Re: [SC-L] Credentials for Application use

2005-05-12 Thread Dave Aronson
Gizmo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have a similar situation in one of my applications.  The
  customer wishes to secure the database.  Since we use a Btrieve
  database, the only way to do
  this is be setting an owner name on the DB, and then
  encrypting using the owner name as the password.

That sure doesn't sound secure to me!  Does BTrieve make it easy, 
difficult, or impossible to see what users own what dbs?  Does it make 
it easy/diff/imposs to see what users exist?  Does it have well-defined 
syntax rules for the usernames, and maybe even a fairly short maximum 
length?  Unless the names can be very long (as in, at least a few dozen 
chars), with very little restriction on content (as in, case sensitive, 
and including spaces and punctuation), and BT makes it *impossible* to 
see what users exist, let alone own what, then the entire security 
there is basically nothing more than one incredibly weak password.

  However, once the DB is secured, you can't
  access it unless you have the owner name, and giving out the
  owner name to everyone who uses the app to access the DB pretty much
  defeats the whole purpose of the exercise.

Looks like BTrieve security is pretty much useless, except possibly for 
giving a tiny bit of protection to transmission of the entire db.

  The only way I can see to deal with this is something
  similar to what I've done in my app:

You probably don't need to get that fancy.  The first question that both 
I and my wife thought of is, why not migrate to something with more 
useful security than BT?  B-)

But seriously, that brings up the very first question usually asked when 
developing a security strategy.  Exactly what threat(s) are you trying 
to secure it *against*?  Who will be doing what, how, maybe why, 
possibly even when and (from) where?

  and the registry.

...which means you're running Windows, which means security isn't really 
much of a priority after all.  B-)/2


RE: [SC-L] Credentials for Application use

2005-05-12 Thread Mikey

Your situation is a little unique in that you encrypt the data with the 
password. The data backend I was referring to is simply a backend database 
like an SQL Server, Oracle 8i or DB2 data repository. All users need to do 
to get access to it is to authenticate to it and then have the right access 
controls to its tables/rows.

SSO may solve my problem but the problem I have right now is that SSO is 
not here for us yet. What I like to understand is from people with 
experience in this stuff who have not implemented enterprise SSO solutions 
so that I can get that light bulb above my head to work. :-)


At 11:00 AM 11/05/2005 -0500, Gizmo wrote:
Maybe I don't fully understand the concept of Single Sign-On.

As I understand it, SSO allows a user to login to an application portal, and
all of the applications that user accesses via that portal know who the user
is and what rights they have within their respective application realms.  As
such, it is a front-end technology; the back-end applications don't know
anything about this.  Since my application is a server in a client-server
architecture, it is a back-end app.  In any case, SSO wouldn't help the
situation where the data are encrypted by the password, if the data are
accessed by more than one user.  The idea behind this implementation is to
ensure that even if a bad guy gains access to the server and the data files
of the DB, he still can't get at the actual data without the key.

Or am I missing something?


Re: [SC-L] Credentials for Application use

2005-05-12 Thread Michael Silk
If you are just talking about a password to access a db, the 'typical'
approach (at least the approach I use) is just to store that password
in the code/config file. You may like to add a layer to that by
encrypting it in some config file, and requiring a 'decryption'
(initialisation) of the 'server' to take place, where the key is
entered and the db password is kept in 'application' memory until the
next reset, etc.

But, if you want to use the db resource manage permissions for various
users AS WELL as your app logic (i.e. some redundant security system;
[which is good]) then you'll need to create sql/whatever accounts for
each user, obviously.

Depends what you want, I guess. I think the answer to your question is
that the password is stored in a config file.

-- Michael

On 5/12/05, Mikey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Your situation is a little unique in that you encrypt the data with the
 password. The data backend I was referring to is simply a backend database
 like an SQL Server, Oracle 8i or DB2 data repository. All users need to do
 to get access to it is to authenticate to it and then have the right access
 controls to its tables/rows.
 SSO may solve my problem but the problem I have right now is that SSO is
 not here for us yet. What I like to understand is from people with
 experience in this stuff who have not implemented enterprise SSO solutions
 so that I can get that light bulb above my head to work. :-)
 At 11:00 AM 11/05/2005 -0500, Gizmo wrote:
 Maybe I don't fully understand the concept of Single Sign-On.
 As I understand it, SSO allows a user to login to an application portal, and
 all of the applications that user accesses via that portal know who the user
 is and what rights they have within their respective application realms.  As
 such, it is a front-end technology; the back-end applications don't know
 anything about this.  Since my application is a server in a client-server
 architecture, it is a back-end app.  In any case, SSO wouldn't help the
 situation where the data are encrypted by the password, if the data are
 accessed by more than one user.  The idea behind this implementation is to
 ensure that even if a bad guy gains access to the server and the data files
 of the DB, he still can't get at the actual data without the key.
 Or am I missing something?

