nfsd messages in dmesg

2007-03-16 Thread Ken Teh

I have a lot of the following messages in my NFSv4 servers

NFSD: preprocess_seqid_op: bad seqid (expected 29, got 30

This has been happening for close a year now since I brought the servers 
online.  No one has reported any problems to me so I imagine NFS is 
working.  Does anyone know what this means?  Should I be concerned? 
Maybe it was a mistake to go to NFS4.  I had a pretty flawless 
experience with NFSv3.


Re: grub-install on raided system drive

2007-03-21 Thread Ken Teh

Eve V. E. Kovacs wrote:

Maybe someone has some suggestions for the following problem.
I have an SL4.4 system with 2 SATA drives configured as a RAID 1.
As of last Friday, the system will not boot. It doesn't even get as far as
displaying the kernel screen. I am able to boot the system from the 
rescue CD. When I do so, the disk look normal. The RAID is up and 
running and I can see the filesystems.

So, I suspected that the MBR somehow got corrupted, and decided to try
grub-install to rewrite the MBR.

This didn't work...the commands I used and errors I got are listed below:

grub-install hd0
I got the error:
/dev/md0 does not have any corresponding BIOS drive

grub-install /dev/sda   (note cat /proc/mdstat lists RAID partitions as 
/dev/sda1 etc)

I got the error:
/dev/sda does not have any corresponding BIOS drive

grub-install /dev/hda
I got the error:
/dev/hda: Not found or not a block device

So, how do I repair the MBR on a raided system drive? What is the 
install device that I need?

Of course, this may not be the problem at all. If anyone has ideas on 
what else I should try, please let me know.


Hi Eve,

Michael Mansour from this list provided this to me when I encountered 
the same problem.  I've also attached a note to myself about prepping 
raid disks after installation.  Basically, to be sure that the MBRs on 
each of the raided disks are properly updated.  This, of course, applies 
only to a raided system with / and /boot on it.

Cheers!  Ken

--His response--
If grub hangs it sometimes means that the boot manager isn't on the MBR 

What I always do in these cases is boot from rescue and run grub, then 
type in:

root (hd0,0)
setup (hd0)

then boot, or just:

grub-install /dev/device

Of course all the above depends on their device name / grub numbering.


Save the partition info
sfdisk -d /dev/hda > partitions.hda
sfdisk -d /dev/hdb > partitions.hdb

-d saves the partition information in a format which sfdisk can use to
restore the partitions.

Install grub on mbr's of both disks

grub> find /grub/stage1

Notation means that /boot is on hda1 and hdb1; hd(0,1) is hd(a,b) and the
second number is the partition number.  0 means 1

To install grub on the mbr of each disk

grub> device (hd0) /dev/hda
grub> root (hd0,0)
grub> setup (hd0)

Repeat for the next disk

grub> device (hd0) /dev/hdb
grub> root (hd0,0)
grub> setup (hd0)

If SCSI, then it's /dev/sda and /dev/sdb

the jed/edt editor and XKeyBoard

2007-03-28 Thread Ken Teh
Many years ago, I put together a configuration which allowed many of my 
users to use the Jed editor in EDT emulation mode.  The configuration 
consisted of a VT100 translation table for the xterm application that 
made use the of PC keypad as an almost 1-1 map of the VT100 keypad. 
(The PC keypad has a single large + key while the VT100 keypad has 2 
keys at this coordinate).

The trick to this configuration was remapping the NumLock key with 
xmodmap.  I used xmodmap to translate NumLock to an unused X keycode, in 
particular, KP_Equal.  The xterm VT100 translation table then mapped 
KP_Equal to the Gold Key.

I'm unable to do this with SL4x.  Xmodmap's at X session startup are 
ignored.  Apparently, one needs to use the newer XKeyboard mechanism to 
remap keys.  I can remap it interactively after I'm logged in.  I took a 
stab at understanding XKeyboard, but it is poorly documented, at least, 
from a simple users' perspective.

I am hoping someone on this list has some suggestions.  I suggested 
folks quit using Jed, but that didn't get me anywhere. ;)

NFSv4 bug

2007-04-11 Thread Ken Teh
We've discovered a bug in the NFSv4, SL4.4, 2.6.9-42.0.10. We have an 
extremely simple piece of FORTRAN

program main
integer a,b,c
read(5,*) a,b,c

If the input matches the data type, all is ok.  If, instead of a number, 
you input a character for any of the 3 variables, the code as compiled 
by the Intel compiler will crash performing a traceback.  If the current 
directory where the traceback is triggered is an NFSv4 mounted 
directory, the kernel panics.  /var/log/messages posts an NFSv4 race 
condition before the kernel OOP's.

If you do the same in a non-NFSv4 mounted directory, everything is fine.
IF you do the same in a NFSv3 mounted directory, everything is also fine.

Any suggestions?  How does one go about reporting this?

SL44 disc1 iso no network device??

2007-05-04 Thread Ken Teh
I'm trying to install a SL44 machine via NFS kickstart using disc1 iso 
as the CD boot disk.  Alt-F3(F4?) says there are no network devices and 
proceeds to install via its interactive screens.  The thing is I used 
the same disk in rescue mode to find out the onboard MAC and it had no 
problems detecting the onboard LAN and configuring it.  I even went as 
far as mounting the remote NFS installation directory without any problems.

I'm baffled.  Does the rescue mode use a different modules.cgz from the 
installation mode? The machine has an ASUS M2NPV-VM M/B, apparently with 
an nVidia LAN.

Thanks! Ken

reboot freezes

2007-05-07 Thread Ken Teh
I just installed SL4.4 on an Athlon 64 machine with a ASUS M2NPV-VM 
motherboard.  Shutdown works.  The machine powers off.  But, restart 
freezes.  Bad hardware or is it some new-fangled power on/off/reset 
standard the hardware folks are foisting on us?

Re: [SCIENTIFIC-LINUX-USERS] reboot freezes

2007-05-07 Thread Ken Teh
cpuspeed was off.  If I say 'shutdown -h now', the machines powers off 
after a clean shutdown.  If I say 'shutdown -r now', it brings the 
machine down.  The last steps are remounting md0 readonly and syncing 
the SATA drives.  The last line it prints on the screen is 'Restarting 
system'.  Then, it just sits there.  I have to use the front-panel 
switch to turn it off, then power it back on.  Which is a bummer if you 
have to reboot it remotely. Btw, the front-panel switch is one of these 
new types when you have to hold it down for several seconds before it 
actually powers the machine off.

I'm wondering if it's some hardware problem.  It's my understanding that 
a restart is basically like a push button reset.  The last thing the CPU 
does is pull the reset line (A20 or A21 ??) which causes the M/B to go 
through its boot-up.  But, now with ACPI and these smart power supplies, 
I was wondering if somehow this is the cause of my problem.

Any other suggestions?


Dan Halbert wrote:

Ken Teh wrote:
I just installed SL4.4 on an Athlon 64 machine with a ASUS M2NPV-VM 
motherboard.  Shutdown works.  The machine powers off.  But, restart 
freezes.  Bad hardware or is it some new-fangled power on/off/reset 
standard the hardware folks are foisting on us?

Do you mean that a cold boot (from power off) works, but a warm reboot 
doesn't? Try turning off cpuspeed:

 # service cpuspeed off
and then try again (starting with a cold boot). We saw this with an 
Opteron board.


Re: [SCIENTIFIC-LINUX-USERS] reboot freezes

2007-05-07 Thread Ken Teh

Rebooting but not halting.  Well, that's a bummer, too. :)
But, thanks much.  I'll verify this is the case with this machine and 
then decide what to do next.

I was a faithful user of ASUS motherboards until very recently when they 
started using Marvell LAN chips and I had to add 3COM NIC cards so that 
my NFS installs work.  I switched to using Intel MB's but so far the 
verdict is still out.  Out of 3 systems, I've had one bad one.  What MBs 
are folks using nowadays?  I could use big outfits like Dell, but I 
prefer using local vendors to assemble machines for me.  By local, I 
mean really local, like 5 miles away so I can beat on their doors when I 
need something done quick.

Thanks again!  Ken

Shannon V. Davidson wrote:

Ken Teh wrote:
cpuspeed was off.  If I say 'shutdown -h now', the machines powers off 
after a clean shutdown.  If I say 'shutdown -r now', it brings the 
machine down.  The last steps are remounting md0 readonly and syncing 
the SATA drives.  The last line it prints on the screen is 'Restarting 
system'.  Then, it just sits there.  I have to use the front-panel 
switch to turn it off, then power it back on.  Which is a bummer if 
you have to reboot it remotely. Btw, the front-panel switch is one of 
these new types when you have to hold it down for several seconds 
before it actually powers the machine off.

I'm wondering if it's some hardware problem.  It's my understanding 
that a restart is basically like a push button reset.  The last thing 
the CPU does is pull the reset line (A20 or A21 ??) which causes the 
M/B to go through its boot-up.  But, now with ACPI and these smart 
power supplies, I was wondering if somehow this is the cause of my 

Any other suggestions?

I suspect this is an ACPI or chipset support problem which has been 
fixed in a later kernel. I have a couple of computers with the same ASUS 
M2NPV-VM motherboard (BIOS version 0801) and halting and rebooting works 
fine under CentOS 5.0 but hangs under CentOS 4.3.  However, under CentOS 
4.3, if I add acpi=off to the kernel boot command line, reboot works but 
not halt.



Dan Halbert wrote:

Ken Teh wrote:
I just installed SL4.4 on an Athlon 64 machine with a ASUS M2NPV-VM 
motherboard.  Shutdown works.  The machine powers off.  But, restart 
freezes.  Bad hardware or is it some new-fangled power on/off/reset 
standard the hardware folks are foisting on us?

Do you mean that a cold boot (from power off) works, but a warm 
reboot doesn't? Try turning off cpuspeed:

 # service cpuspeed off
and then try again (starting with a cold boot). We saw this with an 
Opteron board.


Re: OT: "truly minimal" (yum) group?

2007-05-15 Thread Ken Teh
I have a small NFS-root installation I use for my DAQ systems, but it's 
based on the SL 3.x distro.  It has a footprint of about 20MB.  I have 
not updated it for SL4 since it took quite a bit of work to get it down 
to this size.  We probably shouldn't burden Troy or Connie with this, 
but I think it would be a great idea for us to put together something 
like this that could be shared amongst SL users.

Speaking of the SL 3x distro.  What happens exactly when it is 
end-of-lifed?  Will you freeze it and make the final set of ISO images 
and reclaim the space?  Or, will the original ISOs and the rpm updates 
be available indefinitely?  I have to make plans for transitioning my 
DAQ systems.


Jan Iven wrote:

 By the way the "Minimal" option has gone too which we never used in
practice but I imagine could be useful.

Actually, I have found that I can do a much more minimal install than
before.  Before when you did minimal you got core and base.  Now, you
can actually uncheck things out of base.  (Does my server really need
pcmcia, I think not, out it goes)  So I now have a much more trim server
than I used to get with minimal.

Would it be worthwhile sharing ideas for a "truly minimal" YUM group
(i.e. something that easily allows to add things, but is unlikely to
ever need something taken out of)? This idea has been touted a number of
times by various CERN users:
* to easily set up secure-by-default servers (take
"truly_minimal"+"my_server", let YUM sort out the rest)
* to create diskless images (i.e or
NFS-root clients)
* to create virtual machine images (chroot/Xen)

If we ever get a good common candidate we could add it to the YUM group
definition (yumgroups.xml) even after release...

As Troy has pointed out, TUV "core" wasn't (until now). The proposed
group should ideally be self-contained (i.e. no dependencies on packages
not in the group). While YUM certainly handles this better than anaconda
did, it makes for easier auditing.


madwifi update messed up init.d/network

2007-07-17 Thread Ken Teh
I thought I'd ask before looking further into what happened. The symptom 
is this:  I upgrade madwifi from atrpms after the recent kernel upgrade 
in SL4x.  Now, the /etc/rc.d/init.d/network scripts hangs spewing the 
following message (doing this from memory so it may not be exact)

cannot change name ath0 to dev:  File exists

where  is some random number.  Each spew is a different number.  The 
 following are true:

(1) To get init.d/network to complete during bootup, I simply remove 

(2) madwifi works fine if I activate it via 'ifup wifi0'

(3) All my network devices are set to ONBOOT=no (It's my laptop).  The 
message comes from init.d/network which is enabled to activate the lo 
device.  The 'cannot change name' message comes from the


function which is found in the 'start' case.  is_available is loaded from


Actually, the problem comes from the


function (found in the same functions script) which is called by 

I'm not keen to know the whys and wherefores so if anyone has a quick 
solution, I'd be much obliged.  But, if not, some background as to what 
these functions do might help me unravel what's going on and how to fix it.


updates from other repos

2007-07-17 Thread Ken Teh
If I install packages from ATrpms or DAG, do I simply modify the enable 
flag in the respective repo files in /etc/yum.repo.d so the system gets 
properly updated from these other repos during the nightly yum update 
cron job?  Is it really this simple or are there side-effects I should 
be aware of?


