Re: [Samba] Samba hangs the boot on Gentoo.

2011-01-22 Thread Brian Gregorcy
On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 7:50 AM,  wrote:

>>> Hello,
>>> Today I came across with the problem with booting my Gentoo system.
>>> Yesterday I installed samba and when I turned on my notebook today it
>>> stops
>>> booting at starting up the samba daemon. It goes until:
 * samba -> start: smbd ...

> I had some difficulties a few years back with Samba/LDAP nssldap, pam_ldap
> and pam. The system would hang for some 10 minutes at startup. The problem
> was that nssldap defaults to  bind_policy hard, and as nssldap fired before
> the ldap server started (from the nssldap conf file):
> # Reconnect policy: hard (default) will retry connecting to
> # the software with exponential backoff, soft will fail
> # immediately.
> changing the value to
> bind_policy soft
> rectified the situation.

>>> ... and then freezes ... Maybe the problem is somehow related to my Wi-Fi
>>> connection on notebook and Samba is looking for Internet connection and
>>> waiting for it to be established? Maybe you can give any advice on how to
>>> boot to my system without loading samba and uninstalling it?
>> Do an interactive boot. Press I when it asks you to do in the boot
>> process. Then do not start the samba daemon.
>> John

I would also run:

To see if /etc/init.d/samba has any newer changes to be applied to the
startup script.

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Re: [Samba] Does this tell me anything? Traffic report

2009-06-07 Thread Brian Gregorcy
  Destination   Protocol
 18 20.074673 TCP
microsoft-ds > 36377 [RST, ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=0 Len=0

Frame 18 (54 bytes on wire, 54 bytes captured)
Ethernet II, Src: Cisco-Li_15:1c:11 (00:18:39:15:1c:11), Dst:
Intel_6d:d7:6a (00:04:23:6d:d7:6a)
Internet Protocol, Src: (, Dst: (
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: microsoft-ds (445), Dst Port:
36377 (36377), Seq: 1, Ack: 1, Len: 0

No. TimeSourceDestination   Protocol
 19 20.093060 TCP
45084 > netbios-ssn [SYN] Seq=0 Win=5840 Len=0 MSS=1460 TSV=1977451

Frame 19 (74 bytes on wire, 74 bytes captured)
Ethernet II, Src: Intel_6d:d7:6a (00:04:23:6d:d7:6a), Dst:
Cisco-Li_15:1c:11 (00:18:39:15:1c:11)
Internet Protocol, Src: (, Dst: (
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 45084 (45084), Dst Port:
netbios-ssn (139), Seq: 0, Len: 0

No. TimeSourceDestination   Protocol
 20 20.095051 TCP
netbios-ssn > 45084 [RST, ACK] Seq=1 Ack=1 Win=0 Len=0

Frame 20 (54 bytes on wire, 54 bytes captured)
Ethernet II, Src: Cisco-Li_15:1c:11 (00:18:39:15:1c:11), Dst:
Intel_6d:d7:6a (00:04:23:6d:d7:6a)
Internet Protocol, Src: (, Dst: (
Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: netbios-ssn (139), Dst Port:
45084 (45084), Seq: 1, Ack: 1, Len: 0

No. TimeSourceDestination   Protocol
 21 25.145799   Cisco-Li_15:1c:11 Intel_6d:d7:6aARP
Who has  Tell

Frame 21 (42 bytes on wire, 42 bytes captured)
Ethernet II, Src: Cisco-Li_15:1c:11 (00:18:39:15:1c:11), Dst:
Intel_6d:d7:6a (00:04:23:6d:d7:6a)
Address Resolution Protocol (request)

No. TimeSourceDestination   Protocol
 22 25.145836   Intel_6d:d7:6aCisco-Li_15:1c:11 ARP is at 00:04:23:6d:d7:6a

Frame 22 (42 bytes on wire, 42 bytes captured)
Ethernet II, Src: Intel_6d:d7:6a (00:04:23:6d:d7:6a), Dst:
Cisco-Li_15:1c:11 (00:18:39:15:1c:11)
Address Resolution Protocol (reply)

I'm running Ubuntu 8.04, DHCP, DNS and OpenLDAP on the server.  Please -
any help greatly appreciated!


