Re: [Samba] Can't print properly through server, only direct client-printer

2004-09-02 Thread Simon Hobson
Doug VanLeuven wrote:
print command = grep -v '^[0-9]* *VM\?' %s %s-2 ; rm %s ; lpr 
-P%p -o raw %s-2

I read ^[0-9]* *VM\? as
match 0 or more occurances of a digit at the beginning of a line
match zero or more occurances of a space
match a V
optionally match one M (shell interpretive issues with backslash and ?)
3V)_ and 9VL@ both meet that criteria.
^[0-9]+ +VM\\[?]
if you're looking for
0 VM\?
I find it helpful to eliminate shell issues by making special 
characters in a class
  A regular expression may be followed by one of several repetition oper-
  ?  The preceding item is optional and matched at most once.
  *  The preceding item will be matched zero or more times.
  +  The preceding item will be matched one or more times.
Just goes to show what a fresh pair of eyes can spot !
Interestingly, I tried [0-9]+ and it doesn't select anything, whereas 
[0-9][0-9]* does. And now I see why VM\? failed, the \ was to escape 
the ?, and I overlooked the meaning of ?

Anyway, I settled on '^[0-9][0-9]* VM[?]^M$' (where the ^M is a 
return, not two characters) which should be safe - I think in the 
past I must have tried $^M which of course doesn't work.

Just proves that most of us still have plenty to learn !
Thanks, Simon
Simon Hobson MA MIEE, Technology Specialist
Colony Gift Corporation Limited
Lindal in Furness, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 0LD
Tel 01229 461100, Fax 01229 461101
Registered in England No. 1499611
Regd. Office : 100 New Bridge Street, London, EC4V 6JA.
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Re: [Samba] Can't print properly through server, only direct client-printer

2004-09-02 Thread Doug VanLeuven
Simon Hobson wrote:
Interestingly, I tried [0-9]+ and it doesn't select anything, whereas 
[0-9][0-9]* does. And now I see why VM\? failed, the \ was to escape 
the ?, and I overlooked the meaning of ?

Anyway, I settled on '^[0-9][0-9]* VM[?]^M$' (where the ^M is a 
return, not two characters) which should be safe - I think in the past 
I must have tried $^M which of course doesn't work.

Just proves that most of us still have plenty to learn !
That's right.  Like me.
Forgot grep loses the special meaning of + and ? and \+ \? bring the 
special meaning back.
Have to use egrep or grep -E with my expression

Cheers, Doug
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Re: [Samba] Can't print properly through server, only direct client-printer

2004-08-31 Thread Simon Hobson
At 2:57 am +1000 6/7/04, Alex Satrapa wrote:
What happens if you change the line to:
print command = grep -v '^[0-9][0-9]* *VM\?$' ...
Then I replied :
It would have to be '^[0-9][0-9]* *VM\?^M$', but it didn't seem to 
match that. I think the chances of having a line that starts with 
that pattern is pretty remote, especially when you consider that it 
is Postscript code (or what the MS system passes for Postscript !) 
rather than raw text.
Well I had the techie in recently for some other work and we had a go 
at this problem. Well in one of those 'Homer-esque' Dohhh moments we 
found out the problem 

Anyway, in case it helps anyone else, we had the line :
print command = grep -v '^[0-9]* *VM\?' %s %s-2 ; rm %s ; lpr -P%p 
-o raw %s-2

in our smb.conf file. This is to do away with the test MS do in the 
postscript file to see how much memory the printer has and not print 
the job if MS decide the printer can't do it (I've yet to see a job 
actually fail).

What this should do (or more correctly, what I intended it to do) is 
delete any lines that start with some digits, some spaces, and the 
literal VM\?. Once we realised what the problem was and checked 
again, I found that this also matched lines like :

[EMAIL PROTECTED])SFQp+FcoCr(NhoYo4!l;X`q8**G!l2XhrPSKMqS3J_tq=I`pqI
These lines are part of the image data for bitmapped images on the page.
Altering the match to '^[0-9][0-9]* VM\?' seems to have fixed the 
problem. However I'm curious as to why the two lines above were 
matched when they don't even include the letters 'VM' ?


