[Savannah-register-public] [task #3675] Submission of wewa

2005-02-17 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #2, task #3675 (project administration):

I've made the changes mentioned in the email.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #3668] Submission of lokesh.com

2005-02-17 Thread anonymous

Additional Item Attachment, task #3668 (project administration):

File name: New.zipSize:444 KB


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #3767] Submission of Generador de Certificaciones de Servicio

2005-02-20 Thread anonymous

Additional Item Attachment, task #3767 (project administration):

File name: gencert-src.tar.gz Size:165 KB
Project source code


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #3755] Submission of Limusina

2005-02-20 Thread anonymous

Additional Item Attachment, task #3755 (project administration):

File name: limusina-0.2.tar.bz2   Size:33 KB
Second scratch of limusina now uses sqlite for the album database, works very
fast now


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #3675] Submission of wewa

2005-02-20 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #4, task #3675 (project administration):

url: http://users.skynet.be/bs935863/wewa.tar.bz2


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #3742] Submission of Tune in 2 Me

2005-02-24 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #2, task #3742 (project administration):

Attached is a version with correct copyright lines.

PySQL is available here:


License here:


As far as I know python-xml is part of python-core, but the SAX part is under
"offending" license?

In that case:

Can I add an exception to the license for linking with this library?

Can I reimplement it with the 4DOM library which is distributed under this
license (i.e. is this license GPL-compatible):

  Copyright (c) 2000 Fourthought Inc, USA


  All Rights Reserved


  Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its

  documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,

  provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that

  both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in

  supporting documentation, and that the name of FourThought LLC not be

  used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the

  software without specific, written prior permission.










Additional Item Attachment:

File name: ti2m_prototype_050224.tar.gz   Size:29 KB
Copyright fixes


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #3706] Submission of Religious

2005-02-27 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #4, task #3706 (project administration):

Sorry for delay my answer.

I've decided to adopt the GNU General Public License to the project

What legal notes I have to add to the code?




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[Savannah-register-public] [task #3819] Submission of Distributed network command interface

2005-03-07 Thread anonymous

Additional Item Attachment, task #3819 (project administration):

File name: tls_code.zip   Size:27 KB
Unix like ls command with network capability,


This item URL is:


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #3877] Submission of Horse Event Script Suite

2005-03-16 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #4, task #3877 (project administration):

I don't know what might have happened, it sure was an ordinary tar.gz,
created with tar -czvf. Well, I made a new tar ball, and hopefully it will
work this time. I added the GPL license file to the tar ball this time also.


Additional Item Attachment:

File name: horseevent.tar.gz  Size:14 KB
source file - tar.gz


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #3791] Submission of Cross-Platform Application Management

2005-03-17 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #3, task #3791 (project administration):

I sent my reply last time via email. since then I was waiting  for you reply
like you are waiting for mine ;)

1. Source codes of CPAM project based upon is avaiable at

2. Here is the notes to read the source code.
  2.1 get the sbutils-1.*.*.[sb|pb] file, it is in zip format.
  2.2 unzip -d extraced *.[sb|pb]

3. The script that belong to this CPAM project so far is just a makefile to
bootstrap sb on a none CPAM OS. currently the script is targeting to  be
working on MacOS X,win32+cygwin,Linksys NSLU2,debian,FreeBSD. 

let me know if you need more infomation



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[Savannah-register-public] [task #3875] Submission of Don Ceferino Hazaña

2005-03-27 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #4, task #3875 (project administration):

Hi, a new version of ceferino can download from:




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[Savannah-register-public] [task #3917] Submission of xrebind

2005-04-05 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #2, task #3917 (project administration):

You can find a tarfile from my local CVS-repo here

To build, untar the file and run
... which will make a configure script, run the configure script and run

regards, hesa


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #3791] Submission of Cross-Platform Application Management

2005-04-06 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #6, task #3791 (project administration):

please remove this project, I will apply for it again later when I have more


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #3905] Submission of libextractor

2005-04-08 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #6, task #3905 (project administration):

Well, now that's very helpful.  Surely there's no problem putting copyright
notices per-se (in fact, we've put plenty; if I do a grep for "GNU General
Public License" I get 124 hits!  Now, note that not all of the code in LE was
literally written by us!  For example, src/plugins/Array.cc is from XPDF (also
GPL), but the header says:

// Array.cc
// Copyright 1996-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC

which is the XPDF copyright.  We did NOT fix those since from time to time
there is a release of xpdf where we again copy the files from xpdf into LE. 
We certainly could add the LE copyright header, but that as the only
modification does not feel like a good idea.

