Re: Will HTML5 eventually sub for Java?

2013-01-22 Thread Christopher Tooley
 So with this background, I don't think we will ever see that HTML5 or any 
 later standards will replace Java at all.  HTML may take advantage of Java 
 Applets when the HTML + JavaScript is not powerful enough to solve your task.

To be fair, I can't really think of a Java application that couldn't be done by 
new elements in the HTML5 specifications.  For instance, video conferencing, 
3D applications, full screen, VOIP...

Probably the only thing I can think of that I've actually needed Java for 
recently was a cisco VPN software installer, which could probably have also 
been done in javascript+html.

It used to be that Web developers' hands were tied with regards to building web 
applications, but newer standards have created some really interesting 
possibilities :)


Re: smart card read error

2013-01-22 Thread Christopher Tooley
On 2013-01-17, at 7:00 PM, Tom Rosmond wrote:

 I am trying to configure my SL 5.5 system for smart card authentication.
 I believe I have installed all the required software packages for
 reading smart cards, but something still seems to be missing.  I am
 using a Dell keyboard with a built in card reader, and when I insert my
 card I get these messages:
 Thu Jan 17 18:46:56 2013
 Reader 0: Dell smart card reader keyboard 00 00
  Card state: Card inserted, 
  ATR: 3B 7D 96 00 00 80 31 80 65 B0 83 11 17 D6 83 00 90 00
 Can't locate Chipcard/PCSC/ in @INC (@INC
 contains: /usr/lib64/perl5/site_perl/5.8.8/x86_64-linux-thread-multi 
 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.8 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl 
 /usr/lib64/perl5/5.8.8/x86_64-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.8 .)
 at /usr/local/bin/ATR_analysis line 47.
 BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/local/bin/ATR_analysis line
 ATR_analysis '3B 7D 96 00 00 80 31 80 65 B0 83 11 17 D6 83 00 90 00':
 As near as I can tell, the problem is related to a missing perl utility,
 specifically a 'pcsc_perl'.  I find many RPM's for it, but none that
 refer specifically to SL or related distributions.  Does anyone have any
 insights into this problem, and any other advice they can share?
 T. Rosmond


You can probably install that with CPAN:

This should work just fine for SL5 or later.


Re: No more flash updates?

2013-01-14 Thread Christopher Tooley
Another option is to install Google Chrome and get more recent versions of 
Flash provided for you by Google.  As far as I know, Google made an agreement 
with Adobe to allow Google to support Flash on linux - I'm willing to be 
corrected on this if someone has a source that negates this premise.

But yes, I agree that Flash is a hell hole of security flaws and problems.  I 
think most sites are starting to migrate to HTML5, including some online game 
companies - hopefully we won't need Flash in the future.


On 2013-01-14, at 10:32 AM, Todd And Margo Chester 

 Hi All,
 Over on
 it states:
   NOTE: Adobe Flash Player 11.2 will be the last
 version to target Linux as a supported platform.
 Adobe will continue to provide security backports
 to Flash Player 11.2 for Linux.
 Is not Flash a bit of a security nightmare to start with?
 Or is better if we only get backports?

Re: XFCE - print manager doesn't detect USB printer

2012-12-10 Thread Christopher Tooley
In a browser on the machine, go to:


To see a CUPS interface. This will allow you to install a printer, if it isn't 
already. I am unsure how to get XFCE to recognize that there is a printer, 
perhaps the above interface will yield some useful results though.


On 2012-12-09, at 12:58 PM, Andrew Z wrote:

 is there a printer manager for XFCE that shows the USB attached printers? Or 
is it me doing somethign funky, because that 
 has 3 different apps ( in GUI)  - one in Settings two in Accessories. None 
shows my USB printer. YEt FF and Office See it and print into it w/o issues.
Please advise
Here is the list of rpm installed if it matters)

Thank you

Re: clients slow down due to unknown process

2012-11-28 Thread Christopher Tooley
If/when you find out what it is, would you kindly report back to the list what 
you find? This has got me really curious now. :D


On 2012-11-28, at 5:51 AM, David Fitzgerald 

 Thank you everyone for all the good ideas.  I have class this evening and 
 will be able to use your suggestions.  I'll let you know what I find.
 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Blair [] 
 Sent: Tuesday, November 27, 2012 11:56 AM
 To: Sergio Ballestrero
 Cc: David Fitzgerald;
 Subject: Re: clients slow down due to unknown process
 Hash: SHA1
 /usr/sbin/lsof -p $PID will also list all of the resources it uses which is 
 often a big help in figuring out wtf it is all about.
 On 11/27/2012 10:52 AM, Sergio Ballestrero wrote:
 Hello David,
 I'm not familiar with freeIPA, but anyway you can start by better 
 identifying the process.
 In top, get the PID and look under /proc/$PID - in particular  exe 
 will be a link to the binary, like lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Nov 27 
 01:41 /proc/1/exe - /sbin/init
 pstree -p -H $PID
 will help you identify the parent process, if there's one.
 On 27 Nov 2012, at 16:21, David Fitzgerald wrote:
 Sorry for the length of this post, but I want to make sure I give all 
 the information needed for someone to help.
 I have a lab of 25 workstations running Scientific Linux 6.2.  User 
 accounts are authenticated via freeIPA, and auto mounted to an NFS 
 server and the users use Gnome 2.8.  The NFS and freeIPA servers are 
 located on the same server (IP which is also running 
 Scientific Linux 6.2 and is a virtual guest in VMware ESXI 4.1.
 During class when the workstations are most heavily in use, the 
 students are writing Fortran programs with gedit and usually have 
 firefox up as well.  Here is my predicament.  During class some of 
 the workstation screens will freeze with no mouse or keyboard input.  
 This can last for varying lengths of time, sometimes a few minutes, 
 some other times for the full length of the class.  I can ssh  in to 
 the frozen machines and top will show load averages of up to 4 or more.
 The process taking up the most CPU is one I don't recognize named  The being the IP address of my server.  
 I have no idea what that process is related to, whether it's freeIPA,  
 NFS, Gnome or something else.  Killing the process doesn't help as it
 simply restarts with a new PID.   Note that the freezing does NOT
 happen when only a few people are using the lab, so reproducing the 
 problem outside of class time is difficult.
 Can anyone help me track down this problem and fix it?
 I appreciate any help you can give.
 David Fitzgerald
 Department of Earth Sciences
 Millersville University
 Millersville, PA 17551
 Phone: 717-871-2394
 Sergio Ballestrero  -
 University of Johannesburg, Physics Department  ATLAS TDAQ sysadmin 
 team - Office:75282 OnCall:164851
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)

Re: Suggestions wanted for reducing CPU load

2012-11-14 Thread Christopher Tooley

Which version of Firefox are you using? I newer version might help reduce 
CPU/Mem load.  You might also try Google Chrome, there's a linux installer 
available - I've found chrome to be slightly better at memory management and a 
bit speedier... (Although new versions of firefox may negate that advantage)

Generally, Flash does consume an huge amount of resources, so if it's required 
for you to use it you might just have to grin and bear it - you might also 
consider talking to the people who require flash to see if an alternative 
solution is available - most functionality can be replicated with HTML5 now. 

Make sure your version of flash is 64 bit as well.

There might also be something I've missed, in which case someone else on this 
list should feel free to chime in.


On 2012-11-13, at 12:38 PM, Yasha Karant wrote:

 Right now, my quad core SL 6x X86-64 workstation is not responding very 
 well; a quick look at top reveals:
 Tasks: 181 total,   2 running, 178 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
 Cpu(s): 41.1%us,  7.2%sy,  0.0%ni, 51.3%id,  0.4%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si, 
 Mem:   8196468k total,  8002116k used,   194352k free, 9344k buffers
 Swap:  2048252k total,  1753152k used,   295100k free,   543572k cached
  3417 ykarant   20   0 1679m 738m 8752 S 122.2  9.2   9239:30 
  3342 ykarant   20   0 2995m 2.2g  18m R 94.9 28.2   8309:43 firefox 
  2051 root  20   0 4448m 3.1g 9440 S  1.8 39.6 443:40.39 Xorg 
  2793 ykarant9 -11  559m 3028 1860 S  1.8  0.0  20:04.64 pulseaudio 
  3113 ykarant   20   0  321m 6904 5292 S  1.8  0.1 211:10.01 gkrellm 
 18994 root  20   0 000 S  1.8  0.0   0:00.05 kworker/2:3 
 19318 ykarant   20   0 15136 1140  812 R  1.8  0.0   0:00.04 top 
 31800 ykarant   20   0 1247m  58m  952 S  1.8  0.7  68:45.24 java 
 1 root  20   0 19448  872  660 S  0.0  0.0   0:04.12 init 
 2 root  20   0 000 S  0.0  0.0   0:01.81 kthreadd 
 3 root  20   0 000 S  0.0  0.0   0:06.58 
 5 root  20   0 000 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.03 
 6 root  RT   0 000 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 
 7 root  RT   0 000 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.26 watchdog/0 
 8 root  RT   0 000 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.00 
10 root  20   0 000 S  0.0  0.0   0:09.72 
12 root  RT   0 000 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.44 watchdog/1
 Note that from above:
  3417 ykarant   20   0 1679m 738m 8752 S 122.2  9.2   9239:30 
  3342 ykarant   20   0 2995m 2.2g  18m R 94.9 28.2   8309:43 firefox 
 My institution requires the use of Adobe flash (as well as java), and 
 thus it seems that plugin-container is being used.  Is there an 
 alternative approach?  The above seems to me a total waste of machine 
 Yasha Karant

Re: SL 6 etc. on ARM CPU units

2012-10-23 Thread Christopher Tooley

Konstantin touched on Cyanogenmod, which I think would be your best bet for 
having a more open OS (and ability to interact with CLI I would assume), 
however, I don't think it's yet supported for the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (see the 
list here:  Perhaps communications with with the Cyanogenmod 
devs would yield more fruitful advice?


