[Samba] RE: Mail Delivery (failure lise.soderberg@axiellbookit.com)

2004-08-30 Thread Lise Soderberg
Tak for mailen.

Jeg er ikke på kontoret før den 30.8.2004.

Henvendelser kan rettes på tlf. 3338 2525 eller [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Med venlig hilsen

Lise Søderberg


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RE: [Samba] start tls problem

2004-08-30 Thread moof48
I dont use the openldap service so I dont think setting it 
here would matter.  Only the libraries.  My Sun One systems 
are on other box's.  Anyone else know where to put this CA 
cert for when samba uses tls?  

 Original message 
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 11:48:10 -0700
From: Jeff Saxton [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Subject: RE: [Samba] start tls problem  

For openldap it is (usually) specified in

WATCH OUT: if you have the padl stuff installed there are ( 
usually ) 2
ldap.conf files, one for openldap and 1 for padl
These have very different syntaxes.  You can use the 
following command
to see which file is being used by openldap:

# strace ldapsearch -x -D 'cn=manager,dc=example,dc=com' -b
'ou=people,dc=example.dc=com' -w secret | grep ldap.conf

I believe that the config file directive is:

TLS_CACERT /path/to/ca/cert.pem

Jeff Saxton
Sr. Support Engineer
Addamark Technologies, Inc.
CELL: +1 415-640-6392

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 11:38 AM
Subject: [Samba] start tls problem

I'm having trouble getting tls working.  It used to work 
until I changed the smb.conf file to to poing to a 
host.  I think I have tracked it down to ldap servers ssl 
cert issuer(CA). 

I keep getting errors like self signed certificate in 
certificate chain while using openssl commands or a 
ldapsearch w/ tls and debug mode.  

So my question is...  Where can I put a copy of my CA's 
cert.  Everything workes fine with openssl command when I 
throw it a file the ca certs in it.  What does samba/ldap 
use.  Do I need to put it in the openssl stuff?  Any help 
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[Samba] Urgent help needed for samba server

2004-08-30 Thread xiaoqin_qiu
Hi everyone,

This morning our Windows users can not access our samba server with version 3.0.5 
running on HP-UX 11i. The error user got was:

The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed.

In the samba log, I saw the following errors:

connect_to_domain_password_server: unable to setup the NETLOGON credentials to machine 
domain_client_validate: Domain password server not available.

In the meantime, other samba servers having the same settings are working fine.

I suspected that this samba was kind of dropped from domain although it still showed 
up in the doamin, so someone in our team removed it from domain and rejoined again. 
But the problem still exists. 

Is it possible that the remove and rejoin was not finished cleanly? What is the right 
solution for this problem?

It is very urgent issue in our site. Please help!!!


Xiaoqin Qiu
IT Infrastructure Services Organization
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
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[Samba] Accessing Samba (3.0.4) server from multiple domains

2004-08-30 Thread PaulD

In my company I have a couple of NT domains, call them

I have a samba (v3.0.4) box running as a filestore,
without problem off my main domain DOMAINONE.

Each user on DOMAINONE has a home directory on the
The samba box is a domain memberserver, and the
authentication is managed by winbind looking up the
userid's against DOMAINONE. 

Each of the homedirs are chown'd in the format:
This works nicely for all the users on DOMAINONE.

My problem; I need to get users setup from DOMAINTWO
on the box. 
I can see the userid's if I do: wbinfo -u, 
(there's a trust relationship between the two DOMAINS)
I can chown the userdirectory by doing ;
   chown DOMAINTWO+userid userid_folder/

But from the users NT/2000 machine they can't see the

Any ideas would be gratefully accepted 


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Re: [Samba] roaming profiles ok, but what about the printers?

2004-08-30 Thread Daniel Ramaley
Another way to do what you want is to create a logon script that sets 
the printer based on the name of the computer. I do that for a couple 
labs that i administer where students use roaming profiles.

