Re: [Fwd: Re: [Samba] Drag and Drop and Crash]

2007-04-16 Thread Mauricio Silveira

How long are the share names? Does it happen on absolutely every share?
Try reading about this bug:

If the share names follow the 12 chars length standard, this bug might 
not be the case.


Jim Summers wrote:

Hello List,

Please read Tom's email below.  Has some interesting findings.  The 
affected machine I dealt with also had symantec on it.  Since the 
repair though there hasn't been a problem.  The user even re-applied 
the patches.  This is to weird.


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[Fwd: Re: [Samba] Drag and Drop and Crash]

2007-04-16 Thread Jim Summers

Hello List,

Please read Tom's email below.  Has some interesting findings.  The affected 
machine I dealt with also had symantec on it.  Since the repair though there 
hasn't been a problem.  The user even re-applied the patches.  This is to weird.


 Original Message 
Subject:Re: [Samba] Drag and Drop and Crash
Date:   Mon, 16 Apr 2007 18:12:47 -0700
From:   Thomas McNeely <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jim, sorry to keep doing this to you but the Samba list rejected me
again. Please share this with the list.




Here's what we've discovered about this problem, including much new

(Most of the tedious version details are deferred to the end of this
message for readability.)

(Dates are expressed American-style as MM/DD/YY.)

On Thursday April 5th our users started experiencing abrupt reboots
(without proper shutdown) when they copied, saved, or renamed files on
our Samba 3.0 shares. This Samba server has run flawlessly for years in
essentially the same configuration as now, and exactly the same
configuration since Christmas. The problem does not occur when writing
to Microsoft or Novell shares.

After trying various experiments on the affected workstations, we
determined that the problem always and only occurs on workstations which
are running both the Novell Client and Symantec AntiVirus. We can only
induce the problem by installing both, and removing either one always
cures the problem.

Regarding Symantec, we have determined that it was a virus definition
file from soon after 3/27/07 (probably one from the week of 4/2/07) that
triggers the problem. The current program version and scan engine
version with virus definition files earlier than 3/27/07 do not trigger
the problem.

Regarding the Novell Client, we have found that only a default
installation is needed to replicate the problem -- no need for Zenworks
client, or even to log in. Also, moving the Novell Client to the bottom
of the "provider order" list does not fix the problem.

Although the timing of the problem's first appearance corresponds
suspiciously with the release of Microsoft's patch KB925902, we have
eliminated this patch as a factor.

We have another Samba server, version 2.2 running on Solaris, whose
users do not experience the problem. So we tried setting up another
Samba 2.2 machine to test with -- in every way similar to our Samba 3.0
machine except for the Samba version. We cannot replicate the problem
when writing to a Samba 2.2 share, regardless of workstation configuration.

Although there are a few contributing factors coming together to create
this problem, we believe that the most likely and appropriate solution
would come from Symantec (e.g. in the form of a fix to their virus
definition files). However, fixes might also be possible in the Novell
Client or Samba.

Hope that helps someone and/or someone can help me!

Tom McNeely

Western Washington University Libraries

Appendix: The software versions tested are:

* Windows XP with Service Pack 2 (no

  other versions tested)

* Novell Client version,

  default installation, no Zenworks client

* Symantec AntiVirus: program version, scan engine version, and several virus definitions

  between 4/9/07 (and surely going back

  into the week of 4/2/07) through at least

  4/16/07 rev 17. Virus definitions earlier

  than 3/27/07 (and probably earlier than

  the week of 4/2/07) do not trigger the


* Samba version 2.2.5 (installation method

  and options unknown, running on Solaris)

  -- NO problem

* Samba version 2.2.12 (default installation

  from source code, installed on

  Slackware 10.2) -- NO problem

* Samba versions 3.0.23d and 3.0.24 (default

  installation from source code,

  installed on Slackware 10.2 and 9.1

  respectively) -- DO have problem

Jim Summers
School of Computer Science-University of Oklahoma
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Re: [Samba] requesting assistance in samba-samba migration

2007-04-16 Thread Peter Matulis

--- Gary Dale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The user's profile is usually stored locally. If you log on as the
> same 
> user, you should get the same profile. The only time this wouldn't 
> happen was if Windows thought you were logging on a new user. It
> would 
> do this if your new server didn't have the same user database.

But if the profile is stored locally why would a user get a different

> In other words, it's not sufficient to set up a new Samba server. You
> also need to migrate the user account information. Since you are 
> currently using LDAP, that should be simple. Simply point your new
> Samba 
> server to use the same LDAP database that the current Samba server
> uses.
> If you want to migrate to a different datastore (not use LDAP), do
> that 
> in a separate step. However, most people seem to prefer using LDAP.
> Once 
> you've got it working with Samba, why would you want to switch?

I want to get rid of the current server completely and LDAP is running
on it locally.  I also find LDAP ill-suited for this environment. 
There are only about 20 users being managed.

What is the separate step you mention?  Can I export the data out of

Thanks for your help.

> Peter Matulis wrote:
> > I have inherited a Samba server and would like to migrate the
> > installation to a new machine.  We are using Samba as a PDC and my
> > currrent worry is what users will see on their desktop (as well as
> > other changes?) once they log on to the new server.
> >
> > As a test I have logged on with my laptop (running WinXP virtually)
> and
> > I get a completely blank desktop (with the exception of the trash
> can).
> >  Will users lose anything?  I am unclear on this.
> >
> > The current/old samba config is posted below.  It is using LDAP but
> the
> > new config will not.  Thank you very much.
> >
> > Peter
> >
> > [global]
> >workgroup = exampledomain
> >netbios name = examplehost 
> >server string = Samba Server %v
> >
> >printcap name = cups
> >load printers = yes
> >printing = cups
> >printer admin = @"Domain Admins"
> >
> >log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
> >max log size = 50
> >map to guest = bad user
> >security = user
> >
> >encrypt passwords = yes
> >smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
> >obey pam restrictions = yes
> >
> >socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
> >bind interfaces only = yes
> >interfaces =
> >
> > os level = 32
> > domain master = yes 
> > preferred master = yes
> > domain logons = yes
> > logon path =
> >
> > passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap:// smbpasswd guest
> > ldap admin dn = cn=manager,dc=exampledomain,dc=com
> > ldap suffix = dc=exampledomain,dc=com 
> > ldap machine suffix = ou=Hosts
> > ldap user suffix = ou=People
> > ldap group suffix = ou=Group
> > ldap idmap suffix = ou=Idmap
> >
> > wins support = yes
> > dns proxy = no 
> >
> > dos charset = 850
> > unix charset = ISO8859-1
> >
> >
> >   Be smarter than spam. See how smart SpamGuard is at giving
> junk email the boot with the All-new Yahoo! Mail at
> >
> >   
> -- 
> To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
> instructions:

  Be smarter than spam. See how smart SpamGuard is at giving junk email the 
boot with the All-new Yahoo! Mail at

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[Samba] winxp samba problem

2007-04-16 Thread Frank Muller


I have a newly loaded WinXP/SP2 laptop connecting to a FC6 samba share.  The
first 2-3 accesses to the share work fine but then it goes south.

