Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-28 Thread Astromancer
I can't stand small screens either...My ex has a 20 screen in her apartment 
and it is absolutely maddening to watch the tiny TV...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  i don't like small TVs or screens. My living 
room TV is 32 and i can't wait to upgrade to a 42 or 50 plasma so i can 
watch it from the den as well. (that'll proabably be next Christmas, though). I 
really like to see detail on the screen, so small screens bug me. i like to be 
immersed in the complete audio-visual experience (which is why, Tracey, I'll 
never give up the theatrical experience, even when i get a big flatscreen).

I do feel you on the small rooms, though. i wonder if it's because I grew up in 
a small house (five rooms, three brothers in one bedroom) but I like smaller, 
cozier, feeling rooms. When I see apartments or houses with giant open plans 
and soaring, vaulted ceilings, i feel nervous and exposed. Seriously. The 
biggest thing my wife and i had when we bought our house is that, since it's 
older, it has smaller, discrete rooms, and only 8' ceilings. My wife--who is 
only 5' tall--feels closed in by the rooms and the low ceiling. But 
I--standing 6'1--feel just fine. She wants our next house to be open plan, 
where the kitchen, den, and living room are all more or less visible, similar 
to one big one. She even has been talking about getting a loft. My comment to 
her was that if we do that, i'll almost never be in the living room, probably 
spending all my time in a smaller guest bedroom. And a loft is right out, i'm 

I was the kind of kid who'd find a spot on the couch, then cover myself in 
pillows to have a fort or something, and feel completely snug and 
comfortable. The first time I left my neighborhood on foot (instead of in a 
car) i was a young child walking our dogs with my mom. My old neighborhood is 
surrounded by freeways, a river, and a railroad track, and has lots of trees. 
It's one of those where you can feel a bit sequesterd in spots. So, when we 
walked out of the neighborhood i was greeted by the sight of the trees dropping 
away to reveal a large expanse of flat land that ran to the freeway, which arcs 
upward to a bridge. All around me was open sky, open fields, a giant freeway. I 
freaked out and had to walk back. Soon as I got behind the cover of the trees 
again, i felt better. 

To this day really open spaces make me feel a bit nervous and exposed. You know 
how some people have nightmares about being entrapped, closed in? My nightmares 
typically find me in an open plain, flat to the horizon, with the exception of 
a giant building or ship towering above me. The terror i feel at standing in 
the shadow of a giant cruise ship or spaceship or building towering a thousand 
feet above me is hard to describe. Yet i'm not afraid of heights...

-- Original message -- 
Don't really know. Just always have. And I should clarify- the storage room I 
speak of was actually the master bedroom of my apartment. I don't like big 
rooms, either, and didn't even use the room when I had the apartment, save for 
book and comic storage. I could've gone in and watched it (the TV) easily 

Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I 
actually like small tvs myself. I do not prefer them, but I shocked 
my husband when we first started living together. if we both wanted to 
watch tv and view different programs, I would offer to go watch the 
small TV in the bedroom. I like the coziness. So you are not totally 
alone in your penchant for small TVs. However, I would not put a large 
TV in a storage room. I like them too. Why do you prefer small TVs?

Martin wrote:
 I'm often alone in my weirdness, and I don't think this will be an exception.

 I've never liked big TVs. I had a 30 once, and hated the thing. I kept in in 
 my bedroom initially, and moved it into my storage room a month later. Since, 
 I've owned nothing bigger than a 19 screen. Right now, I have a 13

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) wrote: We had one for a 
 while, but all this cross continent moving has changed 
 that. So , I have the same dreams. Hopefully, now that I am getting 
 well and starting to work again, those dreams will become a reality
 Astromancer wrote:
  I haven't been to the movies in several years...I either rent DVDs or 
  download them off the net...I dream nightly of owning a big screen TV...
  Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) wrote: Agreed. While I 
  think you are a die hard movie goer, The big screen 
  changes the whole movie experience. You will come to love home viewing 
  almost as much as the theatre. Besides you can rent them on Netflix 
  until you can by the collections. I do that with lots of series
  Astromancer wrote:
  Let me fix that...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) You can hav the 
  big screen
  and buy the collections later...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) 

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-28 Thread Martin
That's how I first came to see it, pal. I was dating a lady who was 
half-Italian. She did the translations.

Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   I found it 
online, but it was in Italian...
 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 they got it on Netflix. David Hasselhoff is in it too. Totally missed 
 this one
  how is this possible??? I've never even *heard* of this film, let alone seen 
  it! That *never* happens. Sounds like a classically bad flick. Gotta find it!
  -- Original message -- 
  From: Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sorry, folks...the ABSOLUTE worst save in Sci Fi history was in the 
  spaghetti sci-fi flick 'Star Crash'...Christopher Plummer was the Emperor of 
  the Universe...a bounty Hunter has found his kidnapped son and he arrives on 
  the planet...The bouty hunter and son tell him Sire, we only have 2 minutes 
  to leave the planet before it explodes! the audience in the theatre as well 
  as I was murmering how the heck are they going to get out of this when 
  suddenly the Emperor looks at them and says Do not worry, I am not the 
  Emperor of the Univese for nothing. He then looks to the sky and says 
  Spaceship! Halt the flow of time! There was dead silence for a good second 
  before the laughter, groan and cat calls began. The movie was so bad, I fell 
  in love with it...I've been looking for it ever since to add to my 
  Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I've always wondered...Why didn't 
  NOMAD blow up the moment he had discovered his error? oh yeah, it was in the 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: How about, Kirk saving the day by outsmarting a 
  super computer, causing it to self-destruct in self-loathing and 
  unreconcilable programming loops? He did that with M5 (How will you atone 
  for the sin of murder...This computer must die...), Nomad (Nomad, you've 
  made three errors, you are flawed. Execute your prime directive. Boom!) 
  and Landru (You are not protecting the Body! Landru! Help me! Boom!) 
  -- Original message -- 
  From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we 
  started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction 
  movies. So far two were raised. They are: 
  1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star 
  Trek Next Generation 
  2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of 
  virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically 
  superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in 
  Independence Day 
  Got any others 
  Yahoo! Groups Links 
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
  only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you 
  might say something that interests the Community, and you really, really 
  don't want to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie
  Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
  only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you 
  might say something that interests the Community, and you really, really 
  don't want to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie
  Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it 
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  Yahoo! Groups Links
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I’ll 
only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might 
say something that interests the Community, and you really, really don’t want 
to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

 Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get 
organized along the lines of the Mafia. -Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without A 
Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-28 Thread Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
I get mine from both parents.  On your schedule and being retired, I 
would be up too. Just thought of another reasons.  Toddlers and 
pre-schoolers climbing into bed with you at the wee hours in the morning 
to chat tickle poke and prod.  Sometimes its just easier to get up.  
After a while staying up and getting up early becomes torture

Reece Jennings wrote:
 Good points...good points...
 Not everybody is retired, I guess.  As for me trying to break MY late night
 habits...I get them from my mom.  And then, there are bus driving jobs like
 the one I just got for tonight.  I'm driving a busload of people to the
 Sun Casino.  We're leaving at 7PM and returning at 3AM.  Gotta love those
 late-night trips!
  Maurice Jennings
 Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
 KEEP your home and  Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
 Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation = 


 From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
 Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 12:36 PM
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

 I've actually had success in the past. The pain from my illness drove me 
 back to the night. Once that went away and I started working again, 
 late night phone meetings with people I am doing business with overseas 
 drove me back to my vampire-like sleeping habits. I was in recovery, 
 but a night of playing Santa's elf with toy assembly has me falling off 
 the wagon again. I would not work so hard at it, but living on the west 
 coast, has my business hours behind those on the East coast, so if I 
 sleep late, I'm calling customers back at the end of the business day

 Reece Jennings wrote:
 Amen. And let me know if you're successful with that 'normal hours' thing.
 I gave
 up on that a long time ago. Seems I was getting stressed about getting to
 and that was keeping me awake! :o)

 Now, I set the timer on my TV and put on my CPAP before I start watching
 I invariably wake up about six hours later rested, and with fewer
 caused by my TV freaking out my subconscious. That, and I stopped drinking

 Maurice Jennings
 Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
 KEEP your home and Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
 Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation = http://www.legacyho


 Behalf Of Martin
 Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 8:55 AM
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

 Tracey, know this.

 No matter how tough those times may get, we're here for you.

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I do
 not know. I do not think that tops the list - except for the 
 prophet's rescue. I would like to see the whole series again. it comes 
 on t 11:00 am sporadically and at 2:00 am, however, I am trying out an 
 experiment with trying to go to bed at normal hours. Tough times ahead

 KeithBJohnson@ wrote:

 Well, there's the time when two thousand Dominion ships were coming

 through the wormhole and the Prophets simply got rid of them. That might
 the scene, since it was such a neat fix, but that's not the end of the

 At the true end, Section 31 had of course infected the Changelings with a

 virus that was killing them all. Cardassia had risen against the Dominion,
 which devastated the planet in punishment. But, the Romulans had finally
 joined the Federation/Klingon alliance against the Dominion (thanks to
 and Garak's subterfuge) and the Prophets prevented more Dominion ships to
 come into the Alpha quadrant. Still, victory wasn't certain for either
 so Odo helped broker a deal: he would impart his healed DNA to the
 Changelings, and they would end the war. He healed the one Changeling
 been running the campaign in the Alpha Quadrant, then travelled to the
 Changeling home world and gave them the cure. 

 Perhaps that ending was too pat for him?

 -- Original message -- 
 From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)

 Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape changers 
 start melting and Odo

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-28 Thread Astromancer
Wonderful plot device...stretched the show out nicely...this is what you do 
when you run out of words!

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  you mean, why did he start babbling Error, error! 
Must analyze error! Faulty! Faulty! Must sterilize imperfection! ? You're 
right, they had time to put some anti-grav thingies on him, run through the 
corridors, and get him on the transporter pad.

The funniest thing? Kirk *delays* transport for a second and yells one last 
time Nomad! Execute your prime function!, while Nomad is screaming Must 
sterilize imperfection! What if he'd gone boom! right there on the pad?!

-- Original message -- 
From: Astromancer 
I've always wondered...Why didn't NOMAD blow up the moment he had discovered 
his error? oh yeah, it was in the script...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: How about, Kirk saving the day by outsmarting a super 
computer, causing it to self-destruct in self-loathing and unreconcilable 
programming loops? He did that with M5 (How will you atone for the sin of 
murder...This computer must die...), Nomad (Nomad, you've made three 
errors, you are flawed. Execute your prime directive. Boom!) and Landru 
(You are not protecting the Body! Landru! Help me! Boom!) 
-- Original message -- 
From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) 

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we 
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction 
 movies. So far two were raised. They are: 
 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star 
 Trek Next Generation 
 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of 
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically 
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in 
 Independence Day 
 Got any others 
 Yahoo! Groups Links 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I’ll only 
say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might say 
something that interests the Community, and you really, really don’t want to 
get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Yahoo! Groups Links

Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I’ll only 
say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might say 
something that interests the Community, and you really, really don’t want to 
get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie
Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-28 Thread Astromancer
When I drove my cab, I used to keep a 5 TV in the truck for catching Star Trek 
during dinner break...Nowadays I go to Best Buy and drool over the LG 

Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  I'm often alone in my weirdness, and 
I don't think this will be an exception.

I've never liked big TVs. I had a 30 once, and hated the thing. I kept in in 
my bedroom initially, and moved it into my storage room a month later. Since, 
I've owned nothing bigger than a 19 screen. Right now, I have a 13

Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: We 
had one for a while, but all this cross continent moving has changed 
that. So , I have the same dreams. Hopefully, now that I am getting 
well and starting to work again, those dreams will become a reality

Astromancer wrote:
 I haven't been to the movies in several years...I either rent DVDs or 
 download them off the net...I dream nightly of owning a big screen TV...

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Agreed. While I think you are a die hard movie goer, The big screen 
 changes the whole movie experience. You will come to love home viewing 
 almost as much as the theatre. Besides you can rent them on Netflix 
 until you can by the collections. I do that with lots of series

 Astromancer wrote:
 Let me fix that...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) You can hav the 
 big screen
 and buy the collections later...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) 
 Everything will look so much better on that BIG SCREEN...this is only a 

 you know, Tracey, just dicussing DS9 makes me nostalgic. I was up really 
 late this morning, and Voyager was being shown on Spike TV at 1 am. I feel 
 asleep, but when i awoke for a moment an hour or so later, i think i heard 
 an ep of DS9 in the background. Fell asleep again, but remember feeling 
 vaguely angry at why it'd be on at such an inaccesible hour.

 I got about two hundred bucks worth of Best Buy gift cards for Christmas. I 
 keep bouncing back between saving them for a big flatscreen plasma TV, or 
 getting the complete run of one of my favorite series: Avatar, Battlestar 
 Galactica, Homicide (one of the greatest TV dramas ever), Babylon 5, 
 original Trek, or DS9. 

 I keep finding myself leaning towards DS9...

 -- Original message -- 
 From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape changers 
 start melting and Odo dump Kira, who, he had loved forever, to cure and 
 stay with them?

 Daryle wrote:

 The End of the Dominion War.

 On 12/26/07 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction
 movies. So far two were raised. They are:

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star
 Trek Next Generation

 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in
 Independence Day

 Got any others

 Yahoo! Groups Links


 Yahoo! Groups Links

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you 
 might say something that interests the Community, and you really, really 
 don't want to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

 Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links


 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might 
 say something that interests the Community, and you really, really don't want 
 to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie
 Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get 
organized along the lines of the Mafia. -Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without A 

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Akin, but no matter what you think, I am 

RE: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-28 Thread Reece Jennings
HAHAHAHAHA!  I forgot about your toddlers!  That's cute!
 Maurice Jennings
Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
KEEP your home and  Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation = 


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
Sent: Friday, December 28, 2007 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

I get mine from both parents. On your schedule and being retired, I 
would be up too. Just thought of another reasons. Toddlers and 
pre-schoolers climbing into bed with you at the wee hours in the morning 
to chat tickle poke and prod. Sometimes its just easier to get up. 
After a while staying up and getting up early becomes torture

Reece Jennings wrote:
 Good points...good points...
 Not everybody is retired, I guess. As for me trying to break MY late night
 habits...I get them from my mom. And then, there are bus driving jobs like
 the one I just got for tonight. I'm driving a busload of people to the
 Sun Casino. We're leaving at 7PM and returning at 3AM. Gotta love those
 late-night trips!
 Maurice Jennings
 Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
 KEEP your home and Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
 Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation = http://www.legacyho


 Behalf Of Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
 Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 12:36 PM
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

 I've actually had success in the past. The pain from my illness drove me 
 back to the night. Once that went away and I started working again, 
 late night phone meetings with people I am doing business with overseas 
 drove me back to my vampire-like sleeping habits. I was in recovery, 
 but a night of playing Santa's elf with toy assembly has me falling off 
 the wagon again. I would not work so hard at it, but living on the west 
 coast, has my business hours behind those on the East coast, so if I 
 sleep late, I'm calling customers back at the end of the business day

 Reece Jennings wrote:
 Amen. And let me know if you're successful with that 'normal hours'
 I gave
 up on that a long time ago. Seems I was getting stressed about getting to
 and that was keeping me awake! :o)

 Now, I set the timer on my TV and put on my CPAP before I start watching
 I invariably wake up about six hours later rested, and with fewer
 caused by my TV freaking out my subconscious. That, and I stopped

 Maurice Jennings
 Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
 KEEP your home and Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
 Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation = http://www.legacyho
 http://www.legacyho http://www.legacyho 


 Behalf Of Martin
 Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 8:55 AM
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

 Tracey, know this.

