Re: [Samba] disappointed with complete lack of help.

2005-01-28 Thread Paul Gienger

The help on this list is horrible. I am sorry for whining.

Looking back on your questions, it seems like the cause is most likely 
phrasing of your issue.  It has been stated often that a well crafted 
question with all pertinent info will get better response than a hard to 
understand issue.  I believe yours is the latter.  Granted that I didn't 
read all your messages, but the first two were definately the latter.

You start off by posting your smb.conf, then 40+ lines of debug info, 
then somewhere in there is a vaugly crafted issue.  You have not stated 
what your goal is, your system config, and/or what you have done to 
troubleshoot your issue, which I reiterate, has not clearly been stated 
either.   Have you read the documentation? Have you tried to follow an 
example?  We have a very good book on pure documentation and a book on 
examples, I recommend both.  They are available free online and for 
money in print.

This is a fairly high volume list, I think I had 40 messages when I 
logged on this morning just from overnight.  The quick to answer or 
suggest questions get first attention, then if somebody is bored they 
might try to figure out what some random post was trying to infer. 

I can't offer any help personally, since from what I can guess, you're 
running an NT4 domain and having some random winbind issue, and I run 
neither, but if you structure your question such that somebody who does 
can see what your problem is,  your milage may improve.

Paul GiengerOffice: 701-281-1884
Applied Engineering Inc.
Systems Architect   Fax:701-281-1322

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RE: [Samba] disappointed with complete lack of help.

2005-01-28 Thread Ryan Frantz
I humbly submit this response:

I suppose the adage You get what you pay for would be appropriate
here.  However, given that the Samba maintainers have bothered to set up
a list for support and discussion of their software, I'd say that is far
better than absolutely nothing.  Add to that the reams of documentation
that have been provided gratis.

I will not discount your disappointment at the lack of a resolution to
your problem, sir.  I too, as many others I'm sure, do not always find
the answers I need, especially in a timely fashion.  But I challenge you
to find any proprietary product where you achieve a 100% satisfactory
tech response to all of your issues.  I'm sure you'll be hard pressed to
do so.

Samba _is_ an excellent tool.  One that has provided many the
opportunity to maintain interoperability in diverse systems.  The
developers' time and effort put into this project are (probably)

My suggestion is to read and reread any and all documentation you have
and document the steps you take in building and configuring your Samba
server.  I know that in the past, that has improved my knowledge of the
software and lessened the likelihood of me having made a mistake because
I made too many changes and introduced too many variables into the

So it is that I propose this adage:  You get as much out of something as
you put into it.


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 9:43 AM
Subject: [Samba] disappointed with complete lack of help.

I sent a request for help on the 21st of JanuaryI waited.I sent
again on the 24thI waited I sent the same question crafted
differently on the 25th I waited.

The help on this list is horrible. I am sorry for whining.

I talk up open source regularly and I help when I can. but, the
of better support from the open source community because there are so
many active people is a farce

I see people discussing the semantics of what uptimes should or should
be, but no help.

So, I will struggle on my own a bit longer.

So, I thank the Samba group for a great tool, I just can't thank them
the help, and yes, in the past I have made financial contributions to
group.  Small, but more than many.

Michael J Barber
Computer Services Administrator
p  518-561- x563
m 518-572-6639
f   518-561-5940

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RE: [Samba] disappointed with complete lack of help.

2005-01-28 Thread Bruno Guerreiro
Maybe I can help reduce that disappointement.
When you say in you 25th January message 
Directory and file permissions should probably be 700?
What directory are you talking about? Home dir? If so, then your right...
Still assuming you're talking only about home dirs, I assume that
If so, then it's not difficult to make a bash/perl/whatever script which
chown -R user:Domain Users userdirectory
I think this may still be the best approach.
As for your comments, you should be thankful that people, who receive
nothing for doing it, take their time to read your messages. I too have
posted here some questions with no reply whatsoever, and that doesn't mean
i'll start say that the claim of better support from the open source
community because there are so many active people is a farce

Best regards,
Bruno Guerreiro

-Original Message-
Sent: sexta-feira, 28 de Janeiro de 2005 14:43
Subject: [Samba] disappointed with complete lack of help.

I sent a request for help on the 21st of JanuaryI waited.I sent it
again on the 24thI waited I sent the same question crafted
differently on the 25th I waited.

The help on this list is horrible. I am sorry for whining.

I talk up open source regularly and I help when I can. but, the claim
of better support from the open source community because there are so
many active people is a farce

I see people discussing the semantics of what uptimes should or should not
be, but no help.