Re: Authentication with Active Directory

2007-07-18 Thread Ken Teh
My Linux machines authenticate against our AD.  So, it is definitely 
possible.  There's nothing special.  You just need to set up your 
krb5.conf file with the relevant bits of info that are unique to your AD.

However, kerberos handles only authentication -- the username/password 
pair.  The second half of a login loads what is conventionally called 
authorization.  In Unix terms, this refers to the uid/gid pair, the home 
directory, the shell, group memberships, etc.  Unfortunately, the guys 
who run our Windows AD are not willing to provide support for this. In 
short, they are unwilling to install Microsoft's Services for Unix 
package into the AD; basically, the necessary LDAP schema on their 
domain controllers.  In this case, you will need to use either the /etc/ 
files, NIS, or your own LDAP server to provide the authorization 
information.  Bottom line is that you need to check with your AD folks 
if they will carry this information for you.

Michael H. Semcheski wrote:


My University uses Active Directory.  I use Linux.

I would like my SL server to use the active directory to determine
which usernames are valid for things like logins.

I'm already using the University's Kerberos infrastructure to verify
passwords, but I have to make sure the user names are in /etc/passwd.
I'd like to not have to add the users to /etc/password.

It would be even better if I could get group information from Active
Directory, but I can probably live without it.

Anyone know if this is possible?  Know what needs to go into the
setup, or know of a good howto?

OT: small laptop recs

2007-08-01 Thread Ken Teh
My trusty T41's LCD is snowing intermittently. Illinois roads are bad. 
Worse if you bike to work like me.  I'm surprised it's lasted this long 
with it strapped to my bike. Since I've had good luck with the 
Thinkpads, I'm thinking of replacing it with an X61 -- the 3lb Thinkpad. 
My reservation has to do with its screen resolution.  My T41 is 
1400x1050.  I'd prefer a lower resolution on the LCD.  Things are a tad 
small at this resolution.  But, the increased screen is great when the 
machine is docked to a large monitor.  The X61's 1024x768 will be fine 
on the LCD but am I stuck to this resolution when I dock it?  Does Linux 
support switching resolutions even if the LCD is rated as an XGA monitor 
and the laptop is hooked up to a 1600x1200 external monitor?  Is 
switching resolutions relatively painless?


Re: Adding Things to Rescue Mode

2007-08-14 Thread Ken Teh
I haven't done this in a long time but I thought it's possible to load 
drivers from an NFS source as you boot into rescue mode.  Don't you 
append simply append 'dd' to the end of the boot line and the rescue cd 
prompts you for what you want to load and from where?

Brent L. Bates wrote:

 I'd like to add a few things to rescue mode.  I'm tired of having to use
a floppy with hardware drivers when ever I need to go into rescue mode and
there are a few other utilities that I'd like to add as well.  How would I go
about doing this?  Any pointers to FAQ's or "How to's"?  I've done some
searching, but haven't found anything recent enough to be useful.  Thanks for
any help.

Re: g77 compatibility issue

2007-09-20 Thread Ken Teh
It's not the format '(2g25.8e3)' that is causing the error.  I tried it 
out with a large nmax1 making the read loop read more than the available 
 data and the abort specifically says formatted sequential IO error 
with this given format.  Here is my error.

>apparent state: unit 2 named RW-total-tadmix4pi-6pi-DY.dat
>last format: (2g25.8e3)
>lately reading sequential formatted external IO

If you recall, his error was a list IO error which leads me to suspect 
he is using a read(2,*) somewhere in his code whose argument list does 
not match up with the data columns in the file.

Matthias Schroeder wrote:

Christoph P. Kukulies wrote:

On Thu, Sep 20, 2007 at 10:12:50AM +0200, Klaus Wacker wrote:

On Wed, Sep 19, 2007 at 10:25:55AM -0500, Hendrik van Hees wrote:
Thank you very much for all the responses. I think I didn't make the 
problem clear. With the older version of gcc (I am using the fortran 
compiler, g77)

gcc version 3.3.5 20050117 (prerelease) (SUSE Linux)

the little code runs fine.

With the newer version, which is definitely in my installation of SL 
5 (I use yum as a package manager),

gcc version 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-4)

the same code does not work any more. Perhaps it helps, when I give 
the relevant piece of code:


 $ file='RW-total-tadmix4pi-6pi-DY.dat')

  do x=0.2d0,1.45d0,0.01d0
 write(unit=1,fmt='(2g25.8e3)')  $x,erg
  end do

c add omega and phi (all pT)
  open (unit=2, file='RW-total-tadmix4pi-6pi-DY.dat',
 $ status='old')
  do j=1,nmax1
 read(unit=2,fmt='(2g25.8e3)') x1(j),set1(j)
c write(*,*) x1(j),set1(j)
  end do

As you see. It simply writes some columns of double precision, and 
in the next step it reads the same in again.

Somehow the code you show doesn't fit the error message. You seem to be
using unit 1 only for writing, whereas the error message talks about
reading from unit 1. 

the crucial statement is

read(unit=2,fmt='(2g25.8e3)') x1(j),set1(j)

Maybe, but I would not bet on that. As Klaus pointed out the number of 
interations in the first loop is not defined. By chance the OP 
apparently got away with that on the first systems he used.

We don't know which value nmax1 has, so maybe he is trying to read one 
more element than he has written

I anyhow don't quite understand why he first writes the values to a file 
(in a not well defined format ("format real as decimal or exponential" 
)) only to read it back in a later stage by the same program. To me it 
looks as if there are a few things that are not well defined, which is 
not always a good thing in programming...


albeit the error message talks about unit 1 in the OP (but I guess he
changed the unit numbers in the code snippet).

The format '(2g25.8e3)' is obviously triggering the error message I would
assume.  It could be a matter of the math libs used or also the fortran
runtime library may have changed in that point. Have you (OP) looked at
the intermediate data file and compared it under the different

Chris Christoph P. U. Kukulies kukulies (at)

Re: Location of 2.6.9-55.0.9 src rpm

2007-10-01 Thread Ken Teh
I need to do the same.  So, Connie and  Troy, please be sure to notify 
the list when it's available.

Thanks much!

White, NGH (Nick) wrote:
Has the kernel-2.6.9-55.0.9.EL.src.rpm been actually put up 
on the download site yet?

I can find the kernel-2.6.9-55.0.6.EL.src.rpm but not the

Need it to build a kernel with the Areca driver in it. 

Incidentally, the date on the file kernel-2.6.9-55.0.6.EL.src.rpm
is Sep 27 20:51. Is there a reason for the file to have been 
touched or changed last week?


- Nick  

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
Troy Dawson
Sent: 28 September 2007 22:31
Subject: Security ERRATA for kernel on SL5.x, SL4.x, SL3,x i386/x86_64

Synopsis:   Important: kernel security update
Issue date: 2007-09-27
CVE Names:  CVE-2007-4573

A flaw was found in the IA32 system call emulation provided on 
AMD64 and
Intel 64 platforms. An improperly validated 64-bit value could 
be stored in
the %RAX register, which could trigger an out-of-bounds system 
call table
access. An untrusted local user could exploit this flaw to run 
code in the

kernel (ie a root privilege escalation). (CVE-2007-4573).

Please Note: Kernel's and their dependancies do *NOT* get 
autoyumed.  You have 
to update them by hand by simply typing 'yum update'

SL 3.0.x


SL 4.x




seamonkey-mail and thunderbird

2007-11-14 Thread Ken Teh
What's the story behind seamonkey-mail and thunderbird on SL4x?  I 
recall vaguely that there were problems with thunderbird and that it is 
preferable to stick with mail from the UV's seamonkey packages?


modifying network config

2007-12-17 Thread Ken Teh

I have a Linux desktop for which lspci reports as having a realtek
8110/8169. I could not install it via NFS so I popped in a 3COM card
and installed it with SL4.5. After installation, I tried to switch back
to the onboard LAN. I removed the 3com card and modified the network
config by editing/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and
/etc/modprobe.conf. Basically replacing the ifcfg-eth0 with the correct
MAC address and modprobe.conf with the right driver. There is an 
r8169.ko in the /lib/modules which I believe is the correct driver 
because I used a sysrescuecd image on the box and it correctly detected 
the chipset, loaded r8169, and activated the card without any difficulty.

When I try to do an ifup eth0, I get an error message saying that the
device has a different mac address than what was expected and it ignored
my attempt.  I'm stumped by this.My understanding may be dated but
as far as I know the information to start the network correctly is in 
ifcfg-eth0 and modprobe.conf.  I notice that a modprobe r8169 does not 
generate any messages in dmesg.  So, it could be that r8169 is not the 
correct driver.  Except for the fact that sysrescuecd used this driver 
and it also has a 2.6 kernel.

Can anyone shed any light on this?  Thanks


Re: modifying network config

2007-12-18 Thread Ken Teh
Thanks to everyone who replied.  The winning response goes to Jan :) 
I've included here because it's a very neat little trick to know and 
worth squirreling away.  As he (and Bob Blair) suspected, the in-tree 
driver does not support the chip which I verified with Jan's suggestion. 
 I've loaded the latest driver from the realtek site and it works just 

Thanks again.  Happy holidays to all.


Jan Iven wrote:

Drivers evolve and add support for new devices. Your sysrescuecd simply 
might have a newer version of the driver. Since this is an in-tree 
driver, the fact that you cannot install SL45 over it is a good 
indication that it won't be useful later either (unless your 
installation puts an updated kernel on the disk that now has an updated 

To verify:
try "lspci", identify your network card slot (e.g. '01:0d.0'). Run 
"lspci -vvn -s 01:0d.0". This gives the PCI Id in numeric form (01:0d.0 
Class 0280: MAJOR MINOR..)

Then run "modinfo r8169". This will give a list of PCI IDs (major and 
minor ID concatenated into one big hex number) this driver feels 
responsible for. If your card isn't in there, the driver will ignore it.

If it is there, the driver still may look at the "Subsystem" ID and 
decide it cannot handle that flavour of the card - unfortunately there 
you would need to look into the driver source code to make sure.

The "modinfo" command is something you can run both on SL4 and inside 
the rescue CD, just to see the differences.

With the PCI ID, you can the start Googling for which exact version of 
the driver added support for your card.. or for other drivers that also 
might be able to support this.

best regards

grub hangs with attached scsi disk

2008-01-03 Thread Ken Teh
I just installed a 4.5 machine and it hangs when booting at "grub 
loading stage 2".  Here's the strange part.  It hangs only when a SCSI 
disk (LVD/SE) disk is attached.  SCSI card is an Adaptec 29160.  When 
the  disk is removed, it rips right through the boot.  The disk is fine 
because I use the 4.5 install disk in rescue mode and I can see the 
disk, mount it, and all its data is there.  I tried with another disk 
and I have the exact same result.  I'm baffled!!


Re: Second class users?

2008-01-07 Thread Ken Teh
How about using group membership?  RHEL-based systems use the "you are 
the only member of your own group/umask 002" technique when creating 
accounts.  Then, they join the user to additional "project" based groups 
for access to resources.  So, for instance, if you are a member of the 
kryptonian group, you would be able to access resources owned by 
root.kryptonian.  The 002 umask is what does the trick because the user 
picks up the correct permissions when she logs in.  Obviously, resources 
must be appropriately chmod'ed to 770 or 750.  But this is something you 
do only once.

Hope this helps.


Pann McCuaig wrote:


We have a cluster (in the loosest, most generic application of that
term) of machines running SL4.5, x86_64. I'll try to provide adequate
but brief context before asking my actual question.

There is one login node and a small finite number of compute nodes.

The login node has two NICs, one facing the world with a public IP (and
only port 22 open), and the second facing our private network.

The compute nodes are only connected to the private net.

Accounts are managed with NIS and /home and /usr/local are NFS-mounted.
/opt is not.

