Re: [Samba] User profiles ...

2006-09-08 Thread Miguel Da Silva - Servicio de Informát ica

Phil Dawson wrote:

Hi All,

When I log into a samba PDC for the first time I get a new folder on my 
machine called jbloggs.MYDOMAIN but when logging into an NT 4 PDC I just 
get a jbloggs folder.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.


Do you have 2 PDCs intalled?


Miguel Da Silva.
Servicio de Informatica.
Facultad de Ciencias.
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Re: [Samba] Roaming profiles errors and shares not disconnecting

2006-09-04 Thread Miguel Da Silva - Servicio de Informát ica

Philippe LAUGET wrote:


We are using Samba 3.0.22 on FreeBSD 5.5 PDC with ldap backend and 
roaming profiles.

We meet some difficulties when users logout from some Windows 2000 SP4 
clients, and storing their profiles back to the Samba server.

The file NTUSER.DAT seems to be uploaded and stored in lowercase, as 
Then, when users try to reopen a win session, they get a corrupted new 
profile. This new profile is fully broken, since it's not possible to 
modify any options that affect NTUSER.DAT.

I have a similar problem... same Windows version, same Samba version. 
According to smb.conf man page, the default option to preserve case is 

Some times the problem is even more anoying, an user logs in in an 
Windows station, do whatever he/she wants and logs off. Everything seems 
go fine, but then when the user logs in again he/she can't, for example, 
print anymore.

I think the biggest problem is that people look at me and say Why I can 
not print? I've just printed 2 minutes ago. The solution? Erase the 
old profile and create a new one, but... I have to configure everything 
again (mail client, browser, back-up the files, etc, etc).

I thought once it could be an Ethernet problem (I mean, a physical 
network problem), but it's not :(

Any hints?

Miguel Da Silva.
Servicio de Informatica.
Facultad de Ciencias.
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Re: [Samba] Linux as PDC

2006-09-01 Thread Miguel Da Silva - Servicio de Informát ica

Rob Watkin wrote:

Hi Robert

I will post the latest version smb.conf file below. I have followed the
instructions in
Collection/FastStart.html section Domain Controller for the most part.

I have one server (TAU) and one Windows XP client (vm-201). I can get
vm-201 to join my BC workgroup but not the domain. I am rebooting the XP
machine and restarting samba on TAU between experiments.

I have just noticed the following error in the log file which I think is
at the bottom of all this! When I try to get the XP box to join the BC
domain it asks for a username and password, I give tom ** and then
Windows says
  Computer Name Changes 
   The following error occurred attempting to join the domain BC:

   The user name could not be found.

[2006/09/01 14:39:42, 3] smbd/sec_ctx.c:pop_sec_ctx(386)
  pop_sec_ctx (1001, 100) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0
useradd: unable to lock password file
[2006/09/01 14:39:42, 0] rpc_server/srv_samr_nt.c:_samr_create_user
  _samr_create_user: Running the command `/usr/sbin/useradd -
s /bin/false/ -d /var/lib/nobody vm-201$' gave 1

It seems that the machine could not be created when trying to join the 

Did you try to create the machine account manually? I mean, typing 
directly in the shell the corresponding commands.

Good luck.

Miguel Da Silva.
Servicio de Informatica.
Facultad de Ciencias.
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Re: [Samba] DOS client cannot execute BATCH file on samba share

2006-08-31 Thread Miguel Da Silva - Servicio de Informát ica

Roberto João Lopes Garcia wrote:


I just upgrade from 3.0.13 to samba 3.0.23b and after upgrade DOS Lanman 
Clients could not execute BATCH or EXE files stored on a samba share.

Client can see, type and copy the file but cannot execute ! It can execute the 
batch file copy to C:

I dig a little and found:

Further investigation has revealed that it seems this error is caused by
the fact that smbd is unable to update the file access time, as the error
happens within file_utime(). What I don't get is: Why does WinZip run?
The files and directories have the same permissions... Strange

So I try to disable dos filetimes 

   dos filetimes = no

But did not work. 

I'm now seting up a server for test and see more debug messages.

Please, some one could help me?

Thank you


No error messages in the logs?


Miguel Da Silva.
Servicio de Informatica.
Facultad de Ciencias.
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Re: [Samba] Ports

2006-08-30 Thread Miguel Da Silva - Servicio de Informát ica

Shaun Marolf wrote:
Okay my smb.conf file is correct. Firewall is configured correctly to allow 
Samba on local network. smbd and nmbd are running. Her computer still cannot 
connect to my printer share. I read my Samba version wrong its actually 
3.0.23a-1.fc5.1, here is my smb.conf:

workgroup = HOME
realm = SHAUN
server string = Samba Server
security = SHARE
encrypt passwords = No
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
max log size = 50
dns proxy = No
wins support = Yes
ldap ssl = no
admin users = shaun
read list = shaun
write list = shaun
printer admin = shaun
cups options = raw

comment = All Printers
path = /usr/spool/samba
guest ok = Yes
printable = Yes
browseable = No

comment = HP LaserJet 4/4M
path = /usr/spool/samba
read only = No
guest ok = Yes
printable = Yes
printer name = LaserJet_4
oplocks = No
share modes = No

I am using Fedora Core 5

She has Windows XP Media Center Edition. I cannot see her computer at all when 
I try to browse with smb4k or with my file manager.