The access times are extremely long.  I did a tcpdump on the FC6 box and see
constant samba traffic between the laptop
and the server when there is no actively on the laptop.  I have a different
laptop running WinXP which doesn't behave
in the same manner.  After a 2-3 minutes, the network traffic stops and I
can resume using the laptop.  During this period, the
laptop appears to be hung.  Connection between the two is via wifi.  I don't
see any other problems while using the network.

Both boxes are updated to the latest and greatest.  Samba is
samba-3.0.24-4.fc6, samba-client-3.0.24-4.fc6, samba-common-3.0.24-4.fc6

Extensive googling has found nothing helpfully.

Below is my smb.conf


oplocks = no
  workgroup = MONKEY
  server string = Data Server
  security = user
  hosts allow = 192.168.1. 127.
  load printers = yes
cups options = raw
  log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
  max log size = 100
  dns proxy = no

  comment = All Printers
  path = /usr/spool/samba
  browseable = no
  guest ok = no
  writable = no
  printable = yes
  comment = Data share
  path = /data1/smbshare
  valid users = smbuser
  public = no
  writable = yes
  printable = no
  comment = Video share
  path = /data2/video
  valid users = smbuser
  public = no
  writable = yes
  printable = no

Thanks for your help.
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Re: [Samba] Re: Symlinks deletion behaviour

2007-04-16 Thread Jeremy Allison
On Mon, Mar 19, 2007 at 02:36:23PM +0300, Alexander wrote:
> Hi all,
> Further investigation with strace shows that Samba tries to use rmdir() 
> syscall to delete the link which naturally fails with "Not a directory" as it 
> should according to man.
> However, looking at usual "rm -r" behaviour shows that it uses unlink(). 
> Samba does not (while there's some  SMB_VFS_UNLINK) in rmdir_internals. Is 
> there any bug or a feature which I don't realize?

This should be fixed for 3.0.25rc2, due out this week.
Please re-test and let me know.

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Re: [Samba] Performance issue with Vista

2007-04-16 Thread Jeremy Allison
On Thu, Feb 22, 2007 at 03:44:56PM +0200, Mikko Pukki wrote:
> Hi,
> I tested a little bit Samba with Windows vista and found serious performance 
> issue regarding reading large files from Samba server. Computers that I 
> tested Samba with were all identical computers equipped with 2,8 GHz Pentium 
> D processors, 1 GB memory and 1 Gbit/s LAN. All computers have only external 
> USB hard drives so that it is easier to change from operating system to 
> another.
> First I tested performance with 160 MB tar.gz file and there were no 
> problems. SMBClient from another Linux computer reads and writes about 45 
> MB/s. Performance on Vista Client was higher than this. Write was just a 
> little bit under 50 MB/s and read 48 MB/s. Then I moved to larger files to 
> make sure that I would get results that simulate better the environment, 
> where I need Samba myself (Saving and reading 500-1000 MB images from and to 
> Photoshop)
> . I chose 690MB Knoppix image. Read and write from SMBclient were 27 to 28 
> MB/s at average. Writing from Vista bursts at 50 MB/s and minimum was 28 MB/s 
> leading to over 30 MB/s average. _Then to the problem_: Reading from Samba 
> share gave bursts of 6 MB/s and repeated drops to 0,5 MB/s.
> I have same kind of problem also at home (at the moment 100 MB/s network) 
> using same version of samba and nearly identical configuration file. 
> SMBClient reads and writes ok but performance from Windows XP is poor (but in 
> this case both reading and writing)
> Has anyone else encountered same behaviour and is there any workarounds for 
> this. Linux systems that I use are Debian Sarge 3.1r5 and Samba version is 
> 3.0.14a-3s.

We've done some work on this for 3.0.25 - check out the new
vfs_readahead module.

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Re: [Samba] Samba -> WinXP: slow transfers, partial solution

2007-04-16 Thread Jancio Wodnik

Alexander Tsvyashchenko napisał(a):

I have slow transfer from my samba serwer, casue my HDD wasn't running
in UDMA mode, only in PIO, beside this a installed CentOS 4 and all 2
disks are running in UDMA mode and there isn't a issue with network
speed between WINXP SP2 and samba serwer.

Maybe check yours HDD too ?

Thanks for the idea, but I'm afraid this is not the case in my 
situation, as HDD is certainly capable of delivering the required speed.

(to be 100% sure I've just done traditional dd if=***big-file*** 
of=/dev/null test on server, the same file I used for transfers speeds 
measurements, the speed is 42 MB/s)

Good luck! Alexander

I have noticed too, that antyvirus software can cause slowdown transfer 
from samba serwer. fer example Panda Atyvirus titanium 2005 - it scans 
everyting, even files from samba share, i'm screew up this software, 
because my samba network was slownd down.

Do You have any antyvirus software, that scan smb shares, when files are 
accessing ?


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[Samba] Sparc Solaris 10 samba issue -

2007-04-16 Thread Michael Folsom


Having an issue with samba 3.0.24 on a Sun Sparc Solaris 10 box
compiled with gcc version 3.4.6.

On these systems I'm constantly getting the following two lines in the
log.smbd file:

[2007/04/16 10:20:19, 0] param/loadparm.c:map_parameter(2690)
 Unknown parameter encountered: "client code page"
[2007/04/16 10:20:19, 0] param/loadparm.c:lp_do_parameter(3420)
 Ignoring unknown parameter "client code page"

Any clue why?

Thanks -

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Re: [Samba] Winbind on a PDC

2007-04-16 Thread Marc Muehlfeld

I have two Samba PDCs and each trust each other. Users need to access both
server from each domains. To do this, I need the accounts of both domains
on each PDC.

When I run winbind on a memberserver, I get the users of both domains. But
not on the PDCs. Running winbind there, I see only the users of the
trusted domain and not of it`s own domain. Without winbind, I don`t have
the users of the trusted domain.

I found an earlier posting:

Gerald (Jerry) Carter jerry at
>winbindd on a PDC only alloocates Unix ids for users and groups from
>trusted domains.  Not its own domain.

Is this planned in future? Or is there a way to setup this?

Marc Muehlfeld

Marc Muehlfeld
Zentrum fuer Humangenetik und Laboratoriumsmedizin Dr. Klein und Dr. Rost
Lochhamer Str. 29 - D-82152 Martinsried
Telefon: +49(0)89/895578-0 - Fax: +49(0)89/895578-78

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Re: [Samba] requesting assistance in samba-samba migration

2007-04-16 Thread Gary Dale
The user's profile is usually stored locally. If you log on as the same 
user, you should get the same profile. The only time this wouldn't 
happen was if Windows thought you were logging on a new user. It would 
do this if your new server didn't have the same user database.

In other words, it's not sufficient to set up a new Samba server. You 
also need to migrate the user account information. Since you are 
currently using LDAP, that should be simple. Simply point your new Samba 
server to use the same LDAP database that the current Samba server uses.

