Re: [Samba] SAMBA don't start

2006-11-10 Thread Rory Vieira


The 'log.nmb' report that :

'bind failed on port 137 socket_addr =

 Error = Adress already used.'

Well, there's your error... Some other process is using port 137
before you start nmb. Use netstat -l to check which process is using
that port :)

Rory Vieira
rory dot vieira at gmail dot com
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Re: [Samba] unable to change passwd from win XP

2006-09-23 Thread Rory Vieira


On 9/22/06, Steve Glasser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi list,

  # sync smb passwords with linux passwords
  unix password sync = yes

Ok, I have this line...

  passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
  passwd chat = *new*password* %n\n*Re-enter*new*password* %n\n
  passwd chat debug = yes

I don't have this stuff though,
I DO have an additional line:

pam password change = yes

which works for me :)

Hope this helps,
Rory Vieira
rory dot vieira at gmail dot com
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Re: [Samba] no profiles add/saved in samba PDC

2006-09-07 Thread Rory Vieira


Obviously we would need at least yur smb.conf to figure out what's going on...
Do the profile dirs have the proper rights/ownership?

I use the following to make sure the directory get's created properly:
   comment = Roaming User Profiles
   guest ok = yes
   browseable = no
   writeable = yes
   path = /home/profiles
   create mode = 0600
   directory mode = 0700
   veto files = /.*/
   hide files = /desktop.ini/
   root preexec = PROFILE=/home/profiles/%u; if [ ! -e $PROFILE ]; \
   then mkdir -pm700 $PROFILE; chown %u.%g $PROFILE;fi

Hope this helps...
Rory Vieira
rory dot vieira at gmail dot com
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Re: [Samba] Bash/perl: how to know if a samba directory is mounted?

2006-09-06 Thread Rory Vieira


On 9/6/06, Luca Manganelli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I am writing an Perl application that automatically mounts a samba directory.

But I would like to know if that directory is already mounted by samba
(i.e. in multiple logins, that directory could be mounted only on the
first login) ?
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why not:
MOUNTED=`mount|grep mounted_directory`
if [ ! -n $MOUNTED ]; then
   mount yur_dir

Rory Vieira
rory dot vieira at gmail dot com
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Re: [Samba] On access scanning with samba-vscan

2006-09-02 Thread Rory Vieira


I am trying to configure Samba as blocking virus transfer so that shares can be
safe. I am using redhat el3 and fc4. I want to install samba-vscan, clamd. I
have tried to install it from tar packages but i couldn't succeed it.

My colleage has been using the rpm's from on fc4 without a glitch.
I've been using clamav as my samba scanner on SuSE for quite some time
now, with nice results. It does have it's impact though...

On your share go:
vfs objects = vscan-clamav
vscan-clamav: config-file = /etc/samba/vscan-clamav.conf

Now vscan-clamav.conf:

# /etc/samba/vscan-clamav.conf

; run-time configuration for vscan-samba using
; clamd
; all options are set to default values

; do not scan files larger than X bytes. If set to 0 (default),
; this feature is disable (i.e. all files are scanned)
max file size = 10485760

; log all file access (yes/no). If set to yes, every access will
; be logged. If set to no (default), only access to infected files
; will be logged
verbose file logging = no

; if set to yes (default), a file will be scanned while opening
scan on open = yes
; if set to yes, a file will be scanned while closing (default is yes)
scan on close = yes

; if communication to clamd fails, should access to file denied?
; (default: yes)
deny access on error = no

; if daemon failes with a minor error (corruption, etc.),
; should access to file denied?
; (default: yes)
deny access on minor error = no

; send a warning message via Windows Messenger service
; when virus is found?
; (default: yes)
send warning message = yes

; what to do with an infected file
; quarantine: try to move to quantine directory
; delete: delete infected file
; nothing:do nothing (default)
infected file action = quarantine

; where to put infected files - you really want to change this!
quarantine directory  = /opt/clamav/quarantine
; prefix for files in quarantine
quarantine prefix = vir-

; as Windows tries to open a file multiple time in a (very) short time
; of period, samba-vscan use a last recently used file mechanism to avoid
; multiple scans of a file. This setting specified the maximum number of
; elements of the last recently used file list. (default: 100)
max lru files entries = 100

; an entry is invalidad after lru file entry lifetime (in seconds).
; (Default: 5)
lru file entry lifetime = 5

; exclude files from being scanned based on the MIME-type! Semi-colon
; seperated list (default: empty list). Use this with care!
exclude file types =

; socket name of clamd (default: /var/run/clamd). Setting will be ignored if
; libclamav is used
clamd socket name = /tmp/clamd

; limits, if vscan-clamav was build for using the clamav library (libclamav)
; instead of clamd

; maximum number of files in archive (default: 1000)
libclamav max files in archive = 1000

; maximum archived file size, in bytes (default: 10 MB)
libclamav max archived file size = 5242880

; maximum recursion level (default: 5)
libclamav max recursion level = 5
This should do the trick quite nicely I think...
Obviously you need a running clam daemon for this to work.