Users log into the login node and then ssh to a compute node to do work
(over-simplification, but adequate for this discussion, I believe).

Applications are either installed under /usr/local (available
everywhere) or under /opt (available only on certain compute nodes).

*Here's the actual question.*

We would like to create accounts for restricted users, primarily for
data sharing purposes. These users would have access to the filesystem
as appropriate, but would not be allowed to run the applications living
under /opt and /usr/local.

A solution we have knocked around is to create a separate "non-compute"
node for these users, and that node would not NFS-mount /usr/local. The
users' login shell on the login node would be changed to a script that
would log them into the "restricted users node," and when they log out
from that node, they would be logged out of the login node as well.

Suggestions? Better ideas? Pointers to RTFM? Thanks.


Re: grub hangs with attached scsi disk

2008-01-08 Thread Ken Teh

John Summerfield wrote:

Troy Dawson wrote:

Ken Teh wrote:

I just installed a 4.5 machine and it hangs when booting at "grub
loading stage 2".  Here's the strange part.  It hangs only when a SCSI
disk (LVD/SE) disk is attached.  SCSI card is an Adaptec 29160.  When
the  disk is removed, it rips right through the boot.  The disk is fine
because I use the 4.5 install disk in rescue mode and I can see the
disk, mount it, and all its data is there.  I tried with another disk
and I have the exact same result.  I'm baffled!!


The odd's are that it's because the disks are getting re-ordered when 
you plug in and unplug the scsi disks.

Without any disks there, grub is saying "here is my disk on (hd0,0) 
and away I go"  And since hd0,0 is the right disk, away it goes.

With the other disks there grub is saying "Well, I have two disks, 
(hd0,0) and (hd1,0).  I'm told I need to boot off (hd0,0) and away I 
go"  But, in reality, your main system disk is what grub thinks is 
(hd1,0) and so it's booting off the wrong disk.

Ken, you can test this by getting to the grub command  line and typing 
stuff like

root (hd0,0)
root (hd1,0)

etc etc

Thanks to John and Troy who responded.  Unfortunately, I was not able to 
resolve it.  I've reinstalled grub after specifying grub's root.  When I do 
this, it hangs at stage 1.5 instead of 2.  I've verified it's the correct 
root by 'finding' the stage# files. I've tried fixing the order after 
reprobing and then editing the file.  I've disabled SCSI boot 
from the BIOS and verified that the BIOS boot order corresponds to the order.  I've even tried installing the machine without the SCSI 
card so that the SL installer does not load the AIC7xxx driver.  All to no 
avail.  I'm pretty sure it's something in grub.  The system was running 
SL3.x with an IDE system disk and this external SCSI drive.  All I did was 
reinstall it with SL4.5.

Do you know if it's possible to get to the grub console at bootup but before 
it loads stage 1.5 or stage 2?  If it is reordering, then I need a "live" 
(or in this case, "dead") system to verify instead of booting succesfully 
via linux rescue, then grubbing the system.

comps.xml on SL5.0

2008-01-14 Thread Ken Teh
So, I'm just starting to poke around with SL5.0.  Where is comps.xml?  In 
the past I've referred to this file to look at the package groups.  How do I 
specify my package groups when writing my kickstart files?


Re: eSATA PCI card for use with SL?

2008-02-01 Thread Ken Teh
Yes, I have someone who wants to do the same.  Maybe they're related. 
*sigh*.  So, if any of you are budding Rumpelstilskins, speak up!  :)


Michael Hannon wrote:

Greetings.  One of the guys here is trying to spin straw into gold: he's
got a PC with a standard PCI expansion bus (i.e., NOT PCI-X or PCIe),
and he'd like to hook up an eSATA drive to the computer.

It appears that most of the linux support for eSATA devices assume
you've got a newer bus.

If you can recommend an eSATA card that would work with a PCI bus under
SL, I'd appreciate it.


- Mike

SL4.6 x86_64 3c905 problems

2008-04-26 Thread Ken Teh
Networking with a 3COM 3c905 is not working after installing 4.6 x86_64 from 
CD.  The dhcp server hears the request and offers the address but the box 
fails to configure eth0.  The strange thing is that the same hardware works 
without any problems with a 4.6 i386 installation.

I need some help.  What's going on?

gpdf problems

2008-05-05 Thread Ken Teh
I have a 4x system that where gpdf has just "developed" a problem rendering 
a pdf file where it did not before.  The same said file is rendered without 
problems with ghostscript. We reloaded the file from its original URL and 
they are binary identical.  Anyone seen a problem like this before?

Re: gpdf problems

2008-05-06 Thread Ken Teh

November 2007 was the reported install date.

John Summerfield wrote:

Ken Teh wrote:
I have a 4x system that where gpdf has just "developed" a problem 
rendering a pdf file where it did not before.  The same said file is 
rendered without problems with ghostscript. We reloaded the file from 
its original URL and they are binary identical.  Anyone seen a problem 
like this before?

Ias gpdf been updated recently?
rpm -qi gpdf

installing on asus p5b-vm se

2008-05-06 Thread Ken Teh
I tried to install 5.1 x86_64 on a p5b-vm se.  Apparently, the installation 
kernel does not see the SATA disk.  I booted the system with Ubuntu's latest 
offering, 8.04, and looking at dmesg I see the disk listed.  Its kernel is 
2.6.24.  I'm guessing the 5.1 install disk's kernel is an earlier version. 
What is its version and can someone suggest how I might solve this problem?

Thanks! Ken

does a yum kernel update reset the default kernel?

2008-05-14 Thread Ken Teh
I'm looking for a clever fool-proof way of deselecting the SMP kernel.  I've 
just installed SL 4.6 under Mac Parallels for a colleague.  It doesn't boot 
with the SMP kernel; only the UP kernel.  So, I selected the appropriate 
kernel with the 'default' setting in grub.conf.  The question is what 
happens when yum updates the kernel.  Obviously, it puts the new kernels (up 
and smp) at the top of the list.  Can I rely on the order of the kernels 
listed in grub.conf?  Does it alter the 'default=1' line?

One alternative is to remove all smp kernels, add a kernel-smp* to the 
yum.cron.excludes so it never updates the virtual SL machine with an SMP kernel.

I'd appreciate any advice you might have on this matter.

Thanks! Ken

SL 5.1 unable to mount kickstart file via NFS

2008-06-03 Thread Ken Teh

I'm trying to kickstart via nfs.  At the syslinux boot prompt, I type

linux ks=nfs:slserver.privnet:/SL/51/ks/standalone

The slserver logs an authenticated mount request, so it's accepted the 
request and offered the share.  But, the anaconda installer fails to 
register the offer and suggest I continue with an interactive install.  On 
screen 3, I see the following logged:

INFO   : doing kickstart... setting it up
INFO   : url is slserver.privnet:/SL/51/ks/standalone
INFO   : file location: nfs://slserver.privnet:/SL/51/ks/standalone
ERROR  : failed to open /tmp/mnt/standalone: Permission denied
ERROR  : failed to copy file to /tmp/ks.cfg

I've done NFS installs since RedHat 6.  Most times when it failed it was 
usually an NFS problem.  And I suspect this is the case here.  Perhaps some 
NFS4 weirdness?  I'd appreciate suggestions on how to proceed.

Re: SL 5.1 unable to mount kickstart file via NFS

2008-06-03 Thread Ken Teh
More on this problem:  I tried to start the system via the rescue mode to 
see if I could manually issue the NFS mount command.  Unfortunately, the 
rescue mode does not work.

So far the only thing that works is manually feeding the CDs.  Which is what 
I'm trying to get away from.  :\

Ken Teh wrote:

I'm trying to kickstart via nfs.  At the syslinux boot prompt, I type

linux ks=nfs:slserver.privnet:/SL/51/ks/standalone

The slserver logs an authenticated mount request, so it's accepted the 
request and offered the share.  But, the anaconda installer fails to 
register the offer and suggest I continue with an interactive install.  
On screen 3, I see the following logged:

INFO   : doing kickstart... setting it up
INFO   : url is slserver.privnet:/SL/51/ks/standalone
INFO   : file location: nfs://slserver.privnet:/SL/51/ks/standalone
ERROR  : failed to open /tmp/mnt/standalone: Permission denied
ERROR  : failed to copy file to /tmp/ks.cfg

I've done NFS installs since RedHat 6.  Most times when it failed it was 
usually an NFS problem.  And I suspect this is the case here.  Perhaps 
some NFS4 weirdness?  I'd appreciate suggestions on how to proceed.

Re: SL 5.1 unable to mount kickstart file via NFS

2008-06-03 Thread Ken Teh
Thanks for your response.  The fact that it works for you is encouraging. 
If I do my nfs install, ie, "linux ks=nfs", I don't get the console-2 
bash prompt. I don't think anaconda is far enough along.  That's why I tried 
to load "linux rescue".  I should have written early that anaconda actually 
crashes in the rescue mode.  I get some sort of exception and I see on 
console-1 an "abnormal exit" message following a dump.

I tried a plain old "linux text" but I can't nfs mount because the network 
is not prepped yet.  Any more ideas?

Jon Peatfield wrote:

On Tue, 3 Jun 2008, Ken Teh wrote:

More on this problem:  I tried to start the system via the rescue mode 
to see if I could manually issue the NFS mount command.  
Unfortunately, the rescue mode does not work.

So far the only thing that works is manually feeding the CDs.  Which 
is what I'm trying to get away from.  :\

Just to confirm we do sl51 installs with nfs kickstart files all the 
time and it works fine for us - in our case we are PXE booting with 
pxelinux but that shouldn't make much difference anyway.

If you boot from the CDs and get to the console-2 bash prompt can you 
NFS mount the directory from that server by hand?

Can you run tcpdump on the nfs server and see if that sheds any light on 
what the problem might be?

 -- Jon

Re: SL 5.1 unable to mount kickstart file via NFS

2008-06-03 Thread Ken Teh

Jon Peatfield wrote:

On Tue, 3 Jun 2008, Ken Teh wrote:

Thanks for your response.  The fact that it works for you is 
encouraging. If I do my nfs install, ie, "linux ks=nfs", I don't 
get the console-2 bash prompt. I don't think anaconda is far enough 

Yup the bash on console-2 isn't started until stage2 has been loaded.

That's why I tried to load "linux rescue".  I should have written 
early that anaconda actually crashes in the rescue mode.  I get some 
sort of exception and I see on console-1 an "abnormal exit" message 
following a dump.

Is that booting from CD?  Are there other related messages on the VCs? 
I've never seen it crash like that, is the hardware known to be working?

I tried a plain old "linux text" but I can't nfs mount because the 
network is not prepped yet.  Any more ideas?

Well you could go far enough through the manual install (booted from CD) 
to set up networking or manually bring up networking in the console-2 
bash... (you don't have much to work with in that environment but I 
think it should include at least one of ifconfig or ip).

Did running tcpdump (or wireshark or whatever) on the server show anything?

 -- Jon

No, I haven't tried tcpdump yet.  syslog shows that the server heard the nfs 
mount request.  I've also verified that I can mount the volume from another 
SL5.0 machine.

Re: SL 5.1 unable to mount kickstart file via NFS

2008-06-03 Thread Ken Teh
OK, I found the problem.  Should have paid attention to the console-3 
error.log.  I had made a manual installation and had taken the 
anaconda-ks.cfg that was left in /root as the basis for creating custom 
kickstart files.  That file was mode 600.  That was it.  Duh!!

Anyway, the rescue mode does crash.  The hardware is a Dell Precision and I 
was able to install it manually.  But I cannot bring the machine up with the 
rescue CD.  I can try to jot down what the screen says but I see only a 
fraction of the dump when the rescue CD exits abnormally.   If Connie or 
Troy think this is useful, I will try to do it.

Thanks for everyone's help and patience.


Re: Missing dependencies.

2008-06-06 Thread Ken Teh
Hah!  I was just about to post the same thing.  Have you got a rope around 
you?  I'm sure all of us will be more than willing to pull you up when 
you've fixed it.  *wink*

Troy Dawson wrote:

*Troy starts going down the steep step of dependancies and sighs*

I had checked pretty good on SL4, and then forgot that this is a major 
evolution update for SL5, so I didn't check as much.

This is going to take a little bit for me to figure out ... and I should 
have done it yesterday, I apologize.

Expect the dependancies to be fixed in a little bit.  I'll let you know 
when they are pushed out.