Matt Burkhardt, M.Sci. Technology Management
(301) 682-7901
502 Fairview Avenue
Frederick, MD  21701

Here is what mine looks like, 137 is using UDP:

harley gregorcy # nmap -P0 humboldt

Starting Nmap 4.85BETA9 ( ) at 2009-06-07 16:03 MDT
Interesting ports on x.x.x (x.x.x.x):
Not shown: 993 closed ports
22/tcp   open  ssh
25/tcp   open  smtp
111/tcp  open  rpcbind
139/tcp  open  netbios-ssn
445/tcp  open  microsoft-ds
2049/tcp open  nfs
5666/tcp open  nrpe

Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.22 seconds
harley gregorcy # nmap -sU humboldt

Starting Nmap 4.85BETA9 ( ) at 2009-06-07 16:03 MDT
Interesting ports on x.x.x.x (x.x.x.x):
Not shown: 996 closed ports
111/udp  open|filtered rpcbind
137/udp  open|filtered netbios-ns
138/udp  open|filtered netbios-dgm
2049/udp open|filtered nfs

Where is your WINS server?  Is both the samba server and the client machine 
pointed at the same WINS box?

Brian Gregorcy
IT Manager
University of Utah
Department of Chemical Engineering

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Re: [Samba] Dynamic Home Shares

2009-04-08 Thread Brian Gregorcy

Here is the script that we use to create the home directory when the user first 
logs in.

humboldt samba # cat
# Creates home directories when account is created
# gregorcy
# Created: 03/21/2008
# Last Mod: 06/10/2008 - Added the if for is fac and cleanup
# Variables
blessed="The permissions have been fixed "
subject1="does not have valid email in our LDAP"
subject2="A user is missing their homedir on  $hostname the home dir has been 
created but the old homedirs should be checked for data"
ldapmail=`ldapsearch -D "cn=***,ou=***,dc=*,dc=utah,dc=edu" -b 
"ou=***,dc=***,dc=utah,dc=edu" -w * -x -LLL "(sAMAccountName=$1)" mail | grep mail | 
sed 's/..//'`
ldapfac=`ldapsearch -D "cn=***,ou=***,dc=,dc=utah,dc=edu" -b "ou=***,dc=***,dc=utah,dc=edu" 
-w * -x -LLL "(sAMAccountName=$1)" memberof >> /tmp/testfac`

grep -q Faculty /tmp/testfac 

echo $isfac

# functionville
function createbless () {
touch /home/CHEMENG/$1/.blessed
echo "$blessed" >> /home/CHEMENG/$1/.blessed
#chown root:root /home/CHEMENG/$1/.blessed
chmod 700 /home/CHEMENG/$1/.blessed

# scriptage
if [ ! -e /home/CHEMENG/$1 ]; then 
	echo "The home dir for "$1 "was not found probably was not migrated "> $emailmes
	mkdir /home/CHEMENG/$1 
	echo "Created the home directory but should check trashheap or CHE-2551-30 for old stuff" >> $emailmes

mail -s "$subject2" supp...@*** < $emailmes
rm -r $emailmes

if [ ! -e /home/CHEMENG/$1/.blessed ]; then
mkdir /home/CHEMENG/$1
if [ $isfac = 0 ]; then
xfs_quota -x -c "limit bsoft=61440M bhard=63000M $1" 

		if [ $isfac != 0 ]; then 
			xfs_quota -x -c "limit bsoft=3072M bhard=3200M $1" /home

	#cp -r /etc/skel/* /home/CHEMENG/$1/* 

chown "$1:CHEMENG+Domain Users" /home/CHEMENG/$1
chmod -R 711 /home/CHEMENG/$1   
if [ -z $ldapmail ]; then   
echo "Add the attribute mail to the user $1"> $emailmes
echo "then manually :( create the .forward in 
/home/CHEMENG/$1" >> $emailmes
echo "Or add the email attribute to the AD and delete the .blessed 
file " >> $emailmes
mail -s "$1 $subject1"  supp...@***  < 
rm -r $emailmes
createbless $1
exit 0
touch /home/CHEMENG/$1/.forward
echo "$ldapmail" >> /home/CHEMENG/$1/.forward
#chown root:root /home/CHEMENG/$1/.forward
chmod 700 /home/CHEMENG/$1/.forward
createbless $1
# mod the public_html folder so apache can see it
chown -R "$1:apache" /home/CHEMENG/$1/public_html
chmod -R 751 /home/CHEMENG/$1/public_html
chmod -R g+s /home/CHEMENG/$1/public_html