If you have any specific problems with missing copyrights in specific files,
please point them out and we'll be happy to fix them (in the next release;
also note that the current release was made _before_ LE became a GNU


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #3906] Submission of E/OS LX

2005-04-08 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #2, task #3906 (project administration):

 The alls sources at (not include alls dependecies)

For the last sources:

And the olds sources:

Sames olds sources are necesaries for recompile all system, and need a
special linux distro.

And the mingw32 for recompile programs:

The last sources are:
http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/meos/eos205.tar.gz?download it´s under
testing, it´s not a stable sources.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #3905] Submission of libextractor

2005-04-09 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #8, task #3905 (project administration):

You seem to have checked out LE in much detail, however the code was migrated
from CVS to subversion at the beginning of the year
(https://gnunet.org/svn/Extractor/), and like GNUnet there are no plans to
host the source code on savannah.  However, in order to ease the burden on
the GNU.org WWW maintainers I was hoping to put a GNU-style LE webpage on
savannah in order to finally get http://www.gnu.org/software/libextractor/
working.  Also, I was hoping to create a GNU-style mailinglist
bug-libextractor and possibly another one for discussions on savannah. 
Hosting the actual code on savannah was never the plan.

As for adding copyright statements, I typically add them if I see that one is
missing, and I do not add them to files that I did not edit (see my previous
comment). If you want to provide a patch (to latest SVN) to add copyright
notices "Gonzalez"-style
 (I believe the maintainer guide is not very clear about what to do if you
obtained 3rd party, GPLed source code with non-GNU style copyright licenses
that you use without modifications; I typically add a GNU-style copyright IF
I have to modify the code below in any significant way, but leave the file
unchanged (makes diffs easier) if I don't touch it in other ways).

I'll not generate some random tar-ball for you at this point since you can
checkout the latest code from the subversion repository mentioned above with
much less effort.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #3962] Submission of LutaPraKct

2005-04-09 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #4, task #3962 (project administration):


ati's  drivers for linux page:

nvidia's driver for linux:
I think that nvidia driver is free software, because in nvidia's license I
found this line:

"2.1.2 Linux/FreeBSD Exception. Notwithstanding the foregoing 
terms of Section 2.1.1, SOFTWARE designed exclusively for use on the Linux or
FreeBSD operating systems, or other operating systems derived from the source
code to these operating systems, may be copied and redistributed, provided
that the binary files thereof are not modified in any way (except for
unzipping of compressed files)."


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #3962] Submission of LutaPraKct

2005-04-12 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #6, task #3962 (project administration):


I need some opengl extensions from the drivers, such as nv_texture_rectangle,
nv_vertex_program, ati_envmap_bumpmap, nv_ext_Cg and others. if they are
present in the pc that are running my program I will use them to enhance the
graphics performance and quality but if the video card is other the program
will run but with "low" quality.

The nvidia and ati drivers are optional to run my program, but if they are
present I will use the opengl extensions that come with it.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #3962] Submission of LutaPraKct

2005-04-13 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #8, task #3962 (project administration):


my program detect the nvidia/ati features trough opengl extensions, I do a
then I check if the extensions is avaliable, if yes I can use it ;)

I will try make my project without a host then...

thank you Sylvain


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4014] Submission of libspopc C pop3 Client library

2005-04-22 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #2, task #4014 (project administration):

I have released the documentation  under the G FDL and wrote it to every
document. Please take the attached tarball which is the whole package.

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: libspopc-0.6.tar.gzSize:28 KB
libspopc 0.6 tarball with documentation under  FDL


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4044] Submission of Explorer PC

2005-04-23 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #2, task #4044 (project administration):

Yes, this program can be assembled without using sofware proprietary. Now,
this program can be assembled,
to construct file OBJ: NASM
to construct file EXE: ALINK
to execute it: FreeDOS
Therefore, is all necessary software.
Many greetings.
Atte. Pablo Group
>From Lima - Peru.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #3906] Submission of E/OS LX

2005-04-23 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #5, task #3906 (project administration):

Hi, sorry for the time, i´m have problems with my network administrator.

About the system, i´m not interesed on the "host space" only for add to the
legal gnu proyect, actualy i´m upload the sources and binaries to sf.
E/OS not need windows or dos or other operative system for start, but for
recompile you need linux, or qemu with a linux image (the vgnuc it´s a qemu +
linux + gnuc for windows).
And about the sources, the main objetive it´s upload the "kernel" sources not
the binaries, the binaries are test for check the distributions and are a iso
live systems.


- e/os not need windows for recompile
- e/os can boot under ms-dos or freedos
- e/os it´s based on linux, freebsd and wine
- e/os need a ms-fat16/32 for start or ext2 (optative)
- the kernel it´s write in c and asm.


- run windows, linux, unix ware, darwin and freebsd binaries.