And for the benefit of anyone searching the archives ...
The message this is designed to get rid of is :
This job requires more memory than is available in this printer.
Try one or more of the following, and then print again:
For the output format, choose Optimize For Portability.
In the Device Settings page, make sure the Available PostScript 
Memory is accurate.
Reduce the number of fonts in the document.
Print the document in parts.
Simon Hobson MA MIEE, Technology Specialist
Colony Gift Corporation Limited
Lindal in Furness, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 0LD
Tel 01229 461100, Fax 01229 461101
Registered in England No. 1499611
Regd. Office : 100 New Bridge Street, London, EC4V 6JA.
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Re: [Samba] Can't print properly through server, only direct client-printer

2004-08-31 Thread Doug VanLeuven
I read ^[0-9]* *VM\? as
match 0 or more occurances of a digit at the beginning of a line
match zero or more occurances of a space
match a V
optionally match one M (shell interpretive issues with backslash and ?)
3V)_ and 9VL@ both meet that criteria.
^[0-9]+ +VM\\[?]
if you're looking for
0 VM\?
I find it helpful to eliminate shell issues by making special characters 
in a class
  A regular expression may be followed by one of several repetition 
  ?  The preceding item is optional and matched at most once.
  *  The preceding item will be matched zero or more times.
  +  The preceding item will be matched one or more times.

Simon Hobson wrote:
print command = grep -v '^[0-9]* *VM\?' %s %s-2 ; rm %s ; lpr -P%p 
-o raw %s-2

in our smb.conf file. This is to do away with the test MS do in the 
postscript file to see how much memory the printer has and not print 
the job if MS decide the printer can't do it (I've yet to see a job 
actually fail).

What this should do (or more correctly, what I intended it to do) is 
delete any lines that start with some digits, some spaces, and the 
literal VM\?. Once we realised what the problem was and checked 
again, I found that this also matched lines like :


[EMAIL PROTECTED])SFQp+FcoCr(NhoYo4!l;X`q8**G!l2XhrPSKMqS3J_tq=I`pqI 

These lines are part of the image data for bitmapped images on the page.
Altering the match to '^[0-9][0-9]* VM\?' seems to have fixed the 
problem. However I'm curious as to why the two lines above were 
matched when they don't even include the letters 'VM' ?


And for the benefit of anyone searching the archives ...
The message this is designed to get rid of is :
This job requires more memory than is available in this printer.
Try one or more of the following, and then print again:
For the output format, choose Optimize For Portability.
In the Device Settings page, make sure the Available PostScript 
Memory is accurate.
Reduce the number of fonts in the document.
Print the document in parts.

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Re: [Samba] Can't print properly through server, only direct client-printer

2004-07-06 Thread Simon Hobson
At 2:57 am +1000 6/7/04, Alex Satrapa wrote:
What happens if you change the line to:
print command = grep -v '^[0-9][0-9]* *VM\?$' ...
It would have to be '^[0-9][0-9]* *VM\?^M$', but it didn't seem to 
match that. I think the chances of having a line that starts with 
that pattern is pretty remote, especially when you consider that it 
is Postscript code (or what the MS system passes for Postscript !) 
rather than raw text.

Simon Hobson MA MIEE, Technology Specialist
Colony Gift Corporation Limited
Lindal in Furness, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 0LD
Tel 01229 461100, Fax 01229 461101
Registered in England No. 1499611
Regd. Office : 100 New Bridge Street, London, EC4V 6JA.
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Re: [Samba] Can't print properly through server, only direct client-printer

2004-07-05 Thread Simon Hobson
At 10:32 am +1000 5/7/04, Alex Satrapa wrote:
print command = grep -v '^[0-9]* *VM\?' %s %s-2 ; rm %s ; 
lpr -P%p -o raw %s-2
What's this supposed to achieve?  Looks to me like you're tampering 
with the PostScript by removing any line that starts with 'VM?' 
optionally preceeded by any number of spaces, optionally preceeded 
by any number of numeric digits.
That's correct, without it hardly any jobs print at all !
The jobs created on the windows boxes include a test for the amount 
of VM available in the printer, and if it fails to meet what MS 
believe is required then it prints the message :

This job requires more memory than is available in this printer.
Try one or more of the following, and then print again:
For the output format, choose Optimize For Portability.
In the Device Settings page, make sure the Available PostScript 
Memory is accurate.
Reduce the number of fonts in the document.
Print the document in parts.
There is a PS procedure defined that compares the VM with a number on 
the stack, then prints the above message and aborts the job if it's 
less. The line that invokes the procedure is always :

(where  is a variable number defining the VM requirements)
which is grepped out by the print command above.
Obviously the PostScript being generated is working correctly, since 
direct to printer works fine. What happens if you comment out this 
parameter, and leave the print command alone?
If I leave the test in, hardly anything works ! Either the PS is 
getting processed by the CUPS server which is behaving differently to 
the printer; or the client is generating a different job because it 
expects the job to be processed by the server; or (unlikely) the 
driver has been corrupted at some stage during the Samba printer 

The problems are : jobs where certain letters don't print at all, or 
certain letters are replaced with something else; images which look 
like they have had one or more runs of pixels removed, so that the 
image is sliced and the rest of the image is 'rolled round' so that 
what should be the left (say) 1/3 of the image is now to the right of 
the other 2/3.

