Re: [Samba] Tunneling over SSH

2009-02-25 Thread Mark Condic

Could you post the batch files here.  Thanks.

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Re: [Samba] samba One Click Install

2008-12-20 Thread Mark Condic

For 11.1 One Click Install:

It installs the samba 3.2.6 but not the libsclient, or the 
libraries.  Is it suppose to install them all?  Is the ymp just wrong 
in this case?  Thanks for your help.

Mark, the openSUSE build service provides both of these...go to, and type in samba, and select
your distro.  You should see the various trees we're building.

Jim McDonough
Samba Team
jmcd at samba dot org
jmcd at themcdonoughs dot org

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[Samba] Samba configuration for win98, win2k and winxp clients

2008-12-15 Thread Mark Condic

Dear TIA,

I also have tried to do this with Windows98  windowsXP.
see the thread [Samba] newbie question/authenticate from Nov. 30th.

I was looking for a simple way, so that students did not have to 
log-on to the computers.

Here is what I have found out so far, (and I would appreciate your 
follow up if you get this to work in windows98):


I have only been very successful with Samba 3.2.6.
Windows98se does not have a /user: option, so this does not work with 
Win98se.  Help?
I have setup username/password accounts in Linux and also the same 
username/password using smbpasswd.
(can anyone tell me if webmin or swat can do this in one step, or do 
I need my own script to do this?)

If the users are log-in, with the same username and password, they 
can access the students directory without the need of my 
script.  If they are not log-into Windows XP, then I created a script 
(with help from others on the list,

workgroup = 
interfaces =
bind interfaces only = Yes
security = SHARE
map to guest = Bad User
log level = 2
smb ports = 139
printcap name = /etc/printcap
mangling method = hash
os level = 255
preferred master = Yes
case sensitive = No
mangled names = No

comment = Work area files
path = /students/%U
read only = No

comment = Master work area files
path = /students
valid users = teacher
read only = No

I then created three batch files,

@echo off
set/p Username=Enter your Username:
rem disconnects s: incase a user forgot to logoff
net use s: /delete /y
rem the net use with a * password will prompt for a password
net use s: \\test203\students /USER:%Username% * /persistent:no
dir s:
rem the last pause will allow us to see any error messages incase of errors

This batch allows me the teacher to have access to all of the students work

@echo off
set/p Username=Enter your Username:
rem disconnects s: incase a user forgot to logoff
net use s: /delete /y
rem the net use with a * password will prompt for a password
net use s: \\test203\teacher /USER:%Username% * /persistent:no
dir s:
rem the last pause will allow us to see any error messages incase of errors

@echo off
rem disconnects s: incase a user forgot to logoff
net use s: /delete /y
dir s:
rem the last pause will allow us to see any error messages incase of errors

Now if there was a real easy way to get this to work with 
win98se.  Please let me know.

I have not tried this yet in the entire class.  Over break I will.

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[Samba] samba One Click Install

2008-12-14 Thread Mark Condic

This is a two part question:

Given that samba is a pretty active development, any thoughts of a 
One Click Install (a YMP file) ?

In openSUSE, the current kernel distribution usually freezes 
applications like samba at the current level.  Is there an easy way 
(besides using wget on each module, and rpm on each module to install 
later stable releases of samba?  Sure would make my job a little easier.


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[Samba] samba 3.2.6 openSUSE binaries

2008-12-12 Thread Mark Condic
I have noticed a big difference in the file size for two of the 
openSUSE binaries:

13-Dec-2008 01:34   46M

13-Dec-2008 01:33   13M

Should there really be a 33M difference in the two releases?

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[Samba] samba 3.2.5 binaries

2008-12-06 Thread Mark Condic
On the official samba site,, there is a link to the 
binaries.  If you follow that link for SuSE, the binaries have not 
been updated.  For years they have always been updated.  To the samba 
developers:  is this not the best place to look for SuSE binaries?  Thanks.

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