# Clean Up
rm /tmp/testfac

exit 0

# Notes
# Basic premise for the .forward add
# touch /home/CHEMENG/$1/foo.txt
# echo "grego...@***" >> /home/CHEMENG/$1/foo.txt

# LDAP Search String
# ldapsearch -D "cn=***,ou=,dc=*,dc=utah,dc=edu" -b 
"ou=*8,dc=,dc=utah,dc=edu" -w  -x -LLL 
"(sAMAccountName=)" mail | grep mail
# Output looks like this:
# mail: j...@***

Adam Williams wrote:
see root preexec = in the man page.  so when they go to %U$ (such as 
using logon home = z: ) it will run a script that creates the required 
directory in /home/pc/

Ken Lupo wrote:


I am attempting to dynamically create user shares when they connect to the
server based on their username. I cannot use [homes]. My reasoning for this
is that the users require a $ at the end of the share or it becomes
confusing to them(long story). What I'm seeing is that some Windows XP
clients will connect to /home/ but other clients try to connect to
/home/_ (with an underscore). For a work around I have symlinked
all home folders from  to _

Here is my smb.conf file:

workgroup = PC
server string = FILE
security = ADS
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
local master = No
idmap uid = 16777216-33554431
idmap gid = 16777216-33554431
winbind use default domain = Yes
winbind offline logon = false
store dos attributes = Yes
ea support = Yes
dns proxy = no
inherit acls = yes
inherit permissions = yes
map acl inherit = yes

path = /home/PC/%U
comment = Homes
read only = No

Any help would be greatly appreicated.

Thank you,


Re: [Samba] "getent group" shows AD groups; "getent passwd" only shows local users

2009-01-23 Thread Brian Gregorcy

check that your clock on the linux box matches the clock on the DC.

Just being curios: what time difference is acceptable? I.e. up to 5 
seconds, 5 minutes? That being said, the clocks are in sync.

I think the default is 5 minutes.  We have seen odd problems like this when our 
Linux boxes clock skew to far from our DC.

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Re: [Samba] "getent group" shows AD groups; "getent passwd" only shows local users

2009-01-22 Thread Brian Gregorcy

Tomasz Chmielewski wrote:

I had winbind configured so that it could fetch users from AD.
Everything was working properly, but something happened in the past 
couple of days (no change in the Samba config) I'm not able to diagnose.

"getent group" enumerates groups, "getent passwd" doesn't.

"wbinfo -g" returns groups, whereas I get this error when trying to get 

# wbinfo -u
Error looking up domain users

# net rpc join -S GNCNET -U user_linux
Joined domain NUT.

# net ads join -S GNCNET -U user_linux
user_linux's password:
[2009/01/22 10:37:06, 0] utils/net_ads.c:ads_startup_int(286)
  ads_connect: No logon servers
Failed to join domain: No logon servers

I see the Samba machine sends and receives packets on port 389 when I do 
"getent passwd", but just no users are returned.


This is my smb.conf:

   workgroup = NUT
   password server = GNCNET
   security = ads
   idmap uid = 1-2
   idmap gid = 1-2
   winbind separator = +
   template homedir = /home/%D/cbl
   template shell = /bin/bash
   winbind use default domain = true
   winbind offline logon = false

server string = Samba Server %v
encrypt passwords = Yes

log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
max log size = 100
log level = 8

os level = 18
local master = No
dns proxy = No

winbind enum users = yes
winbind enum groups = yes

In log.winbindd I can see errors like:

[2009/01/22 10:44:55, 3] libads/ldap.c:ads_do_paged_search_args(696)
ldap_search_with_timeout((objectCategory=user)) -> Operations error
[2009/01/22 10:44:55, 3] 
  Reopening ads connection to realm 'GEORGIANUT.COM' after error 
Operations error

[2009/01/22 10:44:55, 5] libads/dns.c:sitename_fetch(677)
  sitename_fetch: Returning sitename for 

[2009/01/22 10:44:55, 6] libads/ldap.c:ads_find_dc(294)
  ads_find_dc: looking for realm ''
[2009/01/22 10:44:55, 8] libsmb/namequery.c:get_sorted_dc_list(1626)
  get_sorted_dc_list: attempting lookup for name 
(sitename Default-First-Site-Name) using [ads]

check that your clock on the linux box matches the clock on the DC.


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Re: [Samba] Mac OS 10.5 seems to change permissions on files

2009-01-15 Thread Brian Gregorcy

Add this to the global section:

unix extensions = no

Stuart Reedy wrote:


We have an issue using Mac OS 10.5 with our Samba shares connected via 
cifs://server/Sharename.  From what I can tell, when the Mac writes a 
file the permissions are correct (0660). Then it seems to change the 
permission to 0644, defeating the whole point of shared files.

Has anyone else encountered this and, perhaps, found a work-around?

Server Info:
Samba 3.0.33 (Slackware package)
Slackware 11.0

workgroup = WG
server string = Samba Server
interfaces = x.x.x.x/16
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
unix password sync = Yes
ldap ssl = no
hosts allow = x.x.,
ea support = Yes
veto files = /.DS_Store/._.*/DesktopFolderDB/Network Trash
delete veto files = true
path = /path/ShareName
valid users = @somegroup
write list = @somegroup
read only = No
create mask = 0660
directory mask = 0770
force create mode = 0660
force directory mode = 0770

Any assistance is greatly appreciated!

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Re: [Samba] OSX client, Linux server, permissions problem

2008-09-30 Thread Brian Gregorcy

My first reaction to this is that the resource files aren't getting 
created or the user no longer has permissions...but I'm still learning.

So either way you set 'unix extensions' it causes one or the other 
problem?  Can you please clarify?

Yes that is what is happening.  If I set

unix extensions = off

One of my macs can't access anything on a share, we can see the icons but when you click on the file it disappears (via 

If I comment out the above line a different mac when writing to the users home directory that has a public_html folder 
that our webserver can read, sets the file permissions to 700


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Re: [Samba] OSX client, Linux server, permissions problem

2008-09-30 Thread Brian Gregorcy

barsalou wrote:

Quoting James Peach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

2008/9/29 Brian Gregorcy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I know this doesn't help but we are seeing the same problem, I opened 
a bug
with apple but so far have not heard anything back.  I also sent this 
to this list awhile back and did not get a response, the copy of the 
email I

sent is below.

You might be seeing the SMB unix extensions in action. In 10.5, the OS
X SMB filesystem was taught to understand some SMB protocol extensions
designed for unix system. what *might* be happening here is that the
client is resetting the permissions after Samba applies the
configuration mode masks.

You should be able to verify this by packet sniffing or setting "unix
extensions = no" on the server.

This didn't work for me.  I still see the same problem when creating 
folders using the finder.


Control-click -> New folder

This shows up on the server with 755 permissionsI have it set for 770.

I actually ran into another issue on a different mac (10.5.4), with unix extensions = no the user can browse the file 
system (via finder) but cannot open any of the files.  They all appear as unknown file types, commenting out the above 
command and all is well.

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Re: [Samba] OSX client, Linux server, permissions problem

2008-09-29 Thread Brian Gregorcy

You might be seeing the SMB unix extensions in action. In 10.5, the OS
X SMB filesystem was taught to understand some SMB protocol extensions
designed for unix system. what *might* be happening here is that the
client is resetting the permissions after Samba applies the
configuration mode masks.

You should be able to verify this by packet sniffing or setting "unix
extensions = no" on the server.

