[Samba] backup samba domain accounts

2007-07-08 Thread Martin Miethe

Hi Newsgroup,

I use SAMBA as PDC with MS Terminal Server 2K3.
I dont use LDAP.

For backing up the domain accounts, I secure /etc/samba on daily base.

Yesterday I made a test: I set up a new machine with Samba and copied my 
backup /etc/samba (1 day old) to the new machine - Samba started just fine.

But now, most of the users could not login to the Terminal Server (but 
some were able to)! The users do not change their password. So it seems

Samba and Windows are out of sync (on base of some ID?).

I have noticed that Windows now lists some cryptic IDs 
("S1-1-5-21-12423535") instead of the usernames in the User Managment.

When I re-add the domain account to my Windows Server, Windows creates 
me an empty profile. This is really bad and means I would need to copy 
all the profiles to the new Folder!

How can I simply backup my Domain accounts? I don't really want to set 
up a BDC and LDAP. I would like to have everything out of the office.

If this doesn't work, does anyone know how I can point the profiles
in Windows to the new location, without copying them?

Just want to be prepared if I would need it one day.

Please help...Thanks a lot in advance.

best regards

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[Samba] lock account after failed logins

2007-02-19 Thread Martin Miethe


does anybody know how I can lock down an samba domain account after a 
certain amount of failed logins?

I thought I heard that this issue will be solved with Samba 3?

Thanks a lot and
best regards
Martin Miethe

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[Samba] full access to the home dirs as Admin in Windows

2006-04-19 Thread Martin Miethe

Hello Mailinglist,

I got Samba running and also have a Win2K Server being part of the domain.
I run the the backups to a USB device which is connected on the Windows 
Server. When I login to the Windows Server as "Administrator" I need 
full access (like root) to all the Samba shares on the Linuxbox.

The share is defined as follows.


comment = Backup Directory - all this needs to be saved
path = /var/lib/samba/shares
writeable = no
browsable = no
valid users = @"it-admin"

I can access the /home Dir but have no access rights to enter 
/home/user_xxx when being loged in as Administrator on the Windows 
server (this is my problem).

The smbusers file looks as follows:

root = Administrator administrator

The rights of the home dirs are set to drwx--x--x

Thanks a lot and best regards
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[Samba] deployment of software

2006-01-18 Thread Martin Miethe

I have Samba and about 40 WinXP Clientes running.
Now I´m trying to find a way to deploy software (for example
updates of E-Mail Client, Windows Patches) to my Clients.
I was playing around with AutoIt and some "switch-user-tools" for 
windows, which really works but also is kind of complicated and time 

In my environment, every user got his own Logonscript on the Linuxserver 
where I place the call for an installation (for ex Thunderbird update). 
If the installation on the client succeeded, I need a feedback signal 
from the user (e-mail, phone call...) that the script ran properly and I 
can remove the call in this script.
I could also use one Logonscript for all users and turn on machines by 
myself in the morning if a certain user is not in the office.

But all this does not seem to be the best way for me.
I´m really interested if there is another possibility to achieve this 
more efficiently without buying an expensive deployment software for 
Windows Server or something like that.

So far I did not have a closer look at unattended.sourceforge.net, maybe
someone has experience with that.
Thanks a lot

Martin Miethe
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[Samba] what to do in worst case scenario: samba pdc not available

2006-01-12 Thread Martin Miethe


my question no really concerns 100% to Samba but since I use Samba ...
I use Samba 3.0.13 as an PDC and have about 40 WinXp Pro Clients.
I was wondering what happens if the WinXP Pro Clients won´t have any 
connection to the Samba Server anymore. Maybye due an error in the 
network or the PDC died for some reason.
Is there any way to quickly change the clients profile to a local 
profile? I don´t have profile roaming enabled. All I want is that the 
users can access/login to their profiles if the Samba PDC wouldnt be 
available anymore 

Thanks a lot
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Re:[Samba] Problems with XP clients and profiles

2006-01-02 Thread Martin Miethe

However, the problem arises when I try to get the existing clients setup for 
the new domain. I'm able to join the domain without a problem. However, when I 
reboot and try to login via a samba username / password (we're using a first 
initial-last name convention), Windows creates a new profile in C:
\Documents and Settings\username.NEWDOMAIN, while all of the original data is in C:\Documents and Settings\username, and is essentially gone as far as the users are concerned. 

Try this:
1) create a new account with admin rights (maybe administrator 2)
2) go to "local users and groups" -> right click on Administrators -> 
Add to Group -> Add... -> Location -> select your local computer name;

enter the account name from 1) in the white box (administrator2)
3) restart!
4) go to the icon "my computer" -> righ click -> properties -> advanced 
-> user profiles -> settings
from here copy the content from the local profile (username) to the 
DOMAIN.username profile;
before you click OK, change the "permitted to use" to everyone (type 
Everyone in the whitebox)

5) click ok and wait ... you can delete the new administrator2 account

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