 No matter how tough those times may get, we're here for you.

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I
 not know. I do not think that tops the list - except for the 
 prophet's rescue. I would like to see the whole series again. it comes 
 on t 11:00 am sporadically and at 2:00 am, however, I am trying out an 
 experiment with trying to go to bed at normal hours. Tough times ahead

 KeithBJohnson@ wrote:

 Well, there's the time when two thousand Dominion ships were coming

 through the wormhole and the Prophets simply got rid of them. That might
 the scene, since it was such a neat fix, but that's not the end of the

 At the true end, Section 31 had of course infected the Changelings with

 virus that was killing them all. Cardassia had risen against the
 which devastated the planet in punishment. But, the Romulans had finally
 joined the Federation/Klingon alliance against the Dominion (thanks to
 and Garak's subterfuge) and the Prophets

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-28 Thread Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
After the torture is over, it really is cute - especially when I'm not 
the one under attack.  We got her a toddler digital camera and video for 
Christmas since she is always grabbing everyone else's, so now we live 
in fear of the morning ritual including pictures. We have pledged to 
delete behind her back, after enough time has passed

Reece Jennings wrote:
 HAHAHAHAHA!  I forgot about your toddlers!  That's cute!
  Maurice Jennings
 Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
 KEEP your home and  Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
 Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation = 


 From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
 Sent: Friday, December 28, 2007 12:31 PM
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

 I get mine from both parents. On your schedule and being retired, I 
 would be up too. Just thought of another reasons. Toddlers and 
 pre-schoolers climbing into bed with you at the wee hours in the morning 
 to chat tickle poke and prod. Sometimes its just easier to get up. 
 After a while staying up and getting up early becomes torture

 Reece Jennings wrote:
 Good points...good points...

 Not everybody is retired, I guess. As for me trying to break MY late night
 habits...I get them from my mom. And then, there are bus driving jobs like
 the one I just got for tonight. I'm driving a busload of people to the
 Sun Casino. We're leaving at 7PM and returning at 3AM. Gotta love those
 late-night trips!

 Maurice Jennings
 Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
 KEEP your home and Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
 Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation = http://www.legacyho


 Behalf Of Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
 Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 12:36 PM
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

 I've actually had success in the past. The pain from my illness drove me 
 back to the night. Once that went away and I started working again, 
 late night phone meetings with people I am doing business with overseas 
 drove me back to my vampire-like sleeping habits. I was in recovery, 
 but a night of playing Santa's elf with toy assembly has me falling off 
 the wagon again. I would not work so hard at it, but living on the west 
 coast, has my business hours behind those on the East coast, so if I 
 sleep late, I'm calling customers back at the end of the business day

 Reece Jennings wrote:

 Amen. And let me know if you're successful with that 'normal hours'
 I gave
 up on that a long time ago. Seems I was getting stressed about getting to
 and that was keeping me awake! :o)

 Now, I set the timer on my TV and put on my CPAP before I start watching


 I invariably wake up about six hours later rested, and with fewer


 caused by my TV freaking out my subconscious. That, and I stopped

 Maurice Jennings
 Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
 KEEP your home and Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
 Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation = http://www.legacyho

 http://www.legacyho http://www.legacyho 




 Behalf Of Martin
 Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 8:55 AM
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

 Tracey, know this.

 No matter how tough those times may get, we're here for you.

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I
 not know. I do not think that tops the list - except for the 
 prophet's rescue. I would like to see the whole series again. it comes 
 on t 11:00 am sporadically and at 2:00 am, however, I am trying out an 
 experiment with trying to go to bed at normal hours. Tough times ahead

 KeithBJohnson@ wrote:

 Well, there's the time when two thousand Dominion ships were coming

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-28 Thread Martin
Tracey, you'll have to get it away from her first...

Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
 After the torture is over, it really is cute - 
especially when I'm not 
 the one under attack.  We got her a toddler digital camera and video for 
 Christmas since she is always grabbing everyone else's, so now we live 
 in fear of the morning ritual including pictures. We have pledged to 
 delete behind her back, after enough time has passed
 Reece Jennings wrote:
  HAHAHAHAHA!  I forgot about your toddlers!  That's cute!
   Maurice Jennings
  Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
  KEEP your home and  Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
  Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation = 
  From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
  Behalf Of Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
  Sent: Friday, December 28, 2007 12:31 PM
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History
  I get mine from both parents. On your schedule and being retired, I 
  would be up too. Just thought of another reasons. Toddlers and 
  pre-schoolers climbing into bed with you at the wee hours in the morning 
  to chat tickle poke and prod. Sometimes its just easier to get up. 
  After a while staying up and getting up early becomes torture
  Reece Jennings wrote:

  Good points...good points...
  Not everybody is retired, I guess. As for me trying to break MY late night
  habits...I get them from my mom. And then, there are bus driving jobs like
  the one I just got for tonight. I'm driving a busload of people to the
  Sun Casino. We're leaving at 7PM and returning at 3AM. Gotta love those
  late-night trips!
  Maurice Jennings
  Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
  KEEP your home and Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
  Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation = http://www.legacyho

  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

  Behalf Of Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
  Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 12:36 PM
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History
  I've actually had success in the past. The pain from my illness drove me 
  back to the night. Once that went away and I started working again, 
  late night phone meetings with people I am doing business with overseas 
  drove me back to my vampire-like sleeping habits. I was in recovery, 
  but a night of playing Santa's elf with toy assembly has me falling off 
  the wagon again. I would not work so hard at it, but living on the west 
  coast, has my business hours behind those on the East coast, so if I 
  sleep late, I'm calling customers back at the end of the business day
  Reece Jennings wrote:
  Amen. And let me know if you're successful with that 'normal hours'


  I gave
  up on that a long time ago. Seems I was getting stressed about getting to
  and that was keeping me awake! :o)
  Now, I set the timer on my TV and put on my CPAP before I start watching

  I invariably wake up about six hours later rested, and with fewer

  caused by my TV freaking out my subconscious. That, and I stopped

  Maurice Jennings
  Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
  KEEP your home and Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
  Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation = http://www.legacyho


  http://www.legacyho http://www.legacyho 


  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Behalf Of Martin
  Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 8:55 AM
  Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History
  Tracey, know this.
  No matter how tough those times may get, we're here for you.
  Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I


  not know. I do not think that tops the list - except for the 
  prophet's rescue. I would like to see the whole series again. it comes

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-28 Thread Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
When she is a t school of course.  Plan already worked out.  Yeah 
right.  we are in trouble

Martin wrote:
 Tracey, you'll have to get it away from her first...

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
After the torture is over, it really is cute - 
 especially when I'm not 
  the one under attack.  We got her a toddler digital camera and video for 
  Christmas since she is always grabbing everyone else's, so now we live 
  in fear of the morning ritual including pictures. We have pledged to 
  delete behind her back, after enough time has passed
  Reece Jennings wrote:
   HAHAHAHAHA!  I forgot about your toddlers!  That's cute!

Maurice Jennings
   Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
   KEEP your home and  Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
   Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation = 

   From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
   Behalf Of Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
   Sent: Friday, December 28, 2007 12:31 PM
   Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History
   I get mine from both parents. On your schedule and being retired, I 
   would be up too. Just thought of another reasons. Toddlers and 
   pre-schoolers climbing into bed with you at the wee hours in the morning 
   to chat tickle poke and prod. Sometimes its just easier to get up. 
   After a while staying up and getting up early becomes torture
   Reece Jennings wrote:
   Good points...good points...
   Not everybody is retired, I guess. As for me trying to break MY late night
   habits...I get them from my mom. And then, there are bus driving jobs like
   the one I just got for tonight. I'm driving a busload of people to the
   Sun Casino. We're leaving at 7PM and returning at 3AM. Gotta love those
   late-night trips!
   Maurice Jennings
   Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
   KEEP your home and Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
   Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation = http://www.legacyho
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Behalf Of Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
   Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 12:36 PM
   Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History
   I've actually had success in the past. The pain from my illness drove me 
   back to the night. Once that went away and I started working again, 
   late night phone meetings with people I am doing business with overseas 
   drove me back to my vampire-like sleeping habits. I was in recovery, 
   but a night of playing Santa's elf with toy assembly has me falling off 
   the wagon again. I would not work so hard at it, but living on the west 
   coast, has my business hours behind those on the East coast, so if I 
   sleep late, I'm calling customers back at the end of the business day
   Reece Jennings wrote:
   Amen. And let me know if you're successful with that 'normal hours'
   I gave
   up on that a long time ago. Seems I was getting stressed about getting to
   and that was keeping me awake! :o)
   Now, I set the timer on my TV and put on my CPAP before I start watching
   I invariably wake up about six hours later rested, and with fewer
   caused by my TV freaking out my subconscious. That, and I stopped
   Maurice Jennings
   Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
   KEEP your home and Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
   Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation = http://www.legacyho
   http://www.legacyho http://www.legacyho 
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Behalf Of Martin
   Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 8:55 AM
   Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History
   Tracey, know this.
   No matter how tough those times may get, we're here for you.
   Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-28 Thread Martin
Get her to film her stuffed animals, make movies with them.

Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: When 
she is a t school of course.  Plan already worked out.  Yeah 
right.  we are in trouble

Martin wrote:
 Tracey, you'll have to get it away from her first...

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)  wrote:   
 After the torture is over, it really is cute - especially when I'm 
  the one under attack.  We got her a toddler digital camera and video for 
  Christmas since she is always grabbing everyone else's, so now we live 
  in fear of the morning ritual including pictures. We have pledged to 
  delete behind her back, after enough time has passed
  Reece Jennings wrote:
   HAHAHAHAHA!  I forgot about your toddlers!  That's cute!

Maurice Jennings
   Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
   KEEP your home and  Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
   Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation =

   From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
   Behalf Of Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
   Sent: Friday, December 28, 2007 12:31 PM
   Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History
   I get mine from both parents. On your schedule and being retired, I 
   would be up too. Just thought of another reasons. Toddlers and 
   pre-schoolers climbing into bed with you at the wee hours in the morning 
   to chat tickle poke and prod. Sometimes its just easier to get up. 
   After a while staying up and getting up early becomes torture
   Reece Jennings wrote:
   Good points...good points...
   Not everybody is retired, I guess. As for me trying to break MY late night
   habits...I get them from my mom. And then, there are bus driving jobs like
   the one I just got for tonight. I'm driving a busload of people to the
   Sun Casino. We're leaving at 7PM and returning at 3AM. Gotta love those
   late-night trips!
   Maurice Jennings
   Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
   KEEP your home and Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
   Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation = http://www.legacyho 
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Behalf Of Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
   Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 12:36 PM
   Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History
   I've actually had success in the past. The pain from my illness drove me 
   back to the night. Once that went away and I started working again, 
   late night phone meetings with people I am doing business with overseas 
   drove me back to my vampire-like sleeping habits. I was in recovery, 
   but a night of playing Santa's elf with toy assembly has me falling off 
   the wagon again. I would not work so hard at it, but living on the west 
   coast, has my business hours behind those on the East coast, so if I 
   sleep late, I'm calling customers back at the end of the business day
   Reece Jennings wrote:
   Amen. And let me know if you're successful with that 'normal hours'
   I gave
   up on that a long time ago. Seems I was getting stressed about getting to
   and that was keeping me awake! :o)
   Now, I set the timer on my TV and put on my CPAP before I start watching
   I invariably wake up about six hours later rested, and with fewer
   caused by my TV freaking out my subconscious. That, and I stopped
   Maurice Jennings
   Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
   KEEP your home and Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
   Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation = http://www.legacyho 
   [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Behalf Of Martin
   Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 8:55 AM
   Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History
   Tracey, know this.
   No matter how tough those times may get, we're here for you.
   Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) wrote: I
   not know. I do not think that tops the list - except for the 
   prophet's rescue. I would like to see the whole series again. it comes 
   on t 11:00 am sporadically and at 2:00 am, however, I am trying out an 
   experiment with trying to go to bed at normal hours

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
Agreed.  While I think you are a die hard movie goer, The big screen 
changes the whole movie experience.  You will come to love home viewing 
almost as much as the theatre.  Besides you can rent them on Netflix 
until you can by the collections.  I do that with lots of series

Astromancer wrote:
 Let me fix that...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) You can hav the big 
  and buy the collections later...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) 
 Everything will look so much better on that BIG SCREEN...this is only a 

   you know, Tracey, just dicussing DS9 makes me nostalgic. I was up 
 really late this morning, and Voyager was being shown on Spike TV at 1 am. I 
 feel asleep, but when i awoke for a moment an hour or so later, i think i 
 heard an ep of DS9 in the background. Fell asleep again, but remember feeling 
 vaguely angry at why it'd be on at such an inaccesible hour.

 I got about two hundred bucks worth of Best Buy gift cards for Christmas. I 
 keep bouncing back between saving them for a big flatscreen plasma TV, or 
 getting the complete run of one of my favorite series: Avatar, Battlestar 
 Galactica, Homicide (one of the greatest TV dramas ever), Babylon 5, original 
 Trek, or DS9. 

 I keep finding myself leaning towards DS9...

 -- Original message -- 
 From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape changers 
 start melting and Odo dump Kira, who, he had loved forever, to cure and 
 stay with them?

 Daryle wrote:
 The End of the Dominion War.

 On 12/26/07 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction
 movies. So far two were raised. They are:

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star
 Trek Next Generation

 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in
 Independence Day

 Got any others

 Yahoo! Groups Links


 Yahoo! Groups Links


 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might 
 say something that interests the Community, and you really, really don't want 
 to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

 Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
We had one for a while, but all this cross continent moving has changed 
that.  So , I have the same dreams.  Hopefully, now that I am getting 
well and starting to work again, those dreams will become a reality

Astromancer wrote:
 I haven't been to the movies in several years...I either rent DVDs or 
 download them off the net...I dream nightly of owning a big screen TV...

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Agreed. While I think you are a die hard movie goer, The big screen 
 changes the whole movie experience. You will come to love home viewing 
 almost as much as the theatre. Besides you can rent them on Netflix 
 until you can by the collections. I do that with lots of series

 Astromancer wrote:
 Let me fix that...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) You can hav the 
 big screen
 and buy the collections later...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) 
 Everything will look so much better on that BIG SCREEN...this is only a 

 you know, Tracey, just dicussing DS9 makes me nostalgic. I was up really 
 late this morning, and Voyager was being shown on Spike TV at 1 am. I feel 
 asleep, but when i awoke for a moment an hour or so later, i think i heard 
 an ep of DS9 in the background. Fell asleep again, but remember feeling 
 vaguely angry at why it'd be on at such an inaccesible hour.

