/10 09:45:50, 3] smbd/error.c:error_packet(118)
>   error packet at smbd/trans2.c(2219) cmd=50 (SMBtrans2)
> [2004/05/10 09:45:50, 5] smbd/ipc.c:reply_trans(557)
> -- 
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Re: [Samba] HP-UX 11i and Inability to run Samba 3.0.x

2004-05-10 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1
Ryan Novosielski wrote:

| [2004/05/06 09:14:58, 0] lib/util.c:process_exists(1277)
|   PANIC: assert failed at lib/util.c(1277)
several byte ordering problems have been fixed post 3.0.2a.
You should be able to use 3.0.4 on Big-Endian platforms
with much better results now.

cheers, jerry
- --
Hewlett-Packard- http://www.hp.com
SAMBA Team -- http://www.samba.org
GnuPG Key   http://www.plainjoe.org/gpg_public.asc
"...a hundred billion castaways looking for a home." --- Sting
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
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[Samba] share is read-only since 3.0.3 - "access is denied"

2004-05-10 Thread Rauno Tuul

I've a samba-3.0.2a running perfectly on redhat-8.
Filesystem is EXT3 with ACL support.

I can't upgrade the PDC to 3.0.3 or 3.0.4, because shares are only
In 3.0.3 only home share and temp share are writable.
All other shares are in read-only mode. Users can see the files/directories,
but can't save anything or create new items.
When trying to create a new item - windows promps "Access is denied".

I don't get, what is wrong.
Do I have to change something in my setup, to get shares be writable?
3.0.0 and 3.0.2.a runs well.

Best regards,



./configure --with-ldap --bindir=/bin --sbindir=/sbin 
--sysconfdir=/etc/samba --with-configdir=/etc/samba 
--with-logfilebase=/var/log/samba --with-smbmount 
--with-quotas --with-acl-support

   nt acl support = yes
   acl compatibility = Auto
   security = user
   restrict anonymous = no
   encrypt passwords = yes
# Create modes
   directory mask = 0775
   force directory mode = 0775
   create mask = 0664
   force create mode = 0664
   encrypt passwords = yes
   deadtime = 0
   force group = users
   force user = %U

   browseable = no
   writable = yes

   path = /arc/it
   valid users = @osak_it
   write list = @osak_it
   browseable = yes 

   comment = Temporary file space
   path = /home/samba/tmp
   force user = nobody
   force group = nobody
   create mask = 0777
   directory mask = 0777
   public = yes
   writeable = yes
   browseable = yes

drwxrwxr-x   49 root users4096 it

User account:
# smbldap-usershow.pl rauno
dn: uid=rauno,ou=Users,dc=ehk,dc=lan
sambaSID: S-1-5-21-1347305728-752463190-2852647101-3000
uidNumber: 1000
gidNumber: 221
sambaPrimaryGroupSID: S-1-5-21-1347305728-752463190-2852647101-1443

Group entries:

Group mappings:
# net groupmap list
Osakond_it (S-1-5-21-1347305728-752463190-2852647101-1431) -> osak_it
Users (S-1-5-21-1347305728-752463190-2852647101-1443) -> users

smbd.log of trying to create new folder (level 5)

  unix_convert called on file "aee/New Folder"
[2004/05/10 09:45:50, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(177)
  unix_convert begin: name = aee/New Folder, dirpath = aee, start = New
[2004/05/10 09:45:50, 5] smbd/filename.c:unix_convert(312)
  New file New Folder
[2004/05/10 09:45:50, 3] smbd/vfs.c:reduce_name(864)
  reduce_name [aee/New Folder] [/arc/it]
  smb_vwv[ 0]=0 (0x0)
[2004/05/10 09:45:50, 3] smbd/process.c:switch_message(685)
  reduced to aee/New Folder
  switch message SMBtrans (pid 31406)
[2004/05/10 09:45:50, 3] smbd/trans2.c:call_trans2qfilepathinfo(2353)
[2004/05/10 09:45:50, 4] smbd/uid.c:change_to_user(186)
  call_trans2qfilepathinfo: SMB_VFS_STAT of aee/New Folder failed (No such
file or directory)
  change_to_user: Skipping user change - already user
[2004/05/10 09:45:50, 3] smbd/error.c:error_packet(94)
[2004/05/10 09:45:50, 3] smbd/ipc.c:reply_trans(538)
  error string = No such file or directory
  trans <\PIPE\> data=84 params=0 setup=2
[2004/05/10 09:45:50, 3] smbd/error.c:error_packet(118)
  error packet at smbd/trans2.c(2219) cmd=50 (SMBtrans2)
[2004/05/10 09:45:50, 5] smbd/ipc.c:reply_trans(557)
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[Samba] need help: net rpc join problem.

2004-05-10 Thread Jack J

I have problem when trying to run command:
net rpc join ...

problem: After I run nmbd I run the command and see

Unable to find a suitable server

I see nmbd logs:


find_workgroup_on_subnet: workgroup search for AD on
subnet UNICAST_SUBNET: found.
retransmit_or_expire_response_records: timeout for
packet id 21674 to IP A.B.C.D on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET
wins_registration_timeout: WINS server A.B.C.D timed
out registering IP X.X.X.X
wins_srv_is_dead: A.B.C.D is dead
wins_srv_is_dead: A.B.C.D is dead
wins_srv_is_dead: A.B.C.D is dead
retransmit_or_expire_response_records: timeout for
packet id 21675 to IP A.B.C.D on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET
wins_registration_timeout: WINS server A.B.C.D timed
out registering IP X.X.X.X
wins_srv_is_dead: A.B.C.D is dead
wins_srv_is_dead: A.B.C.D is dead
wins_srv_is_dead: A.B.C.D is dead
retransmit_or_expire_response_records: timeout for
packet id 21676 to IP A.B.C.D on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET
wins_registration_timeout: WINS server A.B.C.D timed
out registering IP X.X.X.X
wins_srv_is_dead: A.B.C.D is dead
wins_srv_is_dead: A.B.C.D is dead
wins_srv_is_dead: A.B.C.D is dead
retransmit_or_expire_response_records: timeout for
packet id 21677 to IP A.B.C.D on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET
wins_registration_timeout: WINS server A.B.C.D timed
out registering IP X.X.X.X
wins_srv_is_dead: A.B.C.D is dead
wins_srv_is_dead: A.B.C.D is dead
wins_srv_is_dead: A.B.C.D is dead
retransmit_or_expire_response_records: timeout for
packet id 21678 to IP A.B.C.D on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET
wins_registration_timeout: WINS server A.B.C.D timed
out registering IP X.X.X.X
wins_srv_is_dead: A.B.C.D is dead
wins_srv_is_dead: A.B.C.D is dead
wins_srv_is_dead: A.B.C.D is dead


However, after a while re-running net rpc (same
command) as above works !
Is there a timeout that I can configure in 
smb.conf file or such to reduce the delay ?

Any suggestions/pointers, please email me.

Thank you very much.

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[Samba] schannel issue on samba 3.0.3

2004-05-10 Thread Ralf Tomczak
Hi there,

I've seen a strange thing not reported yet AFAIK.
We have W2K DCs with SP3 with Samba 3.0.2a everything works fine in regard
to winbind, but with Samba 3.0.3 winbind produces schannel len 24 errors and
'wbinfo -t' and 'id DOMAIN\userid' doesn't work. Note that wbinfo -u|g works
well and a join was successful as well. I tried to tune my krb5.conf but in
the end I disabled 'client schannel' in smb.conf. Does anyone know what is
going wrong exactly? Is there a reasonable security risk? 

