Re: USB external drive errors with many different hardware

2014-07-10 Thread Andras Horvath
On Thu, 10 Jul 2014 09:50:39 +0100 (BST)
Dr Andrew C Aitchison wrote:

 On Wed, 2 Jul 2014, Andras Horvath wrote:
  Anyway I tried to raise those values high again and it seemed to have enter 
  that hanging state at once. Interesting.
  I also checked the SATA possibility and it's working just fine if no USB is 
  involved in the story. Since I have no more idea, I'll stick with the SATA 
 (Huge pages, slow drives, and long delays)
 is a little old, but perhaps not too old to be relevant to SL6.
 One reply claimed that
   watch -n 5 sync
 while accessing the slow drive fixed the problem.

Thank you for your suggestion but if I understand it correctly, the article 
speaks about times when the desktop stops responding for long or when large 
chunks of memory disappear. I didn't have either of them. In my case, simple 
the transfer rate drops (to kbytes/s) and it affects only the USB drive. All 
the rest of my services run and respond well and the transfer rate is normal 
for my inner drives that are connected to SATA controller.


New binary package set for EL6 x86_64

2014-07-10 Thread Jonathan Perkin
Hi users of EL6 based distributions,

I'm pleased to announce a new alternative binary package repository
for EL6 x86_64.  The aim is to provide a supplemental set of packages
which may contain software not included in your base system.

These packages are based on pkgsrc, a cross-platform package manager.

In this initial release there are 13,152 packages available.  For now
I am specifically targetting EL6/x86_64 (the build host is CentOS 6.5)
to see what kind of interest in this.  If there is reasonable interest
I can produce packages for other targets based on popularity.

To install, download and unpack the bootstrap kit:

  $ curl -s
 | sudo tar -zxpf - -C /

Packages are self-contained under the /usr/pkg prefix:

  $ PATH=$PATH:/usr/pkg/sbin:/usr/pkg/bin
  $ MANPATH=$MANPATH:/usr/pkg/man

Included is the pkgin binary package manager, which has been
designed to operate similar to yum/apt-get:

  # Fetch latest database
  $ sudo pkgin update

  # Search for a package
  $ pkgin search tmux

  # Install it
  $ sudo pkgin install tmux

  # See what is available
  $ pkgin avail | less

Further details and similar binary package sets for SmartOS/illumos
and OSX can be found here:

Feedback is highly appreciated!  Let me know if there is anything we
can do to improve these packages, or if they are unwelcome.  You can
email me or @jperkin, or alternatively get involved in the pkgsrc
community - our aim is to provide cross-platform packages for over 20
different operating systems from the same source tree.


Jonathan Perkin  -  Joyent, Inc.  -

Re: How to keep multiple glibc release instances in use

2014-07-10 Thread Lamar Owen

On 07/09/2014 08:48 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:
This was me. I thought I'd sent it to the list: it's all cool. 

obAdministrivia: I'm not exactly a fan of the 'default reply to poster' 
mailing list setup, but that's what the SL list is.  I hit reply-all and 
trim the recipients whenever replying to the list (Thunderbird's 'reply 
to list' function doesn't seem to work with the SL lists).
The other dirty trick would be to use something like 'mock' to build a 
chroot cage, and put your tools inside the chroot cage. ... 
I have to wonder if the 'Software Collections' framework could work for 
glibc.  Otherwise your solution should work ok, even though it is more 
than a bit of a kluge.  But it is glibc we're talking about, the second 
most core part of the system.

Re: Scientific Linux 7 -- no more IA-32 ?

2014-07-10 Thread Lamar Owen

On 07/09/2014 05:34 PM, Konstantin Olchanski wrote:

On Wed, Jul 09, 2014 at 04:16:46PM -0400, Lamar Owen wrote:
FWIW, since the CentOS group is planning an IA-32 release, ... 

I personally wish they spend the time on the ARM release instead...

I'd like to see ARM as well, but IA-32 is lower-hanging fruit, since 
many of the packages are already built and the same hardware can build 
it as builds x86_64.

As smooge said, the ARM port needs builders (and by that I assume he 
means the hardware on which to build, or a cross-compiler devchain that 
works for mock building).

Re: Scientific Linux 7 -- no more IA-32 ?