I have a logon.bat that is set by active directory group policy to run 
whenever someone logs in. It sounds like you aren't using active 
directory, but you could probably just put the script in everyone's 
startup directory. Here are the relevant lines from logon.bat:

cScript.exe //Nologo \\My-File-Server\public\logon.vbs

This just runs a .vbs file. logon.vbs looks like this:

' **
'  Assign default printer based on the computer's name.
' **

Option Explicit
Dim WshNetwork, ComputerName, ShortName

' Get the computer's name.
Set WshNetwork = WScript.CreateObject(WScript.Network)
ComputerName = LCase(WshNetwork.ComputerName)
ShortName = Left(ComputerName, 10)

Select Case ShortName
Case cowl-labpc
WshNetwork.SetDefaultPrinter Lab Printer
Case cowl-podpc
WshNetwork.SetDefaultPrinter Pod Printer
Case cowl-temp
WshNetwork.SetDefaultPrinter Pod Printer
Case Else
WScript.Echo Problem determining PC location.
End Select
#  END FILE  #

I am not a visual basic expert; i copied this from somewhere else which 
i've since forgotten. But basically it looks at the first few 
characters of the name and sets a printer based on that. You could make 
the case statement as long as necessary with one case for each machine 
if you had to. Maintaining such a script will be a slight pain, but 
probably easier than your first idea.

On Monday 30 August 2004 10:15 am, Andreas Paulick wrote:
Hi there,

We have a little intranetwork with Samba 3.0.x as PDC. There are 20
Win2k-clients in several rooms and 18 users roaming from one machine
 to another (according to their tasks). So any user has a roaming
 profile. This runs almost perfect (some minor problems are still
 there, but the the advantages are overwelming).
But there is one thing, I can't understand. Why does Win2k saves the
printer information (esp. the default printer) in the user area of the
registry? All my users want to print on the nearest printer they can
reach. In any room is a laser printer, every printer has a build-in
print-server. If a user logs on to a machine in a room, they want to
 use the printer in this room as default.
They havent an most beloved default printer, that they uses whereever
they are. But unfortunately this is the behavior of Win2k. A user keep
the printer he chooses as the default printer, no matter which client
 he uses.
Sure its easy to change the default printer in the printer wizard, but
we have some Software, that doesn't recognize this (esp. UPS
 Wordship). I found this Idea: network-wide there will be known only 3
 Printers: -Laser printer
-Laser printer tray #2(for heading printed paper)
-Label printer
These are printer queues at the Samba-server running CUPS.
A print to this queue will be redirected to the approriate printer,
depending on the IP of the printing client. So a print to the laser
printer from any client of room #A will be printed at the laser
 printer in room#A without hassle with printer settings at the client.
 I think of a custom print command with %I and a table to translate IP
 vs. real printer. But my bash skills are limited.

But i don't know how to do this. I believe there are other admins out
there with the same problem.
How have you solved this?

thanks in advantage
Andy Paulick


Dan Ramaley
Digital Media Library Specialist
(515) 271-1934
Cowles Library 140, Drake University

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RE: [Samba] Urgent help needed for samba server

2004-08-30 Thread xiaoqin_qiu
Our problem is fixed. It was because the WINS server had a conflicting entry with our 
server for another server.


Xiaoqin Qiu
Technical Computing Group
IT Infrastructure Services Organization
Agilent Technologies, Inc.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 1:24 PM
Subject: [Samba] Urgent help needed for samba server

Hi everyone,

This morning our Windows users can not access our samba server with version 3.0.5 
running on HP-UX 11i. The error user got was:

The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed.

In the samba log, I saw the following errors:

connect_to_domain_password_server: unable to setup the NETLOGON credentials to machine 
domain_client_validate: Domain password server not available.

In the meantime, other samba servers having the same settings are working fine.

I suspected that this samba was kind of dropped from domain although it still showed 
up in the doamin, so someone in our team removed it from domain and rejoined again. 
But the problem still exists. 

Is it possible that the remove and rejoin was not finished cleanly? What is the right 
solution for this problem?

It is very urgent issue in our site. Please help!!!