Dr. E. Chanampa
Medical Psicoanalist


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4044] Submission of Explorer PC

2005-04-23 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #4, task #4044 (project administration):

Yes, a fantastic linker is WarpLink, this is of public domain, totally Free.
Thanks WarpLink(http://www.devoresoftware.com/freesource/wlsrc.htm)


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4037] Submission of Gnosis

2005-04-23 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #2, task #4037 (project administration):

In answer to your email the site of apples drivers is www.opendarwin.org.

Secondly I plan to use savannah services to
 a) tell about the project
 b) links to ongoing projects that relate to Gnosis
 c) I do not intend to host the whole project here, I will be providing links
to the pages where the software that I use will be available to download.

This isn't really a distro of Linux it is more an OS based upon a desktop i.e
think athene by rocklyte systems rather than Redhat or yellowdog.  I am trying
to create a full fledged OS out of Gnome rather than create a Linux distro.

I hope that this will answer any concerns that you may have.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #3906] Submission of E/OS LX

2005-04-26 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #7, task #3906 (project administration):

Hi, thanks for your time and information, i´m only need send a email to
And yes, close the submission, sorry for the problems.

Dr. E. Chanampa
Medical Psicoanalist
MT. 1128 D10 F11


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4024] Submission of xul-js-php communication lib

2005-04-26 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #9, task #4024 (project administration):

I know, i just wanted to show, that xul-js-php exist, but exupoli isn't.

So, i hope, that this was my very last problem.
Thanks for all of the help!


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4044] Submission of Explorer PC

2005-05-01 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #6, task #4044 (project administration):

To review my project please? I wish that it is only GNU GLP 2. He does not
require propietary software and he is totally free.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4044] Submission of Explorer PC

2005-05-04 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #10, task #4044 (project administration):

I enclose the archives with the required modifications.

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: explorer.zip   Size:37 KB
Sources and Executable.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4032] Submission of Open Occlusion Culling Engine

2005-05-04 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #3, task #4032 (project administration):

1. i would prefer the name to stay 'Open Occlusion Culling Engine' 

2. it is not related to any opengl implementation, it can work with any as
long as it's opengl compatible (matrix format) for now it's working under
win32 but it will be ported to other systems.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #3825] Submission of GNU Türkçe Çeviri Projesi (GNU Turkish T

2005-05-04 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #2, task #3825 (project administration):

Profesyonel Teknik Çeviri Professional Technical Translation


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4027] Submission of home made 3dscanner

2005-05-18 Thread anonymous

Additional Item Attachment, task #4027 (project administration):

File name: miniscanner3d.c.tar.gz Size:8 KB


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #3833] Submission of Goutte à goutte

2005-05-24 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #3, task #3833 (project administration):


With much regret, I must admit that this project does not interest anyone.
Therefore I suggest you delete the entire project, and so recover space for
more interesting projects.




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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4155] Submission of Mechanical System

2005-05-25 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #6, task #4155 (project administration):

Ok, changes made.
PS.: How could I remove the previous files form this web page?
Thank you very much.

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: mechsys.tar.gz Size:156 KB
LabTestSim, MechSys and Tensors with changes made.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4170] Submission of GNU source installer

2005-05-26 Thread anonymous

Additional Item Attachment, task #4170 (project administration):

File name: srcinst.tar.gz Size:21 KB
new package with updated license


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4191] Submission of PSMon - Process Table Monitoring Script

2005-05-29 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #2, task #4191 (project administration):

Address/license is updated in CVS and the website. I'm in the process of
rolling a new tarball with other changes in it, so I'll wait until that's
done before putting the new one up and forwarding to you.

The old project name was "psmon". It was specifically requested in writing
and email that it be removed, for various reasons, but it never was, so this
is an attempt to undo the damage of it still existing as was. (There are a
number of legal and privacy reasons why it was originally requested to be


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4215] Submission of Ethics search protocol

2005-06-03 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #1, task #4215 (project administration):

A preliminary page can be found at http://berg.sourceforge.net/esp/, but I'd
prefer this project to be hosted on savannah.gnu.org.

The next step of the specification will be an RFC Draft.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #3658] Submission of emips

2005-06-04 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #7, task #3658 (project administration):

Yes please,
sorry for the incovenience I really wanted to make this project a 
reality but... can´t predict future, unfortunately !


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4215] Submission of Ethics search protocol

2005-06-06 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #5, task #4215 (project administration):

Hello Sylvain,

no, what I'm doing is that I'm linking GPL code written by me to Apache and
other public code and I grant myself a pardon from GPL in case of license
incompatibility. I do not grant that
pardon to others in general. The result is a codebase that cannot be used to
write derived code unless the redistributor either receives a permission from
me to drop GPL, a permission from
the other authors to merge their code under the GPL or he or she rewrites
either my code or the other code.