Al Russell wrote:

I tried to do yum update and got this response.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# yum update
Loading "kernel-module" plugin
Setting up Update Process
Setting up repositories
Reading repository metadata in from local files
Excluding Packages in global exclude list
Resolving Dependencies
--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait.
---> Package evolution.i386 0:2.12.3-8.el5_2.2 set to be updated
--> Running transaction check
--> Processing Dependency: for package: evolution
--> Processing Dependency: for package: evolution
--> Processing Dependency: for package:
--> Processing Dependency: for package: evolution
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Beginning Kernel Module Plugin
Finished Kernel Module Plugin
Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package
Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package evolution
Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by
package evolution
Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package

I am using the vanilla yum configuration obtained from clean SL 5.1
install. What am I missing?


Re: Missing dependencies.

2008-06-06 Thread Ken Teh

Follow-up question:

I discovered this missing dependencies as part of an network install in the 
%post section.  My procedure is to NFS mount a remote directory where I keep 
several post install scripts that configure the machine exactly the way I 
want it.  The NFS mount does not seem work anymore.  I have the following 
lines in my %post section

[ -d /mnt/SL ] || mkdir -p /mnt/SL
mount -rvt nfs /mnt/SL
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
  echo " mounted"
  echo "failed to mount
  exit 0

cd /

I can mount the directory fine after the installation reboot and can run the 
scripts manually.  Any ideas what the difference might be between a 
post-configure after a reboot and a post-configure during the anaconda %post 
section?  Obviously, the kernel is different.  But, I load my kickstart 
script via NFS from the same server where I want to fetch the post-configure 
scripts in the %post section.

Ken Teh wrote:
Hah!  I was just about to post the same thing.  Have you got a rope 
around you?  I'm sure all of us will be more than willing to pull you up 
when you've fixed it.  *wink*

Troy Dawson wrote:

*Troy starts going down the steep step of dependancies and sighs*

I had checked pretty good on SL4, and then forgot that this is a major 
evolution update for SL5, so I didn't check as much.

This is going to take a little bit for me to figure out ... and I 
should have done it yesterday, I apologize.

Expect the dependancies to be fixed in a little bit.  I'll let you 
know when they are pushed out.


Al Russell wrote:

I tried to do yum update and got this response.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# yum update
Loading "kernel-module" plugin
Setting up Update Process
Setting up repositories
Reading repository metadata in from local files
Excluding Packages in global exclude list
Resolving Dependencies
--> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait.
---> Package evolution.i386 0:2.12.3-8.el5_2.2 set to be updated
--> Running transaction check
--> Processing Dependency: for package: 

--> Processing Dependency: for package: evolution
--> Processing Dependency: for package:
--> Processing Dependency: for package: evolution
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Beginning Kernel Module Plugin
Finished Kernel Module Plugin
Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package
Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package evolution
Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by
package evolution
Error: Missing Dependency: is needed by package

I am using the vanilla yum configuration obtained from clean SL 5.1
install. What am I missing?


Re: SL 5.1 file system corrupted easily!!!

2008-06-19 Thread Ken Teh
You might find this little writeup useful.  It's a little dated but I can 
vouch that it works.

Samuel Halicke wrote:

On Jun 19, 2008, at 11:50 AM, Timmy wrote:


So, I face a problem:  How to REBUILD / CLONE sda to sdb with Linux 
command mdadm??  :((


The "simplest" route is to just use dd(1):

dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=1M conv=notrunc,noerror,sync 2>&1 | tee 

This will create an exact, bootable clone, including partition tables 
and UUID. It may take a long time, and there is no progress indicator 
with dd, but it works. If there are errors, you can check the file tee 
writes. See the dd manpage for more details.

Other alternatives include partimage, available here: -- and also, the mdadm command itself 
-- the short version: set up RAID 1, partitions to Linux raid 
autodetect, put the first drive (your everyday drive) as the first in 
the set and the second as the mirror. The md driver should automatically 
rebuild the mirror for you. Just make sure you partition the disks the 
same way. There's plenty of information on the web about working with 

(T): 630.840.4308(P): 630.266.0042

Re: %post NFS access

2008-06-20 Thread Ken Teh
I've used mount's in the kickstart %post section like forever and I never 
needed 'nolock' until 5.x.  All I did was 'mount -rvt nfs server:/remote 
/local'.  I also did not start the nfslock service.

Jon Peatfield wrote:

On Fri, 20 Jun 2008, Steve Traylen wrote:

It has been ages since I 've done this but certainly in the past the
mount needed both
a nolock and nfsvers=2

mount -o nolock,nfsvers=2

I'm pretty sure that we don't need to add nfsvers any more - I know we 
don't use it.  I'm not sure if the nolock is really needed any more but 
we still do that - though we also start up the nfslock stuff too as well 

We now do nfs mounts in %pre as well since we found that nfs access to 
our extra local repos (via file:// locations) is faster (and uses less 
memory) than either ftp: or http: forms of access from anaconda.

Re: SL 5.1 file system corrupted easily!!!

2008-06-20 Thread Ken Teh
After installing a RAID 1 system, you should not shutdown the system until 
the system has a chance to complete the sync of both disks.  Maybe this is 
the reason for your problem.

I'm a little confused why you want to deactivate the second channel and 
reactivate it once a week to resync.  I have systems that have run with both 
disks for 4 years or more without any problems.  I think this is the way it 
is supposed to work.  The way you are doing it you are better off not 
configuring the system as RAID and simply doing a manual sync once a week.

Timmy wrote:

Hi Roelof and others:
I uninstalled the SiI software raid card and installed SL 5.1 again!  SL 
5.1 seemed to be able to set up a RAID pair by itself even without the 
add-on raid card!  Everything was very smooth.

My config is:
2 x 160GB SATA harddisks installed on 2 separate SATA channels.

My idea is to keep one hardisk as working system disk 24 hours (science 
calculation, business, BT, everything etc and therefore it will be worn 
out to death easily ;) and the other  harddisk as Spare disk.  It will 
be rebuilt and cloned per week against the working system disk.  Another 
file backup software will take care the incremental backup everyday! 
Sound very perfect!  ;)

Ok! After the above mentioned SL 5.1 system was built and became stable, 
I shut down the computer.  Then, I turned on the computer and 
deactivated the 2nd SATA harddisk (named sdb) from within BIOS.  SL 5.1 
booted with the single hardisk(sda) successfully (It claimed Degraded 
RAID mirror when SL 5.1 started up).  I ran the system for a few days.  
Then, I activated sdb again and hoped that SL 5.1 could rebuild it and 
cloned sda to it.  However, SL 5.1 claimed that it could not find many 
files and stopped at the command prompt.  I rebooted the computer, 
deactivated sdb again in the BIOS and booted to SL 5.1 successfully with 
only sda again!

So, I face a problem:  How to REBUILD / CLONE sda to sdb with Linux 
command mdadm??  :((


P.S.  After I had unplugged the SiI software SATA RAID card, SL 5.1 
never stops at RedHat Nash 5.19.6 . any more.  I guess this model of 
card is not compatible with the current SL 5.1!  Avoid it!  :((

I never understood why redhat included the alpha quality dm-raid 
drivers. I call this alpha, since basic functionality like rebuilding 
a raidset (!) still is missing. DM-raid is a kludge to be able to do 
dual-boot with a windows system using these raid drivers.
Never, ever use dm-raid on a server. Use mdadm instead. It performs 
just as well (dm-raid is also softwaid after all) and it is stable.
If you only need mirroring, you can also use LVM to create a mirror. 
(I never used that myself, YMMV)

Another advantage of mdadm is that it is hardware  independent. Your 
raidsets will keep on working even when transferred to a different 
brand of sata controller.

By the way: if you try to install an mdadm based raid system on a 
drive that previously has been part of an intel/promise/highpoint raid 
set, it will probably fail after the first reboot.  This is because 
the dm-raid system is not active during the anaconda run, but is 
activated before mdadm in the regular startup. DM-raid will detect the 
old raid signature and lock the disk, preventing mdadm from using is. 
Apart from a complete disk wipe, you can set the 'nodmraid' kernel 
parameter in grub to prevent this from happening. Destroying the old 
raid-set using the bios tool before installing mdadm often will not 
work in my experience.


Timmy wrote:
I have installed SL 5.1 many times!  The file system can be corrupted 
easily!  I don't know whether it is RedHat Linux's weakness.  Here 
are my experiences:

Case 1.
The system might stop here at boot time:
RedHat Nash 5.1.19...

After rebooting, it might boot normally or the system went corrupted 
and no more boot again!

Case 2.
I installed 2 SATA harddisks as mirror pair on a SiI SATA software 
RAID card.  Installation is successful but after several days' 
operation, the system could not read the RAID pair.  Formatting was 

Case 3.
After several days' downloading of a movie file through Ktorrent, the 
file system went corrupted again!  Formatting harddisk required.

I heard that downloading BT file hurts hard disk very much.  However, 
Case 1 and Case 2 do not have any relationship with BT task.

Any technique or trick to avoid this?

debugging a http based install

2008-07-02 Thread Ken Teh
I just started using the http based kickstart install.  Done via the 
kickstart url option.  I have installed a couple of SL5.1 systems 
successfully and tried today to install a SL4.6 machine.  I boot the system 
with the disc1 iso image and provide the kickstart file via NFS. Like so:

boot: linux

In my kickstart file I specify our local SL mirror as the install server. 
Like so:

url --url

Works for 5.1 but not for 4.6.  I've attached the Alt-F2 screen.  Can 
someone provide some pointer on how to debug this?  How do I go about 
isolating the problem?

I can revert back to using my old method which is an NFS based install.  But 
http based installs are so convenient especially since we have high-speed 
access to a local SL mirror.


Here's the fragment of the Alt-F2 dump.  It's hand copied so they are likely typos.
I'm also not sure where it begins.  But it appears to be looping.

* trying to mount CD device hdc
* mntloop loop0 on /mnt/runtime as /mnt/source/SL/base/stage2.img fd is 21
* mntloop loop7 on /tmp/update-disk as /mnt/source/SL/base/updates.img fd is 21
* unmounting loopback /tmp/update-disk loop7
* transferring to a fd
* transferring to a fd
* unmounting loopback /mnt/runtime loop0
* unmount loopback /tmp/product-disk loop7
* LOOP_CLR_FD failed for /tmp/product-disk loop7 (No such device or address)
* URL_STAGE_MAIN - url is
* url address is
* url prefix is /pub/scientific-linux/46/i386

yum groupinstall

2008-08-14 Thread Ken Teh

I suppose I could test this if I had a sacrificial machine, but I'm hoping 
someone can simply confirm that it does work.  I have a 4.2 server machine 
which was not installed with the gnome desktop.  I need to do so now and was 
wondering if 'yum groupinstall gnome' would do the trick.


Re: yum groupinstall

2008-08-14 Thread Ken Teh

Thanks, that's what I wanted to hear.  Whether 'groupinstall gnome' was 
sufficient or whether I had to manually handle the dependencies as well.  And, 
tips for a more complete solution that would satisfy my expectations.

Troy Dawson wrote:

Ken Teh wrote:
I suppose I could test this if I had a sacrificial machine, but I'm 
hoping someone can simply confirm that it does work.  I have a 4.2 
server machine which was not installed with the gnome desktop.  I need 
to do so now and was wondering if 'yum groupinstall gnome' would do 
the trick.


This all depends on if you already have all the X stuff installed and 
just need the gnome desktop, or if you installed something very light, 
like a server.

If you already have X installed and working, like if you installed KDE 
and you now want gnome installed, then you can almost do what you said, 
but not quite.

First - get the list of groups
  yum grouplist

Then - do a groupinstall with the group in quotes, so what you would 
want to do is

  yum groupinstall "GNOME Desktop Environment"
and that will pull in all the gnome stuff.

But, the odds are that you are asking because you have a server 
installed, and want a full graphical desktop, including the graphical 
login screen.
If you do just the gnome desktop, it is going to get you just that, the 
gnome desktop and enough X stuff to satisfy dependancies.  But it won't 
get you the gdm, or any of the X configuration stuff.  So you probrubly 

  yum groupinstall "X Window System"
  yum groupinstall "GNOME Desktop Environment"
as well as
  yum groupinstall "Graphical Internet"
  yum groupinstall "Printing Support"
  yum groupinstall "System Tools"
  yum groupinstall "Text-based Internet"


tripplite support in gnome power manager?