So, I will struggle on my own a bit longer.

So, I thank the Samba group for a great tool, I just can't thank them for
the help, and yes, in the past I have made financial contributions to the
group.  Small, but more than many.

Michael J Barber
Computer Services Administrator
p  518-561- x563
m 518-572-6639
f   518-561-5940

I sent a request for help on the 21st of JanuaryI waited.I sent it
again on the 24thI waited I sent the same question crafted
differently on the 25th I waited.

The help on this list is horrible. I am sorry for whining.

I talk up open source regularly and I help when I can. but, the claim
of better support from the open source community because there are so
many active people is a farce

I see people discussing the semantics of what uptimes should or should not
be, but no help.

So, I will struggle on my own a bit longer.

So, I thank the Samba group for a great tool, I just can't thank them for
the help, and yes, in the past I have made financial contributions to the
group.  Small, but more than many.

Michael J Barber
Computer Services Administrator
p  518-561- x563
m 518-572-6639
f   518-561-5940

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Re: [Samba] disappointed with complete lack of help.

2005-01-28 Thread Pascal de Bruijn
Hash: SHA1
I've only joined the list recently, but please be mindful of the fact
that the people on this list a dedicating their free time without any
kind of incentive...
Remember, getting help is a privelidge, not a constitutional right!
Pascal de Bruijn
| I sent a request for help on the 21st of JanuaryI waited.I sent it
| again on the 24thI waited I sent the same question crafted
| differently on the 25th I waited.
| The help on this list is horrible. I am sorry for whining.
| I talk up open source regularly and I help when I can. but, the claim
| of better support from the open source community because there are so
| many active people is a farce
| I see people discussing the semantics of what uptimes should or should not
| be, but no help.
| So, I will struggle on my own a bit longer.
| So, I thank the Samba group for a great tool, I just can't thank them for
| the help, and yes, in the past I have made financial contributions to the
| group.  Small, but more than many.
| Michael J Barber
| Computer Services Administrator
| p  518-561- x563
| m 518-572-6639
| f   518-561-5940
| I sent a request for help on the 21st of JanuaryI waited.I sent it
| again on the 24thI waited I sent the same question crafted
| differently on the 25th I waited.
| The help on this list is horrible. I am sorry for whining.
| I talk up open source regularly and I help when I can. but, the claim
| of better support from the open source community because there are so
| many active people is a farce
| I see people discussing the semantics of what uptimes should or should not
| be, but no help.
| So, I will struggle on my own a bit longer.
| So, I thank the Samba group for a great tool, I just can't thank them for
| the help, and yes, in the past I have made financial contributions to the
| group.  Small, but more than many.
| Michael J Barber
| Computer Services Administrator
| p  518-561- x563
| m 518-572-6639
| f   518-561-5940
| =
| This e-mail message is intended only for the personal
| use of the recipient(s) named above. If you are not
| an intended recipient, you may not review, copy or
| distribute this message.
| If you have received this communication in error,
| please notify the Hearst Information Services HelpDesk
| ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) immediately by e-mail and
| delete the original message.
| =
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Re: [Samba] disappointed with complete lack of help.

2005-01-28 Thread Marc Haber
On Fri, Jan 28, 2005 at 09:27:38AM -0600, Paul Gienger wrote:
 Looking back on your questions, it seems like the cause is most likely 
 phrasing of your issue.  It has been stated often that a well crafted 
 question with all pertinent info will get better response than a hard to 
 understand issue.  I believe yours is the latter.  Granted that I didn't 
 read all your messages, but the first two were definately the latter.

Even well-phrased questions with debugging output and dumps frequently
stay unanswered. I still cannot print with smbprint to our Domain
Server, and no help here. The bugzilla entry (1481) has gone
unanswered since June 2004 (that's seven months).

Samba has gone the way of many successful projects: The principal
developers are busy with writing books and talking at conferences
while the mailing lists get flooded with clueless newbie requests.
Nobody knowledgeable finds the time to answer requests at all.


Marc Haber | I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im Header
Mannheim, Germany  |  lose things.Winona Ryder | Fon: *49 621 72739834
Nordisch by Nature |  How to make an American Quilt | Fax: *49 621 72739835
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Re: [Samba] disappointed with complete lack of help.

2005-01-28 Thread Misty Stanley-Jones
On Friday 28 January 2005 11:44 am, Marc Haber wrote:
 Nobody knowledgeable finds the time to answer requests at all.

It is so sad that you think that.  This list has enabled me to set up a damned 
good Samba solution for my company.  I read it every day because of the 
knowledge that it contains.  It's people with bad attitudes who ruin it for 
the rest of us.  If you don't like it, please unsubscribe.