Best regards,

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Re: [Samba] Add Hosts as Domain Admin

2004-05-10 Thread Tilo Lutz
> As an alternative, if you set up a UNIX user 'Administrator' group and 
> have them properly configured for your domain you can give THAT out with 
> a different password.  Give them a UID of 0 and an invalid shell and you 
> should be good.  Of course there are a fair amount of holes that the 
> user could jump through with that, but at least you're not entirely 
> giving out 'root' on the server.
> If you are using LDAP and the idealx scripts this is set up for you with 
> the populate script.  Otherwise, make sure the SID of the user is  domain SID>-512 for them to be a proper administrator as far as windows 
> is concerned. 
> Tilo Lutz wrote:
> >Hi
> >
> >I found a patch for Samba 3.0.2 allowing to add hosts as
> >member of the domain admin group.
> >(http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=samba&m=107938779530259&w=2)
> >
> >Has anybody seen a patch for Samba 3.0.3? It took a look at
> >srv_samr_nt.c but I don't think the old patch will fit.
> >
> >Why doesn't samba allow domain admins to add hosts to a
> >domain?
> >I don't want to give the root password to everyone who should
> >be able to add hosts.
> >Why I have to be root when adding hosts? Even beeing member of
> >group root should be enough.
> >
> >Tilo
> >
> >  
> >
> -- 
> Paul Gienger Office:  701-281-1884
> Applied Engineering Inc. Cell:701-306-6254
> Information Systems Consultant   Fax: 701-281-1322
> URL: www.ae-solutions.commailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Samba] Re: samba quotas

2004-05-10 Thread Tilo Lutz

> >> Hi guys, we need to update our samba service from 2.2.8a 
> >> to samba 3.0.x (so that we can upgrade our AD from Win2k 
> >> to Win2k3).  The problem I am having is with the quotas.

> > I was never able to use the quota functions of samba. I use
> > Suse 8.2 with Samba 3.0.3 and XFS. Even the latest samba 
> > version doesn't recognize quotas correctly. For me quota 
> > code is broken since beginning in samba.

> I didn't know it was broken. What's broken? It works fine
> for me.
I don't know if quotas are broken in general but I was never able
to get them work. I tried both compile options, --with-quotas and

> I don't limit users. I limit projects (groups).
I only use user quotas.

Samba take care of quota restrictions. Users can't write more data
than allowed by quotas.
But clients don't show used space and free space correctly.
It shows complete disk usage and complete free space
instead of space used by user and max. space allowed by quotas

> By the way, I think your script is broken.
Thank you for your tip. I don't know much about
shell programming with tail, cat, awk, 
I set soft and hard quota to the same value.

> But I digress. What did you think was wrong with quotas in samba?
Thats the reason I've written it seems broken for me and not in general.
I don't know why it's exactly not working.

I don't know why they don't work for me.
I use Suse 8.2 standard installtion with all updates.
filesystem is XFS.
Samba is 3.0.3, self compiled.
Quotas are working fine but not in samba.

I've atached quota relevant parts of config.log.
I would be glad if you find an error in my configuration.

Regards, Tilo

configure:27602: checking whether to try disk-quotas support
configure:27640: result: no
configure:27645: checking whether to try the new lib/sysquotas.c interface
configure:27653: result: yes
configure:27851: checking sys/fs/vx_quota.h usability
configure:27860: gcc -c -O  -I/usr/include/heimdal -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE
-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_GNU_SOURCE  -I/usr/include/heimdal conftest.c >&5
configure:27888:29: sys/fs/vx_quota.h: No such file or directory
configure:27863: $? = 1
configure:27878: result: no
configure:27882: checking sys/fs/vx_quota.h presence
configure:27889: gcc -E -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64
-D_GNU_SOURCE  -I/usr/include/heimdal conftest.c
configure:27885:29: sys/fs/vx_quota.h: No such file or directory
configure:27895: $? = 1
configure: failed program was:
#line 27884 "configure"
#include "confdefs.h"
configure:27913: result: no
configure:27931: checking for sys/fs/vx_quota.h
configure:27938: result: no
configure:27967: checking sys/quota.h usability
configure:27976: gcc -c -O  -I/usr/include/heimdal -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE
-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_GNU_SOURCE  -I/usr/include/heimdal conftest.c >&5
configure:27979: $? = 0
configure:27982: test -s conftest.o
configure:27985: $? = 0
configure:27994: result: yes
configure:27998: checking sys/quota.h presence
configure:28005: gcc -E -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64
-D_GNU_SOURCE  -I/usr/include/heimdal conftest.c
configure:28011: $? = 0
configure:28029: result: yes
configure:28047: checking for sys/quota.h
configure:28054: result: yes
configure:28070: checking for XFS QUOTA in 
configure:28104: gcc -c -O  -I/usr/include/heimdal -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE
-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_GNU_SOURCE  -I/usr/include/heimdal conftest.c >&5
configure: In function `main':
configure:28096: error: `Q_XGETQUOTA' undeclared (first use in this
configure:28096: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once
configure:28096: error: for each function it appears in.)
configure:28107: $? = 1
configure: failed program was:
#line 28076 "configure"
#include "confdefs.h"
configure:28827: checking whether the sys_quota interface works
configure:28861: gcc -c -O  -I/usr/include/heimdal -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE
-D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -D_GNU_SOURCE  -I/usr/include/heimdal -I./ -I.
-I./include -I.
/ubiqx -I./popt  -I./smbwrapper -I./nsswitch conftest.c >&5
In file included from configure:28842:
lib/sysquotas.c: In function `command_get_quota':
lib/sysquotas.c:185: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without
a cast
lib/sysquotas.c:213: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without
a cast
In file included from configure:28842:
lib/sysquotas.c: In function `command_set_quota':
lib/sysquotas.c:306: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without
a cast
lib/sysquotas.c:349: warning: assignment makes pointer from integer without
a cast
configure:28864: $? = 0
configure:28867: test -s conftest.o
configure:28870: $? = 0
configure:28882: result: yes
configure:28885: checking whether to use the new lib/sysquotas.c interface
configure:28899: result: yes
configure:28977: checking whether the old quota support works
configure:29009: gcc -c -O  -I/usr/include/heimdal -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE

[Samba] HP-UX 11i and Inability to run Samba 3.0.x

2004-05-10 Thread Ryan Novosielski
I have been attempting to run the various permutations of Samba 3.0.x on
my site now for a couple of weeks, and I can find no way to get it working
properly. Either no one else is testing it, or there is something wrong
with some manner of settings on my machines -- and they are of multiple
classes adn different installs. I have one G70, one D380, and one 9000
N-class, and all of them exhibit this behavior:

May  6 09:14:56 njmsa smbd[11187]: [2004/05/06 09:14:56, 0] 
May  6 09:14:56 njmsa smbd[11187]:   open_sockets_smbd: accept: No buffer space 
May  6 09:14:58 njmsa smbd[14497]: [2004/05/06 09:14:58, 0] 
May  6 09:14:58 njmsa smbd[14497]:   PANIC: assert failed at lib/util.c(1277)
May  6 09:14:58 njmsa smbd[14497]: [2004/05/06 09:14:58, 0] lib/util.c:smb_panic(1400)
May  6 09:14:58 njmsa smbd[14497]:   PANIC: assert failed
May  6 09:14:58 njmsa smbd[14497]:
May  6 09:14:58 njmsa smbd[14497]: [2004/05/06 09:14:58, 0] 
May  6 09:14:58 njmsa smbd[14497]:   
May  6 09:14:58 njmsa smbd[14497]: [2004/05/06 09:14:58, 0] 
May  6 09:14:58 njmsa smbd[14497]:   INTERNAL ERROR: Signal 6 in pid 14497 (3.0.2a)
May  6 09:14:58 njmsa smbd[14497]:   Please read the appendix Bugs of the Samba HOWTO 
May  6 09:14:58 njmsa smbd[14497]: [2004/05/06 09:14:58, 0] 
May  6 09:14:58 njmsa smbd[14497]:   
May  6 09:14:58 njmsa smbd[14497]: [2004/05/06 09:14:58, 0] lib/util.c:smb_panic(1400)
May  6 09:14:58 njmsa smbd[14497]:   PANIC: internal error
May  6 09:14:58 njmsa smbd[14497]:

...and so on.