My reason is that I prefer to write GPL code but I'm going to include code
that is not under GPL into my project. This project is, however, hosted on
sourceforge, not on savannah.gnu.org.

The project, however, you have approved will consist only of GPL and LGPL

Thank you for your comments, I'm sure I want this project to be entirely free
software as defined by the FSF.



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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4117] Submission of Multidimensional arrays GSL extension

2005-06-13 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #8, task #4117 (project administration):

Great, thanks Jonathan!


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4014] Submission of libspopc C pop3 Client library

2005-06-13 Thread anonymous

Additional Item Attachment, task #4014 (project administration):

File name: »¶Ó­¹âÁÙ嫺£ÐÇÔÆBBSÕ¾.htm  Size:1 KB


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4270] Submission of sccp channel

2005-06-17 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #2, task #4270 (project administration):

it's the same project, different branch. Sourceforge is slo on CVS updates.
I was hosted by berlios so you can discard my project submission. 


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4285] Submission of GNU Queue

2005-06-21 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #2, task #4285 (project administration):

My apologies, permissions fixed now. you should be able to download the tar
file. There are no other files to download.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4225] Submission of KLinPopup

2005-06-23 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #3, task #4225 (project administration):

It's ok if you remove this project.
I registered meanwhile at berlios.

It is just because I can keep the name there.

Sorry for not telling you.

Best regards, Gerd Fleischer


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4249] Submission of GMath

2005-06-26 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #3, task #4249 (project administration):

I use C as programming lanuage and as libary the glib.
I will develop it under Linux.


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  Nachricht geschickt von/durch Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #4307] Submission of e-gladiatore

2005-06-28 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #4, task #4307 (project administration):

si la direccion del proyecto es e-gladiatore.cartomaniacos.info

leo bien el ingles pero escribirlo me cuesta grasias zeus


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4358] Submission of audio convert

2005-07-04 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #2, task #4358 (project administration):

here's the link to the updated file!


ciao! : )



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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4407] Submission of crosstool

2005-07-09 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #2, task #4407 (project administration):

Sure, the LGPL and GPL are compatible,
but if I use a GPL'd patch on glibc,
the resulting glibc is GPL'd, which
wouldn't sit well with my users.

Can I put the glibc patch directory
under the LGPL, and everything else
under the GPL?

And yes, I understand I need to clarify
the status of each patch.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4009] Submission of IndexStorage

2005-07-11 Thread anonymous

Additional Item Attachment, task #4009 (project administration):

File name: test.cpp   Size:0 KB


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4374] Submission of Refefree Programming Contest System

2005-07-11 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #11, task #4374 (project administration):


native-1.tar.gz now includes a COPYING file. We do not intend to publish the
supplied guide and coriander. I just included them for your information, as
future versions of them will be released under the GPL when they are ready to
be used.



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[Savannah-register-public] [task #3971] Submission of xiulo - free remote administration manag

2005-07-11 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #7, task #3971 (project administration):

hi sylvain,

sorry about the late but im a little bit bussy these days.

i've added COPYING and README files to root's project. i've also added
copyright notices to some of files. i'm still getting familiar with cvs, so
pls, be patient :)

thx for all of your info



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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4412] Submission of CC Library

2005-07-12 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #2, task #4412 (project administration):

Hi Sebastian,

I'll answer the issues in the order you raised them:

1. svn vs. cvs is a serious issue; besides requiring additional administration
work is there another reason for not providing svn support?

2. the C++ language support library is part of any compliant C++ Standard
Library and it includes dynamic memory management (thru the overloads of new
and delete operators), type identification (thru typeinfo and related) and
exception handling support. These are the "sine qua non" ingredients of any
C++ program. If you want me to be more precise I can say in full confidence it
has only one dependency, the C++ Standard Library.

3. I have placed license information in all headers and source files. I can
remove the documentation files as they are not essential in this stage and add
them later in a proper format.

Thanks for your support.



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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4362] Submission of The Fat Controller

2005-07-14 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #3, task #4362 (project administration):

hi sebastian; apologies, I had initially replied via email. I did nopt see the
indicator to come here to reply. A copy of my reply follows

Hi Sebastian,

I have updated the sources as indicated.

Also, I have placed the GPL and GFDL in a file named COPYING. Both docuemnts
are in the one file. Is this ok?


Matthew Warren.

...I have since discovered a packaging error for the code at sourceforge. Just
in case you try and run it and it's broke right from the start :) I will
update the package again this Saturday.




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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4407] Submission of crosstool

2005-07-17 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #5, task #4407 (project administration):

I suspect it will be impractical for me to
meet the requirements for a gnu project
in the near term.  Can the project be reclassified
as nongnu?