-- Marc Haber | I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im
 Header Mannheim, Germany  |  lose things.Winona Ryder | Fon: *49 621
 72739834 Nordisch by Nature |  How to make an American Quilt | Fax: *49 621
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RE: [Samba] disappointed with complete lack of help.

2005-01-28 Thread Ryan Frantz
Not to start a flame war (it is starting to smell like charred flesh in
here...) but I agree with Misty.

In response (again, humbly) to Mr. Haber's comment:

 Nobody knowledgeable finds the time to answer requests at all.

Then become the knowledgeable submitter.  As I suggested in a previous
post, read and reread any and all documentation you can find.  Run tests
and document every thing you do.  It's helped me and I'm sure it can
help others.  And believe you me, I understand that as a sys admin
finding time to exhaustively research a subject can be tough, near
impossible.  But for those of us that love what we do and are excited at
the possibilities of a project like Samba (I use it as a file server and
Squid authenticator), we make the time.


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Misty Stanley-Jones
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2005 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: [Samba] disappointed with complete lack of help.

On Friday 28 January 2005 11:44 am, Marc Haber wrote:
 Nobody knowledgeable finds the time to answer requests at all.

It is so sad that you think that.  This list has enabled me to set up a
good Samba solution for my company.  I read it every day because of the 
knowledge that it contains.  It's people with bad attitudes who ruin it
the rest of us.  If you don't like it, please unsubscribe.




-- Marc Haber | I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im
 Header Mannheim, Germany  |  lose things.Winona Ryder | Fon: *49
 72739834 Nordisch by Nature |  How to make an American Quilt | Fax:
*49 621
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Re: [Samba] disappointed with complete lack of help.

2005-01-28 Thread Mark Taylor
On Friday 28 January 2005 16:44, Marc Haber wrote:
 On Fri, Jan 28, 2005 at 09:27:38AM -0600, Paul Gienger wrote:
  Looking back on your questions, it seems like the cause is most likely
  phrasing of your issue.  It has been stated often that a well crafted
  question with all pertinent info will get better response than a hard to
  understand issue.  I believe yours is the latter.  Granted that I didn't
  read all your messages, but the first two were definately the latter.

 Even well-phrased questions with debugging output and dumps frequently
 stay unanswered. I still cannot print with smbprint to our Domain
 Server, and no help here. The bugzilla entry (1481) has gone
 unanswered since June 2004 (that's seven months).

 Samba has gone the way of many successful projects: The principal
 developers are busy with writing books and talking at conferences
 while the mailing lists get flooded with clueless newbie requests.
 Nobody knowledgeable finds the time to answer requests at all.

Not my experience one little bit!

I recently hosted one of those principal developers in the UK for several 

Yes he *has* written books (damn good ones), and he *did* speak at conferences 
whilst over here - all paid for with his own money and for no fee. He even 
did a training course whilst over here for free, therefore contributing no 
revenue to set against the cost of the trip.

Almost all of his *spare* time was spent working on Samba, and answering 
countless questions on this list. How do I know? - I watched it, he was my 

Ever heard the phrase don't judge someone until you've walked a mile in their 

I hope you don't experience this as an attack. It's not meant to be.

I just want you, and the members of this list, to hear another point of view.

In my view the Samba team do an excellent job, with hardly any *positive* 
feedback. Ever check the proportion of 'requests for support' to 'Success 
Stories' on your average F/L/OSS mailing list? We should all remember that 
before complaining about 'lack of support'.

Just my 0.02 Euros.


Mark Taylor


-- Marc Haber | I don't trust Computers. They | Mailadresse im
 Header Mannheim, Germany  |  lose things.Winona Ryder | Fon: *49 621
 72739834 Nordisch by Nature |  How to make an American Quilt | Fax: *49 621

Mark Taylor
Chief Executive Officer
Sirius -
Tel +44 (0)870 608 0063
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Re: [Samba] disappointed with complete lack of help.

2005-01-28 Thread Jeremy Allison
On Fri, Jan 28, 2005 at 05:44:39PM +0100, Marc Haber wrote:
 Even well-phrased questions with debugging output and dumps frequently
 stay unanswered. I still cannot print with smbprint to our Domain
 Server, and no help here. The bugzilla entry (1481) has gone
 unanswered since June 2004 (that's seven months).

Squeeky wheels get grease... If you just log a reasonable obscure
bug and leave it, the likelyhood of it being addressed is low. I
have many more high priority bugs (crashes, extreme performace issues,
correctness issues etc.) to work on.