I have tried building this statically and dynamically. I have tried
building with HP-UX AnsiC compilers, gcc 3.3.2 (actually, I was unable to
get it to build at ALL with gcc), and even tried the binaries from the
HP-UX porting centre. I have tried v3.0.2a, 3.0.3 and 3.0.4. I am
literally stumped.

The first couple of lines, where it fails to open the socket, occur on
machines that are even sitting idle, so I'm not sure what manner of buffer
space the daemon could be out of, but it certainly is not for lack of
resources on the machine (or at least does not appear to be).

Lastly, a lot of this appearing in the logs as well:

May  6 09:15:08 njmsa smbd[14406]: [2004/05/06 09:15:08, 0]
May  6 09:15:08 njmsa smbd[14406]:   cli_nt_session_open: cli_nt_create
failed on pipe \spoolss to machine nacpce7.  Error was NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED

...which doesn't make sense, because access is NOT denied, which makes me
think that this error is similar to the buffer errors.

Can anyone help me diagnose this? I would MUCH appreciate it. I have
reported the PANIC's as bug 1323.

 _  _ _  _ ___  _  _  _
|Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  |  | Ryan Novosielski - Jr. UNIX Systems Admin
|$&| |__| |  | |__/ | \| _|  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] - 973/972.0922 (2-0922)
\__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent. | IST/ACS - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630
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Re: [Samba] samba quotas

2004-05-10 Thread Rohit Kumar Mehta
Thanks the dfree solution calling a perl script works for us.  I am 
that there may be performance issues with this however.

We are considering something like a spamc/spamd type solution where a perl
daemon that always runs that listens for a connection from
a lightweight c program (which can be referenced from smb.conf). 

I am sure there are better solutions than this too, but a solution that
we can implement quickly is always good :)

Tilo Lutz wrote:



Hi guys, we need to update our samba service from 2.2.8a to samba 3.0.x 
(so that we
can upgrade our AD from Win2k to Win2k3).  The problem I am having is 
with the quotas.

I was never able to use the quota functions of samba. I use
Suse 8.2 with Samba 3.0.3 and XFS. Even the latest samba version
doesn't recognize quotas correctly. For me quota code is broken
since beginning in samba.
To get them displayed I use a dirty hack.
In smb.conf I've added the following line:
dfree command = "/etc/script.sh %U"
used_space=`/usr/bin/quota -u $1 | tail -1 | awk '{print $2}'`
quota_space=`/usr/bin/quota -u $1 | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}'`
used_files=`/usr/bin/quota -u $1 | tail -1 | awk '{print $5}'`
quota_files=`/usr/bin/quota -u $1 | tail -1 | awk '{print $7}'`
if [ "$used_files" == "$quota_files" ];
   then used_space=$quota_space
free_space=`expr $quota_space - $used_space`
echo "$quota_space $free_space"


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[Samba] Samba 3 com a autenticação Active Directory - getent password

2004-05-10 Thread ORNELLAS Jose Mario Dutra
Segui todos os procedimentos pulicados no site para  aintegração do Samba
3.o com o ADS , porém quando executo o comando "getent passwd " apenas é
apresentada a lista de usuários locais, não é mostrada a lista do AD... o
que aconteceu ?
Podem me ajudar?


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[Samba] getent passwd cannot list win2k ADS users

2004-05-10 Thread ORNELLAS Jose Mario Dutra
I have the same problem, can you help me?

José Mário Dutra de Ornellas
Global Value Soluções S.A.
An IBM and Fiat Company
Service Delivery
Tel: +55-31-2123-4720

Cel: +55-31-9952-4201

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RE: [Samba] Windows 2003 Active Directory and Group Access

2004-05-10 Thread Franz Gsell
As I have written - this is NO solution. And this has nothing to do with
Permissions. I must be able to use the 

"winbind use default domain = yes"

option. But when I use this option all users have to enter the Domain suffix
on they usernames like DOMAIN+testuser for pop3 and ssh. This is a bad thing
to tell 100 users that they have to enter anoter username for pop3 or ssh -
but simple testuser for the share.

I still need help ??

Kind regards

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Kevin Kallsen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Gesendet: Montag, 10. Mai 2004 00:31
An: 'Franz Gsell'
Betreff: RE: [Samba] Windows 2003 Active Directory and Group Access

I had this problem too.  The solution was to chmod the directory/folder with
readable/writable access.  Also chgrp for the directory 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Franz
Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2004 11:03 AM
Subject: RE: [Samba] Windows 2003 Active Directory and Group Access

Hi together,

I have still the problems I have mentioned below. Is there any developer who
can help me? If it is not possible to find a workaround, I have to enter
every user explicitly in the "valid users" option, and there are about 100
users who are trying to access the share. It would be great if a developer
can tell me more - perhaps I can make a hack by myself - but it's very
difficult to understand all source files and how they work together.

Kind regars

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von
Franz Gsell
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 5. Mai 2004 21:20
Cc: 'Alex de Vaal'
Betreff: RE: [Samba] Windows 2003 Active Directory and Group Access

Hi Alex,

Yes I have already tried this settings:

"winbind use default domain = yes"


"valid users = @AMATEC.LOCAL+GG_Entwicklung"

But this only works for windows 2000 Clients and not for Windows XP Clients.
As you have written before everything works without "winbind use default
domain = yes" but then a user has to login e.g. for ssh with

I don't think it's a good idea to hack the pam module too, perhaps is there
another possibility - perhaps any of the developer team has a workaround?

Kind regards

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Alex de Vaal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 5. Mai 2004 12:22
An: 'Franz Gsell'
Betreff: RE: [Samba] Windows 2003 Active Directory and Group Access

Hello Franz,

You can try to set "winbind use default domain = yes" again and use as valid
users: "valid users = @AMATEC.LOCAL+GG_Entwicklung"

I've found in a faq the following:

Q: I tried to set valid users = @Engineers, but it does not work. My Samba
is an Active Directory Domain Member server. Has this been fixed now?
A: The use of this parameter has always required the full specification of
the Domain
account, for example, valid users = @"MEGANET2\Domain Admins".

You can always try if this work, while hacking pam_winbind.so seems not to
be a good idea to me.

Best regards,

-Original Message-
From: Franz Gsell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday 26 April 2004 18:43
Cc: 'Alex de Vaal'
Subject: RE: [Samba] Windows 2003 Active Directory and Group Access


thanks for your help - now it works :-))) But there is a new problem. We
log on to the linux machine for email and ssh and so on. So the new problem
is that a user is now AMATEC+testuser instead simple testuser (for the pam
module). But I think we can make a hack to the pam_winbind.so file to add
"AMATEC+" to the entered username (so a user has not to enter
AMATEC+testuser but only testuser). Or is there a better way?

Kind regards


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RE: [Samba] Re: Samba 2.2.9 Available for Download

2004-05-10 Thread Jose Martinez
Try KB828741


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Oisin McGuinness
Sent: Monday, May 10, 2004 12:57 PM
To: Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Subject: [Samba] Re: Samba 2.2.9 Available for Download 

Thanks for the announcement for Samba 2.2.9.

However, I couldn't find KB282741 at Microsoft's web site.

Is there another reference for this issue?

Thanks in advance.

