[Samba] printmode on smbclient 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.2

2010-09-27 Thread Public Mailing Lists

Where did the command printmode go on smbclient?
I'm using smbclient 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.2, and I need to print a 
binary file directly to the printer, without interpreting postscript or 
pdf on it. It used to work fine on smbclient 3.0.28a-1ubuntu4.13.

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[Samba] printmode on smbclient 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.2

2010-09-27 Thread Public Mailing Lists

What happened to the command printmode on smbclient?
I'm using smbclient 2:3.4.7~dfsg-1ubuntu3.2, and I need to print a 
binary file directly to the printer, without interpreting postscript or 
pdf on it. It used to work fine on smbclient 3.0.28a-1ubuntu4.13.

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Re: [Samba] Access Samba from Windows 3.1

2010-09-03 Thread Public Mailing Lists

On 09/02/2010 04:00 PM, Chris Smith wrote:

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 8:04 AM, Public Mailing Lists
li...@lists.cichon.com  wrote:

How do I need to configure Samba in order to connect to the latest Samba
server again? Unfortunately, I can't change the configuration of these old
Windows installations. Hopefully, there are some options that I can write
into smb.conf in order to re-enable old style Windows networking.

Interesting. Windows 3.1 with the workgroup add-on package (I used
this with DOS) or WFWG 3.11?

It is Windows for Workgroups 3.11.

Always best to read the Changelog for all of the versions between the
one you were at to the one you're moving to. As you don't mention
versions I can only guess that there was a change in the default
setting of some of these: lanman auth, client lanman auth,
encrypt passwords, client plaintext auth. There may be others
changes you want/need to be aware of as well.

Yes, there are so many options, it is confusing to me.

It is a trusted network without internet access, so it's OK if it hasn't 
got the latest password encryption and authentication methods out there.

Would it be possible to put something into the FAQ or Readme file of Samba?
Something, like
if you want to access that server from Windows for Workgroups 3.11,
put the following lines [...] into your smb.conf
That would be greatly helpful for anyone else who needs to maintain a 
legacy installation of Windows.

Thank you so much for your help!

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[Samba] Access Samba from Windows 3.1

2010-09-02 Thread Public Mailing Lists


I'm maintaining for historical reasons a couple of Windows 3.1 and 
Windows 95 installations. These run actually on Vmware. With the most 
recent version of Samba, I'm noticing that Microsoft Windows does not 
connect any more, and I get authentication error.

How do I need to configure Samba in order to connect to the latest Samba 
server again? Unfortunately, I can't change the configuration of these 
old Windows installations. Hopefully, there are some options that I can 
write into smb.conf in order to re-enable old style Windows networking.

Thanks for your help in advance. :-)

Best Regards,

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[Samba] Long delays when launching programs for the first time in my Windows 7 Profile (Samba 3.4.3 as PDC)

2010-06-28 Thread Mailing Lists
Hello dear Samba users!


My setup:



- openSUSE 11.2 - 64 bit

- Samba 3.4.3 running as PDC. Roaming profiles active

- DNS Server (bind 9)

- DHCP-Server, which dynamically updates the zone files of the DNS



- Windows 7 Professional - 64 bit, english


My problems:



The first time when I login a new user on the client, it takes very long
(about 40 minutes!) until the login process is completed and the new profile
is been created

The next logins everything works perfect.



When I am in the user profile and start a new program for the first time, it
takes again VERY long until this program finally launches (approx 5
minutes). Until then the system feels partially locked-up (many programs do
not respond). When the program finally launched, everything works fast again

All later launches of the program are performed with normal speed


Has anybody got any solutions for this problem or any idas? 

If you need further information please do not hesitate to ask!


Thanks for your time


Tom H. Lautenbacher


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[Samba] Samba on top of Windows?

2010-05-05 Thread Public Mailing Lists
Hi all,

I just bought a brand new PC for my living room (Asus eee Box) that
happens to come with Windows 7. I can nicely plug in large USB hard
drives, any my intention was to share these harddrives on the network,
for example with my old Windows 98 PC on which I still run some favorite
computer games. And of course, I would also like to access the large
harddrive occasionally from my linux box (e.g. to put backups on them).

However, I had to learn that Windows 7 does not want to share my
harddrive with the other computer on the network that are not Windows 7.
All tried all different kinds of things: I switched off the home
group, I switched off various encryption/security settings in the
control panel. I even changed some registry settings that I googled from
the web. All without success. I spare you the technical details on this...

I can't understand why it has to be so hard to just export a simple
harddisk on the network. With every single version upgrade of Windows,
it breaks. From Windows 95 to Windows 98. From Windows 98 to Windows XP.
And now with Windows 7, again. IMHO, the purpose of networking is to
COMMUNICATE with whichever protocol is out there.

I don't want to deal with neither Windows domain controllers, nor home
groups, nor roaming profiles, nor encryption requirements, nor anything
that Windows will come up with in the next release that breaks
everything else. I would like just export a hard disk with a user-name
and a password and use it with everything from Windows 3.1 to my Linux
box without getting a headache.

So, my question is:
Is it possible to run Samba on top of Windows?

Thanks for your help in advance.


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[Samba] Cannot access/write to shares, samba appears not to convert group names to SIDs

2009-10-05 Thread Lists

Hi All,

I cannot access/write to shares so I turned the logging level up to 3.
This is the error from the 'test' share while attempting to create a new 

[2009/09/29 09:57:45, 3] lib/util_sid.c:string_to_sid(223)
 string_to_sid: Sid @domain users does not start with 'S-'.

I am using samba 3.0.36 on gentoo
  server string = Samba Server %v
  log level = 3
  log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
  max log size = 50
  interfaces = lo eth0
  bind interfaces only = yes
  hosts allow = 10.4.1. 172.16.142. 127.
  hosts deny =
  encrypt passwords = yes
  socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
  dns proxy = no
  security = ADS
  idmap uid = 1-2
  idmap gid = 1-2
  winbind enum users = yes
  winbind enum groups = yes
  template homedir = /home/%D/%U
  template shell = /bin/bash
  client use spnego = yes
  client ntlmv2 auth = yes
  winbind use default domain = yes
  restrict anonymous = 2
  domain master = no
  local master = no
  preferred master = no
  os level = 10
  disable netbios = no
#   dos charset = ASCII
#   unix charset = UTF8
#   display charset = UTF8
  preserve case = yes
  short preserve case = yes

#   printer admin = root, @Domain Admins
  printing = cups
  printcap name = cups
#   printcap = /etc/printcap
  load printers = yes
  default devmode = yes
   comment = All Printers
   path = /var/spool/samba
   browseable = no
   guest ok = no
   writable = no
   printable = yes
#   admin users = root, @Domain Admins, @Printer Admins, 
@Domain Power Users

#   comment = Printer Drivers
   path = /var/lib/samba/printers
   guest ok = no
   browseable = yes
#   read only = yes
   write list = @domain admins

[daily backups]
   comment = DGHYP Daily Backups
   path = /backup/set1
   valid users = @domain admins
   read only = Yes

   comment = IT Files
   path = /backup/tech
   write list = @domain admins
   force create mode = 0770

   comment = test
   path = /backup/test
   write list = @domain users, @domain users, @domain admins, 
@domain admins

Charlie Page

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[Samba] Best Way to Securely Mount SMB/CIFS Shares

2009-05-21 Thread lists
Although I am comfortable mounting smbf/cifs shares for myself, as root,
I am trying to determine the optimal way to have users get specific
mounts, without having to put in any user account details in fstab, and
specific mounts for specific users. I know I can create a .credentials
file in each users /home/user folder and point to that in fstab. But I
dont want to have multiple lines in fstab for each user. 

Can a mount line be added to a users bash_profile and using a hidden/hashed

credentials file? or something similar so that only those mounts needed 
for any particular user are mounted when they log in. Rather than in 
fstab and mounted for everyone?

Or maybe there is another way to securely create different windows share 
mounts for different users without having them in fstab?

CentOS 5.3, x86
Samba: 3.033375
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[Samba] Alternate to 'net ads keytab'?

2009-03-16 Thread NP Samba Lists

We're currently binding hosts to a Windows 2000 domain through a
third-party product (that also supports Kerberos/NFSv4) but we also
have a need to have other hosts grab their credentials from a Windows
KDC for NFSv4 access.  While we don't intend to bind these systems to
AD, we do have the requirement to pull their SPNs from AD and place
them in /etc/krb5.keytab.  Note that ktpass.exe is not an option here
and I suspect there's another and simpler way that I'm just missing

So, my question is: if a system has *not* been joined to the domain
with 'net ads join' and has already been pre-staged in AD as a
user/computer account with the desired SPNs by a Windows admin, can I
just use Samba 'net ads keytab' to build /etc/krb5.keytab on the
system without joining the system to the domain?  Or is there another
way to build /etc/krb5.keytab from SPNs in AD?  I know I can grab the
kvno from AD but that's only marginally helpful 'cause I also need the
shared secrets I'd assume.

Please let me know your suggestions and what I might be missing.

You will probably find that this hot mix will probably sell by the
bucket load. I suggest yo...
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[Samba] Samba Administration Tool recommendations

2008-03-28 Thread Matt Arnilo S. Baluyos (Mailing Lists)
Hi All,

I have a project which is to build a customized Linux distribution
with a focus on deploying a Samba as Primary Domain Controller. It's
pretty much like Trixbox but instead of Asterisk and VOIP, will be
focused on Samba.

Right now, I am looking for a solution for an administrator to easily
manage the service. Of particular importance would be to easily add
workstations and set up users for Roaming Profiles.

Any recommendations on this?

I have already looked at SWAT and Webmin (and I will be including them
on the package list). However, I would like a tool that is focused on
just Samba as a PDC.

The base system I have is Ubuntu Server so it would be great if such a
recommendation would be web-based although if a desktop application is
what I need, then changing the base system is an option.

Thanks in advance,

Stand before it and there is no beginning.
Follow it and there is no end.
Stay with the ancient Tao,
Move with the present.
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[Samba] Maximum number of files per folder

2007-11-11 Thread lists

Hello list,

we have a small NAS-Box here in our office, running Linux 2.6.13 and
Samba 3 (exactly version string is not avalilable for me at moment).

Is there a limit, how many files samba will store in one folder? We
recognize a massive CPU-Load of the smbd-process, when accessing a
folder which stores round about 60 000 small text-files.

Is this a samba-Limit or a bug? The kernel and samba is compiled by the
NAS-manufactur, so no cimpiler-options are available for me.

So long,

Markus Neviadomski
lists @ dieitexperten.de
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[Samba] How Can I Stop Certain Passwords from Expiring?

2007-08-22 Thread lists
I recently started using pdbedit to set the maximum password age policy on 
v3.0.25a.   How can I
set certain passwords so they don't expire?  I have been trying the folowing 
command but I can't see
that it is doing anything:

pdbedit -cX -u root

It returns the stats for the root user, but the password appears to still be 
set to expire? 
How can I accomplish this and how can I verify that it worked?

Thank you in advance.
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[Samba] Do Machine Accounts Expire?

2007-06-01 Thread lists
I recently started playing with pdbedit to set the maximum password age policy 
on v3.0.25a.  After setting 
this policy, I see that running pdbedit -Lv shows the machine accounts expiring 
in the same time frame as 
the user accounts.  So my question is do the machine accounts actually expire 
just like user accounts?  If 
they do, is there any way to set the machine accounts not to expire as a group 
instead of setting them not 
to expire one at a time?

Thank you in advance.
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RE: [Samba] Samba and NFS quota problem

2006-12-18 Thread Steve Goodman \(lists\)

I don't know if anyone has any ideas on how to solve this.

The same issue seems to occur in Red Hat EL 4 as well. CentOS 3.8 seems
to be normal with both 23d and built in 3.0.9, so does Fedora Core 6. 

It seems to be something to do with NFS; though I don't know what's

If I change the window size of the NFS mount, although everythings
normal on the underlying unix box samba changes the free space on the
drive wildly. I don't think it's related to quotas but disk space. This
occurs in any samba 3 I try it on.

I've put more examples below illustrating what is happening. Does anyone
have any ideas?

NFS Server space: 17GB, free 468MB

mount -o wsize=512 

Samba shows on windows: 54MB free of 2.07GB

mount -o wsize=1024

Samba shows on windows: 218MB free of 8.30GB

mount -o wsize=2048

Samba shows on windows: 109MB free of 4.15GB

Mount -o wsize=4096

Samba shows on windows: 54.6MB free of 2.07GB

mount -o wsize=8192

Samba shows on windows 27.3MB free of 1.03GB

mount -o wsize=16384

Samba shows on windows 13.6MB free of 531MB

Mount -o wsize=32768 (default?)