2014-07-10 Thread Lamar Owen

On 07/09/2014 06:48 PM, Patrick J. LoPresti wrote:

On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 1:27 PM, Lamar Owen wrote:

I don't recall if I had to specify that option or not with CentOS 5.10:
[root@backup-rdc ~]# df -h
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
27T   26T  805G  98% /opt/plates
   5.8T  5.4T  365G  94% /opt/backups
[root@backup-rdc ~]# blkid

You are getting a little bit lucky, I think...

Perhaps.  But I ran into the 16TB problem with the 32-bit install (same 
filesystem, by the way, lvm exported from the 32-bit install and 
imported on the 64-bit reinstall) as soon as the 'Used' column passed 
16TB (binary TB).  This is the very filesystem on which that happened.

The failure happens
when the first 16TB of the block device (as opposed to file system)
are in use. Since XFS allocates blocks from allocation groups all over
the disk, it is improbable that the first 16TB is ever actually in use
until the entire file system fills up

Hmm, interesting.

I swear I am not making up this problem; see e.g.

Oh, I believe you. Most likely the reason I've not hit it is due to the 
file mix that's on the filesystem; the number of files is pretty small, 
but each file is large (in the GB size range per file; they are scanned 
astronomical photographic plates in uncompressed FITS format).  Thus all 
the inodes should be able to be in the first 1TB of the disk.

Anyway, inode64 is the recommended mount option for large XFS file
systems unless you have some specific legacy need (like exporting via
NFSv2 to 32-bit Solaris... guess how I know)

Oh, I believe you.  It may be worthwhile for me to add that mount 
option; can't hurt.  It's just that the 16TB issue I hit was different 
from this one;  I hit the 4k stack size issue with the 32-bit kernel, 
and that issue went away with the 64-bit kernel.  But this issue is 

Re: Scientific Linux 7 -- no more IA-32 ?

2014-07-10 Thread R P Herrold
On Thu, 10 Jul 2014, Lamar Owen wrote:

 I'd like to see ARM as well, but IA-32 is lower-hanging fruit, since many of
 the packages are already built and the same hardware can build it as builds
 As smooge said, the ARM port needs builders (and by that I assume he means the
 hardware on which to build, or a cross-compiler devchain that works for mock

[I understand the RH history and desire for 'builds for 
record' to be on 'real' hardware.  I can advocate until I am 
blue in the face as well as the rest of you that the compiler 
is just moving ((optionally ascii, altho' ebcdic also works in 
Z arch ... )) 8-bit text string tokens aroung and emitting new 
bit patterns, BUT, there is less room for excuses / blind 
paths for binary partition debugging when one is 'going 

The round one 'starter yeast' for the clefos s390 / s390x RHEL 
6 sources rebuild ['Azure Duck'] was build entirely under a 
stable of x86_64 under Hercules -- not pretty, nor fast, but 
not all that bad either.  Later rounds moved through native 
re-compiles to remove and doubt as to self-hosting, or 
objection as not 'built on native'

As I recall, there is a qemu arm VM that runs under libvirt 
out there.  No reason not to start there

I and others have a wide stable of 32 bit arm hardware, and 
saw a 64 bit devkit board announcement by ARM earlier this 
week; and there is the overdue AMD offering to the same effect 
which I am waiting to see in the market; after the Blacksburg 
fudcon, I also 'infected' jbj with an interest in such and he 
too has a build farm.  Most compelling of course is Gordon 
Bobic's 'redsleve' rebuild of the RHEL 6 sources under arm 32

It really seems more having a trusted central binary [and 
sources] archive and a mechanism for a federation of 
mutually trusted builders to do retrieval, build, and return 
of binary fruit, is the issue

Suporting as low as one person in such a federation is of 
course possible, but then the tragedy of the commons costs, 
vs benefits returned, rears its head

I personally implicitly trust each enumerated person in the 
CC list as we have been working together since 'testers-list 
days' save Gordan --- perhaps we just need to tactically solve 
the management of ad hoc federations, and the minimal glue for 
diing the 'distributed' -- the latter really a solved problem 
already with buildbot C and C


My 0.02

-- Russ herrold

Re: How to keep multiple glibc release instances in use

2014-07-10 Thread Yasha Karant
Unfortunately,  proprietary vendor applications for which the vendor 
does NOT release source, or does so with a dependence upon libraries or 
other applications for which source is not available, typically are 
impossible to port but instead require a container if the application 
requires a specific base dynamic (.so) library that fundamentally 
conflicts with the base Linux system.  Most such vendors do not produce 
a self-contained version or a version using only static libraries (.a) 
to avoid dynamic dependencies.  Some do provide full environments (e.g., 
Qoppa PDF Studio Pro that I use as a Linux replacement for Adobe PDF 
editing and composition applications), but these typically are small.