If you want to migrate to a different datastore (not use LDAP), do that 
in a separate step. However, most people seem to prefer using LDAP. Once 
you've got it working with Samba, why would you want to switch?

Peter Matulis wrote:

I have inherited a Samba server and would like to migrate the
installation to a new machine.  We are using Samba as a PDC and my
currrent worry is what users will see on their desktop (as well as
other changes?) once they log on to the new server.

As a test I have logged on with my laptop (running WinXP virtually) and
I get a completely blank desktop (with the exception of the trash can).
 Will users lose anything?  I am unclear on this.

The current/old samba config is posted below.  It is using LDAP but the
new config will not.  Thank you very much.


   workgroup = exampledomain
   netbios name = examplehost 
   server string = Samba Server %v

   printcap name = cups
   load printers = yes
   printing = cups
   printer admin = @"Domain Admins"

   log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
   max log size = 50
   map to guest = bad user
   security = user

   encrypt passwords = yes
   smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
   obey pam restrictions = yes

   socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
   bind interfaces only = yes
   interfaces =

os level = 32
domain master = yes 
preferred master = yes

domain logons = yes
logon path =

passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap:// smbpasswd guest
ldap admin dn = cn=manager,dc=exampledomain,dc=com
ldap suffix = dc=exampledomain,dc=com 
ldap machine suffix = ou=Hosts

ldap user suffix = ou=People
ldap group suffix = ou=Group
ldap idmap suffix = ou=Idmap

wins support = yes
dns proxy = no 

dos charset = 850
unix charset = ISO8859-1

  Be smarter than spam. See how smart SpamGuard is at giving junk email the 
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Re: [Samba] Samba -> WinXP: slow transfers, partial solution

2007-04-16 Thread Alexander Tsvyashchenko

I have slow transfer from my samba serwer, casue my HDD wasn't running
in UDMA mode, only in PIO, beside this a installed CentOS 4 and all 2
disks are running in UDMA mode and there isn't a issue with network
speed between WINXP SP2 and samba serwer.

Maybe check yours HDD too ?

Thanks for the idea, but I'm afraid this is not the case in my  
situation, as HDD is certainly capable of delivering the required speed.

(to be 100% sure I've just done traditional dd if=***big-file***  
of=/dev/null test on server, the same file I used for transfers speeds  
measurements, the speed is 42 MB/s)

Good luck! Alexander

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Re: [Samba] Samba -> WinXP: slow transfers, partial solution

2007-04-16 Thread Alexander Tsvyashchenko

Hello Charles,

file transfers from Samba to WinXP SP2 clients: the speed is   
varying, but is about 1-2Mb/s at best.

I'm assuming for the rest of this that you mean MB/sec not Mb/sec when
referencing transfer speeds...

Yes, that is correct, sorry for confusion.

b) Transfering to/from Samba server from Gentoo Linux on the same   
PC where WinXP is installed (so, completely the same hardware and   
connection) is also at normal speed.

So, you are running something in a VM?

No, I just have both WinXP and Gentoo Linux installed on client,  
booted first in WinXP and then in Gentoo and tested for each of them  
transfer speeds

to Samba on server.

c) Transferring to/from WinXP to the server where Samba is   
installed using any other protocol (such as HTTPS or SCP) is also   
at normal speed.

Define 'normal'...

More or equal to 10 MB/s, see trace logs in my original letter, SCP  
speed is listed in the last trace log.

3) If there is any other network activity, transfer speed is   
increased up to normal level: f.e. doing two simulteneous transfers  
 from Samba server to WinXP client gives 5Mb/s at each transfer, as  

Again, define 'normal'?
100Mb network connections should give @ 12MB/sec transfer speeds, no?
So 5MB/sec speeds are certainly not 'normal'.

They are, as 5+5=10, transfers are done _simultaneously_. 10MB/s is of  
course less than 12MB/s, but I do not consider 10MB/s speed, including  

overhead, to be particularly slow.

TCP dumps are fine, but you neglected to provide the most important
thing for initial troubleshooting assistance: where is your config?

As I've experimented a lot with different config options, I do not  
really think that there's still left smth related to speed I missed to  
try, and also it doesn't look like misconfiguration issue, as I've  
used as the basis default smb.conf provided in Gentoo distribution,  
but you're right - I cannot be sure as I'm not really experienced with  
Samba, sorry about that. My config is attached in the end of e-mail.

5) Playing with "socket options" does not give any results.

Modern linux kernels (2.6+) do *not* need to have these values tuned,
so it is recommended to not set them *at* *all*. Just delete these

Yes, I read these options should not be needed, but if you read my  
original e-mail till the end, you should have noticed there options  
*did* play role in my setup.

Specifically, using advices from the article   
about SO_SNDBUF does not improve situation (but read below).

Well, since this article is dated from 2000, I don't think I'd trust it much.

That's correct, but this is the only information I was able to find  
initially that seemd to be more or less relevant to my problem :-(

7) I've tested several WinXP clients with different hardware, all   
with the same results.

What about the NIC on the Samba server? If all clients are affected the
same, then that is the NIC you should focus on (if it is indeed a
hardware issue).

Theorecitally, this *could* be the possibility, but I doubt this is  
hardware issue, as the problem seems to happen in very particular  
environment - if there were problems with NIC, I would expect at least  
some sign of it in other applications, but there is none. I did not  
state it in the original e-mail, but "hardware" statistic, listed by  
ifconfig for the interface is fine - no collisions, errors, or  
whatever. The NIC on server is on-board Realtek RTL8111B (Gigabit),  
using default Linux Realtek 8169 driver, all options are by default,  
communication with clients happens through BCM5325e switch (100 Mbit),  
which is part of Asus Wl-500g Deluxe router, also no problems noted  

I think you need to go back to square one, and start over, but with up
to date references - like the excellent 'Samba-3 By Example' and/or
'The Official Samba-3 HOWTO and Reference Guide'.

While I can agree that everyhing is possible, I do not think I was  
lucky enough to screw the default config that much ;-) As you can see  
from my config, the main changes there were authentication-related, to  
use LDAP server, and changes related to PDC. I cannot be 100% sure,  
but I do not see the way how use of LDAP server or PDC-related options  
could lead to particularly high number of TCP packets retransmissions  
in communication between client and Samba ...

Here's the config. LDAP user/group managing scripts are not specified  
in config as I've configured all users/groups once and there should be  
no changes in foreseeable future. ***text*** denotes my specific site  

workgroup = ***WORKGROUP-NAME***
netbios name = ***SERVER-NAME***
server string =  PDC [on Gentoo :: Samba server %v]

printcap name =
load printers = no
printing =

log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 50
log level = 3

hosts allow = 19

Re: [Samba] Samba 2.2.7

2007-04-16 Thread Mauricio Silveira

Try removing the user and adding again with the new password.

Wagg, Dave wrote:


I'm new to Samba.  We have version 2.2.7 installed and we have been
experiencing some weird issue.

I would change the Samba share password and the Unix login password to
be the same.