Note that this is a working example for me using ClamAV.
You *should* have some examples on your system
(/usr/share/doc/somewhere) that target other scanners too... You
should be able to use any of them.

I'm currently working on making Norman AV working with Samba :)

Hope this helps,
Rory Vieira
rory dot vieira at gmail dot com
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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.0.23b RPM packages for all SUSE Linux products (was: Samba 3.0.23c Available for Download)

2006-09-01 Thread Rory Vieira

Just a side question to this:

Supported SUSE Linux based products are at the moment SUSE Linux 9.1,
9.2, 9.3, 10.0, 10.1, UnitedLinux 1/ SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)
8, SLES 9 and 10, and factory (= the currently developed product).

Why was 9.0 dropped anyway? I can't remember any releases since 3.20

Rory Vieira
rory dot vieira at gmail dot com
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[Samba] Flooding of syslog due to ip change?

2006-08-25 Thread Rory Vieira


I'm running Samba 3.0.22 on SuSE 9.3
Eth0 is connected to cable modem, and eth1 is connected to LAN.
My cable company changed my ext ip, and now my syslog is being flooded
with messages about the browselist not being synced (on my old ext

Aug 25 12:49:17 jupiter nmbd[13886]: [2006/08/25 12:49:17, 0]
Aug 25 12:49:17 jupiter nmbd[13886]:   domain_master_node_status_fail:
Aug 25 12:49:17 jupiter nmbd[13886]:   Doing a node status request to
the domain master browser
Aug 25 12:49:17 jupiter nmbd[13886]:   for workgroup COOLVIEW at IP failed.
Aug 25 12:49:17 jupiter nmbd[13886]:   Cannot sync browser lists.

How do I get rid of these messages?
IP is gone for over a month now...
Even setting interfaces = eth1 and bind interface only
= yes doesn't help...

Thanks in advance,
Rory Vieira
rory dot vieira at gmail dot com
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[Samba] Re: Flooding of syslog due to ip change? [FIXED]

2006-08-25 Thread Rory Vieira

Hi there again,

I fixed it doing the following:

Stop all samba processes (nmb smb winbind)
Removed from /var/lib/ : browse.dat gencache.tdb wins.dat
started all samba processes again.

I was having problems when restarting the services, as the information
was obviously still in memory (and got written on shutdown)...

At least my syslog is cleaner now :)

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[Samba] Reset Workstation Trust (Was: Domain migration from 2.2.x to 3.0.x)

2006-08-16 Thread Rory Vieira


Here's a weird one for y'all...

14 machines are in the domain DOM. for 4 workstation an entry exists
in both passwd and smbpasswd. The other 10 do NOT have any account
(linux or samba) but can logon without a problem on the 2.2.x domain.

Now the domain is migrated from 2.2.x to 3.0.21c on SuSE 9.3

I have copied the smbpasswd back, and also the tdb files.
The 4 workstations mentioned can now login on the samba 3 domain
without a problem.

The other 10 claim that their computer account could not be located or
has a wrong password.
I now created the linux and samba accounts by hand.

I now want to 'reset' the trust relationship between those ten and
samba 3 WITHOUT re-adding the workstations (It's going to wreak havok
on the stored user profiles)

I have been looking at NETDOM.EXE that *might* do something for me...
But it isn't working for me att all...

As I'm working on it NOW, I hope someone has an answer quickly :)

Rory Vieira
rory dot vieira at gmail dot com
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[Samba] Domain migration from 2.2.x to 3.0.x

2006-08-11 Thread Rory Vieira


One of my customers is running a pretty old Redhat 8 (Psyche) server
with Samba 2.2.something (I think 7). Next week I'm planned to upgrade
his Redhat platform to SuSE 9.3 and also update his samba to 3.0.23b.