 Samba has gone the way of many successful projects: The principal
 developers are busy with writing books and talking at conferences
 while the mailing lists get flooded with clueless newbie requests.
 Nobody knowledgeable finds the time to answer requests at all.

:-). I wish I had time to write a book :-).

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Re: [Samba] disappointed with complete lack of help.

2005-01-28 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1
Jeremy Allison wrote:
| Samba has gone the way of many successful projects: The principal
| developers are busy with writing books and talking at conferences
| while the mailing lists get flooded with clueless newbie requests.
| Nobody knowledgeable finds the time to answer requests at all.
you not serious are you ?  many Samba developers still take
time to monitor and respond to this list.  Check the archives.
The problem is the signal to noise ratio.  The same questions
get asked over and over again.
I'll also point out that screaming the support on this list
is horrible is sadly one of the best ways to get people to
respond (no offense to the original poster).

cheers, jerry
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Re: [Samba] disappointed with complete lack of help.

2005-01-28 Thread Christian Merrill
Gerald (Jerry) Carter wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Jeremy Allison wrote:
| Samba has gone the way of many successful projects: The principal
| developers are busy with writing books and talking at conferences
| while the mailing lists get flooded with clueless newbie requests.
| Nobody knowledgeable finds the time to answer requests at all.
you not serious are you ?  many Samba developers still take
time to monitor and respond to this list.  Check the archives.
The problem is the signal to noise ratio.  The same questions
get asked over and over again.
I'll also point out that screaming the support on this list
is horrible is sadly one of the best ways to get people to
respond (no offense to the original poster).

cheers, jerry
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If you ask a question regarding a problem that cannot be solved by an 
easy google search, describe the problem you are facing in an 
understandable manner, and supply any related configuration files and/or 
logs you will generally get relatively prompt feedback from someone.

Now and then you will have something so off the wall that nobody really 
has a clue -- I've sent a few out like that myself :), but such is 
life.  I applaud not only the effort that the Samba team puts forth in 
regard to the product, but to what extent they *do* monitor this list 
and help others. 

Christian Merrill
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Re: [Samba] disappointed with complete lack of help.

2005-01-28 Thread Jeremy Allison
On Fri, Jan 28, 2005 at 12:47:50PM -0600, Gerald (Jerry) Carter wrote:
 Hash: SHA1
 Jeremy Allison wrote:
 | Samba has gone the way of many successful projects: The principal
 | developers are busy with writing books and talking at conferences
 | while the mailing lists get flooded with clueless newbie requests.
 | Nobody knowledgeable finds the time to answer requests at all.

Your quoting in this is wrong :-). I (obviously) didn't write this :-).

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Re: [Samba] disappointed with complete lack of help.

2005-01-28 Thread Gerald (Jerry) Carter
Hash: SHA1
Jeremy Allison wrote:
| On Fri, Jan 28, 2005 at 12:47:50PM -0600, Gerald (Jerry) Carter wrote:
|Hash: SHA1
|Jeremy Allison wrote:
|| Samba has gone the way of many successful projects: The principal
|| developers are busy with writing books and talking at conferences
|| while the mailing lists get flooded with clueless newbie requests.
|| Nobody knowledgeable finds the time to answer requests at all.
| Your quoting in this is wrong :-). I (obviously)
| didn't write this :-).
Doh!  foiled again in my plans to discredit you :-)
Yes.  Of course that was not you.  Thanks for correcting
that lest it end up as a quote in some trade rag
Enough of my noise for one day I think.

cheers, jerry
Alleviating the pain of Windows(tm)  ---
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I never saved anything for the swim back. Ethan Hawk in Gattaca
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Re: [Samba] disappointed with complete lack of help.

2005-01-28 Thread Craig White
On Fri, 2005-01-28 at 09:42 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I sent a request for help on the 21st of JanuaryI waited.I sent it
 again on the 24thI waited I sent the same question crafted
 differently on the 25th I waited.
 The help on this list is horrible. I am sorry for whining.
 I talk up open source regularly and I help when I can. but, the claim
 of better support from the open source community because there are so
 many active people is a farce
 I see people discussing the semantics of what uptimes should or should not
 be, but no help.
 So, I will struggle on my own a bit longer.
 So, I thank the Samba group for a great tool, I just can't thank them for
 the help, and yes, in the past I have made financial contributions to the
 group.  Small, but more than many.

there have been many replies to this but I thought that I would pipe in
with one more observation that is important to note...

Anyone who could post something similar to the above should have read:


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