She cannot can see my computer if I scan from her station but she cannot 
connect to me. I ran a scan on SMB ports from her and they show as open so 
she should see my printer but doesn't.

My firewall is reporting the attempt of ports like 35578 attempting to make an 
inbound connection from her.

Did MS change things again or is there something else?


I had once some problems regarding SMB connections and firewalls;
according to Microsoft the ports needed to make this kind of connections
should be 135/UDP, 137/UDP, 138/UDP, 139/TCP and 445/TCP, but if I open
these ports using iptables and block anything else, the connections are
not possible.

I tried all the port/protocol posible combinations and could not make it...

Good luck.

Miguel Da Silva.
Servicio de Informatica.
Facultad de Ciencias.
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Re: [Samba] How would you setup this config with samba

2006-08-18 Thread Miguel Da Silva - Servicio de Informát ica

daniel parkes wrote:

Hy people,

There is a friends company, that uses windows XP as a server to share
directories, i am going to change it for a linux box, with Samba, and run a
pdc domain with it, its a simple configuration with 13 computers and the
only thing that they have to get w0rking, is passwd policys, they need that
each month they have to change passwd, it has to be at least 8 characters
long, etc  I have read there are some new directives in samba and you
can do this kind of things, but i cant find much docs that talk about it,
anyone has tried it out?, any docs they can share?, is it working in samba
3.x?, is it a good idea to make a samba a domain controller?.

Thnx a lot!!

Probably you'll have to also change the password each user have in the 

And Samba is a very good solution to implement a PDC. Will you use 
single sign-on (SSO) and roaming profiles? Sometimes I have a little 
problems with that, but is concerning the Windows part of the configuration.

Good luck.

Miguel Da Silva.
Servicio de Informatica.
Facultad de Ciencias.
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Re: [Samba] share write access

2006-08-18 Thread Miguel Da Silva - Servicio de Informát ica

Donald W Watson wrote:


I am testing share parameters, and have the following share definition:

## Section - [shareA]
  path = /tmp/shareA
  writelist = user1

and do not understand why user1 cannot write files in the share when
connected as user1.  Unix permissions for the share files are rw for
everyone, and the share directory has wide-open permissions.  Samba version
is 3.0.20b-3.4-SUSE.

Thanks for any help anyone can give.  Here is the complete smb.conf file
(note guest parameters):

# Generated by /root/samba_iiosb/testing/util/
  adminusers= Administrator, root
  logonhome = \\%L\%U\.9xprofile
  addsharecommand   = 
  addgroupscript= /usr/sbin/groupadd -p %g
  include   = /etc/samba/dhcp.conf
  deleteuserfromgroupscript = /usr/sbin/groupmod -x %u %g
  adduserscript = /usr/sbin/useradd -m %u
  deleteprintercommand  = 
  maptoguest= Bad User
  addprintercommand = 
  setprimarygroupscript = /usr/sbin/usermod -g %g %u
  addmachinescript  = /usr/sbin/useradd %u
  domainlogons  = no
  deleteuserscript  = /usr/sbin/userdel -r %u
  printcapname  = cups
  passdbbackend = tdbsam
  guestaccount  = testguest
  printing  = cups
  cupsoptions   = raw
  logondrive= P:
  addusertogroupscript  = /usr/sbin/groupmod -m %u %g
  logonpath = \\%L\profiles\.msprofile
  printcapcachetime = 750
  workgroup = SAMBA_TEST
  security  = share
  domainmaster  = false

## Section - [users]
  readonly  = No
  comment   = All users
  vetofiles = /aquota.user/groups/shares/
  inheritacls   = Yes
  path  = /home

## Section - [homes]
  readonly  = No
  browseable= No
  comment   = Home Directories
  inheritacls   = Yes
  validusers= %S

## Section - [printers]
  createmask= 0600
  browseable= No
  comment   = All Printers
  printable = Yes
  path  = /var/tmp

## Section - [shareC]
  write list= testguest
  guest only = yes
  guest ok = yes
  path  = /tmp/shareC

## Section - [print$]
  directorymask = 0775
  createmask= 0664
  comment   = Printer Drivers
  forcegroup= ntadmin
  path  = /var/lib/samba/drivers
  writelist = @ntadmin root

## Section - [shareA]
  path  = /tmp/shareA
  writelist = user1

## Section - [groups]
  readonly  = No
  comment   = All groups
  inheritacls   = Yes
  path  = /home/groups

## Section - [profiles]
  directorymask = 0700
  createmask= 0600
  readonly  = No
  storedosattributes= Yes
  comment   = Network Profiles Service
  path  = %H

## Section - [shareB]
  path  = /tmp/shareB
  guestok   = yes
  writelist = user1

# end of generated smb.conf

Sincerely,Don Watson
Linux Technology and Solutions; Beaverton, OR
503-578-4861/TL: 775-4861; [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Are you trying write list or writelist?

Did you have problems with other share? Almost all of them do possess 
writelist and it is in fact write list.


Miguel Da Silva.
Servicio de Informatica.
Facultad de Ciencias.
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