Samba shows on windows 6.8MB free of 265MB

 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Steve Goodman (lists)
 Sent: 16 December 2006 19:23
 To: samba@lists.samba.org
 Subject: RE: [Samba] Samba and NFS quota problem
 Just in case someone has any idea on how to solve this, I've done some
 further testing.
 I get the same error below on both a fresh CentOS 4.4 install on x86
 (not x64, to rule that out) using built-in RHEL packages; and on the
 original x64 server when compiling from sources (with sys quotas and
 disk quotas enabled or disabled).
 As I say I can see the quota correctly on the Samba server using the
 unix quota command but on the windows client the samba mapped drive
 shows entirely the wrong value as free/used. If I make the home
 directory on a local disk which doesn't use quotas all is fine.
 Am I missing something really obvious?
 Kind Regards,
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
  Behalf Of Steve Goodman (lists)
  Sent: 15 December 2006 15:42
  To: samba@lists.samba.org
  Subject: [Samba] Samba and NFS quota problem
  I am mounting via NFS a number of volumes and re-sharing these as
  We have been using this arrangement successfully for a number of
  We are replacing the CIFSNFS proxy servers (which are also
  to OpenLDAP) and a weird problem seems to occur.
  The problem is the quota/disk size appears to be wrong. For example,
  I use the unix quota command on the SMB server, it shows correctly
  quota and usage. However on the windows machine this is showing
  incorrectly. The NFS is mounted with no special options, and I have
  tried against different NFS servers, different Samba versions and
  replicate the problem on both the PDC and BDC servers (which are
  CentOS 4.4 x64
  Dell Poweredge 2950
  Current Samba version:
  (Also occurs on CentOS/RHEL Samba-3.0.10)
  NFS server:
  Solaris 9, default settings. Also it shows the wrong quota
  using another NFS server (EMC Celerra NAS 5.5)
  Quota shows correctly using quota command:
   Filesystem  blocks   quota   limit   grace   files   quota
   359519  50  500500 668   0
  Disk usage on the windows system shows:
  8.98MB free of 265MB - writing any file to this fails.
  Samba also appears to be compiled with quota options enabled:
  # smbd -b| grep QUOTA
  Any thoughts on this problem would be greatly appreciated. I am
  compile from source to see if this still occurs.
  Steve Goodman
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  instructions:  https://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba
 To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
 instructions:  https://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba
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RE: [Samba] Samba and NFS quota problem

2006-12-16 Thread Steve Goodman \(lists\)

Just in case someone has any idea on how to solve this, I've done some
further testing.

I get the same error below on both a fresh CentOS 4.4 install on x86
(not x64, to rule that out) using built-in RHEL packages; and on the
original x64 server when compiling from sources (with sys quotas and
disk quotas enabled or disabled).

As I say I can see the quota correctly on the Samba server using the
unix quota command but on the windows client the samba mapped drive
shows entirely the wrong value as free/used. If I make the home
directory on a local disk which doesn't use quotas all is fine.

Am I missing something really obvious?

Kind Regards,


 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Steve Goodman (lists)
 Sent: 15 December 2006 15:42
 To: samba@lists.samba.org
 Subject: [Samba] Samba and NFS quota problem
 I am mounting via NFS a number of volumes and re-sharing these as
 We have been using this arrangement successfully for a number of
 We are replacing the CIFSNFS proxy servers (which are also PDC/BDCs
 to OpenLDAP) and a weird problem seems to occur.
 The problem is the quota/disk size appears to be wrong. For example,
 I use the unix quota command on the SMB server, it shows correctly the
 quota and usage. However on the windows machine this is showing
 incorrectly. The NFS is mounted with no special options, and I have
 tried against different NFS servers, different Samba versions and can
 replicate the problem on both the PDC and BDC servers (which are setup
 CentOS 4.4 x64
 Dell Poweredge 2950
 Current Samba version:
 (Also occurs on CentOS/RHEL Samba-3.0.10)
 NFS server:
 Solaris 9, default settings. Also it shows the wrong quota information
 using another NFS server (EMC Celerra NAS 5.5)
 Quota shows correctly using quota command:
  Filesystem  blocks   quota   limit   grace   files   quota
  359519  50  500500 668   0
 Disk usage on the windows system shows:
 8.98MB free of 265MB - writing any file to this fails.
 Samba also appears to be compiled with quota options enabled:
 # smbd -b| grep QUOTA
 Any thoughts on this problem would be greatly appreciated. I am about
 compile from source to see if this still occurs.
 Steve Goodman
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 instructions:  https://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba
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[Samba] Samba and NFS quota problem

2006-12-15 Thread Steve Goodman \(lists\)

I am mounting via NFS a number of volumes and re-sharing these as CIFS.
We have been using this arrangement successfully for a number of years.

We are replacing the CIFSNFS proxy servers (which are also PDC/BDCs
to OpenLDAP) and a weird problem seems to occur.

The problem is the quota/disk size appears to be wrong. For example, if
I use the unix quota command on the SMB server, it shows correctly the
quota and usage. However on the windows machine this is showing
incorrectly. The NFS is mounted with no special options, and I have
tried against different NFS servers, different Samba versions and can
replicate the problem on both the PDC and BDC servers (which are setup

CentOS 4.4 x64

Dell Poweredge 2950

Current Samba version:

(Also occurs on CentOS/RHEL Samba-3.0.10)

NFS server:

Solaris 9, default settings. Also it shows the wrong quota information
using another NFS server (EMC Celerra NAS 5.5)

Quota shows correctly using quota command:
 Filesystem  blocks   quota   limit   grace   files   quota   limit
 359519  50  500500 668   0   0

Disk usage on the windows system shows:

8.98MB free of 265MB - writing any file to this fails.

Samba also appears to be compiled with quota options enabled:
# smbd -b| grep QUOTA

Any thoughts on this problem would be greatly appreciated. I am about to
compile from source to see if this still occurs.

Steve Goodman

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Re: [Samba] Acess windows 2003 to samba 3.0.10

2006-11-22 Thread lists

Hi Alexandre 

We had a similar problem yesterday on Solaris 9 8/03. After patching this 
weekend, the w2k clients had no longer acces to the samba shares. Connect 
failed with 

C:\net view \\server
System error 50 has occurred.

The request is not supported.

We've solved the problem by re downgrading to:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/samba/log # /usr/local/samba/bin/smbd -V
Version 2.2.8a

from 3.0.21b

Now every works just as expected.



On Wed, 22 Nov 2006 10:46:33 -0200, SALOME Alexandre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi ,
 I have installed the samba the 3.0.10 in solaris 9. using computers with
 Windows XP is ok, but using computers with windows Server Ent. 2003 do
 have access in the areas shared of the samba. 
 What I can make to correct this situation? Look logs below:
  [2006/11/21 08:04:20, 2] lib/access.c:check_access(324)
   Allowed connection from  (
 [2006/11/21 08:04:20, 2] lib/access.c:check_access(324)
   Allowed connection from  (
 [2006/11/21 08:04:20, 2] smbd/reply.c:reply_special(235)
 [2006/11/21 08:04:20, 2] smbd/sesssetup.c:setup_new_vc_session(608)
   netbios connect: name1=COMAUB01name2=COMAUB02   
   setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if NT4.x compatible we would close
 old resources.
 [2006/11/21 08:04:20, 2] smbd/reply.c:reply_special(242)
   netbios connect: local=comaub01 remote=comaub02, name type = 0
 [2006/11/21 08:04:20, 2] smbd/sesssetup.c:setup_new_vc_session(608)
   setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if NT4.x compatible we would close
 old resources.
 [2006/11/21 08:04:20, 2] smbd/server.c:exit_server(571)
   Closing connections
 [2006/11/21 08:04:20, 2] lib/access.c:check_access(324)
   Allowed connection from  (
 [2006/11/21 08:04:20, 2] smbd/sesssetup.c:setup_new_vc_session(608)
   setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if NT4.x compatible we would close
 old resources.
 [2006/11/21 08:04:20, 2] smbd/sesssetup.c:setup_new_vc_session(608)
   setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if NT4.x compatible we would close
 old resources.
 [2006/11/21 08:04:20, 2] smbd/server.c:exit_server(571)
   Closing connections
 [2006/11/21 08:04:20, 2] lib/access.c:check_access(324)
   Allowed connection from  (
 [2006/11/21 08:04:20, 2] smbd/sesssetup.c:setup_new_vc_session(608)
   setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if NT4.x compatible we would close
 old resources.
 [2006/11/21 08:04:20, 2] smbd/sesssetup.c:setup_new_vc_session(608)
   setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if NT4.x compatible we would close
 old resources.
 [2006/11/21 08:04:20, 2] smbd/server.c:exit_server(571)
   Closing connections
 [2006/11/21 08:04:20, 2] lib/access.c:check_access(324)
   Allowed connection from  (
 [2006/11/21 08:04:20, 2] smbd/sesssetup.c:setup_new_vc_session(608)
   setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if NT4.x compatible we would close
 old resources.
 [2006/11/21 08:04:20, 2] smbd/sesssetup.c:setup_new_vc_session(608)
   setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if NT4.x compatible we would close
 old resources.
 [2006/11/21 08:04:20, 2] smbd/server.c:exit_server(571)
   Closing connections
 Alexandre Salomé

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RE: [Samba] need unix to windows solution

2006-11-22 Thread lists

Hi James

smbclient works well, but there exists no smbfs within Solaris as this is a 
Linux module,
but a similar project is in the works on opensolaris.org.
Sharity / sharity light does the job.



On Wed, 22 Nov 2006 09:07:54 -0600, James A. Dinkel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I've tried setting up Windows Services for Unix and it is a pain in the
 rump, and I am a MUCH more experienced Windows admin than a linux admin.
 Setting up Samba and creating a mount to a Windows share was MUCH
 Anyway, on linux I know you use the smbmount command or use mount -t
 smbfs but I would expect this to be different on Solaris.
 James Dinkel
 Network Engineer
 Butler County of Kansas
 There are 10 types of people in the world:  those who understand binary,
 and those who don't.
 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Mortimer
 Hello, I am looking for a solution that will allow me to create a
 point on solaris to a directory(ies) on a Windows 2000 SP3 server.
 someone tell me how to do this using Samba?
 Did you try reading the docs?
 Depending on what you want you can also use windows services for Unix to
 mount an nfs service or SCP for a copy now and again.

 This is an urgent need.
 Thanks for your help.
 Jim Russell
 Oracle DBA
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[Samba] Re: NT4 to Samba Migration and Trusted Domains

2006-10-18 Thread Nick Couchman - Lists
Well, I've managed to trace down my issue to some degree or another.  I
was continuing to play with my Samba servers to figure out what was
going on, and I noticed that one of my older Samba3 servers worked okay.
I checked the version and it is running Samba 3.0.14.  My other server
that's causing problems, as well as the test machine that I'm using are
running version 3.0.22.  I started downloading and compiling the Samba
versions in between 3.0.14 and 3.0.22 and managed to track it down to a
something that changed in between version 3.0.20b and 3.0.21.  The RC
and PRE versions of 3.0.21 aren't available anymore, so I can't get much
more precise than that.  I also don't know exactly which change would
have caused this.  I'm in the process of looking at the WHATSNEW.txt
file and doing a diff between the two source trees to see if I can
figure out what change might be causing this.  I'm not a very good
programmer, so my odds of actually finding and correcting the problem
are probably fairly limited.  If anyone has any insight into what might
have changed or what can be done about it, that would be great.  I'll
also look into filing a bug report, unless sommeone can tell me that
this behavior is intentional.