What is really weird is that the old password seems to be still in
effect.  When we use "net use", to assign the share to a drive, it
doesn't work with the new password but will still work with the old

Has anyone run into this situation?



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[Samba] requesting assistance in samba-samba migration

2007-04-16 Thread Peter Matulis
I have inherited a Samba server and would like to migrate the
installation to a new machine.  We are using Samba as a PDC and my
currrent worry is what users will see on their desktop (as well as
other changes?) once they log on to the new server.

As a test I have logged on with my laptop (running WinXP virtually) and
I get a completely blank desktop (with the exception of the trash can).
 Will users lose anything?  I am unclear on this.

The current/old samba config is posted below.  It is using LDAP but the
new config will not.  Thank you very much.


   workgroup = exampledomain
   netbios name = examplehost 
   server string = Samba Server %v

   printcap name = cups
   load printers = yes
   printing = cups
   printer admin = @"Domain Admins"

   log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
   max log size = 50
   map to guest = bad user
   security = user

   encrypt passwords = yes
   smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
   obey pam restrictions = yes

   socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
   bind interfaces only = yes
   interfaces =

os level = 32
domain master = yes 
preferred master = yes
domain logons = yes
logon path =

passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap:// smbpasswd guest
ldap admin dn = cn=manager,dc=exampledomain,dc=com
ldap suffix = dc=exampledomain,dc=com 
ldap machine suffix = ou=Hosts
ldap user suffix = ou=People
ldap group suffix = ou=Group
ldap idmap suffix = ou=Idmap

wins support = yes
dns proxy = no 

dos charset = 850
unix charset = ISO8859-1

  Be smarter than spam. See how smart SpamGuard is at giving junk email the 
boot with the All-new Yahoo! Mail at

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[Samba] Samba 2.2.7

2007-04-16 Thread Wagg, Dave

I'm new to Samba.  We have version 2.2.7 installed and we have been
experiencing some weird issue.

I would change the Samba share password and the Unix login password to
be the same.

What is really weird is that the old password seems to be still in
effect.  When we use "net use", to assign the share to a drive, it
doesn't work with the new password but will still work with the old

Has anyone run into this situation?


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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.0.24 - group permissions

2007-04-16 Thread Dale Schroeder


One of the biggest changes (3.0.23b) is that if the group or user is a 
domain group or user, it must be prefixed (no longer optional) with the 
domain, e.g.

   valid users = DOMAIN\ralf, @DOMAIN\wireless.

See list of changes (especially 3.0.23 and higher) here:

and if needed:


Ralf K. Wiegand wrote:

Hello - I upgraded from FC4 to FC6.  My samba configuration (samba
3.0.1x) was working just fine until I upgraded to FC6 and Samba 
3.0.24. I had shares who where protected and only some users and 
groups can

access them.  I used valid users = @wireless, where the group wireless
had 10 users.  Before the upgrade this was working just fine.  Now
nobody from @wireless group members can access the share.  For the
moment I got around it by listing every user of the group @wireless in
the "valid users = user1 user2" line.  I did some research and found
that samba version 3.0.24 uses something called "getgroupmap".  OK here
are the questions:

q1) How to include my existing groups into the new samba setup, without
redoing everything.
q2) My server is a PDC, is it possible for samba to act as a AD 

q3) What is the correct way to setup a PDC using samba 3.0.24, and have
the group permissions work correctly?
q4) Are there any how to's on working with the new group permissions and
why did it change?
q5) Some of the research was mentioning off group permission problems
and bugs within the new version of samba 3.0.23 and greater.  Is this
also the case with version 3.0.24 and how do I get around it?

Thank You
Ralf Wiegand

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[Samba] BDC problems

2007-04-16 Thread Jason Baker
I have had a samba PDC up and running for about a month now with no 
issues, this weekend I added a BDC and it seems that all my clients are 
now logging into the BDC automatically instead of the PDC. I had to 
mount the homes from the PDC to the BDC so that users can have access to 
their home directories and set the path to the profiles directory on the 
BDC to that of the PDC. I also had to copy all my login scripts from the 
PDC to the BDC so that they will run when users login. Everything seems 
to be working okay now that everything is pointing to the correct 
directories, but it seems like things a backward from what they should 
be. If I login to the domain, my home directory (mapped to drive U: in 
windows XP), now shows up as the Backup Domain Controller, instead of 
the PDC. Should the BDC only be used as a failsafe, when the PDC isn't 
available? I have included my conf files for both PDC and BDC.

Samba version 3.0.23d-30 with LDAP backend.

PDC smb.conf

unix charset = LOCALE
workgroup = glastendernet
netbios name = aster
server string = Glastender Domain Controller running %v
interfaces = eth1, lo
bind interfaces only = yes
os level = 255
preferred master = yes
local master = yes
domain master = yes
security = user
time server = yes
username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
wins support = yes
encrypt passwords = yes
pam password change = yes   
name resolve order = wins bcast hosts
winbind nested groups = no
passdb backend = ldapsam:"ldap:// ldap://aspen";
ldap passwd sync = Yes
ldap suffix = dc=glastender,dc=com
ldap admin dn = cn=Manager,dc=glastender,dc=com
ldap ssl = no
ldap group suffix = ou=Groups
ldap user suffix = ou=People
ldap machine suffix = ou=People
ldap idmap suffix = ou=Idmap
idmap backend = ldap:ldap://
idmap uid = 1-2
idmap gid = 1-2
map acl inherit = yes   
add user script = /etc/smbldap-tools/smbldap-useradd -m "%u"
#delete user script = /etc/smbldap-tools/smbldap-userdel "%u"
add machine script = /etc/smbldap-tools/smbldap-useradd -w "%u"
add group script = /etc/smbldap-tools/smbldap-groupadd -p "%g"
#delete group script = /etc/smbldap-tools/smbldap-groupdel "%g"
add user to group script = /etc/smbldap-tools/smbldap-groupmod -m "%u" 
delete user from group script = /etc/smbldap-tools/smbldap-groupmod -x "%u" 
set primary group script = /etc/smbldap-tools/smbldap-usermod -g "%g" 
domain logons = yes
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
log level = 1
syslog = 0
max log size = 50
#smb ports = 139 445
smb ports = 139
hosts allow =
# User profiles and home directories
logon drive = U:
logon path = \\%L\profiles\%U
logon script = %U.bat
large readwrite = no
   read raw = no
   write raw = no
   printcap name = /etc/printcap
   load printers = no
   printing =
template shell = /bin/false
winbind use default domain = no

comment = Home Directories
browseable = no
read only = no
write list = %U
create mask = 0600
directory mask = 0700
force user = %U

comment = Profile Share
path = /var/lib/samba/profiles
writeable = yes
browseable = no
profile acls = yes

path = /var/lib/samba/netlogon
guest ok = yes
locking = no

BDC smb.conf

   unix charset = LOCALE
server string = Backup Domain Controller
passdb backend = ldapsam:"ldap:// ldap://";
   username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
domain master = no
domain logons = yes
os level = 35
   log level = 1
   syslog = 0
   log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
   max log size = 50
   smb ports = 139
   name resolve order = wins bcast hosts
logon drive = U:
logon path = \\aster\profiles\%U
logon script = %U.bat
   wins server =
   ldap suffix = dc=glastender,dc=com
   ldap machine suffix = ou=People
   ldap user suffix = ou=People
   ldap group suffix = ou=Groups
   ldap idmap suffix = ou=Idmap
   ldap admin dn = cn=Manager,dc=glastender,dc=com
   idmap backend = ldap://
idmap uid = 1-2
idmap gid = 1-2
winbind trusted domains only = yes
password server =
winbind use default domain = no