Xiaoqin Qiu
IT Infrastructure Services Organization
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
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Re: [Samba] can't open files off of samba shared drive on w2k/xpworkstations

2004-08-30 Thread rruegner
hi , try
valid users = @rankin
David Rankin schrieb:
It sounds like a file permission problem. Here are my permissions:
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /root]# ls -al /home/samba
total 40
drwxrwxr-x9 root root 4096 Apr  5 16:45 ./
drwxr-xr-x   14 root root 4096 Jul 15 14:23 ../
drwxrwxr-x3 root bertin   4096 Jul  2 14:12 bertin/
drwxrwxr-x3 root guillory 4096 Aug 10 20:14 guillory/
drwxrwxr-x3 root price4096 May 13  2003 karren/
drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 Dec 15  2003 logon/
drwxrwxr-x3 root rankin   4096 Apr 13 13:32 rankin/
drwxrwxr-x   32 root rbpllc   4096 Aug 27 10:17 rbpllc/
In my smb.conf I use:
path = /home/samba/rankin
valid users = @rankin
force group = rankin
writeable = Yes
map archive = Yes
inherit permissions = Yes
I don't have any problems doubleclicking on word docs and having them open.
David C. Rankin, J.D., P.E.
510 Ochiltree Street
Nacogdoches, Texas 75961
(936) 715-9333
(936) 715-9339 fax
- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2004 10:05 AM
Subject: [Samba] can't open files off of samba shared drive on

I have somewhat successfully got Samba working where as users can map
the drives to their win2k/xp workstations and wrote to the folders
they are given permissions to.  They can write to the folder, delete
folders, write files, delete files, view the file listing, however,
they can't open files.  For instance, if there is a word document,
they can't just double click on the share and work on the file right
off of the share.  They have to go through the trouble of dragging the
file to their desktop, make their changes and then copy it back
overwriting whatever changes they made before.  Is there an entry in
the smb.conf file that I'm missing?
I am running samba 3.0 on gentoo 2002.4
thanks in advance,
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RE: [Samba] Exclusive oplock left by process

2004-08-30 Thread xiaoqin_qiu
Hi Eric,

I can't thank you enough for your help. The prolem is fixed and you gave the exact 
right solution -- strict locking = no.

Thank you very much for your help again!

Xiaoqin Qiu
Technical Computing Group
IT Infrastructure Services Organization
Agilent Technologies, Inc.

-Original Message-
From: eric roseme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, August 27, 2004 2:48 PM
Subject: Re: [Samba] Exclusive oplock left by process

There are several things to look into:

1.  You updated from 2.0.7 to 3.0.5 (quite a jump!).  Samba 2.2 and 
newer use many more locks than 2.0.  Make sure that your kernel settings 
are correct.  See 

2.  My versions of 3.0 actually default to strict locking = yes.  Make 
sure that you have strict locking = no (do a testparm).

3.  I interpret your earlier message to mean that your Samba server is 
an NFS client, and you are sharing NFS mounts.  If your application is 
doing byte range locking (propagating locks over NFS) and strict locking 
over a WAN, it could be very slow.

4.  From your description, it appears that you start an application, 
then disconnect the share.  Look at the log file and make sure that the 
locks are being cleaned up prior to the disconnect and close.  It should 
say something like posix_locking_close_file: file filename has no 
outstanding locks.

I understand that you want to focus on what changed in 3.0.5.  A lot has 
changed since 2.0.7, and it may take some troubleshooting to track it 
down.  You can install HP CIFS Server 2.2.10 and see if you encounter 
the same behavior.  If you do, then you can enter a Response Center call 
and have them troubleshoot it for you.

