Re: [SC-L] Security in QA is more than exploits

2009-02-05 Thread bugtraq
For starters I believe you misinterpreted my comments on QA. I was in no way 
their abilities. With this in mind comments below. 

 Before anyone talks about vulnerabilities to test for, we have to figure ou=
 t what the business cares about and why. What could go wrong? Who cares? Wh=
 at would the impact be? Answers to those questions drive our testing strate=
 gy, and ultimately our test plans and test cases.

We absolutely agree here. At the same time an externally exploitable sql 
injection needs to get 
fixed. The way qa/development is informed to its impact is through education 
likely via training. 
Not a single company with average hiring/skill requirements will have everybody 
(who needs to) know 
what sql injection is, and why it is bad. 

 Bias #3 is that idea that a bunch of web vulnerabilities are equivalent in =
 impact to the business. That is, you just toss as many as you can into your=
  test plan and test for as much as you can. This isn't how testing is prior=

I said A better approach in my opinion is to identify the top 10/25/x 
that are likely to affect your own organization

These would be associated to customer or business impacts likely to affect you. 
Perhaps this could have been articulated better.
 As someone who has been training in risk-based security testing for several=
  years now, I totally agree with some points, but very much disagree with o=
 thers. I agree that the bug parade (as we call it) of top X vulnerabiliti=
 es to find is the wrong way to teach security testing. Risk management, tho=
 ugh, has been a fundamental part of mainstream QA for a very long time. Lik=
 ewise, risk management is the same technique that good security people us=
 e to prioritize their results. Risk management is certainly how the busines=
 s is going to make decisions about which issues to remediate and when. Risk=
  management is what ties this all together.

We agree.

 If there's something that QA needs to learn that they're not already learni=
 ng, it's the weaving of security into the risk management techniques they=
  already know how to do. If testers fall short in their ability to apply ri=

In your experience do you find average QA people doing risk management?

In my experiences a Sr QA person/Team lead identifies what is going to be tested
for a given release, and usually are the ones writing/tracking the test plans. 

 So, in some ways we agree: speak the lingo of QA. But in other ways we disa=
 gree. I think the original article fails to give credit to the decades of s=
 ubstantial research and practice in QA. In other words, it's a lot more tha=
 n speaking the language. It is standing on the shoulders of giants, not the=
 ir toes.

Actually the main goal of the article is that information security people need 
to set appropriate expectations 
as to what QA cares about as their primary business function. They need to 
factor in that the majority of QA 
people don't care about security as a primary job function, and that if infosec 
wants them to care they had 
better be prepared 

- to speak their language and understand their needs
- to customize and prioritize the security testing they may be doing instead of 
solely using generic top x lists 


Have a fantastic day Paco!

- Robert

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Re: [SC-L] Secure development after release

2008-03-05 Thread bugtraq
Hello Andy,

 Once an application is released or put into production, what are
 organizations doing to keep the applications secure?  As new

Some organizations purchase web application security scanners and perform 
scanning (this could be done by the soc) or use a service  such as whitehatsec
to perform continuous application level scanning. It usually boils down to 
company resources, 
finding qualified people to configure/run a tool, and/or budget.

If you're using a service ideally they should be identifying the false 
positives and removing
them from your reporting. If you're using a tool you'll need someone qualified 
to be able
to identify if an issue is real or not and remove it.

For the sake of saying it no tool can find all issues and having a human/tool 
is really required. Tools do very poorly at logic flaws which are often the 
most damaging.

For more critical applications (dealing with Personal Identifiable Information) 
or those dubbed risky
one off deep dive pen tests may be needed in addition to continuous 
scanning/monitoring. This 
will depend on frequency of application changes, budget, and resources. 

 vulnerabilities and classes of exploits are released, how is that
 information being fed back to developers so they can update/patch in
 the software.  At the network most organizations have a Network

After the scanning is performed typically you'll have an assigned security 
resource (this could 
even be a QA/dev person depending on available resources) that files tickets 
with development 
(if this process isn't automated) to address each issue and owns the 
responsibility to follow-up 
on each discovery. Remediation timelines will vary depending on the flaw and 
unless their is a 
policy/management buy-in of some sort, forcing development to fix things in a 
given timeframe 
may be difficult. It is important to iron out the process regarding false 
positive identification 
otherwise development will take you less seriously when an issue is filed.

 Is there a formal method other than reacting to incidents?  Is there a

Yes by proactively monitoring and testing your applications for 'security 
(pen testing/security assessments). 

 sort of Operations or Intelligence cell that proactively finds and
 processes new information and feeds that info back to the design and
 development teams so they can update the software?

It is important to note that development people aren't security people
and they never will be (no matter how much the security people want them to be).
Sure they will get better and stop making certain mistakes over time but most
developers aren't monitoring the usual security outlets for the latest threats
to see if their code may be affected. It is typically the job of a security team
(local, service, or SOC) or auditing team (regarding compliance e.g PCI/SOX) to 
ensure that a given application is reviewed against the latest threats at the 
of the evaluation. Depending on your setup a SOC may handle monitoring/incident 
response and scanning. 

Hope this helps.