Re: SSD and RAID question

2012-09-18 Thread Christopher Tooley
Hi, this page might give you some useful information on what mdstat gives you:

Christopher Tooley
Systems, HEP/Astronomy UVic

On 2012-09-18, at 10:25 AM, Konstantin Olchanski wrote:

 On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 08:46:34PM -0700, Todd And Margo Chester wrote:
 Yes, I did miss the sda on all four partitions.  Does the
 [2/1] mean this is the first of two drives?
 Please RTFM.
 Somehow you expect this list to teach you how to read the output of 
 Please believe me, you will learn much more and understand things much better
 by reading the MD/mdadm documentation first.
 A good place to start is the R** H** system administrators guides.
 Konstantin Olchanski
 Data Acquisition Systems: The Bytes Must Flow!
 Email: olchansk-at-triumf-dot-ca
 Snail mail: 4004 Wesbrook Mall, TRIUMF, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 2A3, Canada


2012-08-31 Thread Christopher Tooley
Another option is to perform a 'net install - smaller image to download and 
only the packages specified for install are downloaded (as far as I understand 
it, anyway)

Christopher Tooley
Systems, HEP/Astronomy UVic

On 2012-08-31, at 9:57 AM, Henrique Junior wrote:

You have downloaded the right image. Have you checked it?[1]
To prevent errors I always download my images using torrent

[1] -

2012/8/31 Müller-Reineke, Matthias
Dear Scientific users,

i've tried to install Scientific Linux 6.3 from the image named 
SL-63-x86_64-2012-08-02tel:64-2012-08-02-Install-DVD.iso .
What ever I try I am told: Please insert Scientific Linux disc 1 to continue. 
(see appended picture).
The iso image is 4 GB large so i thought it contains everything for a 
standard/small installation.
Is this a bug? I can hardly imagine that the iso image is useless.

Which iso image is for which purpose?
I want to install a minimalistic system from as few media as possible.

Matthias Müller-Reineke

Grundeigentümer-Versicherung VVaG
Große Bäckerstraße 7
20095 Hamburg
Tel: 040 - 3 76 63 - 199
Fax: 040 - 3 76 63 - 98 199


Firmensitz: Hamburg HRB 13 103
Vorstand: Heinz Walter Berens (Vors.), Rüdiger Buyten
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Peter Landmann

Henrique LonelySpooky Junior

Re: Procmail problem

2012-08-23 Thread Christopher Tooley
Hi Anne,

For me, it's sendmail that provides that - I found this out by using yum 
provides ala:

yum provides /etc/smrsh


On 2012-08-23, at 3:10 AM, Anne Wilson wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 On 23/08/12 10:07, Andrey Y. Shevel wrote:
 Did you check the content of the directory /etc/smrsh ?
 I don't have that directory - and I don't ever recall seeing one.
 What package creates it?
 On Wed, 22 Aug 2012, Anne Wilson wrote:
 Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2012 12:33:09 +0100 From: Anne Wilson To: Gerald Waugh, SL Users Subject: Re: Procmail problem
 On 21/08/12 20:02, Gerald Waugh wrote:
 On 08/21/2012 01:50 PM, Anne Wilson wrote:
 For reasons not relevant to this list, I've been using
 GMail to read my mail for a while, so I hadn't noticed that
 my local mail server now has big problems.
 I see mail arriving there in maillog, and my .forward file 
 passes it to procmail - but procmail appears to be not
 doing its stuff - the messages aren't being delivered at
 What could be wrong?
 What is in  your .procmailrc $HOME/.procmailrc
 Thanks for answering.  .procmailrc is a restored file that worked 
 perfectly before - I'll give you the details if you still want to
 see it after reading this.
 Digging around in logs I found that there have been some problems
 with perl updates - and I assume that procmail is a perl app.  It
 seems likely that I messed things up when setting repo priorities,
 so I set out to clean things up.
 First I removed the packages that wouldn't update, keeping a list
 so that I can restore them as soon as I have the problem sorted,
 and tweaked the priorities of rpmforge, since that seems to be the
 one that was missing out.  At first I thought that had done it, as
 I got a clean list of updates about to perform.  Unfortunately, I
 then got a transaction error -
 file /sbin/extlinux from install of syslinux-4.05-1.el6.rfx.x86_64 
 conflicts with file from package
 If I try to update the remaining packages as they stand at present
 I get
 Error: glibc-2.12-1.25.el6.i686 (sl) Requires: glibc-common =
 2.12-1.25.el6 Installed: glibc-common-
 (@sl-security) glibc-common = Available:
 glibc-common-2.12-1.25.el6.x86_64 (sl) glibc-common =
 I thought of removing glibc, again, to instantly re-install, to
 ensure I got the right version, but that promises to remove
 hundreds of packages, so I abandoned that idea.
 By now I am completely out of my depth.  Is it possible to repair
 this system, or would be simpler to just abandon it, and try a
 clean install, setting up everything afresh?  I hate to be beaten,
 but a broken system is a liability.
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Re: DBus and nautilus

2012-08-09 Thread Christopher Tooley
As a follow up, it looks like the server to which the user was connecting was 
leaving sftp-server processes running.

Another issue was the user's bashrc was printing some extra characters to 
screen even when connecting to sftp - so nautilus was bugging out on that.

I had originally thought this was a nautilus error but it looks more like there 
was an issue on the server than with the client machine.

Christopher Tooley
Systems, HEP/Astronomy UVic

On 2012-07-30, at 5:05 PM, Christopher Tooley wrote:

 Hello all,
 It looks like one of my SL6.2 machines is not correctly hooking up with dbus 
 - a user has some bookmarks defined as sftp links, and they are no longer 
 working after a restart on the weekend.
 The error reported is:
 Could not open location 'sftp://user@remote/dir'
 DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. 
 Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the 
 message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or 
 the network connection was broken.
 Is this a known problem, and is there a fix, or is this more likely something 
 on my end (I don't have access to the server the user is attempting to access 
 with sftp, so I can't test other systems very well)

DBus and nautilus

2012-07-30 Thread Christopher Tooley
Hello all,

It looks like one of my SL6.2 machines is not correctly hooking up with dbus - 
a user has some bookmarks defined as sftp links, and they are no longer working 
after a restart on the weekend.

The error reported is:
Could not open location 'sftp://user@remote/dir'
DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Did not receive a reply. 
Possible causes include: the remote application did not send a reply, the 
message bus security policy blocked the reply, the reply timeout expired, or 
the network connection was broken.

Is this a known problem, and is there a fix, or is this more likely something 
on my end (I don't have access to the server the user is attempting to access 
with sftp, so I can't test other systems very well)


Re: SL on ARM

2012-06-28 Thread Christopher Tooley
On 2012-06-08, at 10:27 PM, Mark Rousell wrote:
 On 26/03/2012 19:33, Konstantin Olchanski wrote:
 no-one received, online videos, founders are demonstrating, preorder 
 now and available soon is the definition of vaporware.
 One official vendor is:
 read forum postings observe promised shipping dates in May-June.
 Bottom line is I cannot buy it, you cannot buy it. (For buy == it's in my 
 hands. Not some promise to mail it to me later).
 Just to update this, the Raspberry Pi is real and is now shipping. You
 can now buy it and receive it in your hands.
 It looks likely to spawn a new generation of ARM-based devices in the
 same price range. I would have thought that such devices would be an
 ideal target for SL.
 PGP public key:
 Key ID: C9C5C162

Further update:

I have a Raspberry Pi in my grubby little paws right now - so, yeah, definitely 
not vaporware ;)


Re: G Drive

2012-05-22 Thread Christopher Tooley
 Maybe we were given a stunted version to test, but on Google's own OS 
 and Mac OSX we had to deliberately drag  drop each file that we wanted 
 saved to the local computer for access offline.

I thought I would just verify that, on my Mac OS X (10.7.4) Core 2 Duo Macbook 
Pro with Google drive installed, I can see the data in the google drive when I 
am disconnected from the network. I have turned off wireless, unplugged the 
network, and verified that no network connections exist, and still I can access 
data in the google drive folder :) So unless I understand you incorrectly, they 
did probably give you a stunted or buggy version.

But yeah, essentially, you have to implicitly trust these companies to be 
arbiters of your information; I don't, so right now it's more of a novelty that 
allows me to share some interesting things with friends.


Re: DropBox - was Re: G Drive

2012-05-22 Thread Christopher Tooley
On 2012-05-19, at 4:09 AM, Dr Andrew C Aitchison wrote:

 On Fri, 18 May 2012, Christopher Tooley wrote:
 Dropbox works fantastically with Scientific Linux,
 and it's been around for a while now.
 Which SL and which DropBox implementation are you using ?

[root@computer ~]# cat /NotRootUserHomeDir/.dropbox-dist/VERSION  echo  
 cat /etc/redhat-release 
Scientific Linux release 6.0 (Carbon)

So, it's a slightly older version (OS and DB)

 The packages I've tried either on SL5 didn't install
 or run daemons as root - which I consider totally unacceptable
 on a multi-user system.