Eric Roseme

 Hi Eric,
 Thank you for your response. I made changes in smb.conf file to disable oplocks. And 
 use default for blocking locks. Now the exlusive oplock left by process error is 
 However, I am still experiencing the same problem that when people try to copy files 
 from directories which were mounted through WAN or running some applications using 
 files under these directories, the windows explorer/application kind of hang and 
 became very slow.
 And I saw some processes left running on samba server even after user already 
 disconnected the samba shares from windows explorer. The command smbstatus shows 
 the process left running still locks some files, such as:
 23933  DENY_NONE  0x20089 RDONLY NONE 
 /disk1/samba/sr/cadence/cadence.log   Thu Aug 26 17:33:37 2004
 My procedure to produce this problem is that: I removed locking.tdb file after I 
 stopped samba server. Then I start samba server and connect from Windows machine to 
 the share, then tried to click on the file which located in directory mounted 
 through WAN, then run into super slow. Then I disconnected share once I got control 
 of windows explore. But there was/were process(processes) left running on samba 
 server owned by me and they still held locks.
 In the meantime, the average round-trip ping time for 64 byte packets from the samba 
 server to the NFS server through WAN is 15ms.
 Is it some kind of bug or is there still some configurations that I can change to 
 make it work?
 Thank you very much for your help!
 Xiaoqin Qiu
 IT Infrastructure Services Organization
 Agilent Technologies, Inc.
 -Original Message-
 From: eric roseme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Thursday, August 26, 2004 9:04 AM
 Subject: Re: [Samba] Exclusive oplock left by process
 I don't think that blocking locks is your problem.
 Jeremy just answered the question about releasing locks by clearing the 
 lock files (tdbs), although again, I don't think it will affect your 
 operation.  His reply is at:
 Eric Roseme
Hi Eric,

Thank you for your response. I will read the white paper that you wrote.

I forgot to mention that in my smb.conf file for SAMBA 3.0.5, I have blocking locks 
= no. Should I set this? Or should I use the default blocking locks = yes?

I also curious about if it is safe to remove all files(including locking.tdb, 
brlok.tdb, etc.) under /var/.../locks directory after I stop samba server?

I can see your point to disable oplocks, however, I am still wondering how this 
upgrade from 2.0.7 (nmbd -V showed 2.0.7, smbd -V showed 2.0.9, NOT 2.2.7) to 3.0.5 
introduced oplock problem since we use the default settings for both versions of 

Thank you very much for your help!

Xiaoqin Qiu
IT Infrastructure Services Organization
Agilent Technologies, Inc.

-Original Message-
From: eric roseme [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 2004 3:46 PM

[Samba] Not listening on called name

2004-08-30 Thread Terry Orgill
I have a customer with a RH 7.2 server running PoPToP vpn server.  They connect to the 
server from home using dialup internet access and print to their local printers using 
samba.  It used to work.  If I connect using my office broadband connection it still 
works.  When I try so access their shares when they are connected using smbclient I 
get the not listening on called name error.  If I do an nmblookup -A ip it returns 
the name of their pc, so I know I'm using the right name.  What is going on?
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[Samba] winbind problem (?) on samba 3 ADS

2004-08-30 Thread Emir Faisal

I have installed samba 3.0.6 based on the Official
HOWTO to join out Active Directory environment, with
winbind and pam support. I have join the samba to the
domain using net ads join -Umyloginame. I can do the
wbinfo -g, getent passwd and getent group
correctly. I also can list shares on other machine,
using kerberos:

Password for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
# smbclient -k -L \\borneo
OS=[Windows Server 2003 3790] Server=[Windows Server
2003 5.2]

Sharename   Type  Comment
-     ---

The only thing that I CAN'T do is to access the share
on samba machine. The wbinfo -u shows a wrong
combination of WRKGRP\myloginame.full instead of our
usual login combination WRKGRP\myloginame or

myloginame  = Pre-Windows 2000 Logon Name
myloginame.full = Windows 2000 Logon Name

unix charset = LOCALE
workgroup = WRKGRP
realm = REALM.FQDN
server string = Samba-3.0.6
security = ADS
password server = nias
username map = /opt/samba-3.0.6/lib/username_map.conf
# username level = 3
log level = 1
syslog = 0
log file = /var/opt/samba-3.0.6/%m
max log size = 50
printcap name = CUPS
wins server = nias
idmap uid = 1-2
idmap gid = 1-2
template primary group = Domain Users
template shell = /bin/bash
winbind separator = +
winbind use default domain = yes
winbind enum users = yes
winbind enum groups = yes
winbind cache time = 1
winbind nested groups = yes
printing = cups
preferred master = no
domain master = no
local master = no
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192
use kerberos keytab = yes

as expected in the logfile:

winbindd logfile:
== winbindd ==
[2004/08/31 08:54:44, 1]
  user 'myloginame.full' does not exist
[2004/08/31 08:54:44, 1]
  user 'myloginame.full' does not exist
[2004/08/31 08:54:45, 1]
  user 'myloginame.full' does not exist