Nick Couchman

On Tue, 2006-10-17 at 12:43 -0600, Nick Couchman wrote:
 Well, I'm attempting to migrate my old NT4-based domain to Samba3.  I've
 got Samba set up with an LDAP backend, I've extended my NDS schema, and
 I've got users in this new domain set up successfully and authenticating. 
 I've decided that the best, most seamless way to migrate my domain is to
 create a new domain which will run alongside the old domain.  A
 two-way trust relationship between the two domains should allow me share
 folders on servers located on either domain with users on either domain. 
 This way, I'll be able to migrate users, groups, and computers at my
 leisure from one domain to another.
 So, I've also successfully configured the trust relationship (I think).  I
 go to a Windows machine that is a member of my original domain (DOMA) and
 I can log in with a user on either DOMA or my new domain (DOMB).  I can
 also modify file shares on these computers and give users on either domain
 access to my files, etc.
 I have a multi-subnet environment, so my Windows NT4 machines are running
 WINS to make sure that all computers in the domain can find a logon
 server.  I've configured my new Samba servers to point to these WINS
 servers for now to reduce the number of things that I have to deal with
 migrating at one time.
 The issue that I'm running into is this: my Samba servers on DOMA (my
 primary file servers for the entire company) don't want to authenticate
 users on DOMB.  Users from DOMA can successfully authenticate, but users
 from DOMB get the following message from smbclient:
 session setup failed: NT_STATUS_NO_LOGON_SERVERS
 If I look at the log file on the Samba server, I see the following
 [2006/10/17 11:50:05, 0] auth/auth_domain.c:domain_client_validate(242)
   domain_client_validate: unable to validate password for user USER in
 domain DOMB to Domain controller DOMA-PDC. Error was
 It seems that Samba is connecting to the domain controller for which it is
 a member (DOMA) and trying to authenticate the user from DOMB.  Obviously
 this fails, and it seems that Samba doesn't know how to go find a
 different domain controller for the correct domain and authenticate.
 Some additional info - the Samba server having this issue is running Samba
 3.0.22 on SuSE 10.1 Pro.  The usernames on DOMA and DOMB are exactly the
 same, and the Samba server is getting username info from the same LDAP
 directory that services the DOMB PDC and that Samba on that PDC points to
 for its user information.  Here's the smb.conf file from one of the Samba
 servers experiencing this problem:
 workgroup = DOMA
 security = domain
 wins server =
 allow trusted domains = yes
 password server = *
 # auth methods = trustdomain
 idmap uid = 1-2
 idmap gid = 1-2
 template primary group = Domain Users
 template shell = /bin/bash
 log level = 3
 path = /tmp
 comment = Temp Directory
 I can provide more detailed log files, if necessary.

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[Samba] upgrading to samba 3.0.22

2006-07-09 Thread lists

tonight I've tried to move Samba 2.2.3a-15 from our old debian woody
machine to a new, different server, which is a ubunut dapper box,
running Samba 3.0.22-1ubuntu3. But I get a 'Rejecting auth request from
client' error,

What I did:

1) copied following files from /etc/samba/ to the new machine:

  smb.conf  - see here:

2) copied users from /etc/passwd and /etc/group to the new machine and
created all home directories and shared directories.

3) here is a list of ALL files on the old server in /var/lib/samba/

 Yes, that's the complete list, no account_policy.tdb etc. files and I
don't know which of these files are needed on the 3.0.22 machine.

PROBLEM: when shutting down the old 2.2 Samba Server and starting the
new 3.0.22 one with the same IP, netbios name and smb.conf it's possible
to join the domain from my client computer (WinXP) with my username
(testuser). No problem so far. But, if I go to another client computer -
which is part of the same domain - try to log in with the same valid
username (testuser), I get the following error (I've logged out on my
computer before):

[2006/07/08 00:11:12, 2] lib/access.c:check_access(324)
  Allowed connection from  (
[2006/07/08 00:11:12, 2] libsmb/credentials.c:creds_server_check(159)
  creds_server_check: credentials check failed.
[2006/07/08 00:11:12, 2] rpc_server/srv_netlog_nt.c:_net_sam_logon(667)
  _net_sam_logon: creds_server_step failed. Rejecting auth request from
client UREW-PCSCHOPPA2 machine account UREW-PCSCHOPPA2$
[2006/07/08 00:11:12, 2] lib/access.c:check_access(324)
  Allowed connection from  (
[2006/07/08 00:11:12, 2] auth/auth.c:check_ntlm_password(307)
  check_ntlm_password:  authentication for user [testuser] - [testuser]
- [testuser] succeeded
[2006/07/08 00:11:40, 2] smbd/server.c:exit_server(614)

I've tried that on different clients and it's reproducable: You can log
into the domain from any client with any user only if the user had been
logged into the OLD domain/old samba server from this particular client.
Trying to log in with any valid user from a client machine that is
registered in the domain but was never used by this user 
before will give you the above error. I think it has something to do
with the machine accounts. Did I forget to copy some files, or is
something wrong with my smb.conf?

Any ideas?

Thank you,
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[Samba] printing fails for SPOOLSS OpenPrinterEx request

2006-05-31 Thread lists
I have a problem with my printing setup of a windows XP client with a samba 

The windows driver seems to use different ways of smb/printer communication for 
printing in normal/duplex mode and for printing brochures. The latter failes 

normal/duplex printing uses: SMB Open Print File Request
brochure printing starts with: SPOOLSS OpenPrinterEx request

I recorded the network transmission during printing and received the following 
for brochure printing (which fails):

Source  DestProtocol Info
client  server  SMB  Session Setup AndX Request, NTLMSSP_NEGOTIATE
server  client  SMB  Session Setup AndX Response, NTLMSSP_CHALLENGE, Error: 
client  server  SMB  Session Setup AndX Request, NTLMSSP_AUTH, User: \
server  client  SMB  Session Setup AndX Response
client  server  SMB  Tree Connect AndX Request, Path: \\JACKDAW\IPC$
server  client  SMB  Tree Connect AndX Response
client  server  SMB  NT Create AndX Request, Path: \spoolss
server  client  SMB  NT Create AndX Response, FID: 0x7168
client  server  DCERPC   Bind: call_id: 1 UUID: SPOOLSS
server  client  SMB  Write AndX Response, FID: 0x7168, 72 bytes
client  server  SMB  Read AndX Request, FID: 0x7168, 1024 bytes at offset 0
server  client  DCERPC   Bind_ack: call_id: 1 accept max_xmit: 4280 max_recv: 
client  server  SPOOLSS  OpenPrinterEx request, \\jackdaw\test
server  client  SPOOLSS  OpenPrinterEx response
client  server  SPOOLSS  GetPrinter request, level 2
server  client  SPOOLSS  GetPrinter response, level 2, Insufficient buffer
client  server  SPOOLSS  GetPrinter request, level 2
server  client  SPOOLSS  GetPrinter response, level 2
client  server  SPOOLSS  OpenPrinterEx request, \\jackdaw\test
server  client  SPOOLSS  OpenPrinterEx response
client  server  TCP  [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
client  server  TCP  [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
client  server  SPOOLSS  GetPrinter request, level 2
server  client  TCP  netbios-ssn  plato-lm [ACK] Seq=1621 Ack=5111 
Win=32767 Len=0
server  client  SMB Pipe TransactNmPipe Response, FID: 0x7168
client  server  SMB  Read AndX Request, FID: 0x7168, 3112 bytes at offset 0
server  client  TCP  [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
server  client  TCP  [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
client  server  TCP  plato-lm  netbios-ssn [ACK] Seq=6498 Ack=5625 
Win=65535 Len=0
server  client  SPOOLSS  GetPrinter response, level 2
client  server  SPOOLSS  OpenPrinterEx request, \\jackdaw\test
server  client  SPOOLSS  OpenPrinterEx response
client  server  SPOOLSS  GetPrinter request, level 0
server  client  SPOOLSS  GetPrinter response, level 0
client  server  SPOOLSS  GetPrinter request, level 2
server  client  SPOOLSS  GetPrinter response, level 2, Insufficient buffer
snip - the same goes on ...

Successful printing in normal (or duplex) modes results in the following 

Source  DestProtocol Info
client  server  SMB  Open Print File Request
server  client  SMB  Open Print File Response, FID: 0x1be7
client  server  TCP  [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
client  server  TCP  [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
client  server  TCP  [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
client  server  TCP  [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
client  server  TCP  [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
client  server  TCP  [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
client  server  SMB  Write Request, FID: 0x1be7, 9274 bytes at offset 0
server  client  TCP  netbios-ssn  plato-lm [ACK] Seq=41 Ack=2974 Win=32767 
server  client  TCP  netbios-ssn  plato-lm [ACK] Seq=41 Ack=5894 Win=32767 
server  client  TCP  netbios-ssn  plato-lm [ACK] Seq=41 Ack=8814 Win=32767 
server  client  SMB  Write Response, 9274 bytes
client  server  TCP  plato-lm  netbios-ssn [ACK] Seq=9380 Ack=82 Win=64664 
client  server  TCP  [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
client  server  TCP  [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
client  server  TCP  [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
client  server  TCP  [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
client  server  TCP  [TCP segment of a reassembled PDU]
client  server  SMB  Write Request, FID: 0x1be7, 8223 bytes at offset 9274
server  client  TCP  netbios-ssn  plato-lm [ACK] Seq=82 Ack=12300 
Win=32767 Len=0
server  client  TCP  netbios-ssn  plato-lm [ACK] Seq=82 Ack=15220 
Win=32767 Len=0
server  client  TCP  netbios-ssn  plato-lm [ACK] Seq=82 Ack=17655 
Win=32767 Len=0
server  client  SMB  Write Response, 8223 bytes
client  server  SMB  Close Print File Request, FID: 0x1be7
server  client  SMB  Close Print File Response
client  server  TCP  plato-lm  netbios-ssn [ACK] Seq=17696 Ack=162 
Win=64584 Len=0
printing is finished here (successfully)

The failing brochure printing reaches cups, but gets ignored without an error 
message (even for debug loglevel). There is no 

[Samba] Joining samba server to Windows AD OU when OU has slashes in OU name

2006-03-18 Thread david . lists . samba . org
I'm attempting to join a samba server to a Windows 2003 Active Directory
on a network I do not control. The admins are working to help me on
this, but I am also attempting to be as inobtrusive as possible. To that
end, I have set up a Windows PDC and another samba server (with the same
configuration) on a private network to do my own testing without having
to hassle the Windows admins and ask them to tweak things on their live

The problem is that it appears the net command ('net ads join',
specifically) translates forward slashes as OU name separators, when in
fact, they can actually be part of an OU name. Example: I want to join
my system, TEST001, to the OU 'IT Systems/Admins' in the realm
EXAMPLE.COM (KDC: EXAMPLE.EXAMPLE.COM). I can successfully get a
kerberos ticket (and hence, authenticate), but cannot actually create a
computer account in the desired OU using net, as detailed in the following:

(confirm success with klist)
# net ads join 'IT Systems/Admins' -U [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ads_join_realm: organizational unit IT Systems/Admins does not exist
(dn:ou=Admins,ou=IT Systems,dc=EXAMPLE,dc=EXAMPLE,dc=COM)

On the permissions side, I'm logged in as root on the samba server, and
have domain admin rights on the Windows test server.
If the slash is removed from the OU name (e.g. 'IT Systems Admins'),
then the samba server successfully joins the Windows AD.

I've tried everything I can think of to explain to the net command
explicitly what I want - single quotes, double quotes, escaping the
forward slashes with backslashes, etc., all for naught. This suggests to
me that the net command doesn't consider slashes to be valid for Windows
AD OU names, which they most assuredly are, unfortunately. The one thing
I have yet to do is edit the samba source code and attempt to modify
net's behaviour... and since I'm not a programmer, that isn't a good
option for me, in my opinion.
Yes, the simple thing to do is to convince the Windows admins to remove
all slashes from the OU names, which they likely will, but that still
leaves this issue unresolved. 

All this to say, and correct me if I'm wrong, that the net command
considers some legal Windows OU characters to be illegal and/or
translates them as OU separators improperly. Any thoughts, suggestions,

Config files from the test samba server:
realm = example.example.com
security = ADS
encrypt passwords = yes
password server = example.example.com

 default_realm = EXAMPLE.COM

  kdc = kerberos.example.com

 .kerberos_server = EXAMPLE.EXAMPLE.COM

(Side note: commas in OU names appear to be legal inside OU names from
the Windows side, but throw an ads_join_realm: Invalid DN syntax error
when using 'net ads join IT Systems,Admins -U
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'. Same issue with trying to escape the
character with backslashes, quotes, etc. as above.)

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Re: [Samba] Smbpasswd in a cron job

2006-02-20 Thread lists
Hi Tomasz

 You might try running your expect script through screen (although I
 solved the cupsaddsmb problem differently).
Thanks for your suggestion. I've tried it, but receive the message:
Must be connected to a terminal..

Any more suggestions would be great.

Is there maybe an easy way like with the system user: usermod -p `crypt
pass` user



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[Samba] Re: Samba/Firewall issues?

2005-10-12 Thread Mark Waterhouse - Mailing Lists


Can you confirm what your settings for local master, domain master and 
preferred master are?

You should find these in /etc/smb.conf


- Original Message - 


I am running into *possible* Samba/Firewall issues. Our Samba v3.0.11
server is also running iptables. In our log.nmbd file we have
noticed the following:

[2005/09/27 15:43:41, 1] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_connect(1313)
 Error connecting to 130.xx.xx.xx (Connection refused)
[2005/09/27 15:50:21, 0] libsmb/nmblib.c:send_udp(790)
 Packet send failed to 130.xx.xx.xx(138) ERRNO=Operation not

[2005/09/27 14:07:57, 1] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_connect(1313)
 Error connecting to 130.xx.xx.xx (No route to host)
[2005/09/27 14:12:51, 1] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_connect(1313)
 Error connecting to 130.xx.xx.xx (Connection refused)
[2005/09/27 14:23:04, 1] libsmb/cliconnect.c:cli_connect(1313)

A search turned up the following:

Obviously, the netfilter nat code breaks nmap while using the -O flag
or using decoy options. The (sendto in send_tcp_raw: sendto) error is
a symptom of this. It also breaks other packet shaping utilities such
as hping, etc., so this does not appear to be an nmap problem.