That worked for me :)

Thanks I have been looking for that for awhile now, is there any downside to 
disabling unix extensions?
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Re: [Samba] OSX client, Linux server, permissions problem

2008-09-29 Thread Brian Gregorcy

barsalou wrote:

I've been using samba for some time and have always had a good experience.

I decided to try and configure my home network to let all my computers 
talk to the samba share.

I'm stuck on one part where my OSX client, when creating new 
files/directories, won't create them writeable by the group.

I've tried what seems like every combination of directory mask, force 
directory mode, etc. but I'm unable to get the OSX client to create 
folders with 770 permissions on any newly created folders.

What I'd like to do is find a way to "see" all the permission's that are 
getting applied to that directory when it is getting created.

This isn't a production box, so I'm willing to try anything at the moment.

The good news is that it does create new files and folders...just that 
other users can't modify them.

I do have logging turned up, but do not know what I should be looking for.


Client - OSX 10.5
Server - Ubuntu 7.04, XFS mounted /home, Samba 3.026a

Share section of smb.conf

path = /home/shared
available = yes
browseable = yes
writable = yes
create mask = 02770
directory mask = 02770
force group = +shared

Testparm results (shared section)
path = /home/shared
force group = +shared
read only = No

Hope I didn't forget anything.

I know this doesn't help but we are seeing the same problem, I opened a bug with apple but so far have not heard 
anything back.  I also sent this email to this list awhile back and did not get a response, the copy of the email I sent 
is below.


Hi all,

We are having an issue when a user writes to there home directory the 
permissions change to 0600, instead of 0751 that
we have been setting in smb.conf

Here is a description of the problem:

reinstalled mac osx we have:

1) OS 10.5.0
I mounted  with Prof Sutherlands account
created the folder in 1703 --> test_reinstall
then copied a file to the new folder: About_Stacks.pdf

The permissions on the server for the folder are:

1703 # pwd
humboldt 1703 # ls -la
total 116
drwxr-s--x 10 00033394 apache  4096 Aug 15 15:18 .
drwxr-s--x 18 00033394 apache  4096 Aug 14 15:04 ..
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache  6148 Aug 14 14:55 .DS_Store
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache 11152 Aug 14 13:49 CHEN_1703.html
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache  4096 Aug 14 13:49 CHEN_1703_files
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache  8868 Aug 14 13:49 Homework.html
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache   155 Aug 14 13:49 Homework_files
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache 10300 Aug 14 13:49 Lectures.html
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache  4096 Aug 14 13:49 Lectures_files
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache28 Aug 14 13:49 Media
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache  6326 Aug 14 13:49 Schedule.html
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache  4096 Aug 14 13:49 Schedule_files
drwxr-s--x  3 00033394 apache57 Aug 14 13:49 Scripts
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache 28894 Aug 14 13:49 Syllabus.html
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache  4096 Aug 14 13:49 Syllabus_files
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache  1963 Aug 14 13:49 feed.xml
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache   311 Aug 14 13:49 index.html
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache29 Aug 15 15:18 test_reinstall

test_reinstall # ls -la
total 304
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache 29 Aug 15 15:19 .
drwxr-s--x 10 00033394 apache   4096 Aug 15 15:18 ..
-rwxr-  1 00033394 apache 303444 Aug 15 15:01 About_Stacks.pdf

This works I can view the page:

I am going to update the mac and see what happens

updated to 10.5.4

created the folder: test_reinstall_10.5.4 and the copied the file 
About_Stacks.pdf to it.

perms look like this:
1703 # ls -la
total 116
drwxr-s--x 11 00033394 apache  4096 Aug 15 15:33 .
drwxr-s--x 18 00033394 apache  4096 Aug 14 15:04 ..
-rwxr-x--x  1 00033394 apache  6148 Aug 15 15:22 .DS_Store
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache 11152 Aug 14 13:49 CHEN_1703.html
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache  4096 Aug 14 13:49 CHEN_1703_files
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache  8868 Aug 14 13:49 Homework.html
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache   155 Aug 14 13:49 Homework_files
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache 10300 Aug 14 13:49 Lectures.html
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache  4096 Aug 14 13:49 Lectures_files
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache28 Aug 14 13:49 Media
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache  6326 Aug 14 13:49 Schedule.html
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache  4096 Aug 14 13:49 Schedule_files
drwxr-s--x  3 00033394 apache57 Aug 14 13:49 Scripts
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache 28894 Aug 14 13:49 Syllabus.html
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache  4096 Aug 14 13:49 Syllabus_files
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache  1963 Aug 14 13:49 feed.xml
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache   311 Aug 14 13:49 index.html
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache29 Aug 15 15:19 test_reinstall
drwxr-xr-x  2 00033394 apache29 Aug 15 15:33 test_reinstall_10.5.4