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4371] Submission of Texi2HTML

2005-07-19 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #17, task #4371 (project administration):

I've removed the files.  Since incompatible licenses is probably serious
enough to warrant a new release, I'll roll a new release in the next few days.
 Patrice, if you want to replace the deleted images with new ones or convince
the author to change the license, feel free.  If you haven't finished in a few
days when I'm ready to roll a new release, they can go in the next.

Sebastian, I think incompatible licenses are serious enough that the old
tarballs should be pulled from the downloads section?  Assuming this is
correct, I assume I should open another ticket with Savannah support to have
that done?



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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4371] Submission of Texi2HTML

2005-07-22 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #21, task #4371 (project administration):

I am not identified but of course it is me, Patrice...

Yes the images come from the singular project. But they choosed that licence
because I proposed them otherwise singular is GPL. I'll get in touch with
them. Anyway from your post I am pretty sure that redistributing the images
together with the code doesn't break the Creative Common licence. I am not a
lawyer but for the creative commons a derivative work could be for example the
inclusion of the images in an HTML page, not the inclusion in the same

For the GPL it seems that if it is in the same tarball it is a derivative
work. However it doesn't define what is a derivative work and refers to the
copyright law, which seems to imply that the creative common licence doesn't
follow the copyright law in their definition of a derivative work. Here is the
excerpt from the GPL: 
 "any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another

However the GPL always refers to a program so to anybody but a lawyer, the
images seem to be out of the scope of the GPL. That point of view is supported
by the fact that the GNU manual are not under the GPL but the FDL that cannot
be relicenced to be the GPL too. If we remove the images we should remove the
manual too.
Or am I misunderstanding something?

Anyway the licence you cited appears to be also incompatible with the GPL. In
fact I don't see any difference between the CC-SA licence and the artlibre
licence they seem to be based on exactly the same principles (and the same
principles that the GPL), see for the matter of incorporation in a work:
"All the elements of this work of art must remain free, which is why you are
not allowed to integrate the originals (originals and subsequents) into
another work which would not be subject to this license."


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4445] Submission of Community Journal

2005-07-25 Thread anonymous

Additional Item Attachment, task #4445 (project administration):

File name: journal.1.gnu.tgz  Size:76 KB
29209def4b1e91d4814d989d6348d0bb  journal.1.gnu.tgz - Updated Sources With
Copyright Information


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4422] Submission of camilla

2005-07-27 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #6, task #4422 (project administration):

i have sobstitute Pear Auth library with a my rewrite.

I attach the new version of camilla.
thank you


Additional Item Attachment:

File name: camilla.tgzSize:82 KB


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4483>] Submission of tlgu - TLG/PHI to UTF-8 utility

2005-08-09 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #2, task #4483> (project administration):

Hi Sebastian,

I did the following, according to your instructions (see

- Replaced the gpl.txt in COPYING with the new gpl.txt (new address)

- Placed the whole permission-to-copy notice in tlgu.c

- Placed the "smaller" notice per your example, in *.h files

- Regarding the documentation files: The *man* page tlgu.1 is the source
(processable by groff); both tlgu.1.html and tlgu.1.pdf are created from this
source (the mandocs file explains how this is done). Compare with "man emacs".
 I consider these files part of the program; GPL is the _program's_ license. 

- Regarding the http://www.cap8.gr/tlgu/Hellenic_polytonic_HOWTO.html file,
this is released under the (newest) FDL, which is included verbatim in the
source file.  HTML is the source. pdf is a derivative, in this case, as

Be good,


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4444] Submission of trashware magazzino

2005-08-20 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #12, task # (project administration):

i've uploaded reame.txt modified in www.alternativenights.net/programmi.
can you control if it's ok before pakaging ?



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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4444] Submission of trashware magazzino

2005-08-20 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #10, task # (project administration):

i've problem than...

/barra is directory tath contain (usually) images of grafical items in my
i've added readme.txt that is the header (files are part of the
project..) and by now has only "tux" image !!
i do not know who is the owner of copyright of Tux, i think FSF or Nothin!

Can you help me ?



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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4525] Submission of NopOS

2005-08-22 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #2, task #4525 (project administration):

Enigmail: *Attachments to this message have not been signed or encrypted*

Hello, we want to use the Savannah services only for source code and
media files needed in the future (small graphics or something like
that). If you haven't any problem we can upload kernel binary ready for
load with grub, but it's "only a question".

We attach the source code, and the original code of the floppy.

Please take a look to this files: floppy.c, floppy.h, boot.s
Because the others are "fully written" by us.


Pablo Guerrero

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: nopos.tar.gz   Size:15 KB
Source code of nopos


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4406] Submission of Philipp_Riegel

2005-08-22 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #7, task #4406 (project administration):

Hello Sebastian,

last but not least: a Alpha Version of the CMS FastEdit.