I don't believe the connection tracking portion of netfilter is to
blame in this case. In my tests the connection tracking code, whether it 

loaded as a module or built statically into the kernel, didn't seem to
get in the way. The cause of the 'sendto..' errors seems to be caused
solely by the iptable_nat.o module(which is huge, of course). Once you
load that one, or build it into the kernel, nmap -O no
worky. Without it, nmap/hping/everything works just peachy.

Best Regards,

Now I have removed iptable_nat with rmmod but I am still seeing
errors. For our end users the error shows up as  Domain not found.

Anyone see these errors before ??


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[Samba] problem using ntconfig.pol for win 2000 and samba server

2005-09-04 Thread mailing . lists

i am using a samba server as a domain server and win2k clients which are
connecet to it.

i what to restrict some users win2k desktop and profile settings so i tried
to set up an ntconfig file with poledit. in the sambalogs i see, that the
file i read by the win2k client but nothing happens.

when i restrict the settings in the default computer section in the
ntconfig.pol the restriction are used by the client. but when i restrict
setting of a group of users (eg. domain employee) the settings are not

in my samba config i addes unix group - employee is domain group domain

can anybody help me with this problem?

what i have to do, that windows knows that the current user is in the
group domain employee and that windows have to use the ntconfig.pol
information for this group?



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[Samba] NETLOGON scripts will not execute

2005-07-28 Thread lists
Hi there, i have a samba PDC with a mix of w2l and XP clients connecting. FOr 
reason the network logon scripts will not execute.

I have made sure they are dos format, and the permissions are correct. yet 
I can;t
get it to work!

Here is my samba.conf:

workgroup = IHPR
server string = Samba Server
log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
max log size = 50
time server = Yes
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -g samba-clients -s
/sbin/nologin $
logon drive = H:
domain logons = Yes
os level = 65
preferred master = Yes
domain master = Yes
dns proxy = No
wins support = Yes
ldap ssl = no
hosts allow = 142.103.158.
cups options = raw
printcap name = /etc/printcap
load printers = yes
logon script = %U.cmd

ANy ideas as to what might keep this from happening? If I run the same commands 
from the
dos prompt - it works fine.

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RE: [Samba] NTLMv2 - wrong password with samba? (SOLVED)

2005-07-27 Thread Bob Bostwick (Lists)
I solved this issue by updating the 2003 AD Servers to SP1.


Bob Bostwick
-Original Message-
From: Tim P [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 10:18 AM
To: samba@lists.samba.org
Subject: [Samba] NTLMv2 - wrong password with samba?

I have samba 3.0.14-5 installed (installed via Fedora Core 4's Yum)
I have enabled client NTLMv2 auth = yes in smb.conf
When I run ntlm_auth --username=user --domain=MYDOM it connects fine
(change user and MYDOM to be my user and my domain)
When I run ntlm_auth --username=user --domain=MYDOM --diagnostics it
fails on all tests with wrong password which is incorrect, I know
its the right password, I was very careful with it and have reset it
to make sure
This is connecting to a 2003 active directory domain, I have
successfully joined the machine to the domain and am able to get a
list of users and groups without issue

Here is the output of ntlm_auth --username=user --domain=MYDOM
I have sanatized it to use user and MYDOM

[EMAIL PROTECTED] samba]# ntlm_auth --username=user --domain=MYDOM
Wrong Password (0xc06a)
[2005/07/26 09:24:27, 1]
  Test NTLMv2 failed!
Wrong Password (0xc06a)
[2005/07/26 09:24:27, 1]
  Test NTLMv2 and LMv2 failed!
Wrong Password (0xc06a)
[2005/07/26 09:24:27, 1]
  Test LMv2 failed!
Wrong Password (0xc06a)
[2005/07/26 09:24:27, 1]
  Test NTLMv2 and LMv2, LMv2 broken failed!
Wrong Password (0xc06a)
Wrong Password (0xc06a)
Wrong Password (0xc06a)
[2005/07/26 09:24:27, 1]
  Test Plaintext failed!
Wrong Password (0xc06a)
[2005/07/26 09:24:27, 1]
  Test Plaintext LM broken failed!
Wrong Password (0xc06a)
Wrong Password (0xc06a)
[2005/07/26 09:24:27, 1]
  Test Plaintext NT only failed!
Wrong Password (0xc06a)
[2005/07/26 09:24:27, 1]
  Test Plaintext LM only failed!

My smb.conf has the following in it that I have added

   workgroup = MYDOM
   realm = MYDOM.ORG
   security = ads
   client NTLMv2 auth = yes

Is there perhaps some setting I need to set in windows AD to allow me
to connect this way (such as enabling remote access) or something on
the samba side that I missed?

Any advice is greatly appreciated,

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Re: [Samba] ADS mode - differences between W2K and 2003?

2005-07-21 Thread lists
Am Donnerstag, 21. Juli 2005 21:36 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I'm having a bizarre problem doing authentication via winbind against a
 Windows 2003 server.

 Aside from changing the hostname information, etc. as appropriate for
 krb5.conf and smb.conf, the configuration I'm using is one that I copied
 from another server that is successfully authenticating against ads.

 The two systems I'm having trouble with are running Suse Linux Enterprise
 Server 9 and Suse Linux Professional 9.3, respectively.  Both have the same
 odd problem:

 As configured, everything seems like it should work.  I kinit'd as
 administrator to the Windows 2003 server successfully.  net ads join
 appears to have joined the computers to the domain successfully.  getent
 passwd and wbinfo -u both give me listings of the domain users on the
 Windows 2003 server.  wbinfo -U (domain user UID) does give me the SID
 of the domain user in question (domain users mapped as UID 15000-3).

 However, getent passwd (domain user name) doesn't work at all.  It gives
 no response (no errors, just drops back to command line).  'strace getent
 passwd (user)' doesn't even show that libnss_winbind.so is being opened
 (even though getent passwd to get the list is.)

 Is this a Windows 2003 issue?  I've seen mention of winbind doing funny
 things like this before on the mailing list, but don't recall any firm
 resolutions.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks.

 (These symptoms appear to happen with both 3.0.14a from Suse and the
 3.0.20pre2 rpm's from the Samba server).

Hi, I seem to have a similar, if not the same problem. 
On one system (debian 3.1) everything works fine.
On the other (same config) ads integration does not work.
- getent does not work
- wbinfo -t fails 
on the other hand, i can get kerberos tickets with kinit and the same auth 
data for Administrator and net ads join works fine ...
This problem appears under samba 3.0.14a on debian. 

Furthermore: I found that in the winbind logfile strange errors appear, when a 
ads user tries to acces a share:
log.winbindd:  ads_krb5_mk_req: krb5_get_credentials failed for [EMAIL 
(Server not found in Kerberos database)

with xxx being an old hostname,  an old domainname.
Botgh are not used anymore and are definitely not stored in any file on the 
linux system (grep -r ...)
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Markus Feilner

Feilner IT Linux  GIS 
Linux Solutions, Training, Seminare und Workshops - auch Inhouse
Beraiterweg 4 93047 Regensburg
fon +49 941 9465243 fax +49 941 9465244 mobil + +49 170 3027092 
skype ID: mfeilner mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Samba] Push install printers from a samba server

2005-07-20 Thread lists
Hi there. I was wondering if anyone had a link to a good tutorial (or docs) in 
to setting up a push install of printers (HP 4200N) from a samba server (CentOS 
4) to a
mixed windows (98,2k,xp) enviorment. Now I have been investigating using a BAT 
file in a
logon script, but the results seem to be unpredictable (maybe i am usign them 
Then permissions on the target machine seem to be an issue (access denied) 
unless they
are an administrator. Is there a way to ease the pain with samba? I understand 
this post
skirts the fine line between an actual samba question and a network logon script
question, but was hoping to pick the brains of some more experienced samaba 
admins in
case there is a way that is slightly more intergrated with samba itself - and 
well you
guys have probably been over this bump before.

Thanks in advance!

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Re: [Samba] How to I change server=[Samba 3.04.14a-2] to somethin g else?

2005-06-23 Thread AWC Lists

Geoff Scott wrote:

John H Terpstra wrote:

On Wednesday 22 June 2005 22:53, Geoff Scott wrote:

populations IT knowledge!)

In your smb.conf [global] set:

server string = MADMAX

That will stop display of the samba version info. You will have to
clear the connection history from ALL Windows clients - they remember
the old server string and do not refresh it.  

- John T.

Yep, I had a server string in there for a week already.  And did a reload,
but nothing changed.  It's been showing Samba 3.0.7 in the window title
bars for ages even though I've been on 3.0.14a for a while.

So do I completely restart all smbd processes, or do I have to restart every
windows box before the server string (windows title bar) changes?

Regards Geoff Scott

I must apologize that I am causing confusion with my less that clear 
first query.

Ok, I have set server string = ROI Fileserver and that is working.

I will try and post a web page with pictures of what is bugging me 
tonight (at least 12 hours away unfortunately).

In the meantime here is my problem when browsing with Windows XP.

If i connect directly to the Samba server in Windows.  IE:  Set Windows 
explorer to got to:  \\roipdc
The title bar of Windows explorer says:  ROI-Fileserver (roipdc) and 
the page shows all the appropriate shares. So that is good.

However, if I double click on an open share.  (The share is called 
apps in this case.)  The title bar of Windows explorer then says: 
apps on Samba 3.0.14-2 (roipdc)
THAT IS WHAT is bugging me.  I do not want to see Samba 3.0.14-2 here, 
I want to have this set to something else.

Based on comments I added a comment = string to the GLOBAL section. 
Here is the relavent section of the smb.conf file:

workgroup = mygroup
netbios name = roipdc
server string = ROI Fileserver
comment = ROI Primary Fileserver

I was hoping the comment string would replace the Samba 3.0.14-2 
comment.  I shut down all Windows boxes.  I shut down the Samba 
fileserver.  (Heck I powered off the entire network...)  I then powered 
up the server and then a single windows box.  Yet the Samba 3.0.14-2 
comment is still there.

As I said, I will post screen captures of this tonight onto a webpage 
for review in case my description above is lacking.

Comments or suggestions?

And thank you to everyone posting suggestions.  I have used Samba since 
1997 and love it.  I just want to figure out how to make a small change 
with the way it works with Windows XP to lessen confusion with end 
users.  It is a question that comes up frequently enough lately I 
thought I would ask on the Samba mailing list.


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Re: [Samba] How to I change server=[Samba 3.04.14a-2] to somethin gelse?

2005-06-23 Thread AWC Lists

Paul Gienger wrote:

On 23 Jun 2005, at 16:12, Geoff Scott wrote:

So do I completely restart all smbd processes, or do I have to
restart every
windows box before the server string (windows title bar) changes?

Yes and yes.

Actually, I think the correct answer here is no and not even close.

For the server reporting, I think that's one of those things that gets
picked up by the refresh of the config file that happens every couple of
minutes or so.

The real reason I bothered to reply though, is that the windows clients will
hold on to that server string for a LONG time, like forever.  When I
took over sysadmin here, the server's comment was 'samba mania' running like
2.2.0 or something.  A year later, I had gone up to something in the range
of 2.2.8a and re-commented the server to something like 'Fargo server', but
every machine that hadn't been replaced or rebuilt still had ntapps on
samba mainia(fgoserv)(N:) or whatever the format of that line is, as their
drive mappings.  

I'll second that.  I just tried connecting to the server in question 
with a machine that had never connected to the samba server yet.  When I 
browse the shares and such, the server name is correctly listed when 
browsing as ROI Fileserver (ie:  server string = ROI Fileserver) even 
when browsing shares.

BUT, the machine that has already connected to the samba server 
continues to say Samba 3.0.14-2 even after shutting down the entire 
network (including samba server).  So for some reason the new server 
string is not being picked up by the first Windows XP SP2 machine - it 
just merrily uses what it read the first time apparently forever.

I am unsure if this is a Windows issue or a Samba issue, but it is a 
definite condition that I can replicate on Windows XP SP2.  For fun, I 
changed the server string entry again, and the 2nd machine (that 
picked up the new server string when it was originally connected to the 
server for the first time) now refuses to pickup the new server string 

So from what I can tell, only newly deployed machines or reimaged 
machines will pickup any server string = changes.  Machines already 
connected will not pickup this change.

I'm happy to provide more information about my setup if that would be 
helpful in trying to determine what is happening here.