 I got about two hundred bucks worth of Best Buy gift cards for Christmas. I 
 keep bouncing back between saving them for a big flatscreen plasma TV, or 
 getting the complete run of one of my favorite series: Avatar, Battlestar 
 Galactica, Homicide (one of the greatest TV dramas ever), Babylon 5, 
 original Trek, or DS9. 

 I keep finding myself leaning towards DS9...

 -- Original message -- 
 From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape changers 
 start melting and Odo dump Kira, who, he had loved forever, to cure and 
 stay with them?

 Daryle wrote:

 The End of the Dominion War.

 On 12/26/07 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction
 movies. So far two were raised. They are:

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star
 Trek Next Generation

 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in
 Independence Day

 Got any others

 Yahoo! Groups Links


 Yahoo! Groups Links

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you 
 might say something that interests the Community, and you really, really 
 don't want to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

 Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links


 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might 
 say something that interests the Community, and you really, really don't want 
 to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

 Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread Astromancer
I haven't been to the movies in several years...I either rent DVDs or download 
them off the net...I dream nightly of owning a big screen TV...

Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
Agreed. While I think you are a die hard movie goer, The big screen 
changes the whole movie experience. You will come to love home viewing 
almost as much as the theatre. Besides you can rent them on Netflix 
until you can by the collections. I do that with lots of series

Astromancer wrote:
 Let me fix that...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) You can hav the big 
 and buy the collections later...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) 
 Everything will look so much better on that BIG SCREEN...this is only a 
 you know, Tracey, just dicussing DS9 makes me nostalgic. I was up really late 
 this morning, and Voyager was being shown on Spike TV at 1 am. I feel asleep, 
 but when i awoke for a moment an hour or so later, i think i heard an ep of 
 DS9 in the background. Fell asleep again, but remember feeling vaguely angry 
 at why it'd be on at such an inaccesible hour.

 I got about two hundred bucks worth of Best Buy gift cards for Christmas. I 
 keep bouncing back between saving them for a big flatscreen plasma TV, or 
 getting the complete run of one of my favorite series: Avatar, Battlestar 
 Galactica, Homicide (one of the greatest TV dramas ever), Babylon 5, original 
 Trek, or DS9. 

 I keep finding myself leaning towards DS9...

 -- Original message -- 
 From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape changers 
 start melting and Odo dump Kira, who, he had loved forever, to cure and 
 stay with them?

 Daryle wrote:
 The End of the Dominion War.

 On 12/26/07 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction
 movies. So far two were raised. They are:

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star
 Trek Next Generation

 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in
 Independence Day

 Got any others

 Yahoo! Groups Links


 Yahoo! Groups Links


 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might 
 say something that interests the Community, and you really, really don't want 
 to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie
 Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I’ll only 
say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might say 
something that interests the Community, and you really, really don’t want to 
get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie
Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread Astromancer
Sorry, folks...the ABSOLUTE worst save in Sci Fi history was in the spaghetti 
sci-fi flick 'Star Crash'...Christopher Plummer was the Emperor of the 
Universe...a bounty Hunter has found his kidnapped son and he arrives on the 
planet...The bouty hunter and son tell him Sire, we only have 2 minutes to 
leave the planet before it explodes! the audience in the theatre as well as I 
was murmering how the heck are they going to get out of this when suddenly the 
Emperor looks at them and says Do not worry, I am not the Emperor of the 
Univese for nothing. He then looks to the sky and says Spaceship! Halt the 
flow of time! There was dead silence for a good second before the laughter, 
groan and cat calls began. The movie was so bad, I fell in love with it...I've 
been looking for it ever since to add to my collection!

Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  I've always wondered...Why 
didn't NOMAD blow up the moment he had discovered his error? oh yeah, it was in 
the script...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: How about, Kirk saving the day by outsmarting a super 
computer, causing it to self-destruct in self-loathing and unreconcilable 
programming loops? He did that with M5 (How will you atone for the sin of 
murder...This computer must die...), Nomad (Nomad, you've made three 
errors, you are flawed. Execute your prime directive. Boom!) and Landru 
(You are not protecting the Body! Landru! Help me! Boom!) 
-- Original message -- 
From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we 
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction 
 movies. So far two were raised. They are: 
 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star 
 Trek Next Generation 
 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of 
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically 
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in 
 Independence Day 
 Got any others 
 Yahoo! Groups Links 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I’ll only 
say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might say 
something that interests the Community, and you really, really don’t want to 
get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I’ll only 
say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might say 
something that interests the Community, and you really, really don’t want to 
get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
That is bad!  You paid to see it in the theater?  I do not remember it.  
When did it come out?

Astromancer wrote:
 Sorry, folks...the ABSOLUTE worst save in Sci Fi history was in the spaghetti 
 sci-fi flick 'Star Crash'...Christopher Plummer was the Emperor of the 
 Universe...a bounty Hunter has found his kidnapped son and he arrives on the 
 planet...The bouty hunter and son tell him Sire, we only have 2 minutes to 
 leave the planet before it explodes! the audience in the theatre as well as I 
 was murmering how the heck are they going to get out of this when suddenly 
 the Emperor looks at them and says Do not worry, I am not the Emperor of the 
 Univese for nothing. He then looks to the sky and says Spaceship! Halt the 
 flow of time! There was dead silence for a good second before the laughter, 
 groan and cat calls began. The movie was so bad, I fell in love with 
 it...I've been looking for it ever since to add to my collection!

 Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  I've always wondered...Why 
 didn't NOMAD blow up the moment he had discovered his error? oh yeah, it was 
 in the script...

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: How about, Kirk saving the day by outsmarting a 
 super computer, causing it to self-destruct in self-loathing and 
 unreconcilable programming loops? He did that with M5 (How will you atone 
 for the sin of murder...This computer must die...), Nomad (Nomad, you've 
 made three errors, you are flawed. Execute your prime directive. Boom!) 
 and Landru (You are not protecting the Body! Landru! Help me! Boom!) 
 -- Original message -- 
 From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we 
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction 
 movies. So far two were raised. They are: 

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star 
 Trek Next Generation 

 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of 
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically 
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in 
 Independence Day 

 Got any others 

 Yahoo! Groups Links 


 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might 
 say something that interests the Community, and you really, really don't want 
 to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

 Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might 
 say something that interests the Community, and you really, really don't want 
 to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

 Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it 

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
What happened to your shoulder?

Astromancer wrote:
 I will too, provided I don't need surgery on my shoulder...

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   We had one for a while, but all this cross continent moving has changed 
 that. So , I have the same dreams. Hopefully, now that I am getting 
 well and starting to work again, those dreams will become a reality

 Astromancer wrote:
 I haven't been to the movies in several years...I either rent DVDs or 
 download them off the net...I dream nightly of owning a big screen TV...

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Agreed. While I think you are a die hard movie goer, The big screen 
 changes the whole movie experience. You will come to love home viewing 
 almost as much as the theatre. Besides you can rent them on Netflix 
 until you can by the collections. I do that with lots of series

 Astromancer wrote:

 Let me fix that...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) You can hav the 
 big screen
 and buy the collections later...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) 
 Everything will look so much better on that BIG SCREEN...this is only a 

 you know, Tracey, just dicussing DS9 makes me nostalgic. I was up really 
 late this morning, and Voyager was being shown on Spike TV at 1 am. I feel 
 asleep, but when i awoke for a moment an hour or so later, i think i heard 
 an ep of DS9 in the background. Fell asleep again, but remember feeling 
 vaguely angry at why it'd be on at such an inaccesible hour.

 I got about two hundred bucks worth of Best Buy gift cards for Christmas. I 
 keep bouncing back between saving them for a big flatscreen plasma TV, or 
 getting the complete run of one of my favorite series: Avatar, Battlestar 
 Galactica, Homicide (one of the greatest TV dramas ever), Babylon 5, 
 original Trek, or DS9. 

 I keep finding myself leaning towards DS9...

 -- Original message -- 
 From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape changers 
 start melting and Odo dump Kira, who, he had loved forever, to cure and 
 stay with them?

 Daryle wrote:

 The End of the Dominion War.

 On 12/26/07 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction
 movies. So far two were raised. They are:

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star
 Trek Next Generation

 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in
 Independence Day

 Got any others

 Yahoo! Groups Links

 Yahoo! Groups Links

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you 
 might say something that interests the Community, and you really, really 
 don't want to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. 

 Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you 
 might say something that interests the Community, and you really, really 
 don't want to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

 Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links


 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might 
 say something that interests the Community, and you really, really don't want 
 to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

 Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it 

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread Astromancer
I will too, provided I don't need surgery on my shoulder...

Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
We had one for a while, but all this cross continent moving has changed 
that. So , I have the same dreams. Hopefully, now that I am getting 
well and starting to work again, those dreams will become a reality

Astromancer wrote:
 I haven't been to the movies in several years...I either rent DVDs or 
 download them off the net...I dream nightly of owning a big screen TV...

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Agreed. While I think you are a die hard movie goer, The big screen 
 changes the whole movie experience. You will come to love home viewing 
 almost as much as the theatre. Besides you can rent them on Netflix 
 until you can by the collections. I do that with lots of series

 Astromancer wrote:
 Let me fix that...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) You can hav the 
 big screen
 and buy the collections later...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) 
 Everything will look so much better on that BIG SCREEN...this is only a 

 you know, Tracey, just dicussing DS9 makes me nostalgic. I was up really 
 late this morning, and Voyager was being shown on Spike TV at 1 am. I feel 
 asleep, but when i awoke for a moment an hour or so later, i think i heard 
 an ep of DS9 in the background. Fell asleep again, but remember feeling 
 vaguely angry at why it'd be on at such an inaccesible hour.

 I got about two hundred bucks worth of Best Buy gift cards for Christmas. I 
 keep bouncing back between saving them for a big flatscreen plasma TV, or 
 getting the complete run of one of my favorite series: Avatar, Battlestar 
 Galactica, Homicide (one of the greatest TV dramas ever), Babylon 5, 
 original Trek, or DS9. 

 I keep finding myself leaning towards DS9...

 -- Original message -- 
 From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape changers 
 start melting and Odo dump Kira, who, he had loved forever, to cure and 
 stay with them?

 Daryle wrote:

 The End of the Dominion War.

 On 12/26/07 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction
 movies. So far two were raised. They are:

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star
 Trek Next Generation

 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in
 Independence Day

 Got any others

 Yahoo! Groups Links


 Yahoo! Groups Links

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you 
 might say something that interests the Community, and you really, really 
 don't want to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

 Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links


 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might 
 say something that interests the Community, and you really, really don't want 
 to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie
 Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I’ll only 
say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might say 
something that interests the Community, and you really, really don’t want to 
get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread Martin
(remembers, falls out of chair laughing)

Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Either the 
late seventies or the early eighties...You would remember it if you saw it, 
especially Plummer's Jack Armstrong long, wavy blonde hair! It was a riot!
 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 That is bad! You paid to see it in the theater? I do not remember it. 
 When did it come out?
 Astromancer wrote:
  Sorry, folks...the ABSOLUTE worst save in Sci Fi history was in the 
  spaghetti sci-fi flick 'Star Crash'...Christopher Plummer was the Emperor of 
  the Universe...a bounty Hunter has found his kidnapped son and he arrives on 
  the planet...The bouty hunter and son tell him Sire, we only have 2 minutes 
  to leave the planet before it explodes! the audience in the theatre as well 
  as I was murmering how the heck are they going to get out of this when 
  suddenly the Emperor looks at them and says Do not worry, I am not the 
  Emperor of the Univese for nothing. He then looks to the sky and says 
  Spaceship! Halt the flow of time! There was dead silence for a good second 
  before the laughter, groan and cat calls began. The movie was so bad, I fell 
  in love with it...I've been looking for it ever since to add to my 
  Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I've always wondered...Why didn't 
  NOMAD blow up the moment he had discovered his error? oh yeah, it was in the 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: How about, Kirk saving the day by outsmarting a 
  super computer, causing it to self-destruct in self-loathing and 
  unreconcilable programming loops? He did that with M5 (How will you atone 
  for the sin of murder...This computer must die...), Nomad (Nomad, you've 
  made three errors, you are flawed. Execute your prime directive. Boom!) 
  and Landru (You are not protecting the Body! Landru! Help me! Boom!) 
  -- Original message -- 
  From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we 
  started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction 
  movies. So far two were raised. They are: 
  1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star 
  Trek Next Generation 
  2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of 
  virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically 
  superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in 
  Independence Day 
  Got any others 
  Yahoo! Groups Links 
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
  only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you 
  might say something that interests the Community, and you really, really 
  don't want to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie
  Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
  only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you 
  might say something that interests the Community, and you really, really 
  don't want to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie
  Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it 
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  Yahoo! Groups Links
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I’ll 
only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might 
say something that interests the Community, and you really, really don’t want 
to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

 Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get 
organized along the lines of the Mafia. -Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without A 
Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread Astromancer
I fell on it, probably tore my rotator cuff...have to have if done before 
construction season...So you're going back into modeling?

Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
What happened to your shoulder?

Astromancer wrote:
 I will too, provided I don't need surgery on my shoulder...

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: We 
 had one for a while, but all this cross continent moving has changed 
 that. So , I have the same dreams. Hopefully, now that I am getting 
 well and starting to work again, those dreams will become a reality

 Astromancer wrote:
 I haven't been to the movies in several years...I either rent DVDs or 
 download them off the net...I dream nightly of owning a big screen TV...

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Agreed. While I think you are a die hard movie goer, The big screen 
 changes the whole movie experience. You will come to love home viewing 
 almost as much as the theatre. Besides you can rent them on Netflix 
 until you can by the collections. I do that with lots of series

 Astromancer wrote:

 Let me fix that...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) You can hav the 
 big screen
 and buy the collections later...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) 
 Everything will look so much better on that BIG SCREEN...this is only a 

 you know, Tracey, just dicussing DS9 makes me nostalgic. I was up really 
 late this morning, and Voyager was being shown on Spike TV at 1 am. I feel 
 asleep, but when i awoke for a moment an hour or so later, i think i heard 
 an ep of DS9 in the background. Fell asleep again, but remember feeling 
 vaguely angry at why it'd be on at such an inaccesible hour.

 I got about two hundred bucks worth of Best Buy gift cards for Christmas. I 
 keep bouncing back between saving them for a big flatscreen plasma TV, or 
 getting the complete run of one of my favorite series: Avatar, Battlestar 
 Galactica, Homicide (one of the greatest TV dramas ever), Babylon 5, 
 original Trek, or DS9. 

 I keep finding myself leaning towards DS9...

 -- Original message -- 
 From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape changers 
 start melting and Odo dump Kira, who, he had loved forever, to cure and 
 stay with them?

 Daryle wrote:

 The End of the Dominion War.

 On 12/26/07 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction
 movies. So far two were raised. They are:

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star
 Trek Next Generation

 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in
 Independence Day

 Got any others

 Yahoo! Groups Links

 Yahoo! Groups Links

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you 
 might say something that interests the Community, and you really, really 
 don't want to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. 

 Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you 
 might say something that interests the Community, and you really, really 
 don't want to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

 Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links


 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might 
 say something that interests the Community, and you really, really don't want 
 to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie
 Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread Martin
I'm often alone in my weirdness, and I don't think this will be an exception.

I've never liked big TVs. I had a 30 once, and hated the thing. I kept in in 
my bedroom initially, and moved it into my storage room a month later. Since, 
I've owned nothing bigger than a 19 screen. Right now, I have a 13

Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
 We had one for a while, but all this cross continent 
moving has changed 
 that.  So , I have the same dreams.  Hopefully, now that I am getting 
 well and starting to work again, those dreams will become a reality
 Astromancer wrote:
  I haven't been to the movies in several years...I either rent DVDs or 
  download them off the net...I dream nightly of owning a big screen TV...
  Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   
 Agreed. While I think you are a die hard movie goer, The big screen 
  changes the whole movie experience. You will come to love home viewing 
  almost as much as the theatre. Besides you can rent them on Netflix 
  until you can by the collections. I do that with lots of series
  Astromancer wrote:

  Let me fix that...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) You can hav the 
  big screen
  and buy the collections later...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) 
  Everything will look so much better on that BIG SCREEN...this is only a 
  you know, Tracey, just dicussing DS9 makes me nostalgic. I was up really 
  late this morning, and Voyager was being shown on Spike TV at 1 am. I feel 
  asleep, but when i awoke for a moment an hour or so later, i think i heard 
  an ep of DS9 in the background. Fell asleep again, but remember feeling 
  vaguely angry at why it'd be on at such an inaccesible hour.
  I got about two hundred bucks worth of Best Buy gift cards for Christmas. I 
  keep bouncing back between saving them for a big flatscreen plasma TV, or 
  getting the complete run of one of my favorite series: Avatar, Battlestar 
  Galactica, Homicide (one of the greatest TV dramas ever), Babylon 5, 
  original Trek, or DS9. 
  I keep finding myself leaning towards DS9...
  -- Original message -- 
  From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape changers 
  start melting and Odo dump Kira, who, he had loved forever, to cure and 
  stay with them?
  Daryle wrote:
  The End of the Dominion War.
  On 12/26/07 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)

  During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we
  started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction
  movies. So far two were raised. They are:
  1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star
  Trek Next Generation
  2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of
  virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically
  superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in
  Independence Day
  Got any others
  Yahoo! Groups Links
  Yahoo! Groups Links

  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
  only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you 
  might say something that interests the Community, and you really, really 
  don't want to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. 
  Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  Yahoo! Groups Links
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
  only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you 
  might say something that interests the Community, and you really, really 
  don't want to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie
  Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  Yahoo! Groups Links

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get 
organized along the lines of the Mafia. -Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without A 
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

[Non-text portions of this message 

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread KeithBJohnson
how is this possible??? I've never even *heard* of this film, let alone seen 
it! That *never* happens. Sounds like a classically bad flick. Gotta find it!

-- Original message -- 
From: Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sorry, folks...the ABSOLUTE worst save in Sci Fi history was in the spaghetti 
sci-fi flick 'Star Crash'...Christopher Plummer was the Emperor of the 
Universe...a bounty Hunter has found his kidnapped son and he arrives on the 
planet...The bouty hunter and son tell him Sire, we only have 2 minutes to 
leave the planet before it explodes! the audience in the theatre as well as I 
was murmering how the heck are they going to get out of this when suddenly the 
Emperor looks at them and says Do not worry, I am not the Emperor of the 
Univese for nothing. He then looks to the sky and says Spaceship! Halt the 
flow of time! There was dead silence for a good second before the laughter, 
groan and cat calls began. The movie was so bad, I fell in love with it...I've 
been looking for it ever since to add to my collection!

Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I've always wondered...Why didn't NOMAD 
blow up the moment he had discovered his error? oh yeah, it was in the script...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: How about, Kirk saving the day by outsmarting a super 
computer, causing it to self-destruct in self-loathing and unreconcilable 
programming loops? He did that with M5 (How will you atone for the sin of 
murder...This computer must die...), Nomad (Nomad, you've made three 
errors, you are flawed. Execute your prime directive. Boom!) and Landru 
(You are not protecting the Body! Landru! Help me! Boom!) 
-- Original message -- 
From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we 
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction 
 movies. So far two were raised. They are: 
 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star 
 Trek Next Generation 
 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of 
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically 
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in 
 Independence Day 
 Got any others 
 Yahoo! Groups Links 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I’ll only 
say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might say 
something that interests the Community, and you really, really don’t want to 
get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I’ll only 
say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might say 
something that interests the Community, and you really, really don’t want to 
get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread KeithBJohnson
i doubt it, unless i can get about fifty people in my house everytime i see a 
movie! :)

-- Original message -- 
From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Agreed. While I think you are a die hard movie goer, The big screen 
changes the whole movie experience. You will come to love home viewing 
almost as much as the theatre. Besides you can rent them on Netflix 
until you can by the collections. I do that with lots of series

Astromancer wrote:
 Let me fix that...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) You can hav the big 
 and buy the collections later...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) 
 Everything will look so much better on that BIG SCREEN...this is only a 
 you know, Tracey, just dicussing DS9 makes me nostalgic. I was up really late 
 this morning, and Voyager was being shown on Spike TV at 1 am. I feel asleep, 
 but when i awoke for a moment an hour or so later, i think i heard an ep of 
 DS9 in the background. Fell asleep again, but remember feeling vaguely angry 
 at why it'd be on at such an inaccesible hour.

 I got about two hundred bucks worth of Best Buy gift cards for Christmas. I 
 keep bouncing back between saving them for a big flatscreen plasma TV, or 
 getting the complete run of one of my favorite series: Avatar, Battlestar 
 Galactica, Homicide (one of the greatest TV dramas ever), Babylon 5, original 
 Trek, or DS9. 

 I keep finding myself leaning towards DS9...

 -- Original message -- 
 From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape changers 
 start melting and Odo dump Kira, who, he had loved forever, to cure and 
 stay with them?

 Daryle wrote:
 The End of the Dominion War.

 On 12/26/07 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction
 movies. So far two were raised. They are:

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star
 Trek Next Generation

 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in
 Independence Day

 Got any others

 Yahoo! Groups Links


 Yahoo! Groups Links


 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might 
 say something that interests the Community, and you really, really don't want 
 to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie
 Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

RE: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread Reece Jennings
Amen.  And let me know if you're successful with that 'normal hours' thing.
I gave
up on that a long time ago.  Seems I was getting stressed about getting to
and that was keeping me awake!  :o)
Now, I set the timer on my TV and put on my CPAP before I start watching TV.
I invariably wake up about six hours later rested, and with fewer nightmares
caused by my TV freaking out my subconscious.  That, and I stopped drinking
 Maurice Jennings
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From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Martin
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 8:55 AM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

Tracey, know this.

No matter how tough those times may get, we're here for you.

Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I do
not know. I do not think that tops the list - except for the 
prophet's rescue. I would like to see the whole series again. it comes 
on t 11:00 am sporadically and at 2:00 am, however, I am trying out an 
experiment with trying to go to bed at normal hours. Tough times ahead

KeithBJohnson@ wrote:
 Well, there's the time when two thousand Dominion ships were coming
through the wormhole and the Prophets simply got rid of them. That might be
the scene, since it was such a neat fix, but that's not the end of the War,

 At the true end, Section 31 had of course infected the Changelings with a
virus that was killing them all. Cardassia had risen against the Dominion,
which devastated the planet in punishment. But, the Romulans had finally
joined the Federation/Klingon alliance against the Dominion (thanks to Sisko
and Garak's subterfuge) and the Prophets prevented more Dominion ships to
come into the Alpha quadrant. Still, victory wasn't certain for either side,
so Odo helped broker a deal: he would impart his healed DNA to the
Changelings, and they would end the war. He healed the one Changeling who'd
been running the campaign in the Alpha Quadrant, then travelled to the
Changeling home world and gave them the cure. 

 Perhaps that ending was too pat for him?

 -- Original message -- 
 From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape changers 
 start melting and Odo dump Kira, who, he had loved forever, to cure and 
 stay with them?

 Daryle wrote:
 The End of the Dominion War.

 On 12/26/07 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction
 movies. So far two were raised. They are:

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star
 Trek Next Generation

 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in
 Independence Day

 Got any others

 Yahoo! Groups Links


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get
organized along the lines of the Mafia. -Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without A

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

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Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread Martin
Tracey, know this.

No matter how tough those times may get, we're here for you.

Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
 I do not know.  I do not think that tops the list - 
except for the 
 prophet's rescue.  I would like to see the whole series again.  it comes 
 on t 11:00 am sporadically and at 2:00 am, however, I am trying out an 
 experiment with trying to go to bed at normal hours.Tough times ahead
  Well, there's the time when two thousand Dominion ships were coming through 
  the wormhole and the Prophets simply got rid of them. That might be the 
  scene, since it was such a neat fix, but that's not the end of the War, 
  At the true end, Section 31 had of course infected the Changelings with a 
  virus that was killing them all. Cardassia had risen against the Dominion, 
  which devastated the planet in punishment. But, the Romulans had finally 
  joined the Federation/Klingon alliance against the Dominion (thanks to Sisko 
  and Garak's subterfuge) and the Prophets prevented more Dominion ships to 
  come into the Alpha quadrant. Still, victory wasn't certain for either side, 
  so Odo helped broker a deal: he would impart his healed DNA to the 
  Changelings, and they would end the war. He healed the one Changeling who'd 
  been running the campaign in the Alpha Quadrant, then travelled to the 
  Changeling home world and gave them the cure. 
  Perhaps that ending was too pat for him?
  -- Original message -- 
  From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape changers 
  start melting and Odo dump Kira, who, he had loved forever, to cure and 
  stay with them?
  Daryle wrote:

  The End of the Dominion War.
  On 12/26/07 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
  During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we
  started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction
  movies. So far two were raised. They are:
  1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star
  Trek Next Generation
  2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of
  virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically
  superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in
  Independence Day
  Got any others
  Yahoo! Groups Links

  Yahoo! Groups Links
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  Yahoo! Groups Links

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get 
organized along the lines of the Mafia. -Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without A 
Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread KeithBJohnson

-- Original message -- 
From: Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Let me fix that...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) You can hav the big 
and buy the collections later...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) 
Everything will look so much better on that BIG SCREEN...this is only a 

you know, Tracey, just dicussing DS9 makes me nostalgic. I was up really late 
this morning, and Voyager was being shown on Spike TV at 1 am. I feel asleep, 
but when i awoke for a moment an hour or so later, i think i heard an ep of DS9 
in the background. Fell asleep again, but remember feeling vaguely angry at why 
it'd be on at such an inaccesible hour.

I got about two hundred bucks worth of Best Buy gift cards for Christmas. I 
keep bouncing back between saving them for a big flatscreen plasma TV, or 
getting the complete run of one of my favorite series: Avatar, Battlestar 
Galactica, Homicide (one of the greatest TV dramas ever), Babylon 5, original 
Trek, or DS9. 

I keep finding myself leaning towards DS9...

-- Original message -- 
From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape changers 
start melting and Odo dump Kira, who, he had loved forever, to cure and 
stay with them?

Daryle wrote:
 The End of the Dominion War.

 On 12/26/07 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction
 movies. So far two were raised. They are:

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star
 Trek Next Generation

 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in
 Independence Day

 Got any others

 Yahoo! Groups Links


 Yahoo! Groups Links


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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I’ll only 
say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might say 
something that interests the Community, and you really, really don’t want to 
get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.

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Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread Martin
Thanks for the prompt, folks.

Worse sci-fi save ever- Data in The Best of Both Worlds Part 2, when he puts 
the Borg to sleep. Don't scream too loudly, Keith...

Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   Ha! Those 
dumb machines...
 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 That outsmarting the computer theme seems to appear every season on the 
 Original Star Trek and Next Generation
  How about, Kirk saving the day by outsmarting a super computer, causing it 
  to self-destruct in self-loathing and unreconcilable programming loops? He 
  did that with M5 (How will you atone for the sin of murder...This 
  computer must die...), Nomad (Nomad, you've made three errors, you are 
  flawed. Execute your prime directive. Boom!) and Landru (You are not 
  protecting the Body! Landru! Help me! Boom!) 
  -- Original message -- 
  From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we 
  started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction 
  movies. So far two were raised. They are: 
  1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star 
  Trek Next Generation 
  2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of 
  virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically 
  superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in 
  Independence Day 
  Got any others 
  Yahoo! Groups Links 
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  Yahoo! Groups Links
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I’ll 
only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might 
say something that interests the Community, and you really, really don’t want 
to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

 Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get 
organized along the lines of the Mafia. -Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without A 
Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

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Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread KeithBJohnson
you mean, why did he start babbling Error, error! Must analyze error!  Faulty! 
Faulty! Must sterilize imperfection! ? You're right, they had time to put some 
anti-grav thingies on him, run through the corridors, and get him on the 
transporter pad.

The funniest thing? Kirk *delays* transport for a second and yells one last 
time Nomad! Execute your prime function!, while Nomad is screaming Must 
sterilize imperfection! What if he'd gone boom! right there on the pad?!

-- Original message -- 
From: Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
I've always wondered...Why didn't NOMAD blow up the moment he had discovered 
his error? oh yeah, it was in the script...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: How about, Kirk saving the day by outsmarting a super 
computer, causing it to self-destruct in self-loathing and unreconcilable 
programming loops? He did that with M5 (How will you atone for the sin of 
murder...This computer must die...), Nomad (Nomad, you've made three 
errors, you are flawed. Execute your prime directive. Boom!) and Landru 
(You are not protecting the Body! Landru! Help me! Boom!) 
-- Original message -- 
From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we 
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction 
 movies. So far two were raised. They are: 
 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star 
 Trek Next Generation 
 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of 
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically 
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in 
 Independence Day 
 Got any others 
 Yahoo! Groups Links 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I’ll only 
say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might say 
something that interests the Community, and you really, really don’t want to 
get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

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Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread KeithBJohnson
the mother of a friend of mine kept bees twenty years ago because she was 
developing arthritis. The bee stings definitely improved her condition greatly. 
Though, is there a way to get the benefit from the venom without getting stung? 

-- Original message -- 
From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Never!!! if you have pain, try looking into bee sting therapy. I 
know it sound nuts, but I heard about it on NPR. It is a growing 
practice here in the states and apparently very popular in Asia

Astromancer wrote:
 I fell on it, probably tore my rotator cuff...have to have if done before 
 construction season...So you're going back into modeling?

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 What happened to your shoulder?

 Astromancer wrote:
 I will too, provided I don't need surgery on my shoulder...

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 We had one for a while, but all this cross continent moving has changed 
 that. So , I have the same dreams. Hopefully, now that I am getting 
 well and starting to work again, those dreams will become a reality

 Astromancer wrote:

 I haven't been to the movies in several years...I either rent DVDs or 
 download them off the net...I dream nightly of owning a big screen TV...