I assume you've tried these instructions?

Maybe they've changed since the last time? Dropbox is pretty active with their 

 Selective Sync - which appears to be new since I looked at
 DropBox - may be the answer, but there used to be a requirement
 that you kept as much free disk space on your computer as your
 DropBox account had. That is a major issue when the DropBox
 default quota is larger than the default quota we give our users.

Ah.  I am unsure if this requirement has changed.


Re: G Drive

2012-05-18 Thread Christopher Tooley
Thought I would chime in here.

 Also, I didn't mention this because I thought it was obvious, but you 
 don't exactly mount the Google Drive. Its basically like a 
 feature-deprived version of Dropbox with an even worse privacy policy 
 that only integrates with Google products. It is absolutely not 
 available offline -- and actual syncing has to be a deliberate choice, 
 every time, so actually saving to a local drive you own for real is not 
 automatic or even reasonably hassle-free. So this sort of sucks.

If you don't have a google drive client, this is correct. This means all linux, 
currently, but google drive on Mac and Windows appears to be almost exactly 
like dropbox, save for any differences in licensing issues - sync looks to me 
to be automatic on the mac, and is as painless as dropbox.

 If you've got no experience whatever with this sort of thing these are 
 probably the points you are curious about from a consumer's point of view.

Dropbox works fantastically with Scientific Linux, and it's been around for a 
while now. There's also sparkleshare, which is uses git to coordinate between 
your own computers. Dunno how well that works for people, but it's open source 
and doesn't look like it requires a central server ala google drive or dropbox.


Indeed, you cannot mount a google drive like a network drive (i.e. no mount -t 
googledrive), and I suspect once a linux client is released it will be similar 
in scope and methodology to dropbox, as the mac and windows clients seem to be.


Re: Whitelisting websites

2012-05-14 Thread Christopher Tooley
 It isn't clear if you are looking to provide your user with some
 voluntary self-filtering or if your user wants to impose filtering on

Ah, apologies to everyone!  (I was curious about the political statement).  
It is indeed *self* inflicted.  The user is having trouble getting his work 
done and finds his own behaviour online detrimental to his work process.

 People gave you ideas about the latter.  For the former there
 are various browser plugins that your user can install to self-manage
 their own filtering.  For example Chrome's Personal Blocklist
 extension.  Although the emphasis there looks to be default-allow rather
 than default-deny.

I figured if the user has issues to the point of requesting that I whitelist 
websites he may not find a plugin for browsers useful (i.e. easy to 
circumvent), however, I did encounter these options as well in my google 
searches so I will suggest this as an option.

Thanks everyone!

Whitelisting websites

2012-05-11 Thread Christopher Tooley
Hello All,

I've been requested to whitelist websites for a local user here, apparently the 
internet is extremely distracting for work, save for certain sites - has anyone 
done something like this before? I know I could put IPs and website addresses 
in /etc/hosts, but I don't want to have to fix the hosts file whenever IPs 

This will be entirely for one computer.

The only thing I can think of is to have a cron script that will periodically 
update the /etc/hosts file with the correct IPs and addresses - any other 


Re: Startx Problem

2012-05-09 Thread Christopher Tooley
On 2012-05-08, at 11:20 PM, vivek chalotra wrote:

 I am installing SLC 5.8 64 bit in HP Pavilion g6 notebook. It has installed 
 sucessfully but its giving error in starting the X server.

Vivek, there is an xorg log in which the X server will output any errors 
prepended with (EE) located at /var/log/Xorg.#.log.

If you paste into an email what the (EE) line is, we can probably help you out 
a bit more.

The g6 apparently has integrated intel graphics hardware, so there shouldn't be 
any problems with graphics drivers - but we can't tell until you give us what 
the error says :)

Hope this helps!

Re: new to scientific

2012-05-09 Thread Christopher Tooley
On 2012-05-08, at 12:12 PM, Tam Nguyen wrote:

I think this is what you're looking for:

For a bit further clarification for Bob:

Just in case you didn't know, CentOS and Scientific Linux are both based off of 
the same open source operating system, provided by a vendor which shall remain 
nameless (Rhymes with Ned Spat). So a lot of advice that people give for CentOS 
can apply for Scientific Linux and vice versa. ;)

The compiz control panel is ccsm (Compiz Config Settings Manager), try using 
YUM to figure out where that comes from:

# yum provides */ccsm
(I don't think it's on the standard repos)

Try also:
# yum search compiz

There is an alt repo which you can install: rpmforge

You can install this repo with yum:

#yum install yum-conf-rpmforge

There are a number of extra packages on there - hope this helps!


Re: Anyone fire up w8 preview in KVM?

2012-03-30 Thread Christopher Tooley
I have also set up windows 8 preview in a VirtualBox environment, and it works 
just fine (my host is not super fast though, so the vm was pretty slow). Very 
interesting and, to me, compelling, interface; I'm wondering how easily the 
average user will get used to it.

Christopher Tooley
Systems, HEP/Astronomy UVic

On 2012-03-30, at 4:08 AM, Kevin Wood wrote:

I haven't, but just wanted to say that both VirtualBox and VMWare Player run 
fine under SL6.0, and provide a much better user experience than KVM. I've run 
XP and and W7 with no issues using VBox and VMWare.

From: Todd And Margo Chester
To: Scientific Linux Users
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2012 10:10 PM
Subject: Anyone fire up w8 preview in KVM?

Hi All,

Anyone fire up Windows 8 Consumer Preview in KVM?
Any tips, suggestions?

Many thanks,

Re: SL on ARM

2012-03-26 Thread Christopher Tooley
On 2012-03-26, at 8:10 AM, Konstantin Olchanski wrote:

 On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 10:38:31AM +0100, Gordan Bobic wrote:
 ... similar ARM distro ...
 But this is very theoretical as there are no common ARM hardware to run on. 
 (links to newegg, please!)
 But this is very useful as we move from embedded Intel to embeded ARM 
 (embedded Intel=CPU+NB+SB+eth
 chips; embedded ARM=synthesised CPU inside an FPGA or real CPU inside an 
 FPGA+, RAM, maybe+separate eth chip).
 Konstantin Olchanski
 Data Acquisition Systems: The Bytes Must Flow!
 Email: olchansk-at-triumf-dot-ca
 Snail mail: 4004 Wesbrook Mall, TRIUMF, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 2A3, Canada


As an example of a platform that seems to be getting a lot of attention and 
possibly very good distribution worldwide, Raspberry Pi is a small, cheap ARM 
computer the size of a credit card. I can see scientific linux being a boon for 
educators who choose RaspPi as a platform.

Currently, there is huge demand, so the board sold out quickly, but there is 
plenty of information at the site. Of particular note is the fact that the 
Raspberry Pi foundation is a not-for-profit UK charity, intending to bring 
computing to schools and education in order to increase the number of 
programmers worldwide.

Allied Electronics and Element 14 seem to be the current distributors.


Re: SL on ARM

2012-03-26 Thread Christopher Tooley
On 2012-03-26, at 10:08 AM, Konstantin Olchanski wrote:

 On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 10:38:31AM +0100, Gordan Bobic wrote:
 On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 09:18:19AM -0700, Christopher Tooley wrote:
 As I understand, the raspberry machine does not exist. As reported elsewhere,
 the first batch of production boards was assembled with a wrong part
 resulting in non-working ethernet. I did not see any reports of following
 production batches (fully working or not).

While no-one has yet received a pi, I doubt that it's vaporware ;) There are 
copious RPi videos online demoing xbmc among other things, and the founders are 
routinely demonstrating pis running at various physical events (recently the 
Beeb@30 event).

 For those not familiar with this, it's an SBC built using a smart-phone ARM 

Yep! more information here:

The SoC is a Broadcom BCM2835. This contains an ARM1176JZFS, with floating 
point, running at 700Mhz, and a Videocore 4 GPU. The GPU is capable of BluRay 
quality playback, using H.264 at 40MBits/s. It has a fast 3D core accessed 
using the supplied OpenGL ES2.0 and OpenVG libraries.

It is supposed to cost about $25 - $35.

I've pre-ordered one, but I doubt I will get one of the first batch. Apparently 
the 1 they built sold out handily.


Installing packages from CTAN for latex?

2012-03-20 Thread Christopher Tooley
Hello all,

I'm sure someone has experience with this:

How do I install packages from CTAN onto a SL5.5 system (for example: I can't seem to find a CTAN package in yum, 
and there's no tlmgr nor mpm on the repos as far as I can tell..?  I suppose I 
can install it manually but there are package managers out there for a reason ;)


Re: Video editing help needed

2012-02-21 Thread Christopher Tooley
On 2012-02-21, at 11:01 AM, Anne Wilson wrote:

 Hash: SHA1
 On 19/02/12 19:57, Kevin Wood wrote:
 Kino has captured the clip and I can see the timeline, but of
 it is in .kino format.  I thought that .mov might be the best bet,
 but kino crashes if you ask it to save to .mov. 
 You should probably target .avi or maybe .mp4 as a good
 cross-platform choice. Kino should give you an option to pick your
 output format for final render, so it shouldn't matter if it uses
 .kino format internally. However, you should create a short test
 clip and try it out in PowerPoint etc. before getting too
 If you get really stuck and need off-list help, send me an email 
 directly and I'll see what I can do.
 I really appreciate that offer.  As it turned out, I didn't need it
 though :-)
 Just to wrap up, and in case someone reads the archives, I found that
 the owner of the file preferred a playable DVD to use alongside her
 presentation, rather than embedding into it.
 Fortunately little editing was required, as Kino doesn't seem too able
 in that department.  However, I found I could create an mpeg file from
 it, and from there I could doctor the xml file to a standard dvdauthor
 xml file.  I did hit a bit of trouble as K3b twice burned the content
 then failed to write the finalisation of the disk, giving an error
 message.  I moved the files to this laptop and burned here, testing on
 a stand-alone player, and all is well. :-)
 My previous experience of command-line use (mjpegtools) was helpful.
 I think if more detailed editing was required it would be best to
 output an .avi from Kino, and use mjpegtools to edit it.
 Thanks again for the offer of help, and thanks also to Chris.
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.12 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Also for future reference, pitivi ( seems to be a really 
good and easy to use video editor. I am unsure of whether it's available in the 
SL repos, but I am sure you can compile and install.  ffmpeg 
( is also a great resource for converting from one movie 
file to another (even audio files too!), so as long as you can output in some 
sort of movie format from kino (or pitivi!), you could conceivably get ffmpeg 
to convert it for you.