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[Samba] How to I change server=[Samba 3.04.14a-2] to something else?

2005-06-22 Thread AWC Lists
So I have setup my samba box as a PDC and everything is working fine.  
There is one thing that keeps bugging me:

When I run locallly:  smbclient -L localhost -U%
I get the following:
Domain=[MYDOMAIN] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.14a-2]

   Sharename   Type  Comment
   -     ---
   IPC$IPC   IPC Service (ROI Fileserver)
   netlogonDisk  Network Logon Service
   profilesDisk  Profile Share
   office  Disk  Primary data share
   management  Disk  Data share for management only
   awc Disk  AWC drivers storage
   appsDisk  Application Files
   ADMIN$  IPC   IPC Service (ROI Fileserver)
Domain=[MYDOMAIN] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.14a-2]

   Server   Comment
   MYSERVER My Fileserver

So I have set the Server string to My Fileserver, which shows up 
correctly in the comment.

I want to change the Server=[Samba 3.0.14a-2] being announced to 
something else.  I would like Server=[DataServer] as I do not want the 
server annoucing to the world it is running samba.  How would I do this?

I want to do this as when you browse shares in Windows XP its plunks 
Samba 3.0.14a-2 into the task bar.

Thanks in advance.

--- Charles
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[Samba] How to I change server=[Samba 3.04.14a-2] to something else?

2005-06-22 Thread AWC Lists
So I have setup my samba box as a PDC and everything is working fine.  
There is one thing that keeps bugging me:

When I run locallly:  smbclient -L localhost -U%
I get the following:
Domain=[MYDOMAIN] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.14a-2]

  Sharename   Type  Comment
  -     ---
  IPC$IPC   IPC Service (ROI Fileserver)
  netlogonDisk  Network Logon Service
  profilesDisk  Profile Share
  office  Disk  Primary data share
  management  Disk  Data share for management only
  awc Disk  AWC drivers storage
  appsDisk  Application Files
  ADMIN$  IPC   IPC Service (ROI Fileserver)
Domain=[MYDOMAIN] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.14a-2]

  Server   Comment
  MYSERVER My Fileserver

So I have set the Server string to My Fileserver, which shows up 
correctly in the comment.

I want to change the Server=[Samba 3.0.14a-2] being announced to 
something else.  I would like Server=[DataServer] as I do not want the 
server annoucing to the world it is running samba.  How would I do this?

I want to do this as when you browse shares in Windows XP its plunks 
Samba 3.0.14a-2 into the task bar.

Thanks in advance.

--- Charles

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Re: [Samba] How to I change server=[Samba 3.04.14a-2] to something else?

2005-06-22 Thread AWC Lists

Gerald (Jerry) Carter wrote:

Hash: SHA1

AWC Lists wrote:

I want to change the Server=[Samba 3.0.14a-2] being 
announced to something else.  I would like Server=[DataServer]

as I do not want the server annoucing to the world it is
running samba.  How would I do this?

You will have to change the smbsessetup reply code in the server.
Look in smbd/sesssetup.c:add_signature().  But it really takes more
than this to hide the fact that the server is running Samba.

I am not looking for anything stealthy whatsoever.  Just it greatly 
confuses some users when they click on My computer and then see a 
network drive that says:

Office on 'Samba 3.0.14a-2 (roipdc)' (G:)   --- an ugly mouthfull!!

It would be much nicer to see:
Office on 'DataServer (roipdc)' (G:)

Heck I could even live with:
Office on 'Samba (roipdc)' (G:)
I personally do not see the need for end users to have the version 
number announced to them to be honest.

I was hoping there was a simple not well documented setting in smb.conf 
that would be able to do this.  If not, I would personally like to have 
that ability added.

Anyone else care to comment or have any ideas?

Gerry, thanks for the suggestion - I'll likely play around with it on a 
non-production test machine sometime soon.  But I am always hesitant to 
deploy a non-standard hack like this into a production machine.

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[Samba] Problem using samba3 and windows 2000 clients with ntconfig.pol

2005-01-11 Thread mailing . lists
hi @ll

i have set up an samba3 (using samba-server-3.0.7-2.2.101mdk) and windows
2000 clients. samba is acting as PDC.

this works fine so far.
i triede to use some policies to restrict the windows clients by domain
groups. when i set up the ntconfig.pol and added the two groups and setted
the options, the windows clients reads the ntconfig.pol (i saw this in the
logfiles) but do not restrict the access.

when i set up the policy for an user the policy is used.
can anybody help me setting up a working ntconfig.pol for groups?

where could be the problems or errors?


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[Samba] ntlm_auth

2004-11-29 Thread lists
Hi All!
I think this question refers to developers of ntlm_auth helper.
I'm running Samba 3.0.8 and Squid Version 2.5.STABLE6-CVS
I have several Active Direcotry domains. Samba is a member of one of them,
which we'll name Primary. And other domains are trusted for him.
Users from all domains connected to internet via Squid, which uses
ntlm_auth helper to authentificate them. Usernames from all domains exept
Primary are logged in access.log in DOMAIN\username format, and from
Primary only in username format.
How can I (Can I?) force ntlm_auth helper to log usernames from Primary 
domain in
the same format as others.

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[Samba] problem with profiles

2004-11-02 Thread lists
i've stup samba 3 as a PDC with ldap as sam backend. everything works as 
expected - but: the profiles. i've to migrate a w2k pdc to samba. to 
migrate the profiles i've copied them using profiles at he my computer 
proerties. at the first sight it seems to work but my problem is that the 
profiles oviousely are not writen back to the server at the end of a 
session. windows does not stat any kind of error. when i relogon all my 
changes are lost. i've had a look at the rights of the profile folders. 
they are owend by the user the profile is for and this usere ist able to 
write to this folders and it's files.

can any one give me a clue where the problem may be ?
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[Samba] Browsing a across subnets

2004-09-03 Thread robin-lists

I've got a small network at home with a topology as follows:

-- Cable Modem -- Router 1 -- Switch 1 -- Server 1
Router 2/Switch 2 --+-- Server 2
  |  |  |
  WAP 1 --+  +-- WAP 2  +-- Client 1
   +-- Client 2
Router 1 and WAP 1 have NAT enabled.
Router 2 and WAP 2 do not have NAT enabled.

Server 1 and Server 2 are Linux boxes.
Client 1 and Client 2 are Win XP

I use the following sub-nets:

Switch 1 -
Switch 2 -
WAP 1-
WAP 2-

A caching name server runs on Server 1 and also an internal DNS service.

There is full connectivity between all machines on the internal side of
router 2, i.e. Client 1, Client 2, and Server 2 can all ping each other.

Even without introducing SAMBA into the equation I am not able to
successfully browse shares/printers on client 1 from client 2. Is this
possible across different subnets? Are there any special steps I need to

I have installed SAMBA on Server 2 and would like to be able to browse
shares on Server 2 from both Client 1 and Client 2.

Can anyone point me at any resources that might help me work this out?



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Re: [Samba] Winbind sutff (Squid and Windows 2003)

2004-08-11 Thread lists
Have you set the winbind privileged pipe permissions as described here:

That one passed me by the first time round and had me scratching my head :)

Rob Hadfield

Quoting Rivanor Soares [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Fellows, hello...
 My first post. :)

 The environment:
 Samba 3.0.5, Windows 2003 (domain controller), Squid 2.5-STABLE and
 FreeBSD 5.2.1.

 I'm facing this problem:
 While trying to authenticate the users inside Windows 2003 through the
 proxy server, using the wb_auth auth program, i can see the lines
 below in my log.winbindd

 [2004/08/09 22:28:12, 0] nsswitch/winbindd.c:process_loop(726)
   process_loop: Invalid request size from pid 1235: 1304 bytes sent,
 should be 1824
   This usually means that you are running old wbinfo, pam_winbind or
 libnss_winbind clients

 I successfully joined the domain using 'net join'. I can wbinfo to
 list the users too. But it's not enough! :P

 Does anyone face this anytime?

 Thanks in advance! :)

 Rivanor P. Soares

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[Samba] PDC ACL's

2004-07-30 Thread lists
i want to use samba 3.0.5 as PDC for w98, w2k, XP with windows acl's. so, 
i've a few questions:

- is there a comprehensive doc describing this (i know the std. samba docs)
- do i need a filesystem supporting acl's (xfs) to get this ?
 if the server is used by win clients only. (no nfs)
- if i need a special fs, which one is to be prefered ?
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[Samba] need some advice

2004-07-29 Thread lists
i've several - for me - big problems. i've posted here several times and 
only got generic or no replies. as my problmes ge more and more urgent i 
need some help. where can i get this ? what do i have to do. i'm realy 
desperate ..

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Re: [Samba] need some advice

2004-07-29 Thread lists
hi greg,
thanks for you reply - just unbelivable that i got one ...
--On Donnerstag, Juli 29, 2004 08:16:15 -0400 Greg Folkert 

| 1. List your problems, as quite detailed as possible. Including Samba
| version, configure options used, what type of environment you are using
| besides samba, the OSes involved with the problems.
i've tried all these - what i got was a generic response - e.g. don't use 
win98, use w2k - this is not constructive i think ...

| 2. List your steps you have taken to solve these issues, including
| google search queries used (just the search terms), options
| enabled/disabled/changed, Libraries you have updated, and so on.
| 3. Give us Level 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 samba log snippets showing the
| problems, the error codes the Windows side is getting.
| 4. Give us a sanitized copies of you smb.conf, krb5.conf, slapd.conf and
| any other conf you are using... including scripts to add users, delete
| users etc
well there we hit an other problem of this ML, the size limit. this will 
generate easylie mail's of 3, 4 or more MB. i've treid to place logs etc. 
to my website - without a single reply to my requests.

| Otherwise, you will only get a generic response. *IF* someone can get
| their arms around you problem, they may post a few fixes that may or may
| not work. This is the way of this list, we are not GODS (well except
| Jerry, John and Gerald (plus a few others on the samba team))
sorry, but i'm very, very, frustrated at the moment ... but, i will try 
this again. lets see if i can get a constructive response ...

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[Samba] XP does not join domain

2004-07-29 Thread lists
i've the following problem: i want a XP pro sp1 to join my samba (3.0.5) 
domain (MHC). with my first try it complained that it could not resolve:

i've fixed this with the following DNS setup:
_ldap._tcp.MHC. 600 IN SRV 
0 100 389 server.MHC.
_ldap._tcp.Default-First-Site-Name._sites.MHC.  600 IN SRV 
0 100 389 server.MHC.
_ldap._tcp.pdc._msdcs.MHC.  600 IN SRV 
0 100 389 server.MHC.
_ldap._tcp.gc._msdcs.MHC.   600 IN SRV 
0 100 3268 server.MHC.
_ldap._tcp.Default-First-Site-Name._sites.gc._msdcs.MHC.600 IN SRV 
0 100 3268 server.MHC.

gc._msdcs.MHC. 600 IN A
_kerberos._tcp.dc._msdcs.MHC.   600 IN SRV 
0 100 88 server.MHC.
_kerberos._tcp.Default-First-Site-Name._sites.dc._msdcs.MHC.600 IN SRV 
0 100 88 server.MHC.
_ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.MHC.   600 IN SRV 
0 100 389 server.MHC.
_ldap._tcp.Default-First-Site-Name._sites.dc._msdcs.MHC.600 IN SRV 
0 100 389 server.MHC.
_kerberos._tcp.MHC. 600 IN SRV 
0 100 88 server.MHC.
_kerberos._tcp.Default-First-Site-Name._sites.MHC.  600 IN SRV 
0 100 88 server.MHC.
_gc._tcp.MHC.   600 IN SRV 
0 100 3268 server.MHC.
_gc._tcp.Default-First-Site-Name._sites.MHC.600 IN SRV 
0 100 3268 server.MHC.
_kerberos._udp.MHC. 600 IN SRV 
0 100 88 server.MHC.
_kpasswd._tcp.MHC.  600 IN SRV 
0 100 464 server.MHC.
_kpasswd._udp.MHC.  600 IN SRV 
0 100 464 server.MHC.
MHC. 600 IN A

i do not use ldap or kerberos by now. i've apllied the XP reg patches. now, 
i get the following (german, sorry) message:

Hinweis: Diese Informationen sind für einen Netzwerkadministrator bestimmt. 
Wenden Sie sich an den Netzwerkadministrator, wenn Sie kein 
Netzwerkadministrator sind, und leiten Sie die Informationen in der Datei 
C:\WINDOWS\debug\dcdiag.txt weiter.