RE: [SC-L] Credentials for Application use

2005-05-12 Thread Gizmo
The Pervasive.SQL database has two access modes: native Btrieve and SQL.
The native Btrieve mode has as it's major advantage that it is about 10
times faster than MSSQL on the same hardware.  However, it is NOT SQL; it is
a transactional database engine designed for applications that need a small
footprint and a bad fast data storage and retrieval mechanism.

To answer your questions, Btrieve does not allow a user to query the owner
name of the DB.  You have to know the owner name in order to access the db
at all.  Presumably that information is stored within the DB file somewhere,
but without a hex editor you aren't getting at it, and if you use the owner
name to encrypt the db, then even WITH a hex editor you aren't getting at
it.  Unfortunately, the owner name is only 8 chars, and is alpha-numeric
only (case sensitive), so the efficacy of the encryption is of some
question.  Basically, it keeps honest people honest.

As for the reason I don't use something else, well, there are a couple of

1)  The app is architected around the Btrieve DB, with uses a proprietary
API.  We can argue the merits of that until the cows come home, but it
probably isn't relevant to this list.

2)  The performance of the application is very sensitive; speed is
paramount.  Believe it or not, there are applications where simply throwing
more CPUs at a problem isn't really a valid response.

It is probably valid to assert that, with HIPAA requirements coming onto the
playing field, the Btrieve mode of access is not the best tool for the job,
but that isn't a decision that I can make.  My masters in Atlanta control my


-Original Message-
Behalf Of Dave Aronson
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2005 8:37 PM
Subject: Re: [SC-L] Credentials for Application use

Gizmo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I have a similar situation in one of my applications.  The
  customer wishes to secure the database.  Since we use a Btrieve
  database, the only way to do
  this is be setting an owner name on the DB, and then
  encrypting using the owner name as the password.

That sure doesn't sound secure to me!  Does BTrieve make it easy,
difficult, or impossible to see what users own what dbs?  Does it make
it easy/diff/imposs to see what users exist?  Does it have well-defined
syntax rules for the usernames, and maybe even a fairly short maximum
length?  Unless the names can be very long (as in, at least a few dozen
chars), with very little restriction on content (as in, case sensitive,
and including spaces and punctuation), and BT makes it *impossible* to
see what users exist, let alone own what, then the entire security
there is basically nothing more than one incredibly weak password.

  However, once the DB is secured, you can't
  access it unless you have the owner name, and giving out the
  owner name to everyone who uses the app to access the DB pretty much
  defeats the whole purpose of the exercise.

Looks like BTrieve security is pretty much useless, except possibly for
giving a tiny bit of protection to transmission of the entire db.

  The only way I can see to deal with this is something
  similar to what I've done in my app:

You probably don't need to get that fancy.  The first question that both
I and my wife thought of is, why not migrate to something with more
useful security than BT?  B-)

But seriously, that brings up the very first question usually asked when
developing a security strategy.  Exactly what threat(s) are you trying
to secure it *against*?  Who will be doing what, how, maybe why,
possibly even when and (from) where?

  and the registry.

...which means you're running Windows, which means security isn't really
much of a priority after all.  B-)/2


RE: [SC-L] Credentials for Application use

2005-05-12 Thread Goertzel Karen
I'm wondering whether role-based credentials, vs. individual user
credentials, might not make more sense here. Could the database owner
key be issued to a role vs. an individual identity? In this way, your
human users could be associated with a role that has a right to issue a
query to the database via the middleware, but only the middleware would
be associated with the role that had access to the key that could
decrypt the data that satisfies the user's query. This does not,
however, solve the problem of ensuring that the data remain secure once
they are decrypted. You don't mention the assurance level of the
encryption used in the database - i.e., does it exceed the strength of
SSL or TLS with encryption based on AES and Class 3 X.509 certificates?

Some interesting work doing on at INRIA in France that may be relevant:

Also, some combination of the capabilities provided by nCipher may be of


Karen Mercedes Goertzel, CISSP
Booz Allen Hamilton