That is one of the issues with RHEL as a base -- RHEL quickly gets quite 
far behind the current enthusiast distributions (e.g., Ubuntu), and 
purportedly significantly behind SuSE Enterprise. Note that a number 
of specialist vendors seem to be using a SuSE Enterprise base for 
building because that distribution seems to strike a different 
compromise between security, stability, and a more current environment 
than does RHEL.  For my work, I insist on EL on all primary 
servers/workstations, although a colleague at our site is maintaining a 
small OpenSuSE based system for our own testing and compatibility 
purposes (OpenSuSE is similar in concept to a Fedora Red Hat system, but 
significantly more stable).  We do not have a SuSE Enterprise license, 
and no one seems to have produced something akin to SL but based upon 
SuSE Enterprise. Does anyone on this list have current production SuSE 
Enterprise in use?  Off list replies are fine.

Yasha Karant

On 07/09/2014 05:48 PM, Nico Kadel-Garcia wrote:

On Wed, Jul 9, 2014 at 8:19 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:

This post is a follow-up to Re: [SCIENTIFIC-LINUX-USERS]
glibc-2.15-60.el6.x86_64.rpm [correction].  I had forgotten this trick, but
I received an off-list email that explained what to do. This sort of
information should be kept in a central SL (or EL or CentOS, etc.)
repository -- a practicum of how-to workarounds -- as it used to be for BSD
and SunOS a rather long time in the past.  As the correspondent did not use
the SL list, I am assuming that she/he wishes not to be the public author of
the commentary below (slightly edited).

This was me. I thought I'd sent it to the list: it's all cool.


Use rpm2cpio to unbundle the glibc into an alternative location in
/opt. Put shell wrappers in $HOME/bin that set LD_LIBRARY_PATH,
MANPATH, etc. to the new location. Install the binary, as well, in ta
parallel location in /opt., also accessed by the wrapper. Try using
the shell wrappers to summon the binaries with those variables set to
point to the new library

*DO NOT*  use RPM to install this,  even if you succeed you're likely
to seriously break the system. It's like replacing the motor on a car
while it's running, replacing a diesel with a Wankel motor.

Yeah, you can kind of tell it's me from that part

End quote.

Note that after I update a major library, I do not attempt to keep the
system running, but reboot, with the pre-updated libraries available in such
a form that I can use the shell from a rescue DVD (or USB if one must) to
redo the links.  (E.g., if this is and it is replaced by, N .ne. M, then before any such attempted installation, I do a
cp -pr of to, and if the rescue method must
be used, mv to and mv to  Note that is a time consuming  set of
steps that requires physical access.  Polymorphic virtualisation of file
systems nominally could avoid this methodology, but has other problems and
risks.)  I do thank the private correspondent for the workaround.
Hopefully, the shell wrappers will work (a shell wrapper for each
application file that requires the other environment.)

The other dirty trick would be to use something like 'mock' to build a
chroot cage, and put your tools inside the chroot cage. Then set aside
the chroot cage for that application, specifically.

Attempts to provide application 'containers' that start to include
core components like glibc.. start getting very bulky, very fast,
and lose the performance advantages of a consistent library cache in
use throughoutt an operating system's  working environment. It's
*feasible*, and there are reasons to do it to segregate applications.
But it gets really resource expensive, really fast, and Linux is *not*
designed around it.

Re: Scientific Linux 7 -- no more IA-32 ?

2014-07-10 Thread Konstantin Olchanski
Hi, Russ - thank you for pointing to the redsleeve package - I did not know 
about it -
and when I was looking for such last Summer, it did not turn up - I ended up 
Fedora 20 for my test system, but prefer EL based for final production.

But with the redsleeve web currently down (Error establishing a database 
do you know if they provide a preinstalled rootfs image? One that is easy
to network-boot (via NFS-Root). My ARM hardware cannot run any installer 
a custom linux kernel, low on RAM and not too speedy). Fedora 20 provides 
rootfs images and
was easy to network boot (NFS-Root). And for development, network boot is so 
faster and easier compared to writing and rewriting the very slow SD flash 
plus having to move the flash card from crashed arm to PC and back.