Attached to this message you will find the source of FastEdit 0.7.1. There
wasn't enough time to set up the homepage for the project, so there will be
no documentation available right now (expect og the install.txt).

This Version runs under Linux/Apache or Window/ISS with PHP 4 and up. For
extended functions you need the GD Library installed, but to take a look at
it, you don't need to install it.

There are some Bugs into it, thats why its an alpha version, but the next
upgrade will be the beta of it. 

there are also two Scripts inside the Project which are under the LGPL, a
scipt of Walter Zorn and the TinyMCE Editor.

Hope it works, for a functional version of it, you can visit
http://wwwsugar-light.com. There, FastEdit is runnin since one month with
lots of extensions and without bugs :)

Hope you like it.

best regards, philipp


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4444] Submission of trashware magazzino

2005-08-24 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #17, task # (project administration):

Sorry, Have you controlled new relise of Trahs-Mag ?

Flavio Agnoletto


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4564] Submission of Hurd's AlteRnative Development

2005-08-25 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #2, task #4564 (project administration):

"Do you have got any own source code yet or do you have got only the idea

Yes, some patches ("http://sinrega.org/gnumach-multipage.diff";,
"http://sinrega.org/manage-multithread.diff";) and some more unreleased code.

"Then do you want to copy the whole source code from HURD and then work
independet from the HURD team on this code?"


"And did you discussed this with the HURD team, too?"

Only with a few independent developers, the GNU Maintainers of Hurd are
mostly absent from "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" mailing lists.

Thanks for your time.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4564] Submission of Hurd's AlteRnative Development

2005-08-27 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #5, task #4564 (project administration):

I might note that Sergio has only sent _one_ patch that is
even worth including at this point, the other patch he sent was
a experimental patch.  From the looks, Sergio has written more
patches, but hasn't bothered sending them to bug-hurd@gnu.org for

I do not know of any other patches that are really important
that are pending at this time that would warrent a fork
of the Hurd on Savannah.

Sergio's patches touch a lot of areas in the Hurd, and should 
NOT be included into HEAD untill they have been proven stable.
Branches are used for code that touches lots of areas, and this
is exactly what Sergio's patches do.  So it takes time to understand
and test them.  Sergio has not bothered waiting for anyone to do
any kind of testing by users of his patches, nor has he bothered
with getting a second opinion by people who hack on the Hurd, of which
all are voluenteers, so it takes time to get such a response.

The maintainer of the Hurd is also currently swamped, so this leads
to further delays.

Alfred M. Szmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Hurd hacker.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4564] Submission of Hurd's AlteRnative Development

2005-08-27 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #4, task #4564 (project administration):

Sergio has _NOT_ discussed this with the maintainers.  Infact,
there already exists a experimental branch for exactly this type
of changes.  Please discard this project.  Sergio's patches cannot
be merged into the new branch since he hasn't signed papers yet.

Alfred M. Szmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Hurd hacker


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4573] Submission of Geeks Artificial Neural Network

2005-08-28 Thread anonymous

Additional Item Attachment, task #4573 (project administration):

File name: Geeks_Artificial_Neural_Net.rar Size:19 KB
G.A.N.N is an Artificial Neural Network Written in C++ (Still Beta)


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4581] Submission of The Librarian

2005-08-29 Thread anonymous

Additional Item Attachment, task #4581 (project administration):

File name: The Librarian 0.1 (alpha) Tue Aug 30 2005.tar.gz Size:14 KB
Source code tarball.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4581] Submission of The Librarian

2005-08-30 Thread anonymous

Additional Item Attachment, task #4581 (project administration):

File name: The Librarian 0.1 (alpha) Wed Aug 31 2005.tar.gz Size:28 KB
Source code tarball.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4525] Submission of NopOS

2005-09-03 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #9, task #4525 (project administration):

Hello, I changed the copyright note in these files for this:

 *  Copyright:
 *  1998 Fabian Nunez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 *  2005 Pablo Guerrero Rosel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 *  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *  it under the 

But, I have some questions:

If I get some code with GPL license and copyright and I modify it to use with
my GPL code, Can I put my copyright and the original, or only the original?

If I get some code with License error (like the Address, or something like
that) , must I fix that?

If I get code from differents authors (all GPL) to write some modules, must I
to specify what piece of code has written each author? 