- Robert Application Security news and more The Web Application Security Consortium Software Security Testing

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Re: [SC-L] What's the next tech problem to be solved in software

2007-06-07 Thread bugtraq
 On Wed, 6 Jun 2007, Wietse Venema wrote:
  more and more people, with less and less experience, will be
  programming computer systems.
  The challenge is to provide environments that allow less experienced
  people to program computer systems without introducing gaping
  holes or other unexpected behavior.
 I completely agree with this.  This is a grand challenge for software
 security, so maybe it's not the NEXT problem.  There's a lot of tentative
 work in this area - safe strings in C, SafeInt,
 StackGuard/FormatGuard/etc., non-executable data segments, security
 patterns, and so on.  But these are bolt-on methods on top of the same
 old languages or technologies, and some of these require developer
 awareness.  I know there's been some work in secure languages but I'm
 not up-to-date on it.

You may find this interesting as this is a subject I feel strongly about myself.

- Robert

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Re: [SC-L] Darkreading: compliance

2007-04-04 Thread bugtraq
 Gary, may I suggest an alternative response to application firewalls and the 
 notion that it is hair-brained? Of course this is true but this list is 
 missing a major opportunity to finally calculate an ROI model. If you ask 
 yourself, what types of firewalls are pervasively deployed, you would find 
 that application-firewalls aren't. This would then mean that folks would 
 either need to replace their existing firewall (very risky that no one would 
 ever consider), add multiple firewalls which introduce operational 
 complexity, etc. 
 For many shops, having another type of firewall could cost millions whereas 
 putting tools in the hands of developers may actually be cheaper. We as a 
 community may be better served by encouraging application firewalls and 
 letting the financial model for complying work in our favor...

I think that appfirewalls have value depending on your expectation and 
situation. If you have a small website that doesn't change 
much then there may be value. If you are in a serious need to pass PCI or some 
compliance requirement quickly, an app
firewall may buy you some time to address the problem correctly in development. 
If you have code pushes every 2 weeks with new 
content being added on a large website 
you need to understand that you'll need to hire an appfirewall person to 
constantly tweak rules plus the cost of the licenses.
App firewalls are IDS/IPS's and should be treated as such except that the 
specifics are slightly different because
it sits on the web layer which is considerably more complicated and dynamic. 

I'm an advocate of fixing the problem in the SDLC however one of the things 
that people fail to consider is SDLC integration
with an existing process and large code base takes months, sometimes years to 
get right. Until it is properly integrated
you're left with the decision of fixing vulns one at a time (as they come up) 
or/and placing additional filtering in place
to reduce risk. 

- Robert Auger Application security news and more   The Web Application Security Consortium   Software Security Testing 

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Re: [SC-L] Darkreading: compliance

2007-03-12 Thread bugtraq
 what do you think?  have compliance efforts you know about helped to
 forward software security?

Compliance brings accountability. Without accountability or financial impact 
people have
little incentive for putting security on the priority list. I for one welcome 
our compliance


- Robert Auger Application Security news and more

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Re: [SC-L] [WEB SECURITY] Wordpress website hacked, wordpress backdoored

2007-03-03 Thread bugtraq
  a) the final binaries were the ones infected (very easy to detect (imagine
 if the infected code was actually from 'real' SVN source code and made from
 a 'trusted' developer))
  b) by the speed this was detected the exploit (and the blog page didn't
 give a lot of details about it) must have been a very 'HEY I AM A
 BACKDOOR' kind of code.  A real exploit would be one that (using a .NET

The original mailing list post by Ivan Fratric is at for
those curious of the code differences. Given the brazen addition of multiple 
functions (instead of modifying an existing one
to make it vulnerable) we're probably not looking at the highest caliber of 
attacker here.

 And OWASP uses WordPress (although Mike tells me that we were not affected)
 for our blogs

Thanks for sharing about what OWASP runs. Not sure how this ties into the 
thread though. 
Again hats off to Ivan Fratric for spotting this before it became a much larger 


- Robert Application Security news and more [RSS Feed]

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Re: [SC-L] Meeting at RSA next week?

2007-02-02 Thread bugtraq
I'll be there.

- Robert

 How many of the list members are going to RSA? Any plans to get together for 
 some coffee? 
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 SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
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Re: [SC-L] QASEC Announcement: Writing Software Security Test Cases

2007-01-08 Thread bugtraq
 This is great, and something I have incorporated into our own cycle
 previously, as carving out a spot on our team as the security engineer
 didn't seem to work. But by creating a process for including security
 testing, abuse cases, etc. I was able to incorporate security without a big
 hit to the team. This sold management on the fact that it can be a simple
 and seamless process and soon became adopted. The other half of it is that
 you have to be the person on the team who always is thinking in terms of the
 corner cases, the worst case scenarios, the one who aggravates the
 development team the most.

The fact of proving to management that this isn't an expensive decision is 
something that I think will start to catch on. By making this part of the 
if an issue is discovered you have already scoped out that additional time 
needed to
research and address the issue. QA has always aggravated development this isn't 
new :) 

- Robert

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[SC-L] Challenges faced by automated web application security assessment tools

2006-11-13 Thread bugtraq
I have released a new document 'Challenges faced by automated web application 
security assessment tools' that a few of you
may find interesting. 

Comments welcome. 
- Robert Website Security news, and more! [RSS Feed]

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