*Note that the sticky bit is gone and has been replaced the execute bit The 
perms on the file:

[Samba] samba 3.0.28a & mac osx 10.5.4

2008-08-19 Thread Brian Gregorcy

Hi all,

We are having an issue when a user writes to there home directory the 
permissions change to 0600, instead of 0751 that
we have been setting in smb.conf

Here is a description of the problem:

reinstalled mac osx we have:

1) OS 10.5.0 

I mounted  with Prof Sutherlands account 

created the folder in 1703 --> test_reinstall 

then copied a file to the new folder: About_Stacks.pdf

The permissions on the server for the folder are:

1703 # pwd
humboldt 1703 # ls -la
total 116
drwxr-s--x 10 00033394 apache  4096 Aug 15 15:18 .
drwxr-s--x 18 00033394 apache  4096 Aug 14 15:04 ..
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache  6148 Aug 14 14:55 .DS_Store
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache 11152 Aug 14 13:49 CHEN_1703.html
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache  4096 Aug 14 13:49 CHEN_1703_files
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache  8868 Aug 14 13:49 Homework.html
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache   155 Aug 14 13:49 Homework_files
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache 10300 Aug 14 13:49 Lectures.html
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache  4096 Aug 14 13:49 Lectures_files
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache28 Aug 14 13:49 Media
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache  6326 Aug 14 13:49 Schedule.html
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache  4096 Aug 14 13:49 Schedule_files
drwxr-s--x  3 00033394 apache57 Aug 14 13:49 Scripts
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache 28894 Aug 14 13:49 Syllabus.html
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache  4096 Aug 14 13:49 Syllabus_files
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache  1963 Aug 14 13:49 feed.xml
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache   311 Aug 14 13:49 index.html
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache29 Aug 15 15:18 test_reinstall

test_reinstall # ls -la
total 304
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache 29 Aug 15 15:19 .
drwxr-s--x 10 00033394 apache   4096 Aug 15 15:18 ..
-rwxr-  1 00033394 apache 303444 Aug 15 15:01 About_Stacks.pdf

This works I can view the page:

I am going to update the mac and see what happens

updated to 10.5.4

created the folder: 
test_reinstall_10.5.4 and the copied the file About_Stacks.pdf to it.

perms look like this:
1703 # ls -la
total 116
drwxr-s--x 11 00033394 apache  4096 Aug 15 15:33 .
drwxr-s--x 18 00033394 apache  4096 Aug 14 15:04 ..
-rwxr-x--x  1 00033394 apache  6148 Aug 15 15:22 .DS_Store
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache 11152 Aug 14 13:49 CHEN_1703.html
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache  4096 Aug 14 13:49 CHEN_1703_files
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache  8868 Aug 14 13:49 Homework.html
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache   155 Aug 14 13:49 Homework_files
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache 10300 Aug 14 13:49 Lectures.html
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache  4096 Aug 14 13:49 Lectures_files
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache28 Aug 14 13:49 Media
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache  6326 Aug 14 13:49 Schedule.html
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache  4096 Aug 14 13:49 Schedule_files
drwxr-s--x  3 00033394 apache57 Aug 14 13:49 Scripts
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache 28894 Aug 14 13:49 Syllabus.html
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache  4096 Aug 14 13:49 Syllabus_files
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache  1963 Aug 14 13:49 feed.xml
-rwxr-s--x  1 00033394 apache   311 Aug 14 13:49 index.html
drwxr-s--x  2 00033394 apache29 Aug 15 15:19 test_reinstall
drwxr-xr-x  2 00033394 apache29 Aug 15 15:33 test_reinstall_10.5.4