Sorry I write too questions, but I want to known what I have to do in the


Additional Item Attachment:

File name: nopos4.tar.gz  Size:19 KB
Fixed the copyright of floppy.c and include/floppy.h


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4668] Submission of Job Finder

2005-09-23 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #3, task #4668 (project administration):

 I am still willing to host the project on savannah, just didn't have time to
work on the registration again. The program runs on any platform that runs
perl with the standard modules, there is no OS dependency. Free-OS users will
be able to use it equally to non-free OS users. I attach some code for you to
have a look at.
Nick Vallianos

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: EURESJobFinder.pl  Size:3 KB
A working script


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4100] Submission of Tracmor

2005-09-29 Thread anonymous

Additional Item Attachment, task #4100 (project administration):

File name: Slideshow.exe  Size:56 KB


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4718] Submission of PaperMail

2005-10-01 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #8, task #4718 (project administration):

Ok I've updated that package

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: papermail-0.01.tar.gz  Size:7 KB
Lesson 2 tarball :D


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4709] Submission of Indian Hurd Users Group

2005-10-10 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #3, task #4709 (project administration):

Hi Sebastin -

We have got a project space from other Indian GForge based site known as
Sarovar.org. You can remove this project. We are sorry for the disturbance
and the late reply.

Thanks -


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4653] Submission of Super Slide Me

2005-10-16 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #16, task #4653 (project administration):

Now copyright holder is right! 
Coopi is a legal entity that can be assigned copyright :-)

Bye now!

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: ssm.tar.gz Size:275 KB


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4784] Submission of Project PSIworld

2005-10-17 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #4, task #4784 (project administration):

hello again, 

thanks for the pointers about OpenSSL. Due to these license
incompatibilities, I will entirely remove OpenSSL as requirement. Last time i
checked, only OpenSSL hashing methods (lhash) were used. Until then, how can I
properly apply an OpenSSL exception for my codebase ? Would a mere notice in
the README file suffice ?
The most recent CVS snapshot is available under

Best regards, 
Tolga Dalman


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4673] Submission of Rhino Web Database

2005-10-18 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #9, task #4673 (project administration):


   The project never been registed at any organization. So I don't know how
to mark the copywrite. May I mark it by "Copyright (C) 2005 Zou Jie" or leave
it absence?



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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4769] Submission of Igloo

2005-10-21 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #7, task #4769 (project administration):

Hi Sebastian,

New version at http://www.barnraiser.org/igloo/igloo_GNU_rev4.tar.tgz

Sorry to have waisted your time. I stupidly thought the "how to" under the
license is not part of the texts needed. I'll go back to our other softwares
and make sure i've not made the same mistake there as well.



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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4893] Submission of blackboard

2005-11-04 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #10, task #4893 (project administration):

Yes, thank you, I can use CVS now.
I had assumed the cron job would be finished reliably after 1 hour:

"Wait for the next cron job (in the worst case, 1 hour)."



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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4599] Submission of PHP TP C15

2005-11-08 Thread anonymous

Additional Item Attachment, task #4599 (project administration):

File name: Compose[1].txt Size:101 KB


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4086] Submission of renameutils

2005-11-09 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #3, task #4086 (project administration):



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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4215] Submission of Ethics search protocol

2005-11-09 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #18, task #4215 (project administration):



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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4916] Submission of Poster - a simple content manager

2005-11-18 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #7, task #4916 (project administration):

I'd like to, but it appears I have some work to do first to remove the
functionality that relies on Log4j and resin.  And - I need to add the
copyright notices.  This will take me a little while to get to.  I should
probably resubmit later.


- Mark


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4948] Submission of Object Relational Membrane

2005-11-19 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #4, task #4948 (project administration):

>You need to make the changes mentioned in previous before we can
>your project for inclusion in Savannah.
In previous what?

>There is no need to modify previous version(s) of your project but current
> future version(s).
I've changed all source files of the current version (orm2), but not of the
old (orm1) packages on my homepage. I did not modify any of the documentation
on the old homepage, yet.

> And -by the way- how do you plan to use Savannah?
What do you meen how do I plan to use it? I need
 - cvs server
 - forums and/or mailinglists where problems can be discussed and documented
for others who have simmilar or the same questions
 - some webspace for a website plus online documentation
 - some webspace to provide packages for download.
The works.

To my experiance I'm doing the development and others contribute bug reports,
fixes and maybe extension modules (for instance the firebird adapter of the
old version is contributed work). The major part of the conceptional work is
done by me. I hope, with the Savannah infrastructure, colaboration will
become more attractive for others so they join in and do more work. orm2 is
at an early stage of development, but I plan to announce it to the people on
the old orm-deve mailing list and on freshmeat, hoping this will kindle
interest in orm and that this will get the development going in a more
community based way than it did with orm1, which was very much centered
around... me.

Does this answer your question?


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4948] Submission of Object Relational Membrane

2005-11-19 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #6, task #4948 (project administration):

The latest version is in an early alpha stage, where I regrouped the files
and started (re-)implementing some of the key sections. It is not available
on the website at all. orm-1.0.1 is the last release I made. I'd like to link
to it from the Savannah page, but not publish it there. 