2008-09-25 Thread Ken Teh

I was startled to see the power manager icon on a 5.2 system that I had just 
installed and plugged into a tripplite ups.  I did connect the computer to the 
ups via the usb cable provided.  The system seems to know all about the UPS 
system; it's make and model and has some information on the battery charge.  I 
need some advice on how to proceed here.  I was going to use the manufacturer's 
software but first, I'd like to find out more about how the gnome power manager 
works vis-a-vis the ups, whether it's preferable to use the tripplite software, 
etc.  I would appreciate any help or guidance you might have.



Re: tripplite support in gnome power manager?

2008-09-25 Thread Ken Teh

Well, it does work.  I unplugged the ups, drained the battery using a electric 
heater and sure enough, the power manager shut the machine down.  It cut it 
rather close.  Right after the machine shut down the ups warning beeps turned 
into a continuous beep indicating its batteries were drained.  I'm wondering if 
anyone knows how to reconfigure the manager so it shuts the machine down 


Ken Teh wrote:
I was startled to see the power manager icon on a 5.2 system that I had 
just installed and plugged into a tripplite ups.  I did connect the 
computer to the ups via the usb cable provided.  The system seems to 
know all about the UPS system; it's make and model and has some 
information on the battery charge.  I need some advice on how to proceed 
here.  I was going to use the manufacturer's software but first, I'd 
like to find out more about how the gnome power manager works vis-a-vis 
the ups, whether it's preferable to use the tripplite software, etc.  I 
would appreciate any help or guidance you might have.



install via http for SL4.7 does not work

2008-10-02 Thread Ken Teh

I'm unable to install SL4.7 via the url method.  Originally, I thought it was 
something to do with our local mirror but I've tried it against and I get exactly the same error.

The Alt-F4 (?) screen shows the following (I'm copying it from a Ctrl-S screen, 
so typos galore) :

url address
url prefix /linux/scientific/47/i386
mntloop loop0 on /mnt/runtime as /mnt/source/SL/base/stage2.img fd is 22
mntloop loop7 on /tmp/update-disk as /mnt/source/SL/base/updates.img fd is 22
umounting loopback /tmp/update-disk loop7
transferring to 
a fd
 to a fd
umounting loopback /mnt/runtime loop0
umount loopback /tmp/product-disk loop7
LOOP_CLR_FD failed for /tmp/product-disk loop7 (No such device or address)

and it just keeps repeating itself over and over again.  I noticed that it 
first mounted loop7 on update-disk, then tried to umount it as product-disk.  
Is this a typo in anaconda?

I've posted this before maybe a year ago with SL4.6 which IIRC also does not 
work.  I believed it worked with SL4.5.  And, I know for a fact it works with 

Re: install via http for SL4.7 does not work

2008-10-03 Thread Ken Teh
> Ken Teh wrote:
>> I'm unable to install SL4.7 via the url method.  Originally, I thought
it was something to do with our local mirror but I've tried it against and I get exactly the same error. The
Alt-F4 (?) screen shows the following (I'm copying it from a Ctrl-S
screen, so typos galore) :
>> URL_STAGE_MAIN- url is
>> url address
>> url prefix /linux/scientific/47/i386
>> mntloop loop0 on /mnt/runtime as /mnt/source/SL/base/stage2.img fd is
>> mntloop loop7 on /tmp/update-disk as /mnt/source/SL/base/updates.img fd
is 22
>> umounting loopback /tmp/update-disk loop7
>> transferring
to a fd
>> transferring
to a fd
>> umounting loopback /mnt/runtime loop0
>> umount loopback /tmp/product-disk loop7
>> LOOP_CLR_FD failed for /tmp/product-disk loop7 (No such device or address)
>> and it just keeps repeating itself over and over again.  I noticed that
it first mounted loop7 on update-disk, then tried to umount it as
product-disk.  Is this a typo in anaconda?
>> I've posted this before maybe a year ago with SL4.6 which IIRC also
>> not work.  I believed it worked with SL4.5.  And, I know for a fact it
works with SL5.x
> Hi Ken,
> At what point in the install is this?
> I'm thinking this is just after you've given it the url, but before the
graphical install part starts.  Is that correct?
> Do you get the same errors using ftp instead of http?
> (ftp is terrible for SL5, but SL4 the speed is pretty close)
> Troy
> --
> __
> Troy Dawson  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (630)840-6468
> Fermilab  ComputingDivision/LCSI/CSI DSS Group
> __

Hi Troy,

I don't actually know.  I use the following command at the syslinux boot

boot: linux

and in my myhostname ks script, I have the line

url --url

I've tried it both with http and ftp.  IIRC, ftp died a horrible death;
anaconda terminated abnormally, some exception, I think.  No Alt-F screens
to see why.  But, I really did not chase this down much.  It could have
been a typo on my part.

If it's any help, I see in the blue screen the DHCP request.  After it
gets its IP, the line "running anaconda" normally pops up at the bottom. 
I dont see this at all. At this point, I switch to the Alt-F screens and
that's where I see all these error messages.  So, yes, it never gets to
its graphical startup.


wine emulator

2008-10-03 Thread Ken Teh
Are they any problems running the wine emulator on SL5x?  I recall wine
used to be part of RedHat's distributions.  But, I dont see it in SL5x. Is
or was there a reason why it was left out? It appears to be part of the
EPEL repo which I am not familiar with.

One of my users wants it on a server.  I'm reluctant to install it if it
will hang up the server.  I've never used it myself.  I've played around
with VMWare and while it works, there were the occasional hiccups. Which
is ok if it's your own machine.  Not so good on a multi-user server.

I'd appreciate any advice.  Thanks!

Re: wine emulator

2008-10-07 Thread Ken Teh

Thanks to folks who have taken the time to respond to this query.  I have 
installed it from the dag repo as Troy suggested.  My user needs it to run SRIM 
(stopping power) calculations.  She tells me she runs it on the command line; 
something like 'wine srim ...' which supposedly does not invoke the gui.

Thanks again!

Daniel Widyono wrote:

Just for anecdotal evidence, I use Picasa a lot on RHEL5x and previously on
RHEL4x (Picasa for linux really is running under wine, packaged just for
Picasa's use).

Only two minor issues:

sending photos through e-mail breaks when I use mutt because of the
spaces in the pathnames

I have to work around the memory mapping issue with wine and modern

You could perhaps reduce the priority with a wine wrapper script.  I don't
run this on servers, only on a desktop.  YMMV.

Dan W.

On Fri, Oct 03, 2008 at 03:21:32PM -0500, Ken Teh wrote:

Are they any problems running the wine emulator on SL5x?  I recall wine
used to be part of RedHat's distributions.  But, I dont see it in SL5x. Is
or was there a reason why it was left out? It appears to be part of the
EPEL repo which I am not familiar with.

One of my users wants it on a server.  I'm reluctant to install it if it
will hang up the server.  I've never used it myself.  I've played around
with VMWare and while it works, there were the occasional hiccups. Which
is ok if it's your own machine.  Not so good on a multi-user server.

I'd appreciate any advice.  Thanks!

NFS woes

2008-10-07 Thread Ken Teh

One of my NFS servers is very "noisy", spewing out

NFSD: preprocess_seqid__op: magic stateid!

Does anyone know what this means?  NFSv4 seems to be problematic and difficult to 
diagnose.  These are dmesg messages with no timestamps which makes it difficult to 
correlate it with anything else.  I'm going to throw out a couple of 
"possibilities".  (1) It started after adding a SL5.2 client, (2), we had our 
networks reconfigured to go behind a divisional firewall, we were previously behind a 
lab-wide perimeter firewall.  Without better system diagnostics, I'm grasping at straws.  
Any remarks or advice would be appreciated. Thanks!


Re: NFS woes

2008-10-08 Thread Ken Teh

It's worse today.  I have a lot of stale stateid messages both in dmesg and in 
/var/log/messages.  Here's a sample

Oct  8 00:00:41 prelude kernel: NFSD: stale stateid (48bebbc4/0004ddd3/0004ef27/
Oct  8 00:01:12 prelude last message repeated 44507 times
Oct  8 00:02:13 prelude last message repeated 90519 times
Oct  8 00:02:48 prelude last message repeated 52779 times

It's going bonkers.  Since midnight, it's put out 90 thousand such messages every minute.  

I think I made a bad choice using NFSv4.  It's been problematic ever since I 
stood up the server and it's only gotten worse. The last server I stood up I 
reverted back to NFSv3 and have had no problems with it.  Are folks satisfied 
with NFSv4?  Or, am I the stupid one for trusting the default on the distro?  
I'd appreciate any general remarks you might have on how to move forward.


Donald Tripp wrote:

Anything in /var/log/messages that would indicate anything?

On Oct 7, 2008, at 11:03 AM, Ken Teh wrote:

One of my NFS servers is very "noisy", spewing out

NFSD: preprocess_seqid__op: magic stateid!

Does anyone know what this means?  NFSv4 seems to be problematic and 
difficult to diagnose.  These are dmesg messages with no timestamps 
which makes it difficult to correlate it with anything else.  I'm 
going to throw out a couple of "possibilities".  (1) It started after 
adding a SL5.2 client, (2), we had our networks reconfigured to go 
behind a divisional firewall, we were previously behind a lab-wide 
perimeter firewall.  Without better system diagnostics, I'm grasping 
at straws.  Any remarks or advice would be appreciated. Thanks!


Re: NFS woes

2008-10-09 Thread Ken Teh

Dr Andrew C Aitchison wrote:

On Wed, 8 Oct 2008, Ken Teh wrote:

reverted back to NFSv3 and have had no problems with it.  Are folks 
satisfied with NFSv4?  Or, am I the stupid one for trusting the 
default on the distro? I'd appreciate any general remarks you might 
have on how to move forward.

I've been put off NFSv4 becuase I cannot understand how to
export several directory trees in differenet partitions.
NFSv4 seems to want you to merge them into a virtual partion
and export that, but the kernel cannot cope with the different
bits of the virtual partition having different permission modes.
So I can't export a read only partition and a read-write partition
without the kernel becoming dangerously confused :-(

That I was able to do.  The following /etc/exports is an example:

/x @myclients(fsid=0,rw,)
/x/packages @myclients(ro,...)
/x/home @myclients(rw,...)

I went back to NFSv3.

I completed my transition to NFS3 today.  We'll see if it "performs better".  I 
expect it will from past experiences.

when is an sda an hda?

2008-10-17 Thread Ken Teh
I'm getting confused with the sda/hda naming conventions.  I thought all
SATA disks were sd devices.  They were a while back but apparently, not
anymore.  And, I can't seem to make any sense of when an sda is an hda. 
I'm currently installing a system with a SATA system disk that has a IDE
CDROM.  A systemrescuecd (Gentoo based kernel) identifies the disk as an
sda.  But the 5.2 installer says it's an hda.  There's a single IDE
connector on the MB on which hangs a CDROM drive.  Apparently, it's not an
hda.  What is it?  An sda?

What gives?

Re: SL5 large file systems

2008-11-19 Thread Ken Teh
I dont have experience with filesystems that large but I have used xfs for 
about 3 years now.  I've not encountered any problems with them so I can't 
say how beastly they are to deal with in the event of problems.  Originally, 
I built the xfs module for SL4x but when I upgraded, I switched to CentOS 5 
which has the xfs stuff prebuilt.

Miles O'Neal wrote:

Our local vendor built us a Supermicro/Adaptec
system with 16x1TB SATA drives.  We have a 12TB
partition that they built as EXT2.  When I tried
to add journaling, it took forever, and then the
system locked up.  On reboot, the FS was still
EXT2, and takes hours (even empty) to fsck.  Based
on the messages flying by I am also not confident
fsck rally understands a filesystem this large.

Is the XFS module stable on 5.1 and 5.2?  (The
vendor installed 5.1 because that's what they
have, but I ran "yum update").

Anyone have experience with filesystems this large
on a Linux system?  Will XFS work well for this?

If any of you have successfully used EXT3 on a
filesystem this large, are there any tuning tips
you recommend?  I was thinking of turning on
dir_index, but somewhere I saw a warning this
nmight not work with other OSes.  Since we do have
some Windows and Mac users accessing things via
SMB, I wasn't sure that was safe. either.

This is a 64bit system. 8^)


Re: sci-linux as a pseudo-embedded os, have any of you installed it in this fassion?

2008-12-08 Thread Ken Teh
I recommend using a live CD distro.  This may or may not apply to you but 
typically an embedded system is something you want to be able to switch off 
and on with a button.  If your embedded SL mounts a hard disk partition as 
/, especially if it is mounted read-write, you really should use 'shutdown' 
to shut the system off.  Otherwise you run the risk of disk integrity 
problems.  It's happened to me before and when it happens you will need to 
build the system again.  A live CD distro runs entirely out of RAM so it's 
CD image remains pristine through reboots.