Thank you,


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[Samba] Foxpro for DOS and Samba

2004-08-30 Thread Luiz Gustavo de Sousa Tatagiba

I live in Brazil and have a question: dosemu works better with foxpro  for dos ? 
Dosemu work with Freedos or msdos ?

I'm waiting for answers.


Luiz Gustavo
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[Samba] FileLockEx Problem

2004-08-30 Thread Steven Bush
I'm a developer working on an application for Windows XP and have been 
using the Win32 API call FileLockEx() on shared files (writing or 
reading).  This has been working fine, but we now have a customer where 
this causes the following error when trying to lock a file on a samba 
network drive (it works fine if the file is local or on a windows shared 

LockFileEx returns false.
GetLastError = 50
Error message = The network request is not supported.
We have a samba drive at our facility where this works fine and other 
customers have not experienced this problem.  Any idea what may be the 

Thanks for any help!
Steve Bush
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[Samba] unix_to_unicode: macros or what ?

2004-08-30 Thread Ilia Chipitsine
Dear Sirs,

I feel myself completely lost.
I cannot find any definition of unix_to_unicode, but it is called
several times.

is it macros ? where its definition ?

Ilia Chipitsine
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svn commit: samba r2105 - in branches/SAMBA_4_0/source: librpc/idl rpc_server/echo torture/rpc

2004-08-30 Thread tridge
Author: tridge
Date: 2004-08-30 07:36:16 + (Mon, 30 Aug 2004)
New Revision: 2105


added a TestSleep() operation to the echo pipe and extended the
RPC-ECHO test to use it to test asynchronous rpc operations.


Modified: branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/librpc/idl/echo.idl
--- branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/librpc/idl/echo.idl   2004-08-30 06:14:18 UTC (rev 
+++ branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/librpc/idl/echo.idl   2004-08-30 07:36:16 UTC (rev 
@@ -88,4 +88,8 @@
 [in]uint16 level,
 [out,switch_is(level)]  echo_Info *info
+   uint32 echo_TestSleep(
+   [in] uint32 seconds
+   );

Modified: branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/rpc_server/echo/rpc_echo.c
--- branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/rpc_server/echo/rpc_echo.c2004-08-30 06:14:18 
UTC (rev 2104)
+++ branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/rpc_server/echo/rpc_echo.c2004-08-30 07:36:16 
UTC (rev 2105)
@@ -105,6 +105,11 @@
return NT_STATUS_OK;
+static long echo_TestSleep(struct dcesrv_call_state *dce_call, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, 
struct echo_TestSleep *r)
+   sleep(r-in.seconds);
+   return r-in.seconds;
 /* include the generated boilerplate */
 #include librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_echo_s.c