Re: [Samba] Problems sharing HP Officejet 6210 Linux --> XP

2007-04-16 Thread Dale Schroeder


Comparing your smb.conf to mine, for CUPS printing, I don't see the 
global parameters

   printing = cups
   printcap name = cups

Also, I assume you have assigned rights/privileges to add/manage 
printers as described here:


1arrybarnett wrote:

[cross-posted from]

Dear samba forum,

I've now wasted most of a weekend on this issue, so now it's time to swallow
my pride and ask for help!


My main home computer died. I can't afford to replace it right now, so I'm
attempting to retread an old AMD PC into a linux print/file server. Clients
are a mixed bag of Windows XP home/professional PCs. The printer is an HP
Officejet 6210 multifunction print/scan/fax. I'm only attempting to get
basic printing working between Windows/Linux.

File shares to the PCs are working great. The printer is working locally via
cups and hplip. The printer is exported via Samba and is visible from the
windows boxes (i.e., you can see it in Network Neighborhood and get the
status of the print queue using the DOS 'net print' command). You can see my
smb.conf file at the bottom of this post.


The basic catch-22 with this printer model is that the drivers aren't part
of the standard XP distro. The XP printer installation wizard expects the
drivers to be available from the print server. After searching the net, I
came across this basic installation method:

1. Temporarily plug the printer into the XP PC and install the drivers from
the Printer CD. Then plug the printer back into the linux server.

At this point 2 techniques were suggested, neither of which worked for me:

2a. Go back to the wizard and install the remote printer, using the correct
driver this time. This apparantly succeeds, but printint the test page fails
with an uninformative popup inviting me to go to the troubleshooting wizard
(which is equally unhelpful).


2b. Hack the local printer configuration by going to properties-->ports and
creating a Local port with the value \\\, as shared
by Samba. This step fails for me with error 66 "The network resource type is
not correct".

So that's it, I'm stuck. I would love to hear from anyone who has worked
through this problem already. Failing that, how can I pick apart this
problem to figure out what's failing?

Note: There was also some discussion in the forums about the print$ share
and loading drivers on the Linux box, but I never figured out if that was
relevant to my use case (Linux server/Windows client).

Many thanks in advance to those who reply.



My smb.conf

# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from (
# Date: 2007/04/08 18:33:12

workgroup = HOMENET
server string = Samba Server
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
max log size = 50
add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -g samba-clients
/bin/false -M %u
os level = 65
preferred master = Yes
domain master = Yes
dns proxy = No
wins support = Yes
ldap ssl = no
cups options = raw

comment = Home Directories
read only = No
create mask = 0664
directory mask = 0775
browseable = No

comment = All Printers
path = /usr/spool/samba
printable = Yes
browseable = No

comment = The HP multifunction printer w. scan and fax capability
path = /usr/spool/samba
printer admin = root, lbarnett
read only = No
guest ok = Yes
min print space = 2000
printable = Yes
cups options =
printer name = hp6210
oplocks = No
share modes = No

available = No

comment = Samba print driver download area
path = /etc/samba/drivers
admin users = root, lbarnett
guest ok = Yes


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[Samba] Resharing a Remotely Mounted CIFS share

2007-04-16 Thread Clayton


I am attempting to configure a SAMBA server to act as a "gateway" server 
and am having some issues.  Any assistance or clarification would be 
greatly appreciated.

Our company has need to connect to remote CIFS server, running SAMBA, 
hosted by a remote company.  To do this, I am attempting to mount the 
remote share to a local server and then reshare this back out to our 
user base.

The local server is running Fedora 6 and SAMBA version 3.0.24.  I can 
successfully mount and access the remote share on the local server.  I 
can successfully share another directory on the local server.  I cannot 
access the share that publishes mounted remote directory.  When I 
attempt to access the reshared directory (from a local client to our 
local server), I receive an "invalid directory" error.  I have checked 
my permissions, etc. and all seem in order.  I can browse the reshared 
directory from a Linux client, but cannot access the files.

This is something I was successful in doing utilizing a remote NFS 
share.  Utilizing a local client directly to the remote share is 
successful, but not a valid solution.

Firstly, is this possible?  If it is, are there any suggestions as to 
what I may be missing or doing wrong?  Any assistance you maybe able to 
give to me is greatly appreciated.  Thank you.


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[Samba] Samba with LDAP Intergration

2007-04-16 Thread James Ray

I am trying to work out if the current setup is possible:
I would like to have Samba running to authenticate shares for /home 
directories running under FC6. All of my users are posixAccount's in an 
LDAP Directory.

I would like to use this information to authenticate these shares but 
without making any changes to the LDAP Directory itself (so including no 
new objects or schema changes).

Is there any way to do this? All my previous attempts have led to the 
Samba server doing a search on objectClass=sambaSamAccount which I of 
course would rather not have. Is it just possible to use the standard 
password attribute for authentication? Does anyone have a sample setup 
of such a situation?

Thanks for any help and let me know if you require any further information.

Computing Services
Queen Mary, University of London
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[Samba] Re: hide directories?

2007-04-16 Thread Klemens Lichter
Hi Mauricio,
you made my day! It works. Thank you.

"Mauricio Silveira" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Just add the parameter "hide unreadable = yes" to the share declaration.
If you want to hide Rean-Only files too, just add "hide unwriteable
files = yes"
I think a service restart might be needed, 1st try to logoff/logon in a
client machine,  the try the command `smbcontrol smbd reload-config`
then logoff/logon again; If both fail, simply restart the service and
all goes well.


Klemens Lichter wrote:
> Hi,
> is there a possibility to hide directories from to bee seen from a windows
> box?
> I have a samba share containing several directories. Some of them have
> permissions only for a privileged group of users (group special) and some
> others are allowed for all users (group users) and some for a special
> subgroup of users (group subusers). What I want is that only members of
> group special are able to see the existence of those directories that are
> only accessible for them and also only members of subgroup are able to see
> the existence of their directories. I was used to have this comfort on our
> prevoius novell netware server and I think this is a great feature of
> security. People that don´t see the existence of certain directories or
> files don´t ask for them and don´t think about why they can´t access them.
> Please feel free to ask for more information if you need them to answer my
> question.
> Thanks in advance
> Klemens

> -- 
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Re: [Samba] hide directories?