Oisin McGuinness

SMBC Capital Markets
277 Park Avenue
New York NY 10172

phone: 1-212-224-4913, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[Samba] Re: Samba 2.2.9 Available for Download

2004-05-10 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1
Oisin McGuinness wrote:
| Thanks for the announcement for Samba 2.2.9.
| However, I couldn't find KB282741 at Microsoft's web site.
| Is there another reference for this issue?
it was a typo.  Should have been KB828741 (MS04-012)

cheers, jerry
- --
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[Samba] Re: Samba 2.2.9 Available for Download

2004-05-10 Thread Oisin McGuinness

Thanks for the announcement for Samba 2.2.9.

However, I couldn't find KB282741 at Microsoft's web site.

Is there another reference for this issue?

Thanks in advance.

Oisin McGuinness

SMBC Capital Markets
277 Park Avenue
New York NY 10172

phone: 1-212-224-4913, email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [Samba] SAGE Line 50

2004-05-10 Thread steve downes
Can't help there, Instant is single user


on Mon, May 10, 2004 at 05:16:01PM +0100, Hamish wrote: 
> Hi Steve
> Thanks for the help with that.
> I think we are doing the same thing at the moment:
> Mapped drive on client M:\
> Sage installed on each client
> ACCDATA shared from M:\{company} (at the moment hosted on 2k server)
> How many users do you have connected to this share? All i am worried 
> about is locking of files etc. We have the possibility of around 10 
> simultaneous users although average will be closer to 3.
> Thanks again.
> Hamish
> steve downes wrote:
> >I've been using sage instant this way for several years without
> >problem. Just the data files on the server & the program on the
> >host. You need to set up the company file in your sage directory to
> >point to the data files & I think you need to (I always have done) set
> >up a shortcut on the windows machine to the samba source so your
> >company file points to say G:\(data-dir)
> >
> >Gat back to me (probably off list) if you need any more info.
> >
> >Steve
> >
> >
> >
> >on Mon, May 10, 2004 at 12:51:58PM +0100, Hamish wrote: 
> > 
> >
> >>Hello everyone,
> >>Has anyone here hosted sage data files from samba? Any tips tricks or 
> >>bewares?
> >>I am about to move sage ACCDATA share from an SBS server to samba 3.0.3.
> >>-- 
> >>To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
> >>instructions:  http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba
> >>   
> >>
> >
> >
> > 
> >
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[Samba] copy NT permissions

2004-05-10 Thread Hamish
I would like to move a large amount of data from various windows file 
servers onto a samba server. I have tried to be clever and use various 
backup tools etc for copying the files and they copy fine, but their 
acls, permissions and ownership are all destroyed in the copy process. 
(it seems to own the files from the user that connects to the share)
Has anyone had any success in copying ACLs and permissions from an NT share?
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[Samba] fedora core 1 smb

2004-05-10 Thread Florian Idelberger
I've tried to get windows share browsing to work for quite some time now.
Even with the help of the fedora list I wasnt able to fully figure it out.
If I know the ip adress of a host and the share i can mount it using 
but this is unusable, because ip adresses get assigned by dhcp.
Any Ideas are appreciated,
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Re: [Samba] cannot change user password with CTRL-ALT-DEL

2004-05-10 Thread Jeremy Allison
On Mon, May 10, 2004 at 12:56:29AM -0500, Russ Jury wrote:
> it appears that MS04-012 (828741) is the problem... (at least on XP Pro)
> I first removed MS04-011 (835732) and no luck, but then removed MS04-012 
> and get a successful password change message.

We just fixed this in 3.0.4 and a newly released 2.2.9.

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Re: [Samba] Suse Linux OpenExchange Server (Samba 2.2.5) and XP

2004-05-10 Thread RRuegner
Simon Hobson schrieb:

Sorry of I'm going over old ground ...

We are in the process of putting in a Suse Linux OpenExchange Server 
(SLOX) which at present includes Samba 2.2.5*. We are also attempting to 
use this as a PDC for XP clients that we are going to be rolling out.

Now, everything seems to be going down the pan, and it looks like the 
problem is that XP has dropped support for 'old style' controls and only 
supports Access Control Lists - so tit seems to log in a user, but then 
the permissions are all screwed as it can't get the info it wants from 
the server. Reading the howtos suggests that Samba 3* supports stuff 
that XP is looking for, but the guy who we've taken on to do the XP 
stuff isn't convinced - suggesting that even with 'group mapping (is 
that the right bit ?) XP will still fail.

All I want is for users to have to authenticate against the central 
database (LDAP), and for the various group memberships to be honoured 
when accessing files off the server.

Has anyone else dealt with this sort of thing ? Does XP work reliably 
with Samba 3 as PDC ?

* Why 2.2.5, well it's all down to support and integration. The whole 
system is supplied and installed as an integrated package - with Samba 
already set up to use the LDAP database that is begind the groupware 
stuff etc. The consultants setting all this up say that they have put 
Samba 3 in there for another customer without problems, but obviously 
it's not something Suse will support (yet, I guess it'll come during 
some future upgrade). I think it's a case of selecting packages (and 
versions) for stability (and the work in integrating any upgrades), 
rather than being bleeding edge'.

I'm also told that if we have roaming profiles, then the XP machines 
will store loads of c**p on the server and keep moving it back and forth 
as each user logs in/out - is this the case ? Is there any way of 
dealing with it (eg having the machine pull the files down as needed) ?

It's been suggested that since we don't actually have people moving 
between machines, it would be better not to use roaming profiles (for 
the reason given above). How esy is it then to have user default to 
their home directory on the server instead of 'My Documents' ?


PS - any help gratefully received, preferably before my manager starts 
saying things to the effect of "this wouldn't have happened if you'd 
stuck with MS".

Hi , samba 3 acts perfect as pdc,
with all stuff you might need ( include roaming)
but its not an active directory.
but you forget slox is prof produkt, if you upgrade
you will have version 2.2.8a or perhaps
2.2.9 , slox is a universal server it can do many things
and suse has implemented many guis to control , samba dhcp postfix cyrus 
and so on , this is all done with ldap,
to clear you have to talk to suse , cause its there job to upgrade your 
packs in a whole for slox ( cause you payed for it !!!)
i worked with version slox 4 which was a very nice pdc
but i decided to part samba from the machine, and slox only does mail now.

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Re: [Samba] SAGE Line 50

2004-05-10 Thread Hamish
Hi Steve
Thanks for the help with that.
I think we are doing the same thing at the moment:
Mapped drive on client M:\
Sage installed on each client
ACCDATA shared from M:\{company} (at the moment hosted on 2k server)
How many users do you have connected to this share? All i am worried 
about is locking of files etc. We have the possibility of around 10 
simultaneous users although average will be closer to 3.

Thanks again.


steve downes wrote:

I've been using sage instant this way for several years without
problem. Just the data files on the server & the program on the
host. You need to set up the company file in your sage directory to
point to the data files & I think you need to (I always have done) set
up a shortcut on the windows machine to the samba source so your
company file points to say G:\(data-dir)
Gat back to me (probably off list) if you need any more info.


on Mon, May 10, 2004 at 12:51:58PM +0100, Hamish wrote: 

Hello everyone,
Has anyone here hosted sage data files from samba? Any tips tricks or 
I am about to move sage ACCDATA share from an SBS server to samba 3.0.3.
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[Samba] "user 'root' does not exist" in winbindd.log after upgrade from 3.0.2a to 3.0.3

2004-05-10 Thread Alex de Vaal
Dear list,

After the upgrade from 3.0.2a to 3.0.3 I see in my winbindd.log file all the time 
'root' does not exist" messages.
I didn't get these messages with my 3.0.2a samba setup, but after the upgrade to 
3.0.3 it is flooding my winbindd.log file, sometimes I get this message every minute 
my log file.