Modified: branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/torture/rpc/echo.c
--- branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/torture/rpc/echo.c2004-08-30 06:14:18 UTC (rev 
+++ branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/torture/rpc/echo.c2004-08-30 07:36:16 UTC (rev 
@@ -207,6 +207,57 @@
return ret;
+  test the TestSleep interface
+static BOOL test_sleep(struct dcerpc_pipe *p, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx)
+   int i;
+   NTSTATUS status;
+#define ASYNC_COUNT 5
+   struct rpc_request *req[ASYNC_COUNT];
+   struct echo_TestSleep r[ASYNC_COUNT];
+   int done[ASYNC_COUNT];
+   struct event_context *ctx;
+   int total_done = 0;
+   BOOL ret = True;
+   printf(\nTesting TestSleep\n);
+   for (i=0;iASYNC_COUNT;i++) {
+   done[i] = 0;
+   r[i].in.seconds = ASYNC_COUNT-i;
+   req[i] = dcerpc_echo_TestSleep_send(p, mem_ctx, r[i]);
+   if (!req[i]) {
+   printf(Failed to send async sleep request\n);
+   return False;
+   }
+   }
+   ctx = dcerpc_event_context(p);
+   while (total_done  ASYNC_COUNT) {
+   event_loop_once(ctx);
+   for (i=0;iASYNC_COUNT;i++) {
+   if (done[i] == 0  req[i]-state == RPC_REQUEST_DONE) {
+   total_done++;
+   done[i] = 1;
+   status = dcerpc_ndr_request_recv(req[i]);
+   if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) {
+   printf(TestSleep(%d) failed - %s\n,
+  i, nt_errstr(status));
+   ret = False;
+   } else {
+   printf(Sleep for %d seconds\n, 
+  r[i].out.result);
+   }
+   }
+   }
+   }
+   return ret;
 BOOL torture_rpc_echo(int dummy)
 NTSTATUS status;
@@ -250,6 +301,10 @@
ret = False;
+   if (!test_sleep(p, mem_ctx)) {
+   ret = False;
+   }


svn commit: samba r2113 - in trunk/source: . script smbd

2004-08-30 Thread jra
Author: jra
Date: 2004-08-30 20:19:46 + (Mon, 30 Aug 2004)
New Revision: 2113


Simplify the mangle hash code to use an in-memory tdb.
Should be ready for the new directory code now...


Sorry, the patch is too large (360 lines) to include; please use WebSVN to see it!

svn commit: samba r2114 - in branches/SAMBA_3_0/source: include lib modules

2004-08-30 Thread jra
Author: jra
Date: 2004-08-30 21:35:43 + (Mon, 30 Aug 2004)
New Revision: 2114


Shameless theft of iconv commit from Samba4 to keep the two libs more in sync :-).
try to cope with a wider range of UTF-16 characters when we are using
an external libiconv library.


Sorry, the patch is too large (324 lines) to include; please use WebSVN to see it!

svn commit: samba r2115 - in trunk/source: include lib modules

2004-08-30 Thread jra
Author: jra
Date: 2004-08-30 21:35:50 + (Mon, 30 Aug 2004)
New Revision: 2115


Shameless theft of iconv commit from Samba4 to keep the two libs more in sync :-).
try to cope with a wider range of UTF-16 characters when we are using
an external libiconv library.


Sorry, the patch is too large (324 lines) to include; please use WebSVN to see it!

svn commit: samba r2116 - in branches/SAMBA_3_0/source/smbd: .

2004-08-30 Thread jra
Author: jra
Date: 2004-08-30 22:25:36 + (Mon, 30 Aug 2004)
New Revision: 2116


Ensure statcache has large enough tdb memory hash size (1031).


Modified: branches/SAMBA_3_0/source/smbd/statcache.c
--- branches/SAMBA_3_0/source/smbd/statcache.c  2004-08-30 21:35:50 UTC (rev 2115)
+++ branches/SAMBA_3_0/source/smbd/statcache.c  2004-08-30 22:25:36 UTC (rev 2116)
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@
/* Create the in-memory tdb using our custom hash function. */
-   tdb_stat_cache = tdb_open_ex(statcache, 0, TDB_INTERNAL,
+   tdb_stat_cache = tdb_open_ex(statcache, 1031, TDB_INTERNAL,
 (O_RDWR|O_CREAT), 0644, NULL, fast_string_hash);
if (!tdb_stat_cache)

svn commit: samba r2117 - in trunk/source/smbd: .

2004-08-30 Thread jra
Author: jra
Date: 2004-08-30 22:25:39 + (Mon, 30 Aug 2004)
New Revision: 2117


Ensure statcache has large enough tdb memory hash size (1031).