2007-04-16 Thread Mauricio Silveira

Just add the parameter "hide unreadable = yes" to the share declaration.
If you want to hide Rean-Only files too, just add "hide unwriteable 
files = yes"
I think a service restart might be needed, 1st try to logoff/logon in a 
client machine,  the try the command `smbcontrol smbd reload-config` 
then logoff/logon again; If both fail, simply restart the service and 
all goes well.


Klemens Lichter wrote:

is there a possibility to hide directories from to bee seen from a windows

I have a samba share containing several directories. Some of them have
permissions only for a privileged group of users (group special) and some
others are allowed for all users (group users) and some for a special
subgroup of users (group subusers). What I want is that only members of
group special are able to see the existence of those directories that are
only accessible for them and also only members of subgroup are able to see
the existence of their directories. I was used to have this comfort on our
prevoius novell netware server and I think this is a great feature of
security. People that don´t see the existence of certain directories or
files don´t ask for them and don´t think about why they can´t access them.

Please feel free to ask for more information if you need them to answer my

Thanks in advance


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[Samba] VFS on AIX 5.2 4.3.3

2007-04-16 Thread borgarello

I have been trying to use the module on samba
installed on Aix. I tried with different version of Aix and
also different versions of samba. Also the latest one 3.0.24.
I have always installed the Binary version .
Always when I activate the recycle option the samba server
stops to accept connections. Otherwise it works normally.
I have googled on this problem and someone suggested to compile
modules statically. Does anybody have this option working on aix ?
Please can you tell me how to do it ?
Thanks in Advance
Massimo Borgarello

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Re: [Samba] R: Printer and faxes icon in browsing list

2007-04-16 Thread mokhtar

I have tested with an older version Samba 2.0.7 
with this version "Printer and Faxes" is not displayed

So I think it is related with samba version

View this message in context:
Sent from the Samba - General mailing list archive at

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[Samba] Problem with RPC and Win2003 Server

2007-04-16 Thread Manuel Erber
I have big trouble with the domainlogon. My Win2003 server say, that the
RPC-Server isn´t available. This problem comes sometimes and I can't see
anything in the logs.
That’s what I have:
- SAMBA PDC with LDAP-Backend (3.0.24-6 DEBIAN)
- SAMBA BDC with LDAP-Backend (3.0.24-6 DEBIAN)
- both servers are in the same network
- two Win2003-TS-Server that are in an other network
- the problem is, I want to say, never on both win2003 servers

Here my configs



  netbios name = XYZ-PDC 
  workgroup = XYZ
  server string = PDC auf SERVER11 
  log file = /var/log/samba/log.XYZ.%m
  lock directory = /etc/samba/XYZ.lock
  max log size = 1000
  panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d
  os level = 64
  passdb expand explicit = Yes
  load printers = yes
  printing = cups
  printcap name = cups
  addprinter command = `/usr/sbin/lpadmin -p`
  domain master = yes 
  domain logons = yes
  security = user
  encrypt passwords = true
  preferred master = yes
  local master = yes
  server signing = yes  
  client schannel = no 
  server schannel = no 
  client signing = no 
  smb ports = 445 139 137
  ldap passwd sync = Yes
  unix password sync = no 
  wins support = yes 
  wins proxy = yes
  ldap admin dn = "cn=admin,dc=xyz,dc=de"
  ldap delete dn = no
  passdb backend = ldapsam:"ldap://";
  ldap suffix = dc=xyz,dc=de
  ldap group suffix = ou=Groups,sambaDomainName=XYZ,ou=samba
  ldap machine suffix = ou=Computers,sambaDomainName=XYZ,ou=samba 
  ldap user suffix = ou=Personen



 netbios name = XYZ-BDC
 workgroup = XYZ
 server string = %h server (Samba %v)
 log file = /var/log/samba/log.XYZ.%m
 lock directory = /etc/samba/XYZ.lock
 max log size = 1000
 panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d
 os level = 64
 passdb expand explicit = yes
 domain master = no
 domain logons = yes
 security = user
 encrypt passwords = true
 preferred master = yes 
 local master = yes
 ldap passwd sync = Yes
 unix password sync = no
 wins support = yes
 wins proxy = yes
 ldap admin dn = "cn=admin,dc=xyz,dc=de "
 ldap delete dn = no
 passdb backend = ldapsam:"ldap://";
 ldap suffix = dc=xyz,dc=de
 ldap group suffix = ou=Groups,sambaDomainName=XYZ,ou=samba
 ldap machine suffix = ou=Computers,sambaDomainName=XYZ,ou=samba
 ldap user suffix = ou=Personen

Have anybody the same problems or can help me to locate the problems.

Manuel Erber

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[Samba] Winbindd periodical timeout issue

2007-04-16 Thread Rasmus Larsen

I've got an issue with winbindd seeming to periodically fail to resolve 
user/group names from an AD setup. I'm getting the following error, the error 
seems to occur when I try to access a the samba server OR a directory that uses 
AD dependent ACLs/permissions. The server will stall for around 30-40 seconds 
and then it all seems to work perfectly (though I haven't yet determined if it 
causes permission problems). This only seems to happen if the server or data 
hasn't been accessed for an extented period.

This is part of the winbindd log:

[2007/04/15 22:06:30, 1] nsswitch/winbindd.c:main(953)
  winbindd version 3.0.23c-2.el5.2 started.
  Copyright The Samba Team 2000-2004
[2007/04/16 13:13:43, 0] lib/util_sock.c:read_socket_with_timeout(497)
  read_socket_with_timeout: timeout read. read error = Connection reset by peer.
[2007/04/16 13:13:43, 0] rpc_client/cli_pipe.c:rpc_api_pipe(790)
  rpc_api_pipe: Remote machine pipe \lsarpc fnum 
0xc002returned critical error. Error was Read error: Connection reset by peer
[2007/04/16 13:13:43, 1] nsswitch/winbindd_group.c:winbindd_getgrnam(259)
  group Domain Users in domain ER does not exist
[2007/04/16 13:13:43, 1] libsmb/clientgen.c:cli_rpc_pipe_close(376)
  cli_rpc_pipe_close: cli_close failed on pipe \lsarpc, fnum 0xc002 to machine  Error was Read error: Success

About my setup:

I'm running samba Version 3.0.23c-2.el5.2 (CentOS 5, newest update), it's 
accessing an AD, of which (as seen in the log), is a 

Has anyone else encountered this?
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[Samba] hide directories?

2007-04-16 Thread Klemens Lichter
is there a possibility to hide directories from to bee seen from a windows

I have a samba share containing several directories. Some of them have
permissions only for a privileged group of users (group special) and some
others are allowed for all users (group users) and some for a special
subgroup of users (group subusers). What I want is that only members of
group special are able to see the existence of those directories that are
only accessible for them and also only members of subgroup are able to see
the existence of their directories. I was used to have this comfort on our
prevoius novell netware server and I think this is a great feature of
security. People that don´t see the existence of certain directories or
files don´t ask for them and don´t think about why they can´t access them.