*Note that the sticky bit is gone and has been replaced the execute bit 
The perms on the file:

test_reinstall_10.5.4 # pwd
humboldt test_reinstall_10.5.4 # ls -la
total 304
drwxr-xr-x  2 00033394 apache   29 Aug 15 15:33 .
drwxr-s--x 11 00033394 apache 4096 Aug 15 15:33 ..
-rw---  1 00033394 domain users 303444 Aug 15 15:01 About_Stacks.pdf

apache is not the group and the perms are 0700, this page will not work.  The
issue is that the mac is dropping the sticky bit and since the sticky bit is
gone the files are being created with the wrong perms.  

Here is my smb.conf

workgroup   = DOMAIN
netbios name= SERVER
realm   = REALM
server string   = CHE  file server
security= ADS
preferred master= no
client use spnego   = yes
server signing  = auto
encrypt passwords   = yes
nt acl support  = yes
acl map full control= yes
socket options  = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 
template shell  = /bin/false
password server = DNS1 DNS2 *
log level   = 3
log file= /var/log/samba/%m
max log size= 100
preferred master= No
dns proxy   = No
wins server = WINS1 WINS2

; W

Re: [Samba] Group membership confusion, UNIX, nested, and AD

2008-06-02 Thread Brian Gregorcy

Robert M. Martel - CSU wrote:

Still hoping that someone can help clear this up.


I've been reading and re-reading "Chapter 12. Group Mapping: MS Windows
and UNIX", Mailing list messages with the subjects "valid users = +group
doesn't work" and "Unix ADS group membership or vice versa" and all I've
gotten is more confused.

I have to move my samba servers from a Samba PDC environment to Active
Directory (AD) where they will be member servers.  I will NOT be able to
make ANY changes to the AD configuration: it is dictated and controlled
by those "on high."  I cannot add any groups to AD.  I can only
manipulate the membership of the UNIX groups on my servers.

I already have a test samba server (3.0.28a) as a member of AD.

What I want is to be able to control access to "shares" using lines like
"valid user +www" in smb.conf as I have in the past.  The groups I want
to use are the UNIX groups on the AD member samba server.  I have added
AD users as members of the UNIX groups in /etc/group

It looks like Samba AD member servers will NOT look at local UNIX groups
to check and see if an AD account is a member of the UNIX group.  I do
not want to have to map each and every AD user to a corresponding local
user - I thought accessing AD would cut down on the account management
workload, not increase it.

I fail to see where windbind's nested groups will help me solve this
problem - as presented in the docs it seems to solve an MS Windows issue
that I do not have.  Perhaps I still do not understand what that the
nested group is supposed to provide.

Since I have no administrative access to the AD server, how am I to
create nested groups?  The example shows:

 net rpc group add demo -L -Uroot%not24get"

  So it seems I would need some kind of administrative account to even
create the nested group.  If not an AD account, I do not recall setting
up an smbpassword for root as I did in the past on my samba PDC.  I am
not a member of "Domain Administrators" in out AD setup, but that is a
whole different set of questions.

How would I make such a nested group the group owner for
files/directories? Or would I then use the nested group in the "valid
user" line of smb.conf?  Use groupmap to associate it with a UNIX group?
 See, confusion.

At this moment it seems my worst case/quick fix calls for long "valid
user" lines listing the AD accounts that I wish to have access to
certain shares - kinda' defeats the reason to have groups.  Why would
Samba be written to ignore the group memberships?

Thanks in advance to anyone that can help clear up my confusion about

-Bob Martel

Hi Bob,

I recently did something similar, this page helped me the most of 
anything I believe it was section 14.3

However I think you will need an account with privileges to join 
machines to the domain, if the AD admins will not give you one it is 
possible to create an account this is not a domain administrator but can 
add/remove objects from the domain maybe they can create that type of 
account for you.

Also here are my notes when I was setting up our fileserver, they may help:

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