Modified: trunk/source/smbd/statcache.c
--- trunk/source/smbd/statcache.c   2004-08-30 22:25:36 UTC (rev 2116)
+++ trunk/source/smbd/statcache.c   2004-08-30 22:25:39 UTC (rev 2117)
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@
/* Create the in-memory tdb using our custom hash function. */
-   tdb_stat_cache = tdb_open_ex(statcache, 0, TDB_INTERNAL,
+   tdb_stat_cache = tdb_open_ex(statcache, 1031, TDB_INTERNAL,
 (O_RDWR|O_CREAT), 0644, NULL, fast_string_hash);
if (!tdb_stat_cache)

svn commit: samba r2118 - in branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/librpc/rpc: .

2004-08-30 Thread tridge
Author: tridge
Date: 2004-08-31 01:16:50 + (Tue, 31 Aug 2004)
New Revision: 2118


fixed the receipt of bigendian rpc packets with the new async code.

The fix uses the new talloc_increase_ref_count() function in an
interesting way. I suspect this sort of technique will become quite


Modified: branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/librpc/rpc/dcerpc.c
--- branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/librpc/rpc/dcerpc.c   2004-08-30 22:25:39 UTC (rev 
+++ branches/SAMBA_4_0/source/librpc/rpc/dcerpc.c   2004-08-31 01:16:50 UTC (rev 
@@ -694,7 +694,7 @@
-  perform a full request/response pair on a dcerpc pipe
+  perform the send size of a async dcerpc request
 struct rpc_request *dcerpc_request_send(struct dcerpc_pipe *p, 
uint16_t opnum,
@@ -805,7 +805,7 @@
-  perform a full request/response pair on a dcerpc pipe
+  perform the receive side of a async dcerpc request
 NTSTATUS dcerpc_request_recv(struct rpc_request *req,
 TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,
@@ -1071,13 +1071,20 @@
DATA_BLOB response;
struct ndr_pull *pull;
struct rpc_request_ndr ndr = req-ndr;
-   uint_t flags = req-flags;
+   uint_t flags;
+   /* make sure the recv code doesn't free the request, as we
+  need to grab the flags element before it is freed */
+   talloc_increase_ref_count(req);
status = dcerpc_request_recv(req, ndr.mem_ctx, response);
if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) {
return status;
+   flags = req-flags;
+   talloc_free(req);
/* prepare for ndr_pull_* */
pull = ndr_pull_init_blob(response, ndr.mem_ctx);
if (!pull) {

svn commit: samba-web r295 - in trunk: . scripts

2004-08-30 Thread deryck
Author: deryck
Date: 2004-08-31 04:57:59 + (Tue, 31 Aug 2004)
New Revision: 295



This is a script I've been working on for handling
the updates to news.samba.org.  As it's my first bit
of coding, I add it here, so jerry, tpot, (and anyone 
else who feels inclined) can take a look.  Once we 
start using it, I'll remove it from samba-web.

tpot, jerry -- I've tested this in several situations
and it works fine for me.  But does it look okay to 
you guys?  I'm thinking, of course, that it will run 
as a cron job to build the news web pages.