Der Domänenname MHC ist möglicherweise ein NetBIOS-Domänenname. Sollte 
dies der Fall sein, stellen Sie sicher, dass der Name bei WINS registriert 

Wenn Sie sicher sind, dass es sich nicht um einen NetBIOS-Domänennamen 
handelt, können folgende Information bei der Fehlersuche in der 
DNS-Konfiguration behilflich sein:

Die DNS-Abfrage über den Ressourceneintrag der Dienstidentifizierung (SRV), 
der zur Suche eines Domänencontrollers für die Domäne MHC verwendet wird, 
wurde ordnungsgemäß abgeschlossen:

Die Abfrage war für den SRV-Eintrag für _ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.MHC
Die folgenden Domänencontroller wurde von der Abfrage identifiziert:
Die häufigsten Ursachen dieses Fehlers sind:
- Host (A)-Einträge, die den Namen des Domänencontroller dessen IP-Adressen 
zuordnen, fehlen oder enthalten nicht die richtigen Adressen.

- Die in DNS registrierten Domänencontroller verfügen nicht über eine 
Netzwerkverbindung oder werden nicht ausgeführt.

Klicken Sie auf Hilfe, um weitere Informationen über die Fehlerbehebung 
zu erhalten.

server.mhc IS resolvable. even from this XP. i've started a tcpdump on the 
samba server. and while i try to join the domain i do not see a single 
packate origination form the XP machine. due to this here are no samba 
log's. it even does not try to connect to the samba server. there is no 
firewall etc. installed on the XP.

when i do local auth and the try to connect to samba every thing works as 

any suggestions ?
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[Samba] problem setting permisions

2004-07-28 Thread lists
i'm running smaba 3.0.4 with share level user and domain logon.
as a first test i've created a direcotry using windows explorer. now i try 
to assing a group to this dir. when i click OK i get a messeage that tells 
me, that i'm not permited to do this. samba log shows:

== log.smbd ==
[2004/08/27 16:39:17, 1] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(619)
 pc48006 ( connect to service daten initially as user root 
(uid=0, gid=0) (pid 13268)
[2004/08/27 16:39:17, 2] smbd/posix_acls.c:set_canon_ace_list(2415)
 set_canon_ace_list: sys_acl_set_file type file failed for file edv (Die 
Operation wird nicht unterstützt).

as you can see i should have permision to do that. any suggestions ?
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[Samba] System Authentication using Samba

2004-06-23 Thread Jacob Alifrangis (Lists)
I am trying to figure out the best approach to authenticating the Linux
Boxes on my network against active Directory V2 (Windows 2003)


The domain is in mixed mode.


I want to essentially setup the boxes so that I can use unified logins and
SSO (Single Sign on) in linux.


Thanks -J

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Re: [Samba] please help: smbd 100% cpu usage

2004-06-20 Thread lists
next try - as i was not able to post the level 10 log as a mail (180kb) 
i've put it here: http://www.mhcsoftware.de/smbprob.txt

the machine names are:
samba server: linux
windows ME:   norbert
perhaps some can suggest a solution ...

--On Freitag, Juni 18, 2004 08:01:45 -0400 Jason C. Waters 

| Set your log level to 10 and then send us the log for smbd and the
| machine name.  Maybe that will tell us something.
| Jason
|  hi,
|  i've a problem with samba 3.0.2. there is one windows ME client which
|  used to work with out any problems. now, as soon as the user connects
|  (sharelevel: user, or share - i've tried both) on smbd is forked which
|  causes 90 to 100% cpu load. when i stop samba (smbd/nmbd) this proces
|  does not die i can only get rid of it whit a kill -9. with this no
|  data can be transfered from or to the win ME client.
|  this is what a level 2 log stats:
|  [2004/06/16 16:28:44, 2] smbd/reply.c:reply_special(105)
|   netbios connect: name1=LINUX   name2=NORBERT
|  [2004/06/16 16:28:44, 2] smbd/reply.c:reply_special(112)
|   netbios connect: local=linux remote=norbert, name type = 0
|  [2004/06/16 16:28:44, 2] smbd/sesssetup.c:setup_new_vc_session(591)
|   setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if NT4.x compatible we would close
|  all old resources.
|  [2004/06/16 16:28:44, 2] auth/auth.c:check_ntlm_password(305)
|   check_ntlm_password:  authentication for user [NORBERT] - [NORBERT]
|  - [norbert] succeeded
|  [2004/06/16 16:28:44, 1] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(705)
|   norbert ( connect to service windows initially as user
|  norbert (uid=1000, gid=1000) (pid 10759)
|  and top shows:
|  10759 norbert   25   0 10856 3652 8924 R 99.2  0.7   0:18.22 smbd
|  any suggestions ?
|  TIA

Use PGP!! http://www.mhcsoftware.de/MatthiasHenze.asc
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MHC SoftWare GmbH  voice: +49-(0)9533-92006-0
Fichtera 17  fax: +49-(0)9533-92006-6
96274 Itzgrund/Germanye-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
instructions:  http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba

Re: [Samba] please help: smbd 100% cpu usage

2004-06-20 Thread lists
a unix group? a group with members where the users do not exist ?
--On Sonntag, Juni 20, 2004 18:52:24 +0200 Matthias Spork 

| Hello,
| check out, if you have a group, who has more members  then users on the
| system.
| matze
| Jason C. Waters schrieb:
|  That look like your nmbd.  What about the log.norbert file and the
|  log.smbd.  Try tail -n 500 filename, for each that will output the
|  last 500 lines of the file.  You don't keep your log level at 10 do
|  you?  If you have a busy server this will peg your CPU.
|  Jason
|  next try - as i was not able to post the level 10 log as a mail
|  (180kb) i've put it here: http://www.mhcsoftware.de/smbprob.txt
|  the machine names are:
|  samba server: linux
|  windows ME:   norbert
|  perhaps some can suggest a solution ...
|  TIA
|  matthias
|  --On Freitag, Juni 18, 2004 08:01:45 -0400 Jason C. Waters
|  | Set your log level to 10 and then send us the log for smbd and the
|  | machine name.  Maybe that will tell us something.
|  |
|  | Jason
|  |
|  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|  |
|  |  hi,
|  | 
|  |  i've a problem with samba 3.0.2. there is one windows ME client
|  which
|  |  used to work with out any problems. now, as soon as the user
|  connects
|  |  (sharelevel: user, or share - i've tried both) on smbd is forked
|  which
|  |  causes 90 to 100% cpu load. when i stop samba (smbd/nmbd) this
|  proces
|  |  does not die i can only get rid of it whit a kill -9. with this no
|  |  data can be transfered from or to the win ME client.
|  | 
|  |  this is what a level 2 log stats:
|  | 
|  |  [2004/06/16 16:28:44, 2] smbd/reply.c:reply_special(105)
|  |   netbios connect: name1=LINUX   name2=NORBERT
|  |  [2004/06/16 16:28:44, 2] smbd/reply.c:reply_special(112)
|  |   netbios connect: local=linux remote=norbert, name type = 0
|  |  [2004/06/16 16:28:44, 2] smbd/sesssetup.c:setup_new_vc_session(591)
|  |   setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if NT4.x compatible we would
|  close
|  |  all old resources.
|  |  [2004/06/16 16:28:44, 2] auth/auth.c:check_ntlm_password(305)
|  |   check_ntlm_password:  authentication for user [NORBERT] -
|  |  - [norbert] succeeded
|  |  [2004/06/16 16:28:44, 1] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(705)
|  |   norbert ( connect to service windows initially as user
|  |  norbert (uid=1000, gid=1000) (pid 10759)
|  | 
|  |  and top shows:
|  | 
|  |  10759 norbert   25   0 10856 3652 8924 R 99.2  0.7   0:18.22 smbd
|  | 
|  | 
|  |  any suggestions ?
|  | 
|  |  TIA

Use PGP!! http://www.mhcsoftware.de/MatthiasHenze.asc
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MHC SoftWare GmbH  voice: +49-(0)9533-92006-0
Fichtera 17  fax: +49-(0)9533-92006-6
96274 Itzgrund/Germanye-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
instructions:  http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba

Re: [Samba] please help: smbd 100% cpu usage

2004-06-20 Thread lists
i've checked this, as there are only 2 users on the machine and only one of 
them uses windows it was not too difficult :-) all users in /etc/group do 
exist in /etc/passwd

--On Sonntag, Juni 20, 2004 19:39:45 +0200 Matthias Spork 

| [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
|  a unix group? a group with members where the users do not exist ?
| Jep. I had this Problem in our LDAP-Tree. Every time I added a
| domain-group to a local windows-group
| Samba gets up to 99%. I heard, this Bug is solved in Samba 305.
| matze
|  --On Sonntag, Juni 20, 2004 18:52:24 +0200 Matthias Spork
|  | Hello,
|  |
|  | check out, if you have a group, who has more members  then users on
|  | the system.
|  |
|  | matze
|  |
|  | Jason C. Waters schrieb:
|  |
|  |  That look like your nmbd.  What about the log.norbert file and the
|  |  log.smbd.  Try tail -n 500 filename, for each that will output the
|  |  last 500 lines of the file.  You don't keep your log level at 10 do
|  |  you?  If you have a busy server this will peg your CPU.
|  | 
|  |  Jason
|  | 
|  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|  | 
|  |  next try - as i was not able to post the level 10 log as a mail
|  |  (180kb) i've put it here: http://www.mhcsoftware.de/smbprob.txt
|  | 
|  |  the machine names are:
|  | 
|  |  samba server: linux
|  |  windows ME:   norbert
|  | 
|  |  perhaps some can suggest a solution ...
|  | 
|  |  TIA
|  |  matthias
|  | 
|  | 
|  | 
|  | 
|  |  --On Freitag, Juni 18, 2004 08:01:45 -0400 Jason C. Waters
|  |  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|  | 
|  |  | Set your log level to 10 and then send us the log for smbd and
|  |  | the machine name.  Maybe that will tell us something.
|  |  |
|  |  | Jason
|  |  |
|  |  | [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
|  |  |
|  |  |  hi,
|  |  | 
|  |  |  i've a problem with samba 3.0.2. there is one windows ME client
|  |  which
|  |  |  used to work with out any problems. now, as soon as the user
|  |  connects
|  |  |  (sharelevel: user, or share - i've tried both) on smbd is
|  |  |  forked
|  |  which
|  |  |  causes 90 to 100% cpu load. when i stop samba (smbd/nmbd) this
|  |  proces
|  |  |  does not die i can only get rid of it whit a kill -9. with
|  this no
|  |  |  data can be transfered from or to the win ME client.
|  |  | 
|  |  |  this is what a level 2 log stats:
|  |  | 
|  |  |  [2004/06/16 16:28:44, 2] smbd/reply.c:reply_special(105)
|  |  |   netbios connect: name1=LINUX   name2=NORBERT
|  |  |  [2004/06/16 16:28:44, 2] smbd/reply.c:reply_special(112)
|  |  |   netbios connect: local=linux remote=norbert, name type = 0
|  |  |  [2004/06/16 16:28:44, 2]
|  smbd/sesssetup.c:setup_new_vc_session(591)
|  |  |   setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if NT4.x compatible we
|  |  |   would
|  |  close
|  |  |  all old resources.
|  |  |  [2004/06/16 16:28:44, 2] auth/auth.c:check_ntlm_password(305)
|  |  |   check_ntlm_password:  authentication for user [NORBERT] -
|  |  [NORBERT]
|  |  |  - [norbert] succeeded
|  |  |  [2004/06/16 16:28:44, 1]
|  smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(705)
|  |  |   norbert ( connect to service windows initially
|  as user
|  |  |  norbert (uid=1000, gid=1000) (pid 10759)
|  |  | 
|  |  |  and top shows:
|  |  | 
|  |  |  10759 norbert   25   0 10856 3652 8924 R 99.2  0.7   0:18.22
|  smbd
|  |  | 
|  |  | 
|  |  |  any suggestions ?
|  |  | 
|  |  |  TIA
|  | 
|  | 
|  | 

Use PGP!! http://www.mhcsoftware.de/MatthiasHenze.asc
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MHC SoftWare GmbH  voice: +49-(0)9533-92006-0
Fichtera 17  fax: +49-(0)9533-92006-6
96274 Itzgrund/Germanye-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
instructions:  http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba

Re: [Samba] please help: smbd 100% cpu usage

2004-06-20 Thread lists
you are right ... as log.norber is quite large i've placed it here:
log.smbd is mutch shorter:
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 6] param/loadparm.c:lp_file_list_changed(2661)
 file /etc/samba/dhcp.conf - /etc/samba/dhcp.conf  last mod_time: Thu Jan 
1 01:00:00 1970

 file /etc/samba/smb.conf - /etc/samba/smb.conf  last mod_time: Sun Jun 
20 19:32:20 2004