On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 11:40:48AM -0400, R P Herrold wrote:
 On Thu, 10 Jul 2014, Lamar Owen wrote:
  I'd like to see ARM as well, but IA-32 is lower-hanging fruit, since many of
  the packages are already built and the same hardware can build it as builds
  As smooge said, the ARM port needs builders (and by that I assume he means 
  hardware on which to build, or a cross-compiler devchain that works for mock
 [I understand the RH history and desire for 'builds for 
 record' to be on 'real' hardware.  I can advocate until I am 
 blue in the face as well as the rest of you that the compiler 
 is just moving ((optionally ascii, altho' ebcdic also works in 
 Z arch ... )) 8-bit text string tokens aroung and emitting new 
 bit patterns, BUT, there is less room for excuses / blind 
 paths for binary partition debugging when one is 'going 
 The round one 'starter yeast' for the clefos s390 / s390x RHEL 
 6 sources rebuild ['Azure Duck'] was build entirely under a 
 stable of x86_64 under Hercules -- not pretty, nor fast, but 
 not all that bad either.  Later rounds moved through native 
 re-compiles to remove and doubt as to self-hosting, or 
 objection as not 'built on native'
 As I recall, there is a qemu arm VM that runs under libvirt 
 out there.  No reason not to start there
 I and others have a wide stable of 32 bit arm hardware, and 
 saw a 64 bit devkit board announcement by ARM earlier this 
 week; and there is the overdue AMD offering to the same effect 
 which I am waiting to see in the market; after the Blacksburg 
 fudcon, I also 'infected' jbj with an interest in such and he 
 too has a build farm.  Most compelling of course is Gordon 
 Bobic's 'redsleve' rebuild of the RHEL 6 sources under arm 32
 It really seems more having a trusted central binary [and 
 sources] archive and a mechanism for a federation of 
 mutually trusted builders to do retrieval, build, and return 
 of binary fruit, is the issue
 Suporting as low as one person in such a federation is of 
 course possible, but then the tragedy of the commons costs, 
 vs benefits returned, rears its head
 I personally implicitly trust each enumerated person in the 
 CC list as we have been working together since 'testers-list 
 days' save Gordan --- perhaps we just need to tactically solve 
 the management of ad hoc federations, and the minimal glue for 
 diing the 'distributed' -- the latter really a solved problem 
 already with buildbot C and C
 My 0.02
 -- Russ herrold

Konstantin Olchanski
Data Acquisition Systems: The Bytes Must Flow!
Email: olchansk-at-triumf-dot-ca
Snail mail: 4004 Wesbrook Mall, TRIUMF, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 2A3, Canada

SL 7 alpha -- off-topic: test build of proprietary AMD graphics driver

2014-07-10 Thread Boryeu Mao
I have tested, successfully, the installation of SL 7 alpha DVD to a
harddisk image via qemu (under SL 6.5 x86_64 on an HP Pavilion g6
laptop).  To test the build of AMD proprietary graphics driver however
requires the detection of the gpu hardware, hence the installation
onto a physical hard disk, which is something I prefer not to do until
later.  For this purpose, one approach is to build a bootable iso out
of the virtual harddisk image from qemu - some info on this could be
found in the ubuntu community but so far nothing (that I could find)
for rhel systems - is this doable?  Perhaps there may be other
approaches for testing the build without the installation to the hard

PS - One related question: how could the squashfs image file in the
LiveOS directory in SL-7-x86_64-DVD.iso be accessed?  An attempt to
mount the img file fails with an error of 'unknown filesystem type',
nor could the file be unsquashed with 'unsquashfs'.  It seems
reasonable to think the content of the squashfs.img could be

Thanks in advance.
Boryeu Mao

Re: SL 7 alpha -- off-topic: test build of proprietary AMD graphics driver

2014-07-10 Thread Konstantin Olchanski
On Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 12:23:39PM -0700, Boryeu Mao wrote:
 I have tested, successfully, the installation of SL 7 alpha DVD to a
 harddisk image via qemu (under SL 6.5 x86_64 on an HP Pavilion g6
 laptop).  To test the build of AMD proprietary graphics driver however
 requires the detection of the gpu hardware, hence the installation
 onto a physical hard disk, which is something I prefer not to do until
 later.  For this purpose, one approach is to build a bootable iso out
 of the virtual harddisk image from qemu - some info on this could be
 found in the ubuntu community but so far nothing (that I could find)
 for rhel systems - is this doable?  Perhaps there may be other
 approaches for testing the build without the installation to the hard

If you have a running system (inside a VM, whatever), you can install it
to a physical media (HDD, SSD, USB flash) using cd /; rsync -avx . 
(some people frown upon cloning running systems, but I have been doing
it for years without any problems). Before rsync, you need to fdisk and mkfs
your destination media, after rsync, you need to grub it and adjust
the UUID values in grub.conf and etc/fstab.