-a different Chris

Adobe Reader 9 + 64 bit SL6...?

2012-01-31 Thread Christopher Tooley
Hello all,

I've been trying to get Adobe Reader 9 working on a machine I take care of, and 
it won't run when not run by root.

I have installed the adobe-release repo, and installed adobe reader with 
yum install AdobeReader_enu

Users log into this machine and their home directory is mounted over NFS.
The machine is 64 bit Scientific Linux release 6.0 (Carbon)

$ yum info AdobeReader_enu
Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit
Available Packages
Name   : AdobeReader_enu
Arch   : i486
Version: 9.4.6
Release: 1
Size   : 57 M
Repo   : adobe-linux-i386
Summary: Adobe Reader, an application to easily view, print and collaborate 
on PDF files.
License: Commercial
Description: Adobe Reader software is the global standard for electronic 
document sharing. It is the only PDF file viewer that can open and interact 
with all PDF documents. Use Adobe Reader to view, search,
   : digitally sign, verify, print, and collaborate on Adobe PDF files.

(this the yum info is after having uninstalled the application, which is why it 
shows the repo as adobe-linux-i386 and not installed

When I run acroread as root, Adobe Reader starts up fine.
When I run acroread as any other user (all other users use an NFS mounted 
home directory) Reader won't start.

Doing an strace shows that the reader hits a segfault when run as any user 
other than root - and I can't tell why it's segfaulting. The strace doesn't 
actually tell me anything interesting beyond that, other than the fact that 
reader stats the local directory several times.

I've managed to coax a crash log from adobe reader, but I get some simple 
list that doesn't tell me much of anything:
/usr/bin/acroread [0x8508e25] [@0x8048000]
(__kernel_sigreturn+0x0) [0x110400] [@0x11]
/usr/bin/acroread [0x850c0ac] [@0x8048000]
/usr/bin/acroread(main+0x87) [0x85705c5] [@0x8048000]
/lib/ [0x3e07ce6] [@0x3df1000]

Looking at the acroread command itself, it appears to be a complex script 
which then bootloads a bunch of library files and then loads reader from 
another directory. I've attempted to recreate this script minimally by setting 
the LD_LIBRARY_PATH as set in the script and then run the binary, but it then 
proceeds to complain at me that I am not starting it up via the script.  
Bananas, I tell you!

Well, I spent the better part of an hour attempting to get it working, and will 
continue to attempt to get it working, but has anyone experienced this before? 
perhaps someone can shed some light on my predicament?  Maybe an update to 6.1 
is in order?

Christopher Tooley
Systems, HEP/Astronomy UVic

Re: Adobe Reader 9 + 64 bit SL6...?

2012-01-31 Thread Christopher Tooley
 I've found that under certain circumstances Adobe Reader 9 requires
 that nscd be running.  I'm not certain why.  In my setup user accounts
 are via LDAP, and I'd assumed that was the issue, but it may go
 further.  I'd suggest starting nscd and seeing if that fixes it.

That did it!

Started nscd, reinstalled AdobeReader_enu and now it works. What a bizarre 
solution. Thank you so much for the help!

Christopher Tooley
Systems, HEP/Astronomy UVic

Re: SL6.1 installer requires internet connection?

2011-11-23 Thread Christopher Tooley
On 2011-11-22, at 5:22 PM, Konstantin Olchanski wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 03:39:16PM -0800, Christopher Tooley wrote:
 You might also be able to make a bootable USB stick by using the tool found 
 You can select any Live CD you wish I think.
 But I am not making a Live CD. I am making an Installer disk. But perhaps 
 the tool is misnamed.
 Konstantin Olchanski
 Data Acquisition Systems: The Bytes Must Flow!
 Email: olchansk-at-triumf-dot-ca
 Snail mail: 4004 Wesbrook Mall, TRIUMF, Vancouver, B.C., V6T 2A3, Canada

It stands to reason that it makes it treats all bootable CDs the same way?  
Though perhaps I make an assumption that is incorrect :)

Christopher Tooley
Systems, HEP/Astronomy UVic

Re: SL6.1 installer requires internet connection?

2011-11-22 Thread Christopher Tooley
On 2011-11-22, at 3:18 PM, Konstantin Olchanski wrote:

 On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 04:09:15PM -0600, Connie Sieh wrote:
 On Tue, 22 Nov 2011, Konstantin Olchanski wrote:
 Hi, SL users - I have constructed an SL6 installer USB disk and it works
 but after asking all the questions, right before starting to install 
 it stops and requests that there be an active network connection. The 
 does not seem to proceed until the machine acquires an internet connection.
 Why is this?
 How did you make the USB image?

Hello All,

You might also be able to make a bootable USB stick by using the tool found 

You can select any Live CD you wish I think.


Re: hardware upgrade

2011-11-21 Thread Christopher Tooley
I have actually upgraded a machine from i686 to x86_64 (different point 
releases), but there are a number of files not upgraded that bugger up yum. You 
would have to search through a number of /etc/ and /usr/lib/ and /usr/share 
files (iirc) that contain various bits regarding the architecture of the 
machine. I got it working, but ended up reinstalling the OS anyway, and I 
wouldn't recommend the hassle :P

After all that tinkering, I agree with the clean is better sentiment.


On 2011-11-21, at 6:42 AM, Andrew Z wrote:

Thank you for reply. I like things clean , so ill ill do just that - backup and 
wipe out.
Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

Vladimir Mosgalin 

Hi Andrew Z!

 On 2011.11.21 at 01:07:44 -0500, Andrew Z wrote next:

 all this brings me to a simple question - how do i move from i686 SL 6.1
 that was running on Sempron to Phenom ( which is 64 and 4 cores ) system?

There isn't a good way to move from i686 system to x86-64 with upgrade.
Sure, it can be performed as a big hack, but really it's not something
one should do, and it's not supported in any way.

If you are fine with using i686 system, then you usually don't need to
do anything on such hardware upgrade - the only typical minor problem
can be with ide controller detection (driver for new controller is not
present in old initrd). It can be fixed in various ways - for example, I
prefer booting rescue mode, going to console, mounting old system,
chrooting into it and running mkinitrd or reinstalling

If you want to move to x86-64, then you have to reinstall system, as in
real reinstall, not upgrade; depending on your partition scheme /home
might be preserved, or you might need full backup, clean reinstall and
then restore of parts you need. Or, if your VG has enough free space,
you can just create new LVs during installation, install there then copy
data you need from old LVs.

Installing from usb should be no problem, be that usb flash drive or usb



Re: ~user

2011-11-21 Thread Christopher Tooley

As far as I know, changing *only* ~smd/public_html to 755 should be sufficient. 
 Changing your home directory to readable/executable by all is not very private 
unless you're on a machine that has only one user. :)


On 2011-11-21, at 9:14 AM, Steven J. Yellin wrote:

 Try changing permissions on the smd directory (and smd/public_html if 
 necessary) with 'chmod 755 smd', provided you're willing to let all users 
 read the smd directory.
 Steven Yellin
 On Mon, 21 Nov 2011, Dr. Sunil M. Dogra wrote:
 Thank you for reply,
 I changed /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf accordingly but still have permission
 problem. Any help ?
 drwx--x--x 56 smd  smd   4096 Nov 19 12:18 smd
 #UserDir disable
 UserDir public_html
 that means it should look for /home/smd/public_html/index.html
 but even then It gave following error
 You don't have permission to access /~smd/ on this server.
 With Best Regards
 On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 1:21 PM, Steven J. Yellin
   See comments and other lines around every reference to UserDir in
 Steven Yellin
 On Mon, 21 Nov 2011, Dr. Sunil M. Dogra wrote:
 May be a easy question.
 I have web-server  and now would like to create users so that they have
 personal pages like
 Please suggest ?
 Thank you
 With best Regards

Re: console slowness in sl6.1

2011-11-17 Thread Christopher Tooley
I haven't experienced this myself, but I can offer some possible 
troubleshooting tips :)

See if it happens in xterm as well. If so, it might have something to do with 
your bashrc or bash_profile (if you're using bash, that is, others have 
different preference files)

If it doesn't slow down in xterm, try konsole to double check that it's 
something up with gnome-terminal and/or launch gnome-terminal from xterm, there 
may be some error statements being flushed to STDIN that may help diagnose 


On 2011-11-17, at 6:02 AM, Yi Ding wrote:

 Hi everyone,
 First time scientific linux user.  I'm having a strange issue that I
 haven't seen on any other installation.  Basically at random
 intervals, my GNOME Terminal (and/or any other terminals I'm using,
 for example SSH from another machine) slows down to a crawl.  This
 slowness doesn't seem to affect my GUI applications, and when I run
 top, there's no signs of high cpu or memory usage.
 Has anyone else had this problem?  Can someone suggest a solution?