My biggest worry is that this customer has about 14 workstations
already in the 2.2.x domain.
I would like to know WHAT to do so I won't have to re-add all those
machines again, as this will take up a lot of my time.

Eg Upgrading Samba without losing the workstation accounts etc...

Thanks in advance (and cheers)...
Rory Vieira
rory dot vieira at gmail dot com
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[Samba] Latest Samba for SuSE 9.0 ?!?

2006-08-10 Thread Rory Vieira


What is the latest version of Samba for SuSE 9.0, and where can I find it.
Shame support was dropped for this one... still being used a lot...

Rory Vieira
rory dot vieira at gmail dot com
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Re: [Samba] Latest Samba for SuSE 9.0 ?!?

2006-08-10 Thread Rory Vieira


smbfs support has just been dropped from the newest
2.6 kernels, and cifs lanman support to replace it isn't done baking

Bullocks what a load of [EMAIL PROTECTED]* crap.
Why remove something used SO MUCH and not have a replacement ready!!!

I'' be sticking to 2.6.9 LOL

Microsoft is getting their ass kicked because they don't do much on
integrating Windows with other systems, and now I hear they are going
to do the same on the Linux end? Damn this is bad... (from my oppinion
at least)...

But anyway...  thanks again.
Rory Vieira
rory dot vieira at gmail dot com
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Re: [Samba] Latest Samba for SuSE 9.0 ?!?

2006-08-10 Thread Rory Vieira


try this
after all searching about the rpms is easy with google, and building
rpms too , if you have a spec valid for suse 9.0.

Thanks for the links. They work fine ;)
And the spec file was one of the things I couldnt find.
I'm hoping you have got one?!? (or maybe even the source rpm?!?)

if you wanna longer support why not using enterprise versions which have
longer support, upgrading versions older than 2 years makes no sense  (
my opinion ), after all why not switch to debian...i ll think they give
longer updates as the only linux distro

Welll obviously no EE as it is going to cost my customer a lot more.
Second, I don't need no paid support from SuSE (that's MY job LOL).
Definaly not going to change distro at all.

I just need to update my customers to 9.3 when possible...

Cheers and thanks again,
Rory Vieira
rory dot vieira at gmail dot com
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[Samba] Show specific printers only

2006-05-10 Thread Rory Vieira


On our samba server (3.0.22-SuSE93) we have many printers installed with cups.
Most of them are RAW queues to use within Windows. A few of them
however, are filtered queues for Linux to use.

I would like to EXCLUDE the filtered queues so Windows users cannot
use them, but am not sure how to do this within the smb.conf.

Thanks in advance for any assistance,
Rory Vieira
rory dot vieira at gmail dot com
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Re: [Samba] [OT] DeleteRoamingCache=1 doesn't work

2006-03-15 Thread Rory Vieira
You can always dump a NTLOGON.POL into the netlogon. I have been using this
options for several years with the policy editor, and it does the job
perfectly :)

Rory Vieira
rory dot vieira at gmail dot com
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Re: [Samba] how to upgrade to Samba-3.0.21c

2006-03-15 Thread Rory Vieira

I agree that a backup of your existing files is 'required' or at least
'wanted'... :)
I simply backup /etc/samba and /var/lib/samba... That should solve most

 warning: samba-3.0.21c-1.i386.rpm: V3 DSA signature: NOKEY, key ID
 error: Failed dependencies: is needed by samba-3.0.21c-1 is needed by samba-3.0.21c-1 is needed by samba-3.0.21c-1 is needed by samba-3.0.21c-1 is needed by samba-3.0.21c-1 is needed by samba-3.0.21c-1 is needed by samba-3.0.21c-1 is needed by samba-3.0.21c-1
samba-common = 3.0.21c-1 is needed by samba-3.0.21c-1
samba = 0:3.0.10 is needed by (installed) samba-swat-3.0.10-1.fc2

Hmm, I agree that ONLY samba should be pretty allright...
There's probably a huge difference with SuSE and Fedora...
Looks like the samba package alone is requiring your LDAP stuff...

Kee,, if you are NOT using LDAP, installing them with --nodeps shouldn't be
such a major problem. If you ARE using LDAP, you might want to upgrade that

Hope this helps,
Rory Vieira
rory dot vieira at gmail dot com
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Re: [Samba] Samba 3 and FoxPro 2.6 for DOS

2006-03-15 Thread Rory Vieira

You might want to check the 'veto oplock files' option.

