[Samba] smbmount codepage/iocharset settings vs NT4

2005-10-30 Thread Leonard den Ottolander

I'm in the process of setting up a backup server for a somewhat
antiquated NT4 server. Backup server is CentOS-4 (~ RHEL-4),
kernel-2.6.9-11.EL, samba-client-3.0.10-1.4E, rsync-2.6.3-1,
LANG=en_US.UTF-8. NT4 shares are mounted on the server and rsynced to
local disk.

This setup is working pretty well, however on the NT box there are some
files with names containing odd characters like accented characters and
ellipsis. I'm a bit at a loss as to the correct settings of the smbmount
iocharset and codepage parameters to use, and whether the display
charset and unix charset options in smb.conf are relevant to the mounts.

I've setup a test share. An ls in smbclient gives me the correct output
in a gnome-terminal and an mget gets me the files with their correctly
utf8itfied names (console seemed ok until after a toggle to X):

$ smbclient -U auser //david-bowie/Test
Domain=[EVERYTHING] OS=[Windows NT 4.0] Server=[NT LAN Manager 4.0]
smb: \ ls
  .   D0  Sat Oct 29 18:58:49
  ..  D0  Sat Oct 29 18:58:49
  ellipsis zijn heel fijn (…).doc  A24064  Sat Oct 29 18:57:14
  Nogmaals ellipsis ….doc   A24064  Sat Oct 29 18:58:31 2005
  één document á €50.doc A24064  Sat Oct 29 18:55:28 2005
  één document.doc  A24064  Sat Oct 29 18:54:20 2005
  ‘‰’.doc   A24064  Sat Oct 29 18:57:55 2005
  “quotes”.docA24064  Sat Oct 29 18:53:40 2005

52004 blocks of size 262144. 2165 blocks available

However, an smbmount without any charset options gives me the following

$ sudo mount -o username=auser //david-bowie/Test /mnt/tmp
$ ls /mnt/tmp
`%'.doc  ??n document.doc
ellipsis zijn heel fijn (.).doc  Nogmaals ellipsis ..doc
??n document ? ?50.doc   quotes.doc

Using cp850 improves the output somewhat:

$ sudo mount -o
username=auser,codepage=cp850 //david-bowie/Test /mnt/tmp
$ ls /mnt/tmp
`%'.doc ellipsis zijn heel fijn (.).doc
één document á ?50.doc  Nogmaals ellipsis ..doc
één document.docquotes.doc

I assumed the code page used by NT4 was cp1252 (MS-ANSI), but using
cp1252 for the codepage gives me the same output for these files as the
mount with no codepage option set.

To make a long story short: What are the proper options to pass to
smbmount and/or set in /etc/samba/smb.conf?


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Re: [Samba] smbmount codepage/iocharset settings vs NT4

2005-10-30 Thread Leonard den Ottolander
Hello Andrew,

On Mon, 2005-10-31 at 08:34 +1100, Andrew Bartlett wrote:
  This setup is working pretty well, however on the NT box there are some
  files with names containing odd characters like accented characters and
  ellipsis. I'm a bit at a loss as to the correct settings of the smbmount
  iocharset and codepage parameters to use, and whether the display
  charset and unix charset options in smb.conf are relevant to the mounts.
 You should use the CIFS VFS for your backup operations, as it will
 correctly use unicode on the wire, and therefore allow a correct utf8
 smbfs is considered deprecated, and certainly should not be used for new


$ sudo mount -t cifs -o username=auser //david-bowie/Test /mnt/tmp
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ ls /mnt/tmp
één document á €50.doc  ellipsis zijn heel fijn (…).doc  ‘?颂ꋩ??
één document.docNogmaals ellipsis ….doc  “???鲂닩?

That indeed solves the issue for the more common cases. Luckily in real
life I don't have to deal with these cases but what about the below 2 file
names? They are printed correctly in smbclient.

  ‘‰’.doc   A24064  Sat Oct 29 18:57:55 2005
  “quotes”.docA24064  Sat Oct 29 18:53:40 2005


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Re: [Samba] smbmount codepage/iocharset settings vs NT4

2005-10-30 Thread Leonard den Ottolander
Hello Andrew,

On Mon, 2005-10-31 at 09:16 +1100, Andrew Bartlett wrote:
 On Sun, 2005-10-30 at 23:08 +0100, Leonard den Ottolander wrote:
 This will be smbclient correctly finding your 'display
 charset' (localle) from the environment which the cifsvfs can't tell
 from kernel space.  You should use UTF8 everywhere if possible.

LANG=en_US.UTF-8. Setting display charset and unix charset to UTF8 in
smb.conf does not solve this. I'll consider filing a bug as Jeremy
suggested. Right now I'm just going to be content :) . Thanks guys.


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