Re: console slowness in sl6.1

2011-11-17 Thread Christopher Tooley
I can see from your original email that I missed the
(and/or any other terminals I'm using, for example SSH from another machine)
part. :\  Derp on my part!

Have you modified your /etc/bash_profile at all?  I would assume that if this 
is a clean install the software should be fine...

If you feel adventurous, check out the man pages for strace and do an strace 
on bash itself :)  There may be some errors popping up that are not clear from 
just running it.


On 2011-11-17, at 9:35 AM, Yi Ding wrote:

 Thanks for the suggestions Chris.  The reason I think it's a global
 terminal issue rather than a GNOME terminal problem is that it also
 happens when I SSH in from my windows machine (which is on the same
 LAN).  Also, programs running inside the terminal will slow down, for
 example top will refresh slower than it would normally.  It also
 affects everyone who's logged in, not just me.
 On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 11:32 AM, Christopher Tooley wrote:
 I haven't experienced this myself, but I can offer some possible 
 troubleshooting tips :)
 See if it happens in xterm as well. If so, it might have something to do 
 with your bashrc or bash_profile (if you're using bash, that is, others have 
 different preference files)
 If it doesn't slow down in xterm, try konsole to double check that it's 
 something up with gnome-terminal and/or launch gnome-terminal from xterm, 
 there may be some error statements being flushed to STDIN that may help 
 diagnose it...
 On 2011-11-17, at 6:02 AM, Yi Ding wrote:
 Hi everyone,
 First time scientific linux user.  I'm having a strange issue that I
 haven't seen on any other installation.  Basically at random
 intervals, my GNOME Terminal (and/or any other terminals I'm using,
 for example SSH from another machine) slows down to a crawl.  This
 slowness doesn't seem to affect my GUI applications, and when I run
 top, there's no signs of high cpu or memory usage.
 Has anyone else had this problem?  Can someone suggest a solution?

Re: Trident Cyberblade XP 2 driver EL 5.7

2011-11-07 Thread Christopher Tooley
# yum search trident
Loaded plugins: kernel-module
=== Matched: trident ===
xorg-x11-drv-trident.i386 : Xorg X11 trident video driver

# yum info xorg-x11-drv-trident
Loaded plugins: kernel-module
Installed Packages
Name   : xorg-x11-drv-trident
Arch   : i386
Version: 1.2.1
Release: 3.fc6
Size   : 163 k
Repo   : installed
Summary: Xorg X11 trident video driver
License: MIT/X11
Description: X.Org X11 trident video driver.

# cat /etc/redhat-release 
Scientific Linux SL release 5.5 (Boron)

(thinking to myself: curious, I thought I had an ATI card in this machine?)

# lspci | grep -i vga
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV100 QY [Radeon 


It looks to me like it's installed automatically in SL5, unless they've taken 
it out on versions  SL5.5 (I don't have a trident video card in this 
particular machine) Perhaps I've misunderstood the question?


On 2011-11-04, at 1:55 PM, YASHA KARANT wrote:

 Does anyone have a xorg driver for EL 5.7 for /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers 
 for a Trident Cyberblade XP 2?  The specific
 information came from the Device Manager GUI.
 The xorg.conf stanza I need to support is:
 Section Device
### Available Driver options are:-
### Values: i: integer, f: float, bool: True/False,
### string: String, freq: f Hz/kHz/MHz
### [arg]: arg optional
#Option ShadowFB  # [bool]
#Option DefaultRefresh# [bool]
Identifier  Videocard1
Driver  trident
VendorName  Villagetronic
BoardName   VTBook
BusID   PCI:3:0:0
Option  Int10 off
Option  SetMClk 133.039MHz
Option  Display DVI
 Yasha Karant

Re: Moving from EL N to EL N+1

2011-11-07 Thread Christopher Tooley
 I have been informed that update will not work from EL N to EL N+1 for 
 major releases, only for minor sub-releases (EL 6.0 to EL 6.1, etc.). 

They were probably thinking about the yum update procedure. The DVD/CD update 
procedure is definitely available - though perhaps not as nice as a complete 
clean install.


Re: Moving from EL N to EL N+1

2011-11-07 Thread Christopher Tooley
On 2011-11-07, at 10:53 AM, Yasha Karant wrote:

 This was the exact procedure that I requested from the SL support staff 
 -- using the bootable install DVD for SL 6 to update a SL 5 system, and 
 was told that such a procedure is not recommended and is not supported 
 as one of the options presented in the SL 6 installation GUI.
 Would you kindly supply the exact steps using the SL 6 bootable install DVD?

Hrm, I find that peculiar, it has been an option in the past. I can understand 
if it's not recommended, but as far as I know it's present as an option in 
about the first or second screen of the anakonda installer.  Perhaps they were 
thinking about the liveCD and not the installation media?

I cannot confirm this as I usually just wipe and install the OS, perhaps 
someone else with recent experience can supply this information?


Re: Moving from EL N to EL N+1

2011-11-07 Thread Christopher Tooley
Apologies if I've muddied the waters regarding this!  Please do not take my 
word over Connie's or anyone else on the SL support staff!!


Re: MySQL Performance and Replication??

2011-10-28 Thread Christopher Tooley
Apologies, forgot to post to the list :P

For optimisation: 
I've found that going over the SQL queries and attempting to pare them down a 
bit helps a lot. Use EXPLAIN and become familiar with it's syntax, it will 
tell you how it's doing the queries and you can then optimize. (for instance, 
there may be JOIN clause that makes MySQL look through all rows instead of an 
index or something like that)

If you find that it's doing a lookup on a column frequently, try giving that an 

Also, depending upon what sort of queries you are doing, you may find better 
performance by switching the backend engine of the specific table.

I would also recommend checking out memcached, especially if you are only 
reading information frequently, and you've got a lot of memory on your server - 
it will cache more common results in memory.

I'm sure there are some other things I am missing, but I've found that these 
are the better options. (especially revisiting your heavy queries)

As for replication, I've always left that to the sysadmins when I was a 
developer. :P


On 2011-10-28, at 12:46 PM, Phong Nguyen wrote:

 There's the basic hardware options - more spindles (in RAID-10) or 
 supercapacitor-backed SSDs, etc. Check your queries and see if you can 
 optimize them to return less data. 
 There's also Percona's fork of MySQL, which is reputed to be better-optimized 
 and tuned (and is available freely on RHEL and Debian type systems complete 
 with repositories, )
 Replication documentation is available here:
 On 28 Oct 2011, at 1335, Pablo Cavero wrote:
 Some one have any tips to have a better performance on MySQL, and a 
 procedure to make a Master and Slave Replication MySQL system.
 Thnks a lot,
 Pablo Cavero
 System Engineer
 +569 8920 9509

Re: SL 5.7 Intel Integrated HD Graphics 3000 SandyBridge

2011-10-17 Thread Christopher Tooley
On 2011-10-17, at 9:20 AM, Yasha Karant wrote:

 On 10/17/2011 06:38 AM, Mark Stodola wrote:
 Now I have a decision to make:  IA-32 SL 6.1 or X86-64 SL 6.1 .  The 
 processor will support X86-64, but the machine only has 4 Mbyte of RAM 
 as delivered (upgradeable to 8 Mbyte -- but this is a cost) -- which is 
 only 0.5 Mword in X86-64 64 bit mode.  The hard drive is 500 Gbyte SATA 
 at 5400 RPM -- not a high performance unit.
 There is no special need for 64 bit work on the machine that primarily 
 is an end-user linux workstation: web browser (including use of 
 university services only available through such an interface), IMAP 
 email client, OpenOffice, various LaTeX interfaces, some display of 
 video, use of Linux VirtualBox to use MS Win (for which the unit is 
 licensed) to use a MS Win only application, but no development or 
 programming -- and the ability for a skilled end user under Network 
 Manager to connect to whatever 802.11 WAP that is available without my 
 Thus, my feeling is to stay with the IA-32 environment.  Any thoughts to 
 the contrary?
 Yasha Karant

I would recommend using 64 bit for any virtual machine usage.  Besides which, I 
think the only thing that wasn't 64 bit on linux for desktops was flash-plugin 
- which, I think is no longer the case (I cannot find any references though, 
anyone care to correct/confirm me?)