[2004/05/10 00:01:00, 1] nsswitch/winbindd_group.c:winbindd_getgroups(1029)
user 'root' does not exist
[2004/05/10 01:01:00, 1] nsswitch/winbindd_group.c:winbindd_getgroups(1029)
user 'root' does not exist
[2004/05/10 02:01:01, 1] nsswitch/winbindd_group.c:winbindd_getgroups(1029)
user 'root' does not exist
[2004/05/10 03:01:00, 1] nsswitch/winbindd_group.c:winbindd_getgroups(1029)
user 'root' does not exist
[2004/05/10 04:01:00, 1] nsswitch/winbindd_group.c:winbindd_getgroups(1029)
user 'root' does not exist

My samba server is a W2k3 domain member of a native W2k3 server, it uses 
winbind (obvious) and kerberos.
wbinfo -u, wbinfo -g, getent passwd and getent group works fine.

The samba shares are available to the Windows domain users without problems.
Samba is compiled with MIT 1.3.1 and CUPS and runs on a RHL9 server.

I performed the upgrade as follows:
- Stopped samba daemons.
- net ads leave.
- performed Samba upgrade
- net ads join (Join Ok).
- Reboot RHL9 server (Samba deamons are started).




Alex de Vaal.
NHS Department

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Re: [Samba] SAGE Line 50

2004-05-10 Thread steve downes
I've been using sage instant this way for several years without
problem. Just the data files on the server & the program on the
host. You need to set up the company file in your sage directory to
point to the data files & I think you need to (I always have done) set
up a shortcut on the windows machine to the samba source so your
company file points to say G:\(data-dir)

Gat back to me (probably off list) if you need any more info.


on Mon, May 10, 2004 at 12:51:58PM +0100, Hamish wrote: 
> Hello everyone,
> Has anyone here hosted sage data files from samba? Any tips tricks or 
> bewares?
> I am about to move sage ACCDATA share from an SBS server to samba 3.0.3.
> -- 
> To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
> instructions:  http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba
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[Samba] subscrib

2004-05-10 Thread JATHAR.PRAVIN

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[Samba] Re: samba quotas

2004-05-10 Thread Dragan Krnic
>> Hi guys, we need to update our samba service from 2.2.8a 
>> to samba 3.0.x (so that we can upgrade our AD from Win2k 
>> to Win2k3).  The problem I am having is with the quotas.
> I was never able to use the quota functions of samba. I use
> Suse 8.2 with Samba 3.0.3 and XFS. Even the latest samba 
> version doesn't recognize quotas correctly. For me quota 
> code is broken since beginning in samba.
> To get them displayed I use a dirty hack.
> In smb.conf I've added the following line:
> dfree command = "/etc/script.sh %U"
> script.sh:
> #!/bin/sh
> used_space=`/usr/bin/quota -u $1 | tail -1 | awk '{print $2}'`
> quota_space=`/usr/bin/quota -u $1 | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}'`
> used_files=`/usr/bin/quota -u $1 | tail -1 | awk '{print $5}'`
> quota_files=`/usr/bin/quota -u $1 | tail -1 | awk '{print $7}'`
> if [ "$used_files" == "$quota_files" ];
> then used_space=$quota_space
> fi
> free_space=`expr $quota_space - $used_space`
> echo "$quota_space $free_space"

I didn't know it was broken. What's broken? It works fine
for me. I don't limit users. I limit projects (groups). Since 
a user may be in different projects there wouldn't be a single 
quota value or dfree number anyway. The important point is that
each group can only use up what's allocated to it. I display 
quotas in a table on swat's status page like this:

   (See also: "What to do, if Quota is exceeded?")

   Group?Used MBs   SoftLimit   HardLimit 
   TOTAL   525637  665000  86 
   CALCX70728   0   0
   PM1  1  105741   9  11  
   PM3  67125   7   8 
   root  1985   0   0 
   users 2436   1   15000 

Everyone can see how much of the quota is used up in all of
the groups he belongs to, root can see it all. The question
mark column numbers the days remaining until grace expires.
There's also a mail reminder to the project leader every day 
with a size-sorted list of all infringing files.

By the way, I think your script is broken. Not only can you
spare 3 iterations of quota and awk but the 5th and 7th 
columns ($5 and $7) of the quota output are "grace" and 
"(#files-)quota" if a value exceeds the limit instead 
of "files" and "limit", which is probably intended by you.
A more careful coding would be:

  quota -u $1 | tail -1 | awk 'NF>7{$5=""} {print}' | \
read a used_space a quota_space used_files a quota_files a

But I digress. What did you think was wrong with quotas in samba?
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Re: [Samba] Version 3: %U returns null value in security = share

2004-05-10 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1
Gavin-Francis Fernandes wrote:

| When we upgraded to v3 (pretty much any build that
| we've tried) all of a sudden, the %U variable/macro is null.
I'm not sure why people ever really expected %U to work
when using security = share.  Sha remode security by design
doesn't really support the concept of users.  Samba goes
to great lengths to bridge the gap between user/pws in UNIX
and share mode security.
You're best bet is to use 'security = user|domain|ads' and set
'map to guest = bad user' for guest access.

cheers, jerry
- --
Hewlett-Packard- http://www.hp.com
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[Samba] Newbie multiple problems no solutions

2004-05-10 Thread Florin Grosu
I installed recently a samba server 3.0.0-15 on Fedora as PDC, it works 
- generally speaking - but i have a few problems with it (I should begin 
with "i'm samba virgin - my first time :) ). So, first thing, i was 
expecting to have something like windoze network neighbourhood in 
konqueror (smb://), meaning  all computers from my network browseable no 
matter what system they have (actually only xp and linux), which is not 
the case though. I managed to join xp computers on my domain but i 
cannot login with any valid user but still i can see all windows from 
linux - using workgroup instead of domain. Other linux clients can 
browse the server and windows machines, but they don't appears as 
workgroup machines (i'm using nfs), actually all i can see it's all 
windows computers and the samba server from all systems. Well, the 
question is how linux clients join the domain? I think that if they do 
join, they will also be visible in konqueror (:-/).
In logs i found the following errors:

nmbd/nmbd_packets.c:send_netbios_packet(163)  send_netbios_packet: send_packet()
to IP port 137 failed : 14 Time(s)
nmbd/nmbd_processlogon.c:process_logon_packet(95)  process_logon_packet: Logon from code = 0x12 : 60 Time(s)
rpc_server/srv_pipe.c:api_pipe_netsec_process(1343)  Invalid auth info 68 or level
5 on schannel : 14 Time(s)
rpc_server/srv_pipe_hnd.c:process_request_pdu(605)  process_request_pdu: failed to
do schannel processing. : 14 Time(s)
Any idea what does that means? My searches didn't returned any usefull 

For the moment i stop here, any help will be greatly appreciated, thank you.
BTW, the config file:

# smb.conf
# debug lines added by Florin - see the site bellow
# http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=117825
idmap uid = 1-2
idmap gid = 1-2
# end debug
workgroup = internal
server string = Samba
netbios name = igeossserver
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
max log size = 50
security = user
encrypt passwords = yes
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
unix password sync = Yes
passwd program = /etc/pam.d/passwd %u
passwd chat = *New*UNIX*password* %nn *ReType*new*UNIX*password* %nn 
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
local master = yes
os level = 64
domain master = yes
preferred master = yes
domain logons = yes
logon path = \%LProfiles%U
wins support = yes

dns proxy = no

# Share Definitions 
comment = Home Directories
browseable = yes
writable = yes

comment = Network Logon Service
path = /home/netlogon
guest ok = yes
writable = yes
share modes = yes
path = /home/profiles
browseable = yes
writable = yes
; guest ok = yes
Best regards,

* There are really two of me; if what I say is stupid, it certainly came from the 
other guy. *
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Re: [Samba] Suse Linux OpenExchange Server (Samba 2.2.5) and XP

2004-05-10 Thread Adam Williams
> >Every day, we've had a Samba PDC with LDAP backed since 2.2.1a
> Be aware though, that SLOX has a slightly wierd LDAP layout, at least 
> the version we tested here did.  All the users were in the base of the 
> LDAP tree.  You'll also end up with machines in the LDAP root, assuming 
> you didn't find a way to change the defaults of course.  You shouldn't 
> have any problems doing that, but things look a bit goofy compared to 
> many other LDAP servers with things like ou=People, ou=Group.