[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(105)
 socket option SO_KEEPALIVE = 1
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(105)
 socket option SO_REUSEADDR = 1
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(105)
 socket option SO_BROADCAST = 0
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(105)
 socket option TCP_NODELAY = 1
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(105)
 socket option IPTOS_LOWDELAY = 16
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(105)
 socket option IPTOS_THROUGHPUT = 16
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(105)
 socket option SO_SNDBUF = 8192
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(105)
 socket option SO_RCVBUF = 8192
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(105)
 socket option SO_SNDLOWAT = 1
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(105)
 socket option SO_RCVLOWAT = 1
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(105)
 socket option SO_SNDTIMEO = 0
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(105)
 socket option SO_RCVTIMEO = 0
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(105)
 socket option SO_KEEPALIVE = 1
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(105)
 socket option SO_REUSEADDR = 1
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(105)
 socket option SO_BROADCAST = 0
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(105)
 socket option TCP_NODELAY = 1
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(105)
 socket option IPTOS_LOWDELAY = 16
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(105)
 socket option IPTOS_THROUGHPUT = 16
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(105)
 socket option SO_SNDBUF = 8192
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(105)
 socket option SO_RCVBUF = 8192
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(105)
 socket option SO_SNDLOWAT = 1
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(105)
 socket option SO_RCVLOWAT = 1
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(105)
 socket option SO_SNDTIMEO = 0
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] lib/util_sock.c:print_socket_options(105)
 socket option SO_RCVTIMEO = 0
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] lib/gencache.c:gencache_init(59)
 Opening cache file at /var/run/samba/gencache.tdb
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] libsmb/namecache.c:namecache_enable(58)
 namecache_enable: enabling netbios namecache, timeout 660 seconds
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 10] registry/reg_cachehook.c:reghook_cache_add(60)
 reghook_cache_add: Adding key 
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 8] lib/adt_tree.c:sorted_tree_add(247)
 sorted_tree_add: Enter
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 10] lib/adt_tree.c:sorted_tree_add(314)
 sorted_tree_add: Successfully added node 
[HKLM/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Print] to tree
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 8] lib/adt_tree.c:sorted_tree_add(316)
 sorted_tree_add: Exit
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] passdb/pdb_interface.c:make_pdb_context_list(602)
 Trying to load: smbpasswd
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] passdb/pdb_interface.c:smb_register_passdb(93)
 Attempting to register passdb backend ldapsam
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] passdb/pdb_interface.c:smb_register_passdb(106)
 Successfully added passdb backend 'ldapsam'
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] passdb/pdb_interface.c:smb_register_passdb(93)
 Attempting to register passdb backend ldapsam_compat
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] passdb/pdb_interface.c:smb_register_passdb(106)
 Successfully added passdb backend 'ldapsam_compat'
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] passdb/pdb_interface.c:smb_register_passdb(93)
 Attempting to register passdb backend smbpasswd
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] passdb/pdb_interface.c:smb_register_passdb(106)
 Successfully added passdb backend 'smbpasswd'
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] passdb/pdb_interface.c:smb_register_passdb(93)
 Attempting to register passdb backend tdbsam
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] passdb/pdb_interface.c:smb_register_passdb(106)
 Successfully added passdb backend 'tdbsam'
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] passdb/pdb_interface.c:smb_register_passdb(93)
 Attempting to register passdb backend guest
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] passdb/pdb_interface.c:smb_register_passdb(106)
 Successfully added passdb backend 'guest'
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] passdb/pdb_interface.c:make_pdb_methods_name(498)
 Attempting to find an passdb backend to match smbpasswd (smbpasswd)
[2004/06/20 19:44:02, 5] 

Re: [Samba] please help: smbd 100% cpu usage

2004-06-19 Thread lists
so here we go, atatched (gziped - i tougt that it would be no good idea to 
paste 180KB here) there is the level 10 log. the machine names are:

samba server: linux
windows ME:   norbert
perhaps some can suggest a solution ...
--On Freitag, Juni 18, 2004 08:01:45 -0400 Jason C. Waters 

| Set your log level to 10 and then send us the log for smbd and the
| machine name.  Maybe that will tell us something.
| Jason
|  hi,
|  i've a problem with samba 3.0.2. there is one windows ME client which
|  used to work with out any problems. now, as soon as the user connects
|  (sharelevel: user, or share - i've tried both) on smbd is forked which
|  causes 90 to 100% cpu load. when i stop samba (smbd/nmbd) this proces
|  does not die i can only get rid of it whit a kill -9. with this no
|  data can be transfered from or to the win ME client.
|  this is what a level 2 log stats:
|  [2004/06/16 16:28:44, 2] smbd/reply.c:reply_special(105)
|   netbios connect: name1=LINUX   name2=NORBERT
|  [2004/06/16 16:28:44, 2] smbd/reply.c:reply_special(112)
|   netbios connect: local=linux remote=norbert, name type = 0
|  [2004/06/16 16:28:44, 2] smbd/sesssetup.c:setup_new_vc_session(591)
|   setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if NT4.x compatible we would close
|  all old resources.
|  [2004/06/16 16:28:44, 2] auth/auth.c:check_ntlm_password(305)
|   check_ntlm_password:  authentication for user [NORBERT] - [NORBERT]
|  - [norbert] succeeded
|  [2004/06/16 16:28:44, 1] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(705)
|   norbert ( connect to service windows initially as user
|  norbert (uid=1000, gid=1000) (pid 10759)
|  and top shows:
|  10759 norbert   25   0 10856 3652 8924 R 99.2  0.7   0:18.22 smbd
|  any suggestions ?
|  TIA

Use PGP!! http://www.mhcsoftware.de/MatthiasHenze.asc
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MHC SoftWare GmbH  voice: +49-(0)9533-92006-0
Fichtera 17  fax: +49-(0)9533-92006-6
96274 Itzgrund/Germanye-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
instructions:  http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba

[Samba] please help: smbd 100% cpu usage

2004-06-18 Thread lists
i've a problem with samba 3.0.2. there is one windows ME client which used 
to work with out any problems. now, as soon as the user connects 
(sharelevel: user, or share - i've tried both) on smbd is forked which 
causes 90 to 100% cpu load. when i stop samba (smbd/nmbd) this proces does 
not die i can only get rid of it whit a kill -9. with this no data can be 
transfered from or to the win ME client.

this is what a level 2 log stats:
[2004/06/16 16:28:44, 2] smbd/reply.c:reply_special(105)
 netbios connect: name1=LINUX   name2=NORBERT
[2004/06/16 16:28:44, 2] smbd/reply.c:reply_special(112)
 netbios connect: local=linux remote=norbert, name type = 0
[2004/06/16 16:28:44, 2] smbd/sesssetup.c:setup_new_vc_session(591)
 setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if NT4.x compatible we would close all 
old resources.
[2004/06/16 16:28:44, 2] auth/auth.c:check_ntlm_password(305)
 check_ntlm_password:  authentication for user [NORBERT] - [NORBERT] - 
[norbert] succeeded
[2004/06/16 16:28:44, 1] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(705)
 norbert ( connect to service windows initially as user 
norbert (uid=1000, gid=1000) (pid 10759)

and top shows:
10759 norbert   25   0 10856 3652 8924 R 99.2  0.7   0:18.22 smbd
any suggestions ?
Use PGP!! http://www.mhcsoftware.de/MatthiasHenze.asc
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MHC SoftWare GmbH  voice: +49-(0)9533-92006-0
Fichtera 17  fax: +49-(0)9533-92006-6
96274 Itzgrund/Germanye-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the
instructions:  http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba

[Samba] smbd 100% cpu usage

2004-06-16 Thread lists
i've a problem with samba 3.0.2. there is one windows ME client which used 
to work with out any problems. now, as soon as the user connects 
(sharelevel: user, or share - i've tried both) on smbd is forked which 
causes 90 to 100% cpu load. when i stop samba (smbd/nmbd) this proces does 
not die i can only get rid of it whit a kill -9. with this no data can be 
transfered from or to the win ME client.

this is what a level 2 log stats:
[2004/06/16 16:28:44, 2] smbd/reply.c:reply_special(105)
 netbios connect: name1=LINUX   name2=NORBERT
[2004/06/16 16:28:44, 2] smbd/reply.c:reply_special(112)
 netbios connect: local=linux remote=norbert, name type = 0
[2004/06/16 16:28:44, 2] smbd/sesssetup.c:setup_new_vc_session(591)
 setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if NT4.x compatible we would close all 
old resources.
[2004/06/16 16:28:44, 2] auth/auth.c:check_ntlm_password(305)
 check_ntlm_password:  authentication for user [NORBERT] - [NORBERT] - 
[norbert] succeeded
[2004/06/16 16:28:44, 1] smbd/service.c:make_connection_snum(705)
 norbert ( connect to service windows initially as user 
norbert (uid=1000, gid=1000) (pid 10759)

and top shows:
10759 norbert   25   0 10856 3652 8924 R 99.2  0.7   0:18.22 smbd
any suggestions ?
Use PGP!! http://www.mhcsoftware.de/MatthiasHenze.asc
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MHC SoftWare GmbH  voice: +49-(0)9533-92006-0
Fichtera 17  fax: +49-(0)9533-92006-6
96274 Itzgrund/Germanye-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Samba] winbind and local groups

2004-05-22 Thread lists
Hi, I have been setting up samba and winbind on a Debian Linux box to
allow access to shares authenticating from a Windows 2000 Active Directory

I have got almost everythign I want to work, but I am stuck with one
thing.  I would like to add domain users to a local unix group and then
add that group to the valid users line to a share.  Enclosed is my
smb.conf and my /etc/group files

Thank you,


#=== Global Settings ===

   workgroup = TEST
   server string = %h server (Samba %v)
   wins server =
   dns proxy = no
;   name resolve order = lmhosts host wins bcast

   log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
   syslog = 0
   panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d
   security = domain
   idmap uid = 15000-2
   idmap gid = 15000-2
#  winbind separator = %
   winbind enum users = yes
   winbind enum groups = yes
#  winbind use default domain = yes
   password server = *
   encrypt passwords = true
   passdb backend = tdbsam guest
   obey pam restrictions = yes
;   guest account = nobody
   invalid users = root
;   unix password sync = no
   passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
   passwd chat = *Enter\snew\sUNIX\spassword:* %n\n
*Retype\snew\sUNIX\spassword:* %n\n .
;   pam password change = no
;   load printers = yes
;   printing = bsd
;   printcap name = /etc/printcap
;   printing = cups
;   printcap name = cups
;   printer admin = @ntadmin
;   preserve case = yes
;   short preserve case = yes
;   include = /home/samba/etc/smb.conf.%m
   socket options = TCP_NODELAY
;   message command = /bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/linpopup %f %m %s; rm %s' 
;   domain master = auto
;   idmap uid = 1-2
;   idmap gid = 1-2
;   template shell = /bin/bash

   comment = Home Directories
   browseable = no
   writable = no
   create mask = 0700
   directory mask = 0700

;   comment = Network Logon Service
;   path = /home/samba/netlogon
;   guest ok = yes
;   writable = no
;   share modes = no

   comment = All Printers
   browseable = no
   path = /tmp
   printable = yes
   public = no
   writable = no
   create mode = 0700

   comment = Printer Drivers
   path = /var/lib/samba/printers
   browseable = yes
   read only = yes
   guest ok = no
;   write list = root, @ntadmin

# This works, and allows all users authenticated on the domain
   comment = Open Test Share
   path = /usr/share/smb/test1
   public = yes
   writable = yes

# This doesn't work
   comment = Only for group foo
   path = /usr/share/smb/test2
   public = no
   writeable = yes
   valid users = @foo

# This works and only allow the user 'user' on domain 'TEST' to access
   comment = Only for user
   path = /usr/share/smb/test3
   public = no
   writeable = yes
   valid users = TEST\user

# This works and allows all members of the domain group 'Domain Users' to
   comment = Only for Domain group 'Domain Users'
   path = /usr/share/smb/test4
   public = no
   writeable = yes
   valid users = @TEST\Domain Users



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[Samba] Hey, ya! =))

2004-04-25 Thread lists . samba . orgsamba-request
 Looking forward for a response :P

archive password: 40638
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[Samba] w2k/XP won't join samba pdc

2004-01-19 Thread Lists

I'm sure this must have come up before - if so I apologise.
I have googled, read HOWTOs FAQ and numerous personal accounts on how to
configure samba as a PDC but to no avail - neither w2k nor XP  will join the
domain. NT4 Workstation and Win9x I have working fine - where have I gone
wrong ?