Please feel free to ask for more information if you need them to answer my

Thanks in advance

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Re: [Samba] smbldap-useradd not creating machine accounts in correct fashion

2007-04-16 Thread Ben Tisdall
On Fri, April 13, 2007 23:48, Edmundo Valle Neto wrote:
> Your script appears to be working right, "smbldap-useradd -w
> machinename$" should only create an account with posix attributes, the
sambaSAMAccount class and attributes will be added by samba when the
client is joined into the domain.
> You can see that in the IDEALX smbldap-tools user manual.

Thanks Edmundo and apologies for not having consulted the fine manual more
closely - I should know better.

In the end testing revealed that the tools were putting the machine
accounts under 'ou=computers,${suffix}' (as I wanted) but samba seemed to
be looking for them under 'ou=users,${suffix}', because if I reconfigured
the tools to put the accounts there then everything worked as expected.

This is odd as I have 'machine suffix = ou=computers' in smb.conf & now,
having now put things back as they were, everything's working!

Therefore I can only conclude that the issue was due to some typo that
I've now unwittingly corrected - odd, as I was logging samba at up to 4 &
saw nothing suggestive.


Ben Tisdall

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Re: [Samba] Samba -> WinXP: slow transfers, partial solution

2007-04-16 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have slow transfer from my samba serwer, casue my HDD wasn't running 
in UDMA mode, only in PIO, beside this a installed CentOS 4 and all 2 
disks are running in UDMA mode and there isn't a issue with network 
speed between WINXP SP2 and samba serwer.

Maybe check yours HDD too ?



Charles Marcus pisze:

I'm running Samba 3.0.24 as PDC and file server on Gentoo Linux, 
AMD64, 2.6.19 kernel, 100MBit/s network, and experience quite slow 
file transfers from Samba to WinXP SP2 clients: the speed is varying, 
but is about 1-2Mb/s at best.

I'm assuming for the rest of this that you mean MB/sec not Mb/sec when 
referencing transfer speeds...

 b) Transfering to/from Samba server from Gentoo Linux on the same PC 
where WinXP is installed (so, completely the same hardware and 
connection) is also at normal speed.

So, you are running something in a VM?

 c) Transferring to/from WinXP to the server where Samba is installed 
using any other protocol (such as HTTPS or SCP) is also at normal speed.

Define 'normal'...

2) CPU is at almost idle level both at client and server, so it's not 
the issue.

3) If there is any other network activity, transfer speed is 
increased up to normal level: f.e. doing two simulteneous transfers 
from Samba server to WinXP client gives 5Mb/s at each transfer, as 

Again, define 'normal'?

100Mb network connections should give @ 12MB/sec transfer speeds, no? 
So 5MB/sec speeds are certainly not 'normal'.

4) Running tcpdump on server while the transfer is performed improves 
transfer speed in about 1.5 - 3 times, but still not to the normal 

TCP dumps are fine, but you neglected to provide the most important 
thing for initial troubleshooting assistance: where is your config?

5) Playing with "socket options" does not give any results.

Modern linux kernels (2.6+) do *not* need to have these values tuned, 
so it is recommended to not set them *at* *all*. Just delete these 

Specifically, using advices from the article 
about SO_SNDBUF does not improve situation (but read below).

Well, since this article is dated from 2000, I don't think I'd trust 
it much.

6) tcpdump + tcptrace show that there are a lot of retransmissions, 
see dumps below.

7) I've tested several WinXP clients with different hardware, all 
with the same results.

What about the NIC on the Samba server? If all clients are affected 
the same, then that is the NIC you should focus on (if it is indeed a 
hardware issue).

8) Samba logs looks normal to me, nothing special.

Points (3) and (5), and also the article about SO_SNDBUF tuning gave 
me an idea that there might be smth wrong with ACKs sent from WinXP.

I think you need to go back to square one, and start over, but with up 
to date references - like the excellent 'Samba-3 By Example' and/or 
'The Official Samba-3 HOWTO and Reference Guide'.

It seems that I'm not the only one who have similar problems: see 
BUGs 2117 and 3706 in Bugzilla, and discussion at Gentoo mailing 

This too is an old(er) thread - and it specifically mentions switching 
from smbfs to cifs as the best solution...

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Re: [Samba] Samba -> WinXP: slow transfers, partial solution

2007-04-16 Thread Charles Marcus
I'm running Samba 3.0.24 as PDC and file server on Gentoo Linux, AMD64, 
2.6.19 kernel, 100MBit/s network, and experience quite slow file 
transfers from Samba to WinXP SP2 clients: the speed is varying, but is 
about 1-2Mb/s at best.

I'm assuming for the rest of this that you mean MB/sec not Mb/sec when 
referencing transfer speeds...

 b) Transfering to/from Samba server from Gentoo Linux on the same PC 
where WinXP is installed (so, completely the same hardware and 
connection) is also at normal speed.

So, you are running something in a VM?

 c) Transferring to/from WinXP to the server where Samba is installed 
using any other protocol (such as HTTPS or SCP) is also at normal speed.

Define 'normal'...

2) CPU is at almost idle level both at client and server, so it's not 
the issue.

3) If there is any other network activity, transfer speed is increased 
up to normal level: f.e. doing two simulteneous transfers from Samba 
server to WinXP client gives 5Mb/s at each transfer, as expected.

Again, define 'normal'?

100Mb network connections should give @ 12MB/sec transfer speeds, no? So 
5MB/sec speeds are certainly not 'normal'.

4) Running tcpdump on server while the transfer is performed improves 
transfer speed in about 1.5 - 3 times, but still not to the normal speed.

TCP dumps are fine, but you neglected to provide the most important 
thing for initial troubleshooting assistance: where is your config?

5) Playing with "socket options" does not give any results.

Modern linux kernels (2.6+) do *not* need to have these values tuned, so 
it is recommended to not set them *at* *all*. Just delete these entries.

Specifically, using advices from the article about 
SO_SNDBUF does not improve situation (but read below).

Well, since this article is dated from 2000, I don't think I'd trust it 

6) tcpdump + tcptrace show that there are a lot of retransmissions, see 
dumps below.

7) I've tested several WinXP clients with different hardware, all with 
the same results.

What about the NIC on the Samba server? If all clients are affected the 
same, then that is the NIC you should focus on (if it is indeed a 
hardware issue).

8) Samba logs looks normal to me, nothing special.

Points (3) and (5), and also the article about SO_SNDBUF tuning gave me 
an idea that there might be smth wrong with ACKs sent from WinXP.

I think you need to go back to square one, and start over, but with up 
to date references - like the excellent 'Samba-3 By Example' and/or 'The 
Official Samba-3 HOWTO and Reference Guide'.

It seems that I'm not the only one who have similar problems: see BUGs 
2117 and 3706 in Bugzilla, and discussion at Gentoo mailing list:

This too is an old(er) thread - and it specifically mentions switching 
from smbfs to cifs as the best solution...


Best regards,

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[Samba] Winbind offline logon

2007-04-16 Thread Anders.Strandberg

I have a question about Winbinds offline logon capabilities. 