Re: stand-alone SL 6.1 DVD for laptop evaluation

2011-10-11 Thread Christopher Tooley
On 2011-10-09, at 10:38 AM, Yasha Karant wrote:

 On 10/09/2011 09:56 AM, Andrew Z wrote:
 Sorry to hear Yasha about the trouble with lappy.
 May i suggest to look into tablets?
 Another idea maybe to look at fatwallet, I just saw a few deals for smth
 around $300 or so.
 Sent from my Android phone with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
 Yasha Karant wrote:
My wife's laptop recently was stolen, and the university will NOT
replace it because her Department has no money and she currently has no
open grants.  I routinely install EL on all machines over which I have
any say; we need to replace her laptop as soon as possible so that we do
not have to share laptops.  She only needs a browser, office suite, PDF
manipulation, and Thunderbird/Lightning -- she does not need a heavy
duty graphics/visualisation or development unit.  (Firefox, OpenOffice,
Thunderbird/Lightning, VirtualBox running MS Win for MS Win specific
applications, etc., suffice for her needs.)
We have seen several discounted/sale/close-out laptops with dual layer
DVD burners, etc., of a size she will accept (smallish screen, low mass
unit).  I insist on at least a battery that can be replaced without
laptop, and a mains supply power plug that is
supported by iGo.
I have made a bootable DVD from the current standalone (no install)
bootable SL 6.1 IA-32 image (a bit larger than 2 Gbyte -- I do not
recall the exact file name but there were only two choices -- a smaller
one and the full one -- I chose full).
On none of the test machines did the 802.11 interface activate, nor is
there any sign of Gnome NetworkManager (I prefer NetworkManager for
end-user machines that must go to the field).
My intention was to use the SL 6.1 stand alone IA-32 as a way of testing
that all needed drivers are present in the stock image, as I know that
other than in those nations in which Microsoft has been found to be a
monopoly and meaningful remedies enforced, some IA-32 hardware only has
a MS Win driver, forcing the unpleasant use of NDIS (that I plan to 
I could go back to the in
of what is supplied on the image file
that I burned, but to save me time, does anyone know if the 802.11
drivers are part of that image?  Is NetworkManager?  Is the image
configured to connect automatically (including activating the 802.11
interface)?  The DVD did boot, Gnome did come up, and the sound test
indicated that the sound interface was recognized -- but no 802.11 and
thus no Internet (via DHCP).
Any information or suggestions would be helpful.
Yasha Karant
 Thank you for the kind suggestions.  Again, my wife wants a small laptop 
 (not a microscopic one based upon an Atom processor) with a dual layer 
 DVD burner, USB 2 (and preferably 3 but that probably is not 
 affordable), 802.3 RJ-45 and 802.11, etc.  She definitely wants a 
 keyboard using standard size keys (not necessarily a full complement -- 
 no requirement for a numeric keypad on the keyboard).
 I am thinking of a fat wallet to replace the non-existant PDA (mine has 
 As we are paying for it (owned by the university, thus not under our 
 personal insurance), we are looking for $300 US or so.
 Yasha Karant

Yasha, a better solution for a desktop/laptop computer may be to use ubuntu or 
maybe Fedora... Or, perhaps, just try the LiveCDs, and if *those* work, see 
what software was used to get it working.

I have had some pretty good success with ubuntu.

You might also try going for a used laptop - maybe a macbook? they all have 
standard hardware and I know that ubuntu at least will run on a 2009/2008 model 
white macbook and will work with the wireless perfectly.


Re: libreoffice 3.4.3

2011-10-07 Thread Christopher Tooley
Hello Larry,

This may be something you want to bring up to the Libreoffice mailing list.  I 
would assume that TUV only packages the software, not modifies it - and they 
would definitely have more expertise in their software than the SL mailing list 
folks :)

LibreOffice mailing lists:


On 2011-10-07, at 1:17 PM, Larry Linder wrote:

 have added a twinkey box around the last used cell - does not follow active 
 cell or #value or anything relevant.
 Its all eye candy - and no one cares about accuracy as long as its pretty.
 As my old grandmother said pretty is and pretty does you can add what you 
 want to quote.
 Larry Linder

Re: How to install VLC player/Chrome/VirtualBox on Scientific-Linux 6.1?

2011-09-30 Thread Christopher Tooley
VLC is in rpmforge. If you install the rpmforge repo:

yum install rpmforge--release

You should be able to install vlc:

yum --enablerepo=rpmforge install vlc

There is also an adobe repository:
yum install adobe-release
then install the flash plugin:
yum install flash-plugin

For virtualbox, you will probably just have to install via their packaged RPM:
they have one specific to EL 6: Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (RHEL6) / Oracle 
Linux 6 (OL6)

As for a paint alternative, there's GIMP available in the SL base repos, just:
yum install gimp.

Apparently you can get chrome running on EL6 by following this tutorial:

I haven't yet tried that though.


On 2011-09-30, at 9:18 AM, lancebaynes87 wrote:

 Using other distribution's repositories is a bad idea, because ex.: Fedora 
 doesn't has 6 years support of a given version of the OS.
 What is the best-practise for Scientific-Linux?
 What are the to-do's after a Minimal Desktop install?
 So the real Question: How can I install a fresh version of these apps on 
 Scientific-Linux 6.1/64bit?:
* VLC player (it's not in the default repositories and all I can find is 
 an outdated VLC in rpmforge)
* Chromium/Google Chrome?
* Flash Player
* VirtualBox
* microsoft paint alternative :D
 Or it is advised to use another media player other then VLC? there are many 
 AVI/WMV/MP4/FLV/etc. videos with many codecs. VLC has many codecs (built-in?) 
 that's why we need it. but fixme if there is a better media player for 

Upgrading from 32bit to 64bit

2011-09-23 Thread Christopher Tooley

What is the procedure for upgrading from 32bit to 64bit? I did an upgrade with 
the CD but now I have authentication failing because it's looking for the 64bit 
versions of nss_ldap and can't find them - so I think I may have missed a step.
[root@host ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release 
Scientific Linux SL release 5.7 (Boron)
[root@host ~]# grep basearch *
[root@host ~]# rpm --eval '%{_arch}'
[root@host ~]# uname -ar
Linux host 2.6.18-274.el5 #1 SMP Thu Jul 21 12:13:11 EDT 2011 x86_64 x86_64 
x86_64 GNU/Linux
[root@host ~]# 

Christopher Tooley
Systems, HEP/Astronomy UVic

Re: Upgrading from 32bit to 64bit

2011-09-23 Thread Christopher Tooley
Hello all,

I may have solved this:
I removed /etc/rpm/platform:
rm /etc/rpm/platform

confirmed that rpm recognized that I had x86_64 arch:
rpm -E '%{_arch}'

and then reinstalled python:
yum install python.x86_64

After doing a couple more installs of the x86_64 bit versions of some pam and 
nss modules I was able to get back to working order.  There are probably some 
other things that may need to be fixed, but yum update isn't showing a whole 
bunch of i386 packages anymore :)

For the record, I did an upgrade with a CD from i386 SL 5.4 to SL 5.7 x86_64.  
Upon rebooting, yum would insist I had 386 arch, and the authentication method 
I had was failing (it was looking for 64 bit versions of the pam modules and 
nss modules).

Christopher Tooley
Systems, HEP/Astronomy UVic

On 2011-09-23, at 4:23 PM, Christopher Tooley wrote:

 What is the procedure for upgrading from 32bit to 64bit? I did an upgrade 
 with the CD but now I have authentication failing because it's looking for 
 the 64bit versions of nss_ldap and can't find them - so I think I may have 
 missed a step.
 [root@host ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release 
 Scientific Linux SL release 5.7 (Boron)
 [root@host ~]# grep basearch *
 [root@host ~]# rpm --eval '%{_arch}'
 [root@host ~]# uname -ar
 Linux host 2.6.18-274.el5 #1 SMP Thu Jul 21 12:13:11 EDT 2011 x86_64 x86_64 
 x86_64 GNU/Linux
 [root@host ~]# 
 Christopher Tooley
 Systems, HEP/Astronomy UVic

Re: .xps files on SL5

2011-09-15 Thread Christopher Tooley
Apologies for the double post, forgot to post to the listserv (maybe other 
people can get some info out of this too):

You might try using kpdf... apparently okular is based upon that.
That's located in the kdegraphics package.  However, it looks like okular is 
specifically the one that reads xps.

There is also ghostxps which can apparently convert from xps to pdf format. 
(you'll probably have to compile that, but it's easy!)

Christopher Tooley

On 2011-09-15, at 8:52 AM, Stephen Isard wrote:

 Can anyone suggest a way to read Microsoft's XML Paper Specification 
 (.xps) files on SL5?  I've found web postings saying that okular can 
 read them, but I can't find a version of that for SL5.  I tried 
 installing kdegraphics, but it wasn't included.  It's apparently on the 
 way for evince, but not here yet.
 Stephen Isard

Re: ddd debugger?

2011-09-13 Thread Christopher Tooley
Nevermind, found it on EPEL :)

For some reason I always get that confused with elrepo. -_-  I had searched on 
elrepo and didn't find it - and assumed that was EPEL, which I *have* used 

Sorry for the chaff on the list!

Christopher Tooley
Systems, HEP/Astronomy UVic

On 2011-09-13, at 11:49 AM, Christopher Tooley wrote:

 Anyone installed ddd on SL6 before? Did you get it from a repo?
 Christopher Tooley
 Systems, HEP/Astronomy UVic

Re: Graphical login + ldap (+ NFS?) problems :)

2011-09-12 Thread Christopher Tooley
I don't think that's the issue here:

[root@borky ~]# diff /etc/pam.d/system-auth-ac /etc/pam.d/password-auth-ac 
[root@borky ~]#

I'll look into the authconfig stuff a bit more...