Linux SETUP:  RedHat 7.3, samba-2.2.7-3.7.3 (upgraded from 2.2.3a)
Win2k SETUP: Win 2000 Pro, Service pack 4
I have used the Samba-HOWTO-Collection to configure the server

os level = 64
preferred master = yes
domain master = yes
local master = yes
security = user
domain logons = yes
logon path = \\%L\Profiles\%u

   comment = Network Logon Service
   path = /usr/share/samba/netlogon
   guest ok = yes
   writable = no
   share modes = no

path = /export/smb/ntprofiles
browseable = no
guest ok = yes

/usr/share/samba/netlogon  is drwxr-xr-x2 root root
/export/smb/ntprofilesis drwxr-xr-x2 root root

I have also added to the global section in smb.conf,
   admin users = jim
   domain admin group = root jim @wheel
which  found referenced in a news article

jim is a user on the linux box, exists in the smbpasswd file and is an
administrator W2k system

I have also manually created the two machine accounts admin1$ (w2k) and
admin2$ (XP). and added them to the smbpasswd file as described in the

In | Advanced | Network identification | properties I change the workgroup
to domain NEWDOM
win prompts me for a username (jim) and password (XXX) and I get the

Windows error
The following error occurred attempting to join the domain NEWDOM
Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password

Samba error (#tail -f  admin1.log)
[2004/01/19 16:26:24, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection(381)
  make_connection: jim logged in as admin user (root privileges)
[2004/01/19 16:26:25, 0] rpc_server/srv_samr.c:api_samr_set_userinfo(670)
  api_samr_set_userinfo: Unable to unmarshall SAMR_Q_SET_USERINFO.
[2004/01/19 16:26:25, 0] rpc_server/srv_samr_nt.c:_samr_set_userinfo(2480)
  _samr_set_userinfo: Unable to get smbpasswd entry for uid 0
[2004/01/19 16:26:25, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection(381)
  make_connection: jim logged in as admin user (root privileges)


on XP the samba log is the same

initially I thought it was a permissions error on the smbpasswd file which
is 0600, I changed it to 0640 but once I try and connect samba changes it
back to 0600

any ideas, suggestions would be greatly appreciated


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Fw: [Samba] w2k/XP won't join samba pdc

2004-01-19 Thread Lists

  sorry, answer was mislead..
  Am Montag, 19. Januar 2004 17:40 schrieb Lists:
   looking for a samba-user with the uid 0, i.e. root as a samba user.
root already a valid samba user?
   I thought root was prohibited from being a root user - will try though
  might be an unnessesary hint, but give the samba root a different pw
  real root

 you're correct :-)  now works fine except I get an error on creating the
 user's profile
 just when I though I'd conquered all -

 I'll play around with the permissions on the profiles share and see what

 thanks again for the help



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[Samba] Samba 3.0/wins.dat - 'Old' IP being served

2003-12-05 Thread lists
Hi all,
We have a weird problem, Samba is providing an outdated IP address for a client (XP 
Pro) machine. This means that the client machine is not contactable by the other 
machines on the network.

The IP is that which was previously used when connecting via the company VPN, although 
the machine has/is now plugged onto the company network and had has new IP via DHCP.

This problem continues through restarting the Samba deamons and rebooting the client 
XP machine.

Removing the machine's entry from '/var/lib/samba/wins.dat' solves the symptoms, but 
presably the bug is still there.

I've traced the problem as far as I can and these are my observations, hopefully they 
may be usefull to someone in the know.

Machine - Debian Stable/Backports samba_3.0.0final-0

1). It appears that 'winsserver_init' is picking up the old IP from 
[2003/12/05 14:46:24, 4] nmbd/nmbd_winsserver.c:initialise_wins(362)
initialise_wins: add name: F-LAPTOP-SJG#20 ttl = 161432 first IP flags 
= 44
F-LAPTOP-SJG#00 1070797025 44R
F-LAPTOP-SJG#20 1070797016 44R

2). When the machine is plugged onto the network it introduces itself
[2003/12/05 14:47:30, 4] nmbd/nmbd_packets.c:process_dgram(1227)
process_dgram: datagram from F-LAPTOP-SJG00 to FUSION1d IP for 
\MAILSLOT\BROWSE of type 2 len=15
[2003/12/05 14:47:30, 8] lib/util.c:is_myname(1677)
is_myname(F-LAPTOP-SJG) returns 0
[2003/12/05 14:47:30, 4] nmbd/nmbd_packets.c:debug_browse_data(100)
0 char ..F-LAPTOP-SJG.  hex 02 00 46 2d 4c 41 50 54 4f 50 2d 53 4a 47 00
[2003/12/05 14:47:30, 3] nmbd/nmbd_incomingdgrams.c:process_announce_request(784)
process_announce_request: Announce request from F-LAPTOP-SJG00 IP to 
[2003/12/05 14:47:30, 4] nmbd/nmbd_workgroupdb.c:find_workgroup_on_subnet(157)
find_workgroup_on_subnet: workgroup search for FUSION on subnet found.
[2003/12/05 14:47:30, 4] nmbd/nmbd_workgroupdb.c:find_workgroup_on_subnet(157)
find_workgroup_on_subnet: workgroup search for FUSION on subnet found.
[2003/12/05 14:47:30, 8] lib/util.c:is_myname(1677)
is_myname(SERVER) returns 1
[2003/12/05 14:47:30, 3] nmbd/nmbd_sendannounce.c:send_local_master_announcement(163)
send_local_master_announcement: type c9823 for name SERVER on subnet for 
workgroup FUSION
[2003/12/05 14:47:30, 4] nmbd/nmbd_packets.c:send_mailslot(1870)
send_mailslot: Sending to mailslot \MAILSLOT\BROWSE from SERVER00 IP 
[2003/12/05 14:47:30, 4] nmbd/nmbd_packets.c:process_dgram(1227)
process_dgram: datagram from F-LAPTOP-SJG20 to FUSION1d IP for 
\MAILSLOT\BROWSE of type 1 len=63
[2003/12/05 14:47:30, 8] lib/util.c:is_myname(1677)
is_myname(F-LAPTOP-SJG) returns 0
[2003/12/05 14:47:30, 4] nmbd/nmbd_packets.c:debug_browse_data(100)
0 char ..F-LAPTOP-S hex 01 00 80 fc 0a 00 46 2d 4c 41 50 54 4f 50 2d 53
10 char JG.wx.U. hex 4a 47 00 77 78 83 05 01 03 10 01 00 0f 01 55 aa
20 char Stuart Griffin's hex 53 74 75 61 72 74 20 47 72 69 66 66 69 6e 27 73
30 char  Fusion Laptop.  hex 20 46 75 73 69 6f 6e 20 4c 61 70 74 6f 70 00
[2003/12/05 14:47:30, 3] nmbd/nmbd_incomingdgrams.c:process_host_announce(118)
process_host_announce: from F-LAPTOP-SJG08 IP to FUSION1d for 
server F-LAPTOP-SJG.
[2003/12/05 14:47:30, 5] nmbd/nmbd_incomingdgrams.c:process_host_announce(121)
process_host_announce: ttl=720 server type=00011003 comment=Stuart Griffin's Fusion 
[2003/12/05 14:47:30, 4] nmbd/nmbd_workgroupdb.c:find_workgroup_on_subnet(157)
find_workgroup_on_subnet: workgroup search for FUSION on subnet found.
[2003/12/05 14:47:30, 8] lib/util.c:is_myname(1677)
is_myname(F-LAPTOP-SJG) returns 0
[2003/12/05 14:47:30, 3] nmbd/nmbd_serverlistdb.c:create_server_on_workgroup(159)
create_server_on_workgroup: Created server entry F-LAPTOP-SJG of type 40011003 (Stuart 
Griffin's Fusion Laptop) on workgroup FUSI
[2003/12/05 14:47:30, 4] nmbd/nmbd_workgroupdb.c:find_workgroup_on_subnet(157)
find_workgroup_on_subnet: workgroup search for FUSION on subnet found.
[2003/12/05 14:47:30, 10] 
announce_myself_to_domain_master_browser: t (1070635650) - last(1070635607)  900
[2003/12/05 14:47:30, 4] nmbd/nmbd_workgroupdb.c:find_workgroup_on_subnet(157)
find_workgroup_on_subnet: workgroup search for FUSION on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET: found.
[2003/12/05 14:47:30, 4] nmbd/nmbd_workgroupdb.c:find_workgroup_on_subnet(157)
find_workgroup_on_subnet: workgroup search for FUSION on subnet UNICAST_SUBNET: found.
[2003/12/05 14:47:30, 10] lib/util_sock.c:read_udp_socket(188)
read_udp_socket: lastip lastport 138 read: 219

3) Unfortunately Samba doesn't seem to have taken notice of the 'new' IP.
F-LAPTOP-SJG00TTL = Sun Dec  7 11:37:05 

[Samba] Gnome hangs after samba/winbindd configuration

2003-11-13 Thread Distribution Lists
I wonder is anyone has seen this or can give me a clue.

I've configured Samba/Winbindd on a  Linux desktop to authenticate users
to a Windows domain controller, works great... but Gnome hangs for 15
minutes after the user is authenicated and then will continue as normal ?

FYI  - I've configured winbind in my pam modules in /etc/pam.d

Also using ssh works fine and domain users can log onto the system.

Any ideas.



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[Samba] Accessing domain share drives

2003-11-12 Thread Distribution Lists
I'm using
SUSE linux 2.4.19-4GB

My goal is to configure a Linux desktop into a windows domain environment.
So far I have managed to configure pam_smb to authenticate users to the PDC.
So thats good.

Now the problem is when user tries to browse a share.
At the moment the users has to retype in their domain/userid password
every time they access a share, is there way to minimise this?

With Windows you only need to authenticate once to the domain, at logon
time. How do I simulate this with Linux ?

BTW: I configured the Linux desktop to be a domain member.



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[Samba] Re: Accessing domain share drives

2003-11-12 Thread Distribution Lists
Should have add this to my previous email

security = domain

workgroup = DOMAIN
os level = 2
time server = Yes
unix extensions = Yes
encrypt passwords = Yes
map to guest = Bad User
log level = 1
syslog = 0
printing = CUPS
printcap name = CUPS
;   wins support = No
wins server =
veto files = /*.eml/*.nws/riched20.dll/*.{*}/

 I'm using
 SUSE linux 2.4.19-4GB

 My goal is to configure a Linux desktop into a windows domain environment.
 So far I have managed to configure pam_smb to authenticate users to the
 So thats good.

 Now the problem is when user tries to browse a share.
 At the moment the users has to retype in their domain/userid password
 every time they access a share, is there way to minimise this?

 With Windows you only need to authenticate once to the domain, at logon
 time. How do I simulate this with Linux ?

 BTW: I configured the Linux desktop to be a domain member.




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[Samba] Integrating a Linux desktop into a Windows Domain environment

2003-11-05 Thread Distribution Lists
Can someone give me some pointers to documentation, concepts on how to
integrate Linux desktop into a Windows domain environment to access shared
drives / printers. I wonder what other peoples experiences were as well.

If possible I want to setup Linux/Samba in such to replicate what an
Windows workstation does, authenticate with a domain controller then be
able to seamlessly access shares.



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[Samba] Samba configuration

2003-11-03 Thread Distribution Lists

I'm trying to config a Linux box to integrate into a windows network using
pam_smb and samba.

Ive set it up so that using pam_smb I can get the user to log onto the
linux desktop with their NT id and password.

The only problem is once the user is logged on they need to be able to
access shared resources disk, printers etc... without the need to
reauthenticate to the domain, i.e. use a cache password. Is this possible ?




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[Samba] Newbie Question about File Systems

2003-10-15 Thread Lists
Is there anyway to support NFTS security on linux.  it might mean 
compiling a new file system into the kernal?  I don't know.  Is there a 
how to that anyone can point me to.

Sorry for the basic question,

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[Samba] smbfs block size

2003-08-22 Thread Daves Lists
I've been searching everywhere and just can't figure out how to change the 
smbfs read size. Right now its defaulting to 4096 and I'd like to increase 
it. If I use smbclient to the same server I get a read size of 65536 which 
speeds my transfers up quite a bit. 

I'm using kernel 2.4.18 and samba 2.2.3a. 

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[Samba] PDC Problems

2003-02-11 Thread lists
Hi list,

I am running Samba 2.2.7 on a 2.4 Linux, I have 3 clients, each win2kSP3.
There a a few users, but with just 2 of them I can log in. If I try to
connect(from win, smbclient runs perfectly) to the server using one of the
other, I get the message the domain is not available, and my log.int01
(where int01 is my workstation) says int01 - no account in domain. hmm.
I know all these problems, machine accounts, registy-hacks, but, as you
see - the server knows the workstation with some user accounts, while
others are blocked. If I enter a wrong user name I get cannot log on to
Any suggestions?
Thanks a lot,

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[Samba] domain admins, and workstation software install permissions

2002-05-30 Thread lists

Hello -

1) Can I set up a group whose members are automatically able to install 
software on all workstations in the samba domain?

2) Does domain admins group confer to its members file access to all samba 


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