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Agreed. While I think you are a die hard movie goer, The big screen 
 changes the whole movie experience. You will come to love home viewing 
 almost as much as the theatre. Besides you can rent them on Netflix 
 until you can by the collections. I do that with lots of series

 Astromancer wrote:

 Let me fix that...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) You can hav the 
 big screen
 and buy the collections later...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) 
 Everything will look so much better on that BIG SCREEN...this is only a 

 you know, Tracey, just dicussing DS9 makes me nostalgic. I was up really 
 late this morning, and Voyager was being shown on Spike TV at 1 am. I feel 
 asleep, but when i awoke for a moment an hour or so later, i think i heard 
 an ep of DS9 in the background. Fell asleep again, but remember feeling 
 vaguely angry at why it'd be on at such an inaccesible hour.

 I got about two hundred bucks worth of Best Buy gift cards for Christmas. 
 I keep bouncing back between saving them for a big flatscreen plasma TV, 
 or getting the complete run of one of my favorite series: Avatar, 
 Battlestar Galactica, Homicide (one of the greatest TV dramas ever), 
 Babylon 5, original Trek, or DS9. 

 I keep finding myself leaning towards DS9...

 -- Original message -- 
 From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape changers 
 start melting and Odo dump Kira, who, he had loved forever, to cure and 
 stay with them?

 Daryle wrote:

 The End of the Dominion War.

 On 12/26/07 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction
 movies. So far two were raised. They are:

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star
 Trek Next Generation

 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in
 Independence Day

 Got any others

 Yahoo! Groups Links

 Yahoo! Groups Links

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you 
 might say something that interests the Community, and you really, really 
 don't want to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. 

 Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you 
 might say something that interests the Community, and you really, really 
 don't want to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. 

 Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
I actually like small tvs myself.  I do not prefer them, but I shocked 
my husband when we first started living together.  if we both wanted to 
watch tv and view different programs, I would offer to go watch the 
small TV in the bedroom.  I like the coziness.So you are not totally 
alone in your penchant for small TVs.  However, I would not put a large 
TV in a storage room.  I like them too.  Why do you prefer small TVs?

Martin wrote:
 I'm often alone in my weirdness, and I don't think this will be an exception.

 I've never liked big TVs. I had a 30 once, and hated the thing. I kept in in 
 my bedroom initially, and moved it into my storage room a month later. Since, 
 I've owned nothing bigger than a 19 screen. Right now, I have a 13

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
We had one for a while, but all this cross 
 continent moving has changed 
  that.  So , I have the same dreams.  Hopefully, now that I am getting 
  well and starting to work again, those dreams will become a reality
  Astromancer wrote:
   I haven't been to the movies in several years...I either rent DVDs or 
 download them off the net...I dream nightly of owning a big screen TV...
   Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
  Agreed. While I think you are a die hard movie goer, The big screen 
   changes the whole movie experience. You will come to love home viewing 
   almost as much as the theatre. Besides you can rent them on Netflix 
   until you can by the collections. I do that with lots of series
   Astromancer wrote:
   Let me fix that...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) You can hav the 
 big screen
   and buy the collections later...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) 
 Everything will look so much better on that BIG SCREEN...this is only a 
   you know, Tracey, just dicussing DS9 makes me nostalgic. I was up really 
 late this morning, and Voyager was being shown on Spike TV at 1 am. I feel 
 asleep, but when i awoke for a moment an hour or so later, i think i heard an 
 ep of DS9 in the background. Fell asleep again, but remember feeling vaguely 
 angry at why it'd be on at such an inaccesible hour.
   I got about two hundred bucks worth of Best Buy gift cards for Christmas. 
 I keep bouncing back between saving them for a big flatscreen plasma TV, or 
 getting the complete run of one of my favorite series: Avatar, Battlestar 
 Galactica, Homicide (one of the greatest TV dramas ever), Babylon 5, original 
 Trek, or DS9. 
   I keep finding myself leaning towards DS9...
   -- Original message -- 
   From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape changers 
   start melting and Odo dump Kira, who, he had loved forever, to cure and 
   stay with them?
   Daryle wrote:
   The End of the Dominion War.
   On 12/26/07 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
   During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we
   started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction
   movies. So far two were raised. They are:
   1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star
   Trek Next Generation
   2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of
   virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically
   superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in
   Independence Day
   Got any others
   Yahoo! Groups Links
   Yahoo! Groups Links
   [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
   [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
   Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so 
 I'll only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you 
 might say something that interests the Community, and you really, really 
 don't want to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie
   Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.
   [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
   Yahoo! Groups Links
   [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

   Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might 
 say something that interests the Community, and you really, really don't want 
 to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie
   Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them 

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
they got it on Netflix.  David Hasselhoff is in it too.  Totally missed 
this one

 how is this possible??? I've never even *heard* of this film, let alone seen 
 it! That *never* happens. Sounds like a classically bad flick. Gotta find it!

 -- Original message -- 
 From: Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sorry, folks...the ABSOLUTE worst save in Sci Fi history was in the spaghetti 
 sci-fi flick 'Star Crash'...Christopher Plummer was the Emperor of the 
 Universe...a bounty Hunter has found his kidnapped son and he arrives on the 
 planet...The bouty hunter and son tell him Sire, we only have 2 minutes to 
 leave the planet before it explodes! the audience in the theatre as well as I 
 was murmering how the heck are they going to get out of this when suddenly 
 the Emperor looks at them and says Do not worry, I am not the Emperor of the 
 Univese for nothing. He then looks to the sky and says Spaceship! Halt the 
 flow of time! There was dead silence for a good second before the laughter, 
 groan and cat calls began. The movie was so bad, I fell in love with 
 it...I've been looking for it ever since to add to my collection!

 Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I've always wondered...Why didn't 
 NOMAD blow up the moment he had discovered his error? oh yeah, it was in the 

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: How about, Kirk saving the day by outsmarting a 
 super computer, causing it to self-destruct in self-loathing and 
 unreconcilable programming loops? He did that with M5 (How will you atone 
 for the sin of murder...This computer must die...), Nomad (Nomad, you've 
 made three errors, you are flawed. Execute your prime directive. Boom!) 
 and Landru (You are not protecting the Body! Landru! Help me! Boom!) 
 -- Original message -- 
 From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we 
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction 
 movies. So far two were raised. They are: 

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star 
 Trek Next Generation 

 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of 
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically 
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in 
 Independence Day 

 Got any others 

 Yahoo! Groups Links 


 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might 
 say something that interests the Community, and you really, really don't want 
 to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

 Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might 
 say something that interests the Community, and you really, really don't want 
 to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

 Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
Never!!!if you have pain, try looking into bee sting therapy.  I 
know it sound nuts, but I heard about it on NPR.  It is a growing 
practice here in the states and apparently very popular in Asia

Astromancer wrote:
 I fell on it, probably tore my rotator cuff...have to have if done before 
 construction season...So you're going back into modeling?

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   What happened to your shoulder?

 Astromancer wrote:
 I will too, provided I don't need surgery on my shoulder...

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 We had one for a while, but all this cross continent moving has changed 
 that. So , I have the same dreams. Hopefully, now that I am getting 
 well and starting to work again, those dreams will become a reality

 Astromancer wrote:

 I haven't been to the movies in several years...I either rent DVDs or 
 download them off the net...I dream nightly of owning a big screen TV...

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Agreed. While I think you are a die hard movie goer, The big screen 
 changes the whole movie experience. You will come to love home viewing 
 almost as much as the theatre. Besides you can rent them on Netflix 
 until you can by the collections. I do that with lots of series

 Astromancer wrote:

 Let me fix that...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) You can hav the 
 big screen
 and buy the collections later...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) 
 Everything will look so much better on that BIG SCREEN...this is only a 

 you know, Tracey, just dicussing DS9 makes me nostalgic. I was up really 
 late this morning, and Voyager was being shown on Spike TV at 1 am. I feel 
 asleep, but when i awoke for a moment an hour or so later, i think i heard 
 an ep of DS9 in the background. Fell asleep again, but remember feeling 
 vaguely angry at why it'd be on at such an inaccesible hour.

 I got about two hundred bucks worth of Best Buy gift cards for Christmas. 
 I keep bouncing back between saving them for a big flatscreen plasma TV, 
 or getting the complete run of one of my favorite series: Avatar, 
 Battlestar Galactica, Homicide (one of the greatest TV dramas ever), 
 Babylon 5, original Trek, or DS9. 

 I keep finding myself leaning towards DS9...

 -- Original message -- 
 From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape changers 
 start melting and Odo dump Kira, who, he had loved forever, to cure and 
 stay with them?

 Daryle wrote:

 The End of the Dominion War.

 On 12/26/07 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction
 movies. So far two were raised. They are:

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star
 Trek Next Generation

 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in
 Independence Day

 Got any others

 Yahoo! Groups Links

 Yahoo! Groups Links

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you 
 might say something that interests the Community, and you really, really 
 don't want to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. 

 Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you 
 might say something that interests the Community, and you really, really 
 don't want to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. 

 Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you 
 might say something that interests the Community, and you really, really 
 don't want to get them interested. - The Side 

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread Martin
Yes, you do. The finer treats are often found at the bottom of the cupboard.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  how is this possible??? I've never even *heard* of 
this film, let alone seen it! That *never* happens. Sounds like a classically 
bad flick. Gotta find it!

-- Original message -- 
From: Astromancer 
Sorry, folks...the ABSOLUTE worst save in Sci Fi history was in the spaghetti 
sci-fi flick 'Star Crash'...Christopher Plummer was the Emperor of the 
Universe...a bounty Hunter has found his kidnapped son and he arrives on the 
planet...The bouty hunter and son tell him Sire, we only have 2 minutes to 
leave the planet before it explodes! the audience in the theatre as well as I 
was murmering how the heck are they going to get out of this when suddenly the 
Emperor looks at them and says Do not worry, I am not the Emperor of the 
Univese for nothing. He then looks to the sky and says Spaceship! Halt the 
flow of time! There was dead silence for a good second before the laughter, 
groan and cat calls began. The movie was so bad, I fell in love with it...I've 
been looking for it ever since to add to my collection!

Astromancer wrote: I've always wondered...Why didn't NOMAD blow up the moment 
he had discovered his error? oh yeah, it was in the script...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: How about, Kirk saving the day by outsmarting a super 
computer, causing it to self-destruct in self-loathing and unreconcilable 
programming loops? He did that with M5 (How will you atone for the sin of 
murder...This computer must die...), Nomad (Nomad, you've made three 
errors, you are flawed. Execute your prime directive. Boom!) and Landru 
(You are not protecting the Body! Landru! Help me! Boom!) 
-- Original message -- 
From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) 

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we 
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction 
 movies. So far two were raised. They are: 
 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star 
 Trek Next Generation 
 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of 
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically 
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in 
 Independence Day 
 Got any others 
 Yahoo! Groups Links 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I’ll only 
say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might say 
something that interests the Community, and you really, really don’t want to 
get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I’ll only 
say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might say 
something that interests the Community, and you really, really don’t want to 
get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Yahoo! Groups Links

There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get 
organized along the lines of the Mafia. -Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without A 
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread KeithBJohnson
i don't like small TVs or screens. My living room TV is 32 and i can't wait to 
upgrade to a 42 or 50 plasma so i can watch it from the den as well. (that'll 
proabably be next Christmas, though).  I really like to see detail on the 
screen, so small screens bug me. i like to be immersed in the complete 
audio-visual experience (which is why, Tracey, I'll never give up the 
theatrical experience, even when i get a big flatscreen).

I do feel you on the small rooms, though. i wonder if it's because I grew up in 
a small house (five rooms, three brothers in one bedroom) but I like smaller, 
cozier, feeling rooms. When I see apartments or houses with giant open plans 
and soaring, vaulted ceilings, i feel nervous and exposed. Seriously. The 
biggest thing my wife and i had when we bought our house is that, since it's 
older, it has smaller, discrete rooms, and only 8' ceilings. My wife--who is 
only 5' tall--feels closed in by the rooms and the low ceiling. But 
I--standing 6'1--feel just fine. She wants our next house to be open plan, 
where the kitchen, den, and living room are all more or less visible, similar 
to one big one. She even has been talking about getting a loft. My comment to 
her was that if we do that, i'll almost never be in the living room, probably 
spending all my time in a smaller guest bedroom. And a loft is right out, i'm 

I was the kind of kid who'd find a spot on the couch, then cover myself in 
pillows to have a fort or something, and feel completely snug and 
comfortable. The first time I left my neighborhood on foot (instead of in a 
car) i was a young child walking our dogs with my mom. My old neighborhood is 
surrounded by freeways, a river, and a railroad track, and has lots of trees. 
It's one of those where you can feel a bit sequesterd in spots. So, when we 
walked out of the neighborhood i was greeted by the sight of the trees dropping 
away to reveal a large expanse of flat land that ran to the freeway, which arcs 
upward to a bridge. All around me was open sky, open fields, a giant freeway. I 
freaked out and had to walk back. Soon as I got behind the cover of the trees 
again, i felt better.  

To this day really open spaces make me feel a bit nervous and exposed. You know 
how some people have nightmares about being entrapped, closed in? My nightmares 
typically find me in an open plain, flat to the horizon, with the exception of 
a giant building or ship towering above me. The terror i feel at standing in 
the shadow of a giant cruise ship or spaceship or building towering a thousand 
feet above me is hard to describe. Yet i'm not afraid of heights...

-- Original message -- 
Don't really know. Just always have. And I should clarify- the storage room I 
speak of was actually the master bedroom of my apartment. I don't like big 
rooms, either, and didn't even use the room when I had the apartment, save for 
book and comic storage. I could've gone in and watched it (the TV) easily 

Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I 
actually like small tvs myself. I do not prefer them, but I shocked 
my husband when we first started living together. if we both wanted to 
watch tv and view different programs, I would offer to go watch the 
small TV in the bedroom. I like the coziness. So you are not totally 
alone in your penchant for small TVs. However, I would not put a large 
TV in a storage room. I like them too. Why do you prefer small TVs?

Martin wrote:
 I'm often alone in my weirdness, and I don't think this will be an exception.

 I've never liked big TVs. I had a 30 once, and hated the thing. I kept in in 
 my bedroom initially, and moved it into my storage room a month later. Since, 
 I've owned nothing bigger than a 19 screen. Right now, I have a 13

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) wrote: We had one for a 
 while, but all this cross continent moving has changed 
 that. So , I have the same dreams. Hopefully, now that I am getting 
 well and starting to work again, those dreams will become a reality
 Astromancer wrote:
  I haven't been to the movies in several years...I either rent DVDs or 
  download them off the net...I dream nightly of owning a big screen TV...
  Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) wrote: Agreed. While I 
  think you are a die hard movie goer, The big screen 
  changes the whole movie experience. You will come to love home viewing 
  almost as much as the theatre. Besides you can rent them on Netflix 
  until you can by the collections. I do that with lots of series
  Astromancer wrote:
  Let me fix that...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) You can hav the 
  big screen
  and buy the collections later...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) 
  Everything will look so much better on that BIG SCREEN...this is only a 
  you know, Tracey, just dicussing DS9 makes 

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread Martin
Don't really know. Just always have. And I should clarify- the storage room I 
speak of was actually the master bedroom of my apartment. I don't like big 
rooms, either, and didn't even use the room when I had the apartment, save for 
book and comic storage. I could've gone in and watched it (the TV) easily 

Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  I 
actually like small tvs myself. I do not prefer them, but I shocked 
my husband when we first started living together. if we both wanted to 
watch tv and view different programs, I would offer to go watch the 
small TV in the bedroom. I like the coziness. So you are not totally 
alone in your penchant for small TVs. However, I would not put a large 
TV in a storage room. I like them too. Why do you prefer small TVs?