We are working on integration of laptops  with winbind in to our Linux 
Workstation Managment System, but have some difficulties to verify the desired  
functionality. For that we are running the latest samba (currently 3.0.25rc1) . 
Authentication is setup against Windows AD 2003 with R2 extensions (rfc2703bis) 


workgroup = MY
security = ADS
auth methods = winbind
password server = *
name resolve order = host
os level = 0
preferred master = No
socket address =
idmap domains = MY
template homedir = /home/%u
winbind cache time = 600
winbind use default domain = Yes
winbind refresh tickets = Yes
winbind offline logon = Yes
idmap config MY:readonly = yes
idmap config MY:default = yes
idmap config MY:range = 300 - 3
idmap config MY:backend = ad
include = /env/samba/lib/smb.include.shares

It seems to work OK when connected to the network, but when disconnected it 
gets out of order.  When I pull the network plug and log out I cannot log with 
ssh as my personal user. I get (after a while) a notification that login is 
done witch cached credentials but the login fails. When I attempt to login 
again I am immediatley returned to the login prompt. Looking at the log it 
seems that the user is autheticated but the account is not found. The behaviour 
is similar if I log out and attempt a gui login.

The SID for my user seems to be retrieved OK, but winbind cannot retrieve user 
info for the sid. Eventually winbindd core dumps.

Winbind seems to have some trouble locating the unreachable DC:s .

My questions are:

What level of offline functionality is expected with winbind ?  What is working 
and what is not ? Are there any additional requirements to be fullfilled in 
addition to get it working while connected ?

Can I expect this setup to work, i.e. (winbind + ad) pull the network cable and 
be able to login with cached credentials ?  I suppose that  this is similar to 
doing a reboot and attempt an offline login, haven't got this working either.

When I connect the network cable again it seems that winbind does not catch up 
immediatley. On some occations the functionality is restored after several 
minutes , on other I have to restart the service to be able to login again.

I think Novel has this working for SLED 10 , but I have not been able to verify 
it on my laptop. I think they are running an older samba.


Anders Strandberg, TietoEnator Processing & Network AB
E-mail:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Voice:  +46 920 452 037
Internet:   | Fax:+46 920 452 
Laboratoriegränd 11, Box 50006, S-973 21  Luleå, Sweden | Mobile: +46 70 345 

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[Samba] samba and FreeBSD jails

2007-04-16 Thread Dave

   Is anyone using samba on a FreeBSD system in a jailed environment? I've 
got a jail set up, and although on the host system i've set up bind 
interfaces and a listen directive specifying the specific ip to listen to 
nmbd is still binding to all active interfaces. Does anyone know if there's 
a way to get around this? On the same subject i'd like to run samba from 
within a jail, offering limited services to the jail and host environment. 
Any help appreciated.


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Re: [Samba] Failed to verify incoming ticket! When clients use netbios names only!

2007-04-16 Thread Martin Zielinski


the "Failed to join domain: Type or value exists" is caused, when the 
machine_name is equal to the fqdn.

This is the case, e.g. if the /etc/hosts file contains only the short 
name. The server reports the error and "net" aborts although the join 
itself was successfull.

There are serveral issues with the "hostname vs. domainname" thing under 
E.g. the missing driver listings when using the fqdn accessing the samba 
I've added a getdomainname() call in the get_mydnsfullname() function in 
 lib/util.c if the gethostname() call does not contain a ".".

Then the comparison in is_myname() succeeds and the drivers are listed.

But the manpage says, getdomainname() is *not* POSIX. So this all might 
end in a configuration issue of the hostname.


~ Martin

Hansjörg Maurer schrieb:


we see the similar messages too.

Gerald (Jerry) Carter wrote:

m.bland wrote:

thor:/var/log/samba# cat /etc/samba/smb.conf
workgroup = DOMAIN
realm = DOMAIN

Are these really the same value ?

do they have to?
When I try to set them to the same value I get the following message
when joining the domain.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# net ads join  -U Admin
Admin's password:
The workgroup in /etc/samba/smb.conf does not match the short
domain name obtained from the server.
Using the name [DOMNAME] from the server.
You should set "workgroup = DOMNAME" in /etc/samba/smb.conf.
Using short domain name -- DOMNAME
Failed to set servicePrincipalNames. Please ensure that
the DNS domain of this server matches the AD domain,
Or rejoin with using Domain Admin credentials.
Deleted account for 'RMVBS02' in realm 'REALM'
Failed to join domain: Type or value exists

But we have a DNS not matching the REALM.

Could this lead to this problem?

(the above join only works with net rpc join, even while User Admin has
full rights on the domain)




thor:/var/log/samba# cat /etc/krb5.conf
 default_realm = DOMAIN.NAME

cheers, jerry

Martin Zielinski [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Software Development
SEH Computertechnik GmbH

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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.0 and XP roaming profiles

2007-04-16 Thread C.Scheeder

Ups, forgot something:

with the script in /var/samba/netlogon and named like the user,
in smb.conf you need this:

#this path is relative to the root of the netlogon-share
logon script = %U.bat   

path= /var/samba/netlogon

Hi all, the share, subdirs and script have to be readable and executable
to the "guest" user.
The netlogon-share gets mapped by guest, not the user.
Then windows looks for the logonscript in there and if it can execute it
as guest.

Dennis McLeod schrieb:

I haven't done this, so I don't really know.
If the script is named "user1", would windows know what to do with it?
Shouldn't it be "user1.bat"? (assuming it's a batch file.)
If so, shouldn't it say:

path= /var/samba/netlogon/%U.bat

In the netlogon section?

Again, I haven't tried it, so I'm just guessing

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Samba] Samba 3.0 and XP roaming profiles


I dont have samba with LDAP.
I took out "\scripts\" part from logon script part in GLOBAL settings. ALso
I created a script for a particular test user (script name is same as login
name). I stored that script under /var/samba/netlogon/. Permissions were
also set so that this user can read/write/Execute, plus the ownership was
also changed.
I tried loggin as this user to test the script but nothing was mapped. I
think the script failed. Can you think of any reason? I even restarted my
samba services.



Wolfgang Ratzka wrote:

contact_mahajan schrieb:

Also regarding my logon script, my smb.conf fille says like this:

logon script = scripts\login.bat

path= /var/samba/netlogon/%U

This definition is trying to be subtle by defining a per-user-netlogon 
share, as %U expands to the session user name. Normally you will not 
want to do this, so you will strip off the "/%U" and simply put your 
login scripts below /var/samba/netlogon. (Permissions should of course 
be so that everyone can read and only admins can write.) The logon 
script parameter is a (windows) path relative to the netlogon 
directory. There is no need to put those in a subdirectory. (Sou you 
can do away with the "scripts\" part...) You should note that the 
logon script parameter in the [global] section can be overridden by 
per-user-settings in ldap (if you are using ldap).

Kind regards
Wolfgang Ratzka  Phone: +49 6421 2823531  FAX: +49 6421 2826994 Uni 
Marburg,  HRZ, Hans-Meerwein-Str., D-35032 Marburg, Germany

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