I could create a release based on 1.0.1 with the legal stuff fixed, if need
be.  But orm 1 is really not supposed to be the subject of the Savannah site.
I want to use it for new development. 

I've attached my current working file set for you to take a look. It's got
the legal stuff right, I hope, and it's what I'd like to put on the cvs
server. My next steps would be to get this code working so far that you can
connect to the database, insert and retrieve simple items. Being able to do
than people have at least a little bit to play around with. Then I'd but
together the README file and the quickstart-documentation (with the right
license stuff) and tell the guys on the old mailing list that orm's being
worked on and that I'd like them to take a look at my new ideas, if they have
a little time to spare. That's what I need a relyable cvs server with
anonymous access for. That's how far my planing goes :)


Additional Item Attachment:

File name: orm2.tgz   Size:32 KB



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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4957] Submission of bwt

2005-11-21 Thread anonymous

Additional Item Attachment, task #4957 (project administration):

File name: bwt.vb Size:8 KB
That\'s a little test to calculate bwt of an array of char (in vb). This code
is also aviable at : http://vbfrance.com/code.aspx?ID=34375


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4564] Submission of Hurd's AlteRnative Development

2005-11-23 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #16, task #4564 (project administration):

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WBR eLhnzImbJTvpHfZUq


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4971] Submission of MsgCab

2005-11-28 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #4, task #4971 (project administration):


> Is the copyright holder ("National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science
and Technology") refered to in the copyright notices, a legal entity that can
be assigned copyright?

Yes.  I'm an employee of National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science
and Technology and I assigned the copyright of msgcab to that organization.



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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4564] Submission of Hurd's AlteRnative Development

2005-12-25 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #17, task #4564 (project administration):

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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4564] Submission of Hurd's AlteRnative Development

2006-01-02 Thread anonymous

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[Savannah-register-public] [task #5079] Submission of cegcc (arm-wince-pe toolchain)

2006-01-03 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #2, task #5079 (project administration):

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Mohammed Al-Solh


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #5113] Submission of Bilingual spell checker

2006-01-06 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #2, task #5113 (project administration):


On Fri, Jan 06, 2006 at 10:26:00PM +, Sebastian Wieseler wrote:
> Please include a (perhaps temporary) URL pointing to the source code.
> The description you gave when registering will not be read by the general
> public.
> If you are still concerned with privacy, however, you can forward the code
> me by email.

I'm sorry for not creating a url, but currently it's far 
easir to me to send the file as attachment. My old homepage
was on geocities, but I deleted it.

> We wish to review your source code, even if it is not functional, to catch
> potential legal issues early.
> For example, to release your program properly under the GPL you must
> a copyright notice and
> permission-to-copy statements at the beginning of every file of source

I include a copyright short notice only in the files of source
code that I actually edit. Some files are automatically
generated and maintained by Glade (the Interface Designer).
The notice that I include is shorter than the example in the
gpl-howto, but, of course, I can follow the example of the
howto if necessary.




Additional Item Attachment:

File name: bispell-0.1.tar.gz Size:146 KB
The source code


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #5117] Submission of Cyber Space Manager

2006-01-07 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #2, task #5117 (project administration):

Mr kickino.

close/kick and forget my project

i don't want to post even non-functionnaly source code !!

cyberman is more than a cyberspace manager and i release it when it's fully

sorry for disturb yourself...

best regards


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #3772] Submission of zhlcvs

2006-01-09 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #5, task #3772 (project administration):

Nice and interesting blog! http://www.bingoonlinenews.com";>bingo
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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4564] Submission of Hurd's AlteRnative Development

2006-01-10 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #21, task #4564 (project administration):

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[Savannah-register-public] [task #5113] Submission of Bilingual spell checker

2006-01-11 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #5, task #5113 (project administration):

I'm sorry... I didn't replace the expression "GNU Program" with "Bispell" in
the copyright notices. I'm sending a new tarball.

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: bispell-0.1.tar.gz Size:145 KB
The source code


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4564] Submission of Hurd's AlteRnative Development

2006-01-15 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #22, task #4564 (project administration):

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[Savannah-register-public] [task #4215] Submission of Ethics search protocol

2006-01-16 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #20, task #4215 (project administration):



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  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #5166] Submission of TeriBBot aka Teri's Bash Bot

2006-01-17 Thread anonymous

Additional Item Attachment, task #5166 (project administration):

File name: tbb-1.0.0.tar.bz2  Size:20 KB
This is the current tarball of my bot code.


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  Message sent via/by Savannah

[Savannah-register-public] [task #4564] Submission of Hurd's AlteRnative Development

2006-01-21 Thread anonymous

Follow-up Comment #23, task #4564 (project administration):

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