The problem is, we don't know whether to blame the client (is it 
producing crap when it thinks it's sending the job to a windoze 
server ?), Samba (is it sending the right info to CUPS ?), CUPS (is 
it processing the job instead of passing it through as a raw job).

I've now tried CUPS with logging set to debug, and it clearly treats 
each job as type application/vnd.cups-raw, so it shouldn't be doing 
anything with it.

Simon Hobson MA MIEE, Technology Specialist
Colony Gift Corporation Limited
Lindal in Furness, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 0LD
Tel 01229 461100, Fax 01229 461101
Registered in England No. 1499611
Regd. Office : 100 New Bridge Street, London, EC4V 6JA.
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Re: [Samba] Can't print properly through server, only direct client-printer

2004-07-05 Thread Alex Satrapa
On 5 Jul 2004, at 19:13, Simon Hobson wrote:
At 10:32 am +1000 5/7/04, Alex Satrapa wrote:
print command = grep -v '^[0-9]* *VM\?' %s %s-2 ; rm %s ; 
lpr -P%p -o raw %s-2
What's this supposed to achieve?  Looks to me like you're tampering 
with the PostScript by removing any line that starts with 'VM?' 
optionally preceeded by any number of spaces, optionally preceeded by 
any number of numeric digits.
That's correct, without it hardly any jobs print at all !
 The line that invokes the procedure is always :
(where  is a variable number defining the VM requirements)
What happens if you change the line to:
print command = grep -v '^[0-9][0-9]* *VM\?$' ...
That way you can avoid chopping out lines that just happen to start 
with VM (eg: base64 encoded cruft). I'm just curious.

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Re: [Samba] Can't print properly through server, only direct client-printer

2004-07-04 Thread Alex Satrapa
On 3 Jul 2004, at 19:13, Simon Hobson wrote:
print command = grep -v '^[0-9]* *VM\?' %s %s-2 ; rm %s ; 
lpr -P%p -o raw %s-2
What's this supposed to achieve?  Looks to me like you're tampering 
with the PostScript by removing any line that starts with 'VM?' 
optionally preceeded by any number of spaces, optionally preceeded by 
any number of numeric digits.

Obviously the PostScript being generated is working correctly, since 
direct to printer works fine. What happens if you comment out this 
parameter, and leave the print command alone?


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[Samba] Can't print properly through server, only direct client-printer

2004-07-03 Thread Simon Hobson
We are having great problems printing from XP clients through our 
Samba server. We are using the Adobe PS driver, and are configured 
for automatic driver download/install from the server. Samba is 
2.2.8a and part of a Suse OpenExchange server, printing is through 
CUPS. Printers are an assortment of different makes of Postscript 
(and compatible) lasers.

Basically, we have 'wierd' behaviour. Excel documents send as 
landscape which are formatted for landscape, but not rotated on the 
page; jobs which just don't print at all (postscript errors); 
Printouts where every occurance of a particular character is missing, 
or characters are changed.

If we re-configure the clients to talk directly to the printers via 
an IP port, they work fine with the same drivers and PPDs.

I've configured CUPS to support raw printing (as per 8.5.14 in the 
Samba Howto).

Anyone got any ideas what could be wrong ?
smb.conf extracts :
printcap name = CUPS
printing = cups
comment = Printer Drivers
path = /var/lib/samba/drivers
write list = @ntadmin,@root
force group = ntadmin
create mask = 0664
directory mask = 0775
guest ok = Yes
comment = All Printers
path = /var/tmp
create mask = 0600
guest ok = Yes
printable = Yes
print command = grep -v '^[0-9]* *VM\?' %s %s-2 ; rm %s ; 
lpr -P%p -o raw %s-2
browseable = No

Simon Hobson MA MIEE, Technology Specialist
Colony Gift Corporation Limited
Lindal in Furness, Ulverston, Cumbria, LA12 0LD
Tel 01229 461100, Fax 01229 461101
Registered in England No. 1499611
Regd. Office : 100 New Bridge Street, London, EC4V 6JA.
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