Thanks for looking it over.  Cheers,



Added: trunk/scripts/updateNews.py
--- trunk/scripts/updateNews.py 2004-08-30 16:52:53 UTC (rev 294)
+++ trunk/scripts/updateNews.py 2004-08-31 04:57:59 UTC (rev 295)
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+# A script for handling files on news.samba.org.
+# This script reads the news directory and creates an index.html
+# file for news.samba.org.  It also creates a permanent archive for 
+# each topic by writing an index.html file in each sub directory.
+# Before this can be run, a calendar directory must be created. The
+# calendar updates from the team dir should be moved to the new 
+# calendar dir, so calendar updates are not read as news items.
+import os, time
+from stat import *
+top_dir = '/srv/www/htdocs/news'# set to news directory path
+not_news = ['.svn', 'images', 'style', 'calendar', 'index.html']
+# Get list of news directories.  Then, pair up dir name with dir files.
+top_dir_files = os.listdir(os.curdir)
+topics = []
+for x in top_dir_files:
+if x in not_news: continue
+if os.path.isdir(x):
+topics_files = {}
+for x in topics:
+topics_files[x] = os.listdir(x)
+# Loop through each directory, find all stories, and create main index.html
+all_stories = {}
+for x in topics:
+topic = x
+filelist = os.listdir(topic)
+topic_stories = {}
+for x in filelist:
+if x in not_news: continue
+f = open(x, 'r')
+f_lines = f.readlines()
+story = .join(f_lines) + 'div class=referenceLink: a 
href=/samba/news/' + topic + '/#' + x[:-5] + '' + topic + '//a/div\n\n'
+f_stats = os.stat(x)
+f_date = time.strftime(%d %B %Y, time.localtime(f_stats[ST_MTIME]))
+# group stories on the same date under that one date
+if f_date in topic_stories:
+topic_stories[f_date] += story
+topic_stories[f_date] = story
+for x in topic_stories:
+h2date = x
+# again, group stories from same date under that date
+if h2date in all_stories:
+all_stories[h2date] += topic_stories[h2date]
+all_stories[h2date] = topic_stories[h2date]
+index = open('index.html', 'w')
+index.write('!--#include virtual=/samba/news/header.html --\n')
+index.write('!--#include virtual=/samba/news/header2.html --\n\n')
+post_dates = all_stories.keys()
+for x in post_dates:
+h2date = x
+news_text = all_stories[h2date]
+index = open('index.html', 'a')
+index.write('h2' + h2date + '/h2\n\n')
+index = open('index.html', 'a')
+index.write('!--#include virtual=/samba/news/footer.html --\n\n')
+# Define function that creates index.html for each directory.
+def archive(dir, files):
+topic = dir
+filelist = files
+stories_by_date = {}
+for x in filelist:
+if x in not_news: continue
+f = open(x, 'r')
+f_lines = f.readlines()
+f_stats = os.stat(x)
+f_date = time.strftime(%d %B %Y, time.localtime(f_stats[ST_MTIME]))
+# group stories from same date under that one date
+if f_date in stories_by_date:
+stories_by_date[f_date] = f_lines
+index = open('index.html', 'w')
+index.write('!--#include virtual=/samba/news/header.html --\n')
+index.write('title' + topic + '/' + ' on news.samba.org/title\n')
+index.write('!--#include virtual=/samba/news/header2.html --\n\n')
+index.write('h1' + topic + ' archive on news.samba.org/h1\n\n')
+index.write('pAll stories for the ' + topic + ' topic are archived 
+post_dates = stories_by_date.keys()

svn commit: samba r2120 - in trunk/source: libsmb utils

2004-08-30 Thread vlendec
Author: vlendec
Date: 2004-08-31 05:23:31 + (Tue, 31 Aug 2004)
New Revision: 2120


Fix bug found by Love H?\195?\182rnquist ?\195?\133strand: asn1_write_Integer needs to 
stuff little endian.

samba4-developers: This needs merging to 4.




Modified: trunk/source/libsmb/asn1.c
--- trunk/source/libsmb/asn1.c  2004-08-31 02:57:49 UTC (rev 2119)
+++ trunk/source/libsmb/asn1.c  2004-08-31 05:23:31 UTC (rev 2120)
@@ -107,15 +107,23 @@
return True;
+static void push_int_littleendian(ASN1_DATA *data, int i)
+   uint8 lowest = i  0xFF;
+   i = i  8;
+   if (i != 0)
+   push_int_littleendian(data, i);
+   asn1_write_uint8(data, lowest);
 /* write an integer */
 BOOL asn1_write_Integer(ASN1_DATA *data, int i)
if (!asn1_push_tag(data, ASN1_INTEGER)) return False;
-   do {
-   asn1_write_uint8(data, i);
-   i = i  8;
-   } while (i);
+   push_int_littleendian(data, i);
return asn1_pop_tag(data);

Modified: trunk/source/utils/net_ads.c
--- trunk/source/utils/net_ads.c2004-08-31 02:57:49 UTC (rev 2119)
+++ trunk/source/utils/net_ads.c2004-08-31 05:23:31 UTC (rev 2120)
@@ -1307,6 +1307,8 @@
+   conn-next_msgid = 1000;

msg = new_ldap_message();