Salvador Aguinaga wrote:


I've wondered if any of you have used scientific linux on a x86 hardware 
to run a single application ( like an embedded OS ) and disable updates 
and remove unneeded packages?

Or if you there is a better alternative to accomplish the same thing.

// Sal Aguinaga
// Northwester University
// Evanston, IL

comps xml advice

2009-01-15 Thread Ken Teh
I would like to install a minimal SL system plus/minus certain packages. 
Since it's minimal, I figure the easiest way is to install core (maybe base) 
and manually add and subtract packages in the ks file.  Another possibility 
is to modify the comps.xml file to turn type='default' to type='optional' 
for those packages I don't want.  Of course, that means I have to host the 
installation tree on a server inside of fetching them via http from a 
mirror.  Both methods are about equivalent. What I don't want to do is sit 
in front the machine and manually check and uncheck packages.

The above approaches work only because it's a minimal install.  Anything 
more would get pretty tedious.  Are there cleverer ways of doing this?

Re: comps xml advice

2009-01-16 Thread Ken Teh

Troy Dawson wrote:

Mark Stodola wrote:

Ken Teh wrote:
I would like to install a minimal SL system plus/minus certain 
packages. Since it's minimal, I figure the easiest way is to install 
core (maybe base) and manually add and subtract packages in the ks 
file.  Another possibility is to modify the comps.xml file to turn 
type='default' to type='optional' for those packages I don't want.  
Of course, that means I have to host the installation tree on a 
server inside of fetching them via http from a mirror.  Both methods 
are about equivalent. What I don't want to do is sit in front the 
machine and manually check and uncheck packages.

The above approaches work only because it's a minimal install.  
Anything more would get pretty tedious.  Are there cleverer ways of 
doing this?

Manually checking/unchecking is probably about the fastest way of 
doing it, certainly much faster than hand typing each package name or 
editing a bunch of 8+ character strings in an xml file.  I'd either do 
the clicking at install time or use the system-config-kickstart tool 
on an existing setup to generate a kickstart before you get going.  If 
you're not the mouse type, once you get in to the package lists in the 
installer, you can use the up/down keys and spacebar to toggle 
packages extremely fast.

What I've done is sorta a combination of what you both are saying.
I did an install with only core, and then added the packages I wanted 
using yum.  I then took the kickstart file made during install 
(/root/anaconda-ks.cfg) and added the packages that are listed in the 
yum log (/var/log/yum.log)
I've edited the comps.xml file, and I've edited kickstart files, and I 
believe editing the kickstart file is easier.


ok, thanks!  I thought perhaps there were other ways I was not aware of.

I'm a kickstart file person myself.  Manual is maybe good for a onesie but 
gets old and unreliable for N > 2 systems.  Also, I like kickstarts because 
it's both a record of what you did.  And it can be customized per machine.

yum --installroot anomaly?

2009-01-23 Thread Ken Teh
It's not a show stopper but I don't think it's supposed to happen this way. 
 I'm working in /root/livecd and installing the core package group into a 
subdirectory called 'live' with the either commands.  Both produce the same 

yum --installroot=/root/livecd/live install ...

yum -c live/etc/yum.conf --installroot=/root/livecd/live install ...

The directory is first prep'ed following Urs Beyerle's instructions on 
making live cds.  The install works fine but it creates


and writes a file called transaction-all. there.  Note the directory 
path which repeats the current working directory.  I would have thought the 
installroot option would reorient yum so whatever it does is relative to the 
install root, ie, the transaction file is written to


instead of remembering where it was working from.

rebuilding kernel rpms

2009-02-12 Thread Ken Teh
A simple question:  I'd like to rebuild the current kernel rpm with minor 
mods to the config.  The procedure I'm following is what's documented for 
RHEL 4, that is,

install the src.rpm
do an rpmbuild -bp
cd to /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/kernel-/linux-/
make menuconfig

to create the custom .config.  At this point, how do I fold the .config that 
I generate back in so I can simply say 'rpmbuild -ba' and have it generate 
the kernel rpms with my mods?


Re: rebuilding kernel rpms

2009-02-12 Thread Ken Teh
Excellent!  Thank you very much Akemi.  I was browsing through the spec file 
and encountered all those sections that you wrote up in the wiki.  I did not 
wish to dig through all those details to figure out how to spec file works. 
Your recipe is exactly what I need!  Thanks!

A short followup:  You have a warning at the beginning of the wiki that it 
is almost not necessary to build a custom kernel.  My problem is that I need 
a kernel that's able to mount a squashfs fs on a loop device during boot-up. 
 The standard kernel has both squashfs and loop as .ko.  I believe I need 
them built-in.  If I'm wrong, please advise.

Thanks again!


Akemi Yagi wrote:

On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 2:27 PM, Ken Teh  wrote:

A simple question:  I'd like to rebuild the current kernel rpm with minor
mods to the config.  The procedure I'm following is what's documented for
RHEL 4, that is,

install the src.rpm
do an rpmbuild -bp
cd to /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/kernel-/linux-/
make menuconfig

to create the custom .config.  At this point, how do I fold the .config that
I generate back in so I can simply say 'rpmbuild -ba' and have it generate
the kernel rpms with my mods?

There is a well-written CentOS wiki on how to build custom kernels.
The instructions are based on CentOS-5 but there are notes whenever
the procedures differ for CentOS-4.

One important thing is that you do not want to do the building as
root.  This is a dangerous practice even if you are an experienced
user (mistakes can happen).


help decoding yum message about aufs

2009-02-19 Thread Ken Teh
I'm playing with aufs and have built and installed aufs for the 5.2 distro 
from Urs Beyerle's src rpm.  N.B. the src rpm builds the aufs and the 
kernel-module-aufs rpms.  I have my yum configured to exclude kernel* and 
the only enabled repos I use are sl and sl-security.

I'm a little confused by the yum cron message below.  The aufs src rpm I got 
from Urs is 20070210.cvs.  The message seems to suggest that there is an 
aufs package in my yum enabled repos.  But I have looked at the 5.2 install 
tree and I don't find any such rpm.

Can someone clarify?  Customizations are tedious and having a known 
environment to make customizations helps a great deal.  If the aufs and 
kernel-module-aufs are part of the standard SL yum repos, then I wont bother 
building them and would prefer to rely on both aufs and the kernel being 
kept in sync.



 YUM - security
Error: Missing Dependency: kernel-module-aufs >= 0.20090202.cvs-6.sl5 is 
needed by package aufs

determining the appropriate sata driver

2009-03-10 Thread Ken Teh
How does a system determine the appropriate sata driver?  Specifically, how 
does anaconda figure out to write

alias scsi_hostadapter ata_piix

in my modprobe.conf and to bind it into my initrd image?

I took apart boot.iso but didnt find anything "readable" that indicated how 
this was determined.



Re: determining the appropriate sata driver

2009-03-11 Thread Ken Teh

Hi Troy,

I'm looking for something more basic.  I'm trying to craft an init script 
for an initrd image to load appropriate drivers.  Nothing fancy.  Just the 
basics.  Like what sort of hard drives are on the system.  SATA or IDE?  The 
SATA issue confuses me since there is a plethora of SATA drivers.  Does the 
init script have to try each one to see if it finds a match or is there 
something in /proc or /sys that provides some identification?

The only tool I have in my initrd image is busybox and it doesnt have an 
lspci equivalent.  The /proc system contains a subdirectory that lists all 
devices on PCI but as bus.device files.  I tried cat'ing the files but they 
are not ascii.  I'm guessing it's possible to walk these files to extract 
the information I need.  I can dig deeper but to save time, I'd ask if 
someone already knows the answer.


Troy Dawson wrote:

Mark Stodola wrote:
I believe most of anaconda's "magic" comes from probing the PCI and 
USB bus for vendor and device IDs.  If you dig into a driver (for 
example, e1000e), you will find a pcitable listing all of the IDs the 
driver supports.  If you look in /lib/modules// you will find 
a modules.pcimap and modules.usbmap among other bus types.

Hope that helps.


Ken Teh wrote:
How does a system determine the appropriate sata driver?  
Specifically, how does anaconda figure out to write

alias scsi_hostadapter ata_piix

in my modprobe.conf and to bind it into my initrd image?

I took apart boot.iso but didnt find anything "readable" that 
indicated how this was determined.



Hi Ken,
On SL 5, alot of that data comes from hwdata, which is in the
/usr/share/hwdata directory.
The main ones people and programs look at is
pci.ids and usb.ids
But there are other files in there.

kernel lockd does not honor requested lockd ports

2009-04-21 Thread Ken Teh
I've fixed the various nfs ports in my firewall config and have propagated 
these ports to /etc/sysconfig/nfs.  All the ports are honored except for the 
lockd ports.  I've even tried setting the ports in sysctl.conf and appending 
them to the kernel boot in grub.conf.  rpcinfo -p shows that the kernel 
(2.6.18-128.1.6.el5) basically ignores me.  NFS clients are mounting via 
NFSv3.  Ignoring the lockd numbers creates apparently creates problems for 
some applications, presumably because the application is requesting file 
locks.  For example, firefox won't run when launched in a user's home 
directory that is mounted remotely from the server.

Has anyone seen this problem?  What's the fix?


Intel I7

2009-05-07 Thread Ken Teh

Does SL5.2 run on the Intel I7 processors?  Any magic involved?


Re: Strategies for setting up scientific packages?

2009-05-28 Thread Ken Teh
I have one called ssetup which I wrote.  Originally, it was 'setup' (idea 
stolen from VMS) but Redhat commandeered the name.  My packages are stored, 
one per directory, on a "packages" server which is NFS mounted on clients. 
All the command does is run a .setup file in the appropriate directory which 
actually does the proper environment setup.

Graham Allan wrote:

We have been using UPS/UPD from fnal for this (mainly for root and
packages like that):

Being somewhat disconnected from fnal here, I am not really sure how
well supported ups/upd is these days, it is hard to get much information
on it. I'd be interested if anyone from fnal might comment.

I guess the most popular package to do this kind of thing is "modules",


On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 06:09:57PM -0700, Matt Harrington wrote:

This isn't specifically a Scientific Linux question, but I suspect
many of the list's readers are in the same boat as me.  We have about
30 scientific packages, of which about 20 are command-line only and
about 10 are GUI applications.  Rather than have massive, slow,  and
unmaintainable .cshrc/.bashrc files, people use an application called
"prepare" to set up each app as necessary.  "prepare" originally came
from Johan Postma at EMBL Heidelberg and unfortunately its website
seems to have disappeared.  It's a clever csh script which detects the
architecture in use and then sources an appropriate csh file to set up
environment variables and aliases.  Originally it worked with IRIX and
OSF/1, and when Linux came on the scene I made the necessary
modifications.  The idea is that "prepare ccp4" will set up the CCP4
package for whatever type of computer a user is currently using: SGI,
Tru64 Alpha, Linux Alpha, Linux x86, or Linux AMD64.  Simply typing
"prepare" gives a list of applications currently configured for the
computer in use.

This has worked well, but I haven't revisited this issue in 15 years
and am wondering how the rest of the scientific world solves this
problem.  All comments welcomed.


Re: Updates and long-running user processs

2009-06-15 Thread Ken Teh
I was at a linux conference and met someone who sells a tool to patch linux 
kernels live without rebooting.

Dr Andrew C Aitchison wrote:

What do other groups do about updating applications and machines
with long running processes ?

My users run two sorts of long running processes, with different
problems when it comes to updates.

First, I have users who never log off. Thus applications like
firefox and pdf viewers will be running when they are updated.
Some time later these applications may try to load and run plugins
which have been removed/updated.

Second, I have users with long running calculations (often weeks
or more) which would be interrupted if the machine were rebooted into an 
updated kernel. User-writing code often check-points, so the actual 
calculation time lost is not significant, but calculations in
commercial packages such as Mathematica and Maple are often less good 
about check-pointing.

How do people balance the disruption of killing user processes
against the need to update to the latest versions of software ?


Re: Updates and long-running user processs

2009-06-15 Thread Ken Teh

Sorry, typo.

Ken Teh wrote:
I was at a linux conference and met someone who sells a tool to patch 
linux kernels live without rebooting.

Dr Andrew C Aitchison wrote:

What do other groups do about updating applications and machines
with long running processes ?