Konstantin Olchanski
Data Acquisition Systems: The Bytes Must Flow!
Email: olchansk-at-triumf-dot-ca
Snail mail: 4004 Wesbrook Mall, TRIUMF, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 2A3, Canada

Re: Boot hangs / loops

2014-07-10 Thread Connie Sieh

On Thu, 10 Jul 2014, Dormition Skete (Hotmail) wrote:

In looking at my previous post, it occurred to me that =93fsck didn=92t =
help=94 was not very explanatory.

fsck finds no errors on /dev/sda6  (my / file system)

fsck found and fixed 2 errors in my /dev/sda7 (home) file system.

I=92ve run this on both several times today, and it finds them both =
clean every time now.

It still will not boot. =20=

Have you tried commenting out all of the lines in the fstab that are not 
needed for booting.  You should verify that /dev/sda6 and /dev/sda7 are 
the actual partitions that you think they are.

-Connie Sieh

Re: Boot hangs / loops

2014-07-10 Thread Dormition Skete (Hotmail)
On Jul 10, 2014, at 3:52 PM, Connie Sieh wrote:
 Have you tried commenting out all of the lines in the fstab that are not 
 needed for booting.  You should verify that /dev/sda6 and /dev/sda7 are the 
 actual partitions that you think they are.
 -Connie Sieh

All I have in /etc/fstab are for:


Can I comment out those last three?

I am sure the /dev/sda6 and 7 partitions are / and /home.

Re: Boot hangs / loops

2014-07-10 Thread Dormition Skete (Hotmail)
On Jul 10, 2014, at 4:20 PM, John Lauro wrote:

 Filesystem   SizeUsedAvail   Use%
 Mounted on
 4%  /
 tmpfs3.9G0   3.9G
 0%  /dev/shm
 4%  /home
 Well, that is not looking good.  Was that booted from the rescue cd?
 Sometimes when you boot from a different drive (such as CD) it can switch the 
 devices around.  Maybe they are on SDB?
 What does fdisk -l show?

Well, I don’t remember for sure how I booted to get into that, but I’m pretty 
sure I booted it from the hard drive.

I just rebooted it using the rescue disk, and “df -h” now shows:

Filesystem  SizeUsedAvail   Use%
Mounted on
1%  /dev
/dev/loop0  137M137M0   100%
/dev/sda6   20G 11M 8.6G
55% /mnt/sysimage
1%  /mnt/sysimage/dev
/dev/tmpfs  4.0G0   4.0G
0%  /mnt/sysimage/dev/shm
/dev/sda7   111G80G 26G 
76% /mnt/sysimage/home

fdisk -l

Gives too much to type and get back with you in a timely manner, but they are 
on /dev/sda, not /sdb.

If you’d like that output, though, I’ll be happy to post it for you.

I’ll start typing it now…

I just wanted to get back with you as quickly as I could.

Re: Scientific Linux 7 -- no more IA-32 ?

2014-07-10 Thread Lamar Owen

On 07/10/2014 02:44 PM, Gordan Bobic wrote:
...That is why RedSleeve is built on ARMv5 hardware (Sheeva, Guru and 
DreamPlugs). Said hardware is sufficiently underpowered that my 8 or 
so builders took nearly two months (IIRC - it's been a long time since 
I did a full rebuild) churn through the entire build.

I have available a GuruPlugServer (has an eSATA port, and I have the 
UART/JTAG interface).  I also have access to a number of RasPi's. EL on 
these little gems for us is more for embedded server applications 
running on solar power; in particular, I'm getting ready to attempt to 
deploy a RasPi with RedSleeve CLI as a 'backpack' of sorts on an 
HP/Agilent/Symetricom Z3816A GPS-disciplined time/frequency standard as 
one of several stratum one NTP servers on our campus.

And thanks for RedSleeve, by the way.  Both the O/S and the pun.