We have *veto oplock files = /*.doc/*.xls/*.mdb/ *in our config...

Check the docs for more info about this option...

2006/3/15, Zoran Ljubisic [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi all,

 Are there some specific parameters for running multi-user FoxPro 2.6 for
 applications directly from samba share?


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Rory Vieira
rory dot vieira at gmail dot com
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Re: [Samba] Re: Printer Queue not being cleared

2006-03-15 Thread Rory Vieira
Hi again,

Elas, but no luck with any of the suggested changes.
I DID notice however that the TDB files in */var/lib/samba/printing* seem to
contain the print jobs. Problem is that I don't know how to 'clear' these
without losing settings. It's 36 printers, so it'l take me a while to
restore it all...

Still, any help with clearing those files would come in handy :)

Rory Vieira
rory dot vieira at gmail dot com
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[Samba] Printer Queue not being cleared

2006-03-14 Thread Rory Vieira

I subscribed just to get this solved :)

I'm using the latest Samba i.c.w. CUPS.
For some reason all prints that are finished are still in the printer queue
seen from windows. However, going to the CUPS queue on port 631, its' all

Any idea's on how to solve this tiny matter???
Rory Vieira
rory dot vieira at gmail dot com
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Re: [Samba] Re: Printer Queue not being cleared

2006-03-14 Thread Rory Vieira
Dear Michael,

 Server OS and version?
 Samba version?
 Enough of your smb.conf to show printer related settings?
 Client OS and version?

 You are so right... I should've known :)

P4 3GHz, 1Gb ram, 160Gb hda, dvd-writer hdc, 2 * 3Com etc...
Running SuSE Linux 9.3 (installed from FTP)
Running Samba 3.0.21c
Connecting with Windows XP Professional SP2 with MSOffice 2003

The most interesting parts of smb.conf:

printer admin = @ntadmin
load printers = yes
printcap name = cups
domain master = yes
security = user
printing = cups
cups options = raw
client driver = Yes

   comment = All Printers
   path = /var/spool/samba
   browseable = no
   public = yes
   guest ok = yes
   writable = no
   printable = yes
   create mode = 0700

   path = /data/printers
   browseable = yes
   write list = @ntadmin
   guest ok = yes
   inherit permissions = yes

Like I explained, the CUPS queues are all empty, but in Windows, the queues
contain all printed documents (oncluding the ones

Rory Vieira
rory dot vieira at gmail dot com
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Re: [Samba] Re: Printer Queue not being cleared

2006-03-14 Thread Rory Vieira
Dear Michael,

2006/3/14, Michael Lueck [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 The rest looks good so I will focus two points on this part.

 comment = All Printers
 path = /var/spool/samba
 browseable = no
 public = yes
 guest ok = yes
 writable = no
 printable = yes
 create mode = 0700

create mode = 0600

 Is perfect for this, spooled print jobs would never need to be executed on
 the server.

 Did you do something like this while setting up the spool directory? (Run
 as root)


 mkdir /var/spool/samba
 chmod 0777 /var/spool/samba
 chmod o+t /var/spool/samba

Yeah I did. On SuSE this folder doesn't exist by default, so my logs are
obviously cramped with statements that this folder doesn't exist. After
chmod 777 it also stop nagging about not being able to write LOL
Not sure what the chmod o+t means though...

Finally, have you looked in that directory to see if jobs are stuck there?

Well, that's my problem... There's nothing there. It's completely empty ?!?

writable = no strikes me as interesting... here is my printers share...

comment = SMB Print Spool
path = /var/spool/samba
browseable = no
public = yes
guest ok = yes
read only = yes
printable = yes
create mode = 0600

 Yes yes, small details, maybe one of them is key though...

I'll try this one out. Hopes that might fix some problems...
Idiotic thing is that using SuSE's default samba (3.0.13) doesn't have this
specific problem. It all started after upgading to 3.0.20b (before that we
were using 3.0.20a with no problems).
Rory Vieira
rory dot vieira at gmail dot com
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Re: [Samba] how to upgrade to Samba-3.0.21c

2006-03-14 Thread Rory Vieira
It CAN be even easier using the rpm's...

download the rpm's you need into some folder
rpm -Uvh /somefolder/*.rpm
restart smbd and nmbd and yur done...
Works for us everytime without copying ANYTHING...

If you need to downgrade just do rpm -Uvh --force ...

Rory Vieira
rory dot vieira at gmail dot com
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