On 2011-09-09, at 6:18 AM, Rob O'Neale wrote:

 I fixed a similar problem by copying the contents of
 /etc/pam.d/system-auth to /etc/pam.d/password-auth. The latter is a new
 file in SL6.
 Alternatively, running authconfig with the correct options should set the
 correct configuration in these files.
 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:owner-] On Behalf Of Christopher
 Sent: 08 September 2011 17:20
 Subject: Graphical login + ldap (+ NFS?) problems :)
 Hello All,
 I think I asked this a while back but perhaps I wasn't very clear on
 has been happening.
 I have the option to do LDAP with a centralized server, and I would like
 to do so.
 I use NFS mounted home directories (NFSv3).
 I have installed SL6.1 and it works great.
 I know I have successfully set up LDAP *and* NFS, because I can log in
 remotely with SSH as well as on a terminal.  However, when I try to log
 with GDM or XDM, it will accept my password, black out the screen, and
 then return to either GDM or XDM.  I *can*, however, log in with a local
 Is there something special about GDM or XDM with regards to LDAP or NFS
 that I am unaware of?  Shouldn't it just be using the same authorization
 as SSH or a terminal login?
 Christopher Tooley
 Systems, HEP/Astronomy UVic

Re: Graphical login + ldap (+ NFS?) problems :)

2011-09-12 Thread Christopher Tooley
On 2011-09-12, at 12:51 PM, Steve Jahl wrote:

 I know I have successfully set up LDAP *and* NFS, because I can log in
 remotely with SSH as well as on a terminal.  However, when I try to log
 with GDM or XDM, it will accept my password, black out the screen, and
 then return to either GDM or XDM.  I *can*, however, log in with a local
 In my experience, if there's an auth failure, GDM prints a warning on the 
 login window, rather than blacking out the screen, and dumping you back to a 
 login window. Seeing as you can auth via other methods, I don't think this is 
 the case. You can probably find some info as to what's happening in the 
 /var/log/gdm/* log files.
 To me, it sounds to me like there's a crash somewhere in your gnome session. 
 Is there any relevant information in the ldap user's ~/.xsession-errors file?
 I've also seen this happen if there's a corrupted session state file 
 (~/.gnome2/session). You can try removing that, and see if if clears anything 
 up for you.

hrm... Well I'm able to log into other machines using my home directory, so I 
don't think it's the gnome session.  I've tried removing *all* of ~/.gnome2 but 
that didn't work either.

I do have some information in the .xsession-errors, but I can't tell if 
something is actually crashing or if something is just gracefully failing:

/etc/gdm/PreSession/Default: Registering your session with utmp
/etc/gdm/PreSession/Default: running: /usr/bin/sessreg -a -u /var/run/utmp -x 
/var/gdm/:0.Xservers -h  -l :0 ctooley
localuser:ctooley being added to access control list
No profile for user 'ctooley' found
SESSION_MANAGER=local/computer name:/tmp/.ICE-unix/3305
Window manager warning: Failed to read theme from file 
/usr/share/themes/Slider/metacity-1/metacity-theme-1.xml: Failed to open file 
'/usr/share/themes/Slider/metacity-1/metacity-theme-1.xml': No such file or 
Window manager warning: Failed to load theme Slider: Failed to open file 
'/usr/share/themes/Slider/metacity-1/metacity-theme-1.xml': No such file or 
Introspect error: The name edu.duke.linux.yum was not provided by any .service 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File /usr/bin/puplet, line 467, in ?
  File /usr/bin/puplet, line 464, in main
  File /usr/bin/puplet, line 451, in run
  File /usr/bin/puplet, line 191, in _refreshInfo
if self.updatesObject is not None and \
AttributeError: DBusException instance has no attribute '_dbus_error_name'

** (nm-applet:3422): WARNING **: No connections defined

** (nm-applet:3422): WARNING **: Invalid return value type: 
Initializing nautilus-open-terminal extension
process 3403: Applications must not close shared connections - see 
dbus_connection_close() docs. This is a bug in the application.
process 3403: Applications must not close shared connections - see 
dbus_connection_close() docs. This is a bug in the application.
Window manager warning: CurrentTime used to choose focus window; focus window 
may not be correct.
Window manager warning: Got a request to focus the no_focus_window with a 
timestamp of 0.  This shouldn't happen!

A bunch of warnings, and some process bug reports. :\


Re: Graphical login + ldap (+ NFS?) problems :)

2011-09-12 Thread Christopher Tooley
On 2011-09-12, at 12:51 PM, Steve Jahl wrote:

 I know I have successfully set up LDAP *and* NFS, because I can log in
 remotely with SSH as well as on a terminal.  However, when I try to log
 with GDM or XDM, it will accept my password, black out the screen, and
 then return to either GDM or XDM.  I *can*, however, log in with a local
 In my experience, if there's an auth failure, GDM prints a warning on the 
 login window, rather than blacking out the screen, and dumping you back to a 
 login window. Seeing as you can auth via other methods, I don't think this is 
 the case. You can probably find some info as to what's happening in the 
 /var/log/gdm/* log files.
 To me, it sounds to me like there's a crash somewhere in your gnome session. 
 Is there any relevant information in the ldap user's ~/.xsession-errors file?
 I've also seen this happen if there's a corrupted session state file 
 (~/.gnome2/session). You can try removing that, and see if if clears anything 
 up for you.

Also, here's the gdm greeter log:

** (unknown:2302): DEBUG: Client registered with session manager: 
** (process:2324): DEBUG: Greeter session pid=2324 display=:0.0 

(polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1:2322): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: cannot 
register existing type `_PolkitError'

(polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1:2322): GLib-CRITICAL **: 
g_once_init_leave: assertion `initialization_value != 0' failed
Failed to play sound: File or data not found
gdm-simple-greeter[2324]: Gtk-WARNING: gtkwidget.c:5460: widget not within a 
Window manager warning: Buggy client sent a _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW message with a 
timestamp of 0 for 0x220002b (Login Wind)
Window manager warning: meta_window_activate called by a pager with a 0 
timestamp; the pager needs to be fixed.

So yeah, my google fu is not good enough for these problems. Besides getting 
into the actual source of GDM to see what's going on, I suppose I could do an 


Graphical login + ldap (+ NFS?) problems :)

2011-09-08 Thread Christopher Tooley
Hello All,

I think I asked this a while back but perhaps I wasn't very clear on what has 
been happening.

I have the option to do LDAP with a centralized server, and I would like to do 
I use NFS mounted home directories (NFSv3).

I have installed SL6.1 and it works great.

I know I have successfully set up LDAP *and* NFS, because I can log in remotely 
with SSH as well as on a terminal.  However, when I try to log in with GDM or 
XDM, it will accept my password, black out the screen, and then return to 
either GDM or XDM.  I *can*, however, log in with a local account.

Is there something special about GDM or XDM with regards to LDAP or NFS that I 
am unaware of?  Shouldn't it just be using the same authorization as SSH or a 
terminal login?

Christopher Tooley
Systems, HEP/Astronomy UVic

Re: cups scan network printers error

2011-09-07 Thread Christopher Tooley
On 2011-09-07, at 4:50 AM, lee wrote:
 E [07/Sep/2011:13:47:35 +0200] [cups-polld] 

If you visit that with a browser from the problem computer, do you get a 
403:Forbidden? (i.e.


Re: OT: Thunderbird refuses to attach some news feeds

2011-09-07 Thread Christopher Tooley
(CL, sorry for the double email, forgot to send the initial reply to the 
mailing list, perhaps others may chime in with additional information)

Putting it through the w3 validation tools:

Gives me 2 errors, which may be ignored by firefox but most likely not by 
thunderbird. - it looks like it's character encoding errors. (perhaps those who 
enter the news for that site are using a non-ascii character set?)

Christopher Tooley
Systems, HEP/Astronomy UVic

On 2011-09-07, at 1:21 AM, carlopmart wrote:

 Hi all,
  I have a strange problem with my thunderbird email client under SL6.1. 
 When I try to add this feed:
  thunderbird refuses to store this link showing this error: is not a 
 valid feed. Firefox doesn¡t have this problem. Where it can be the 
 CL Martinez
 carlopmart {at} gmail {d0t} com

Re: Standard Mpeg-1 Video player

2011-09-07 Thread Christopher Tooley
On 2011-09-07, at 1:29 PM, FRANCHISSEUR Robert wrote:

 -- Le (On) 2011-09-06 -0500 à (at) 16:45:18 Chris Pemberton écrivit (wrote): 
 On 09/06/2011 03:14 PM, Jordan Dean wrote:
 Has anyone found a player / codec that is in the standard SL 
 repositories that will playback mpeg 1 encoded video.  (Totem does not 
 have the codec in the two sets of gstreamer plugins that are provided).
 Jordan Dean
 Can you provide a link to an example mpeg-1 encoded file to test?
   On SL5.6 we use VLC.
   yum --enablerepo=dag install vlc
 Best regards,

Is Dag's repo considered a standard SL repo?

Christopher Tooley
Systems, HEP/Astronomy UVic

Re: MozNSS crash in apache?