My users run two sorts of long running processes, with different
problems when it comes to updates.

First, I have users who never log off. Thus applications like
firefox and pdf viewers will be running when they are updated.
Some time later these applications may try to load and run plugins
which have been removed/updated.

Second, I have users with long running calculations (often weeks
or more) which would be interrupted if the machine were rebooted into 
an updated kernel. User-writing code often check-points, so the actual 
calculation time lost is not significant, but calculations in
commercial packages such as Mathematica and Maple are often less good 
about check-pointing.

How do people balance the disruption of killing user processes
against the need to update to the latest versions of software ?


dual head with ATI Radeon 43xx

2009-06-18 Thread Ken Teh
Has anyone successfully run a single desktop across 2 monitors with an ATI 
Radeon 4300 series graphics card with SL5.3?

trouble installing 4.8, etc.

2009-09-25 Thread Ken Teh

I'm having trouble installing SL4.8 X86_64 from the DVD.  It keeps coming up 
saying it can't find certain packages, speex for one.  I've checked the media 
and the installer says the media is fine.  Any ideas?

On a somewhat related note, I've not been able to install the later 4.x 
releases via kickstart.  For some reason, 4.x machines whether at install time 
or boot time take forever to accept their IP assignments via DHCP.  This is not 
a big problem after it's installed; it just takes forever to boot.  But, during 
kickstart, it times out after which you have to do it interactively.  The 5x 
machines do not show this behavior at all.  I also didn't have this problem 
with earlier versions of 4x, say around 4.2-4.4.  This is not a pressing issue 
for me since I've pretty much moved on to 5x.  But I'm just wondering if anyone 
else has encountered this situation.



Re: Logo Contest for SL6 extended

2009-10-02 Thread Ken Teh wrote:

I like number 9 - though Tux has an expreession that I can't quite
define (other than cross-eyed!).  Needs the extra electron though.


If the extra electron were right in front of Tux's beak, then he'd have a reason to be cross-eyed.  

I like the #9 myself.  Entries 2-6, the carbon atom picture, are all good with 
varying degrees of symmetry.  You could argue they are keeping with our 
traditional logos.  Or you could argue against for precisely the same reason.  
My preference for #9 is its element of fun and humor.  If his irises downward, 
then he'd be the spitting image of your typical nerd scientist who's always 
looking down on the floor while walking down the hallway.

SL53 disk I/O is slow

2009-10-14 Thread Ken Teh

I just installed SL5.3 on a Supermicro PDSBE motherboard and its disk i/o is painfully 
slow; about 3MB/s.  The system has SATA drives but the kernel sees them as /dev/hdx 
devices.  There is also a ata_piix message at the beginning of bootup that says "no 
available legacy port".  I'm guessing the failure to recognize the SATA drives as 
/dev/sdx and the slow disk i/o are related to this cryptic message.

I ran a Fedora 11 live CD on the system and it can do disk i/o easily 20-30 
times faster which is closer to what I expect.  100MB/s or more.  I'm pretty 
sure the problem is kernel related.

I tried switching the SATA mode in the BIOS to compability instead of enhanced. 
 It didn't make any difference.  I wasn't expecting any.  The compatibility vs 
native stuff, I thought, was something that was done when SATA support for 
spotty.  The SATA controller is an Intel ICH8 which I figure should be well 

I also looked at the dumps of hdparm both under SL53 and Fedora 11.  The 
features enabled are the same for both.  There are additional features listed 
under Fedora 11, all SCT (SMART Command Transport) related.  There is also a 
whole bunch of dma modes displayed in both hdparm -t dumps.  On SL53 there is a 
* next to udma5 while it's next to udma6 under Fedora.  I'm not sure what this 

Any ideas on how to proceed?  Build a custom kernel?  Which I am reluctant to 
do since I rely on SL for updates.


Re: SL53 disk I/O is slow

2009-10-15 Thread Ken Teh

I solved the problem and thought I'd pass it along.  The BIOS also has a SATA AHCI 
setting which was disabled.  After I enabled it, the disks are now recognized as /dev/sd? 
and I'm getting more reasonable disk speeds.  I also do not get the ata_piix message 
about "no available legacy ports".


Ken Teh wrote:
I just installed SL5.3 on a Supermicro PDSBE motherboard and its disk 
i/o is painfully slow; about 3MB/s.  The system has SATA drives but the 
kernel sees them as /dev/hdx devices.  There is also a ata_piix message 
at the beginning of bootup that says "no available legacy port".  I'm 
guessing the failure to recognize the SATA drives as /dev/sdx and the 
slow disk i/o are related to this cryptic message.

I ran a Fedora 11 live CD on the system and it can do disk i/o easily 
20-30 times faster which is closer to what I expect.  100MB/s or more.  
I'm pretty sure the problem is kernel related.

I tried switching the SATA mode in the BIOS to compability instead of 
enhanced.  It didn't make any difference.  I wasn't expecting any.  The 
compatibility vs native stuff, I thought, was something that was done 
when SATA support for spotty.  The SATA controller is an Intel ICH8 
which I figure should be well supported.

I also looked at the dumps of hdparm both under SL53 and Fedora 11.  The 
features enabled are the same for both.  There are additional features 
listed under Fedora 11, all SCT (SMART Command Transport) related.  
There is also a whole bunch of dma modes displayed in both hdparm -t 
dumps.  On SL53 there is a * next to udma5 while it's next to udma6 
under Fedora.  I'm not sure what this means.

Any ideas on how to proceed?  Build a custom kernel?  Which I am 
reluctant to do since I rely on SL for updates.


Re: Programs for backing up data?

2009-10-15 Thread Ken Teh

You need to be clear about what you mean by backup.  If you are keeping a 
mirror of your data, rsync is fine.  But sometimes you want a version of a file 
from 3 months ago.  rsync is not going to do that for you.  The appropriate 
terms are redundancy and archival and the question you need to ask yourself is 
which is it you want. Maybe both?

Good luck

Avetisyan, Aram wrote:


We have a few desktops running CERN's version of Scientific Linux (SLC 4.8) and 
would like to automatically backup the data on these via the network all of 
them are on. Can anyone recommend a good way to do this? I know of rsync and 
I've found some rather long lists of software online, but I'm not sure which 
method is best.


-- Aram

Re: SL 4.8 Live CD questions

2009-10-16 Thread Ken Teh

Hi Larry,

I would also be interested in the CERN Howto on building a Live CD.  I have my 
own script for building my own SL Live CD.  The live CD is not as full fledged 
as Urs'; I use the live image only for embedded purposes, but one can always 
learn new tricks.  Please post the URL when you get a chance.

I share Urs' opinion that an up-to-date Linux box is secure enough for online 


Urs Beyerle wrote:

Hi Larry,

some comments from my side ...

First, good to hear that you like the SL LiveCD.

The LiveCD is just build after SL releases a new version. Normally the
LiveCD is not updated afterwards. You have to wait for the next SL
release to get an updated LiveCD.

The LiveCD comes with a write/read file system. All changes are written
to RAM. Just run "yum update" and the software on the LiveCD will be
updated. This can take some time depending on your internet connection
and age of your LiveCD and maybe fill up your memory or maybe not. Or
you can just run "yum update firefox" to get the latest firefox. Because
all changes are stored in memory, after a reboot they are lost again.

However, you can save the changes on an USB stick, see

This should lead to an uptodate LiveCD. One thing you cannot do: You
cannot update the kernel of a LiveCD.

Editing the LiveCD iso image would be theoretically possible, but I
would not do it, because the data is stored in a special way
(compressed, etc.)

Hope this helps,


PS. I would be interested in the CERN excellent Howto of building an own
live CD.
PS. I use for internet banking an uptodate Linux installation. In my
option this is enough secure.

P. Larry Nelson wrote:

Hi all, the following article has convinced me to go the Live CD route
when doing online banking.  I had been using a squeaky-clean and
Windows XP installation (and the latest Firefox) as a guest OS in VMware,
but even that method, I've read, has potential security issues.

To that end, I've downloaded and burned my first LiveCD (SL 4.8)
and have been playing around with it - quite slick, I must say!

However, it has raised some questions, particularly in regards to what
I'm using it for.  First (probably a Troy/Connie question), how often
do security updates get incorporated into the ISO image?  For example,
there was just a security fix for xpdf/gpdf and the firefox in the
SL4.8 LiveCD certainly does not have the latest bug fixes.

And if the ISO image doesn't get updated then what's the best course
for maintaining a patched LiveCD?  I know that one can build one's own
LiveCD, and the CERN site has an excellent Howto, so conceivably I could
build one and keep it up to date with the latest bug/security fixes,
but I'm also aware that there seems to be software out there that will
let one edit ISO images to extract or add files (ISO Master for Linux
is one I found, but not tried).

Any thoughts on this and/or does anyone have experience editing an ISO

- Larry

Re: Logo Contest for SL6 extended

2009-10-20 Thread Ken Teh

Ooo!! I like this one very much.  Great colors, too!  This one has my vote.

Anatoly Solomin wrote:

OK, let me also suggest something... instead of criticizing others.

- Anatoly Solomin

no cd drive

2010-06-15 Thread Ken Teh

I have a couple SuperMicro C2SBM-Q motherboards machines that have a DVD writer 
connected to the single IDE connector on the MB.  I don't see the device 
anywhere.  dmesg doesn't seem to detect the device on bootup and I dont see it 
in /sys/block.

The device works (sort of) because I could run anaconda installer using the 
disc1 iso image I wrote to a dvd.  The installation was actually done via http, 
not via the local cdrom which I now remember failed.

I could use some help trying to debug this. It's running the latest kernel from 
the 5x series.  2.6.18-194 which was released just recently.


compiling a newer kernel for SL5x

2010-06-17 Thread Ken Teh

I need some pointers on compiling a new kernel for SL5x. I haven't done one in 
a long time and am not familiar with the directory layouts.

I used to unpack the tarball into /usr/src/linux-2.x.yy and create a link 
/usr/src/linux to point to this directory. Do all the compilation and 
installing from /usr/src/linux.

Is the preferred method to unpack the tarball into /usr/src/kernels and simply 
work in /usr/src/kernels/linux-2.x.yy?  I have a vague notion that compiling 
add-on modules for the running kernel rely on files in 
/usr/src/kernels/linux-2.x.yy? Is this correct?

Btw, I posted a question about SL5.5's latest kernel not detecting my DVD drive 
which was connected to the MB's IDE port.  It turns out the Fedora 12's kernel 
sees it just fine.  Without any BIOS tinkering.  Hence my interest in updating 
the kernel for SL5x.

I'd also appreciate any caveats (except for auto kernel updates via yum) you 
may have of running a later kernel with SL5x.



Re: New monitor "out of range" -

2010-08-19 Thread Ken Teh

system-config-display does run from the command line.  I use it all the time.  
Switch to runlevel 3.  Either boot it in level 3 by intercepting grub and 
appending 3 to the kernel line or if it's already running do a telinit 3.  Then,

cd /etc/X11
rm xorg.conf

It's best to remove the xorg.conf and let the system start again with a clean 

Good luck.

On 08/19/2010 04:28 PM, Bob Goodwin wrote:

  I just swapped the CRT for a newer LCD monitor and can't get an x
desktop display. How do I deal with that? Perhaps from the command
line, but system-config-display wont run that way.

Thanks for any help.



apc or tripplite or something else

2010-11-12 Thread Ken Teh

Is APC (or some other make) preferred over tripplite as a linux friendly ups?  
Is everyone using nut or are the vendor supplied software good enough?

I have only used tripplite and nut and it has been less than satisfactory.  
It's always a struggle to put one together.


6.0 installation problems

2011-03-03 Thread Ken Teh

I'm trying to install 6.0 x86_64 on a machine using the enterprise storage 
option.  The machine hosts a 16TB disk array.  The OS is to be installed on a 
software raid set of smaller disks separate from the 16TB array.  A couple of 

(1) Is the enterprise storage option the right option?  I'm not using any of 
the FCoE, iSCSI, etc., options.  Just plain hardware raid 5.

(2) I'm having trouble with the graphical install.  The network dialog is too 
large for my screen and I cannot see the buttons at the bottom of the dialog 
box.  Is there a text-based install?

Appreciate any help you may have.



Re: 6.0 installation problems

2011-03-03 Thread Ken Teh

The video problem was solved using the second option on the install list - ie 
installing with the basic video driver.