We've faced this problem with a couple of packages (not SLOX, never used 
it) that "demanded" Dit strucuture a certain way.  It is rather trivial to 
create a subordinate partition with back-meta that mirrors data from the 
'real' sections of the Dit, and to use that subordinate as the base for 
the grumpy package.  So far it has always worked.

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[Samba] Version 3: %U returns null value in security = share

2004-05-10 Thread Gavin-Francis Fernandes
Dear Samba Gurus

We have been using samba to work a print solution for our University for
quite sometime, where the user doesn't need an account on the domain, nor
does the PC need to be part of our Domain or Workgroup.  Users can print to
the machine via \\server\printershare and this has worked perfectly in the
past, because %U is returned as the username their workstation recognises
them as, or basically %username% from their workstation's environment
variables.  I use a perl script to do some stuff after we receive the job,
based on the username they requested.

When we upgraded to v3 (pretty much any build that we've tried) all of a
sudden, the %U variable/macro is null.  This is not so if I join the samba
machine to the Domain/AD and use security = domain or server.  Then %U is
returned correctly, but this means that all the users need to be in a
domain, where our students bring in their own machines and we have no
control over their domain memberships etc.

If I downgrade back to 2.2 I have no troubles.

Any ideas?

Gavin Fernandes

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Re: [Samba] Failed to initialize group mapping

2004-05-10 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1
brunobenchimol wrote:

| Im getting basically to "bugs" into my samba ... im
| using samba-3.0.2a (planning to upgrade soon, but atm
| i cant stop the service) im using log level = 10
| May 10 09:42:13 smb smbd[850]:   Failed to open group mapping database
At least one incident of this This was fixed post 3.0.2a IIRC.

cheers, jerry
- --
Hewlett-Packard- http://www.hp.com
SAMBA Team -- http://www.samba.org
GnuPG Key   http://www.plainjoe.org/gpg_public.asc
"...a hundred billion castaways looking for a home." --- Sting
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Re: [Samba] Suse Linux OpenExchange Server (Samba 2.2.5) and XP

2004-05-10 Thread Paul Gienger

Has anyone else dealt with this sort of thing ? 

Every day, we've had a Samba PDC with LDAP backed since 2.2.1a

Be aware though, that SLOX has a slightly wierd LDAP layout, at least 
the version we tested here did.  All the users were in the base of the 
LDAP tree.  You'll also end up with machines in the LDAP root, assuming 
you didn't find a way to change the defaults of course.  You shouldn't 
have any problems doing that, but things look a bit goofy compared to 
many other LDAP servers with things like ou=People, ou=Group.

Paul Gienger Office:701-281-1884
Applied Engineering Inc. Cell:  701-306-6254
Information Systems Consultant   Fax:   701-281-1322
URL: www.ae-solutions.commailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: [Samba] Add Hosts as Domain Admin

2004-05-10 Thread Paul Gienger
As an alternative, if you set up a UNIX user 'Administrator' group and 
have them properly configured for your domain you can give THAT out with 
a different password.  Give them a UID of 0 and an invalid shell and you 
should be good.  Of course there are a fair amount of holes that the 
user could jump through with that, but at least you're not entirely 
giving out 'root' on the server.

If you are using LDAP and the idealx scripts this is set up for you with 
the populate script.  Otherwise, make sure the SID of the user is -512 for them to be a proper administrator as far as windows 
is concerned. 

Tilo Lutz wrote:


I found a patch for Samba 3.0.2 allowing to add hosts as
member of the domain admin group.
Has anybody seen a patch for Samba 3.0.3? It took a look at
srv_samr_nt.c but I don't think the old patch will fit.
Why doesn't samba allow domain admins to add hosts to a
I don't want to give the root password to everyone who should
be able to add hosts.
Why I have to be root when adding hosts? Even beeing member of
group root should be enough.


Paul Gienger Office:701-281-1884
Applied Engineering Inc. Cell:  701-306-6254
Information Systems Consultant   Fax:   701-281-1322
URL: www.ae-solutions.commailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Samba] Failed to initialize group mapping

2004-05-10 Thread brunobenchimol
Im getting basically to "bugs" into my samba ... im using samba-3.0.2a (planning to 
upgrade soon, but atm i cant stop the service)
im using log level = 10

my basic problem is:

May 10 09:42:13 smb smbd[850]: [2004/05/10 09:42:13, 0] 
May 10 09:42:13 smb smbd[850]:   Failed to open group mapping database
May 10 09:42:13 smb smbd[850]: [2004/05/10 09:42:13, 0] 
May 10 09:42:13 smb smbd[850]:   failed to initialize group 
mappingget_alias_user_groups: gid 10012. not found
May 10 09:42:13 smb smbd[850]: [2004/05/10 09:42:13, 0] 
May 10 09:42:13 smb smbd[850]:   Failed to open group mapping database
May 10 09:42:13 smb smbd[850]: [2004/05/10 09:42:13, 0] 
May 10 09:42:13 smb smbd[850]:   failed to initialize group 
mappingget_alias_user_groups: gid of user flavio.ribeiro doesn't exist. Check your 
/etc/passwd and /etc/group files

i have looked into mapping.c and found this:

  tdb = tdb_open_log(lock_path("group_mapping.tdb"), 0, TDB_DEFAULT, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 
 if (!tdb) {
  DEBUG(0,("Failed to open group mapping database\n"));
 return False;
tdb = tdb_open_log(lock_path("group_mapping.tdb"), 0, TDB_DEFAULT, O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 
 if (!tdb) {
 DEBUG(0,("Failed to open group mapping database\n"));
 return False;

as far as i can see its uses mode 0600 and i dont know why it starts bugging me, i 
have tried the following steps to see it could solve the problem, but it didnt.

smb:/usr/local/samba/var/locks# ls -l group_mapping.tdb
-rw-r--r--1 root staff8192 May 10 05:47 group_mapping.tdb

everyone can read, and i still get those problems, as far as i can see thats the file.

smb:/usr/local/samba/var/locks# find / -name group_mapping.tdb -print

and because of this problem i think it aint executing the netlogon most of the times 
that happens (if i logon again with the user, the problem is solved) since i use my 
netlogon based on groups and many of my shares are based too, if samba cant map it, i 
will get troubles.

this samba server is already in production so i cant "play" with it unless i warn 
first. hope i can get this problem solved.

and this one which aint too bad:
for no reason i get sometimes those lines:

May 10 09:37:06 smb smbd[823]: [2004/05/10 09:37:06, 0] 
May 10 09:37:06 smb smbd[823]:   3814 ( couldn't find service
May 10 09:37:06 smb smbd[823]: [2004/05/10 09:37:06, 0] 
May 10 09:37:06 smb smbd[823]:   Attempt to locate null printername! Internal error?
May 10 09:37:06 smb smbd[823]: [2004/05/10 09:37:06, 0] 
May 10 09:37:06 smb smbd[823]:   3814 ( couldn't find service
May 10 09:37:12 smb smbd[572]: [2004/05/10 09:37:12, 0] 
May 10 09:37:12 smb smbd[572]:   alloc_sub_basic: NULL source string!  This should not 
May 10 09:37:15 smb smbd[572]: [2004/05/10 09:37:15, 0] 
May 10 09:37:15 smb smbd[572]:   alloc_sub_basic: NULL source string!  This shou

although i get no null strings in my printcap (windows bugs? prolly)

smb:/usr/local/samba/var/locks# cat /etc/printcap.cups


Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions
load printers = Yes
printcap name = /etc/printcap.cups
addprinter command =
deleteprinter command =
show add printer wizard = Yes
printer admin =
min print space = 0
max reported print jobs = 0
max print jobs = 1000
printable = No
printing = cups
print command = lpr -r -P'%p' %s
printer name =

ok this is something which doesnt make me go crazy for now...