Martin wrote:
 I'm often alone in my weirdness, and I don't think this will be an exception.

 I've never liked big TVs. I had a 30 once, and hated the thing. I kept in in 
 my bedroom initially, and moved it into my storage room a month later. Since, 
 I've owned nothing bigger than a 19 screen. Right now, I have a 13

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) wrote: We had one for a 
 while, but all this cross continent moving has changed 
 that. So , I have the same dreams. Hopefully, now that I am getting 
 well and starting to work again, those dreams will become a reality
 Astromancer wrote:
  I haven't been to the movies in several years...I either rent DVDs or 
  download them off the net...I dream nightly of owning a big screen TV...
  Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) wrote: Agreed. While I 
  think you are a die hard movie goer, The big screen 
  changes the whole movie experience. You will come to love home viewing 
  almost as much as the theatre. Besides you can rent them on Netflix 
  until you can by the collections. I do that with lots of series
  Astromancer wrote:
  Let me fix that...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) You can hav the 
  big screen
  and buy the collections later...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) 
  Everything will look so much better on that BIG SCREEN...this is only a 
  you know, Tracey, just dicussing DS9 makes me nostalgic. I was up really 
  late this morning, and Voyager was being shown on Spike TV at 1 am. I feel 
  asleep, but when i awoke for a moment an hour or so later, i think i heard 
  an ep of DS9 in the background. Fell asleep again, but remember feeling 
  vaguely angry at why it'd be on at such an inaccesible hour.
  I got about two hundred bucks worth of Best Buy gift cards for Christmas. 
  I keep bouncing back between saving them for a big flatscreen plasma TV, 
  or getting the complete run of one of my favorite series: Avatar, 
  Battlestar Galactica, Homicide (one of the greatest TV dramas ever), 
  Babylon 5, original Trek, or DS9. 
  I keep finding myself leaning towards DS9...
  -- Original message -- 
  From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) 
  Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape changers 
  start melting and Odo dump Kira, who, he had loved forever, to cure and 
  stay with them?
  Daryle wrote:
  The End of the Dominion War.
  On 12/26/07 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
  During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we
  started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction
  movies. So far two were raised. They are:
  1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star
  Trek Next Generation
  2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of
  virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically
  superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in
  Independence Day
  Got any others
  Yahoo! Groups Links
  Yahoo! Groups Links
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
  only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you 
  might say something that interests the Community, and you really, really 
  don't want to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. 
  Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  Yahoo! Groups Links
  [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
  Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
  only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you 
  might say something that interests the Community, and you really, really 
  don't want to get them interested. - The Side Street 

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
I've actually had success in the past. The pain from my illness drove me 
back to the night.  Once that went away and I started working again, 
late night phone meetings with people I am doing business with overseas 
drove me back to my vampire-like sleeping habits.  I was in recovery, 
but a night of playing Santa's elf with toy assembly has me falling off 
the wagon again.  I would not work so hard at it, but living on the west 
coast, has my business hours behind those on the East coast, so if I 
sleep late, I'm calling customers back at the end of the business day

Reece Jennings wrote:
 Amen.  And let me know if you're successful with that 'normal hours' thing.
 I gave
 up on that a long time ago.  Seems I was getting stressed about getting to
 and that was keeping me awake!  :o)
 Now, I set the timer on my TV and put on my CPAP before I start watching TV.
 I invariably wake up about six hours later rested, and with fewer nightmares
 caused by my TV freaking out my subconscious.  That, and I stopped drinking
  Maurice Jennings
 Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
 KEEP your home and  Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
 Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation = 


 From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
 Behalf Of Martin
 Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 8:55 AM
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

 Tracey, know this.

 No matter how tough those times may get, we're here for you.

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I do
 not know. I do not think that tops the list - except for the 
 prophet's rescue. I would like to see the whole series again. it comes 
 on t 11:00 am sporadically and at 2:00 am, however, I am trying out an 
 experiment with trying to go to bed at normal hours. Tough times ahead

 KeithBJohnson@ wrote:
 Well, there's the time when two thousand Dominion ships were coming
 through the wormhole and the Prophets simply got rid of them. That might be
 the scene, since it was such a neat fix, but that's not the end of the War,
 At the true end, Section 31 had of course infected the Changelings with a
 virus that was killing them all. Cardassia had risen against the Dominion,
 which devastated the planet in punishment. But, the Romulans had finally
 joined the Federation/Klingon alliance against the Dominion (thanks to Sisko
 and Garak's subterfuge) and the Prophets prevented more Dominion ships to
 come into the Alpha quadrant. Still, victory wasn't certain for either side,
 so Odo helped broker a deal: he would impart his healed DNA to the
 Changelings, and they would end the war. He healed the one Changeling who'd
 been running the campaign in the Alpha Quadrant, then travelled to the
 Changeling home world and gave them the cure. 
 Perhaps that ending was too pat for him?

 -- Original message -- 
 From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape changers 
 start melting and Odo dump Kira, who, he had loved forever, to cure and 
 stay with them?

 Daryle wrote:

 The End of the Dominion War.

 On 12/26/07 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction
 movies. So far two were raised. They are:

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star
 Trek Next Generation

 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in
 Independence Day

 Got any others

 Yahoo! Groups Links


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 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links


 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 There is no reason Good can't triumph over Evil, if only angels will get
 organized along the lines of the Mafia. -Kurt Vonnegut, A Man Without A

 Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


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[Non-text portions

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread KeithBJohnson
Hasselhoff too?! Oh that's just perfect! Now, tell me it's got Jimmy JJ 
Walker, the guy who played Mr. Drummond on Different Strokes, and a few other 
Love Boat rejects, and we're in business!

-- Original message -- 
From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
they got it on Netflix. David Hasselhoff is in it too. Totally missed 
this one

 how is this possible??? I've never even *heard* of this film, let alone seen 
 it! That *never* happens. Sounds like a classically bad flick. Gotta find it!

 -- Original message -- 
 From: Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sorry, folks...the ABSOLUTE worst save in Sci Fi history was in the spaghetti 
 sci-fi flick 'Star Crash'...Christopher Plummer was the Emperor of the 
 Universe...a bounty Hunter has found his kidnapped son and he arrives on the 
 planet...The bouty hunter and son tell him Sire, we only have 2 minutes to 
 leave the planet before it explodes! the audience in the theatre as well as I 
 was murmering how the heck are they going to get out of this when suddenly 
 the Emperor looks at them and says Do not worry, I am not the Emperor of the 
 Univese for nothing. He then looks to the sky and says Spaceship! Halt the 
 flow of time! There was dead silence for a good second before the laughter, 
 groan and cat calls began. The movie was so bad, I fell in love with 
 it...I've been looking for it ever since to add to my collection!

 Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I've always wondered...Why didn't 
 NOMAD blow up the moment he had discovered his error? oh yeah, it was in the 

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: How about, Kirk saving the day by outsmarting a 
 super computer, causing it to self-destruct in self-loathing and 
 unreconcilable programming loops? He did that with M5 (How will you atone 
 for the sin of murder...This computer must die...), Nomad (Nomad, you've 
 made three errors, you are flawed. Execute your prime directive. Boom!) 
 and Landru (You are not protecting the Body! Landru! Help me! Boom!) 
 -- Original message -- 
 From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we 
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction 
 movies. So far two were raised. They are: 

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star 
 Trek Next Generation 

 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of 
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically 
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in 
 Independence Day 

 Got any others 

 Yahoo! Groups Links 


 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might 
 say something that interests the Community, and you really, really don't want 
 to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

 Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might 
 say something that interests the Community, and you really, really don't want 
 to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

 Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
I can related there with the small room thing too.  I used to have this 
big one room loft that doubled as a photography studio I shared with a 
business partner and I kept setting up these small living area nooks 
instead of using the whole space.  I hated the high ceilings  (weird 
huh).  If I ever get a loft again, I would get one with an actual loft 
section for sleeping or one that is sectioned up.  I know that is 
defeating the purpose.  My husband, who plays the guitar, loves the open 

Martin wrote:
 Don't really know. Just always have. And I should clarify- the storage room 
 I speak of was actually the master bedroom of my apartment. I don't like big 
 rooms, either, and didn't even use the room when I had the apartment, save 
 for book and comic storage. I could've gone in and watched it (the TV) easily 

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  I 
 actually like small tvs myself. I do not prefer them, but I shocked 
 my husband when we first started living together. if we both wanted to 
 watch tv and view different programs, I would offer to go watch the 
 small TV in the bedroom. I like the coziness. So you are not totally 
 alone in your penchant for small TVs. However, I would not put a large 
 TV in a storage room. I like them too. Why do you prefer small TVs?

 Martin wrote:
 I'm often alone in my weirdness, and I don't think this will be an exception.

 I've never liked big TVs. I had a 30 once, and hated the thing. I kept in 
 in my bedroom initially, and moved it into my storage room a month later. 
 Since, I've owned nothing bigger than a 19 screen. Right now, I have a 13

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) wrote: We had one for a 
 while, but all this cross continent moving has changed 
 that. So , I have the same dreams. Hopefully, now that I am getting 
 well and starting to work again, those dreams will become a reality


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Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
I get the quality time with the pre-schooler motive.  This morning, 
after getting me up at an ungodly hour, mine just climbed on to the 
couch I was napping on, got under the covers with me, said Maggie is 
cool - That is Maggie and the Ferocious Beast for the pre-school TV 
uninitiated.  After I agreed, she gave me a big hug and said I was her 
very best friend in the whole world  I'm s hooked on this stuff. 
So yeah, I get the little TV with the special chairs thing. 

Daryle wrote:
 I¹m going to say something that will probably have my US citizenship

 I have a Vizio brand 52 inch LCD HDTV big screen TV, and I hardly watch it.
 In fact, I think if I got rid of it, and I¹d be pretty happy. I love
 watching games and an occasional movie on it ...but you know what I like
 even more? I have an iMac in my office since I think 2004. I LOVE watching
 movies and TV shows on my computer. When I settled in to watch Sliders
 season 1 (which is still $20 at Wal Mart, btw) -- iMac. Transformers on DVD?
 iMac. When I watched the LOTR DVDs it was on a much  smaller TV in my
 office. I enjoy watching that smaller TV with my son because we have our own
 chairs to sit in and get comfortable. And he¹s 4, so it¹s not really  about
 what¹s on screen, it¹s the time we¹re spending together. We could be
 listening to  radio  serials and it would have the same effect. I am waiting
 for the RE-remastered TOS episodes to go to iTunes because I will download
 them all and watch them at the end of the day. I watch more TV on my
 computer than I do on the screen. When I¹m on the road I watch DVDs on my
 laptop, and if Apple steps up their anime game...iPhone. My iTunes library
 is pretty big, I listen to more music and podcasts than I watch  network TV.
 IN fact, if it  weren¹t for TCM and football, I would only watch like 3
 hours of programmed TV a week. I know I can get  most  of the movies I like
 on TCM from GreenCine or Netflix. I have been thinking about getting Setanta
 Sports. If I could get it so that I could watch EPL games on my iMac or
 laptop...I would really have no reason to watch a large screen TV. In fact,
 I should run the numbers on what I  would be spending if I got a package to
 watch soccer on my computers and bought tickets to go SEE football games I
 wanted to see in Charlotte. If I downgraded my cable package, I may actually
 end up spending the same amount of money and would have more fun.

 Of course,  as I say all this, I ended up getting the Blade Runner DVD for
 Christmas and have not watched it yet. Once I do,  I will probably be taking
 all of this back.

 On 12/27/07 5:50 AM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)


 We had one for a while, but all this cross continent moving has changed
 that.  So , I have the same dreams.  Hopefully, now that I am getting
 well and starting to work again, those dreams will become a reality

 Astromancer wrote:
 I haven't been to the movies in several years...I either rent DVDs or
 download them off the net...I dream nightly of owning a big screen TV...
 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:  Agreed. 
 I think you are a die hard movie goer, The big screen
 changes the whole movie experience. You will come to love home viewing
 almost as much as the theatre. Besides you can rent them on Netflix
 until you can by the collections. I do that with lots of series

 Astromancer wrote:
 Let me fix that...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) You can hav the
 big screen
 and buy the collections later...(big screen, big screen, big screen...)
 Everything will look so much better on that BIG SCREEN...this is only a
 you know, Tracey, just dicussing DS9 makes me nostalgic. I was up really
 late this morning, and Voyager was being shown on Spike TV at 1 am. I feel
 asleep, but when i awoke for a moment an hour or so later, i think i heard
 an ep of DS9 in the background. Fell asleep again, but remember feeling
 vaguely angry at why it'd be on at such an inaccesible hour.
 I got about two hundred bucks worth of Best Buy gift cards for Christmas.
 I keep bouncing back between saving them for a big flatscreen plasma TV, or
 getting the complete run of one of my favorite series: Avatar, Battlestar
 Galactica, Homicide (one of the greatest TV dramas ever), Babylon 5,
 original Trek, or DS9.
 I keep finding myself leaning towards DS9...

 -- Original message --
 From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
 Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape changers

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
Yeah.  Bee venom comes as a prescription, used off label.  Meaning it is 
FDA approved for desensitizing patients from bee-sting allergies, but 
some doctors are beginning to prescribe it for alleviating pain, 
inflammation and other ailments.

 the mother of a friend of mine kept bees twenty years ago because she was 
 developing arthritis. The bee stings definitely improved her condition 
 greatly. Though, is there a way to get the benefit from the venom without 
 getting stung? 

 -- Original message -- 
 From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Never!!! if you have pain, try looking into bee sting therapy. I 
 know it sound nuts, but I heard about it on NPR. It is a growing 
 practice here in the states and apparently very popular in Asia

 Astromancer wrote:
 I fell on it, probably tore my rotator cuff...have to have if done before 
 construction season...So you're going back into modeling?

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 What happened to your shoulder?

 Astromancer wrote:

 I will too, provided I don't need surgery on my shoulder...

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 We had one for a while, but all this cross continent moving has changed 
 that. So , I have the same dreams. Hopefully, now that I am getting 
 well and starting to work again, those dreams will become a reality

 Astromancer wrote:

 I haven't been to the movies in several years...I either rent DVDs or 
 download them off the net...I dream nightly of owning a big screen TV...