2011-09-02 Thread Christopher Tooley
Hello all again,

So, looking through the source of the openldap TLS stuff, I've found where the 
message is happening:;a=blob;f=libraries/libldap/tls_m.c;h=c85d322014fa838341f3fefdea9a5f693fadc079;hb=f7a0fc9f8b7fa9cfecd6a075b2867abd149dd0de#l1669

according to a comment a couple of lines up:
/* no moznss db found, or not using moznss db */

I have also done an strace on apache, here are the (I think) most relevant 

stat(/etc/openldap/cacerts/secmod.db, 0x7fffe681c1c0) = -1 ENOENT (No such 
file or directory)
open(/etc/openldap/cacerts/secmod.db, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
stat(/etc/openldap/cacerts/cert8.db, 0x7fffe681c580) = -1 ENOENT (No such 
file or directory)
open(/etc/openldap/cacerts/cert8.db, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
stat(/etc/openldap/cacerts/cert7.db, 0x7fffe681c5b0) = -1 ENOENT (No such 
file or directory)
open(/etc/openldap/cacerts/cert7.db, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
open(/pkcs11.txt, O_RDONLY)   = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
access(/secmod.db, F_OK)  = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
stat(/key3.db, 0x7fffe681c590)= -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
open(/key3.db, O_RDONLY)  = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
write(2, TLS: could not initialize moznss..., 68) = 68
write(2, TLS: could perform TLS system in..., 46) = 46
write(2, TLS: error: could not initialize..., 91) = 91
write(2, TLS: can't create ssl handle.\n, 30) = 30
write(2, ldap_err2string\n, 16)   = 16
write(2, [Fri Sep 02 13:57:00 2011] [erro..., 175) = 175
write(2, ldap_err2string\n, 16)   = 16

So, it's looking for certs but I don't have those installed - nor do I think I 
should, as I think moznss is *supposed* to be a drop in replacement for openssl 
afaik. How do I get apache/php to act like a proper ldap query agent and just 
use the .pem file located in /etc/openldap/cacerts/?

I have a .pem file located in /etc/openldap/cacerts/certname.pem that seems 
to work fine with like every other LDAPS query I do...?? :\

Thanks for any help!


Re: MozNSS crash in apache? [SOLVED]

2011-09-02 Thread Christopher Tooley
Hello all, solved this:

[root@host html]# cd /etc/openldap/cacerts/
[root@host cacerts]# certutil -A -n insert cert nick here -t PC -i 
/etc/openldap/cacerts/certname.pem -d .
[root@host cacerts]# chmod +r *.db
[root@host cacerts]# ls -la
total 108
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root  4096 Sep  2 15:08 .
drwxr-xr-x. 5 root root  4096 Sep  2 14:00 ..
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root10 Sep  1 16:20 certhash.0 - certname.pem
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 65536 Sep  2 15:08 cert8.db
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 16384 Sep  2 15:08 key3.db
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 16384 Sep  2 15:08 secmod.db
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  1155 Sep  1 11:34 certname.pem
[root@host cacerts]# /etc/init.d/httpd restart

This will add the missing dbs and should work.

This was also on a SL6.1 server.

Christopher Tooley
Systems, HEP/Astronomy UVic

On 2011-09-02, at 2:18 PM, Christopher Tooley wrote:

 Hello all again,
 So, looking through the source of the openldap TLS stuff, I've found where 
 the message is happening:;a=blob;f=libraries/libldap/tls_m.c;h=c85d322014fa838341f3fefdea9a5f693fadc079;hb=f7a0fc9f8b7fa9cfecd6a075b2867abd149dd0de#l1669
 according to a comment a couple of lines up:
 /* no moznss db found, or not using moznss db */
 I have also done an strace on apache, here are the (I think) most relevant 
 stat(/etc/openldap/cacerts/secmod.db, 0x7fffe681c1c0) = -1 ENOENT (No such 
 file or directory)
 open(/etc/openldap/cacerts/secmod.db, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file 
 or directory)
 stat(/etc/openldap/cacerts/cert8.db, 0x7fffe681c580) = -1 ENOENT (No such 
 file or directory)
 open(/etc/openldap/cacerts/cert8.db, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
 stat(/etc/openldap/cacerts/cert7.db, 0x7fffe681c5b0) = -1 ENOENT (No such 
 file or directory)
 open(/etc/openldap/cacerts/cert7.db, O_RDONLY) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
 open(/pkcs11.txt, O_RDONLY)   = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
 access(/secmod.db, F_OK)  = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
 stat(/key3.db, 0x7fffe681c590)= -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
 open(/key3.db, O_RDONLY)  = -1 ENOENT (No such file or 
 write(2, TLS: could not initialize moznss..., 68) = 68
 write(2, TLS: could perform TLS system in..., 46) = 46
 write(2, TLS: error: could not initialize..., 91) = 91
 write(2, TLS: can't create ssl handle.\n, 30) = 30
 write(2, ldap_err2string\n, 16)   = 16
 write(2, [Fri Sep 02 13:57:00 2011] [erro..., 175) = 175
 write(2, ldap_err2string\n, 16)   = 16
 So, it's looking for certs but I don't have those installed - nor do I think 
 I should, as I think moznss is *supposed* to be a drop in replacement for 
 openssl afaik. How do I get apache/php to act like a proper ldap query agent 
 and just use the .pem file located in /etc/openldap/cacerts/?
 I have a .pem file located in /etc/openldap/cacerts/certname.pem that seems 
 to work fine with like every other LDAPS query I do...?? :\
 Thanks for any help!

MozNSS crash in apache?

2011-09-01 Thread Christopher Tooley

I am attempting to connect to an LDAPS server from php in apache, and I can't 
get it to work. Here is some information:

[root@system html]# cat /etc/redhat-release 
Scientific Linux release 6.1 (Carbon)

When I run the file in the CLI, I get a successful bind and connection to the 
ldap server - it works as expected.

However, when I load the EXACT same code in a browser through apache, I get a 
cannot bind error.  Here is some output I get, when I set 
ldap_set_option(NULL, LDAP_OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL, 7); in the code:

ldap_new_connection 1 1 0
ldap_connect_to_host: TCP [redacted]:636
ldap_new_socket: 51
ldap_prepare_socket: 51
ldap_connect_to_host: Trying [redacted]:636
ldap_pvt_connect: fd: 51 tm: -1 async: 0
TLS: could not initialize moznss - error -8192:Unknown code ___f 0.
TLS: could perform TLS system initialization.
TLS: error: could not initialize moznss security context - error -8192:Unknown 
code ___f 0
TLS: can't create ssl handle.

I have also used the exact same code on an apple laptop running apache and it 
works fine. I have changed the URL to point to an ldap:// uri and that works 
fine as well. I suspect there is something screwy with the ssl implementation 
for apache specific to this version...?

In any case, I haven't a clue how to proceed. I cannot find this anywhere on 
google, but maybe my google-fu isn't up to snuff today.

Thanks for any help! If I find a solution on my own I'll reply to this message 
for future readers ;)

Christopher Tooley
Systems, HEP/Astronomy UVic

Re: MozNSS crash in apache?

2011-09-01 Thread Christopher Tooley
On 2011-09-01, at 5:29 PM, Bluejay Adametz wrote:

 When I run the file in the CLI, I get a successful bind and connection to 
 the ldap server - it works as expected.
 However, when I load the EXACT same code in a browser through apache, I get 
 a cannot bind error.  Here is some output I get, when I set 
 ldap_set_option(NULL, LDAP_OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL, 7); in the code:
 Could selinux be preventing apache from connecting out? Try disabling
 selinux to test:
   setenforce 0
 and turn it back on after testing
   setenforce 1

selinux has been disabled on this machine, so that doesn't work, unfortunately. 


Re: Farewell from Troy

2011-08-24 Thread Christopher Tooley
Oh Wow! 

Congrats, and thank you for all the hard work and effort put into Scientific 
Linux - You still going to remain part of the mailing list? ;)


On 2011-08-24, at 11:40 AM, Troy Dawson wrote:

 I have loved all the years that I have been a developer and architect 
 for Scientific Linux, but it is time for me to move on.  I have accepted 
 a job offer from Red Hat to work on their new openshift project.
 ( )
 My last day working for Fermilab, and on the Scientific Linux project 
 will be September 2, 2011.
 Thank you to everyone who has encouraged, thanked, and helped me over
 the past 8 years that I have worked on Scientific Linux.  I have said it 
  before, and I'll say it now, The Scientific Linux community is one of 
  the best communities there is.
 Troy Dawson  (630)840-6468
 Fermilab  ComputingDivision/SCF/FEF/SLSMS Group

Re: How to disble Auto-Update??

2011-08-18 Thread Christopher Tooley
On 2011-08-18, at 8:41 AM, Pablo Cavero wrote:

 I have a little question, so how to I can disable the auto-update, or Yum 
 Update in SL 6.0 ??
 Best Regards,
 Pablo Cavero
 System Engineer
 +569 8920 9509

As a side note, if you want to disable it because you don't want a specific 
package updated, you might want to check out how to exclude certain packages 
from being bothered by yum - updates usually add bug fixes and security patches 
- so it might not be a good idea to disable that :)

For instance, due to some people wanting to use PINE and not ALPINE (for 
whatever reason), I have in one of my server's /etc/yum.conf under [main]:

exclude= pine* alpine*


Re: 6.1 kickstart is characterless

2011-08-09 Thread Christopher Tooley
On 2011-08-09, at 9:17 AM, Jos Vos wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 09, 2011 at 10:17:31AM -0500, Ken Teh wrote:
 The installation screens during a 6.1 kickstart install have no words on 
 them.  It's like it was not able to load a font table so the screens, 
 dialogs, buttons, are all blank.
 The install works.  I'm not particularly bothered by it but thought you 
 might want to know.
 I've done several SL 6.1 kickstart installs in the last week, but I
 never saw anything wrong, all info was displayed as usual.
 Having said that, when installing with kickstart I don't have dialogs,
 but buttons and other text I see during the install all look fine.
 --Jos Vos
 --X/OS Experts in Open Systems BV   |   Phone: +31 20 6938364
 --Amsterdam, The Netherlands| Fax: +31 20 6948204

This may be a long shot, but there may be something wrong with your video card. 
I've had garbled text on a terminal and it was due to my video card dying for 
some reason.

Christopher Tooley
Systems, HEP/Astronomy UVic