thanks in advance
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Re: [Samba] Suse Linux OpenExchange Server (Samba 2.2.5) and XP

2004-05-10 Thread Adam Tauno Williams
> Now, everything seems to be going down the pan, and it looks like the 
> problem is that XP has dropped support for 'old style' controls and 
> only supports Access Control Lists - so tit seems to log in a user, 
> but then the permissions are all screwed as it can't get the info it 
> wants from the server. Reading the howtos suggests that Samba 3* 
> supports stuff that XP is looking for, but the guy who we've taken on 
> to do the XP stuff isn't convinced - suggesting that even with 'group 
> apping (is that the right bit ?) XP will still fail.

Rubbish,  we have a Samba 3.0.3 PDC with LDAP SAM and XP with all the
latest patches works fine except for the password change issue which is
fixed in 3.0.4 (and only started occurring a couple of patches ago).

> All I want is for users to have to authenticate against the central 
> database (LDAP), and for the various group memberships to be honoured 
> when accessing files off the server.

Work great.

> Has anyone else dealt with this sort of thing ? 

Every day, we've had a Samba PDC with LDAP backed since 2.2.1a

> Does XP work reliably with Samba 3 as PDC ?


> I'm also told that if we have roaming profiles, then the XP machines 
> will store loads of c**p on the server and keep moving it back and 
> forth as each user logs in/out - is this the case ?

Yes, if your net-admin is a 'nit, and doesn't define any policies.  Even
with a "real" PDC you get this behaviour.

>  Is there any way 
> of dealing with it (eg having the machine pull the files down as 
> needed) ?

Yes, "ntconfig.pol"

> PS - any help gratefully received, preferably before my manager 
> starts saying things to the effect of "this wouldn't have happened if 
> you'd stuck with MS".

Yes, it all will.  You'll face ALL the same issues you've mentioned.

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[Samba] Suse Linux OpenExchange Server (Samba 2.2.5) and XP

2004-05-10 Thread Simon Hobson
Sorry of I'm going over old ground ...

We are in the process of putting in a Suse Linux OpenExchange Server 
(SLOX) which at present includes Samba 2.2.5*. We are also attempting 
to use this as a PDC for XP clients that we are going to be rolling 

Now, everything seems to be going down the pan, and it looks like the 
problem is that XP has dropped support for 'old style' controls and 
only supports Access Control Lists - so tit seems to log in a user, 
but then the permissions are all screwed as it can't get the info it 
wants from the server. Reading the howtos suggests that Samba 3* 
supports stuff that XP is looking for, but the guy who we've taken on 
to do the XP stuff isn't convinced - suggesting that even with 'group 
mapping (is that the right bit ?) XP will still fail.

All I want is for users to have to authenticate against the central 
database (LDAP), and for the various group memberships to be honoured 
when accessing files off the server.

Has anyone else dealt with this sort of thing ? Does XP work reliably 
with Samba 3 as PDC ?

* Why 2.2.5, well it's all down to support and integration. The whole 
system is supplied and installed as an integrated package - with 
Samba already set up to use the LDAP database that is begind the 
groupware stuff etc. The consultants setting all this up say that 
they have put Samba 3 in there for another customer without problems, 
but obviously it's not something Suse will support (yet, I guess 
it'll come during some future upgrade). I think it's a case of 
selecting packages (and versions) for stability (and the work in 
integrating any upgrades), rather than being bleeding edge'.

I'm also told that if we have roaming profiles, then the XP machines 
will store loads of c**p on the server and keep moving it back and 
forth as each user logs in/out - is this the case ? Is there any way 
of dealing with it (eg having the machine pull the files down as 
needed) ?

It's been suggested that since we don't actually have people moving 
between machines, it would be better not to use roaming profiles (for 
the reason given above). How esy is it then to have user default to 
their home directory on the server instead of 'My Documents' ?


PS - any help gratefully received, preferably before my manager 
starts saying things to the effect of "this wouldn't have happened if 
you'd stuck with MS".

Simon Hobson, Technology Specialist
Colony Gift Corporation Limited
Lindal in Furness, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 0LD
Tel 01229 461100, Fax 01229 461101
Registered in England No. 1499611
Regd. Office : 100 New Bridge Street, London, EC4V 6JA.
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[Samba] Network issue with RH ES 3.0

2004-05-10 Thread Jose Martinez
Any help would be appreciated.

I am having problems with a network card on my system. Let me explain the
environment a bit.

RTPOPSSRV1 and RTPOPSSRV2 are the system names. Both running RedHat Linux ES
3.0.  Each have their own ip address


rtpopssrv2 is a failover for rtpopssrv1. Therefore there is a floating IP
that goes between them. We call that RTPOPSSRV, with ip address of

For that floaing ip to work correctly, and since rtpopssrv1 is the primary,
we also float the mac address of the NIC card that is on rtpopssrv1 for the ip.  It is the eth2 interface.  So when rtpopssrv2 has the
floating ip on it, the eth2 lan card on rtpopssrv2 is forced to have the MAC
address of the eth2 lan card on rtpopssrv1. We do this so that the
workstations that connect to it do not have ARP problems.  We do this on 2
other "clusters" with no problems.

Currently rtpopssrv2 has the floating ip and all application services are
running on that server.   Everything is working fine.  You can ping both
rtpopssrv2 and rtpopssrv and the workstations can get to it.  In addition,
the eth2 card on that server is running on the mac address of the eth2 card
from rtpopssrv1. So that is not a problem.

This past weekend, I brought down the eth2 interface on rtpopssrv2 and tried
to bring up the eth2 interface with the same network settings on rtpopssrv1.
Didn't work. I couldn't ping rtpopssrv which is the ip for the eth2 card.
Upon some troubleshooting, I realized that the system rtpopssrv1 wasn't
letting me run both eth1 and eth2 on that system (unlike rtpopssrv2 that was
ok).  I could have eth1 (rtpopssrv1) or eth2 (rtpopssrv) pinging but not
both at the same time.  Very strange.  I looked at the routing tables on the
rtpopssrv2 server when the floating ip was over there, and it was the same
as the routing table on rtpopssrv1 when the floating ip was on that server.

It was just very strange.  If I set up both eth1 and eth2 to startup on boot
time, the eth2 settings would completely override the eth1 settings, and
eth2 would become the "primary " card with the gateway interface pointing to
that card and not eth1.  This is the correct routing table as it is now on

[EMAIL PROTECTED] etc]# netstat -rn
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags   MSS Window  irtt
Iface U 0 0  0
eth1 U 0 0  0
eth2   U 0 0  0
eth0 U 0 0  0
eth1   U 0 0  0 lo UG0 0  0

If you notice, the gateway is pointing to eth1 which it should
since that is the eth1 card on the box.  When I tell both cards on
rtpopssrv1 to come up on startup... eveyrthing starts to point at eth2. I
can get to the floating ip, however I can't access the rtpopssrv1 ip unless
I'm on the 9.44.50.x subnet, which is no good.

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[Samba] SAGE Line 50

2004-05-10 Thread Hamish
Hello everyone,
Has anyone here hosted sage data files from samba? Any tips tricks or 
I am about to move sage ACCDATA share from an SBS server to samba 3.0.3.
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[Samba] Samba Digest list - Why are they attached?