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 
 Agreed. While I think you are a die hard movie goer, The big screen 
 changes the whole movie experience. You will come to love home viewing 
 almost as much as the theatre. Besides you can rent them on Netflix 
 until you can by the collections. I do that with lots of series

 Astromancer wrote:

 Let me fix that...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) You can hav the 
 big screen
 and buy the collections later...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) 
 Everything will look so much better on that BIG SCREEN...this is only a 

 you know, Tracey, just dicussing DS9 makes me nostalgic. I was up really 
 late this morning, and Voyager was being shown on Spike TV at 1 am. I 
 feel asleep, but when i awoke for a moment an hour or so later, i think i 
 heard an ep of DS9 in the background. Fell asleep again, but remember 
 feeling vaguely angry at why it'd be on at such an inaccesible hour.

 I got about two hundred bucks worth of Best Buy gift cards for Christmas. 
 I keep bouncing back between saving them for a big flatscreen plasma TV, 
 or getting the complete run of one of my favorite series: Avatar, 
 Battlestar Galactica, Homicide (one of the greatest TV dramas ever), 
 Babylon 5, original Trek, or DS9. 

 I keep finding myself leaning towards DS9...

 -- Original message -- 
 From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape changers 
 start melting and Odo dump Kira, who, he had loved forever, to cure and 
 stay with them?

 Daryle wrote:

 The End of the Dominion War.

 On 12/26/07 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction
 movies. So far two were raised. They are:

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star
 Trek Next Generation

 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in
 Independence Day

 Got any others

 Yahoo! Groups Links

 Yahoo! Groups Links

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so 
 I'll only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, 
 you might say something that interests the Community, and you really, 
 really don't want to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by 
 C.W. Badie

 Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you 
 might say something that interests the 

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
Well there is know duplicating the 50 people yelling at the screen 
experience that you crave I know there is know getting you out of the 
theatre.  Regarding the Big Room/ Small Room conflict.  Chris and I have 
the reverse.  He loves big open room and I like lots of small cozy 
rooms. If we had the large open living room with the high ceilings, i 
would hang out in the office or the bedroom.  They look pretty, but I 
feel like I am in a lobby or waiting room. 

 I did the pillow fort thing too.  My daughter gets me to do it with her 

 i don't like small TVs or screens. My living room TV is 32 and i can't wait 
 to upgrade to a 42 or 50 plasma so i can watch it from the den as well. 
 (that'll proabably be next Christmas, though).  I really like to see detail 
 on the screen, so small screens bug me. i like to be immersed in the complete 
 audio-visual experience (which is why, Tracey, I'll never give up the 
 theatrical experience, even when i get a big flatscreen).

 I do feel you on the small rooms, though. i wonder if it's because I grew up 
 in a small house (five rooms, three brothers in one bedroom) but I like 
 smaller, cozier, feeling rooms. When I see apartments or houses with giant 
 open plans and soaring, vaulted ceilings, i feel nervous and exposed. 
 Seriously. The biggest thing my wife and i had when we bought our house is 
 that, since it's older, it has smaller, discrete rooms, and only 8' ceilings. 
 My wife--who is only 5' tall--feels closed in by the rooms and the low 
 ceiling. But I--standing 6'1--feel just fine. She wants our next house to be 
 open plan, where the kitchen, den, and living room are all more or less 
 visible, similar to one big one. She even has been talking about getting a 
 loft. My comment to her was that if we do that, i'll almost never be in the 
 living room, probably spending all my time in a smaller guest bedroom. And a 
 loft is right out, i'm afraid.

 I was the kind of kid who'd find a spot on the couch, then cover myself in 
 pillows to have a fort or something, and feel completely snug and 
 comfortable. The first time I left my neighborhood on foot (instead of in a 
 car) i was a young child walking our dogs with my mom. My old neighborhood is 
 surrounded by freeways, a river, and a railroad track, and has lots of trees. 
 It's one of those where you can feel a bit sequesterd in spots. So, when we 
 walked out of the neighborhood i was greeted by the sight of the trees 
 dropping away to reveal a large expanse of flat land that ran to the freeway, 
 which arcs upward to a bridge. All around me was open sky, open fields, a 
 giant freeway. I freaked out and had to walk back. Soon as I got behind the 
 cover of the trees again, i felt better.  

 To this day really open spaces make me feel a bit nervous and exposed. You 
 know how some people have nightmares about being entrapped, closed in? My 
 nightmares typically find me in an open plain, flat to the horizon, with the 
 exception of a giant building or ship towering above me. The terror i feel at 
 standing in the shadow of a giant cruise ship or spaceship or building 
 towering a thousand feet above me is hard to describe. Yet i'm not afraid of 

 -- Original message -- 
 From: Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Don't really know. Just always have. And I should clarify- the storage room 
 I speak of was actually the master bedroom of my apartment. I don't like big 
 rooms, either, and didn't even use the room when I had the apartment, save 
 for book and comic storage. I could've gone in and watched it (the TV) easily 

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I 
 actually like small tvs myself. I do not prefer them, but I shocked 
 my husband when we first started living together. if we both wanted to 
 watch tv and view different programs, I would offer to go watch the 
 small TV in the bedroom. I like the coziness. So you are not totally 
 alone in your penchant for small TVs. However, I would not put a large 
 TV in a storage room. I like them too. Why do you prefer small TVs?

 Martin wrote:
 I'm often alone in my weirdness, and I don't think this will be an exception.

 I've never liked big TVs. I had a 30 once, and hated the thing. I kept in 
 in my bedroom initially, and moved it into my storage room a month later. 
 Since, I've owned nothing bigger than a 19 screen. Right now, I have a 13

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) wrote: We had one for a 
 while, but all this cross continent moving has changed 
 that. So , I have the same dreams. Hopefully, now that I am getting 
 well and starting to work again, those dreams will become a reality

 Astromancer wrote:
 I haven't been to the movies in several years...I either rent DVDs or 
 download them off the net...I dream nightly of owning a big screen TV...

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) wrote: Agreed. 

RE: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread Reece Jennings
Good points...good points...
Not everybody is retired, I guess.  As for me trying to break MY late night
habits...I get them from my mom.  And then, there are bus driving jobs like
the one I just got for tonight.  I'm driving a busload of people to the
Sun Casino.  We're leaving at 7PM and returning at 3AM.  Gotta love those
late-night trips!
 Maurice Jennings
Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
KEEP your home and  Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation = 


From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

I've actually had success in the past. The pain from my illness drove me 
back to the night. Once that went away and I started working again, 
late night phone meetings with people I am doing business with overseas 
drove me back to my vampire-like sleeping habits. I was in recovery, 
but a night of playing Santa's elf with toy assembly has me falling off 
the wagon again. I would not work so hard at it, but living on the west 
coast, has my business hours behind those on the East coast, so if I 
sleep late, I'm calling customers back at the end of the business day

Reece Jennings wrote:
 Amen. And let me know if you're successful with that 'normal hours' thing.
 I gave
 up on that a long time ago. Seems I was getting stressed about getting to
 and that was keeping me awake! :o)
 Now, I set the timer on my TV and put on my CPAP before I start watching
 I invariably wake up about six hours later rested, and with fewer
 caused by my TV freaking out my subconscious. That, and I stopped drinking
 Maurice Jennings
 Have you or someone you know been threatened with foreclosure?
 KEEP your home and Stop Foreclosure in its Tracks!
 Get a Free, No Obligation Evaluation = http://www.legacyho


 Behalf Of Martin
 Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2007 8:55 AM
 Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

 Tracey, know this.

 No matter how tough those times may get, we're here for you.

 Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I do
 not know. I do not think that tops the list - except for the 
 prophet's rescue. I would like to see the whole series again. it comes 
 on t 11:00 am sporadically and at 2:00 am, however, I am trying out an 
 experiment with trying to go to bed at normal hours. Tough times ahead

 KeithBJohnson@ wrote:
 Well, there's the time when two thousand Dominion ships were coming
 through the wormhole and the Prophets simply got rid of them. That might
 the scene, since it was such a neat fix, but that's not the end of the
 At the true end, Section 31 had of course infected the Changelings with a
 virus that was killing them all. Cardassia had risen against the Dominion,
 which devastated the planet in punishment. But, the Romulans had finally
 joined the Federation/Klingon alliance against the Dominion (thanks to
 and Garak's subterfuge) and the Prophets prevented more Dominion ships to
 come into the Alpha quadrant. Still, victory wasn't certain for either
 so Odo helped broker a deal: he would impart his healed DNA to the
 Changelings, and they would end the war. He healed the one Changeling
 been running the campaign in the Alpha Quadrant, then travelled to the
 Changeling home world and gave them the cure. 
 Perhaps that ending was too pat for him?

 -- Original message -- 
 From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
 Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape changers 
 start melting and Odo dump Kira, who, he had loved forever, to cure and 
 stay with them?

 Daryle wrote:

 The End of the Dominion War.

 On 12/26/07 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters,
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction
 movies. So far two were raised. They are:

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-27 Thread Astromancer
I found it online, but it was in Italian...

Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
they got it on Netflix. David Hasselhoff is in it too. Totally missed 
this one

 how is this possible??? I've never even *heard* of this film, let alone seen 
 it! That *never* happens. Sounds like a classically bad flick. Gotta find it!

 -- Original message -- 
 From: Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Sorry, folks...the ABSOLUTE worst save in Sci Fi history was in the spaghetti 
 sci-fi flick 'Star Crash'...Christopher Plummer was the Emperor of the 
 Universe...a bounty Hunter has found his kidnapped son and he arrives on the 
 planet...The bouty hunter and son tell him Sire, we only have 2 minutes to 
 leave the planet before it explodes! the audience in the theatre as well as I 
 was murmering how the heck are they going to get out of this when suddenly 
 the Emperor looks at them and says Do not worry, I am not the Emperor of the 
 Univese for nothing. He then looks to the sky and says Spaceship! Halt the 
 flow of time! There was dead silence for a good second before the laughter, 
 groan and cat calls began. The movie was so bad, I fell in love with 
 it...I've been looking for it ever since to add to my collection!

 Astromancer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: I've always wondered...Why didn't 
 NOMAD blow up the moment he had discovered his error? oh yeah, it was in the 

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: How about, Kirk saving the day by outsmarting a 
 super computer, causing it to self-destruct in self-loathing and 
 unreconcilable programming loops? He did that with M5 (How will you atone 
 for the sin of murder...This computer must die...), Nomad (Nomad, you've 
 made three errors, you are flawed. Execute your prime directive. Boom!) 
 and Landru (You are not protecting the Body! Landru! Help me! Boom!) 
 -- Original message -- 
 From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we 
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction 
 movies. So far two were raised. They are: 

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star 
 Trek Next Generation 

 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of 
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically 
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in 
 Independence Day 

 Got any others 

 Yahoo! Groups Links 


 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might 
 say something that interests the Community, and you really, really don't want 
 to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

 Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I'll 
 only say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might 
 say something that interests the Community, and you really, really don't want 
 to get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie

 Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I’ll only 
say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might say 
something that interests the Community, and you really, really don’t want to 
get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie
Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-26 Thread KeithBJohnson
How about, Kirk saving the day by outsmarting a super computer, causing it to 
self-destruct in self-loathing and unreconcilable programming loops? He did 
that with M5 (How will you atone for the sin of murder...This computer must 
die...), Nomad (Nomad, you've made three errors, you are flawed. Execute your 
prime directive.Boom!) and Landru (You are not protecting the 
Body! Landru! Help me!  Boom!) 
-- Original message -- 
From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we 
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction 
 movies. So far two were raised. They are: 
 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star 
 Trek Next Generation 
 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of 
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically 
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in 
 Independence Day 
 Got any others 
 Yahoo! Groups Links 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-26 Thread Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
That outsmarting the computer theme seems to appear every season on the 
Original Star Trek and Next Generation

 How about, Kirk saving the day by outsmarting a super computer, causing it to 
 self-destruct in self-loathing and unreconcilable programming loops? He did 
 that with M5 (How will you atone for the sin of murder...This computer 
 must die...), Nomad (Nomad, you've made three errors, you are flawed. 
 Execute your prime directive.Boom!) and Landru (You are not 
 protecting the Body! Landru! Help me!  Boom!) 
 -- Original message -- 
 From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we 
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction 
 movies. So far two were raised. They are: 

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star 
 Trek Next Generation 

 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of 
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically 
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in 
 Independence Day 

 Got any others 

 Yahoo! Groups Links 


 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-26 Thread Bosco Bosco
Here is my nomination for the worst bad plot blockbuster of all time:

Revenge of The Sith: Anakin haunted by visions of the death of his
beloved Padme embraces the Dark Side in order to save her from what
he sees as an inescapable fate and when she questions his judgement,
he attempts to kill her. Not only is this one of the insipid and
lackluster character motivations of all time, it's also the single
most disappointing moment in the history of Sci-Fi. Watching George
Lucas destroy what could have been the single greatest legacy in the
history of the genre and essentially reduce it to used asswipe is
staggeringly heartbreaking. Arguably, there has never been a moment
more anticipated or considered in the history of Science Fiction than
the transition of Anakin Skywalker from Jedi Knight to Sith Lord. How
could he possibly have done that to himself and his work?

--- Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block
 busters, we 
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction 
 movies.  So far two were raised.  They are:
 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in
 Trek Next Generation
 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few
 hours of 
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a
 superior  society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in 
 Independence Day
 Got any others
 Yahoo! Groups Links


Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ 

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-26 Thread KeithBJohnson
yes indeed. 

-- Original message -- 
From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
That outsmarting the computer theme seems to appear every season on the 
Original Star Trek and Next Generation

 How about, Kirk saving the day by outsmarting a super computer, causing it to 
 self-destruct in self-loathing and unreconcilable programming loops? He did 
 that with M5 (How will you atone for the sin of murder...This computer 
 must die...), Nomad (Nomad, you've made three errors, you are flawed. 
 Execute your prime directive. Boom!) and Landru (You are not protecting 
 the Body! Landru! Help me! Boom!) 
 -- Original message -- 
 From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we 
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction 
 movies. So far two were raised. They are: 

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star 
 Trek Next Generation 

 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of 
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically 
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in 
 Independence Day 

 Got any others 

 Yahoo! Groups Links 


 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

 Yahoo! Groups Links


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-26 Thread KeithBJohnson
Bad moment, but it's not technically a save.
For a bad straight out save from Star Wars, how about Luke getting his a 
kicked by the cackling Emperor, whining Father! Help me please!. I always 
thought the conversion of Vader from this super bad buy who'd spent decades 
murdering his own former Jedi fellows to a good guy was rushed. We didn't get 
enough time to believe his love for Luke would grow like that. After all, he'd 
told the Emperor earlier Luke would joing them or die, then, after one meeting 
(when Luke, manacled, is carted off to the Emperor) he starts having pangs of 
guilt?? WTF? There wasn't any real time devoted to him and Luke getting to know 
each other, to bond. So that's his son? Big deal. The guy's killed God knows 
how many children over the years.

Every time i see that scene i hiss at the screen.