On 03/03/2011 03:13 PM, Troy Dawson wrote:

On 03/03/2011 02:55 PM, Ken Teh wrote:

I'm trying to install 6.0 x86_64 on a machine using the enterprise storage 
option. The machine hosts a 16TB disk array. The OS is to be installed on a 
software raid set of smaller disks separate from the 16TB array. A couple of 

(1) Is the enterprise storage option the right option? I'm not using any of the 
FCoE, iSCSI, etc., options. Just plain hardware raid 5.

I don't know about any "enterprise storage option" so I'm not sure what to say.
"Scalable Filesystem" is really just XFS support

(2) I'm having trouble with the graphical install. The network dialog is too 
large for my screen and I cannot see the buttons at the bottom of the dialog 
box. Is there a text-based install?

Installation instructions are here
I suggest that you try to find some option to change the video resolution. You 
really don't want to try text install.

Text install instructions are here
NOTES about text install

* You are unable to do customized partitions in text mode.
* You are unable to review and edit partitions in text mode.
* You are unable to put your boot loader anyplace special in text mode.
* You are unable to select packages and/or groups in text mode.
You only get a minimal install.

This is the way the installer comes from The Upstream Vendor.


gdm and PreSession/Default

2011-03-08 Thread Ken Teh

SL6's gdm does not honor the exit code from /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default.  In 
SL5x, it used to abort the login if the script returns a non-zero exit code.  I 
used this feature to put up a zenity dialog which the user had to click yes in 
order to continue logging in.  Now, the user logs regardless of the script.

In fact, the distro's Default script is empty.  It used to contain the xsetroot 
and sessreg bits.

Any workarounds?

nfs kickstart scripts

2011-03-09 Thread Ken Teh

The install and boot iso's no longer issue a boot prompt.  I used to make use 
of this feature in SL4 and SL5 in order to download a kickstart from an nfs 
server.  The kickstarts would typically specify our local mirror as a install 
source.  It also allowed to customize kickstarts for particular machine configs.

Is this still possible in SL6?  Is it done differently?

Re: nfs kickstart scripts

2011-03-09 Thread Ken Teh

A little more detail:  The iso images for SL4 and SL5 used to stop with the 
boot: prompt after loading the kernel. I would then specify

boot: linux=nfs::/path/to/kickstart

On 03/09/2011 05:32 PM, Ken Teh wrote:

The install and boot iso's no longer issue a boot prompt. I used to make use of 
this feature in SL4 and SL5 in order to download a kickstart from an nfs 
server. The kickstarts would typically specify our local mirror as a install 
source. It also allowed to customize kickstarts for particular machine configs.

Is this still possible in SL6? Is it done differently?

Re: nfs kickstart scripts

2011-03-09 Thread Ken Teh

Yes, I've tried it.  Now with all the iso images.  None of them gives a boot 

I should correct my previous message.  The boot prompt used to show up after 
syslinux loads, not the kernel.  According to TUV docs, the prompt should show, 
but it doesn't.

On 03/09/2011 06:02 PM, Bluejay Adametz wrote:

A little more detail:  The iso images for SL4 and SL5 used to stop with the
boot: prompt after loading the kernel. I would then specify

boot: linux=nfs::/path/to/kickstart

Have you tried hitting  when the boot screen comes up? That seems
to allow modifying the boot options and may do what you want.

There is a note to this effect on the boot screen, but it's not real
obvious. I missed it for a while.

  - Bluejay Adametz, CFII, A&P, AA-5B N45210

Be careful what you teach You might have to learn it one day.
-Tunnell's Terse Transmogrification of
 Fido Fisher's Fortuitious Formulary

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the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged
information, or information otherwise protected from disclosure by law.
If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, you are
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distribution of this message or any of its attachments is strictly
prohibited.  If you received this message in error, please contact the
sender immediately by reply email and destroy this message, including all
attachments, and any copies thereof.

Re: nfs kickstart scripts

2011-03-09 Thread Ken Teh

Ok, I got it.  You were right.  The tab option did the trick.  The ks spec


needs to be added to the kernel boot options.  It says so in the TUV docs, but 
it also says to type this in at the boot prompt.  Except, of course, there is 
no boot prompt unlike SL4x and SL5x.

On 03/09/2011 06:02 PM, Bluejay Adametz wrote:

A little more detail:  The iso images for SL4 and SL5 used to stop with the
boot: prompt after loading the kernel. I would then specify

boot: linux=nfs::/path/to/kickstart

Have you tried hitting  when the boot screen comes up? That seems
to allow modifying the boot options and may do what you want.

There is a note to this effect on the boot screen, but it's not real
obvious. I missed it for a while.

  - Bluejay Adametz, CFII, A&P, AA-5B N45210

Be careful what you teach You might have to learn it one day.
-Tunnell's Terse Transmogrification of
 Fido Fisher's Fortuitious Formulary

NOTICE: This message, including any attachments, is only for the use of
the intended recipient(s) and may contain confidential and privileged
information, or information otherwise protected from disclosure by law.
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hereby notified that any use, disclosure, copying, dissemination or
distribution of this message or any of its attachments is strictly
prohibited.  If you received this message in error, please contact the
sender immediately by reply email and destroy this message, including all
attachments, and any copies thereof.

Re: gdm and PreSession/Default

2011-03-10 Thread Ken Teh

I solved this problem.  For those of you who are required to put up the DOE 
warning banner or any other sort of disclaimer that aborts a gui login, the 
solution is to put the attached file in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d.  The scripts 
in xinitrc.d are run from xinitrc-common.  The distro's first script is  Choose a name so that the DOE warning script is run 
before it.  No point starting up dbus if the user chooses to decline the 
disclaimer and abort the login.

On 03/08/2011 12:41 PM, Ken Teh wrote:

SL6's gdm does not honor the exit code from /etc/gdm/PreSession/Default. In 
SL5x, it used to abort the login if the script returns a non-zero exit code. I 
used this feature to put up a zenity dialog which the user had to click yes in 
order to continue logging in. Now, the user logs regardless of the script.

In fact, the distro's Default script is empty. It used to contain the xsetroot 
and sessreg bits.

Any workarounds?

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Re: kickstart resolv.conf problem with SL6

2011-04-05 Thread Ken Teh

You can use DNS names in the script sections of the kickstart.  It's documented 
in the TUV's 6.0 manuals.  Don't forget to use -o nolock if you are mounting 

On 04/05/2011 04:28 AM, Ahmed El Zein wrote:

- Original Message -
From: Ahmed El Zein 
Date: Tuesday, April 5, 2011 6:23 pm
Subject: kickstart resolv.conf problem with SL6

 > Dear SL users,I am testing SL6 and my kickstart scripts are failing. 
Specifically wgets are unable to resolve the hostname of the spacewalk server.
 > I took a look and both /etc/resolv.conf and /mnt/sysimage/etc/resolv.conf 
are missing the nameserver line. They both just have a single line:
 > search 
 > --
 > These kickstart scipts work just find on my Centos 5.5 systems, so I am not 
sure if this is a SL6 issue or some change in the kickstart options that I am not 
aware of. I have looked but I can't find any relevant difference between the RHEL5 
and RHEL6 kickstart doco.
 > And help/info in this regard would be much appreciated.

A quick follow up; After some more testing I noticed that when anaconda first 
runs the resolv.conf file is fine. By the time the pre script runs the 
resolv.conf is just the one line as I described it.


non-stop printer notification

2011-06-14 Thread Ken Teh

I have a user who's print job was cancelled and he now gets dialog box popping 
up every minute telling him so and suggesting he find out why.  And little else.

Sound familiar?  Is there a simple way of shutting up the machine short of 
shutting it down?

Re: non-stop printer notification

2011-06-14 Thread Ken Teh

I found 500 of these in the queue on the print server, cancelled all of them.  
They are no longer listed but it still pops up on the  client machine.


On 06/14/2011 02:10 PM, Chris Tooley wrote:

On 11-06-14 11:59 AM, Ken Teh wrote:

I have a user who's print job was cancelled and he now gets dialog box popping 
up every minute telling
him so and suggesting he find out why. And little else.

Sound familiar? Is there a simple way of shutting up the machine short of 
shutting it down?

You can try clearing the printer queue... Perhaps it's continually trying to 
print and failing?

Or, try restarting CUPS:

/etc/init.d/cups restart



2011-07-05 Thread Ken Teh

I suggest turning off the NetworkManager service if it is appropriate.  I set this 
parameter to "no"  thinking it would be sufficient but then I started getting 
all sorts of weird behaviors like the network interface would stop working.  To be 
honest, I did not investigate but then I was setting the machine up as a server and 
wanted the network interface on and to stay on after the machine boots.

On 07/05/2011 12:43 PM, Tom H wrote:

On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 1:19 PM, Todd And Margo Chester

In SL 6.0, 64 bit, I have the following parameter in
my ifcfg-ethxxx called:


What is this?

NM_CONTROLLED == controlled by Network Manager

It's only effective if set to "no" in order not to have the NIC under
NM's control.


2011-07-11 Thread Ken Teh

Which pam module consults /etc/security/access.conf?  I have a deny clause in 
it but it doesn't seem to work.

In /var/log/secure, I see a

 sshd[1879]: pam_sss(sshd:auth): authentication success...
 sshd[1879]: Accepted password for ...
 sshd[1879]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user ...

Re: [SCIENTIFIC-LINUX-USERS] /etc/security/access.conf

2011-07-11 Thread Ken Teh

Thanks, Pat.  That was what I needed.

authconfig --enablepamaccess --update

On 07/11/2011 03:07 PM, Patrick Riehecky wrote:

On 07/11/2011 03:06 PM, Ken Teh wrote:

Which pam module consults /etc/security/access.conf? I have a deny clause in it 
but it doesn't seem to work.

In /var/log/secure, I see a

 sshd[1879]: pam_sss(sshd:auth): authentication success...
 sshd[1879]: Accepted password for ...
 sshd[1879]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user ...

Should be pam_access.

Is it possible to see your access.conf and the full pam file for sshd?


why is there a lib64 and not a bin64

2011-07-12 Thread Ken Teh

1. What is your file layout for an NFS server that serves both i686 and x86_64

2. Do you use automount and the $ARCH variable?

3. Do you serve a traditional Unix layout --- bin, lib, etc, usr, and so on?
   With the help of the $ARCH variable?

4. Or, is it more like an opt layout where each package is under its own root?

5. Or, do you do both?  What does your layout look like?

6. Is /srv meant to be the Linux equivalent of /exports on Sun systems?

7. Why is there a lib and lib64 directory in x86_64 systems but not in an i686

8. If there is lib64 why is there no bin64?


kickstart: lvm on an md device

2011-07-18 Thread Ken Teh

Is it possible to kickstart an installation and have / constructed on an lvm 
volume that is itself constructed on top of an md RAID 1 device?

Re: kickstart: lvm on an md device

2011-07-18 Thread Ken Teh

Never mind..I found the example in the TUV's documentation.  Sorry.

On 07/18/2011 05:35 PM, Ken Teh wrote:

Is it possible to kickstart an installation and have / constructed on an lvm 
volume that is itself constructed on top of an md RAID 1 device?

Re: The Clone Wars – CentOS vs. Scientifi c Linux

2011-07-27 Thread Ken Teh

On 07/27/2011 04:43 AM, Tom H wrote:

On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 3:25 AM, Andreas Petzold

Can we please stop emails like this? It's getting really annoying. This
is a technical support mailing list.


Second, thirdPlease stop.  Use some other forum for discussions like this.


2011-08-02 Thread Ken Teh

Do you guys have an established way of determinining the redhat-release number? 
 Is /etc/redhat-release or system-release the only way?

And if it is, is it always "Scientific Linux release x.y (atom-name)" ?

Writing nice if some bits of stuff did not keep darting all over 
the place.  I noticed DB_CONFIG.example from openldap-servers moved going from 
6.0 to 6.1.  The 6.1 makes more sense.



where is autofs.schema?

2011-08-02 Thread Ken Teh

The redhat/autofs.schema is not in /etc/openldap/schema.  It was there in 6.0 
but it's not there in 6.1.  Where did it go?


Re: where is autofs.schema?

2011-08-02 Thread Ken Teh

Never mind.  I found it.  See what I mean about these bits of stuff darting all 
over the place.  I can perhaps understand it with a major version update.  But 
a release update?

On 08/02/2011 12:03 PM, Ken Teh wrote:

The redhat/autofs.schema is not in /etc/openldap/schema. It was there in 6.0 
but it's not there in 6.1. Where did it go?


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