2004-05-10 Thread Charles Marcus
I really don't understand this...

Virtually *none* of the other email lists I am on send all of the 
messages as separate attachments - they are forwarded inline. The only 
other ones that do this are the Openoffice.org lists, and I have the 
same problem with them.

I use Thunderbird, which shows the attachments at the bottom of the 
window pane (this is not an option), and does *not* allow me to collapse 
the attachment section. Consequently, when I click on the Samba Digest 
list, the available section for viewing the actual contents of the 
message is about 2 *inches* high - completely *useless* to me.

*Please*, would whoever is in charge of this list send the digest 
*inline*, instead of as separate, attached messages??

Thanks you, otherwise, for the greatness that is Samba!

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Re[2]: [Samba] Pdb-useredit

2004-05-10 Thread Collen Blijenberg
Oeps.. sorry.. try again
Collen Blijenberg   (Montessori Lyceum Herman Jordan)

Monday, May 10, 2004, 12:40:11 PM, you wrote:

JV> Hi Collen,

JV> On Mon, May 10, 2004 at 10:47:40AM +0200, Collen Blijenberg
JV>  wrote about '[Samba] Pdb-useredit':
>> i had a few day's off, and was able to make
>> samba-3's first user editor (it's actualy an front-end for pdbedit!!)

>> check out :
JV> That host appears to be down.

JV> Cheers,

JV> Jelmer

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[Samba] Browse lists & 3.0.x

2004-05-10 Thread Alan Munday

I have a mixed network with both XP and ME clients.

I'm going round in circles trying to find out why half the machines, that is
half the XP and half the ME, don't show up in the browse lists.

I have searched through the archives and, while I can see similar problems,
I did not find a solution to this one.

Can someone give me some pointers to a solution please?



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[Samba] Slow network performance with winXP clients and samba 3.0.x

2004-05-10 Thread Andrew Nicolson
Hi There...

I have a copy of the SAMBA howto and have a question regarding text on pages 364 and 

I would like to try this approach to speed things up on my network. It takes about 90 
- 240s to logon and logoff from brand new (3.0GHz) XP clients to a dual 600MHz server 
with 512Mb ram running 6 clients. Network is 10baseT.

The following is the selection of the document that I am referring to. I have 
highlighted where I need more info:

There is also an entry called "Default" that has no value set. The default entry is of 
type REG SZ, all the others are of type REG EXPAND SZ.

===> It makes a huge difference to the speed of handling roaming user profiles if all 
the folders are stored on a dedicated location on a network server. This means that it 
will not be necessary to write the Outlook PST file over the network for every login 
and logout.

==> (which registry key do I put this into?) To set this to a network location, you 
could use the following examples:


This would store the folders in the user's home directory under a directory called 
Default Folders. You could also use:

\\SambaServer \FolderShare \%USERNAME%

in which case the default folders will be stored in the server named SambaServer in 
the share called FolderShare under a directory that has the name of the MS Windows 
user as seen by the Linux/UNIX file system.

Please note that once you have created a default profile share, you MUST migrate a 
user's profile (default or custom) to it.

Thanks very much for your help!

Andrew Nicolson
Mobile: 021 36 83 83

FDC - FusionDigital Communications Ltd
Post: Po Box 9280, Wellington, New Zealand
Telephone: 0800 500 FDC (0800 500 332)
Web: www.fdc.net.nz
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Re: [Samba] Pdb-useredit

2004-05-10 Thread Jelmer Vernooij
Hi Collen,

On Mon, May 10, 2004 at 10:47:40AM +0200, Collen Blijenberg  wrote about 
'[Samba] Pdb-useredit':
> i had a few day's off, and was able to make
> samba-3's first user editor (it's actualy an front-end for pdbedit!!)

> check out :
That host appears to be down.



Jelmer Vernooij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - http://jelmer.vernstok.nl/
Latest patch: ctrlproxy-1304.diff
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[Samba] Questions on NT4 vs ADS Domains and Samba

2004-05-10 Thread Wolf N. Paul
I have a situation at work where we need to migrate our
NT4 domain into a native ADS domain.
However, we have some applications which need to be integrated
with this which do not support Samba 3 at the moment (ie. ClearCase).
Would it be possible to run Samba 2.2.8 on our ClearCase (UNIX) server,
and specify USER authentication with the SERVER entry pointing to
a Samba3 machine which is a member of the ADS domain?
In other words, can I use a SAMBA3 machine as an "authentication proxy"
for clients using the NT4 authentication protocol?

Wolf Paul
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[Samba] Virus found in a message you sent

2004-05-10 Thread SAVSMTP
A virus was found in a message sent by this

--- Scan information follows ---

Result: Virus Detected
File Attachment: message.scr
Attachment Status: infected

--- Original message information follows ---

Date: Mon, 10 May 2004 16:52:50 +0800
Subject: Mail Delivery (failure [EMAIL PROTECTED])
Received: from basrah.iiu.edu.my ([])
 by av_test.iiu.edu.my (SAVSMTP with SMTP id M2004051017173527008
 for <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; Mon, 10 May 2004 17:17:35 +0800

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[Samba] Re: RPC net start

2004-05-10 Thread Christopher Odenbach
Hash: SHA1


> Have you looked at netcat, its been ported to NT, not sure how secure
> it is, but maybe theres a way to ssh to it?

There is a free tool called "SC.EXE" included in the Microsoft Resource 
Kit, which can start services remotely. Runs on Windows machines of 


> Nick 'Zaf' Clifford wrote:
> >Hash: SHA1
> >
> >Hi,
> >
> >First, as far as I can tell, this topic hasn't been mentioned in the
> > mailing lists in awhile (atleast not as far as google can tell).
> >
> >Is there any client/program that can send "net start" requests to
> > windows boxes.
> >The ability to start a program as a service on a windows box
> > remotely would obviously be very handy.
> >I am aware of VNC, however it is not suitable for automated tasks.
> >
> >Nick
> >
> >- --
> >Nick 'Zaf' Clifford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> GnuPG: 0xA8D0F53D
> >In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of
> >principle, stand like a rock - Thomas Jefferson
> >Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
> >Comment: public key: http://www.nrc.co.nz/Zaf/pubkey.txt
> >
> >iD8DBQFAmvgtPWICtKjQ9T0RAmHjAJ4phBxvILt95wmhAqYeByiHO/Y1SQCeML8h
> >h6V3z29xLgVl2Ctp+Z/UOlk=
> >=cQoL

- -- 
Dipl.-Ing. Christopher Odenbach
Zentrum IT-Dienste
Tel.: +49 5251 60 5315
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)

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[Samba] Pdb-useredit

2004-05-10 Thread Collen Blijenberg
G'day ya all.

i had a few day's off, and was able to make
samba-3's first user editor (it's actualy an front-end for pdbedit!!)

check out :

let me know what you think of this user manager for samba-3

Collen Blijenberg (Systeem/Netwerk Beheerder)

Montessori Lyceum 
Herman Jordan

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Re: [Samba] RPC net start

2004-05-10 Thread Hamish
Have you looked at netcat, its been ported to NT, not sure how secure it 
is, but maybe theres a way to ssh to it?

Nick 'Zaf' Clifford wrote:

Hash: SHA1

First, as far as I can tell, this topic hasn't been mentioned in the mailing 
lists in awhile (atleast not as far as google can tell).

Is there any client/program that can send "net start" requests to windows 
The ability to start a program as a service on a windows box remotely would 
obviously be very handy.
I am aware of VNC, however it is not suitable for automated tasks.


- -- 
Nick 'Zaf' Clifford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> GnuPG: 0xA8D0F53D
In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of 
principle, stand like a rock - Thomas Jefferson
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: public key: http://www.nrc.co.nz/Zaf/pubkey.txt


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