-- Original message -- 
From: Bosco Bosco [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Here is my nomination for the worst bad plot blockbuster of all time:

Revenge of The Sith: Anakin haunted by visions of the death of his
beloved Padme embraces the Dark Side in order to save her from what
he sees as an inescapable fate and when she questions his judgement,
he attempts to kill her. Not only is this one of the insipid and
lackluster character motivations of all time, it's also the single
most disappointing moment in the history of Sci-Fi. Watching George
Lucas destroy what could have been the single greatest legacy in the
history of the genre and essentially reduce it to used asswipe is
staggeringly heartbreaking. Arguably, there has never been a moment
more anticipated or considered in the history of Science Fiction than
the transition of Anakin Skywalker from Jedi Knight to Sith Lord. How
could he possibly have done that to himself and his work?

--- Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block
 busters, we 
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction 
 movies. So far two were raised. They are:
 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in
 Trek Next Generation
 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few
 hours of 
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in 
 Independence Day
 Got any others
 Yahoo! Groups Links

Be a better friend, newshound, and 
know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ 


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-26 Thread KeithBJohnson
Well, there's the time when two thousand Dominion ships were coming through the 
wormhole and the Prophets simply got rid of them. That might be the scene, 
since it was such a neat fix, but that's not the end of the War, technically. 

At the true end, Section 31 had of course infected the Changelings with a virus 
that was killing them all. Cardassia had risen against the Dominion, which 
devastated the planet in punishment. But, the Romulans had finally joined the 
Federation/Klingon alliance against the Dominion (thanks to Sisko and Garak's 
subterfuge) and the Prophets prevented more Dominion ships to come into the 
Alpha quadrant. Still, victory wasn't certain for either side, so Odo helped 
broker a deal: he would impart his healed DNA to the Changelings, and they 
would end the war. He healed the one Changeling who'd been running the campaign 
in the Alpha Quadrant, then travelled to the Changeling home world and gave 
them the cure. 

Perhaps that ending was too pat for him?

-- Original message -- 
From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape changers 
start melting and Odo dump Kira, who, he had loved forever, to cure and 
stay with them?

Daryle wrote:
 The End of the Dominion War.

 On 12/26/07 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction
 movies. So far two were raised. They are:

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star
 Trek Next Generation

 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in
 Independence Day

 Got any others

 Yahoo! Groups Links


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Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-26 Thread KeithBJohnson
you know, Tracey, just dicussing DS9 makes me nostalgic. I was up really late 
this morning, and Voyager was being shown on Spike TV at 1 am. I feel asleep, 
but when i awoke for a moment an hour or so later, i think i heard an ep of DS9 
in the background. Fell asleep again, but remember feeling vaguely angry at why 
it'd be on at such an inaccesible hour.

I got about two hundred bucks worth of Best Buy gift cards for Christmas. I 
keep bouncing back between saving them for a big flatscreen plasma TV, or 
getting the complete run of one of my favorite series:  Avatar, Battlestar 
Galactica, Homicide (one of the greatest TV dramas ever), Babylon 5, original 
Trek, or DS9. 

I keep finding myself leaning towards DS9...

-- Original message -- 
From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape changers 
start melting and Odo dump Kira, who, he had loved forever, to cure and 
stay with them?

Daryle wrote:
 The End of the Dominion War.

 On 12/26/07 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction
 movies. So far two were raised. They are:

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star
 Trek Next Generation

 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in
 Independence Day

 Got any others

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Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-26 Thread Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
I do not know.  I do not think that tops the list - except for the 
prophet's rescue.  I would like to see the whole series again.  it comes 
on t 11:00 am sporadically and at 2:00 am, however, I am trying out an 
experiment with trying to go to bed at normal hours.Tough times ahead

 Well, there's the time when two thousand Dominion ships were coming through 
 the wormhole and the Prophets simply got rid of them. That might be the 
 scene, since it was such a neat fix, but that's not the end of the War, 

 At the true end, Section 31 had of course infected the Changelings with a 
 virus that was killing them all. Cardassia had risen against the Dominion, 
 which devastated the planet in punishment. But, the Romulans had finally 
 joined the Federation/Klingon alliance against the Dominion (thanks to Sisko 
 and Garak's subterfuge) and the Prophets prevented more Dominion ships to 
 come into the Alpha quadrant. Still, victory wasn't certain for either side, 
 so Odo helped broker a deal: he would impart his healed DNA to the 
 Changelings, and they would end the war. He healed the one Changeling who'd 
 been running the campaign in the Alpha Quadrant, then travelled to the 
 Changeling home world and gave them the cure. 

 Perhaps that ending was too pat for him?

 -- Original message -- 
 From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape changers 
 start melting and Odo dump Kira, who, he had loved forever, to cure and 
 stay with them?

 Daryle wrote:
 The End of the Dominion War.

 On 12/26/07 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction
 movies. So far two were raised. They are:

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star
 Trek Next Generation

 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in
 Independence Day

 Got any others

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Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-26 Thread KeithBJohnson
that 2 am slot sucks. I could tape it, but the commercial interrruptions kill 
me, and Spike seems to be airing shows that have snippets cut here and there 
for timing. (it's worse for the OS series rerun, where I can easily detect the 
what are the tough times ahead?

-- Original message -- 
From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
I do not know. I do not think that tops the list - except for the 
prophet's rescue. I would like to see the whole series again. it comes 
on t 11:00 am sporadically and at 2:00 am, however, I am trying out an 
experiment with trying to go to bed at normal hours. Tough times ahead

 Well, there's the time when two thousand Dominion ships were coming through 
 the wormhole and the Prophets simply got rid of them. That might be the 
 scene, since it was such a neat fix, but that's not the end of the War, 

 At the true end, Section 31 had of course infected the Changelings with a 
 virus that was killing them all. Cardassia had risen against the Dominion, 
 which devastated the planet in punishment. But, the Romulans had finally 
 joined the Federation/Klingon alliance against the Dominion (thanks to Sisko 
 and Garak's subterfuge) and the Prophets prevented more Dominion ships to 
 come into the Alpha quadrant. Still, victory wasn't certain for either side, 
 so Odo helped broker a deal: he would impart his healed DNA to the 
 Changelings, and they would end the war. He healed the one Changeling who'd 
 been running the campaign in the Alpha Quadrant, then travelled to the 
 Changeling home world and gave them the cure. 

 Perhaps that ending was too pat for him?

 -- Original message -- 
 From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape changers 
 start melting and Odo dump Kira, who, he had loved forever, to cure and 
 stay with them?

 Daryle wrote:
 The End of the Dominion War.

 On 12/26/07 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction
 movies. So far two were raised. They are:

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star
 Trek Next Generation

 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in
 Independence Day

 Got any others

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Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-26 Thread KeithBJohnson
Both Conan movie finales. In the first Conan flick (which I love) i thought 
Conan overcoming Thulsa Doom's mental control to chop off his head was 
anticlimactic. He wobbled for a bit, then starts swinging the sword. Always 
feel let down by that one.

And in Conan the Destroyer, the fight with the god at the end is just 
laughable. With the obvious fake lightning and thunder (stagehands flickering 
the lights and hitting metal sheets with hammers) Conan jumps on the underworld 
creature and literally tears its mouth open to kill it. Supposed to be a big 
deal, but seemed stupid to me. Who's he supposed to be, Hercules?

-- Original message -- 
From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we 
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction 
 movies. So far two were raised. They are: 
 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star 
 Trek Next Generation 
 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of 
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically 
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in 
 Independence Day 
 Got any others 
 Yahoo! Groups Links 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-26 Thread Daryle
I had actually forgotten about the vanishing Dominion ships...yes,
YES...that WAS even hokier than the Romulans coming on board with a Klingon
Alliance. And the Founders¹ virus. For as much as I loved DS9,  I¹ve never
seen an American show turn so miserably British so fast.


 Well, there's the time when two thousand Dominion ships were coming through
 the wormhole and the Prophets simply got rid of them. That might be the scene,
 since it was such a neat fix, but that's not the end of the War, technically.
 At the true end, Section 31 had of course infected the Changelings with a
 virus that was killing them all. Cardassia had risen against the Dominion,
 which devastated the planet in punishment. But, the Romulans had finally
 joined the Federation/Klingon alliance against the Dominion (thanks to Sisko
 and Garak's subterfuge) and the Prophets prevented more Dominion ships to come
 into the Alpha quadrant. Still, victory wasn't certain for either side, so Odo
 helped broker a deal: he would impart his healed DNA to the Changelings, and
 they would end the war. He healed the one Changeling who'd been running the
 campaign in the Alpha Quadrant, then travelled to the Changeling home world
 and gave them the cure.
 Perhaps that ending was too pat for him?
 -- Original message --
 From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
 Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape changers
 start melting and Odo dump Kira, who, he had loved forever, to cure and
 stay with them?
 Daryle wrote:
  The End of the Dominion War.
  On 12/26/07 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
  During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we
  started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction
  movies. So far two were raised. They are:
  1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star
  Trek Next Generation
  2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of
  virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically
  superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in
  Independence Day
  Got any others
  Yahoo! Groups Links
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Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-26 Thread Bosco Bosco
I can't recommend the DVR enough for catching TV without commercials
at convenient times.

I have been anti-television for a long long time until my girlfriend
got a DVR with her cable package. Now I am gonna get it for my own

LOST begins in January and I am on FIRE

--- Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)

 I do not know.  I do not think that tops the list - except for the 
 prophet's rescue.  I would like to see the whole series again.  it
 on t 11:00 am sporadically and at 2:00 am, however, I am trying out
 experiment with trying to go to bed at normal hours.Tough times
  Well, there's the time when two thousand Dominion ships were
 coming through the wormhole and the Prophets simply got rid of
 them. That might be the scene, since it was such a neat fix, but
 that's not the end of the War, technically. 
  At the true end, Section 31 had of course infected the
 Changelings with a virus that was killing them all. Cardassia had
 risen against the Dominion, which devastated the planet in
 punishment. But, the Romulans had finally joined the
 Federation/Klingon alliance against the Dominion (thanks to Sisko
 and Garak's subterfuge) and the Prophets prevented more Dominion
 ships to come into the Alpha quadrant. Still, victory wasn't
 certain for either side, so Odo helped broker a deal: he would
 impart his healed DNA to the Changelings, and they would end the
 war. He healed the one Changeling who'd been running the campaign
 in the Alpha Quadrant, then travelled to the Changeling home world
 and gave them the cure. 
  Perhaps that ending was too pat for him?
  -- Original message -- 
  From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
  Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape
  start melting and Odo dump Kira, who, he had loved forever, to
 cure and 
  stay with them?
  Daryle wrote:

  The End of the Dominion War.
  On 12/26/07 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L.
  During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block
 busters, we
  started talking about over the worse saves in speculative
  movies. So far two were raised. They are:
  1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day
 in Star
  Trek Next Generation
  2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few
 hours of
  virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a
  superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in
  Independence Day
  Got any others
  Yahoo! Groups Links

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I got friends who are in prison and Friends who are dead.
I'm gonna tell ya something that I've often said.

You know these things that happen,
That's just the way it's supposed to be.
And I can't help but wonder,
Don't ya know it coulda been me.


Looking for last minute shopping deals?  
Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-26 Thread Justin Mohareb
Babylon 5: Into the Fire.

Get the hell out of our Galaxy!

Okay, sure, that's lame.

JJ Mohareb

On Dec 26, 2007 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)
 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction
 movies.  So far two were raised.  They are:

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star
 Trek Next Generation

 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically
 superior  society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in
 Independence Day

 Got any others

Read the Bitter Guide to the Bitter Guy.

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-26 Thread Astromancer
Let me fix that...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) You can hav the big 
 and buy the collections later...(big screen, big screen, big screen...) 
Everything will look so much better on that BIG SCREEN...this is only a 
  you know, Tracey, just dicussing DS9 makes me nostalgic. I was up 
really late this morning, and Voyager was being shown on Spike TV at 1 am. I 
feel asleep, but when i awoke for a moment an hour or so later, i think i heard 
an ep of DS9 in the background. Fell asleep again, but remember feeling vaguely 
angry at why it'd be on at such an inaccesible hour.

I got about two hundred bucks worth of Best Buy gift cards for Christmas. I 
keep bouncing back between saving them for a big flatscreen plasma TV, or 
getting the complete run of one of my favorite series: Avatar, Battlestar 
Galactica, Homicide (one of the greatest TV dramas ever), Babylon 5, original 
Trek, or DS9. 

I keep finding myself leaning towards DS9...

-- Original message -- 
From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Refresh my memory. I forgot how it ended. Didn't the shape changers 
start melting and Odo dump Kira, who, he had loved forever, to cure and 
stay with them?

Daryle wrote:
 The End of the Dominion War.

 On 12/26/07 2:38 PM, Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor)

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction
 movies. So far two were raised. They are:

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star
 Trek Next Generation

 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in
 Independence Day

 Got any others

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Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I’ll only 
say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might say 
something that interests the Community, and you really, really don’t want to 
get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie
Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.

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Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-26 Thread Astromancer
Ha! Those dumb machines...

Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  
That outsmarting the computer theme seems to appear every season on the 
Original Star Trek and Next Generation

 How about, Kirk saving the day by outsmarting a super computer, causing it to 
 self-destruct in self-loathing and unreconcilable programming loops? He did 
 that with M5 (How will you atone for the sin of murder...This computer 
 must die...), Nomad (Nomad, you've made three errors, you are flawed. 
 Execute your prime directive. Boom!) and Landru (You are not protecting 
 the Body! Landru! Help me! Boom!) 
 -- Original message -- 
 From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we 
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction 
 movies. So far two were raised. They are: 

 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star 
 Trek Next Generation 

 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of 
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically 
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in 
 Independence Day 

 Got any others 

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Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I’ll only 
say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might say 
something that interests the Community, and you really, really don’t want to 
get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie
Never miss a thing.   Make Yahoo your homepage.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

Re: [scifinoir2] Call for: Worse Saves In SciFi History

2007-12-26 Thread Astromancer
I've always wondered...Why didn't NOMAD blow up the moment he had discovered 
his error? oh yeah, it was in the script...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  How about, Kirk saving the day by outsmarting 
a super computer, causing it to self-destruct in self-loathing and 
unreconcilable programming loops? He did that with M5 (How will you atone for 
the sin of murder...This computer must die...), Nomad (Nomad, you've made 
three errors, you are flawed. Execute your prime directive. Boom!) and 
Landru (You are not protecting the Body! Landru! Help me! Boom!) 
-- Original message -- 
From: Tracey de Morsella (formerly Tracey L. Minor) [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 During our discussion about over the top with bad plot block busters, we 
 started talking about over the worse saves in speculative fiction 
 movies. So far two were raised. They are: 
 1. Data putting the freakin' Borg *to sleep* to save the day in Star 
 Trek Next Generation 
 2. How Jeff Goldblum was able to with his Mac laptop and a few hours of 
 virus coding couldn't topple the computer system of a technologically 
 superior society of interstellar conquerors on the first try in 
 Independence Day 
 Got any others 
 Yahoo! Groups Links 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Akin, but no matter what you think, I am concerned for your life, so I’ll only 
say this once; if you talk too much or ask too many questions, you might say 
something that interests the Community, and you really, really don’t want to 
get them interested. - The Side Street Chonicles by C.W. Badie
Looking for last minute shopping deals?  Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

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